tr rttw v i p w h willson vndartiuker and uofmwed embklmer majwvt otnptmn aul mttottilr r 111 rwdrtiunhciiii i haoc khl orday 54a or l why boys go astray wbat can a bo uo iunl vi jitrt tan a boj stay if hetsalwajatoul l sl o tlte waj ue eannot nil lit i md lie must not stand llicro the cushions lint tutr tbrt mot ruokiori ctiu r were pat there pf course to bo seen nod uluiired a boj has n business to eir be tired the beautiful roses aw flowers tbat bloom on tbo floor o the darkened and delicte room are made not to walk on at least not by boys the bonne is no place anyway for tbeir noise tet boys mnt walk oomewbere and what if their feet sen oat of tbeir bouses sent into the street shonldrstep round tbe corner and pause at ho door where other boysteet have pane ed often betrt should pass the gateway of glitter ing tight where jokes that are merry and songs that are bright biog outj a warm welcome with flattering voice i and temptingly say here b a plaoe for tbe boys ju ah what if they should what if ybui boy or mine sboald cross oer the threshold wbioh marks oot tbe line twixt virtue and vioe twixt pure ness and sin an leave all bis innocent boy hood within f oh what if the should because yormrt while the days nod tbe months and the years harry by are too buoy with cares and life s fleeting joys to make round our hearthstone a place for the boys there a a plaoe for the boys and they ii and it somewhere and if our own homes are too daintily fair for tibe touch of their fingers the tread of their feet theyll find it and find it alas in be street mid the gilding of sin and the glitter of vice and with heartaches and longings in pay t- d for the getting of gain tbat life time employs ilwe fail tdpravide a good place for the boys contributed by be v r r hare nerval balmnalad iftr t moolure spent monday last with his friends iq grand val ley mr g- graham visited sunday at mr and mrs d h mcglure 1 mrs johnniekellol eaombouse paid a visit last week to mrs rtabard sfaortril mrfterkwoodaudt moclare pant day at toronto winter erin mr thos w b salmon 10th line baa purchased the nortb east half of lot nine from mr win teeter of belfoantoin mr t j bingham anddaughter mnw maud of north bay vpent a few days last week with mrs t bingham at the home of mrand mr bodilia wo bingham of georgetown spent sunday with mr and mrs w delanej dr and mrs hutchinson of brampton spentsunday with mr and mrs w hall advocate acton the shoe factory is now turning out 400 pairs of shoes per day mod wtll require to increase this to 600 pairs to keep up with orders mr w k near has porchaeed the property of tbe late g a a mcdonald young street he and mrs near wiltmove from tbe fium at churchill where they have uod for mure than thirty years to this newly acquired hone v miss violet laird of george town spent the week end at the home of mrs e hoffman and was a delegate to tbe girls work convention mise prauie haruire of norval spent a few days with her frteod mrs d u lindsay during the week mrs vanoatter and mrs bing bam of georgetown spent several days last week with mrs robert bennett jjake avenue actons supply of coal is keep log up very katisfaotonl addi uonal cars are coming in with ffratitving regulant free press soybeans in ontario its seed product on mere is yel rather uncertain tha crop i tlmtti lor ha silage or sjetl ilreedtn iuuita for selection msinatlc field arraogemet i marl contributed ur oniiho uaphrtinsnt at ariioi un toronto soy beim can bo successfully grown or nddtr in south enters ontario and in ill niagara ponln aula sod id favored area even far ther north the production i aeed o tha soy boon jn ontario is a mora uncertain problem llratclesa seed of n uumber of varie- tlea nave bf produced at quelpb and in poor seasons no in a tu red aed wa obtained from any variety ttoll inoculation eear soy beana are vert rwh in nltro son the seed darin a higher protoin content tban pit her common beana or flejd puta tnls plant is a legume and when planted for tli oral time m uuld be inoculated witjt the proper nitrogen fixing bacteria tbe soy bean baa varied uaea the whole crop being grown for hay pasture silage and green manure and the aeod for toek teed in tbe orient be seed la grown not only for atock feed but to an even larger extent for human consumption for hay silage pastors or seed soy beana