Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 31, 1923, p. 4

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73- vcfttber u ty be i ii nu i tl nay ate rest whatever th ontt cr miv be w h lip whatever ll itu ince if ji tiuppotiifi to day w liaj wudtlt hcndi r bolinnhlor be tnuup wc i ried or lli biiow ih itrnm were ye cruo fled cbo beat iti to make yo r od aumuior h ih be wbattver ll i wenxher ma be says t o whateer tl o wentbor may be i whatever tie weather may be saj a be whatever tl e weather nitu ije it n tbe songs ye mn an the miles ye wear that s- a makin tbe sun shine everywhere an the world or gloom is a wortd of sloe wid the bird id tbe bush an the bad id tbe tree an tbe frait on the utlm o the bough bays he whatever the weather may be says- be whatever the weather may be i whatever the weather ma be nays he whatever the weather may be yo can bring tbe spring wid its green an gold ao the grass in the grove where icthe snow lies oold ad ye 11 warm yer back wid amibng face as ye bit at yer harth like ao owld fire plaoe an toast tbe toes o yer soul says be whatever th weather may be sayshe whatever the weather may be j tuf ofobobtowm bbrald janutin hlit 1928 in the pubuc eye o t walker r o brampton business inslitnle put scam nor somh isaac pitman shorthand tbnch tj pewnting business english office systems filing spelling bookkeeping arithmetic penmanship commercial law i rapid calculation isdivuui aatuotjm bator any- time bafs elajtstlat rna phone ssi appecatioa to parfiasait notjce is hereri qivbn tbat ao apphcabod w ii be made by tb cor poration of lh town of gwfttum to tbe leghalalive aaaenibly of tm pro- vcbce ttf oniario at ibe next session thereof lor an act 1 to validate and confirm bylaw oua- 1m bar 414 otthetowo ot georgetown bemg ljaa by law entitled a by law to authorise t beiabueof bebenturae of the townof georgetown to tbe amount of forty thoo- and dollars to grant a bonus by way of loan losotfth and stone lun led to asste tt to eoserate their present factory sad to pat up equ p and operate a pottery plant and build a railway aiding nlo lbs said lactecy tbe partienur of the present existing de benture debrof tbe said lorporatmsu aa follows unpaid farm helpers birds work well for man prac tically witboat wain ik splendid work b field aad orchard meadow lacks ami hobtaa real ttrteada of i wbsn we niploy a ansa and past blm to work i tbe fidlds destroytag tbe wceda and insects that an injnr- loua to crop production we artohllg ed to pay for tae service wtth tae oolq ot the realm if tho wweds and insect were not eeatrolled eroa pro duct ion would be greatly hampered we willingly par- the human labor to cultivate and protect tbe crops wall at the same time giving uttie thought to the treat service rendsred by bird ue farm help yes unpaid tans het weedltrow rrom weed aside de- atroy the weed seed aad we ecnu la time it rid of ibis acrieultaral peat insects that feed on tana crops come iron tbe est of moth ffisa beetles and butterflies destroy tasas early in the year and prevent the swarms of yotmg- crawler sinina life aad menacing tbe crops tbe bird u tbe oapajd item bskp a meadow lark will eat eaeb day weed seeda and laseeu la santlt greater than its own body weuht four oubcea of weed seeds orymf grasshoppers escb day on as average for the year would mean tbe dsstrw- uon of over to pounds in a year twenty meadow larks on tie farm would con so ton of weed seed during tbe year a ton of weed seed athered from tbe balds msyseeea uk delireriog a large order but a little flock or meadow larks will do it are sucb biros worth protaeuast if saw s little meadow lark perched w slde a hundred pound saek of weed seeds the gatacrtag- of which repre- you would spare the bird s llfef tbe normal man wbo appreciates a good friend will not injure nor will be permit tiny one elae to lulu re the insect and weed destroying birds ol our meadow lands tbe robin no mere fruit thief la ibe robin a cherry thler no this bird has a perfect right to satisfy bla hunger by consuming a few cher ries in season in ibe orcl ard where be works as an insect deslroyfr for sis mbntbs or tbe year witnout an wage contract tbe few cherlea and other domestic fruits that robins take during june and july make up leas than onethird of tbelr food for tha short period during alt tbe rest ot the sasaou rrom march to october the robin feeds largely on insects tbat infest tbe orchard and garden if it were not for he sood work of th robin many attempts at vegetable lncttotrwoulotitt vegetable