tub gbobqktqwn hbbaiji pebbuaky gbrn ims bnkibbbnkjkambbqjabuftabbiuftamuuihihnikjbi matthews drugstore 1 the home of the viotrola afpent pjtbje bhnw high ormdeolioeolateb hot water bottles the well knrywn k a s with 3 yemr abjuraatee k s syringe fittings for ot water bottla de vifbiss atomizer eab syehtqeb infant syiuiroes fountain syhdtqes etc djmatthew dbbob mi station bbt personals local news items jvatcba koo spring ir coming goo bye februttyj bextheatre to night ground hogb are otft t division court march 7tb francis nickawa mar 16th stebn koo thursday and fn day have yon paid onr subsenp- totbe heralir auctioneer petob is busy with fain numerous spring sales bagular meeting of town oonnoil next monday evening patrick tea in the library march 17th the general public tb perhaps not aware of who may or may not remember the lcw b sl chosen to act as jurymen no man who is over sixty years of age tan be chosen others barred from occupying seats m the jury box include ministers newspa permen lawyers pbjsictana sur geons dentists chemists veterm ary surgeons and school teachers w gorgetown lumber co have received a large quantity of first- class logs tor the spring out terra gotta d f o aqd dj wo will meet at the home of mr and mrs t l leslie an moo day march fith georgetown branch of tb women a institute will meet at the home of mrs howard kentoer on march 7tb weather permitting a carpi val will be held at the arena about ffiday march 9th par ticulars next issne we are pleased to see majpr grant around- again atter being confined to his home for some weeks with a severe cold tbe man who wrote how dry 1 am died last week one thing certain he certainly left as something to remember him by j n o tfeilt ds son are rush ing the work on the interior of their fine new block their new ears for spring are already arriv ing f since the item on page one sts printed the date of judge ptt s lecture has been changed to march fiord further partlon jars later pathmastere will be appointed at next meetings township noun- cil on jaarch isth any person wishing a change will please noti fy tbe clerk t so far this season the money received from admission tickets to the avetaa is bver 92000 the in vestment looks like a good thins tor the stockholders dnndalk council has instruct- edahe constable to see that all children unaccompanied by their parents are off the streets by nine ootoclreaoh evening ortonlodge no 109 ioof will put on the 2nd skid 3rd de gree in tbe town hall on monday evening march 6th refresh meats at dose visiting brethren welcome dr anderson m p helton s representative has been placed on the following select standing committees of tbe houss of oouk none hallways canals and-tele- graph lines miscellaneous pn vate bills ancl agriculture and colonisation we an receiving subscription renewalsevery day from some of our numerous subscribers and hereby e oar thanks to all who iaveremitted if you have not paid your subscription yet wil yon kindly do to vow wanted in exchange for farm inachlners so good heavy horses apply to e heweon jnorval 8 a john bradley lot is con 7 hornby trafalgar will bold clearing auction sale of farm stook and implements on wednesday march slat at 1 o olook benj i peach auctioneer s d binkley ojerk8t j w cantelon lot 18 coo 7 k trafalgar hornbystetson will hold a clearing auction sale of 0 f 4ann stock- and implements the js property of the late alderman bl ti b ainklasd on thursday march uotv rbmiu if nt anutlr sstv ttemisea list next benj pstohauotiolteer it fathers and mothers who hsve children gohu to school that st mpmn m jy scu beneobee- i x cant ppvtatal fans tbe drory government has made 508 joans to farmers under theagricuitore development act callingfor the expenditure at 2 024 006 eighteen of the loans were made to farmers in halton aunty the total being 88 000 bm4 fey euaua mr eli board was severely burned about tbe face cheat and arms last friday evening by an explosion of coal oil when kind ling the fire in his stove he waa remove -bo- hospital onr mr rob i mcmenpin ih1iiu been uito nerlouhl ill in recover iok mr r d warren nod mr lolin warren of toronto wnt t ictaiaj in town mtsa margaret mel na i ih visiting her ailnl mrs 4 a clor north bnj mr snyder and mr trennorwlo are both laid ii with broken ll ikiih are pragresaink favorably mm jamer