ilf forsters cash and x grocery we have a good supply of fresh christ mas fruits currants hulk and package dates bulk and package raisins bulk figs prunes almonds and walnuts we have just received a large supply of christmas candies nuts oranges christmas sto a sizes a good assortment of boes of chocolates etc we have the best prices possible and guarantee good service buy your christmas supply now phone orders delivered gbest cash prke pad for fresh phone 29 corner john and victoria st the e4t efad meat shop c ridler botcher dealer in all kinds op fresh cored and cooked meals orders promptly delivered georgetown phone 206 t f flour mills at axx okofqclu kings choice for bread national for pastry bran shorts f flour coarse and dairy salt rolled oats wheatneta and feeds of all kinds apple barrels for s w jcampbell limited i t f norval ontario h tlurttll jumqgbt butcher main sl georgetown neefc4fetv avsktssj him so lie r imps around and ad justs the boot or ills loot to get roller for himself a humane and tuoublilftl t i r sill do the game for uia horsm but unfortunately there are niniii irivers who neglect to give their huraes all the attentiou that a working aninfal tn en titled to collars may nt the horst ihouldera id the ip infi whe the animal is in kood condition bit the si rlnkage of flesh due to the i ard iork of several months may icavt tie ho mo with a collar much too large the collar that is too largo or not of the correct shape u bound to c tr so i neck bo re shoulders or mi tccassry pain thai may deiuop viclouaness or other bad habits or reduce the edl clency ef the horse aho id be avoided a horaes haul is done krotu the shoulder the work tt at the burse baa to perform ts ilun fiqm tt shoulder ao it is very in portant tiiat extreme care be mm to tie titling aid ad jusliw nt of ii e collar tl ntw col lr is me rally s urn and stiff that it is difficult to mould it to the shape ol urn horsea n eek and shoo hji without soaking it iu water over ntsht aftei soaking a c lar or the i roper shtc in three incl f ol water face donn until well net it muybr pitted on the 1 am the i should be adj u i to l a lar stiugly to tlie nrck ik collar in its softened condiilut will i rem into shape to suit the horaes slioul der be sure or be ml j tat un t of the ha raw and drjfi worn tl l tjrso only moderately the nat f w dais while the shoulders are lardciilnf tad becoming hhimi to die collar hn quent alrine and baihlnt to cool tin shoulder and ren e aal und dust are very ess ntlnl it preventing j fthouldtr aorenehh dealing 111 wsshapen ahoul lent horses that bate nils snauen ahoul tiers can only be given mtiel by be- loc dtted with a collar 01 collar pad made to suit tb requirement of a special case an hour s work on a collar pad with thread and needle in hie hands of a humane lea miter will a u law to authorize the msue or debentures nf the town of uenrwlown to tlin amount of eight thouwind dollirn tor dip 1 urpotu of erwtint ind nlai iih a monument in ominenioniiioii of lin omccrt tnd men of the tow n of georgetown who rnade the supreme sacrifice while ou ictue nenice during tbe late war with the naval or militart foictb of great bntntn or itei allteb whbhpab tbe rate layunt uf the raid town of georgetown have re quested tbe mo mo pal council of tbe said town of oeorftetown to erect a memonal in rommemora tion of he officers and men of tbe mild municipality who made th supreme aacriftoe while on active service during tbe late war with the naval or military forces of great britain or her allies and whkhkab the municipal pmfvtnnfil of 1h bind tfrwn nf l i georgetown deems that it is desir ons that the town of georgetown should erect a memorial in com memoratton ot said officers and xxt b a fnlthful hnraf mnih mtn f jour horse la suffer in from shoulder ills adjust the draft or snap tbe collar or collar nid bo as to remove ihe press ire of draft front the sore point the horse s shoulder should be watched durlm tfie day when at heavy work especially during hot weather bath with salt niter each evening and treat tbe sail with a duitlns or line tulde ii the horse is so fortunate as to be la the hands of a good driver or teamster it la not likely to s iffer from shoulder trouble very long remember the hone cannot speak and make com plaint it la up to you who are re sponsible for the horses welfare to give the working comfort that a faithful slave la entitled to every day la the week l stevenson sec depl of agriculture toronto hessian fly ooktroi la found best effected by lie uue planting or tajl wheat the late planting of when la gen c rally recognlied ax being the mm effective practice in hessian fly cou trol land for whtat should be pre pared early at least all weeks before aeedlna in brder that a or or seed bed withtwo inches or loose soil to i rovlde ample cove ing a ben the seeding is done late in a kiisa or arl in september narrow airlpa should be seeded across tbe held at intervals these are for the purpose or attracting any hessian flics that may be present and offering an in rfucement for egg laying betweau the ana and tenth or october these lgccatcblng strips should be plough d in