Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 21, 1923, p. 1

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jr the jqqgggtavn hecald i ifty mtii yfar op publication gtooirtowii wednesday bvening february 21st 192 s 1 50 per annum in advance 2 00 to 0 8 the georgetown herald 4 m moore publlkhar jad propria tor mthlor caiiadla wooklr ttawa ut r tlaaa tabla 1 ik pitstw ar mail 1 fthsetw 1 j usseuur mrtil i annul f i pas4 jk pusk umtr joimi ttkht iiker nsiji nnor stind t uoinq nobtii mill mftl mail m ul going south 7 22am lllnm 10 lhum 11 40am 3 18p m 082pm hispm 7 si pm 7 67am 10 18 am 21 a pm a so pm 602pm 7 00 pm bjufpm 100s iv rp a 8 00am 4 65 pm 11 88am 755pm new is the uk to get jssr jfeaness rewy hr ihe ssrlsf wmfc u wlster f fa nch as ttukcls db mtts cfc to edetreflmialcml cdymt sawtyatssce wftoe rj lsst keslrli mtopuy ftttcam to tonal bbja etauwat oally timetable am pm p m uuiuj taut 810 2 24 640 tn iir west 8 6f 8 10 7 89 sukuaxxnfkvarm ooinfc east a iii put i in pm pm 10 21 12 20 8 45 6 10 917 nm p di pm in weal 10 40 6 10 9 85 are you satisfied i cmaufkatsamb lanlaw toronto wabaiuey harness maker w a bailey uptodate harness 8hop cemcenwn bargains special sale of gloves on wednesday and thursday xiadies and children underwear hovh drosses aprons cltud- reavs rompers ladies and obttdrens gloves atamped goads asto mrs i wtomllttewiabeu oeonasiowm coal best d l w scnoton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j waudns norvaj station insurance broker insurance in all rsnohes j gteobcketown phone 06 iii real estate insurance houses to rent for information apply to r j hynds i insuranceiand real estate broker phone 203 ci-qji-cr- wn ih jmbuck ahrphmikohumstmk taa bort fnnmu lay itmh and soai meat uaiwmbkt th lowest possible prices canada pood board ltcenae no 9 3106 1 x get the best g headquarters for i waterman ideal tens and ink i eversnarp lead pencils la bh sorer m star rum also leads to ii sane raymond and stager sewing machine needles and oil it a b willson sss erwingoidhams meat market main gtroot g phone no 1 round steak sirloin steak porter honm steak shoulder boast beef ptioib rib boast beer lean stewing beef briscut boil 17o 20c 26o ho 16c 18e 10 leg of young pork horns of young pork sfaoaldcr port chops streaky side pork stewing yeaji jparepork sausage 2sc 90o soo i4o 164 flesh twh at all tones hydro electric depl the consumers of hydro in georgetown have a lower ate than any other town of its size in the niagara district very few towns in canada sell electricity for qomeatic use for 2 lc help to keep this low rate by patronizing your local hydro the profits are added to the earnings hydro tamps are guaranteed for 1 500 hours no other lamps carry this goarantee hydro irons 975 are guaranteed 5 years all other makes are guaranteed for 1 year we sell those too we sell everything of everymake that is used dec tncally and take care of the applianceafter it ts sold our rate is equal to coal at 7 00 per ton every house should have a heater it costs 2 3 of a cent per hour to use it db c v i hyiucutn and surgeo iohw and res droce corner f mjtn s south and hue or 5 oppo if liar 1 fkm6x t office town hall chiropractic office uuxba iwntw7 palmar oradaata- if jw prlui office n bailey gkkk nexl door to j n onolu cnruiu lallo dm spina analyala lrce omen h uas tucadajs thursday and alurdays 2 tp sand 7 to 8 p m phomk office i50w and restdedcc u2 benj petch unnhd auetloncar cor gallon and pavu olenwlluama poat offloa sale conducted aatafctorlt7 and at ras aonabla ratea ordnra loft at thv gmntetown uarajd ofdc will rvealm- nrompt attanuoa imwwboiwi cheahert cream wanted by the georgetown creamery for your aooordmodstton we wilt be open monday s wednen day and saturday nifthte till 10 o rtock j ice account ttmr onstonaers wno still owe ns tor ice undlx call and settle for same at onoe georgetown creamery co m saxe managar forsters cash and carry grocery specials white soup beans b lbs asf balk bates 8 lbs ace figs cooking bibs asc lax 8 plats as oniona 6 lbs 86o pearlirte 8 pkgs 26c corn bjtopi s lb tin 20c french preparsd mustard 2 jars 5c anchor brand ooeoa s for 85c castile soap 8 bars aso ammonia star 8 for 6c fresb egs wantb phone orders delivered phone 88 corner john and victoria sta wales onr windows lor specials essatryf madges candy shop zick delivery quwranf nejdl choice candies i in boxes bulk r main street phone 214 d 4ilton wallsftiooe a 6lt barrlatira salmtora eta toronto and oaorsatoon ultle kennadr butch i tor liala in ohar ow i rrlml b acir han ulcr soltotoi rl ofike mil si ccofrct hour 9aol to