Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 24, 1923, p. 4

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tlik ikorurtown ilkrai i jm mm 24 ll i0kji rootdi at umi whtn iiikm iirm wttled down aniikbuth l iioih lovii i take ilini head to look anil rumble thru wh n incietil book a roalftil i our uiuk htxndidk but sunly a i nettle there in comfort u mj any el air there con ph ll ih order rinrinr clear 1 wiith jo 1 eo al ono mj dear the t irn ue lire ni edit tending if i shoul i lie mn down to doxe and bii lt h a littlo nweet rapoae lo lose mlf to pain and strife the barter tnd the trade of life and nil itu hate offeodiug the moment that i hose m eje i then am called upon to use and ttho will whisper sitting near i wouidn t so lo aleey raj 3ear the fun tee tiro need tending from sere october unto maj the farnace runs the jive- long day unseeo lobetped by mortal hand it does its work to beat the band and keeps the beat ascending it seems to need nb touch of care until i find my easy chair and settle down and then i hear her one insistent cry my dear th furnace fire needb tending there is no perfect peace they say no one untroubled lives bis day life e lin ns alt the rich and poor the great and fmmvuoh there s no defending set why il wonder should it be one restfnl honr s denied to me why must this always interfere when i have settled down my dear thelfornace fire needs tending boys in agriculture the junior firmer is nock lo the fore today radrj haiwuad u om raat mack book ul not biwfk boy la aarteultor um boy ha arrrrad ua was a ions tune eoaaute hi nam as tortuous aa a wild raau and at times hla raiuetaal teat lasvaa duiraestasl b did hot m a pair 8kow at nrax to brtaur um sot into kas acrlaaltural work sad mndj all man- itf of effort had been mad he u bulllad and bribed eoataa and coaxed alncbeft sad pattad whipped and wheedled yet scarcely a foot had he tolaatary forward until rery reeeatly ifaa old clmtoroapnuq al oaa usae niaxalrraty speaking be iu held by tba bom wwja naua boas doeea from textboofca of tar- bidding- lenalnologlea war forosd dowa hut luawllllac xnroal in order to cl a tt aad ea for fanalasl bat todax wt have la boy aae utr jastaaaa to brtac aaricul kaowjadsa aad tho boy w fiiwi taoattaat most another weakly newspaper the preston progress has disappeared iron the bold of canadian journal larbmark donald tne proprietor in the last issue announcing the suspension of the paper which has been issued for 86 years the management realises that the weekly field is restricted to rural communities and baa found that its job department has been ing the newspaper and therefore the department that has not been paying is being discontinued the saaaara oaaas f tbe matter of the pnnchboards seised from acton dealers a week or so ago by provincial constable fhepertv was referred to the at torney general s depar t m e nt inbtrafionb were given to treat the dealers interested leniently inasmuch as they bad gone into the transaction through misinfor mation on the part ol the whole sale boose supplying tbe outfits the punohboards were finally con fiseaom bat tbe ohoco seuted with them were surrendered to ihe owners the opermwou of these devisee is gambling pare and simple and a violation of the crftrntaloode farther infraction will be followed by legal proceed inn mmrmmmt a very pretty wedding took place january lotb at the home of mr aad mrs john t moore when iheirdaugbter myrtle irene be came the bnde of mr william a maobae only son of mr and mrs jbooald liacbae jtev d l blli son performed tbe oeramonyn the bride who was given away by her father looked charming in a french gown of ivory georgette and veil draped from a coronet of orange blossoms she also wore the grooms gift a diamond bar pin and carried ophelia rosea and lily of thevaltej tbe bride s mother received the guests wear ing a tadpe- oat velvet gown with r corsage bonqnet mrs looked lovely in a black gown blank ciotnre hat and oor- aage ol violets and roses a buffet luncheon was served id tbe dicing loom which was artistically dec orated with richmond rosea and pajma the happy oouple left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for hew york the bride travelog in a