1 mattfews drug store the home of vbm viofrrolav acent pae at ibluftw hftgli qrade cnooojatai i christmas gifts a word to late shoppers a l m huv filial up our hunt of iioli ia toils and cap n si ill fhow ou n good assort in out of iren h iory i d oth r j5 ioilel rtirtos ttcparatcl and in cases books rarav station ib cry kotliks 1 lilrruos bottles flashlights handbag po kot pr books pip ft cigars aud smokt rs supplier page a thaw ai d is willanu chocolates j louutam pens wlrolas and itfor jm records xnmfl carux seajs t decorations etc i djmatthew drugs and station kry v local news items morry hnsti rh no mi nation h monday community christmas tree- mnlurday to morrow is the shortest day in the car service on chrihttnnb day at -ijtlbao-t-whmrfif-ttlenwtlliatim- at 9 80 am bring the kiddies to the com v ro unity christmas tree on satur day evening oor merchant are offering aplendul inducements to christ mas shoppers please don t waste our town water as tho uppl at present is none too much dog t fail to imtu5cthnbpeo- isj aonoancement of the annual week of prayer on another pane the masons will attend cbh unveiling ceremonj at thf baptist church oh sundaj aftecnooo at 240 be liberal with tho boy sonata when they call pn you for a dona tion to the community christmas tree just arrived special xmaa aokages in page ov shaw and wil lard chocolates at matthews drag htore at the guelph winter fair heath a davis won 1st hen lft cockerel and 3rd pea wih their baft orpingtons an open air rink is being made atji pnblio sohool grounds lot the children until toe jiew arena is completed santa clans arrived at wey mbs etorw on saturday witba big assortment of toys etc many children met him on his arrival christmas cantata at st georges sejipjgroom tomorrow thursday evenjog december 21st nt smadrnissioastoafit 16c tbvbapeibt womenbooiety wiji hold a aa- pr bomemafle bak ing chnstmas cake and pudding all thin week at mrs watsons and mrs winfielda store pxmbytersn zhqfltmttnbcbool christmas entertainment op en day mgwriittfto 3aaetpfograa of songs analogues drills reeita lions etc adults 25c children 15c scholars free haroljpdolfton of oheltenbflm the public school closing oxer pihoh ill take place oi tb iraday hfuirnoon commencing 812 o lock idiarp allftre cordial in tod a collection w1i lie taken for northern relief wafttoi fair james slark b bquemng maderc goon btfowtngrv gut wt n be rfwr last weak when won the following prfzes 1st bnred bock cockerel 1st pallet 2nd for- 0eockerelsr 1st and 2nd guinea fowl lsc and 2nd pair whjto tacks 2nd and 3rd pa r colored flanks tbandfitb on two lots of frtjuokav the boys and guls are in vited to attend the coram unity christmas tree saturday evening at seveoojlock jttbe jjpnmrof mainland mill streets tinder the dire tion of the local boy scouts all are asked to assemble totthe public sohool at 80 and there line np for the procession to the tree the citizen a band the scout dram and bugle band santas float and the children will com nose prooesaldd mr castel and mr a moclaren will be on hand to direct the mubio and commonfty singing all op for good time hajamoaaty dab s jibe annual meeting o tho hal on 4kilbtk farmers club beldvm hilton on saturday a large rfdmmr were present with g b cabtle tfnalri -the- offldbfb- for 1928- wwe-j- elected as follows president g jb castle vice president edwin hazrop secretary treasurer a laonabb auditors r e hau anovb w vms bawm-hftrrep- donated a carload of straw for the fire sufferers of northern ontario it was decided to also sepd a car load of oats to be loaded ib milton on december land is afb wilson was fleeted a delegpt to the annual convention oi the united farmers cooperative company and p d hartley to the ufo conventibn gf c ti on one bushel of alfalfa olovar seed at guelph winter fair at the sate totjbwhir te- pafrtbib bdshelof aeedmld for 