Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 4, 1923, p. 2

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u ihuktown hkhai ii al iut ith i b2 w h willson ttndartatker utd xleenaed embftlner mala a omifuwi aut vibltff- hnrw lrawillrra- photic hkii r uy ww r m mkobihmbitthhalmmmm local council ol women church news on nrtaj birth hurrac id ivuiti ihsryed or mllrl lit w i mir h ill socimarnaicx isicsnla so ilk hr i ric run i tne n entt- hpl 1 liu wurinv mur it moo l t jin indoor base ball the lima foi entering jour in door ball teaman the birtowh leatuit wilt lapse on saturday night april 7tb churches soci eties factories and ah organira dona are invited to enter a team a fee of 0 00 and the names of wo rapresentnlieti fur the ei ecotive must accompany the entry mr j l thompson of tho bank of hamilton seeretarj treasurer will receive entries np to saturday evening 7th innl on tuesda evening next april 10th a meeting of the officer a and exeoutne will be held in the coun oil chamber at 8pm to arrange further details get your team entered oov base ball the halton baseball league was re organized at an entbuaias tic meeting of delegates held at milton last thursday evening it will be composed of acton george town barhngton pampbellville bronte anfl milton officers elect ed were president j f joyce bronte 1st vice president e mo wlnrtei georgetown 4nd vice president c to lets kit milton seoretarj treasurer 0 plumer felt bronte the executive- will cosibt of the officers lino two re presentativrs from each club thejeague will again aflitiate with the o ba a and each club will send a delegate to its convention to be held at toronto on april 7tb boy scoots there were not many on the hike last friday but the ones who did go et joyed it and no doubt benefited from the fresh air and exercibe this week the meeting will be at the school room friday at 7 80 p m and the bcout master wishes every boy who is goinii to toronto on saturday to bring 100 this includes 70c for fare and the re maimog 80c for street car fare and tea every boy must be at the badial station not later than 8 am saturday and don l forget to bring yonr eats easter week is good turn week for scouts and cubs h 11 lite pro i f lin nnliumtl count il ul women mot al shi r bourtw tldusfl club toronto urn i matthew and mibh dayfoot attend ml from ouurgt town ii augusta stowe tillen n tided and in bet atldrrhh rpminlid the coininitltf tiny hie national coiim il of woint n in iitiii ihilitu al oon seolarfan embrates nil wutn t n h at tmtn h and ih t puiil rt xorniirganuntion and it ferret to hoiik of ttn iiuikirtunr ineamurfh huh haw bit n brought aluibti by ictreftoilh hhoii as the mot hern allowance at t and dental and medical inspection if soiioojh the main business or tha iimin g unn the oiganisation of thru pronnmnl committee into a pro mcial council which will have a nuuibei of advantages tsihtiall facilitating arrangementh an dep illations to the government all of those present were guestx dr gullen at luncheon the guest of honor being mtsa car mi oh no i of new glasgow n h tin national president who gave the luncheon address she referred especial i to the need of conserxa tion of our natural resources and the need of internationalism and the support of tbe league of naslons o whose work and ac comphshments we have little idea during tbe afternoon a number of matters were jaken up one which demands special attention being that of tbe fesble minded whom there are 60000 to 66 000 in ontario alone a case was instanced of four sisters who mar ried and lived in different states whose progeny when traced numb ered 1268 of whom only about 100 wpre normal 1160 beinfeffeeble minded or criminal or boeh no provision is made for tbe feeble minded in ontario except at one institute at on ilia which accomo dates about 1000 these only very extreme cases the other tho us anda are at large it is stated that 26 to 46 of criminals are mentally deficient and 60 to 75 of the occupants of onr