and the entire held reworked and seeded lands that are in good qondjtlon will withstand hessian fly attacks much better than poor 111 prepared soils due to the ract that a weakened plant can make sood recovery if well nourished pre pa pi the land early fertilise it possible aad seed as late as you can expect the wheat to moke sufficient erowih tor wintering l stevenson sc depl of agriculture toronto costly bowse for poultry an extensive and sosu house for ta0itry does not necessarl mean that tbe stock kept therein is anj better than tbe average very often we and that the owner is more proud or his houses and surroundings than he la of but atbek or poultry the man who loses his temper and abuses the animals his no right to have live stock under his care a garden that produces only one crop and idles awaj htilt of uistow log n aaon does only half of lu g be a secretary n tuamea c assmiiniatsnaiis smiawtorqnto taw l and whebra8 for the purpose aforesaid it will be nrcessarj to isbue debentures of tbe said mum oipalit lor the sum of eightthou sand dollars the proceeds of tbo said debentures to be applied for the purpose of purchasing and ereutiog said memorial and to no other and whbbka8 it ib desirable to issue tbe said debentures at one time and make the prinoipal of said debentures repayable by year ly hurib during the period or ten years being the currency olthe baid debentures said yearlj sums befog of suoh respective amoonts that the amount payable in each year for principal and interest respect of the said debentures shall be equal to the amount pa able tn each of the other jearn of the said periods as in hereinaftoi mentioned thrbefobe the muniotp a i council of the town of george town enacts as follows that for tbe purpose mentioned in the preamble there shall be borrowed on the credit of tbe corporation of georgetown the of eight thousand dollars and debentures shall be issued there for on the instalment plan in sums not less then one hundred dollars each payable in the man ner and for the amounts and at the times set forth in paragraph four hereof that the said debentures shall all bear interest at the rato of six per cent r annum having cou pons attached for payment of suoh interest and shall all bear the same date and shall be ibaued within two j ears after tbe date on which this by law is paaaed and may bear an date within aaeh period of two years and aball be payable at the bank of montreal georgetown on tan o within ten i ears next after the date that they shall be issued and the re ipective nmonnts payabln in each or said eara shall be as follows int pnn total 480 00 60694 10h81 448 5h s48 16 108691 404 98 081 90 1086 94 864 06 7s288 1086 94 880 69 7662b 108694 874 71 mis 8 1086 94 226 98 860 06 1086 94 174 82 912 62 108694 119 67 967 87 1086 94 61 as 1025 42 1086 94 flint for the urposc of paying the said instalments of principal and mterewt nn the same fall due respect itely during the said ten ears being the lorrcncj of tbe said debentures there shall be levied aud rained in each year by hetial rale sufficient therefore on ill thn rateable property in t said municipality tbe sum 1088 94 at the name time and the tutnu manner as the annual ueneml rntes rath of the wud debentures shall be signed hj tbe mayor of thr town of georgetown or by hoiiru other per a by law of the baid municipality to sign the same and shall also be xtkned by the treasurer the cleric of thosaid municipal ity shall affix tbe corporate seal thereto tbe coupons shall be signed by the treasurer whose signature may be stamped litborraihed or eiiftraved thereon finally passed by tbo affirm- terofthreequariers ol tbe members of the council this daj of 1928 takb notice that tbe forego ing is a true copy of a proposed bi law of the corporation of georgetown to be submitted to the votes of the electors on tbe 1st day of january 1928 between the hours of 9 o clock am and 5 ptn at the different polling sob- divis ions and that the 1st day of jan uarj 1928 at pm at the town i hall has been fixed for the ap- potvrtnrsnt of persons to attend at the said polling place and at the final summing np of the votes by the clerk and that if the assent of the electors is obtained to the said proposed by law it will be takdb i into consideration bj the counoil i o the 19 day of janua im the flrnt publication of this notice was- made on jhe 18th day of december 1922 f l 11 rath clerk takk notice further that tenant who desires to vote upon said proposed by law must deliver bo the clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appoint ed for taking tbe vote a declare tiou under the canada evidence act that he is a tenant whoeej lease extends for the time for which the debt and habthty is to be created or in which the money to be raised by the proposed by law rsjayablf or for at least twenty one year and that he has by tbe lease covenanted to paj all municipal taxes in respect of the property of which he is tenant other than local improvement rates p u hkath clerk 1922 xnftas seals the n a t i 6 n a i sanitarium akoocis tlon is to t von- crmtulatad on tba enndafilne x m a a in old of thu alus koka hospital