1sjuqq flaiirtataa oaatate the beaoltful cbnstmas can lataaronnd- the manger will be fnven in the idethodist chnnohon tuesday evipff pppenjber 26trj at 8 o clock this cantata de picts in song and ubleax the bean tifdl stonea related in ommaotron with the birth of christ you will miss a treat if yon miss this admjasionrss cents and 16 fridaadeciidjdrusk to dawn a stcangeiaie of doal life with rworia between star ring viapr jjtbe dejl s toot bo6r serietof bdwlock holmes- one reel ooniedy and scenes in cana satasdayvdae wrd gappy bicks a paramount picture a tale of the sea ma3 the world of ships aman wbo eouldtaa a storm- a fight ersral3ons inve and be it through comedy tooaetwl blues kovjfewa admisstod jrinay and saturday lfio and sffo monday dec 2fitb special program afternoon and evening weaosdayl 7b play ing with fir featonng gladys walwnljiarutgobse of nikiinfaiij tnmki one reel thoaoard tumbles western scoot nolke all boopacfnll areas meet at post ofiloe fhdv at 4 nifl sharp to take part 1o erecon and dedor- aiion ofqnftmadiftr xmas tree bnng anyfenlng yon can th omon tree 7hq pm sharp at pnbio behool drums and bogles all scoots andjcubs in utaiforrn for fo do cotleqting fofxnias tree all bcnntnwill meet at jim ptib- 1i 1iool at ttso nksrp on sat mas topimnd bnng santa claoe to lite cotumunlly xmaa tree ar ter meeting santw proceed with hiroto tlte sohool whre grand 4mnu tvjh be fnrnd inotqding the- publio sohoob chiwreo and georgetown citisen s band rout to the tree will be aa follows frontpnbtie school to 6ue1ph st o main down main to the tree tbanfca day by dayin every way oor bo is growing big jter w areiperts on repairing rubber boots no waiting day joots improved spmul the mao pbecson and lota of fine boots all makes at lowest pnoes we defy yon to get the same makes at thja bsehoor bootarx ibavmul tbabnngintbalioa trad so georgetown a merry lsnjtfanosannj new ti to all w ikiu wootlsuiok ienl a r ifth w it mr m ii it uh m n lluia lulr of aotoo iiwnt the we k and at the home of m hb coon wh tmoe mian irene siuerthorn left ii is week for owen boua i where si willrpend the holiday season mr and mrs c t coo will leave on friday or monti oal where tnej will spend tho christ mnn anl new lour it i ol ihjh jmiados aooie on i knt c it in were in to onto lant tl nrod u al ten linft thef neral of tl eir iui i the late mm tl omnn ijarob fo merly or acton mrs w s morphy and miss leveljn mori i y of britmpton left last week fqr spothero california for the winter they expect to spend most of the limo at long beach nnd will be tho gaents at that city of mrs maoahnn and mjbbyjo nsa ijaruson bef re tftk ing up an apartment pluta far xm oltur fernt palms prnnulns cmer arias colenx begonian xinos cacti artd oclier e lnie plnutb phone 112 c w pnimt charles st 6 12 st the corporation of georgetowb dfthnnliii hear ing c 1 8 interest tor sale any one dcbirmg tfgooov investrnenfr n quire tit dlerk heaths office orbuk otkonteeat see oar stock of skates ladie s and men a auto skate 8 00 auto aluminum top 6 co pleasure tube 600 hookey jf obe 5fl0 ox 26 j-w- kenaedy ov son mttjibeir joivt nseful gifts what ooott rovgtvejjhat woald bemore use fal everyday in the year an footwear this is something that it ut farpasbtble 4o do ubook no matter how well anyone is dressea if tbeirboelbmi shabby ftrn4ysnnjbibarwt apnflnfanw p t give footwear and see bow well pleased everyone will be we carry the largest stock in town of boots shoes rubbers slippers spats and hockey boots at rook bottom prices drop in and ex amine our goods and get our prices we can save you money we cheerfully exchange goodb when they are dot satisfactory h j fox georgetown thq ikrajp dm kmbkh writ 1b2 personals ichristoas flowers purs dresses and hals ftoo lip jublukeri h smin 1ais f sntwintek ursum notice lo hockey to orffer 6 win all games this season have yonr skates