gown of brown vel- vew- with hat to match with seal coat trimmed wiot fitch attains to leacbibi mat of onataet tbera was a asaeb book sad aol eoouh boy ta si tali of tea aadaangiies tbe i sanaa aad boked maatally i too aaiir is mi issmiiii of learned sad to alai neaalaaness phrases was ilka a calces diaaer course rem aellaa stsrusc wltta tee dee n sad oatdnag wltfc tbe aoup but tats ass the mmyt were usoally too iraler the yonagater i crack nejsswas aoangsrar ctotfc maa beya are gregarioaa itaey dock t bar waetber be uvea in the city sr ta eomattrj is by aatara a gang bat oall tbe gang a club gnrsa as air to tb affair sukeab um lauar word has aot al ays had aa attractive meaning to tbe clab ooueeuve is a attractive thsn tne club wast doing there be a doer of lasts la anotaer powerful instinct lcbert tasras tbe esse in a nutshell tear sal boy wants to be where tbsy are doing things and he wants ta do them in company with some of the ether fellers usssal rates ha heaped ta farm jral school pairs have done awash to latent junior in agiioul tare to be as exhibitor aad per haps a winner at a fair baa awakened the ambition of many a boy to be able ta show and win implies a knowl edge efkrowuig falnsa to know hew to craw things mean obaert aaoatadjr aad indastry the ant liural sebool fair was id la 1mi lores asbools uniting had bad aa attendance of 20 in lsll thare wen 44s fairs embrae- iag m41 aehools7w1ter an attend sees or s4a ici over hslf of whom ware jablors at these islrs practl sally eve y orsaefa of agrioolture was covered sad thi total entries of ez himts reached stoat 100 00e home garden acre front baby beef aad hof rsialg con testa hare also stirred the farm boy to action sad study appfiotjoo it pari mt aatoehv thsse associations are mae- up of young atea many of whom have bsen trained thrown tbe school fairs aad some of whom bawe taken abort courses under tbe agricultural ttsenswatauve they are local lead en la educational basinets and wo- stsl endeavor u well aa being fore most la up new methods of sgrieauare they have been actlre la organising sad conducting inter- asbpgtattpjb bsbates cbiipty judging ooanpetttloas ploughing competi ttsas baaqueu poblle sneaking ceateats baseball leaguea aad 10 while other commodities have one up 37 to 116 k 40 over 1914 prices the ford tou ng car has dropped 3i below thi- ford mi portal onuu ford lur ii y i for inu a nubl r ktv c it ladefinidy n company bellevea it uj cars uin be majntninr 1 everybodys business uru l a u 1 k r attc pt d r the pul lie auti th pie of i if it i i ii r i l tu n omot lie t a na ff kuiuufthei vent or ilia ljny th kmitlun i pf how the present low price of ford cars can be maintained in 1923 i we nay that the urtacm low prki h i ntli hoped wiumult lro ve are utnolutcly fr j unified by present rod the preaent low pr market on atcel ad oil m warrant thscpntarx jtnl jtuhfud by fncreaictt production everybody buatnuno the fordcar ril la ihf tord busineea la everybody a linn au a d your neighbor and h ghtxjr are all v lly affected by ihe pnrc of i rd cars kvth he i ii nl 1 fur 1 rt jn ur i died n mukimum production only foda raw le iul tl o tl e n j ufacture ol ford can wll not forj priemt muil go up unlmtm thty um you can sat th- priest f u i nc random ll and mail to th im i iraler whoap name appevrn brlow tl a ly ri e your intent on to i uy iru ht anil oil 8 you in no manner if you are at alt c r rncd ot lu r the ford company k ulout the j r en ford motor company of canada limited ford ontario m ndktd um piks si read prfcn an dm jofflatd br t tgtnme a luaami the uotl oetue it rlrfimrwi to buy at car i wlti nnt nd aa 1 drain to art ll al thta ndawt prkc tab mil ol luimoay hat i rod o buy a font milw amrthbt na ji information ao ha the hord uotor cornpanr mar nn- n inf mhih that i mar t piyaipt deuvary ax h a coxjs r esquesiwg acricultural society statement of receipts and expenditures foiitiif ypai 1j2 acton ont resolution for 1923 we koow its bard to pftj the rash but chedit makes ua sore some people do meiat uion and even ank for more my shop ir plastered with cnfili signs which you can plainly oe and when you oak for credit its nlwaybup to me wheni refuse it sore doeb hi rt i do not