Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 7, 1923, p. 4

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tint qkouaktown 1kkaiiv pkiiimiaiiv 7th km1h r tub movie habit the k u tl n ftb inlp alas font ri iii n h 1 ilf vay ihej we i r i ipni lumon not know ng 1 nt it all about v book nop a ouod explain tbfj h f tilt 11 nomph round k irani oiwa t fc tnanre tlisy got a tr 1 1 o bo iiht then it 0 not go tl e co i 1 n l hcci to met tl e i lot hut dd tint faro then noj t no the o d don t let us tas our brn n we 11 stay till at tb ok cornea round again 1 they vent one s nday mora to church ah strangortt welcome in went tne paator from b a pulpit parch had almost bald hie sabbath say quotb they lefa stay it looks like rata lets stay till it all cornea round agnin a perdval of the february issue of the bod and- qfln in canada the well known canadian outdoors magazine reveal a liberal supply of entertaining and instructive reading one thing that haa always featured this national sportsman b journal is the divers ity ot subjects it covers and like the preceding numbers the jtebrn ary number has something- f in merest and ot value to sportsmen from the atlantic to the pacific there its a feature article- hunt ing wild h fu aratl mtchewao by- harry m moore tbat id well worth reading the tfiboiog ifotes pepartnignfr con ggj uidsaiv article pn the light lure that will be read appreciatively by angldra hrppmceye faplon1tasroess alsiio tetfinui sjiirtliaitfi vjfji 3sflpbtypeyntuiij r uifldeba english m office 8v stoma if fuite 5k spetliob si biokleojiiau it iajstunatlo ranmananln gdinmejcotaj fiwr i mapial calculation imuhn bawm bata wttn iaaacalieii fatfateit l sfftiqef h krfim given that an r s j kt mj h die cet a baa been fdnno an advantage town of georgetown u k considerable- number of cages ve assembly w pre- of instance where the wonerty has y a ti tbxemtlve atoemmy vloewjcc ontario at lb near station illeta pod coanrm bylaw beet- rf lie tiof tsorfcetowa befog nettled a by uw ic mtkau btjbtethfte of the town of mhbe4wit fo thou to grant lr85irj- mjtof i aidioimt liniied to aw wrrtwtcacwry bd td s 9 6ss92 810932 3000o3 thi ftumi for fqutno inmm tmmof daukufitotteumairporariaato yoflwtastaiux4ndtoaii iajj mi t ihcctwa ffw4 tv fourth day of ik f f bmtvmltlw tlaiad rt fce lb yl larrt9 s iow6baborof tmk town of psborqetown c lttroyoala cjv loretta afcademy stls foi to waterutew awjbwii 114 3 yflk wanhd j ua pwtor bibtt 4mb fhe farm loan system i overnnicnl i ita or developing larn properly in aiu 1 1 itfcl to bptmillr ittwu uihl kale of intermi for i n tern loan help to stralumvn jtat tanglea bon llriay enl lorn bu d by ontaq dprtmnt a u tura toronto 0 octube jltb lait tb africal ur dvelopn ant board paamd tb 0 loan up dst the long term farm loan leslilallon of the prvlou m- ion statu tbtt flm loans to th an o nt ot bo t id0 000 baft ba paawd in nottnf th prograa as ihown by the flaurn quo tod it la be to rum ember tht the loans are limit ed to certain admine purpotea acqulrlni land erection ot buildlnga tralghlenln up an estats those re thd purpomt u th orlxtml act n cj loans up to 66 par oeor of the value of the property could be wide to those p rpotet hava nok been nlded the tcharbin of enoum t ran tea wbre aoh encumbranoaa 1 no xceed 40 per cent of tb ral c and the coat of l tt three teataree there are three features of tbe plan which have been commented on favorably by applicants tbeet ara 1 money avail if 2 kate of lntereetx 3 amoruiauoa of repayment there haa been h general impres sion that there was always plenty of monej aallblo in rural ontario to finance all farm mortgacaa offsred this is not as true now in any see- uon as formerly and is not true at all in some sections v victory bonds huge iuius ul inob irom the grand circle motor tqur a wonderful trip for motorists that take in all the glories of the ictfic cc from banff south to lor angeles rural ontario and moreover develop ed an understanding of bonda and tiefr advantages for investment which did not previously aplit con equodtly many applicants or loans have stated that there was now little or no money available id their aom munlty for farm mortgages then the rateof intcrst at x per eencjs regarded aa reasonable for a long term loan it is of courae two or three per cent teas than