telferantl mihh r bvans of pans were guenlm of mr and mr j i thou i hod ner sunday mian glen ti a coliuan who under went an operation for tl e removal of her tonailfi last sunda ih i m- greasing favorably mr and mrs w r wnltion were at acton ot mooda attend ing the runeml of mr watw n a onoje the late john watnon mr 8 kirk of the georgetown floral co attended a meclmk of the bxecntive of the canadian floral association at wraihtor lant week saturday morning and althougb suffering considerable is doing aa well as can be expected under the circumstances mw befcmx at i the opening of ih newtfifiooo school ajvinglswood on friday last was oelehrmsed with appropriate oeremoniea dr wangb of the department of bdnoation toron to pubuo school inspector w j galbraith of peel david graham son of one of the first trustees of no 4 ualedon and bis soo t h graham were the chief speakers the opening was mark ed by spescbmakuift anda tea i bjpmlal optlal oflsr high grade gold filled spectaclee and eyeglasses with best flat spher ical lenses for only 850 ah other style of frames and lenses at lowest prices eyes examined by- mr hugbson formerly optical ex pert for kent a toronto and later for henryi morgan a co mont real the best optica work to be obtained and at moderate prices two daysmty7friayand batur- day march btb and 10th will close saturday at 4 pm sharp dome early d j matthew drug gist georgetown st over aold in canada by ua for 30 years later milking- machioea lister farm engines qioder and blower boxei litter etectrtc uffntma ptenu all ihe box of tbear kind plendkl opponun ty tor local macb oe man or farmers soo nth good nwcnanicnl knowledge and semisr aboily anat possess tbe best of character be well known n locality and be prepared to dnve tbe district continu our a splendid opportnnty for men understand taeu- job and are not afraid of work salary and commiatton with good rustae ass from head ooke t apply stahog age references and full particulars to r a lister fc co canada lid 58 stewart street friday march snd always the weknan featuring betty oompson in hvrishty made drams spnnued with bgyptlan atraos nbere bherlook hoboes in the man with tbe twisted lip com edy play ball saturday march 8rdher lord anduaster tetunng auoe joyoe coeoedy danger fax weekly news we4aesday maroh 7th face inthe fog starring jaonel barry more a orook picture packed wish real drama and thrills com edy hello judge bpisodejfo eofwhifatbagle n comiog free air a very enthosiastio annual meeting of the milton golf and country club was recently held in the rooms of tbeufoandthe following offlosrs were elected soupretl dr re anderson free jas mookndge 1st vice pres d bobertaon sod vice p miss l campbell secretary r wheeler treasurer w b tea norman captain bert sinclair groundsmen bex hume arid ik barvos social oonunistee mrs dr oowlana mrs t 3 brown mrs gorbetnmrs d boberseon miasacsmpbell the president mr mocbidfe gave a resume of the operations of ihe club for ihe past year and showed a large in crease in membsrship a hearty voe of thanks was extended to mr wm patterson owner ot the links for hie very generous treat ment towards the eluk befnrtoer one of tbe most enjoyable con oerte held in georgetown for some time was that given in knox church lastfriday evening the program wee high class snd waa given by miss agnes adfe jessie alexander and mr w 0 hamjt ton it was miss adte s first ap pearance before a georgetown andienoeaod he nombsra delight ed alu her pleasing manner and wonderful yotoe queer perfect oon trol ba her various selections places her among canadas fore- tnost vooaliatc ijessiealexaoaer always a favorite with a george town audience sustained bar high flens boots hi womisb soled and cjpled and beeled 7sc dayfooto sssrslssils i spbdat boot also the onjboosy the est eetjoiafio ta get valu for teraseibfth iiesibapntantyeren in tnbn francis nickawa in idteahptoh oo thare hvth berrendering of a toue from far country was a feature of tbe evening mr w g hamilton in me aajamaj allewu af s it ia not nenerally known that live stock aroyiot allowod to run at large upon tbe provincial high ways even if a township has a by taw permitting stock to ran at large upon the roads of the municipality it cannot super cede the statues of the province deahtwaatlalt tonight will complete tbe re bersalsfor the big oriental