the georgetown herald fifty s1vtu ybail of publication georgetown wedneaday bveningr february 28th 1928 1 60 per annum in advance 2 00 to d 8 the georgetown herald j at moore jjll tmmmthtr cmdl wekl haw- pftr otr tim tatle uoinubaht iry past n hi- fuite t w pasaonner i 7 aaam 9 11 ain v 10 1haro gjmml 1 1 40 nm vpabseriipr j raesenger m8pm 6 82 p in 8 25 pm pnjsehger humlav 7 21 pm iv ooino webt qpasseuger v 7 67 am rmail 1018 am 2 12 pm passenger 4 60 pin pftabcnpot f 6 02 p m t pibsepger 7 09 p m 826 pm j tfaaeogcr sunday 10 08 a m ooino nobth moil 8 00 am u maii 4 65 p m going south mail 11 88 am m1 7 66pm daily time tabu cm pm- p m going bast 8 10 244 6 40 ff nomr w 8 66 810 7 89 hondaytime taute going east atn p m p m pm p ro jo 21 1220 8 46 610 917 l p p using west 10 40 610 9tw are you t satisfied i shaw wabailey harness maker tin b a tbae a set jmr trim rcaijr hr ike tfrli wwk ah mwcr pass ms hsakd mb tpwsde ta he dean tat ale scjinfo usalyaltbet mk aey ust rcaajrlaf rrsaatty mteates h w a bailey up t6 date harness bh01 als street semsetbwh bargains special sale of glove on wednesday and thursday ladies and oalmreas presses aaroas- revs hamper indies and children olores stamped goods etc mrs 4wsstrslwialm epobuwtow coal best d l w scmnlon coalm all sizes also smithing andsteam co mrs j watties norm station ptooe 6rs t insurance jlroker insnraiioe iii all ibranohes i fhone 06 osobefixowh 1 mavimh e hydro electric system the hydro iron guaranteed for s years the hydro lamp guaranteed for 1soo hours electrical appliances of all makes sold at the local hydro call us up for prices on heaters vacuum cleaners and ranges off ice town hall frww j oft real estate insurance houses to rent for information apply to m j hynds insurancand real es ta te broker phone 203 georgetown r r watson dos m d s george to va offlm hount to a except thnndair aitaormoonk ft heaijdxj 8d d b dant at om e 1 lane block one door ovrtl r onellla carriage factory hours a nielsen d c chiropractic office and xray laboratory pslabroraduts 10 yn axparieaoa ffictibalc btchkncxl door o j n u neill b conaulutlon and spinal analyala free ofrlck h us tueadsj apd s iirdwya 2 10 sand 7 to o p m phon office i50w and residence 232 jlibuek v batvimwskl la fnak ml b41t 111 lowest possible prices a- v 43et the rest headquarters for waterman weal pens aod ink sse eversharp lead pencils i cm sdreriaa sornr rsmi also leads to til same 1 1 raymond and singer sewing miefciae ne j a b will3dn meat mteuket street geocsetown phone no- 1 adbtok 17o leu of tosss roi av if ot xosiig park j bhohrport 0boi p stwitoau port lsj rtranw vssl posporkflsdhia ftesh p at all times r jctekvery guarantemd tirftget creamery h it sfi wanted by the georgetown creamery for yoot aoodmmodatioa we will be open monday r wednes day s and saturday nifthts till 10o olorflc any person wishing to secure ice kindly leave order before april 1st georgetown creamery co m saze manager forsters cash nd carry grocery specials white soup baant 6 lbs balkdatoe lbs fip cooking s lbs t xtnaspkg ooiom 1u pearline b pkgs v com syrop 8 lxln french preparrd moatard 2 iarti aoobor brand ooooa 2 ror ceatile soan 6 ban aromooia star 8 for 25c 8co 26o 46c 20c 2so 5c 26o 26c fresb eggs wantto phowe orders delivered phone 2 corner john and victoria sta choice candies in boxes bulk madges candy shop malnaxregt phone 2l4 direcfp bhilton waubrioqk dale barristsn iaitf et t ronlo nd gwirxatown kanmr if y i till i charttr nl orxirae do h h eib o incaiiav d saturditv t dr t n marceijus phyalolan urid swrgaon mnl ral timoer ot health odics i nuns- 1 to ami t in 1 p ro phone um a jna realdancs ual street uull uij oalte prcnl ytertan church pn c f w roaa 1 hj c an and surgeon m ii s f georkctow phfl e 2i rx house sjorujihin grace hop lal dr c v l tl he deivcecon cr t ma appo ehr thursday benj petch lj canned auction tor hal ton and peel 0 ien will lama poat offle bales conducted aauafattorlly and at ra lonabla rates orders left at th oeorcetown herald offloe will reeelv prompt attention j a tract clerk townab p of eaqueung clerk 3rd rvion court the lead og nx and l fe nauri co represented laiuer of marriage l censes sterarttovn ont mo shovalllac rsxtblrad standard anthracite scranton coal in all size automatically screened and loaded coal wood beleott tramp for domestic and threshing parpoees bmithmg and cannel coal in