nvited to shoes solid or have two tit bedl and toe we charge losa rivet also tojwoore perfect satisfaotioo tet us dtt yothksharpsoibg aswa jiave jest installed a new machine for 4fce curpose jhij 1a one of the best equipped shops in canadc headqoaeteksjfor jigb grs4ebm1 dress shoe repalnng we never nail a sole ob vhenoe khshlabe sewn being in the shoe gsme sinoe 1896 i have the necessary experience cash and oagry sys tern j a ballantine luaslr tmmtmww osrasv ff xlas mrf m sh aia o t s atattea houra 8 two to 10 dslly 7 pm ssttfrdsy work called for and oeunrsd c box 546 pbone 256w i weejc of prayer january 2nd to january 5th tveidaw and methodist cbflroh speaker rev dr graham wodnesdagr 3rd baptist church speaker re h 5 priejt b a tliuradjsy 4th anglican charcli speaker canon dyson hague frioy5i pfeseylenan cbbrct speaker rev dr geo h williams you are invited begin the yevvtth god 1 we wish our many patrons a very merry xmas and a happy and prosperous new year abllcjiltatlalalolulaloleile m e barnhills pkbl and rt alton 8 1uroa1n store seasons greetings wimhtng yfitt a mrry canatmat a happy hmw year toe good jtore of car throughout the year good luck in all you do sen our assortment of tojn consihting of mechanical toyn bleb as motor boats autos merrygoround climbing miller donkey cart alabama jmnot etc also dolls nine n 1 1 rooks which we are offering at exceptional low j rices we have also jardinieres casseroles bowih in in les ceint glass and vases besides a nine range l t harrdker oh efs braces and sweater coats 9 lbs fresh mixed not for flgo 2 lbs cboioevcrearn candies for 43c 2 lbs royal mixed candies tor 2gc 2 don sweet oranges for 46c for variety qualjty and special values in oranges come here barnhills norval ss sthtsie alotolc i christmas services sunday next at 11 am and 7 pm music b the choir in the morn in the anthem celestial the choir 1 h adams ceo a burdett tho christmas silence masj willson at 7 o clock we will have a carol service in which everyone is asked to part cipate the ma inter w d the tell clirifttmah story b raymond mcdonald alden wh thethimes rang music nt the evening service angels from the realms of olory the choir star of bothleheru mr a black cantata around the manget tuesday evening willi mis stephen adams 1 own anp offer t5ootmo 7 per cent comnlaflve preferred shares h corke a co limited autkmh clmil s1mn i these shares are isdoed in a denomination of 26 00 each and are as btated cumulative preference which means that toe ordinary shares of the company which are privately held receive poshing at any time until the 7 is paid qu the preference shares and all arreate of interest if anj the alao have priority as to capital as there is no bond lssne security the freehold land brlildiogb machmer and equipment of h corke a co ltd which are all paid tor and belong ab aolutely to the company herewith is the signed state ment of one of the leading appraisal companies of ontario wfi sthbung appraisal company hereby certify that to tho best of our knowledge and belief the present value of the said plant comprising land building machinery and equipment and after deducting all depreciation from build inft machinery ind etnupment is ninety nine thousand nine bondreot and bixty six dollars and sixty two cents 9996662 dated at toronto ontario oot 17 1921 st rrlino appraisal coalpant a n absltlsk 8rcbrtabt theasdbkr as will readily be observed the company baa a valuable property and the security m ample but while a bound policy has been followed in creating a valuable modern and efficient plant the directors and that tbeworking capital ib too small and there fore this opportunity is now given to the general public to enter this hitherto private company to wool growers invitation is partioularl given and to investors of this class a contract will be made to manufacture their wool free for