play kftboba koo whioh will be staged in the town ball on thursday and friday evenings this week by sev enty five local artists under the direction of phil d merrtam this will be the event of the teas on i yon haven t seouced a ticket do so at onoe axrfi enjoy this splendid play card of thanks we hereby extend to friends and neigh bors onr very si thanks for their t and sympathy extended jt recant sad bereavement caus ed by the death of our beloved son and brother mr and mrs dcnn s traccy and family r katchakoo wanted cal representativea h all parts of on to sefl direct to ihe farmef and user lbs ongtaal belgian llelolie the most reliable and aa easiest turn ng and beet atfmoilnc cream separator tbe world tbe most popular machine m notice to creditors that mmxtwm eftsw xstsae at wnham whtfia se lata nftk oasussy af baltaw xutlmg raaat- not1ce u bereby given pursuant to aecuon 6 of the trustees act rao 1914 chapter 121 that all creditors or bevta dalnm or demands against rate of tbft said whlbun wright scott who died on or about tbe fourteen ihunj of february ad 1923 at tbe said township ot eaqna are reqwred on orbefomthetweot day of march to mod by pnatprepakl or deliver to tbe unoat eobcuor berdo for wiutam john hvdiac and george miootheex ecntoraottbe estate of the said wuuam wright scott retired farmer deceased their christian aamea and aurnamea ad- drceseaaod des tbe full partica lars la writing of their chums a statement of ebeir acconats and the nature of th aeenrtty tt any held by thonv and take aotlee that after meouooed dale tbe said executors wffl proceed to distribute ihe assets of tba ontytoum of which they shall then have notice and that thnaaid executors will not be sable lor the said assets or any part thereof to of wtm nice- shall not have been received by em at the time of suchdisthbution lkrovdals solicitor for the said executors dated at georgetowonhia twenty-entb- th day of february ad 1923 2s2a b1ekeepers coopemtff will b held at tbe chltbtcrjtx ohambjers march 3rd 1923 public meeting at i 30 pun completed plans for the organising of this district will be outlined j by the speaker wggu a well- plan to attend make the the cfatanojijoiiey prorjucerai coonenttre ltd erin horse fak under tbe aaamoea of tbe brm business mens association the first monthly hone fair will be held in kbto on we4hes4ay mardittli foj tbe aewaeiation have arranged twenty jive horse buyers in rnihrtton as an otnuoiak coding bnyeis from coulter bros airs added mochto tbelesamre ot the ewo ing and iwovad hinaeetf ft ekrter and odobushed vooalist all three artfstotwgre repaatsdy sored end gtaoioosftr responded mrs h b bebdutsoo was tbe eatable scompanfas of tbe even ing bmt a f obaursban botse bxehange toronto bring yps h on march tjkb and make this our first fair bumperi to water users owing- to use cb dry aeaso y to be an oruntal musiclftuttmty consisting of seventy fiv pmhf anof ohrecfw hy mr phil d merriam will be given in the town hall georgetown under the aasptces othe georgmtowm arena co on thursday and friday march 1st 2nd the following talent from your owm town will make ap the entire ptay 1 cast of chabactbrs jtatcha kon liflly fakir sole ah a widow of awntard urbannah a high priesteaa of the temple dick horton collector of adventures harrj braddtone collector of anttquee maharajah of hunga an east indian romeo boodypah a slave labelle ely bee french wire of maharajah patsy kildare irish wife braaillitta brasilian wife mum vrm 1 wt mayor dale marion gouop mildred fleck ewart early a cole chester cole jack barber lenorecook mane fleck qeorg henry djmitbj mtsspenson josephine wilson doreen mccnaig miss jessie leavitt mrs chattie gaddin a nob amennan widow dolly her 6u arming daughter prudence another daughter pianmt these will be assisted by the following in dances and songs 18 oriefetml indies 8 veil 8 jprleeta and slstwes 8 8 axud jlvne jswne oronp is 10 itsoiavn lo tbe directors of the arena have worked bard and faithfully that georgetown might have this magnificent building which for manyyeara has been an outstanding need rarthe community do yotjft pabt sow by baying a ticket lor this concert and help along the good work of the tickets will be on asue frldevw avt buaumwma tie arena and by tne oomnttttee in ehgrge georgetown flour feed mills we handle only tbe very heat