foot i carry everything to be found in any npto date coal and wood yard john mcdonald ttflffib apd twentttsam aoo i vc wandered in the village tom i ve aat beneath the tree i pou the tebool boime pla an ttrouod whioh sheltered yon uud me but none were there to greet me tom and tew were loft to know that played will uh upon lite green uctne twenty years a ihu graiuj is just oa greon dear tom bare footed boya at play were sporting jnat as we did then with spirits jnat ae gay rot the master sleeps npon the hill which is coated oer with snow afforded us a wilding place jiint twenty years ago the rivers mo ding jtibt as still he willows on its side are larger tfian they were xlear tom the btream appears less wide ihe grapeioe hwing is ruined bfaw where once we played huebeaq id srwong oar sweethearts pretty girls jnst twenty years ago the spring that babbled death ftbe hill dose by the spreading in very low twas once so high rriai nn eon id almost reach and kneeling down hogstraurnk d ar tom i started so to see how in nob that i was changed since twenty years ago nearby the spring npon the elm yon know i out your name your sweethearts just below it tom and you did mine the same some heartless wretch had peeled the bark twas dying sure but slow just as the one whose name was cut died twenty years ago my eyelids bad been dry tom but tears came to my eyes i thought of her i loved so well those early broken ties i isited the old churchyard and took some flowers to strew upon the graves of those we loved some twenty years ago some now are in the churchyard laid some sleep beneath the sea but few are left or oar old class excepting yon and me and when our time shall come dear tom and we are called to go i hope they 11 lay us where we played juat twenty yean ago min u i ltuwson was the rep- reoatutie of the l c w at the meoting of the kxecutive of the national council held in ottawa february 20th and 21st this upcrial hxecubive meeting in al ttftju held in ottawa so that depu tut i on k from the executive- can conveniently vvait npod the at torney general concern n lawb under discussion the laht meeting of the lc w held february 20 was largely at tended muoh important busini was discussed ooe item of whii was the soldiers memorial deputation of ladies watedon t municipal council on the tollo ing thursday evening and e ed their views on the question f the reading club nnder clever direction of mibb pettii held its first general meeting mrsith w kennedys on satai day february 7fb the meatii opened with a charming duet meadames boss and annan the rest of the time was devof to to first five chapters of yieg book through thefieart of ck ada each ohapger was syni sired or enlarged npon by a mei per of theohaband addil chosen readings of both prose poetry were contributed by of questions and discabbion folh end all agreed that the aftemi bad been most enjoyable profitable a splendid treat ib in store the form of a st patrick given the lcw in the library 17th el b mott judge of the juven lie conrtnof toronto will give an address in the aaditondm of the public library on the evening of ifarch ptb being a bobool prin oipal for many years jndge mott has a firsthand knowledge of the mental processes of ibe child and owing to his great human sympa thy is emineqtly successful id dealing with the yoathfot delin qaents who appear in hie court mothers and fathers will do well to make it a point to bear bim com phone 12 georgetown ashgrove st valentine divy marked the 60th anniversary of the marriage of mr and mrs john wnggles- worth of ashgrove owing to the reotmt illness of mr wriggles worth the event wsis ctfebrated very quietly by a family gathering under the parental roof the fam ily all being home except the youngest son mr john w shanks of pettaniece matx form erly of limeboqse was also a gnent on this occasion mr wrig glesworth was born in 1646 at drumqmn trafalgar township and in february of 1878 married mary second daughter of the late bobert 8 and mrs hall of horn by they settled on lot 8 7tb toe of bbonesng where they re sided yean removing 4 years t to the adjoining farm a fam a were born to wis nnion all of whom are living they are- fred of hornby nor man on the homestead gordon of salt jake city and mrs john t shanks of pettapieoe man and if you do not it is time you got acquainted with our bread try a loaf today add judge for on