j p ql opei eloeadav aod satardar e us phyamian nd sursoan mrdlcal officer of health nm llourni to 4 and 7 ift p a pat st orire jnd raaldaac atai tnreei suutl o poalta preabjrtaruu churcl dr c p w robs i hjrsiciaa aibd surgeon m ii street georgetown i hoc il hx iiihih surkeoa grare hokplal r w ftvtson n d gorctawn a ac d s ona haarn- s to a zopt thatadaf r f t heath lda o o 8 oantiat oihce in lut block on door noi f onatlfa carrlac factory am pi c lordship the horravm wli it tiur hoiiih u lorfd do stornlfnwbu li sniliii hie summorilit llie titnrxt ft ir inonu r ii onretl o lortl jia vliom oir lot ik wl let ub fornot tnt u fomet ttibtaullk and rairiifeitttthcj imit tlie deedii uhlai ciuiniit be tin done the bindrtmoob before us wutl the oaorera which we failed to ahon tlie noionod snare the hidden net let lift fortt let ns forget the hurtful th nsa sboul tin said tito oni which caused us knef and loan the scene which tilled our hearts with dreul the itrumihed old whirl turn ed to drohb ii n would it be tor such u tret it uh forget let na forget the times when eil forcert gained what wt had on at kreatext cost tlie times hen lojal hearts were when hard won field uud were lost the times when wewith frownu were met t uh torgel letuf torget the things which hindered our hurcess the earnent wishes oft denied in new of that toward which c press these mftj into obliion slide since thou 0 imrd art with ns yet let us forget let us forge l j a tract clerk townsb p of esiiueaink clerk 3rd riruuon court the load ag re and life inmin co a represented lasuer of mamage l cenaea stewart too ont no 8hnllic roairad stand anthracite scranton coal in all sixes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lamp for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and oanne coal in faot i carry everything to be found in an nptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald f phone is georgetown and if yon do not it is time j on got acquainted with our bread try a loaf today and judge tor jotirself qhoobries delivbrfd mark clark bakery and groceries phone sso brampton business at somm vcat sowm isaac pitman shorthand touch typewriting boainess ermliah office s stems filing spelling rookkeepior arithmetic penmanship commercial law rapid calculation u fawse a satem ian the mrnf to ismd the road 16 1 poaumenl and ladnre la topet aoood traro aft oar acboot ii kreated wnle dajr for our eatalofe cater any 1 1 roroettlno ii ht obiluary mas f mcbinne mrs frapk mckinney a former resident of norval and campbell s cross eection passed away in tor onto yesterday after a brief illness from pneumonia mrs mo kinney was the daughter of a british sol dier john newton and was oorn in malta sisty two jeara ago as a young mrl she name to nerval and resided there for a long time she later moved to the first line west ghingnaconsy oneoonoefi- sion across from victoria on the farm at present occupied by root wilson and resided there for over tweotj years while there bhe was an active member of the campbell s cross methodist church nod highly respected by a large circle of friends seven years ago she moved to toronto and had been hing in the city up to her death she is survived by her husband but no family three brothers and a sister also survne bltea crass ui live stock according to the crop bulletin of the ontario department of agnopltare 9480 acres ware de voted to fall wheat in the oounty ophalton inst year the yield wan 29482 bushels 268 bushels per acre only gs8 acres of spring wheat were sown yielding 11677 boshellb per acre about the same acreage 9676 was devoted to mixed grains and yielded 874 461 bushels or 887 bushels per i tbsfarmers of the oounty had abont 4 000 acres in corn the corn crop gave 60 bushels in the ear per acre and ensilage 10 83 tons per acre the potato crop took 1596 acres and the yield was 174 498 bushels 1094 per acre turnips occupied 1 049 acres and the crop was 174 144 bushels 452 per acre this county is reported as having 7i488 mares and geldingb 4o stallions 668 oolta and fllhea 82074 cattle 12480 sheep snd lambs 2 071 brood sows 18817 other ptgs 8281 torkejr 7 867 geese 5 004 ducks and 145 010 bens and chickens tfca ckada af friuda boaum four famlh id worth the best you can gite tl you desire for their enjoyment the best house the best food the best clothes that you can afford and ou are vrj careful that the cultuate the right kind of friends but are you just as careful about ohoosing the ngbt kind of reading f ydu should be for reading has a mark ed influence upon character eapec tall the reading that comes under xhe eyes of