reforma tones are of thisolaaa- still more serious is tbe fact that 50 to 76 of known prostitutes are feeble minded and a great menace every where in broadcasting venereal disease tbe government will again be asked by tbe provincial committee for legislation to deal witb this question for a system of segrega tion with limited freedom where ikmsible and suitable occupations making as many as possible an asset to the province instead of an increasing liability st ikuhiikh ohhiu ii llu felnl of whr hfhiirnt lion wax- ikttingl leltthnlttl it st george h ito4 nil t onhrriiilitin altendod the hermttm all dn lhi ntltnbnr ol t oiiiiuimit unit heiutt 1 lie the iai gest in the liinlory of thi par lab hplendid wurk wan done b the hoir rendering tbe mimical mirl ton of the horvifeh hoiom being liuuli full sung by mr w pre ion and master chariot kirl th violin anion by mr jack thoiupon were much appreciated while mr annandate prenided witli- hei u customed abilil at the orknu tbe rector preached ut hie 1 1 aod 7 o clock serwe h tin t tial munir will be rfatcil ul tin ken ices on sundnj mpthodmr cllullt ii b wolti voriner ipuuii- on the norval circuit will talu harge if the uermcew iiidtitiur ftntl even tig in the methodist church georgetown next sundit erin itt i h ltd norval milton no new pupils will be admitted to tbe pnmarj rooms in the priblio bobool after eantei aa tbe rooms i are now full tbe spring aasiteh tor haltou will be beld here on monday april stb there are several cases to be tried a rink of curlers composed or chester earl skip c tolezka 1 lott and harold earl wont u gait tuesday and won back thi mcgregor challenge cup defeating tbe gait quartemfijv 20 to 18 mrs a j sloane and 8 children of toronto are spending a few days here with h p mr mrs k wbitepwore taking op their residence at niagara falls where mr sloane was recently ap pointed manager of the branch there of the bank of hamilton reformer cheer up girls those golohhfh re on their last legs for liiir mini mer at least olhir in iu ui oitlitrio left luetuli ftr in- htim in w mri mr w i wiiku i mihk ith n nimut the ui l i ii 1 m unit in if irml n mi jn ikh ullllli i om i ml fimi mi ilotill lit 1 fnim knovii i ll hl mt h firm mi hit ttkli ui- nl i w unili rhtitn i ilni nie whh h ii aitvtw ut limehouse m inl li- dnti i smiwui i i tt it brut il lln i tol ii n wis mini mi momli of liit ml mr dnutibt- m lj ii ilet till ilixiihhl or lln ii ml uonerhil mtiu iiiitou tormilti ut lln iiiniiial iltt im belt iiihi nl t oottrnliilitl saturday treat lltk iltr in i hotnuu rli li nil ftrnrilnuth nod ii nu f t ik in in i i he f i li ii it t hnl home inmle tat thai e ert one k ell kitolu hilt ntuiday 1 icat i special 25c lb weekend chocolates 11 ll illls llfl llltt lllll ul ihlk 11 mii llloin ihml lllll ih rl 411 ii 5lc for 32c box chocolates wi lnw hit uilt iik in j fur ljovvm ciiikoihuh in ikiih ami ull inivi i mind ihxorlnn nl in huh week t aho lutve ni ilstm m and 1 inmiit 4 nil wi ii knouii oranges bananas fresh tomatoes iioi urinun a hpkialty 1923 bess css kshins0b 1923 spring fort itii mi i i ill ofll miinufmt p to or muffiilt s uhih mi a liiiunthm irip lo rornnlo paid it hwiik isil to in- brolhei mr win ltnil in it eae i write automobile life fire ittirglan uni sit km u itnl t i nu nt insurance representing some of the next roiiipiiiieh tn h ut tin mu obantspire london guarantee and atoulent mtmental canu aity company etc i am prepared to give riro in all lineu of insurance w r bridge pks07w oeoroetowh ontario llmm the east end mea shop special for saturday in meat prices c f ridler butcher call and see whatwe have to offer georgetown phone 206 arthur norrington established 1673 thh hank ft hamilton ban al 1 wins felt tilt iniportftiu f tie miting tiinds lo the titflopmenl or tin etwiitinl intercrts of the ounti agntnltiire la cnnadah grenteftt intinatrj and it is our constant aim lo gie the need of the farmer first consideration bank of hamilton j l- thompson manager drnllilmi s in in s iiik