prevail ins rales in new ontario and there jto rehson to delftva that in o d on tario u has a stabilising influence but the feature which appears to appeal to many is the basis or re payment when jthe repayment is divided into aunual instalments ot principal and interest and sp end over a sertod or twentyyeara it siva ra sense of permanerce and enables a man to make his plans accordingly a payment of 87 1 per thousand dot lars borrowed will discharge the entire loan in 20 years and this is not much more than the interest payments which would be asked id some cases otherwise most morrow era are looking forward to baring the entire loan discharged long before tthe maxmumjierlpd but when they are totdtbey can pro as much as they fike on due date after the talriryear they are adlte satisfied as to bed tap it la perhaps asking a good deal to expect a skeptical public to be- llieve tbattany government or semi government organisation operate without red up certainly it is the aim of thlifboard 4odoao to com ply with the act and to seelhat the jnteresta ot the province af4kpro- perly safeguarded there are some conditions with must necessarily tie rigidly insisted upon within these unas howsver the board has en aeasuted to mike tha operation of the plan as simple as possible from thastandpolnt of the borrower sometime there is a slight flaw in tbptlfl waking it necessary toget the sbnaturt of someone now several thusam mnes away it is to the interests of the borrower as welt as of the board that the title be made absolutely clekr even if it takes a few weeks to do so in this work it will be obvious that inspection and valuing is a most lm portant part the board is expected andfj desires to serve the whole province covering such a large territory with such a variety of con dluoas is a big job and the boitrd must necessarily place reliance on the information which oomes to it from 4u inspectors routes and bumduks tons ot the purposes tor which loans are gpthorlsed under the act is tor stralgauslng dp estates and fort beam left u the oldest son jth in strueuow to pay off obltgttloa to other taenmrs ot the family la old ontario naturally the ap plications for loans tp erect buildings bav jriotfbsta numneps but a num ber of ausli appllssuonp hm been pasaeav bars is a uj9unwwl sera tarn with bnudingn put flows asworth 7 so r of debt vet the house is only vslaadtt ioe tl4jtfttbttlld aaes bnapt s4 tt othax etses it jhas bssa a ne carajoi tortvemedbtopflie of the bis tffidnfs ot many loam granted on small holdings tastes beyrjilkbi pre probably tat sast et of iitoiimm of any loajbwbtaa- v rspsrasnu are dta mjnr tats jf osrt bojtufasst proposluos anat m trastw o a bwslsas a toolslrils tba balnaisf f s sso beriv a bu it sad fit havethltnl stalgtis cnhmb pep od with raymond beaveymd wbt fiew horse blankets weaipejf erfafptr brolibes oombs lialters irvld oftt- aeparators and beativ tta litter carriers avi jkfe grat offlweusrfisieimf qbosolftown f bfowngmaflc sftlswage then willouyhby farm agency i georgetown properties i a iiimtorn lirirt liuiuilu uitl ri tin ih i il 1 f i iilil i hi- iul i ai ll li iii iilhi nllli ii iiihii i mil jui iiiiiiiiui niim ivili i i liitnndini inilii i l i t r h b mcdowell rep georgetown ontario or to tbe wiliolkihiy farm agency head oflice 13 vwprta st teroala phoae maui 7m4 f irjz a si lndi r blue rtibon ot trail 5 000 nits orik h eaditik logelh- e he i nest seen c jewels of the weit in co tic hat what wes tern o o map w 1 i ow by the n uk summer c and crqle tour w ii offe 1 e not wonderful variety o natural scenery accens be by mo tor road n the world one last 1 nk n the cha n only a few milen now n lenrth remains to bf com pleted then the road wll be open to the- mo ton st of the con in en t th s onfin shed sect on front- the veihlpn summt near banff al- berta m the canadian pacific rock ies down o the citumbia valley will canad an government engineers say be ready for traffc by september next ml that remains to- be done is the grading and widening of the unfinished portion of the road then the great loop d earn of a few far- ytsioned men i be completed and the stream of tour sts may flow along th s nnaralleled moto h ghway w h ii lm i will mean h or ms ma start at- caj- li llr woiiilrriil a 0 lo mor- aine lak nmlilir rimrrd sulilimiiv of