Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 28, 1923, p. 4

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jagk- a the qkoaortown likual1 m ufcii rhh 9ji jivij them a place to pjay i cljcaitlni ni il i auction sale glitter unil gbir uml mill ok pllnt if room fur itioii iiih tgallirr tin- iiiinnuls in plenty of room for jitiu unit con willin enoiihli to pay j j hut n i v it ti ian- tor the iiuih l oup no nimi u plow lo ia plenty of room for hiiojih unil toil4 mllllllllon fiiiht lutvo tin- html pi surem llm spool play for the rtly farn stock u- laplcmeals illic iiiijcihikiiii lin rrivd i ilrnilionh from i t p sand w f brmdlew tn noil by public niiitiun at cdi yale pnrni ihiriluwii nil saturday march 31 1933 ill i oclock hluirp thn fnllowinj dappled grey team pvirhcr- dependable team playbroiind it pnri to plenty if room for mtiiooih and iiaiih plenty of room for urt plenty of rooiri lor lens uud ball platform atiineund mart proud is the city- she hod it place for in my a tad today but shes more than blind if she fails ui find a place for the boys to play oivo theni a chance tor innocent sport give them a chance for fun better a playground plot tbaii a court and a jnil vfhrn the harm is done give them a chance if you stint them now tomorrow youll have to pay a larger pill for a darker ui bo rive them a place to piny tareshing belts bog plow for breaking rough land circular saw roller spring tooth cultivator foot power section glenwilliams the citizens of clenwilliaojs ex tend their deepest sympathy to mrs samuel mcclure and relatives in their sad bereavement the concert given in the metb odlst oburoh last friday evening by georgetown methodist choir was muoh enjoyed by all present owing to bad weather there was not a large attendance the choir under the able leadership of which delighted all others bak ing part were alwffepeuedix a red at the conclusion of program tbe ohoirnnd other talent were treated to abountiful sup per prepared by sadies aid votes of thanks were tendered to the choir mr greenwood mr jack thompson miss e buck pianut and the indies aid miss mabel wright and mr eld bill two of our popular yonng people who are about to remove from the glen were tbe recipients of handsome presents and tbe fol lowing addresses to miss mabel wright dear mies wright it ib with deep regret that we the members and adherents of the glenwilliams methodist chorcb learn of your near departure from our village not only will you be missed aa a cheerful spirit making brighter our daily routine but you have been a valued teacher in our pub lic school a loyal worker in tbe societies of oar church and an up- bolder of all that makes for tbe public good words are very in adequate to express what we feel in onr hearts therefore we make this brief to attempt to repay you with anytbing material wonld be colly nevertheless we ask you to accept this club bag as a token of our esteem and something that wilt recall continually the days in which it was our privilege to have yoo with us remember us at tbe throne of grace wherever the years may find decfmed he mtitlrd you and be assnred that the j having regard onif to the claims jdejster shall hear for your welfare trfwhitta itaey shall then have notice and in our ninny prayers to mr fid hill dear eddie we are sure that we lose a loyal friend and whole hearted worker by your departore from glenwilliams we arc glnd that a young man of your worth and character represen our lage where you to nevertheless we feel our loss keenly though separated for much of tbe time e askyontoatandwilhub andim uh continually before tbe mercy seat and en onr iuirt we praj that tbe- blessing of almighty god may attend you in miry thing to which you put nut ynttr hand that yonf friends may be those who wilt streoktben your band in tbe good tbinits for which you have always stood and that you may have the success which is truest and highest please accept thin umbrella me merely an- indication of the place you bold in our hearts and we trust it will remind yon constantly of those who miss you here signed on behalf of ladies aid girls and boys bible class gen eral sunday school fart three of the georgetown and esqtiesihg voters lists is out browns garage used cars for sale service phone 00 dsy or night fr air browns garage mala u hart pluara 000 form 3 section 13 cxesics notice or msi resr- mforvtnisust voter list part ml m of township of enqimint fmn nl ilal- notice i nwrt r thai i havi- -nm- purd with section io ot inr voter- ija act and thai t have pomcd up in my of fice at stevartton townhip of estfur ing oti the eventrenth day of march 1911 toe km of p entitled 10 vote initbeaid municipality for member of lbleti aaaembly only and bal och liifreawhn there fo iaanectiari and i hereby call upon all voter- in lalf immediate proqevdinra to have- any err- mor omlniona twffipred fcordinfc lo j a fracv township clerk dated at stewart otro eaqnealnf mal7thjvs llonwm ii r anyone liruwn marct ynt lam