think its cleter but ao for cbpd1t in mj a ot those days are gone forever skates abtupeoed oil flnmhel 15 crowned 86c hollow rroand agc aorewed on 25c- meter 1 go oompleto set 8 00 ja baltantine foetory coyaier of klata and iu ataau- o t r stauoa houra 8 m to 6t0 da 1 530 p m saturday ae wright butcher main st georgetown ptoses skopltf baisejuj ouk 1 1oultk1s k l always iv choice 1 lifx j 7 sweet jr jvl2p r at fresh as all our fp 1 meat a junk wanted i am paying the higbpsf aah prioe for all kinds of junk aibo hides and poultry 1utd 0patta pwhlie soaiool on vlatoha straat oeorcetowm out m freeman past office box 470 phone 107 ataqu bi u4dra iheroiaf tor n act i i to tmudla and con bylaw bar 414 of tbe town of gooaye bainar a byamt ontitled a bylaw to aotbortxa ihetmueof babeotwea of lb town of gcofctttowo to too amoitnt of fortytboo- aaod dollar to irram a bom by war of loao to smith and stooo lbmtod to uahr hup aaalarmthatrpraoool factory aad to pothrp cqnp and oprrau a pottarj ptaat induimaralwaiyatdinf teio their aald factory the oanlcaura of th pre beeturv debt of the aid henry trke ptcckiwcka manbaa hudaoo ud water waik 96ss9z 6 10932 99893 500000 282000 686167 5647694 rant a bonvtof forty tboaaand douan by way of loan to sooth and stone lion led npoo the term ntnth ths aaid by- uwnd tbta ite to patad at gcorwa own tail fourth amy of jaoauy tww corpotlationofthe tofrn of ceohq loretta acad mi st harv ltaaaotoo r 1 day scboolf rbtutttojotrb and janrtorr covraaa toatcli- aad for fortbar mfonauaod hotbar sneaaior toj h oopli andprcpan to water users daanr tbe coaaa ad dry town water am ara w smfcl p9im of lb jv 3 ra satww- j aapfiy jaw tt bt aa sj s thoaa junior po aching uatcbas t ravitwd a long neclected pbaae ot aotenltarml endeavor and old 9 imshmeb otvc expraased ireat aat- lafimudc wftb th work of the lads lire stock jndctafc contciu tooki plaot in thirty three eoantlea last year and thr bwro been taany latercoaatr tomaetltaoo the win ar bad a free trip to the chicago intematlofial live stock show and eutm back with a bucer vialon ol obelr ealtlat boys sand otrl lira stock dob the- boya and olrla live stock club arr dolnt much to develop tbe brcedlnx of anperlor cattle boea etc about fifty or ibeae cluba are in esattaace other act 11 yea of a useful and elevatinc cha aeter are encased in by bora on ontario farms all bl which aurcest a keen practical and intetmcent acquaintance with acrfenl tarv t literature aad its practice la acrteaitara tbe boy has arrlrad farm help the bureau of colooinit on and it patma expect a urgv number of dasa aaao from tbe old conntry during the latter pmrt of march and auc feed aaootba aoane e aoma partly and aoaae anaxpenencod yoonc men and utwd men and partly n whb and without fam riaa janneararith acsncrm jrin kindly wnle h a macdoeeu dtractor of cokmixataoo baraaa fiandiofa torooto or ibaan affrictthnral ttepreacntai ve for -ro- fanaautoa aad afolicatloatbnns appu- catlona wbl be dealt with as far aa poasi- mt lirtba order to whtcb tbajare received aaanta r r fuatmml afrtcultaral repreaenlative a business career tti th traaalaa slo ism saa bahacai haw am panwaal haatraataim tar akjjlas bjaewra id flun aa3 baalnaat sauacta kwran acthula an ana latoalr tnualnr start at aar ibaa vama far fraapactaa ta custmbrabssaxig toronto v mmrnt ita n inn rnn- rx townl ul ns p w nhplll t n i rifotonnt ruoi juufhink i rnnl rty mm a t n innninf t titttf itift pin ran 1 stnml fakirs mtmber stlrkitm i9b mimbwrotidteth 1j mil ton coll cuons lo itryrntry r r x utrftiitry rt ljitry fet frti mr- tnuj frror in priw j ii mcoulcy j h iblionfi donat un c rxinditukks j ii hinklmm auditintr ilea its a ii i teaman ksarik assofinti k j hyndii intturanct judro ti feet knee track stationery btamptt etc merchanjnw etc iabor cormtablea ttc ticket sellitik jbrtage meal tlcfeeta rnxea spcciala paid later mrs hymen over paid tntry fee wm ward stabk band salaries delegates en peruses badeal921 audi ddk j 10 ml 10 00 10 ml m 35 60 to 3l0u 1s4 75 874 96 7 40 20 76 49 00 7 00 2 10 is oh 41 00 5 to 3 00 40 00 75 00 19 so 3 00 new advertisements rok saje u v i e frrl ik a k i i llu i ik e ibf uorar1ow 1 furhlture for sale u i rl l k mr w ilia i i a u phs 3 hi