gai 1 and small fruit plantations are largely at tbe mercy of tbe cut won redbreast a ureal dovoom- f cnt- wffrm hunter thai we have hit dally capac ity when the i otitis is good and there- are bungr nestlings to feed s not leaa than 300 cut worms per dayany bird tbat will destcoy3v0 cut worms each day daring the aea son when the garden vegetables are gottlng started is certainly worthy of tbe respect of all people the taking of s few eherrtea or an odd straw berry by tkerobin is just to change the taste in his mouth sfter consum mg so many wiggly worms be broad minded and protect the robin only the meanest of narrowminded people will destroy sack a useful bird th needs i jy of farmers f the bank of montreal tn order to render thoroughly useful and intelligent service to the farmers of canada i as studied for fnany years chew pan cular problems and requirements s the result is that ir u institution with its branches estab lished in all parts of the dominion is well equipped and organized to handle the accounts of farmers and to extend to them personat and thoroughly experienced banking bank of montreal established over ioo years georgetown branch h r mimms manager major rogers and his time ai wright butcher main si georgetown fbtmw sto irt bm h druks cigar store 1 cigars cigarettes and to bacco all kinds of pipes tobacco pouches etc major rogers lived in this bouse m watervole minnesota he saw died here watch presented to mahr sogers of rogers psss ramc about 1885 destroy sh t7uf vrons r most b u every single cherry serred for sale aad robins abound cover the tree with wire netting or old nib act or else put up a cherry clack or old autohorn ip the free the period of cherry raiding la short sea the birds prefer tbe wild fruit id will go to the fenee rows as soon aa they are ripe leaving the culti rated fruit protect tbs meadow lark from tbe boy with a sun and the robin from people who do not know any better than to de stroy a useful servant the farm birds make life possible for us all i stevenson sec dent of agrleni tore toronla v 9 96s592 mu9 99b96 00000 2jbxdfio 6862167 5647684 high school pabbc school henry corke fire truck marshal hdwi ltd water works local improvement a n for requiring a further issue of is lo enable tha corporation to rant a boons of forty thousand douara by way of loan lo smith snd stone umi daldat geor tbis fourth day of jaouvy 1923 the lorpttfe academy ml st mary flamtuoo tiaakwhai nnd pay school for uule giil and uok ladies departntent camwshlsl andfveparalory course music course leadujeio atcm ami bachelor of ma rie for fdrtber n formation address mother superior 101 jt to water usersa owns to ibe contlaosd dry season toy waier users arejtjquettedjo he ss careful aa possible ot the supply aod-rs- fnue ma wasting any any person st- lowina mtftto run or n any way t wmler will have then- sutoly abut ob by order of wsierworks cmmnktee y junk wanted i am paying the fiigbeet cash pnoe for aji elnds of jpnk also hides doovpooltry itsrif qpnenwa aaue sekwel ess vastsas craroivtttowzs oatt m freeman post office bo itb phone 167 m wife t is only a contented wllliog thrifty and competent wife that can provide adequately far the needs of the farmer and keep the social atmo sphere nf the farm so wholesome and pieaaant that work becomes ft joy to the family and to such help aa may be employed one of the shamea of farm life is that such aervleea are accepted an a matter of course and that llttts it any recognition u jjveii for the important place taken by tbe wife aad mother in making the farm bnandally surenssfal and the home a at place in which -to- rear a family one of the heat debniuons i lave heard ef aa ideal tans is a borne with s fsrar bugtasss attached if this vfsw ware to be commonly ac cepted tae plane of living on farms woam be moeh higher than it now is aad the da ties and faloence or the homo manager woum be put on a par with the duuea and talnsaes of he farm maangar then the farm bnat- nests would become a partaership la fact the of meat of all kinds exelnsrre of poaltry spd game la oreat prltaln wan about iso pounds a rear prior umlhe war of this amount three- bfths was homeprodaosd and two utfea was imported oc- the over aeas sapplr 70 petesnu of the ottu toss 17 per eenl of the beet aad t per sent of us pork cams from within the emplrs canada austra lia new zealand aad sooth africa wehavejhem sleighs colters open and with top raymond beaver and white sew ins haofaines hone blankets sweat pads whips brashes ootnbe belters wild oat