have been grown lot- fodder and seed production in tha experimental plots it quelpb sines 1sb4 and have been distributed through the medium of the bxperv mental union to fanners of ontario each year for the past twentythree years during the past nvs years the moat promising varieties under test at quelpb nave been the o c no 111 ito san minnesota no lit early brown and early ysilow bandy soil not too br preferred asandy loam soil aot toe rich js tillable for growing soy bssss the seed bed preparation tor bay beans should be much uftt same as for in dian corn and they should be planted shout the name tune soy bean usually produce better results wheat planted in drills which are abont thirty inches apart than hrosdas re ta bushel to plant an acre tor about one and onehalt bushels to plant the same area for fodder pro duction productac planta for seleouom a number of plantbreeding se ttona are under test m quelpb sad it la hoped tbat before jong varieties wfll be produced which wul be early enough to mature need each year the beat strains tested at ouelph is tbe o a a no 311 this strain will be included in tbe soy bean experiment onion cooperative ex periment material for which wm be sent to any ontario farmer wbo de sires to test tbb crop in the spring of 1123 tpept of field husbandry o a c ouelph systematic field many an old farm has waste bad unproductive paaturea irregular held and fence lines and rundown sou but still the proprietor does not be come a bankrupt tbe farm gives blm board and lodguur and if an early bomesteadsd area it baa no bur den of carrying charges when these old farms come into the ownership of young and progressive men pur chased st a price in keep- present market values moi must be affected tbe reorganisation will usually constat of a general cleaning up of fields fences build ings and trees and planning anew the old farm area to conform with the pt wifwura nil nwbnr farm nla i its systematic arrangement of nelda straight fence lines drained areas tidy orchard and udy farm yard so different from lbs half century of accumulation too frequently seen about old farm homes old farms are not modernised or made over fa a year time is required to clear tha atone piles snd stumps away to dram the nelda to rebuild the fences and to repair the buildings the present dsy investment requires that every toot of land should be productive sad that the field arrangement and general farm plan should be such as to reduce the labor to a minimum this is sccompllahed by having tha farm buildings located in proper re istlonahip to the nelda the lane and the highway l stevenson toronto karl is a mixture of disintegrated limestone and clay it contains in varying proportions lime phosphorus and potassium there is no better fertiliser for sandy lands than peat and marl and it is surprising that greater use- jsnotmad terlal on many farms of ontario and this material can us ually be obtained for the tabor of tarmhab and t exeavatlttsv might be well employed during odd days durlnst the summer sad antuuuv period getting out marl for future applications crushed or finely 4t vtded marl can be directly applied to the land at any season of the year a littkt tulle a yard of silk a little skin white as milk rnwv sbe- ed aummrosnot idrrregtfnan the grade hog b more prontabte for the fanner than tnescrub or razorbaek and the purebred ji more profitable than the grade the pure bred gains weight faster on the same feed tban either tbe grade or the scrub and flnisbes so much better for market that lthnnrlably commands a much better pmcs the bigger a hot can maka of aim self the more profitable nog be is labor saving home machinery can be replaced women s backs caano little miss muffet aatjou a turret rending hei herald through along canie a spider aniavsat down beside her ami said your subscription is 1 due a little strap bowre breathe jt j a uttle mmgb good evtam swr- anotbnr twenkly newspaper the hnossj observer has given up tp ntrmpjte foe axtstsnea pugjcot the bootlamers ikj nor ialwe better than poisod we t t jure utnutco nod its a onder very shnnle operation to paiatloe mestpwtmi the post office dspa owning rural mail boxes shall in fa tare keep tbeir name plainly painted on tbe one side of tbeir box so hat theoarfier shall have traflble in delivering mail -no- ttoff are being sent