rue f gltocearikb delivered mark clark bakery and groceries brampton business institute sat scb90l night school isaac pitman shorthand touch typewriting buninesk udriikii office svetemtt filing spelling bookkeeping arithmetic pen man eh i j commercial law rapid calculation ladlvmrnal intraouaa ksrtar axy tints h as rajtku pita a gr4e saw chartea btau tinratsla r demand than doable our aupplj fnter wnic for full parurutara w j elliott millon it is expected that the hoube famine in milton will be relieved this year by the erection of a number of dwellings sam hen son will begin operations as soon as the weather permits on four one brick ones on court street somewhat similar to tbe two he built there a few years ago and are occupied b messrs f 8 coch rane and q h dawson bricks are being delivered aod woodwork is being prepared in mr heoson s workshop on monday j w pomton dep uty fire marshall investigated the matter ot the burning on feb 12th of john hunter a double bnek dwelling on mill street oo cupied by e durnoand e smades was assisted by provincial constable refpert he fonod that the chimney between tbe two dwellings was defective that it bad previously been on fire that soot had been smouldering be tweeo tbe walls for more than an hour before it broke into flame with an explosion and dorno awakened by the cnes of his cb ran no blame could be attached to dorno smades or anyone else oaalpk huaaatuk tbe guelph herald says the derision not to duplicate the exist ing billiard par ors in tbia city will be received with approval young men w1k bve nothing else to do with their rrtooey than to waste it on billiards vad pool aboold be imed np before the tax collector and all uielribere oasb extracted for the bettetvnent of tbe w trj a st louis merchant who sutedftbat be hal not have to art verti tacav everyone knew where his ilaoauf badness it was reminded that wveryone knowa where the eem eery is too but rtstav aoifapendwiy money there local council ol women notes andcomments the paoviaclli gbnhhal eteo tioob are not very far off town clerk heath and township clerk tracy have received orders from headquarters to have printed a list for town and township of those entitled to vote at elections to the legislative assembly only a vkbmont woman is suintf an other for a million dollars for tak ing her bnbby away from her ibis locality will please notice of inst what a husband ertfa ana not wear bim out mg in wood and coal and g in the garden during fish pabbinq or the brace pen lnewft or lion s head tbe prtb journal the preston reas the hensall obeorver lie chatham planet all with j paataionth is unmistakable orthe dlfflonlty the present publisher bae to contend with ming a paper communities lare desirous of having the png influence of a local news- j efaould give it their whole 3 support m obitnary rxcbabd mills beferring to the death and fnnf eral of the late richard mills the mnskoka herald of breoebridge has the ollowing- a former well known and re spected resident of braoebaidge mr bjohardmills passed away at ins home eatjnesing township near georgetown on thursday he took ill the previous saturday with flo whioh developed into pneumonia tbe remains were brought to braoebridga and laid in the family plot id the obhroh of england cemetery the body was mat at the station by relatives and brethren of tbe masonic order and- tjoirveyed to t thomas churob where service was con ducted by rev f g sherring at the graveside in addition to the church service the bunal ser vioe of the order was read rev r t sadler assisting the bear ers were members of braeebridge lodge af 4 am of which mr mills was a charter member and past master via messrs fred morn c w fryer h j bird jr capt parlett wm fraser and wm moneice two past district deputy grand masters col orast and mr h e rice of hontsvillc were m attendance mr mills bad also served tbe order as d d gm born in county waterford in ireland mr mills came to can ada to mnskoka in 1862 at the aae of 18 yeate and made bis home in brace bridge or vicinity until about 8 years ago when bel took up residence at eoqueslog he was married in 1870 to miss rebecca egan of toronto who died in augnstl909 and was laid in bti thomas oemetery in 1812 be rsarned mrs came of qaesing who survives him there are also three sons qeorge ol portland oregon fred of mbdi cine hat and godfrey of toronto and three