fur conaumptl vph dealg n ad shown above worked out in gold and red wliha touch of mofln and black the saaj is varr at tractive and should ba widely itaed tor dannlin purpo a on chrlaunaa puka 1 surra tc g the hospital la tn nwd r funds to carry on tta work l hy not boy tbeae awaia in lieu or other not only will you it sood value in ra- tura but your mo bar wilt be road to servo a matter and for it win so to help somaon in dlatraaw for vala by school children rtaaka or direct from xnuu real depart ment 0r iniutnta toronto oat the willoughby farm agency 4 200 buy goodkooaore farm with good buildings 2 loilea from acton 8 800 buysstood 125 acres splendid bnilthngs 4 mi to from georgetown 7 800 bns good borne 11 acrch orchard at georgetovi 1000 cash and the balance on very eu urma buju n comfortable home with all rnodern ootprunces on charlea street this is tbe owner s home and it is rthe first time it has been offered for fwle make eni nines at the offlr george town or write nr phone- b b mcdbwellr rep georgetown ontario uk wllloubby farm ageicv j stsssnvt o wasna st tsrsals nipitlm j nolue shall n ik hi he likov dair ol or for thr said birnnlo hk fltl da i farm machinery iuternsvtiouaml tractors new is tbe time to purchase your traotors farm machinery fleorj chants wilkinson plows buggi s p bteelcuqf inf itfiff rods wire fencing circular saws seoondbsuid 20- h n brantford gas engine on truck 6 h p monitor gas engine rubber tire borgy top bngg steel tinr m b binder 7 ft but m b disc drill fertilize hoe drill international superior disc dnl several horses rimorn and workers tjljhewsen notice to creditors i tk antttr of tk eatat or fikaatasw h lam iat of tko tow r omipuvi 1 ta gou ty of hatea bmi estate asoat wasisaaa nol ce a hereby given punuanl i sis kn56of lbetroles act r so 1914 chsp 121 lhat all reditor a d othcrti hav d cu ma or demands ays nt the c talc of itw sa d jonnatha h lane wh d cd on or about the twenty first f october 1922 at tb t o ccocre- town n tbe counly of hah on are re- hi red on or before the 12th day of jn uary lo oend by post prcpn d or del vcr lo ihe toroi lo t cneral trmt corpora i on toro lo ontario the execot w a id ruee ol he last wll and testament of ihe aaxf jnhoatban 1 lane real emate a deieaned the r chr atuin nantes and surnames addremiex and dearnnt ons the full particulars wntnr of ihe r i n a atatemc t of the r n counts and ur ly f any held bj that afln- auch last the executor will pro- of the sad then nenuoncd dali ceed to dimnbute ibc lo having regard only lo claims of wb b t shall then have notice and lhat tbe said executor w ii not be liable lor tbe said assets or any part thereof to an person or persons of whose cla m no- t ct shall not have been received by 1 at the i me of stub distribution lbrov dai ol c lor for the satd executor i georgetown in s s sth day ol 6112 t phone x01r33 norval real estate insurance houses to rent for information apply to r j hynds good bread fresh daily and always toothsome and wholenome i mark clark bakery and groceries phone figs a insurance and rea rhone 203 georgetown aggjtosisp wish them merry christmas by long distance more prized than any christmas gift yet costing no more than a christmas car long distance will carry the very warmth and personality of your christmas greet ings into the most distant homes the farther away good friends are the more they will appreciate the surprise of hearing the weff remembered voice obey that impulse on this day of days draw near to those who aredistant if only for a few minutes be actually with them where tjiey live in the very room with them wishing them merry christ mas long distance alone makes it possible after 880 pan the evening i ate on- station- tostation calls is about onehalf the day rate wtsnelurvc monaco rwnrr ban teeaaonw ia a lon jjwatotaoa stmtion advertise in the herald i nant for sister sorimacmts miss sbbjstay hedrk maskers sweepervac vacant ocamrs all of tbe above sold on very easy monthly payments it desired he also carries a complete stock 7 of small electric appliances irons toasters table stoves heaters eta norman h speight coal wood on hand atl the time best sorahtoh co ax cement on luuad john ballanrine okokostowh long distance hauling teandngcartage tjoor distance baulinr with motor trticlv piano and fiirnitnre mo teamins and carting done n snyder georgetown pboor 171 a deserved diploma certificsts of hesjlh mim jit to tas ottawa valtity not far rrom capital with i 4 work rarmrf th rial and dui slsl aloraj thlaar wben aho and aordlnly aha tth ueh trrostwru it mnmj that har little slalar coom t ths cbanr that saa had bra dontaov dnlvars hj juctlnn ths balir of tha ram ii v aroni to guoao s aad this rur her blma matsr ctvas hor tbs j of baolulor ot art n attvha niu to do battar haatar r arts but bora s whars tha linsai luuii t slstsr brokaa la baalik oy ovimrs la do lobvor able to assist st u a oatlant t tho hu- koha hospital tor cooawmptltss bnl 11 la bopod ithat aha too whiaaoruy fhflsfj rorllseata of oood lartoro aaaoclauaa la ltabspluv mnskok and at wsstsmttur of thsss ho rastotd tt kasith obsss too can abara la thja irrrat if ma srul i i