Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 2, 1923, p. 3

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t tub obobobtqwn hbbaid ma matthews drug store the home of tfae vtotrolti asnt page at shnw hiffh onde ohooolatti i baseball and fishing i 4 supplies the bfiuutu im now uoiu tor buxeuull and tiahiog mi s window we can the bet nj s 1 kodaks and supplies f ba good assortment or photographic mrpplien always a hand bring your fllmn ho re to lie developed 1 djmatthew ivx drugs und stationery local news hems 4 i concert thurmhrj mothers day lath werer you fishing qockey club dance friday grenfell miaaion tea saturday vemicol den ton at rut ion may 8th masons orchestra at the bex theatre wed and fri may 0 and 11 a large number from here are attending the liberal conven tion at milton to day have you secured a ticket foi the firemens concert to morrow evening if not do it now mayor dae gave an interest ing talk to the young peoples guild in knpi church on monday evening remember the dance on fri day evening is tor you beginning at eight oclock sharp and ends t twelve the third division com iv hi oh was to have been held at georgetown today has been post poned to may 9th our ooqncil made a start to clean up central park on thursday night last when all the grass and rubbish war horned expert photo finishing de veloping co a roll printing 8c a piece any sixe post paid jack son studio chealey ont dpnt forget the dance in the town hall on friday evening look for the programme every one welcome bring yonr friends everybody in invited to the grenfell mission tea shower and sale of baking at the poblio libra ry next saturday afternoon may fish the regular meeting c the terra cotta cfo and ufwo will be held on monday evening may 7th at the home of mr and mrs w a lyonb dont m hear four canadas most popular entertain era at the firemens concert in the town hall tomorrow evening thursday may srd master charlie sorymegeour tour local- sootoh comedian de lighted the members of knox guild with his selections on mon day evening instead of worrying about their wandering boys fathers should recollect that they are bonnd to do some wandering some times in order to seenre parking places charles hutchison the serial king will commence a fifteen week run on wednesday may ittth at the bex theatre with his latest and best serial oo-oet-em- hutch watch for it r the hookey club held a very enjoyable dance in the town hall l ev w oruanill mlmfaw ta the annual tea shower and nale it f home- made buking for the qren tell mission will be held oti stttur- jny ufter noon may btli in the public library clothing for adults and children traceries and- hospitai stipplicr are krcatly need od hoekay club due the following is the program for the hockey club dance on friday evening extras waits one step lancers one- step waltz paul j on en rye waltz quadrille trot waltz onestep paul jones lancers tkobaaa on tuesday april 24th thomas nee land b for many years editor the hensal oliserver and at one time proprietor of the herald passed away at his home in hen- sail in his 72nd year the re mains were interred in hensall union cemetery to ru anas okargv beu and his wife of to ronto have been sent up tor trial police magistrate shields on tu charge of setting fire to and burning their dwelling on their farm in trafalgar township near milton last october both were released on heavy bail buiunlmlnni mr matthews drug store was entered again on thursday night last and a quantity of goods stolen the thieves are believed to have made their entrance through an up stairs window at the rear we understand the matter has been placed in the bands of the provin cial authorities rfldrm ooavamtln the reform convention is being held at milton today and is in session as wo go to press mayor dale is allowing his aame to go be fore the convention and should he win out he will put op a vigorous fight for the reform party in hal- he is a young man of ability and quite capable of representing any constituency in the leglisla- tnre lotto ey a few days ago major prowse of brampton was splitting kind ling a piece of it flew up and put out one of hie eyes he was rushed to toronto general hos pital where an operation was per formed it is hoped the sight of one eye will be saved major prowse served in the british army in india was a member of tbe halton rifles and went overseas with tbe 126tb battalion later be was transferred to the 7fith gum hi r pinawli the jury at the deserted child inquest at milton last monday brought in a verdict that bronchial pneumonia was the cause of death brought ob by exposure by being left for about thirty hours in an outside oloset at tbe radial btation georgetown the charge good attendance and drat class roosio was provided by mr and mrs a thnrston and mies jessi lesitijt mr caine was the cap able floor manager soapberries st begin ever bearing herbert and eaton good