separator and beatty broa litten camera 3 major a b rogers whu dis covered the rogers pas he first feasible route th ouch he rockies to the pacific coast pacasc rsskmy was to dua throogh the rocky uom nmttr of e bed discover a way wa bat fesasalc rite the route that tbe tin 1he united states as a lo- asmstnm of the cmoadin psctfic ra9- wst oflsnvsspo msgaged lum to tsjsc charge of the usoubwam tectson from savonas perry in bc is moose jew he as st coot tbe problem fbnt con fronted him m hading a strajgbtcr road through the selkute tban m was uggested to fohow tbe grem bend northward of the columbia rtver he fonnd the near way by foflowsax the south fork of the mecflfcwset h vcr in tbe present site of the gmckf house whtrr he climbed a m and gazed upon the stmunit of the pass that now bran hts name major roger- ftn to have been a man of ew words h i reports contain 1 trie beyond the lechtucafities of his under taktbgt otherw e s descrlpt on of the magirif rent ipecurr duplaved by tbe rogers pass and is mrraundtnga when wen for ibe first tone by white man woold be well worth the reading thu was m 1881 the fouowmsi year tbe exploratmn was completed by asocodmg the beaver rtver valley to bear creek a trimtary stream then up that stream through the nigged de- fik between mta lnarfxmajd and tapper to the summit of the pass snd over tbe same to the dkcillewaet val jy tbe surveys of the mam hoc be tween calgary st the eastern base of tbe foothdb or the rockies o which point they had been earned from tbe bast and tbe uummt of the main range were completed m 1w3 three yean later daily trams were psmn and fro betwee montreal and port moody at that bene the pacific ter mams ot use railway and so the passed for tbntyonc years over that until with the opening of the donald it was it was on november tib ltts that the bat space m the c of use canadian pacific rsflway acres can ada was driven at creetee bnt isb cohmsaet ton opened up a era far canada in j f tbe psdfk s him wkh a cheque for sj000 and a watch tha sssiiujlb presented to majs a b rogers pacific railway company as a token of their mdebtedness to lum for the of s o ef i of tbe mount way evidently mojo r rc wa more poetical ll an f na c a ri ment for be carnrd h i r pocket for several yen a cashed t when h f r m n h dian pacific nsisted tha h do so al the tsm o hi du n major rogers left hi i i brother l 7 roer of mmnesota who m lira i only grandson oorirr rcurr r young gio fel e wfa k d october jr 1 101 t tw m watch i of s watervilli m a s fr bank therr oflho i i both of whom arennj 3 r on all of btt explorations n tl e taaaa and were w ll hmi hen hr ti covered rogers pass thr albert l rdgers and mr lo rogers u08 5 i aven s alt wash the nieces ol majo k c aartscumrly mrs c r hi taken s gieat deal of n err act of their uncle and an- p session of a great man of i sasl letters newspaper ci chiding letters in trim fr n wfolam van hon r an i unl i tl ncssy sb groat office pbooe w bbridrac 89s oaqbobiowir browns garage cms for sate browns garage aluisittiotn lops pvtemttp we have them in all sizes price from 150 to 600 make your selection while our stock is complete inspection invited g- j gsl r h thoiqtipson co phone 40 georgetown all lines of confectionery all kinds of chocolates from 35c up fruit iirseason the pig colony house lflicenl shelter for swive at low uuildiok cost imu i alr h n 111 under both ptayst- ll an i hi a cinlly all ban an feeain lugti tile t cy m very low nhel r or i 111 s egulpmool coat bt us obu ed in swine rear- p by i i tbe colony boa fif tlai uu other method hot wive i igsrrlew a ktasarier 1 i yslcall u rim a w re but one or two l uud no a art kepi and these have u stli urouotl tbe barnyard and i t pun of their food and arrange th r ow sleeping quarters beneath ht straw stack one seldom sons dis- mimi uull rifty or crldpled plgsu in cuuihui to lhe utile accpm lun that the tarm yard aoorda we liave the pig palscca or expensive pig ger ea tbe best of tbe expeoawve struciuree du uu better for us than ibe barnyard when only one or lwo brood sows and lhadr famiues are- conaldcred many ot these structures have proven to be much too heavy l charge to carry in that tbe resultr were frequently unsatisfactory axut that thero was always an intereal charge against ibe investment sanitation is a very important fac tor in swine rearing fn fact j oat as much so aa feeding during th summer period when swine are glees tha freedom of aside or wood lot natural conditions the questku of sanftatlon has not to be considered but