Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 4, 1923, p. 3

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t li feel fit every day get a smooth quick shave morning with a- f genui ne n gillettebrowrtle safety raz0r7 price from context in cm 1 00 with double edjnl t gillette dlmo to 550 see our window for display d j matthew local news hems re theatre to night fishing yes noon uot jour dog lag jel high mid public schoolx re open orrhotruby ssqaeaing council will meet apnl dtb at one o clock a number or our merchants will start the thursday hall holt day this thursday w a bailey 6 barnesh ah op will dot close oo thnrsdaj after noon until after hay lot hear the maple leaf male quartette of gait at the metb odist choir concert april 24 tb ambrose hancock sr will hold an auction sale of farm stock on april 10th see pdfttcular in this paper george to wo arena co hud a successful year which ended hon day e imbg when patrons enjoyed the last skate of the season owing to the regular meeting night falling on easter mondny our town council will meet on thursday evening 6tb judge snyder of wenlwortb who was count judge of halton from 1698 to 1896 han resinned to accept a retiring allowance georgetown hockey tertn was defeated by a small score home and borne games bymiltou last thursday and friday even ings when you want the best boots ever sold in georgetown to boney s and buy the dayfoot special improved made only far boney in georgetown it hon manning dohertj and chief john jackson of georgetown were appointed hon presidents of dresden bowling dub at the annual meeting held last week a dublin recital by the pupil b of mies hay hohaeter will be given in the baptist church on friday apnl 18tfa hr irving titley pupil of hr campbell mr inoes of toronto will assist the hookey club held a suc cessful dance in the town hall on monday evening stevenson s or chestra provided the music and the dancers spent a most enjoyable time all oddfellows who are inter ested in the organisation of an in door pall team are requested to meet at the lodge room on tbure day evening april 5th at 7 80 electron of officers and other buei nets of importance will be dealt with j n o neil i son have com menoed operations in their fine new garage sad already have on exhibition several of the latest models of studebaker auto if you antimpate purchasing an auto this year see the latest studebaker production before you buj mr henry sayers one otthe best known lumbermen in this part of the province died at bis home at speyside on sunday april let deceased who was 76 years old was a staunch conservative and unmarried lass stwfs tlsay calhr when the act providing for in come tax way first passed by the house of commons the exemption for children onder eighteen was fixed at 800 last year owing to the fact that it was found that it cost mom than fioo a year to bring op a child the exemption was raised to 800 aasvfsdaswttktlwsmlu the illustrated talk on a trip to the coast through the bookies and seeing british columbia by bev el p cameron at the guild last night was thorougfal enjoyed bj a large gathering many beauti fol slides of cities and scenery were shown and the talk was very tnteresting and instructive qajp teotarar the ontario license board has forwarded a questionnaire ft the clergy of ontario which asks tbeir opinion as to the influence exerted by the ontario temperance act it is asked if the act is believed to have improved the borne ttte finances and the social conditions of the families which bate been uoder the olergj men s observation over 100 members of mystic link lodge of toronto arrived in town last night by special radial i car and were the guests of verdun rebakah lodge during the e en jog tbe visitors degree team itnli ated thirteen candidates- this was followed by a delicious lunch eon after which tbe guests of the evening returned to their homes in tfatitr all delighted with tbeir hsaa bara4 to ornad on sundsy last about 1 otlook tbe bouse or mr a hancock jr on his farm near nona station was discovered to be on fire the flan en uprend verj rapid i and in a bhoil time ho house and entire contents were completely con sum ed much ay m path j ih felt for mr and mrs hancock and their family in their heavy loss tbe origin of the fire is unknown kaqasalaa wobm iaatltata ther ebqunsiog branch of tbe womn s