Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 2, 1923, p. 1

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the georgetown herald mfty nivtu ykah op publication greoiafeto wednesday evening may 2nd 1923 1 fo per annum in advance 2 qq to u b the georgetown herald j m moore pwmufcw a4 prrltar o t r tl tku unci kaht 1 man nger piuuumgtr paaaengur mail passenger passenger paaseagt r sunday golnb wkht passenger mail iasaogor passenger pas bc tiger passenger mail passenger sunday uoino felouth mail mml uoiho south 7 ail a ii 9 14 aii 10 lham 1 1 40 aip h ib it m 311 p m hlsun 7 21 m 7 67 am 10 1h a m a 12 pm 4 co pm 6 02 pm 7 0ajfm h2un 10 01 am h00ai 4 ijfi 1 1 11 s3 ai 7 55 pm taratbbbatm kalha daily time table jtt pm 855 8 10 7 89 going bui 810 2jm oomg west sunday timk tahlk qoidg ebt ato pjm p01 pm p m 10 81 1880 8 46 610 917 un nm pm doing west 1040 610 9 86 directory shilton wallbridqk a dale barrister solicitor etc office mill st- georsctoki hour 9 am to sp in open alto inefstv aod saturday even ogs bk t mamjellui oibc ilourn x to 4 and 1 db c t w kobs ph jrtmiu and surgaon 11 sire el eorgclowd pbooe 22 hour surgmo cc hotpilal dm c v wiluams phystaan and socxeoa- office and rendence- corner of main p t heath lda o o 8 oflle in lank block on door nortb f onalira cantos raetorr hoora a m to d as bfflf aw omm ottce ia bailey block dm door ml n conaultauoo and spinal aoatyala praa omcs hou tacaday tnuradaya tod saturday 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m phoms obqe i50w and rcwdeacc 332 oaomtown hantm oaoa win nob jatkaot clerk toi clerk 3rd innon court tb lea amy ire and life tnmran stenrtumo out coal wood on hand all the tim best scilakton coax cement an hand john ballantine laaao pitman shorthand touch typewriting baainesa english office system filing spejhng bookkeeping arithmetic penmanship commercial law rapid calculation umimi tartnatte btar aaj ua 8 ba namuit m pbooe ssi for that bedroom of your if ever there was a wall finish that just suited a bedroom it s mellotone we cant exactly tell you why but tofren you see its charming velvetylike finish and the excep tionally pleasing array of colors it comes lb youu know better than if we took all this page to tell you about it thats why we are suggesting that you drop into out store and see for yourself after which make up your mind whats best xor that bedroom of yours r h thompson ic0 georgetown hydro electric system electric appliances of ah kinds the hydro lamp j guaranteed per i 500 hours irons from 475 up prices on all makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges office town hall the stmadmrd of comparison a mclaughlinbuick that fits the spring time master six 2354 special sport roadster standard bqutfmknt in its sparkling beauty in its lustrous coloring and in thezest it brings to motoring the mclaugh- hnbuick sport roadster fits the spirit of spring time afwaf to cifram ft maaughline u1ck fishers king forslcrs cash and carry grocery we carry a full line of fresh gro- 1 cenes and provisions j oranges bananas and other fruits in season headquarters for willards ice cream by dish or bulk i a full line of swifts cured meats i mrs b forster phone 29 real estate seven room frame house stable hen house tw lots good orohard price io0 9rget0wn 32so buw n 7 room finme hoiiw wilh the ploetnc lights and wr lor initide a rood lot and choiro feint nnrl hen i iiihp and nlablr 1500 dasrn j1s00 a month until paid for ssbp buys ler inktdc s lots i headqyarters for 1 1 waterman ideal pens and ink 5 i l t noted far kgh rade prvprmikm lor choice bin iw poaliony and for iionjiiuaa m kakii pwtnim to cm hnpto opaaaujear enternotv i raymond and singer sewing machine needles and oil eversharp lead pencils ii cm silver tm surer him also leads to aflame i a b wltlson n nice room mine houne with pier trio hshtu nd rood fruit and fruit and 2 lion iioiim h tlsoo bujs a rood frame house and 2 lots id qlenwjllinnm 4sfd bays a beautiful new brick houfie with 8 roonjh nice fire place dumb waiter stat annij rn board in litchen come nn i rpi a bargain while thej last e a benham real estate and fire insurance 1c4 georgetown dimpled ciiool ton oh how htn n lit ill i uu v i r ll h il ijoiik kro dkhuiitr whj u iau i hi onindma docs hq1 ukh it