Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 2, 1923, p. 2

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tim ofobuktown hkhaid ma and j9an wrh wulson undartaker and lloanul embmlmtir mala it ohuwi auu t lr h mrrllrr credit lodge af am i high school board slewarttown r binha lruitri l 50c marrarf 5u doili vv m no matt ph how alive ulrwt olcanilk department h may dp tbi thoroughfare of n town neer iqol decent uripbh name spirit of neat netw exihln in the minds of the oiiixodh iho tondeney to litter up streets with paper bags hand bills ttornph of umsnaperk etc eem to be growing wtvw d orderly it ml littered streets gin tbe impression that a place ban no commuuit bturit and ik too poor for street cleaning this nffectn tbe nnodb or all who pafts through and makes a placo look unattrac uvc to peoile who might ttettlo hero tbo automobile traffic placed every town on drettn parade strange guthrough dnilj in inn cbmea tbej pann judgment on the town if il ik ditoiderl the peculate the ator that the town iq slack and stovenl the spring ib ft time when jieculiar care m nee estary refreshment standa and candy and fruit stores are running tall blast and many people cast the dflbrta into tbe gutters a citizen should be as aahamed to eaut refuse into bis street as to spit on his parlor rug at home obituary jaueb moor another of our well known and a bighly respected resident of georgetown tor tbe past 87 years in tbe person or james moore died at his homo hert wednesday april- 25th in his hist jear mr moore wbo wax born in eaqueeidg township not far from george town wan the sou of william moore one of the pioneers of tbe township hut wife died seen months ago and he leaven four daughters mrs fred roddell georgetown and misses margaret isabel and edith at home two brothers bf deceased also survic richard of toronto and william of milton william won unable to attend tbe funeral on account of illness mr moore was a mem ber of the presbyterian cuarob and was a liberal in politics the faneral took platoe on friday after noon- to greenwood cemetery the sen ice was conducted by revs b- f cameron and dr mccoll the pall bearers- were david laidlaw blythe donald moore toronto john k and wm moore milton john l moore and alvin mcdonald william laidutu an outstanding figure in the j gal profession in toronto id the person of wm laid i aw passed away on sunday aged 84 mr laidlaw was born in halton conn by and began bia profession career in milton after practicing tor a time in hamilton be removed to toronto 40 years ago od bad taken part o many noffble legal twmles he is burijed by his widawnd one daughter lhen wiix u litim illi milium lit lil umiho hint nlii oning wlmn k w itro c liftuiphill ddom of wellirthtuii dimimi atouiiaiiied b w hid downing of kiubonri paid iiih utile ml v nit to re tlit llg a heitit wi i oiiie ih ixunded b win aim fnl 11 ah tor s kirlf and onicorn af u r a in h a undulate woh untiatod n to the mjatttiea of the ilrnt dc gree 1 he biiaiuenn of tin vtmmg ihidk milled the tabka were laid and a delicious repast wuh partiik of and much enjoyed il nil present aw bru hemphill id reuponse to the toant our grand mastei id cirand codgu guvo a splendid addross on manoni and whul tin order expects of erj mason m t everyday life iiih rimarka ere much appreciated the toanl hat anitoui bro s kirk planter jodgi wbshh follows toaht 1 1st the king proposed b worship fyl mahtei s kirk song w bro l w lole heading bro greenwood our grand master and grand lodge proposed by v w bro major tiiant response rw bro c hemphill ddom y beading bro oroenwocd l our visitors proposed by w tiro e y barraclough response brethren of visiting lodges credit lodge proposed by rw bro c c hemphill d d g m response w m 8 eirk song w bro castell tbe candidate proposed by w bio h corke response bro hd wards unior warden s toast god save the king moutwgof mnrli uolb oin ul mthm cuiikiou h iti will hod wiiuoii and inu on motion of m shih utaon and willauo lb lollowmg at ouuth uiro pnshtid job n midnnitld coal j1h2 06 mcku at boo i bijitip mont hiipiilinh 1u00 