for all work gelding 7 ym kihhi driver and wurkcr cuttleiurrbred khorlltortut herd kire korard nunparwilljfcmlu an out xtandin aire prize winner at turotito gxhibinun wimple of cfalgmori 2nd i73m7 du time of aalc moat promis ing cow of very rich breeding pamiy blossom 162441 due sept 20th ljdy rose bred march 4th ianay snow mtorm 191du6 a lovely heifer culf grades- red cow due sept istnl roan calf at aide red and while calf at side uauteln calf at aide howcir calf at side ml heifer due aug 16th holstein heifer duo june 30th ilotstein heifer due july 1st shorthorn heifer due june 29th shorthorn heifer due july 18th 4 yearling heifers yearling steer red shorthorn bull 1 yr eligible for registration hogs 6 hogs 4 months sheepa breeding oxfoi- several purebred iambs a aide pure bred ram poultry 40 plymouth rock implements masseyharri under 7ft cut mh rake mh mower chatham fanning mill and bagger m- h disc seed drill daln hay loader and side delivery rake international corn planter mh hay tedder do laval cream separator 2 sets drag barrows steel atone boat 2 set sleiga boggy large spring market waggon capacity 2 12 tons small spring waggon 2 heavy waggons large box coal or general farm pur springs 7000 lbs 3 pit action disc harrows can be used togeth er with tractor international tractor 16 horse with friction pulley and in beat running shape international type d cutting box with over 30 ft- pipe suitable for custom work or huge farm box and practically new grinder grindstone 3 hp internation al gas engine nearly new mh team corn acumer ditching plow 2 acme luuitiws culutatxngbariow scuffienii 130 egg incubator prairie state i eureka garden drills and other garden tools 40 rod roll wire fencing new i band spray pump rotary pump water barrels large wooden trough steel barrel and quantity heavy oil large land leveller quantity cedar posts 2 bay forks puheys and rope 2 hay racks 2 h harness collars etc chains sntall circular saw quan tity of lumber household furniture tools including dies and cutters for water pipe steel derrick to support large water tank other articles too numerous to mention terms all amounts of 92000 and under cash over that amount 7 months credit on approved notes accepted 7 per cent per annum discount for cash property having been sold to the armenian relief association r canada there will be no reserve ben petch w a wilson auctioneer clerk notice to creditors notick in hereby ajivi section 56 of the trust 1914 chapter 121 thai i other- having claims be estate of ihe said cbarle wesley forsicr who died on or about the thir teenth day of january 1923 at tbe town of georgetown are required on the first day of april 1923 lo aeod by pout prepaid or deliver lo tbe undersigned solicitor for ihe executors of last will and testament of the said deceased heir cbntisn name surnames addresi and dcacriptfom the full particulars writing of ibeh- claims a statement their accounts andube nature of the se curity if any held by them and lake notice that attar said last mentioned date tbe aid executors will proceed lo diilrihute the asaets of the ihai the mud executors will not be liable lor tbe said assets or any part lheref- anjr person of person of whose claim i tire shall not have been received by ihem nt tbe time of such distribution 4jarry w tack 337 imfedrnitioii life kkl solicitor fr tlu- said kxecutor dated at toronto ibis fir uj ol march 1923 ta the public eye mowtmrm tnabl u ta atswot raalt waw a tbsant aasjaa of t mrsun snssr osssaalt osw aor ovtoaasjtxiat ha wulxhorwoadsit aauaa roar rws astd prsworlbo a tbai woi ro wasafon j a ballantines shoe bepair factory oarskar klmg aad qhu sta uti otr stavuaa uhrpuwa omu remliuartirsfor8eueu work nod dress shoe repairs laoaa and blioafouaa always in stock form 3 section 13 cinrs nwnce w rarst mst- dkf vftlefs ust otera lil pail iii 19m munio- of lborsjetown cosmtjof hshon lioticp ia berebj friwn that i bavr com plied rth section 10 of the voters liu act and that i have nmted up it my of fie at georgetown on the nffeemfa dar ol alarh 1923 the mm of h person titled to ote in the aaid mvrucipalily for members ol tbe legislative assembly on- i and that such list remain there for maprction and i hereby vsjl npon afl era to take immediate prorilmslohafa ny errors or omissicm corrected te mdln lo uw f l heath tswnrclerk datew reoreetrwn march 16 i9u x theii rynboats405 1burib445 cbape 695 sedan 7b5 chassis 345 bitab5sijt495 i he average canadian family consists of five persons the new low thrice of ford car makes it pos sible to add the fiixfh member to it you are considering the purchase of a car- of a ford car you have realized that the man the family without a car at a disadvantage vou have alsa realized that ford cars are now so low priced that it is possible to give yourself and your family what others have a ford car fits into the family routine does your work and that of the family makes the fam ily routine unhurried and unworricd makes it possible to