i i borj siiirip iiij and t c nuiditia danoed the imniitl lloiir oro now hiip nitn tlicro lorkini lork iur alwnjk kaittinj rrandpux utt tk t0r ppr nl wfth taurht to knit 1ur ftro yl hor iir ire wiu ho neat and ihr nmilc so kind aod hwoot i tan nlidhht see her no hendinr u i or inrlner nliov fodr ftro modern way are quite nlarniinr gran dm ii in h hut bo h were charm in r oiiih and bom i mean of course la or ago bravely modeit grandly shy what if all of should try juhi to feel like those who mot in the rracoful minuet lang ago with the miduot in fash ton who oouid fly into a pasbion all uould wear the calm thej wore long ago id timo to romp if 1 perchatien slipuld toll mj grandchild of dance i should reullj like to nay we did mj dear in hon p long ago 7 laycoek childrens home the jane ejaycook children n home at brant ford htnnda as a monument to the beoavolence of n philanthropic woman mm lay rock ft sister of mr ignatiun cock abutt whose name associated any worthy and ohantabo undertakings in thatoitj a history founded the school m th jear 1 since that time it has ac y carried on its good work in tbemutto foi which it was estab lished to hel the needy and care for the neglccwtf hildren mid alao to provide them witu t good com moo school education the home ib conducted 03 an enlarged home might be and not is an institution a friendly feel ng exists between thuhe in authority and the pup it in the same relationship aa the members of a large family the children in way enjoy a home environment that the mirht otherwise utter miss mutual help and pleasure pervade tbo atmosphere of this children s home beneath whose protecting roof aome 26 children are h 00 aod the school will ac commodate do children in all but the present number is an average number of those accommodated at one time the boys and girls who are about evenly divided in num ber range from the tender age of 0 to 1g one begrop to realize the iplendid work the school in aooom plishing when they think of such little ones left- k ithout protecting oare or guiding in flu enoe almost entirely to their own resources many a child who has come under the influence of this school will recall with gratitude its work and help in later life and bless the name of its benevolent foundress there are classes oon duoted first as m the public school miss l gilmer of georgetown is the capable teacher to whom the ohildron look for instruction mibs couwb th a u ten dent who takes a genuine in terest in the children e welfare and obtains excellent results milton v chisholm registrar went to preston last saturday to remain until next week last fnda forenoon the roof of the dwellmr of messrs w j cot trelle and t p chisholm caught lire from a spark it is supposed splendid work was done by a buck et hrigade composed of neighbors whosoon extinguished the flames at the bamvtirue carrying out fur niture but three rooms were more or less damaged the ladiea section of tht milton lawn bowling clob held its an nual meeting at the borne of the president mrs cr tomer on friday evening last whm the tol lowing officers were elected presidentrmibb margaret moffat ice preb mra j leslie king secretary treas mrs f r mo aher cham ton soil bail v illc llllr f llll b ml lit l i f i hi ito g low 11 soft ball i i 1 w ih i 1 i lh o llll 1 li ill 111 i n br hi nihl l vl 11 t wm h lid to 1 1 1 tu r nix x ul i ri dionikhl 1 ul rime to be nnen inn n kh n ul hiukn to b 1 1 1 i in u10 arcui 1 tip i ihi fcme w 1 suirt at utd llu hitond at h to pm an id 11 i fit of 10c ill ho lurked to i friy lx od lburhlii tvennik mil tr i all numbeis of the tci tip aro retjuooted fo inetl it llic aim 1 it 8 o clock for the 1 111 ow of i 11m out tbo diamond and deal 111 r with other matte s of nnixirtan n the following xched 1i1 is drawn 111 guhduib ma 11 papennill sk creolman h banlern vs odd f el low h mnj lb chapter s cburih firemen vs papoiqull may 26 creolman s vs banker4 oddfellows vs chajtcr june 1 papermill vs church oreplman s vh firemen ie y bankers vsr chapter oddfellows vs church june 1c- creel man s vs oddfellows bankers vb firemen 10 82 church vs firemen papermill vs chapter june 29 ore el man h r chapter bankers vs church july s creelman s vs church oddfellows a papermill july is papermill vs bankers chapter