tht imumtion of enlnrgiu i bo t uiniiiiiti ml course was disciianed meeting of april 17tb present mossrs camorou hutt jglou nd wauiiii on motion or messrs willson and wat iion tin aooount of john mcdonald for coal uo4 so was passed the hecretary- was instrut ted to derone thousand rthoetsof paier with embossed heading terra cotta wed by w of citdil town council council met on tuesday even mg may 1st at 8 p m with may or dale in the chair reeve mcln tyre and councillors all present the tenders for the beating ays tern or the now waterworks were penod tenders were roeived rom r h thompson co and j w kennedy son tbe tender of j w kennedy dr son at 1140 for lord burn ham boiler and installing was accepted dr watson addressed the coun i re dirt dumped on hie fathers propertj from the new waterworks construction and asking that it be removed dr marcellus addressed the council re disposal of garbage re commending the use of cans wjiicb would be emptied once a we council will consider tbe bfatter grand vacert ndc church news st georges ciiukui on sunday next rogation sun dap tbe services will be a celebra tion of the holy communion at 8 4 and 11 am and evensong at 7 pm corporate communion of tbe womens auxiliary the ron tor will preach on tbe manliness 6f christ at the evening service boy stouts thursday 17 3rd hadr ausploi rtrbxicd ttae firemen have secured four of canada s most popular enter taipers for their concert in the town hall on thursday evening and are deserving a large patron age the program is high elass id vill be presented as follows pkogbammf gypsy airs helen hunt 2 a rain b the open secret r robin robin sing me a song tiladwys jones morgan 1 sketch jean modonald a spanuh serenade b tango helen hnnt 5 one fine day from madame butterfly gladwjs j morgan sketch jean modonald scherko b flat minor eulalie buohanan a waters of minnetonka b all for you gladwys jones morgan 01 mwij sketch jean modonald lon a hnn scouts and cubs meet friday at 7 80 p m at public school a full attendance is desired better get busy fellows and get the club room cleaned up so hat we can use fimw hajtea mu ihi william gordon for many years a resident of halton county pern acton died at port huron minbi gan on thursdaylast in his 78th tr mr gordon was the eldest jit t late john gordon one of tbe honored pioneers of halton wbo came from scotland in the year 1882 about 8e yearn ao he went to dutton and later to glen ooe where he was 10 business un til about three years ago when he retired and went to port huron tbe funeral took place at g ton coo on sod day t free demonstration st it h thompson cos nejtt tuesday may 8th if you want a good cushion soled boot for man or noman go jia buys hundreds or pairs at a liraf tp william k work boots for men are bard to beat for the money try a pair npxt time and be con vinoed that they are not only n hood wearing boot but that ou gat rnmfprl in llu m from the day yiv put them on georgetown no winder c tell lota boat- the beg mcpberson calf boot made from selected hides the very latest taoage meets the exist ing demand for a soft and mellow leather combined with a tough fibrettues boots filled with pore heatafoot oil re aa near water proof an it 1 possible to make leather also day foots improved apecial where the best boots are soldjtt georgetown and tbe hhb blaeta tor repairing- j ronej 00 itp fox place tor repairing wubnrfor repairs garion panes helen hunt 11 the false propbet gladwys jones morgan 12 sketch jean mcdnnild god save the king note this concert is positively guaranteed the musical artists are the verv finest in gnada jean mcdonald is wonderful come thank me a d mr a dobb a nod mn ohti 0 friend bint ne ghborm for during tht tinii dlhe- gu elph hti ll auction sale 1 oft household furniture the iinderxgticd him ti inilrucled by w h woktzb to ll hy public auction hi bark of old coated pfw miljsihi rruay m 19a3 al 7 p m the follow ng crown hurotktove h tcben table 5 fl x2 ft t huhri nplmvnil wi of kitchen oha r itrdromn avcnwab iwd and wl i refit lml let 1 and congoleum tug tar w kuip rxtenmoo round