grades of flour and rolled oatm pawn shorts belled hay and scimw poultry feed grit tend staeu chopped and rolled feed of all unas delivered to an part of the town gleowilliams on taebma and friday agonly w c iissey phone 145 georgetown katchakoo a put your faith in ii rexall remedies yon can use them with con ffdenoe tbeyareoompound w from tbe highest quality ingredients and will do for you what we claim they will do once used always used quality sdtvtce satisfaction w r watson phmb the jbxou drug store ji spring 1923 new goods new goods just arrived a large assortment of silks satins crepe de chine canton crepes georgette sport flannel home spuns and serges in all the new colors oihobajxts a lovelj range of anderson h umgliii in wde y rrihts crum a printh light oolorx hui table for moi indigo blne yama cloth for pyjatoan 1tlahheiettes all new colors in light and dark soo to sr a yard white flannelette 25o80o 85c and 40o f hosiery ladies silk jand wool hose with clot only 1t5 f roadie a ttayser olove silk how kaser silk and wool hone gloves kayser silk gloves colors black white brown bre pongee navy black and white fl 00 1 2ff and fto kayser silk gloves elbow length jl 7j bloomers layser bilk bloomers ladie a all wooj b i oomer h towels linen union and- tarnish towels pure linen towelling union towelling n mcbean co georgetown tguidyv specials 1 lb tin salmon per tiu i lb tin salmon per tin heints spaghetti per tin quaker macaroni 10c pkg 8 for j quaker spaghetti loo pkg 8 for luxury spaghetti 4 for letotle macaroni per pkg catelhs maooroni sauoo per tin istbby s krout per tin libby a spinach per tin lubby s asparagus tips holly wreath asparagus per tin aylmer golden wax beans per tin 16 20 80 86 and 60c 10 16 18 so 8s and 80c 16 so ana 86c fiffe fiso i asc 16c aoc aso 60o 35o twoasntocut woodoythecord ap gyatoocetoj c murray phone 99rl5 wood for lale all kinds of wood both bard and soft also kiodfiog wood all at reasooable pnees if your wanting firewood rlos up tnawoodkw phontt5 rii fords wood yarc lost between skating nok and ailoa a large black crochet button fnder please leave at herald it a m grandy rennies grocery grberk y specials pastry floor per 24 lbs swift s cotosnet shortening 6 lbs coffee ground daily per lb large tine magic baking powder 8 lbs boiled oats sept cheese per lb cream of wheat per pkt large pkt matches pure clover honey 6 lbs bottle tiger catsup pta lemon soap 8for cream olive soap 8 for ammonia 8 for pearhne 8 for 25c 2so 26c 87c 76o loo 86c 26o 25e oranges celery cabbage and lemons d r rennie honso jplone 969 phone 151 for quick delivery rnew advertisements jkr fapply i herald office t cow fob bale rt durham eow j relh c g eohuh bono 9t r is georgetown 2tp motetottasttinlmmbrheker due n april mare cutter buggy light wagsron sad harrows apply t j eason con 7 r r wo i jltjgnrcioftn 3t jmom wamtko g phone 5 ring a brand- yards glen road 21 2 4tp plog for baxe 9 good big chunks 1 grase durham barter due to freshen to april h r bessey phone 82r23 georgetown tf all kmds of he rabbih bougbl write or phone joseph hulls r r 2 phone 42 nag 14 georgetown 28 23tp apphrt i wm anthony for bale one horse fi years old alio work mare both heavy apply ben young- lot is con 6 west c h ng phone 62 r 14 george l22lp plaik bewihq ladies and children dreases under wear repaired sod pun sewing done no order too small children s work a edahy terms moderate apply airs hiumre- main st north care or mra phone 243 3tp aras irdwood rails del ver ed full le at joh fords market st- georgetown ltp in the pubuc eye li will vaocesawi r area ana prewortoe at win ctvn tow eesi i u vwur enud ere qmr aa efcava la resrnlatad u- o t walker r o td pit aiimast silnuji j n oneill son diatabutor of dodaje brotltera and 8tlbajcer moior oaure akossstown acton mjxxon we have for sate one ood laed pord tounng car new top newly painted motor and all other parts in good order one so 00 overland door opening curtains motor overhauled painting good one good light ford traok all the above wittbeeold very reasonable x we hao a fe cockshiitt root pulpsrs at a bargain also ooople road carta cheap automobile and buggy top repairing promptly done automouewheeu repoked buggy and wagon repsuring done wis are altw in a portion- now to do sleigh and cutter rsvpatring on gjhort notice ji n orrarll son e s5fl