kooiis u to hand nod com n flu i ii 1 1 1 m im tnn and fltifneatit miiiiiif it i me 1 1 it nog uim n hjm i ml uiti ntioo to thf lt tion of 111 in 1 i i lilt hiiiiiohh imrhiillrim trmuiium itlnis 1 f t tin l m i tffnl ij im i newent til t id ui liu b auliful hit tin inhi service phone 163 protection jgrandysg terra colta master h ellwood who had an attack of appendicitis is on tbe mend r miss minnie mccanlej of tor onto bpent the week end witt her parents bore miss lulu fdg9 had an attack of appendicitis recently but glad to report she is now improving we are pleased to learn that mr john townsend is still making good progress towards recoerj mr john morrison m p mrs morrison abd daughter jean of weyburn 9aak weieguests of mr and mrs joseph coulter over sunj day mr kenneth davidson spent bis easter ilollidaja with friends in buffallo mr dicli who had hir ribs frac tared recently is able to be around mr norman i cam is getting his butober shop on main street ready for business better and still growing is onr business and everjdsy we see new customers and no wonder an we are ttellim boot in a claas b themselves the daloot impro ed working boot cannot be beat for war also the macplieroon aboesr shaea wltlr backing joehiod them i oan sell you the best solid leather working shoe you ever wore for 8 and 4 boys at tit 3ee these booas3f you want a book to keep your jert drj re nafnog while jou wait i have on more help- men s boots half soled 1 we buy all our booudnet t from factory for caah aod sell for casta only we have no opposition in low pntos j boney main st cnorebfwot sign ot tbe gold boot inverholme norval was the scene of a bright gathering on sat urday march 81st when miss charlotte i mcpherson entertain ed some forty gaestb at a shower from three to six in bonor of her friend miss dell campbell who is to leae short for a new home in detroit at 4 p m miss campbell enter ed the already assembled room closely followed by tbe two basket bearers misses margaret k boa sell aoj bessie laird wvth an overflowing basket while miss laidlaw plajed from men delssohns while tbe gifts were being open ed miss russell treated tbe bride- tobe to a shower of confetti and miss laird replenished tbe basket u ith gifts testifying to the popu larity ofthe recipient when all bad been opened and admired miss camp thanke the friends in a few- well chosen words for their though tfoluesti aod generosity after which a very short prog ram me opened wih an instrumental by miss laidlaw fol lowed by a solo from miss russell miss 8m el lie president of the women fi institute then spoke nf mifw campbells helpfulness and onr loss in this society a solo by miss green eword was followed by a few remarks from miss magoire on behalf of the girls clnb and at the conclusion miss merle early presented miss campbell with a silver sandwich tray miss russell sang and miss c mopbersoo spoke of the part in all meetings and choir miss camp- bell bad taken always cheerfully responding when asked to sing after a social hour the guests sep arated each one expressing bebt wishes for miss campbell s future happiness house cleaning suggestions ivory gloss starch 2 for lux 2 for pear i ue 8 for ammonia star or bandy s for pearl white naptha h cakes clothes pins b dox boss globe washboard rinso 8 pkgs ijejinox soap c cakes bon ami cake or tin sani flush per tin comfort lje per tin brooms scrub bra she washing soda per pkg lor s for rtc i0t act- 5r lo s5c luc lor 1 hi u 85 and 16c wc a mgrandy phone 76 rrmpt mlvcry card of thankm we hereby convey our sincere ibanka lo friend and inghttora and all bt led al our are on suodf y ut then miminrr mi j kindnoa itt ouilv and hildren n very much ajfpraciated mr land mrs ambrose hancock jr norval station do not complain of j onr wife s extravagance witb a cigar in jour ui the brampton steam laundry is establishing a laundry service for our specialty is family uihwh and we are fully eqnrpped to give tbe- best or service and the best ot work onr trucks