oat to tbe qui holders to this effect they must 000101 with this taw there hi no excuse why the farm or should not do thlr anyway as it is a great advantage to others thmu the mart earner lcis also a name on flbe box as all box bold en inwe bean furolsbsd with a tteaati forthat purph thsl qaokobtown ukrajji fikckmjlttr cril lbflb a good fnvtslment one of the uiitit iniuiutyeliii- ing conoornn in hultoo oiuity in tbe p ij rontrthnii mmiufimtur idkco ltd of milton hi is 0011 oern which ulurted in numnll waj bao grown and ironrhj until an other large addition is nw thiuirs for its plant in older to lake cart of the hilrorhiiiubutinesu i liu inst jiar nlone more tban khl tons of steel and brnkw have been verted into nails wires nvpls the omsii s most import ant prod in t is the robertson docket head wood screw which is now generally used in the mauu facture of motors chairs form ture brtihbes and man other lines in order to provide lor tbe ex tensions to its plant and business the company is offering for sale 800000 worth o 1 so- year sink ing fond gold bonds tbe bonds are offered to investors in tlaitoti county directly by the company so that no brokers fees will be fflpr understand that appjictttseps for these bonds are coming inbplendidly and no won der tor tbey are giltedged ir every respect the provincial winter fair cuelph 1 december 8th14tli 1922 record breaking entries in every department along the banff windermere road special assaufctmt 1 arms between oadan ibe daiyersily of toronto in ibe arena saturday eveaingy december 91b be a secretary hm- sfcort- w ishawtsvsto exectftnsafc m teal eswe a ts aaacttaor af 4ka ketataacbabaat lata f tka twvoaems f k aetsc w5saafbett tbere will be offered for sale by ibe e ecuionlotibesaid emate bj public au j onsaidn day ibentfb dav ol uec lng one o clock tbe fotknring property the otsbeastbiijffoub east naff of lot no twentyfnur to ibe oiolh coocesaion of it townsbin f gaquesmg in ibe county of hahoo conlainiog by adutnawirenienls fllty acres more or less excepting- there- qui and iberefrom tbat portion of tbe said buds beretotere sold 1 tbe hamiuoo and northwestern railway company od ibe pcemi tbere is a targe two atorey mme bouae and good barn tbe aid jxraiae will be sold subjci lease which baa two yeara yet to tha term of ibe are aa follows ten per cent of tbe purchase mooey to be paid down at ibe time of ibe sale the balance to be paid within fifteen davs afn tbe brawis parage used carseorle an to and qeneral repairs anda full line of auto accessories oasoline and oils service ntation for presto light batteries for service phone 800 day or night free air 4 browns garage assist ft nyia forivnbi of sale apply to lcroy dale gi town ontario solicitor for mogfa and wbuain logan tbe executor estate 1 1 benjamin pbtch ihitshlnle fresh daily and always toothsome markcilakk bakery and groceries phone fi9 normao hspeight is agent for c stofer seftfam smmt becmr wasbcn smytrvm vtomm qamm all of the above sold on very easy monthly payments if desired flp also carries a complete stiock of small eleotric appiaooee irons toasters table stores heaters sttw- nonnanh speight com wood on hutai bh tint best souaktoa ooax john ballantine only a tonth bat never knewabeyseod ooors adams is a vetr weak boy he a eo weak be cast even tnra h naaes of a book without rmluts oatn he has a aoas aasay brother other worklnc aiaejtba caaatur or to keep his an tor it hunfiti woi work natll one ay ke ara pes oa um seer the iumpssj sbratelaa who eaaadaea bla pva- ajar or two at the maskaka j for ca aaatt has a bar- special see champion wrestlers and boxers m action r more thn ever to see at the fair l plan toflefe more tr reduced rates on all hilwy mt sohwi near scseoi isaac pitman shorthand touch typewntiriff business english ofnbe systems filing spelling bookkeepinfc arjtbmetio penmanship cnmmeroial law rapid calculation jmm i iawtrwe r mi jskuuvt frta phone 631 ha saovoutag luqalrwl stand anthracflk scranton coal in all sizes oai wood seleot lump for domeatio and threshing porpoea smithing and canoel coal id fact ioarry everything to he foond in any up to datn ooal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 18 georgetown tasb and carry rowr specials durham com starch 8 for swan salmon pink tails swan salmon pink halves 2 for base baking powder 