a period of years in sufficient amount to bnng tbejvturnaao the shares to 10 per annum to the general eublio privilege of special discounton purchase trill be n n to searebotders so that holders of even one share w 11 not ik- burred from participating management- the president and manager mr h corke is well known as a woollen mill manager and manufacturer of long nnd varied experience as fbuaw director on the board he baa the able as sistance and adviee of mr b v barraolongb of the glen woollen mills olenwtuiams ont piayment terms maybe nrranged and any further nfprnat on ob- tained on application to the undersigned hbnb1 cobatr pbrbidbnt am m w viililt fj notice to our patrons ley m b mftpmalm h rpftwim g isvrmrtnr 11 imvfrtt commenting wfjiwjay dtcmmbt ioth tin tfan afphtart will h aown friday and satardaym admiuton prtct will l a follow j wgdnesday10 ami 18c tx ineladmd friday a saturday- 75c and 2sc tax tncladtd jr theatre thursday bargain day a merry xmas and a prosperous new year to our customers and friends v lgranctysj we extend to our many cukfomer and frleitdf a merry christmas and torepr coatiocnut life liuurance vo hi georgetown and v cin ty libetaj commiuioaaoftf to wjloi oskvpe on hsliiapreseduutv ljghl tax studosmkar 1912 bhxu for sale owner loavrag town cn be ween atj nondlli yfi feptafj a happy new year to mora cbuige g r pos i a m gii5n3y phone 7 rtmi kfitfrj bbsl3bbesbaibtss kennies grocery j the thrifty hobsewife is now busy preparing for the xrnatfseaa j we now hav our- complete stoca of new season a fresh fruits on hand and you can be assured that in plaong your order with us for all the many ingredients you will be needing for your xmas cake xmas pudding mid mmce meat that you will be getting the finest qyality goodsjitjlppbie to buy good delivered after school hours 1 bqhuw phone s60- phone 151 for quick delivery iradverttsements obsottbvoausallat good dry esinl mjed wood u si 75 lotto stout iramgtetord to- atoad j jr pbone s r njt tpf r totodfom- w jjihi 3brrooqedau9rqtnii jpiftnomag oat atoro fto a moolh apply j j jtodo gene two lo atn yjuf 3ocai jtmut91 -ftmp- c rcular saw mud frame on akida 36 n pply lo j h mcctgleyt baloo ljebisfvrores town of georgetown ttebroture for fe apply ar clerk- sofliee v clover hoaey o pails 38j00 for 60 ux ates smaller quant tie he a id whits bxajikkt we bavs few of tbe old fsahloosd jod lhat isat a lifetime aa tbey ra ugbllt ollon we are cleannr tbam at 4 low prwio the pobuc pont lose tfan if you tawnt asj jeorgito tor kekt t h actio with apartment above beat iitiutloti all convenience apply box s herald office fotnra on daqeqiber 15th at 7th line below suvmuow 4ujioni feather bat owner raav have umo br applying nt herald ofbc and paying iorathft it roksale black jersey bmfer ibree aection aefof plouh la good condition t j easorij lot 20 cn 7 rr no j geoqretown 20 l2jtf noolost wb te and tan hound anaw brluon ally person de dgea be proaecoted uooetoowja hn wbereatiouta pbonono lowo t lost on december 14th in ceoqretown a ccank or dodge lounnjc ear fmdar pleaae leave at herald office tt ohaustmau trssfl seaucajmi li tfoo pkce yoorordav aany for dcuvery sat urday afternoon it n shvoss phone itl brownsgarage used cars fdf sile s6rvioe tbdae s00 dfty or nmht m air browns garage g j n oneill 50f have ready foraale at very reaaonlhle price one top buggy m jtood condition one l91f fiord xouruig car three road carta in ttrstelass order just what you need fortbe pall and springr oneiawov tonpucqar one small hanrl power outung bos a bsrgsu fqlllpiaor plenry and cjwkabott ofow shares aiew no 81 famous fteurj plows always on hand carriage rubber tires put on promptly automobile repairing will bedsne to tte h blbafun til o ne building 1 compl j n oneill ovson- imftrlbmtor of dodce brothers sutdl studebalcer motor oara grlsobcretowh acton hilton 1 u r -iit- m ajlj