will collect and de 1 1 vet laundry georgetown arid norval tbcssujs m frmays of each week fjac orders at kersej qn iiouk iwrher shop and onr driver will call and get your work e m celtmt jmm h hay i baamaajww swfa touripg confidence the master six 7 ptaw touring model 2349 special on any roads tbe abundant power and smoothriding of this big sevenpassenger touring give a new confidence to motor tour ing tbe long wheel base rear canti lever springs and deeply uphol stered seats insure easy- riding standard equipment includes sun visor windshield wiper rear vision mirror bumper combin ation tail and stop lamp tonneau light scuff plates locked tool case in fore door etc tbe seven passnger touring maintains in every particular the traditional mclaughlinbuick excellence which has made the mclanghhnbulck canada s i standard car 7r is mclmsjht am mj f caw f beware of cheap insurance a great many of tho smaller and unsound companies im fall for good and safe insuram f come to us as we repre sent the would h hfhongest nil wpaithie8t tominib8 companies that are broadly known foi their iaht kr ordk of i ibfrat anil yoick flpttlsmfntm in we of robh j wtlvans6g0 gi esit toe new spring footwear fl is now on display aasw- we invite jur inspection a 1 special values in womens foot wear al 295 395 and 495 drop in and look them over t theyre hard lo beat we close thursdays at 1230 pm a doubt prvtegtiom in addition to ettinc perfectly the storm strip which seals tbe bukk nearly weather light as any open can can be mclaughlinbuick rsberaking georgetown brfterl ww w f i stafcr ir rl j rox main stbeei georgetown 117 durramt and star cars in mil modela htc ihe greatest value in the 1923 iutomo- bile- 6eld see them and be convinced t j speight agent georgetown jtetonluid vioinitr nuihtol winti mi i i i i mil it mill fill imvturts 111 11 timl plsidm ourlnh mniv t mu mihltike bj widk llnxi it m hi l ilntt ihtiim lit in ki imt itriim urt selerlfd with lirtl i lani trm minx und kkilled workn nhip wi m vr i onlidtn i in onr ilnitj to luitw nil uho tivoi iih w hi ibtir nitrinim new spring hats jtnl unci all lln biloil htjls t i luiiims in bar i and mitt felt liati t new spring neckweafc om new siim ni lv ar ttillaik nilt jium intlf iioh braieh li rumj rim lis wrj lcnl and m wi t iitubn rteadytowear clothing v buve a lloo sekftum uf iti h onuia and m n hinlh eronalh und oilil pnnlh v itmbi n ho mil in tins i w souclt a shan of yttme pbtrobas mjxlar go phone 128 georgetown your water supply automatic sure continuoiis aervtce day and night always under pressure a toronto pdeomatic wi system will g this rnce-ioio- less and beat ol all absolutely aoto- roahc operabsdby electric motor or toronto windmill enjoy this convenient wmce now and save yourself and family from the continuous drudgery of pump ing and carrying your daily water supply toronto outfits can be quickly installed drop in and lets talk it over pncea and full information gladly fonusbed see me today chas l parker acton onl lukdun jacksdns new styles of season able serviceable spring goods new british ginghams ol high quality a good range of new patterns and colors a good selection in canadian ging hams chambras muslins and other fa brics hosiery exceptional value in quality cotton hosiery silk cashmere wool lisle for women and children gloves perrin kaysor griffins and other makes of high grade gloves underwear quality underwear from some of the best factories in canada at prices that will appeal to you footwear high grade footwear for men women and children astoria high grade shoes formen dayfoot and other serviceable boots for men and boys classic and other high quality shoes for women andchildren this footwear is being offered at much lower prices than they can be re placed at big money savings in mens wear 1 60 ovrrallii for 1 19 extra vnlur overall 41 75 and 225 mens 8hm up to 95 tor l 60 up lo 1 40 for 98c quality value service jacksons- georgetown

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