vs firemen jul 20 oddfellows s firemen approves premiers refusal the farmer b sun highly ap proves of the answer of lion w l m king s refusal to consider the continuance of federal aubsi dies to provincial road building and disapproves of continued heavy expenditure in ontario on provin cial highways the sun says nor was mr king without suf fioient grounds for his refusal the coat of carrying the national debt atone is within five million dollars of our total federal 01 pen diture for all purposes ten years ago and while both the united states and great britain are re dnciog their debt burdens our borden is growing greater de spite iq increase of 18 000 000 in revenue luh year almost wholly derived from taxation there was at the same tit an increase of 46 000 000 m our ational indebt edness it ia quite dear we can not go on in that uaj taxation has atread well nigh reached the carrying oapaoitv of tasters and a net debt of nearly two and a half billions cannot bt further increased without danger ot bankruptcy the only remedy for the situation is to curtail ex penditure and the head of the dominion government has acted wisely in refusing to continue one line of expenditure the federal authority should never have en tared upon the refusal of the king govern ment to renew the federal ap propriation will have an imtnedi ate effect upon prownaial high ways expenditure and nothing will be more effective in bringing ontario down to realities in con neotioa with road construction than the knowledge that the do minion treasury is closed when the eighteen hundred mite scheme of provincial highways was enter ed upon legislation fixed the share ot the province at eighty per cant and of the municipalities at twenty the assumption by the province of this percentage of cost was not such a big undertaking as it would seem at first glance since one half of it was taken care of out of on tano a share of the federal appro priation that bhare it is admit tedbaarbfeen more than exhausted fay grantb already made toward roads constructed nr ear marked for others under construction it ib no secret that highwayj depart ment officials have been hoping for a renewal pf the appropriation in fact proceeding on the an sumption thnttb would be- renew ed acton bx4u norvar b squftsiur township put iooo worth ot gravel t n thedeorretown norval read and the highway con tractor in widen g and gradinr the loud ovpred it with the b ue cla of the 1 ktmt the lemilt aaa that tor llip jutit fnrtoijjit the peoslr who wanfd to 1 ue the road made letours thraiirh ash grove nnlpk or i nion f miles to get to nn i from georgetown whatsis known lucall as laird hilljb in n terrible condition from last jears wort and the nprior thaw a i roasinglen uare paator of the local methodist church imsrobirn ed hw charse on account of ill health mr hare wilt engage m mishiunai nik in western cana mr j kenned of oeorge town visited his on here on s110 da alex kannamn has sold his oil business to the gt elph branch of the imperial oil co hecootlnues in their employment here t cars of potatoett and tin n s were shipped from hero dm ing the week the farmers were pa 1 wc for potatoes and hoc for tnrniih mrs atkins wife of provincial constable atkm and her little son arrived from port dover last week mr and mrs atkinti hbpe to get settled in a home n acton shortlv mr amos maaon of the mahod knitting mills ban taken pohnea sion of the residence of tnp late hon david hxnderaon bower avenue mr and mrs mason will aoon be nicel settled there free notes and comments 1 nl ihh ho uk rtil nu of a more miiiihl ititial imturo4jin 1m expected f from tin fid odiinlssionvni of thin 111 intr lh ui has been eh m ni nn d n tl irt it would ap tm 1 is f then mirvilpu from no v uti n ight well 1h dihhjhed with flu is com iiou bin so in the hlalctiicnt th it on 1 driver of a hiiirlt hoi si in th front of a coal b irt has done mure to keep tbo iu if fuel n i than all the coal ton 1111 urn oners ut together cer 1 1 ul tht 11- usefulness iuik not bioii appurent and it is tho re nulls ftliu ti count ft lien a country lit confronted with the iiosiribilit of i mot to go without coal rillrtlsthf iimi- ofatvhen tin individuu 1 1ojwrtj owner can do 1 11i1 toward making oeorge tiun a still more bcnntifol