the yoong and impres tuonable if yon choose the youths companion ou are giving your famib an acquaintance with the hast there is in pcrodical liter attire korrbee the companion in a houtae you may be mire it is a safe fami i j to tie u to- a familj north knowing trj it for jear and see all the weekl issues of 1928 mi ill he crowded with serial stone ajhnrt stones editorials poetry tacts and fun suosribe n4w and receive tike outh companion 52 crowded weekl issues ud if requested the companion home calendar for 192s for only 2g0 or include mrcall a magazine the monthly authority on fashions both pub licatione only 8 00 the youth a companion commonwealth ave st paul sl boston harts worn off sandy snguested keen ing a bottle in case of illness man pnrcbaeed and put away ter three dajsfeaody could stand it no longer and he said angus 1 m il tho late said angus i was ill allda yesurda town council ueormotown feb lo 192h ounril met at m ji iu with major dale in the chair reeve mo in lyre and nil member of the ro incil i resent council met to rmnuider the new waterworks and diseuan matters pertaining thereto- with mr chip man also to consider the mem onal qnestton it wan moved and seconded that a special meeting be called thura day night feb 22nd at 8 p ro to discuss the memorial question vubb any deputation or person who might wisji to laj tboir views as to the form and location of said memorial it was moved and seconded that the following accounts be passed taylor construction co contract a 148 00 taj lor cnnstuotion co contract a extra 115 00 drumrnond mocoll co new waterworks 106 78 oardstone thompson pipe faun dry co new w w 104606 j b maaeenzie newlwatarwbrks 6 40 councill adjourned correspondence the editor the hbrauv dears1i thfftreasurek of the huskoka hospital for con nu rapines desires gratefully to acknowledge the following contri butionb received in georgetown by the field secretary of the national sanitarium association geo coated paper co 6 00 l b fleck 5 00 john mcdonald a boo j h bingham f00 w v grant 200 ed mcwhirter 200 geo lumber co 200 ralph boss b a 200 j b thompson 200 le boy dale 200 mrs m m lawbon 100 a m orandy 1 00 j bmckensie 200 a nomngton loo a oollop d d b 1 00 j h jaoksou 100 a hirsoborn 100 d livingstone 125 a b wdson 100 d j mstthewb 100 a fnend a4g 1 00 d b bennie 1 00 w c bessey 100 j t cameron 100 sam campbell 1 00 a friend 50 by wemys d bnll a rnend 50 5000 yours very trnlj geo- a beid business manager adon blesaars chester and lewis laird and miss violet of georgetown spent the week end at the home of their aont mrs k huffman main street mr and mrs n h brown of georgetown visited at mr d b lindsay s on sunday mr t a yoong of winnipeg is visiting at the home of bis brother mr d h young main street mrs john c nelson received letters this week stating tat her father hr james brown is very ill at his home in los angles cat be is now e ghiy seven years of age his acton friends will regret to learn of bis critical illness councillor frank e holmes was seised last week with append citis hib physician hurried him to guelph hospital where he was successfully operated on and ib isking excellent progress towards recovery w f hooney has been awarded the contract for the nooflng of the new arena and oddfellow a hall at georgetown erin notes and comments bit a uhntlhbtan at um tluloh and at all l lacea and mo live that when the sun boob down etuh night you can look into the lark and sa 1 have tried lo play tl n man and i believe this day whicl brings uio nearer toftho srne iliu brings me nearer to god montbiurhah hotue 8 000 uncholorh evading the tax collector tbor ik a great field all over cadnda fnr closer in v estimation into this class of the community and inisn ucb as snob men are well able to on tribute to ehe support of the state mvaria bly having few home tea or ouh gat ion a thej si ould be compelled to bear i rood uh ire of tlie- load a hsrm oh jrltiriasi was di reeled at tho nnpnal conveutipn of tho ontario motor leagne to tho provision in the motor vehioles act which provides tbat any mo torist caught exceeding forty mites do hour shall upon conviction be fined and be liable lo imprison ment to any term not exceeding six mohtbs in addition being liable to have bis license auspenct ee for one jear motorists may see some thing harsh in such a reg ulation but they will not get the public to see it any motor driver mr and mrs w rentner of acton spent sundaj with mr and mrs w bingham mr duncan scott was the vie tim of a painful accident one day recent while in the act of fix ng the blanket and si mingle one of