ntrong plants 1 per doe only a few dox- eaah i have also good varieties of iris delphinium dah lias cannaa gladiolus geranium and other bedding plants hang ing baskets filled to order c w pftpafc charles st phone 112 it the postexpress of rochester ij y of april 14th has an account of the activities of mcr uor pres byterian church of rochester qf whibb bev b j drysdale former ly of georgetown is now minister many accession of membership are noted mr dryedale baa been la rochester since graduating m afrom yaie university in 1907 e ia also on the staff of the be- ouesler theological seminary this year bavingioharge of the class in hebrew miss simplicity electric wash er 9800 bunnysudn electric washecl 8500 the above ma chines represent the very best value in the electric washer field today both machines are backed by the jron clad guarantee and real servioe is sold with each ma chine ybu con purchase eithei for cash or on small monthly pay ments if yoli wish ask for a free demonstration in your own home von are nnder no obligation to buy norman h- speights music and electric store open wednesday evenings and saturday afternoon and evenings we wish to announce to tbe georgetown and vicinity public that consistent with onr ejrtjo give the finest possible service oar line beginning this wee vread will bewrapptorfn sanitary waxed paper always ask for and get livingstones quality bread iir the bast egainbtthe pnnuui u changed from abandonment of her child to that of manslaughter and she will be up for trial at the- fall assizes frvrlol dwamtttoa vemicol is a bupior bnt inex pensive varnish stain for renew ing floors woodwork and f rjrniture your floors may be easily grained and finished to look like hardwood at a very little cost to fully ex plain the method and teach you bow to grain and beautify your home we have engaged lowe brothers lady demonstrator she will be at b h thompson gos hardware store on tuesday may bth this service is fiee in ad dilion we will give away a genuine brush with every purchase of a quart or more or vera tool va rnisb stain or vemicol ground col lor yon and yonr friends are cordially invited to receive lessons from this lady remember tbe date aod come early r h thompson co t gwamty ul tka highway the new provincial law that counties pay twenty per cent- of the cost of construction and main tenanoe on provincial highways will relieve the municipalities along the toronto- hamilton high way of- that expense they will now ofty contribute their share to tbe county tbe intercity high way maintenance account was re ceived at last meeting of tbe oak- illeicoinoil and shows an item of somewhat over fourteen hundjed dollars for the county this is tbe first year tbe law has been operation this is only fair bow ever astbecounty will pay tweo- ty per cent for both construction and maintenance on duodas street through trafalgar aod nelson and on the provincial road through esquesing georgetown and acton oakville star all householders should attend tbe vemicol demonstration at b h thompson cos hardware store on tuesday may 8th lad ies are particularly invited personals ml ii t coo 11 msiuok- willi fncndti in montreal mi 11 m lleanuoll united lioinc lioni toronto huhpiuil irwt hnturday and ih inijirovink nicely ir and mik j j cuihimii tended the hell tehnhonc tininitet at weiuju hiht thtimdn ieiinift mr andrew dob bio ai imd home i ft hi week from uuelpb leu era llontn and bin many friends pleohetl id hco iiiiii down tonn again mr llogeiudi ihik reluroed home nfur hjieoding uoine day at ixiring where hin mother died ao april viad w ilro corke boh catnernn dickie ueau nod norrington mo torcdlo walker lodge aoton on monday evening where they njient a very pleartimt time mr harold bell iihh received bis krndnatlon diploma irom toionto univeiitily and left to day to or cept a position with the hydro electric at niagnhi mr richard miiin woh aiilo to leturn home from toronto hottpi- lai last rtaiurdaj and m now con valescing at the home o her bro ther mr j a tray mr roe- of town and mian prairie maguirc or nerval are in hamilton attending the annual meeting of the womens auxiliary or the church of england among the successful studantu at toronto uaivumity examtt we notice the following irwin mat thew 1st year clarence buck tom bingham james xindsay john ryan 2nd year aod harold bell final mr lui llsile ui li b i ondncliiik an lectin i tow for lfl mmnlit for toimto when- l- bu- nrfepted a jihiii jmisitu laige lirrn n that fit j while huri iiiaim fncndh will tegrut tu hear or his removal from town the wihii htm ever m haile and hoii will the hum c cor atiiotig those- fiom a dihinnee wbi attended the funeral of the late jamen moore lost week woi mr richard moore mr donald mu mihh margaret mooie mi a weimh mnt fred foxlou toronto mim wui lane memw william and jnhrt scott mr robert stew ait mr jan hume mrs boyd si i agoes boyd miss kiln 1 ed dy