town a oit or two gf paint on build ingtor fences rt new walfe or re lairhtuthe old one a halt day vpent in putting grass plots in con dition these will pay big divi dends in cultivation of civic pride making a town beautiful after all is almost entirely up to the indi vidual the small property owner or reoter an inusuallv well kept residential or other property will add beauty to the entire block a neglected 1 roporty will remainv an eyesore rerar moss of where jt ib situated or of it surroundings canada is bmno vimouvu with letters prospectuses and other propaganda literature by oil well operators and speculators seekiog investors id oil atocku our advice has long been to canadians to be- ware of putting their money into holes in the ground the 0 8 is taking action to stop these propa gandists from using the mails and numerous arreata have been made and many more are likely to be made wo regard all such van lures to get rich quick as fakes be cause it thre are good prospects there are plenty of wealthy tovee tors who understood the game to gobble them up before outsiders can get a show think three times before investing your money in oil wells or mining propositions with the adtomobiib season at hand tt may not be amiss to call the attention or drivers and would be drivers to the need of increased oare in the matter of handling their care georgetown has bad very good luck so far and the word luokia oaed advised ly in the matter of fatalities and we ought to see that tbu record maintained to the beat of our ability an old hand at the game stated the other day it is not difficult to know what you are go ing to do in a certain emergency but the greatest trouble is to know what the other fellow ia going to do that is wbj i always play aife not a bad idea to follow is t people learning to drive hlwa h do the unexpected cither from ignorance of the proper thing to do dv from excitement and competent 1 rivers roust riot forget that all the cvra they meet hava not expert drivers at the wheel what with unexfc neika drivers 1 the use of too powerful lights and reckless drivers it requires a lot of common sense to keep a man from meeting accidents these day a and even then he fails some times to escape we abb ubbaturks of habit and for the good within ua we are indebted to habit while the bad within ua habit sustains habit in fact ia a cable we weave a thread of it every da until at last we cannot break it each tell me truly does the hab really take after his rather asked mrs jones en indeed why when we took the darling s bottle away he tncd to repp down the cellar atairi 4 b th t bud aga a take us along to the time of flowers each night no matter how dark and dreary is followed by the morning which pffera us a fresh beginning and hope tbo old moon goes to make room for tho new moon there is so much that is beautiful in this world so much promise that it is waste of time and energy to look for the flaws or to worry ovir what cannot be undone the old days never come again becautje they would be retting in the way of the new ones just so we want to give up worry fear and such thoughts which get in the vsy of btigbter thoughta thpe is no room in the mtnd or in the heart for unpleasant thoughts and the many frets that worry not a fen fretting never lifts a load and worry much or little never smoothes an irkeaome road don t look for the flaws as you go through life and even when you find them tis wise and bind bo be some times blind and look for the virtues behind them troubles come to all therefore expect them 1 not meet them do not exaggerate them share them believe in their nee to be able to have the things we want that 1 h riches but to be able to do without loalis potger 800 helton cvriatn will st two hundred choristers from il c olioure or the halton deanery rei resenting oakville burlington milton acton georgetown and rome of the rural ilistncts will take part m a choral festival to- be held at st judea church oakville onthursdayilay 10th under the direction h c fletcher sing era will be chosen from the choirs of the anglican churches and will give an attractive programmo in oakville they will hold a re hearsal in the afternoon prior to the evening concert te

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