institute will hold their regular monthly meeting on pri day april 8th at 2 80 sharp nt tbe borne ofhuts aileen hume the girls of the institute will take charge of the mooting and will proule the programme and re fresh men ta all ladieb interested are invited to be present hickiabmlorut the following grants for main tenanne for 1928 were made by the county oouucil at tuesdays meet ing milton 7486 87 burls ton 8770 97 brampton 898 streets vi llo 446 76 waterdown sb98 18 georgetown 8869 99 uelph collegiate institute 607 15 personals justice sir william mullock pre aided at tbe peel asssizes wed nesday the case of algie vs hunter and cameron was settled out of court defendants paying plaintiff 600 for injuries received by lockie algie when he collided with defendants car on main street last fall hiss mary fitzpatnck awarded 500 plaintiff claiming damages for injuries received when struck bj james wilson s car in caledon bast the jury deliberat ed for several hours on this case after hearing 12 witnesses ihaorin rta fast the death of samnel dolson of obioguaoousy mentioned in tbe hebald afew weeks ago reminds fnend hung of the cornwall lb that n bib boyhood days thewas a clerk in his fatb er s store in georgetown named charles dolson probably a brother of the deceased who went to port land oregon in the late fifties or early sixties when oregon was farther away in time than china india now a days possibly some of the old timers will re member charley dolson the ate 8 p haojhnnon of toronto was with mr toung about tbe ime time or later ersat aetna tbe actori fire brigade was calt ed opon for tbe first time tbis year when fairviewplaoe tbe large stone house owned by mrs sidney a smith caught fire about 10 o olook saturday morn the fire originated in the actio supposedly caused by defec tive electric wiring and owing to a high wind prevailing tbe names spread rapidly through the entire upper store the firemen were unable to get a good water press ore until a frozen valve at the reservoir was thawed out be gardless of all handicaps and with the aid of bystanders tbe brigade saved most of tbe contents and preserved tbe first storey of tbe building tbe loss is estimated at about 16000 and is partly ootst ed bj insurance one suggestion has it that if men e minds were changed as fre qoently as women a are they would naturally be cleaner auction sale c -op- farm stock the undersopmml nas bees mstrucved by r wuitrusu ion o sen by public auction at lot 13 3rd line esquesmg on wednoacbar april 11th at one o clock sharp the following horse i loam mares about 3000 ibsi chestnut mare r vr old krej mare 5 cows 3 hotstein cows carve a foots mack cow cuat footi blue cow calf at foot 3 ayrshire com calves at foot ur sey cow call at loot jersey cow on m rjl 2 jersey on due time of salei aey vow doe in stayi jersey cow bred oct i holstnncow doe april 10 short horn cow due time- of salet roan short born cow mflknag wrll bred feb lit shorthorn bcli mmting well bred reb 21 holsten cow milk rag well bred jan s holstem cow milking well bred jan is blsck cow calved 3 saoa w welli roan nejfer is months ahi betters 2 yrs pure beedf holstem i jersey bell 2 y 2 shorthorn neifers pigs berkshire boar pore bred hire sow 2 tam worth sows doe n 10 fag 4 wk maaaeiharn bntder 6 ft a terms 7 months credit on oml notes 6 per cent off for and all sum of siv00 and mnson r j kerr a noii r our i tluuj mhil r in luvii nn the fallow ink mr wilfred loirs toronto mr januh ilicke detroit minn jenn watson torjinlo lr thorns krndwj harms minn helen iiwiton tnniiilii mr hdgar mckinnon toronto lr johoiiii vicandrew dii ijili dr mat moandrrn detroit miss normu millar hsniillou mr uitn liiuokhtom toronto mr wallm p thompson preston mr and mm ii m wetheruld toronto miss ida livtokxtonc toronto toronto mihh alit4 wilhnuison lliitml ton mr and mrs sliolto hnt k tor onto mr mid mi p sheridan ham 1 1 ton mr iiml mirf i- j barber tot onto air and mm j a gome toi onto mr clarence murk of the mi toronto t 11 mnorcliead or h ramp ton was in town to day mr dickson roe is spending the haster faohdajs with collintrwood relatives misses katie and annie byan waited toronto fneoda during the weeki mr and mrs j mckay of cree more spent esater with relatives in town mrs f a harley spent elaater at the home of her parents in montreal hiss carrie bnck has returned