mm wm moore messrs john k and wm moore milton mrs inorue johnston mrs dm id laid law blvtlie mr and mrs robert lluniennd mrs wm reed quelph we feel proud of our stock of childrens footwear our variety is targe and our prireti are small bring the children here and have them utted properly hurlbut hhoeit alwuytt in mtock- h j fn gioinetowo hoots arrive every week direct from the factory made specifltily improved by experienced workmen buy the day foot boot warranted to gie satisfaction also the mac phereon shoen and the pathflndei boys aod mens boots made steci ally for ua by the relianoe co no wonder our businesh is growing bb we sell only the very best boots money can boy cushion soled mens boot a at jtt00 that would eoht 1000 in the city repairing inenu boots half soled 100- roney the gebrgetovn hockey club requests the pleasure of your company at a dance to be given in the town hall- georgetown on friday evening may 4th 1 923 admission gentlemen 50c ladies 25c 3pieceorchestra w c anthony floor manager committees a duncan p blackburn h cleave e early a cole and c kennedy erwingoluhams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 fresh fih at all time waleh our windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed grandys specials ammonia h pkgs for lux 8 ror corn starch 3 for sclawrence corn starch lor ivory gloss starch 8 for baby chic feed per pkg baby chic feed per lb blatrhfords milk mash for baby chirk i ibi for pineapple per tin pears per tin peaoheb per 8 ik tin blue berries per tin strawberry jam per 4 lb tin raspberry jam per 4 lb tin plum jam 4 lh tin apple nnd strawberry jjcm 4 ih tin wo sa 26c s5c 25c 50c be 2se ific ft5c uc sqe xbc s 16c r 1 00 r 1 00 75o 00c m grandy rex theatre the km flo ui camlilight of gennit- thrown iimn the met re i plue- of the hiuil it ih a glohiik mehhuge for all vuo hae ejen to we cumeily the leo kidh in double trouble seepeui canada lnlmnuy may atk tbe grinimou challenge starring dorothy dnlton see tho two gunned hard nd- ing heioine ivvntte herself upon her fathers slayer and win the man of hei heart comedy treasure bound fox weekly ncwh wdmur may 9th the game of life tibowing love romance comedy anil ft episode 1g while i eaule adnm masons orcbetttia liofi 25e and 50r moxt wsdaeadkjr episode nn i go let-krn- hutch qeorqetown ont hatouiho coos o c bred lo biy sc white le ni from the same slock a d in the canadian hgg laying conteni ai otttwa ilh 50 pent in compel it ion sloopcr 11 phooe 162 h l hull geor 11 batohimo eoos for sale rhode island red while wynndolles and sc ancona from heavy laying oaalsioo per 1j or 7 00 per 100 auo agent or ivtahbmie brnoilern j ii mccauley eaton firm if foavsajle pure bred barred plymouth rock halt li lag ekica oac bred to lay hlrain pru- si 00 per setting of 13 eggs or 100 eggi for 700 g l watson maple ave georgetown i hone 309 t j a ballantines shoe repair factory larr klmc aad qshd sta ntwu- ot btotlafa 0aimtowtt omft headquartern for sew en wok otw dress shoe repairs shop cioawtf10 dally a so saturdays notice to creditors la tfc eatt4of wuuim snlll lat nrtaa township of eqneiins 1 th connty of halton funtr notice hereby gnen jiiriunl to statute that all person liavm claims against hc estate ol ihe above deceased william smcllie who died on or about the eleventh day of february 1923 arc re quired to send or deliveito ihr undersign ed solicitors for the exrutorf of ihe lait will and tesiamenl of the said deceased full particular ol their claims on or be fore saturdny tlio nineteenth day of may 1923 and notice it further given thi i tier aaidjaiit nenlioned dale the mild ejiccuiotb will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then received have notice and they will not be jiabla for the aaid aasetb or any part there of to any person of whose claim notice baa not been received at the lime of dint n ulion dated ihe 19lh day of april 1923 graham graham it rowyer brampton ontario solicitors for said executors bargain in guaranteed tires why pay more we have them at last yearspricob allaixob now is the time o have yonr old tires looked over f h butterf1eld vtjlcanizeb 0pp bex theatre georgetown thursday bargain day the following are only a few of the many bargains offer ed on thursday hosiery imdioa silk and wool i lout f 1 2t ladies bibbed coah hose lutdieh phu a cash hone clk- ijadieh heather wool ho 7i inl muc smallwares ucribblem liitin hie tf foi 2c- writing pods for 25c examination puds a for zfk- glau tumblers 6 for 2cc coats spoolu6 for 26c polar while soap 0 for 5c clothnh pius a doz tor 10c shetland fiohs por akom 10c aprons ijidiea coverall aprons 0e liulie indigo lllue drnahea 37c for 64 flannel 31 white flannelette 27c 27 white flannelette 21c 36 dark flannelette 27c the above prices for cash or produce mcbean co georgetown renniesrocery grocery specials i pastry flour per 24 lbs 9c 6 lb8 rolled oats 26c 4 lb tin strawberry jam