the horses in the stable the horse became fngbtonend and kicked him in the chest and when he was down the hoise in it ex ci tempo t trampled mr soott beveret mr soott is still oonhn ed and suffered considerable from the hruises fortunately no bonee were broken we trust he will soon bo able to be about again advocate mr gi john cameron architect bas just completed a set of plans and specifications f or r l gregory s proposed new motion picture theatre at oak i lie the plan shows w fine brick structure b0 x 110 with commodious do trance ticket omoes waiting and ope rat ng rooms and a store in front there will be seating acoommoda tion for 500 persons it will be ti o b con tee and will be a handsome ad dihon to oakvilles public inxtitu tions trshmg aronnxhiii a rate of speed xoeeding 40 miles an hour is a public nnsiance daonerous to everybodj and should be sent to jail and have bis hoeuwj cancelled getting off with ones boa encour aged too many to think thej can breaf the law with impunity and now something of a more reprea sive nature is desirable no car driver need everihave an fear o going to jail if he does not drive his car faster than forty miles an hour any car driver who drives his car faster than forty miles an hour should go to jail as n warning and nn example a 8toby and a ie8son 18 to be derived from an item which ap peared the other day to the effect that charles fisher at the age of seventy one years bod been sen tenoed to ten days in the tombs of new york for having attempt ed to defraud a street car com pany ont of a 5c fare that is the story but it is not all and the lesson derivable is that nt the ftge of seventy one this man had boon for fifty flight years in the buai ness of forging of which he was aooounted a master hand and a leader in the crooked world here was a man a master of hia art apparently possessed of a skill tjhat in other directions would have earned him a big salary bprited all his life and never knowing at what moment the hand of the law woold tap him on tiie shoulder ending his latecdays alone and destitute having fallen from the height of leader to the mdignitj of trying to beat his way on a street oar anyone who has any doubt whatever as to whether crime pays or not should heed this lesson instead of being ra duoed to poverty and afraid to look the law in the face this man charles fisher had he turned his hand and his talents in the right direction would to day in all pro bability have been a rich man and a respected citizen ending his days in comfort and security the editob op the smith falls news finds himsejf entirelj out of accord with the plan oontemplat ed by some toronto churches of serving coffee and cake during a social hour after the oloso of the regular church service and ho warms op and delivers there when churches and mrqiaters of the gospel have to resort to such meaub to attract yoong men the ohuroh bad better lock its doors and the preacher take to farming religion we mttan church religion is becoming such a farce tbat it lis hard for good and trun meq and women to continue to identify themselves with it true religion on the teaching of jesus christ cannot be found fault witb be- cause of the cowardly hypocrites who pretend to be its exponents and representatives but the mod ern otraroh is to be found fault with because it allows hjpocritce to control it prominence in church work to day means a rendj talfkjr plenty of gall and a fair showing of wealth if one has those requisites be bun no trouble in securing the leading posihons in the church teey naj b tho worst kind of grafters political tricksters and robbers of th wid ow and their unsuspecting friends they may have contr buted large sums to the church out of the fundb of those ho hsvo trusted ibem wilh their satinus it makes no difference so loog hh they put op a respectable front talk well and continue to tontr b te liberal ly the obse nt jning men of to da see all this the under btaod it all true earnest simple gospel preaching and true as well as trusts 1 men as churct ofticiato will do more to attract touug men to the church than nil the eale and coffee ever manufactured a ben is the only creature on eaith that can stt strll and pro due a dividend turtrtkra inefcaa or snow according to the records taken at the ontario agric itural col le th show f d this winter up to the cod of jan nary totalled in inches with the most of tse beautiful coming down m januarj when exactly two feet was recorded the first snow fall or the winter came an novernbei 22 last w ban there was on men

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