tlu- villt flf til- tu icatv rr- tuniiiik it rliinlis in- rv xiarios to hie vrrmili111 iam 52m fret then drops iloivn ki llir tdlnmliia valley thniiigli llir k cote nay n ional park to ulcc windermere aithcvulatattnyermrr it shore kvrry mile of the waty through the liiiifian parks has been built -wkh- nn eye to easy travelling and scenic grandeur giant liraks ctftrti meted with a snow cap centuricn guard tlicjkay decr wild sheep elk atid goat may he keen feeding frarlfilflly on the slopes and practic ally every valley holds a blue lake storked with trout from the divide the road runs through hitherto uu opened country which is ore of thi richest both hj scenery and bin game in the rockies from invcrmere it drops south skirts the beaut if til windermere and columbia lake the latter source of the mighty c lunibla river through l dcenshatled forests to the international boundary which it wts jiiil north mclali wiishtiigton prom b- i it swing south over est- iuiiily ei strutted road ihrough spokane walla walla ami pindlelou where ikn up with thecolumbii high from fortlanil then il drops down jiaji the caslern entrance to uawr kntional park lo san co aitd on to los angelej- km hi this poult a hurl detour will allow the motorist to see the famous yoscmju as well as iraml l auil sequoia srk the home of i tie gianl oods then iravellinji rant he may visii the grand canyon and uoi teed north via salt ijke city lo the yellowstone park lroiu ycllnw- slonc one ilays journey will lake him north lo ihc united states ilacict national park and less than two hours more to lh- inleruatiorial boun- lur kntlowiiik the trail to cardv ion in- may make a short detour to waterloo lakes park in southern alberta thus coiupletiiik his ten id national park vis if is m pected will follow this scenic high- nay as soon as it is thrown open anterican motorists will want to come north to see the glories of thr rockies canadian motorists will want to see beautiful california and ihc wonders of the grand canyon and the yellowstone this w31 mean an international exchange of m on ey as important as many an industry as well as increased international good wilt the new road also opens up an all canadian circle tour via banff lake windermere the columbia valley and returning over lite crows csl pass to the prairies this will af ford a 601 mile trip forg canadian prists through the heart of the i wonilrruil scenery in the rock- in which for the whole distance lottrist will either lie aiong or ill ijtht of lite mimvnok uteres 4b grmod ebampfcflhrpp- sure ram bought or fsoo by ho prince of wales at 4he recent in- temaboml live stock exposition chi cago for tbe e p ranch awtr- o about zsxo acres fat alberta can ada 6 soflcs south of calgary owned by tbe prioo- tf wales ana which will be the future home 9 the great shrop- sura awe tbe pnnpe sigus himself i pr impm edward prince and when he bought tbe ranch daring his tour of cauda be rode the range of tut prairie doiiunion beyqpd lb leas with the alberta cowboyj and deckled that it proper montkrr was e p ranrh since then the prince has sent a largeflock 0fkropsht simon and bea or and shortoi and cows from bis cornwall england stock farm to thr alberta ranch the purchase of the shropshire grand cham- pidn was made by the princes repre- sentafftp prpr- to l csriyle ol calgary who attended the chicago e position m traest of thp best shropr shire- ram exhibited this ram which weighs 2m pounds was exhibited by f c njjrews west point ind- adirec- tor ai the international ml frank c aved eyesight specialist 209 bank chamben no 2 college sl taioiap will be at the mcgibbon hotel georgetown saturday february 17 from 9 lopjn thrt8u1rtrtl isyxhteked thick skiflined and well lvored nil ijttern win welcome it it j lie untwlns today n sesne llilahii keiiee row rthudtae tw kag raeiory t electrical treatments given for sore 1 squint cataracts etc i use tbe brsanston violet kay hisjti frequency generator xoiiisitey do not fail to et a jm on strut ion nnd lern how- to keep linakhy i remember i visit georgetown onceja month international tractorsnow is the tiraeto purchase your tractore farm maohinerr plenry chants wilkinson plowe bagnios btoves pedlaristeel robfipff lightning rph wire fencing circular sawn secondsand 80hp prantford gas engine on truck fi b i i