titble oil ni e and ovni pit household utet lit tertni cash ben petch aurt mccr horses f5r sale apma ttt p j1urst 7th lin gboboetown rr 1 browns garage used cars for sale service jihone soo day or night free air browns garage malta st hart mrs i portci of toronto who bos been visiting her parents here has rotnrnnd home mihh lulu edge wbo underwent in operation for appendicitis at uielpli hospital last week is mak pjj rapid progress towatds recov eiy mr w j rutledge is the flitt to be through seeding in this nee tion the uarlerly services will be held in tbe methodist church here not sabbath at 8 p m miss lona black tbe cth lino trarker has resumed ber duties after her recent illness j mcleod had a very tue cneaful samng bee last week tbe niirhii u onm it i iht hiniiiiior hlu i s ttuiil it n fit itmori tnlk on health ni w pnmth i n 1 lomi old oiim wi h imimtx r of lb i pi oh nt als of tin incotiiik iiiluiu liunli lersol a bfnii v n ol tl u uiih tnndeied minn llitiimiit i in i ititt rest ui k on in tin iiish tht 1 jljucrtlllk mi uk li f 1 women h inntitiui w ii i ild lb mculrti ii untlih milling in t tjoiiik il t hamtxi uniirttuun f uldj may iii at 2 h v in gnod atteiidaixe k n jiiirttcit ai im the annual un i tint uuri tuiu of oilteeim gtenwilliams saturday treat il saturday lira spcm 25c it weekend chocolates 1923 spring 1923 itlm mori of fine high claim irnislnngx 1 lo rrgular 40 and 50c rtu ml n i band nud if in i si jid doiliciilji iiiwnufim i lb 1iimm of i i now that the spring milliner openings are over it naturally fol lows that the opening of the fish ing and bouaeo leaning season a are bound to be rushed a we k from nest sunday i bt mothers du sinjnori in the motbodit clmrrti at 7 p tins willauobe mi hi well iiih last 9 n oilii ot cuit a number of dim uti puichnoed ni w autom fishing tn the ciculil swing here wino nil ice cream real ic cream no to our park soda or nu appetih rt always th bi oranges tjananas freah tomatoes mot drinks a spic1alty arthur norrington r have been caught isn t it time our lartonse uum were out practising the roads into and through the glen are in bad shape some thing should be done b way of re pairing them animalo are not allowed to inn the alketn owers i itaso take notice firemen s concert this tlinrs day night in the town hail the 1 n lumber co limited in addition to our already large assortment of building matcnsla we are also selling cerent and 10 test fibre board this fibre board can be used frointfellar to attic either inside or outside for outsidejlvalla of garages sum mer cottages barns or outwftisee of every kind this fibre board gives endunnoatisfaction it defies the elements and is the rnjjreconomical material you can for further uorrnatiqn call and get fre book which explains i daring tests car owners attention i fl we have installed a complete and uptodate battery charging and repairing equipment twe are able to give you prompt service on recharging or repairing batlenes customers can always obtain a rental battery while having their own repaired or charged ja complete line of new willard threaded rubber or wood insulated batlenes for ll makes of cats always earned in stocs iall makes of batteries tested and filled with distilled water free of charge jth1s is the proper time to examine your battery before you start the seasons running we can supply wllad c w 3 batteneslor ford cars at 23 00 see us before buying your new battery jlet us test your battery at least twice a month j n oneill a son georgetown dtatrlbutoraarstndamltaraaa d4ura tbe georgetown lumber co limited georgetown flour feed mill big crop seed corn wherever motor cars arc dlacumcd mntbody to pure tp remark that speajfltx 8twfebsker it a regular automobile the studebaker special six ha been on the market for four year bach year ha teen added to it luch refine mentaandimprovbmenteaatlmenatnadcpoeiiblc today there are more than one hundred and twenty flvctbouaand tn everyday aervtee ond we dont believe there a dlt wtufied owner the nunc waa elected becauar comparative teeta agaldit all idnda of car made thli car