daughters mrs george macreadj emma of estevan mrs c h topp edith of vic tqria b c an 1 mrs digby grtrn ston olive or timmins he al so leaves two sisters mrs william kirk or braoebndge and mrs george cook of ashville north carolina for some years after reaching mnskoka mr mills ear ned on farming in macau lay township near town for up wards or twentj years be held a government position in braoe bndge aod afterwards retired to bis farm property where be spent a oouple of years before going to esquesing he was well known m tbe town and ncinitj and es teemed by a large number ot friends tbe people of harriston aod district ttre considerably hied over the tact that a number succumbed to the wiles or a subscridtioo can vasser who took their money ror magazioes aod gsve a receipt hot after weary weeks of wafting they have not received their papers or tnagazinejaoother slick gent with a sasfple apron also got some cash and tbe lo are still stretching their neoks looking for the aprooa tbe police have offer d a reward for their cantove ite which rbp up now- ro6vafeain to emphasise the literal tratbtnineee of the old promise seeing that sometimes as high as ninety percent of in resile crime committed in tbe larger cities are attributed to dis ease ignorance or neglect of par eats it u evident the sins and ahortoomiogs of the fathers are often reflected in more ways than pqe on tbe children thib is a striking oonfirmation of the theory that the sray to bring op the child is to begin with the parents are patent more neglectful than they formerly ware or is it merely that more attention is drawn to their neglect i j the different municipalities have nowoomroeno ed their work tbe task this year is ipueh greater than heretofore mantras greater care and if a complete list is to be provided most reeeive duty and attention not ueceasary in former years under amendments to the assess meat act pawed at the last ses sion of the legislature women are entitled to vote undertha conditions as men the conditions are as follows of the fall age of 91 years british sub ject by birth or naturalisation rated or entitled to be rated on the last assessment rolj of the local municipality for land in bis or her own right as owner or ten ant or so rated or entitled to be ao rated for income or who is entered was entitled to be entered on sucb a roll as a farmer s son or who is the wife or the husband so rated or entitled to be rated tor land aa owner or tedant thib simply means that every married woman whosto husband is a tenant or owner of land to the value of 100 in any township or village 200 in a town of 8000 and 400 m a town having a population of more than 9000 most be placed on the assessment toll and be giv en gbe right to vote at municipal elections also any man or woman 21 years of age who earned dur- rogthe past 19 months 400 most also be entered and given the right to vote sombtnoes we are compelled to believe that if we were a little bit more caodfd and oame ont with the troth we aboold on the whole get along far better and there would be vastly less hypo onsy in the world particularly does this apply to those who come to ns asking for contributions you know how it is aod instead qf coming oat frankly and declar ing i don t intend giving towards that object we are much more likely to say something about not having any money to day with the intimation that perhaps later on we might have something to spare as a master of fact in many such instances we have no nfentioa of giving anything to that paltiootar canse for which it is sought to enlibt our sympathies only we don t sa so ourexpect- mtton a that the collector will not bother to come back again and sometimes we are considerably taken back when he comes around agaio to see if we me in a better oiood it is tbe same with book agents and canvassers in general if we would only be outspoken ae the outset we would save the can vasecrs and ourselven further wasted time and in the long run we would retain jost as many friends br being perfectly candid ao outspoken a bent it but the trouble is a lot of us are like tbe woman who is afraid to say oo ami as a ooosequence we some times get things considerably rnu ed up because of our procrauiua tion the detroit girl for whom two young men took ont a license to marry has made her choice and ib wedded one of the boys is in took i 3 d v s o a 3 i vv