monitor gna engine- rubber tire baggy top btiggj aiecl tires mh binder 7- it cutimh aio drill fertiliser hoe drill international superior diac drill several horncsdrivers and workers t e hewson phone 101r33 nohvai aewright biiticner main si georgetown phones simsim boosezwj i our l0tjtry5 i lways ctloice and sweei amd kept 4 fresh a a all oufe meat h drnks cigar store cigars cigarettes and to bacco all kinds of pipes tobacco pouches etc all lms of confectionery all kinds of chocolates from 35c up fruit in season iiiwinillubt h druks georgetown the eas end meat shop special f or saturday in meat prices c f ridler butcher cland geqrgetqwn ifhone 206 3980eies8886ss8s3se868se686e683s8e8eeiqig88eel try a livingtosfe whoie wheat brown hbead nq 1 w b special for saturday- cfj edatra oblden rodrcand a otof qthar cftbioc paato- where on a farm in tbe apple tried of ontario there arv ipples seedjaisi that may huve cbsractersthat would make thorri valuable com- tuerclul sorts if such cob id be intro- uucml tp the public troti there ara ih isands or worthless soedltnga bnt nn row qr orchard area is n w urowjng a tree or trees tbatsro- i urn a superior fruit uns i netting apidea ml a vrftakmrnc ontario ueeda vfl apple suited to- bus packing and it may be from an unnamed aeedung tbat such want will be a ippiied if thom hiving eeliy hood soodllag apples would bring iliitu to light so tbat their qualities nltlit be judged by those eonpeunt i do so an apple worth while might box s have invaded the ontario kut boeauae of their color and sblp puh quality the bright red oolor ntiracta tbe buyer nd the thick skin preserves tbe good appeamaea ottbe itdildual liqck atona most ealrbfs 3 thin skinned ontario tjuiuawl not stand the shipping and long cat ponure to the retail stores to go punky amd become unfit tor usv bma look aj a tw will stand alone ontario needs a- irood box pack apple something roar ted of good quality and a goodlalelr protective coat v where oh where u4t xkhjlajt t perhaps aomewbare la afanoa nrs such an apple may now q toinid who knows what havvtwatlj stevenson sec tmsh- t agrleoltorej intq jubie hata vlvowtolsaai tbeaestotlom every flock of beaa basicaai tory like any outfamrfttaa fioefc can bo given lb best inatarlalg lm the world to work on ajodstlu fldr i nine tbe plant qod any they them uw i of spring they post but tp la wre tbe jtatf and lsboj tdent yarlerr la naoi qfoductjoxi but nt bbuity to majgqp facird ejgsa from xettd must be tbsgi flrst- it pay to eon otit uoo4ayfga iy lms to best to- t paujpiriaisxw utar or earjy fall bepza th roaft of spring cbjoeu lowsrvtbe bsmthl priceof eld gen r t s 1 p09p igjen jo4 alomnms 1 1rttiptss abd fcenawitli brokagn down abdomens or frosta toss slim haadsi aealnf w s the larre goatee h maw with sunjeen eyes j f i j 6 auvry short sbbrbesssfivrltsr feathers extramsly jwirrj nr tnetr breed tt s 1 all ladxtewlinmature ilm lets and uiota that aratarly hltikafl but mucbdsrsliad- vt t- 441 oortwen not nxlacvlarj hreedmg purposes r keep t 1 stronc bealtaur vlgoniujskki wjih abort naat heads and atrtog beaks 7 j i the ihek with long dean gbot- angular bodies and mxtjleiaosttsl bottom lines the hens wife large orlgju eyes active sppesmee and saorcr well wort toe nafla i tbe hens with 10 tbe hens wltb the thin patois bones spread wide apart 1 th early hatched wellrczwsm log pmin caps ttroadrs th essmiilili i dined they wul put the poultry i robs on a praetieaj- baslnsssoksls oniona ones trosen jshould recnata froien until tltne tooaaumm if yob want stocky healthy plaatav in your hotbeds or greenhouse ra tllate well too much wsiter and heat make tall splnduna weak iantar r have you organised af armetat elab or a reading circle in your oainruh- ityt lota ot enjoyment a weft as prodt may be obuined from an or- sanlxatlon- of this sort ma bflt cbjtmakee ua sorb some people do insist tipbdjand even ask for tofice sfy shop ie plastered withwat signa r which yon can plainly see and wton yon ask tor orpc iu always up to me when i refoie it sure doe hart i dbnot think ie clever v bnt as for credit in my abdp thone daya are gene forever bkateb sharpenodotf finished ltv crowned 6r hollow gronpd in scrdwed on bo rivetei 1s ja- ballantine sj0pm sntwds j- n a 1 3 d v s oadi w i i i i

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