just aa soon aa the pig is esr- riosnd or kept under conditions that are getting away front nature the question of sanitation at once be comes apparent aad if neglected trouble follows the pigs are hen why when out on theoleaa fresh soli and the farther we get them away from sucb surroundings the more likely we are to bare trouble th colony house has beess used by many farmers and bfeedera with success but its use can be extended to every farm where pigs are kept in th milder sections where tbe to tnres are not below sero for very toag periods the colony boose can be ni used daring the entire rear to the oomsjet axdoston or the axpenalve permanently situated larg piggery h druks georgetown i hydro electric sells lamps irons toaster vacuum cleaners ranges and all electrical appliances of all maks 2r and 40 wat u nt s 40o ml watt tjampu 45 o 10q wntt jjarnia t 1 io special prices on nitro lamps elejqtrlo heaters of all kinds moms from 76 dp office town hall the east end meat shop special for saturday in meat prices c f rimer butcher calt and see what we have to offer fc wine are kept by the majoratj- ef tarmers with the infatton that aro- at shall reault from the undm-tsikinc- tbe chanoe of s a profit is us- aseaeed by a number of factors one of which la tha overhead or eaoig- ment charge against the operation u a fanner has a si 000 piscary building then tbe first 100 received from swine sales each year goes to paying interest on the building in vestment if the same number of swine could be produced in buildings ousting out 1100 then the amount that would have to be taken from the yearly swine sales to pay over head or interest on building equip ment woold be only 10 be greatac tbe building equipment per snlsssi unit the creator the portion of sslir receipts that must go to pay fat that building equipment the h reared pig will have bat little charg ed against him under buildings or belter hut the barnyard gnrtfy is generally limited to one utter or the ramtly of one sow ht say farmesns desire to keep more than one now hence the necessity for building equipment ot some sort especially for tbe uss of tbe swine piggeries hav ing accommodation for the uttera of four to six sows will require an sight pea boudinc with teed moss ac commodation costing if fairly wait constructed not less than 1 too or st tbe rata of f 100 per pen an aquas amount of money would build ore colony houses and a reeding sawd wttla storage oament floor and hurdles sor- ysrd divisions a very goodcosoot houae can be ballt tor la or a cheaper structure can be put to gether for half that amount with the incise ling cost of tertsl aad labor aad a 1 iwiisigisinl lag parltut down of profits la awtne rearing the colony noose will be a greater factor in the future than it has been la the past if yon are- mterested ht colony aoueea or otaer- shslter for swine write to tae de partment of agriculture at torosrssx toronto r j through the teedlns of mlawal ipaeetneota to swine it has neent found possible to prevent much or tbp loss caused by breaking down ot nogs before or when they are asset georgetown phone 206 l real estate insuralsice hotfses to rent for fnformattan apply to r j hynds vnsvranceand real estate broker phone 203 georgetown m hogs that are given sm-ru- tankage or leguminous vaatore t inonly possjasa strength of bone dent for heavy feeding additional mineral soppiemsata how ever incre tbe strength of hnsis bonemeal flavored with aboot tarn ht cent of tankage and fed at th rate ot one pound per day for saaeas 100 pounds ot live weight fulajla the- eeoeasary mineral requirements tbe need for feeding mineral sua- plements comes under artificial cess- d it tons as wben hoga are confinett la dry lot or where jhey receive but ilt- lc i gtnnunious roughsge and tor i r bred breedlni animals wl on b itl nt potatoes for aeeo s at he putu ops bxp thoroughly fpn d and oxrclae tie brcateat car to avoid any injury to tbe tuber resolution for 1923 we know its hard to pay the caah r t credit makes us rare some people do inutst upon ants even ask for more my shop ib plastered with ntnui sirob whtoh you can plainly see and when sou ask for credit ttealwaja up to me when i refuse it auto does hnrt i do not think its clover bat m for cbrdit in my shoii those days are gone forever skates sharpened oil qnube3 16 crowned 26r hollow ground bsc screwed on 80c rrveted 160 complete set 100 ja bauantine kawalrraaawroesanrsnt atlaac aad tsweea t wear o t svatetteau fcfl v

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