i 90c 4 lb tin greengage jam 69c scotch bran perpkt 2cc large bottle catsup s6c 5 lb pail pure lard 98c health salts per tin 15c large pkt matches 37c corn starch por pkt ioc peanut butter por lb 26c dutch onion sets per ih 20c pearlinc fl for 23o ammonia 8 for 28c new ad to the public any person requiring cinders removed a plowed communicate with j rmndford phone 5r2t georgetown all orner receive prompt alien i ion km 2tp tost etween adam kay houlc bnd m zml t on sunday a gold bar brooch1 white cameo find please leave al herald obice reward v p suotkio wajher for baxe misssanplicuj- elecinc wuber like- new used only fe ijmes lor demonstr- oaes a k barrain at can b purchased on smalt eota norm metric store for sajle bananas oranges and tomatoes d r rennie house phone 269 phone 151 for quick delivery situation wajtteb k mrfjogrmpher with good vnowledge of book keeping and fyling applyat herald office 2s wanted housekeeper wanted for family of 3 apply after 6 oclock te ii latimerma pie av- next enirancc 10 golf links ueorjretown for ajle four cbllie dog pup gsont 3 monlhs durant sport touring teamster wanted single man for t l o board on place must be k careful ma with horw and gras mower ap ply j hanhmod golf link georg t duck eaob rawn duik eggs or hatcbiiftj j a iilb rr no1 norval pho 7rl3 wanted a giri or middle aged woman to do general housework permaiieot position apply to mra ssme the lirat train load of automobileb ever shipped from toronto were ubipped by tbe durant motor co from their leaside plant the equivalent of 27 train loads of durant and star ran hasalrondy been distributed by tbe toronto dnrant co wo would advise placing ordeis as deliveries will be delayed t j speight agent georgetown acton sutd vicinity horse fbb saxe 1500 will sell reasonable apply fred morrison wanted- wan to work around planing mill and norfc on ktachinc good opportunity for hior b ip- mackenzie tnf e notice people who have nbeeting raft- s and good frames faat going to rot for want of protection with galvanised corrugated sheets at prewar prices or less considering tbe improvement or sundries for this line no use to sell and buy tbe other place ie worse take ntook andtsvna alu with gilbeit sin clair 108rs rb no 1 ceoge- town stee truss barns oarages all kit galvanized lankssligbt- entng protection city dairy c- ire crearfi served at madges candy shop main street phone 214 ame of life mipcr picli samutlaon producuon travers plunged his last hapenny on the outsider at so tq 1 against actual english derby of 70 ye ars ago stfl in grmof xfe the joyous mid- victorian throngs the ooeen in the royal box and the picturesoltebooktes and jocieys strange figures of the old sportinc days of the w 5fcuw alt rxuting ciurmn rri i ffyi rex theatre georgetown two days only 5 wednesda and frida may 9 11 btrcd itm msse jud 4 rrlwxss tkealr tartatt s cutter good a wamt ilk canhordugh bnd ancooa pul- r apply wm thirratio for maloi set heavy team harness complete new apply cyrus mcc phone 95 george town feed for a a few loads ofhay and a few ton of good turnips to be removed at once j h mccauley phone 96r2l georgetown contracts contracts taken for stone work plaatermw apply m lusty stewai town ltp for saxe i best conuneicutl and domntic varicliex j p cleaned and buncb- cd l p 00d c hbert raspberries si oirnow 25441 w00 dpok eqos any quantity of targe duck eggs for setting guaranteed apply iv chap- lm john st georgetown it oarden work i am now prepared to do all kinds of garden and lawn work e colman p o bo ttt phone 251 for sale square piano in good condition price reasonable apply at herald office or phone 2q7j georgetown 25-4- 2tp fotjhd a iparetireand rim tail light and license number between georgetown and silver creek owner t an have same by paying expense ap bert hill olenwiuiama 25 431 boardjsrs wanted t hii a mnidale i untbrr i boanl- it appl i j street car for sale imalniaiw 8 1 odiith iont iirn tlirre pari- rii- kn d hot krth iondiiimi liw p k jpl a hargain gcorgelown if r f h wood for saxe alt kutd ol w both hard and soft also kmdlinff wd m pncev ii your wanting firewood rin up the wood hmg phone 5 nng 24 brand ford wnl arda ghn road ju2 4ln used cars cheap three mclu andtwo chevrolelv no reasonable ofler refused thne lo re4onible people fred cook lane lio tienrgeiohn notice an rvw wtahing rurth f- filling in minvv canobtain umtt easy prices from ii h heartwell notice rardcn ploughing hauling b or rubbirh prompt ly attended u m roviel gorgton carforsa1e jerund ctup 5 wirefheel jfitl old cheap wm rosiel gcorgn- weaning any perooo rpaa8mrofrlol- lb and 7 eaqoeamg will benroaeontrd j c and s 1 ml kav important warning amy boy or giri under age found drivmft motor car m the town ofgeorgetown after the publishing of tbiawannng wib bo peoaoc aicoacerned please noto jvm jackson cwef of tobca j a 1 3 d v s o a d i vv

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