1 lb tins royal jelly powders in ouns s tor pork and beans canada s pride 8 for lux for pesrline 8 for amonia snow flake and stnr h for bcotch health brand palm ohve soap 8 oaks anchor cocoa verj best 2 tins shredded wheat 2 for post tosatiea 8 for phone orders delivered fflgiest cash price paid for fresb ftfts phone sso corner john and victoria sts only a- few short yrsn uu noble knotniay cbli mhta vllrj iu practically unknown rsrrpt to lis few rnhabitantb iv ha great silent vale jnd mk for 1 la led uut of ik rock and tiewed throuch iik- icrcal for ew of ppies there tu lievn i i it a h rh way acreat motor road ulw will lie pened officially lo ilw louri- year this will lie i k v i as tlir banff windermere koad i f ii a roite from banff throuxl tl r n tliuti iu i s mla r passes lo ttie en wre jli trict of the cnlutihia allej a in lance of son c j1 1 mil ftio the traveller will f i low tl iiutwin ler w aalleys on the nonh amerrau on i rnt rival nft nijlrrif ij lei dor ih v seen annn the trand ca ym of 11k colorado in the late sli i ncr ui i r the direc iran of i o arnwrb the ell known canadian icctiirr ill n trr the a n pices of the cam lia i sr fir ra i way there starlcit frt in lisi ff a part of writers and camera mm lln i the first part i r ksrd to tra re lh neu h ghwa b the pack tra medio i of tram it and prolwhly tlie la road ul practically cnnyil ted marble canyon n flxvjjrst hide trip of the party thia be ng some iwo rule off the tfli nl road anil so named because of the grey marble rocks thai form its sides iookini mto ih il mal depths of til t narrow gorre the resence of ibe utt i torrent below could only he dc tected liy a clood of ip it mist and tht rumbling of the rush nj icr in the irfnity ol m irr 1 jcreek a mile or so from the ma i road on tlie mountain side are the vermillion pa nt pott these are three hoe vjme seven or eight feet deep fillet with water of three color ochre redtverm limn and green the colorink bring due probably to deposit of the oliil le oxide or iron and copper these combtna bons hac formed natural pigments that are equal to the fnest coin ncrc il amis it rt known iliat the kootenay long before the advent of the white man ned thrr rokinng to decorate their trncv wilt ueird deigns and adorn then hodim with war pamt before attacking tlie r enen ics the in ian loo were the first to comroercial vf r vahial telrpfit and hatere pigmentk with southern tribes nro arid even for the shells of mexico the nem bit of jourpcy tome ij ndes vaj through ihc vermlllkw pass still along the road many writers have cuarcd ilie description of mow- lau roa tslung p nt aven les wtth light on i sliadows on either side aped peaks flung against lae sky tlievi flanked b higl foot hills wflh h irnl forests where deai twin i g and ntortyr n ng they dead 1 rancl m i ra a treat drape of iiv mkic and beto f are streama imitig torrenhw aljr falls sprtngs lial i ubl w from tli rocky side and e id their i er streams lo swell the t me of t rh lent crrek and linger ng over all s ilie odor of the pow n i alwa lie n pi ration of nature sublime treat t er n it m rosmg forva first time the jurti left the mad w tt a n lhi vicinity tint the last bit is being i mi icted some seven m ir rnum ng the journey next day the pack trait following the most direct rot te forded i i ir forded ihe tortoos r ver th i rl i be t p some hundreds of feet and vas oner igain on the road tfcrejhr traveller r rained lust what an amu ng ece of engineering build- ng this i ghw ivaa 1 atew aarf pot t 2 bmfwwurmtrt rood frs gstsr ntmr ruimm hot spnmgs i he iwrty proceeded through the ver million pass into the knotenay valley an i ramp was pftched at kootensy crosmg alread- a well known sad used camp gro n i that boasts the modern conveniences of a rustic table poles for tents nearness to water and alt ihe faf lilies that make csmpraff pleasant here too are the first traces of the ncoming eiler the smoke of clearing the little cahm the tram form ng of bush into farm land the kootenav valley is connected to the col imhia a the sinclair pass osed for year bv the indians who after in cursion- nlo the r ch lands of the ver million and koolenay where moose ebc and other game mill about d crossed the u vide to v sit the hoi springs now knowi u the ra 1 un it i spring for seven m les tlie park tram slowly