home after spending a few days with toronto friends hr james back who has been confined to his bed for the past week is slowly improving miss mary gsrbutt of wei land ib malting with her grand parents mr and mrs wm mclean miss margaret mcdonald who has been visiting fnenda at north bay returned home last week miss duncan of brantford spent the holiday at tbe home of her brother councillor a duncan mr and mrs hawksford of owen sound spent the week end at the home of mr and mrs w frampton tax onoaairrowri hsbai d a mil 4th 1u2h mi and mr c it wndusonnr this h nl llir knxlei tiohtu with mr mid mr s ii mi oili foully underwent a soriouu olwrti linn l tntontn hoh tint ih in i uinit nitflj ii msikftirti nnil i hr cnditon hltvmled hit iliblit hi litmil trustee coni iitttin at toionto joamrtln mr- llcnr wilon uf ahii mho iish been confined in hrr imiiii fir home ncelh i now nhle i i ite n round liti hoim- miss norma millar left last week for hamilton where she has ac retil a pohitiou in the headpfllcc of tin hank of hamilton mi it m millar of vancouver il c hm nt the haste r holiday st the home of mr and mr j a wat hod mr millar ih on a buai nchs trip to now york nnd mont mr and mrs will coleman were callid to acton on monday owior to the sudden death of mrs cole it an a father mr john thomnn decensed wan in his 81st joar mr jubn morrison m p mrs morr thin and daughter jean of we burn sktkh were guests lal georgetown glenaillianis and ten a cotta friendo oer tin elant er liohdaj the herald appreci nted a pleaant call fopm mr moirtaon on saturday aftornonn a fellow feeling makes us wood rous kind 1 think the poet would hate changed his mini if in a crowd one day he chanced to find a fellow feeling in his coat behind sefd five hundred bushels choice seed oats oac no 72 seed jparley clover and timothy seeds car choice corn just ar rived at georgetown elevator alex l noble the man wl with pirl will on nlor whith tin ho ml t enltunk and mretiph winch llrttinli indiivn noted sunshine couitd lipid h klcphant so not in cans da the green tom pint ion tea turing betty comimou with senkstionat romance around a beautiful girl or the under world corned slipper h scriuoo pox week i j news wtlurfiti avhl lltk arabia ntarrinr lout mi rut i or the mix brand or ihnllx nnd fttisjience t oni ed me and m mule b i isodr 1 1 white frtgle cls aartl 14th the mahon k urcli with foollnh wiu acoeoetovm p b a r n h i l ls peel and halton s bargain stop tore golden syrup per lb 6 cents barnhhjls norval lalcjlcalp 1 fl i rennies grocery grocery specials kitoatauiaakmwaadera fi lbs bee hfrre corn syrup 1 lb tin bafanr powder large tins pumpsrin corn 8 for fine mild cbeeas per lb good black tea blue buabiee 8 lb bansoon bios 4 lbs cowans goooa ja jaaeodochie s mixed pickles per bottle bideaii hall coffee 1 lb tans telfer s assorted btscuite per lb 10 41c 3sc 16c asc 3fio 60c 25c ibc 25o 36c 69c 36c bananas oranges and grapefruit d r rennie homf phon s6s phone 1s1 for quick delivery ildeveloping bring us your and printing w r watson phm b i i- the kmxoll drug store l bgisenl rkme7t m spring 1923 new goods new goods just arrived a large assortment of silks satins crepe de chine canton crepes georgette sport flannel home spuns and serges in all the new colors oihojhams a lovel range of anderson tml hihx 30 in wide prints crum h ivintx light colors xuikalilt foi mint- or bo s shirts indigo blue prints lamn cloth for pyjamas fjlanvejubttes all netnlors in light andxlark cn to 4ci a ard whiu tlannelelte 26c 80c 85c and 40 ijtuie silk and wool hose with clox onl jthr- h kiwr llloc silk hose kanr silt m wool hohe r gloves uajhi r silk llovtrt colors black white- hrowu kie oiikeo nu black ami wlntt jll 1 it and 1 m kitjht silt och elbow length 1 fi bloomers kaflpr silk rluotnera ijiidic h nil wool rtlooineth towels linen up on and turkish towels pure liohq towelling union towell n mcbean co georgetown a bank fbrthe farmers of canada 1harmers can consult with this bank with the knowledge that their problems will be understood and their banking require ments efficiently handled we have made a special study of the financial needs of fanners tbe difficulties they encounter and their ways of doing business bank of montreal established over ioo years georgetown branch h r mimms manager ftraititubx fob sate s tiger sewing msch nc 2 wooden