save some time for recreation to visit friends for the country dweller to get into town for the town dweller to get into the country the sixth member of the canadian family the ford car the priceof the turmg car is 445 freight and government taxes extra- and it can be bought on a monthly payment plan h a coxe actori ontario pokd motor company of canada limited ford ontario i how j flower and seed i sales are increased i meal estate insurance houses to rent for information apply to m j hynds insuranceiand real es ta te broker phone 303 georgetown imi coal w3o4 on hand all the time best sorahton coax oftmnt on hauid john ballahtine oeoboetowm fire insurance j w sewot cttrfdra we can supply you with sarmess etc cultivators new and second hand drills dibo harrows wagons and everything for spring use on tbe farm bt washing machines s b groat omce phone issw reaideoc s georgetown are you protected sobcs weni dcwotiiqprobkm wall papbr bstam ever to the stxocaaful decoration of the home make hire of having dem and coeorings that accoid wi ytjrrjwn kkasasto wtut is cur- rect and beautiful select your patterns from the great vaxatty produced by tbeae pap vrid knotrn fcr tbar cariginaltty aqd charm include a fineas- aor of the pbun setfidoedpaperi so wcd suitrd to vnllpandlina tim treat ment baa becorae- a popular feature of you wtd cod ae old type of wall paper exce in width by the new bcster flpara by j inches which for sale by not only makes possible greater chirm of design but also means fewer rams and consequently improved appearance easi er hanging is another important feature of these wafer faapct also economy as a result ot the fewer rolls required the name boxer on the selvage is your assurance of a quality paper i all l lilhulilce tk hal in buying serd tu isll er 1100 ln wen 1 1 j telephone may m ml you hau long hwano i- being a to incrtom maht it ytimr ausate 3 a junk wanted i am paying the highest cash price for all kinds of junk also hides and poultry qpsi paallo btuaool av vlataw- ooret0wriiv ont m freeman poet omce box 470 phone 167 take notice people who have sheeting raft ers and good frmines fast going to rot for want of protection with gajvaained corrugated abeets at prewar prices or less considering tbe improvement or sundries for this line no use to sell and buy the other place is worse take stock and have a lk with gilbert sin clair 108r rr no 1 george- towni 9tee truss barns garageb all kiir galvanized tanks light ening rotection wood for sale any length mixed hardwood mostly maple and beeoh 1400 per cord will deliver any quan tity also summer wood partly dry 600 load of good half cord mixed rails orders promptly at tended to murray bros psmawmrld georgetown ireaihebv cream wanted by the georgetown creamery anr person wishing to secure ice kindly leave order before april 1st georgetown creamery co m saxe manager erwingoldhams meat market main street georgetown phone no l freah fish at all times watch our windows tor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed speolsj for wednesday homemade bran muffins specials for saturday lemon cream and cocoantjt pies livingstone qnauty bread leads them all phone orders io by salurdny niorning a livinqstone phone 55 wallpapers wall papers wu pper bnrupl varriihed tuee forbatnroom- room motjjcunc etc our 1928 patterns are up to date in every way get your papers and your docoratinn from a practical man now is tbe logioai time t6 decorate as prices are lower now than will bo possible later on estimates given on pupctinr painting graining etc phohe 6 binq 5 bell telephonf e bludd wwroe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown taternatioiul deering ana hccormlck lanrejoai sacstkr internatiotuvl tractors and motor truolol deering binder twine use tbe big ball for satisfaction be pairs of all kinds look over you machinery now and let ur get tbe needed parts for you right away h barnes ksna 241j owaiwatawa norman h speight my snriag nlock or the followinc eadinujineo lias arrived tram vhirh immediate delivery ran be fums mlu suspsdt bettaic woken dawk stkcpcrirw aeaacn stsso- sorbs nathaes we kiso handle all other makes terms to suit mayalways be ftr- ranged rnquirea vetuwo trolly solidted norman h speight rleres a green blind paint tkat fades jdarkei thats exactly what does instead of growing lighter and lighter and finally looking like a washed out blue it starts in a vhdd green and then gradunlly turns darker until its reached a rich tre way jou want it bj- toy neither the salt unniy of the seashore nor the hot poking sun have anj etect upon it its name ii we brothers permanent green yon cant get it every- whre hut you can get it hro drop in and wall show you the color r h thompson son oboboattoww 0 lowe brothers jj psrins vcmisws ailwright butcher hfajb st georgetown ratats slap ll bmkusj f our p0wtrv5 always choice 7swwer mjrf kept s3l s fresh s- asau kl oust mtat 5tr vrcx vtk aa il

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