hoifey tor sale y paik mu0 1 im lur iuh i rtlj lb cw m j herfio ndrval ivi2 7 p hardwood for saxe r5r n 101 3t cii i fob saxe 1- ve ititercd tanwwutl idwii of btfcdiuff ao two orfcamre owa due eebruary 16th and ma i 6th two dur- hrni 1 eilrra due n february fred mo ao tel42h 10 1 ilp loos wasted are prparedta buy all kinds of o u table for lumber custom saw nc a no done ceorgetonn lumber co wetlneaday morn ng j uary 10th be- tween college view and w right a butcher ul op a t0 bill fndor pleiae re um lo herald to heirr store and apart m georgetown- jl conven entea apply 1 h b nicholaoti 202 oaa nglon ave toronto pbongadtilalbjma 12u2tn- i xi lave treasurer m h druks cigar store cigars cigarettes and to bacco all kinds of pipes tobacco pouches etc bmooxm fob saxe one 5 bpv fairbanka morse engine just overhauled and n al condli an one 1 h p g laon engine in good hape term to responsible part e arthur r gpeight john st 17 1 2tp fotjlfd black and tan hound collar stamped property of south magnetawan hunt ng lub owner can have same by paying expenses s gisby i mehouse 17 ljt hat fob saxe a mow of good muted hay for sale cheap alo tao good second band collet ap acthv adams church si 17 1 2tp l i n flour mills i at axx qboobrs kings choice for bread national for pastry bran shorfa feed flour coarse and dairy salt rolled oats wheatlets and feeds of all binds apple barrels for sale w j campbell limited norval ontario imi farm machinery xuternsatloiimi traaotors now ib the time to purchase your tractors farm machinery plonrj clianlr wilkinson plows baggies stovea pedlar ateel roofins lightning rodn wire fencing oiroalar aawa seoondhand 801 p brentford gas engine on truck 6 h i monitor ab engine robber tire buggy top buggy ateel tires m h binder 7 ft cat m h disc drill fertilize boe drill international superior dintt dril seernl h or bob drivers and workers t e hewson phone 101r33 norval all lines of confectionery all kinds of chocolates from 35c up fruit in season h druks georgetown hydro electric sells lamps irons toasters vacuum cleaners ranges and au qectrical applanoes of all makes 25 and 40 wat lamps 40o 61 watt latnph st 45 o 100 watt lamps 1 10 specisil prices on nitro lamps electric heaters of all kinds irohb from s4 75 up office town hall the east end meat shop special for saturday in meat prices c f ridler butcher call and see what we have to offer georgetown phone 206 444 real estate insurance houses to rent for information apply to r j hynds msuranceand real est a te broker phone 203 georgetown wood fob aauae hardwood for sale cot in twelve inrl lenftti s 00 a ainkie cord or four cords for s15j0 del vend also cedar ra is cut 12 in length j ford i 74tp 300 reward w1i bektvn for dformation kadlns lo narrost and conviction of the person or persons who on o about june lotb last stole a large quantity of trout fry from the hatchery of the undersigned at horn rofcsmuis ont l slrother horning mill 17 l3t in the public eye tyo t wjhuk atostactatraauala muw itntt of yanadart witantbaatntalcaaac my rtr asn t a auarjatand opto sasnmatsftoda bacosttnjitm vtwul aastyoabnr araanlna roar raa aaa prae tbt a t wm enaiara la laattlaiaa aoeaatilaa to tba atisaiatuotaoailtasnmraat war on ttoa lacussa t alao usa iala at amnat- ucreaaboaa aaatt oslass mmtaabdshllmitm aaa pror- ptw a aa ttovoo to o t walker r o brampton business institute bit somol msit scs001 ittaao pitman shorthand touch typewritinn brjinesb english offloe syatema piling spelling bookkeeping arithmetic penmanship commercial law rapid caloolation iaauvuaal iaatratrtlaa eater aosj tlasa h mmjlmteh pru pbone 601 otm i hk saivm mure toa asul ch bubm taraato the way to avoid tbe road to dlsap ointment a id la lure is to art sound train id n our school if interested write to ay m- our catalogue etotnr any i mc w j euistt fruelaaj we have them sleirhs cutters open and with top raytnondpeaver and white sew ion maohinee horse blank eta sweat pada whipfi brashes combe baiters wild oat separators jmrj beatti i bros litter camera s b groat j office phone 222w bendencr s qkorqetown browns garaf used ears for service phone s00 day or i free air browns mala aft mart

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