beds oval oak heater hnppj thmiffbt kangr side board wash stand as the joiie has been sold these must be dis pomdotths week um snyder at r yders fcmer si phone 249 auto for saix chevrolet tourtng 1920 motor n first lucvfuici lournik iszu motor n i rsspa bbjamv tjtonest now what is it that you do that gives you quite the satisfaction that a little cleaningup and nainting- up does it sure does beat the dutch the way a little paint will make a thing- look like a million dollars- there are many cases where 100 spent in painting a house has made it sell for s more so whether or not ou rnnt to sell your bouse t cont of lowe brothers paint mnvc it inofc as if you had monc m the bink as the old saving jroes drop in and let s talk it over r h thompson co georgetown i lowe brothers pdinis varnishes new adverhsemenls babbiti wanted all k rids of i vc rabb ts bought wr te or phone joseph hull rr 3 phone 42 ring 14 georgetown 3 for saxe 12 buff orpington hens and one rooster ppir s dewhurst omar o si i eore- for saxe heautiiul new bnck house 6 mo mi th i conven ences two lire places n ce lawn the price is right owner will take small payment down and 2657 a month until paid for thm payment in eludes pnnc pal and merest for parlic u1rsppyt a benham georgetowt pi an ld ct j4a a done 164 boi 430 hatching eoos g ac bred ioy wh te leghorns leedbjtt pen mated w th pedigreed cock rel d rect from o a c son of hen l78b threcord o 2l4 eggs n pullet year 1 50 per 15 eggs v ctor mcdcnald georgetown 2tp herald iost j oi tucsdaj mom ng bn ween ii e glen u georgetown a pip v ce f nder plesne leave at glen post office and re- te o reward j mood for sale ua i j of good red clover need also lhrl bull ilmonthnpld a kples kr n i glen w 283jp hatching eggs for sate rl ode iku d krls vu te u ia doltes arn hh fr i i rvy ltyi it at 100 per m or 7 00 per 100 lo agei l for u sl bmc i rooders 111 mtlauley baton fir n if wanted a young g rl or woman in do i gt t m seworfc and sleep l home no wash in mi k p hymn 28ait roraajue double seclion bee box w th some cone cells sod two pullover valls pair long glove and smoke blower one aleua n lamp with globe and two extra mantles nd i bug proot screen cheap for casli l sucey geo 283 2tp farm to rent afarmlol 12 on then nth i ne tiuiucs- wf lor rent or to work on shares 10 bc rsa ploughed apply on premises mr mary lyons box 19 norval tf for lali 1921 model chevrolet tour ng car run 7000 m les 4 new lord tjres sold rea sonable for cash apply at herald office to a number or choice bu id ng lots at he p nes adjoin ng my propetty george lown ap to mrs f a harley wood for sale all kindi of wood both hard and soft also cindl ng wood all at reasonable prices if your want ng firewood nn up ihe wood k ng phone s r ng 2 4 brand fordn wood vardu t len road 21 2 4lp for saxe i ure bred barred i lymoulh rotk i mich ins egg o c bred to lay stra n pr ce 1 00 per sett o 1 1 eggii or 100 eggs for 7 00 i watson maple ava georgetown i ho e 209 hatching egos o sale al less than half price vvh te ks pure bred to lay headed by grade nckerelsd rect from john g ponrmans e ns record 301 eggn si so sett ng of fifteen eggs s c anconas amc price a j kay georgetown hatching egos 0 a c bred to is haired rovkt sc wh te leghorns rl wh te wyandoltes 1 00 per 13 all from selecled high pro ng pens john farmer gle i road auction sale of farm stock 1 r undersigned fa been nslructed by ambrose hancock sr wll b publn auct on at lot s on fi tnesdaiy april 10th at 1 o ink the follow ng hcvkrs chettn i mare 8 yra old good vef hore 7 m old good n all har cou moute ow alfjtde hoi en oi t e apnl ik durha n cow cl ved 2 mos wh ir d irdam cow due may 10 ii lute ow d o apnl 2s hoi men ow d r aprl 29 llololeti cow due apnl ttl iow d e apnl 29 dntaam cow eilvcd 2 mos jersey cow due ma v imey ow alved 2 mos jersey cow he frr all at s dc grade jersey cov heifer calf at de jersey heifer spnng ng jersey bull i yr old he ler due mv 2iyr heifer d e sepl 15 heifer due sep 20 2 wh te hm i yr 7 ake o purrjirdtamorth sows sow due f a de to farrow apnl 20 so due i arr m may 26 sow due lb farrow ma s w 1 r to furrow j ne2s 10 pig j moth old 1 wh te turkey gobbler 1 vear trnrm s20 and under asptpupr that nounl 6 months tred t on approved loinl all w ii be old w thn trserve bbn pelcri auctioneer

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