ascended to ibe summit of the pass the xact pot hetnr markrd by a little emerald lake itno vn a summit lake for the first rime maples already touched bj mountain frosts and flaming h ihe ma i s d wen notxrd the tha district u more i than ever cbatnnt arc deeper i v ntied then fbuowed the descent mto h wooderfid ouvonibelfendosedbjr nonea icdw silt known ss the iron gstes icwfrisa hu of feet on either side and jn the heart of tbe csnyoo on the joe of the mo b a pool formed tare sjc 115 degrees these springs a 2500 feet shove tbe sea levd and have been isjaed for their medsansl qnalitie by n few who know them tbere sxtf f onr indsu reserves m tbe vshey the homej of a remnant of nays and on die toek watt of the ran wo are oarsmi ancient indian mark these indians are sow peace i lawbtdina inrak fay fmotinft iiiiisbi rsi m and sfooc rsassik prouiberot sarinit to lake wm dersaere the source of the cotnnjb river b onrj a dwts of fourteen days from the fame it started as ached rotso kindly i r your subscription nw the community theatre at naramata georgetown flour feed mills j we handle on1 the verj twxt ui f flour and rolled oate bran shorts baled hay antflraw poultry feed grit and shell chopped nnr rolled peed of all kinds delnered tinoj art fllclnnn len williams on tuesdajs and frijajw onlj w c bessey phone 195 georgetown btttchcr mshrstfawg nmccsfevlm smettw t he bnnsh people arc tbeatre- lovtns folk sod have to their credh trsditmns of the tbesm jiat are greater and of more world vide importance than any other xwntrr therein no doubt he the eaon why canadians today takr so n rb interest to theatricals and par irulariv those o the anutenr variety bcmf a small popojatioo lytns afona i dr a strat one it it bat mtnral hat canada a professional stare thou id be entirety dominated by that f the united states bwt ft is greatly o canada credit that there has ome into being an important theatri at movement in this country which distinct from that of the regular professional stages under existing renditions fris only thus that there vn be developed a canadian stage with s li of its own m6nt al ha its troop of community player toronto ha it hart ifottse theatre and winnipeg vancouver ind vhrtoris as well s many other anaduin cities nave their the si org all of which jomg an excellent work bnt none of ji em are more worthy of note than he little theatre which has hern es abhsned m the fruit growing t llage f nsramata m the okaniajali valley 1 js bull b carroll afluns du hi mall froit ranch for years he and mr aikms had been interested ihe theatre one of hi own plays was produced three tats ago m bir mingham and it wasttecaaie there was no native theatre where cana dian plas coald be tried ont that the kthe theatre of ksrarnata cime to be built the neighbourhood of nararnat had actors enongh- mr and urs carroll aikms were of tbe sort that could make acton out of anybody who had a love for that ort of thmg bat the theatre was another mat ter it had to be built but before that it had to be designed and ttbt knowing so much about what regu lar theatre had in them a shout what he thought they should have mr aikin was m to evolve a oomrnun ty theatre that tn complete- oesii of eq npment and mplicity of arrangetent does pot nffer tn com parlson ith any iheatre of the vrndi on ihe continent bni which present many tidvel and interesting feature the theatre i bu it tn ihe tpanoos wpstain of tht trait ranch packms the stage is oa level and the besjohss rasr spaals all on shallow atsar sst k k ts k- ttage that the th fa snoot t- marirsble the hack wall laisasas- plastered dome with a sbeeh pared ittirtlee on which sl array of variously colored ij create any effect jeaifc no spate to describe the scenic at fects all of which wore ttesifnad saas built by ur ajkaaai sad us assist- ants it it enough taraytawy wars simplicity itaek and tmtnwty aac theacior are the fruit pickers of e rietghbosrhood remforced bj a number of enthsauots from varima part of canada wbo have gone to anursta to study stagecraft it mr ikra hope that thw number mil grow and that hu splendid ut ile theatre will have an opportunity of gremg a first production to new canadian plays by canada ssrtboc the theatre has already become the most important place m the oowa ide and wilt continue to make ufa more worth t liv la h narasaats t