atand out a aomethlni ipecial and apart from the ordinary run of automobllea count the special sixet that have appeared tlnce the- arrival of the studebaker special six thats the proof of the value of the original special six lightsix 9pkciaqsix bio slit sfau in w r nrw a t ftu nt w e coup4pua 7so wo caupc 4pm jm t your convoruetio jn oneill son georgetown lh1s 18 j we have tbo agency for tbis corn in thin district and il ts soki oeilj under the abovo name big crop corn also other phone 195 timothy and clover heed w c bessey georgetown lit8 1 mm hi service phone ib3 protection wall papers wall papers wall paper burlkpi varnished tiles for bathrooms ftoomjbsonldixwr eto onrl928 iiatterns arp up to date m ovorj way get jour liapern and yonr decoration from a practical mail now ib the lorical time to decornte an prioes arc luwer now than will bo possible later on estimates in on paiwnnu paintinu rratnior etc phohk ring 5 brli tk1 fpifonli rbiudd special for saturday cream ports rream boils flora doras lajfr cakon ib date filling lemon and ttocoamit pies aibo a ehoiw of otber faocj pastr xltincatone quality bread leads them all phone orders loby satdrday morning a uvingstone fhoheu wby pay rent when you can buy a larre double house in tbe centre of georgetown with six rood lots on these exceedingly easy terete three tn the hundred dollars down balance on monthtr pay ratruta spread over a period of ten j ears the extra imniw will pay the interest on tbo investment and you have uus fine ptere of land to help you along with jour monthly payments tninfc this over and see na at once wtxvans6g saseosaaaaessesasfceaasssa the willoagbby farm agency 2000cash hasv tonus splandid house with furnace eleclnr- iiul ao ear age anafmafl barn there is a lot of good fruit jio rrasonablo offer will lf i furii h b mcdowell rep georneknm oatvm or to the willougbby farm agency ca office 11 htjwu st twmk rhnlaalbnm ii real estate insurance houses to rent for fnforfqation apply to r j hynds insurance and re at estate broker phone 203 georgetown he ai nrinud b i tteutil uf uiilii n ii unit uudn u4 i miukc i m- int lemn arr his ud i siilnt mdchn art daily i oinliitt bom hi ji iixt ii i tinnt in foreign miuiiim kicn special attention i imixl iiptnilati suitings nverroatmkh t wt fiitmire tliat our effort will hi v an nliowmg lh tu in the trrj nt iilunngx itoaiitiful mixtures m indis i r kx hinihh ft you will mate no hi it an earl date before he betit at with omt claah trimmings and nkilwl maiilup i liive tr conlldonri in our abilit to w all wbo finr un with their patronage new spring hats jwj nrrutil nil the latent nblcb au iitirjngs in hanl soft felt bain cti new spring neckwear our ni spnng nnjlminr eollars cuffs glnves liatr loe bracers etc xmiprlhe tllo very bflt and newaat articlea ready to wear clothing wo have a tine woloi t mn of boy u youths and mens uiik uvereoatx and otlll uints wp make a specialty in this w soueit a skin r tanr patmaia millar go amh phone 126 a georgetown jagksons the big show starts may 5th special prices on gold seal congoleum art rugs week only- may 5th to 12th 9x6 ft congoleum art bogs t85 9x7 ft congoledm art bugs 096 9x9 ft congoleum art bugs 1196 sxloi ft congolepm art ruga 1896 9x13 ft congoleum art bugs 1696 other sixes ranging down to 18x86 innb rogt 46 all floor covering at special prices for one week only 9x13 ft linoleum rugs regular 81 2 9xlo ft linoleum burr regular 18 4 1796 1696 special pnpeson oilcloth ruk grasarugs buoglobugs tapestry rags braesell rngs make your selection early to get good efaoioe u lifs fimuuteh flrsl qsiuiy quality value service jacksons- georgetown h druks cigar store b b cigars cigarettes and to- n bacco ail kinds of pipes tobacco pouches etc ball lives of confectionery 1 we are making a sale of lowneys1 first class chocolates v attractively priced at 35c per lb yoji are invited to samplethen caul in i h druks- georgetown the east end meat shop tl choice meats c f ridlerrbutcfer call and see iirhat we have to offer georgetown phone 206

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