Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 2, 1923, p. 4

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thk qiwrortown hkraid ma anil i92h shime just where yotl are don t wuhu i ir lllil ill 1 illtlink fortnight i in potmi lili lh iik don t tit tupiut lj mni for hu hwlflni hofamul nk don t htirn to i i r thliul bmiuim h in n t i lr but bnidittn hhu h of iuuikhh ilj ithiiiiuk j t wiiph oi urn k thon ik ni 1 i f tin tin hi iii lit r ab wt ii n h kirl mi tin dun tilt in i inxitiloi winn il h ttiil ilnm ynu ma nti l tiilltd to bi iitlit p tin daiktiied icgioni afu bo 1111 foi the dn oui mihmivn bj mihiiiiiu jimt when o i are just where o art in brothci juhl whirr god lml m to bthull though down in the itoiiext wbail seed five hundred bushels choice seed oats oac no 72 seed barley clover and timothy seeds car choice corn just ar rived at georgetown elevator alex l noble instead of tin miohl land you may ftn a brightness with you that no kloom or dnrkntwh can par for tuti light of a hriittlike npirit will bo nluuiug whermir on the european core borer qnar aaunedarea extended ou february 20th 1d2w an or oer in council wim inhhed which quarantined the follow ins territory in ontario on mi ount ot tho bur pean corn bo let the countiea of esse kent jbtoo elgin middlesex nor folk oxford haldiniand wolland iuucoln weotwortb brant hal too waterloo perth huron with the exception of ash field wawan osh bast wawanoah west and howick townshipb peel with the exception at caledon tonnship as well as colrons township in bruce county guleph in welling too cooofcy etobicoke sc arbor o and york in yoik conntj picker ing wbitbj rast and whitby west in ontam lounty darling ton and clarke in dudiam county and brighton tonmthip in north omberland ro mtj on account of the severity of the infestation in elgin and middlesex counties they have been placed under double quarantine the products affected by the regulations are corn fodder corn stalks including broom corn whether used for packing or other purposes green sweet oorn roast ing earb oorn on the cob or corn cobs the moemont of these prod acts from the quarantined area to points outside is prohibit ed the cities of torooto and ham ilton are now included in the quar aotined territory consequent j the markotb in these cities will be open to all growers of sweet corn with the exception of those situat ed in the counties of klgwjand middlesex it is poifitedyjvfjow ever that quarantined products must not be shipped from toronto or hamilton to am point outside the quarantined territory dotted states quarantine no 41 prohibiting the importation without inspection of various cut flowers and vegetables from on tario od account of tbe european oorn borer is still in force the dominion department of agricol ture will eo operate with growers again this season in valting all read n able idbpeofjs and fur mabirihhevuhary certificates for pronoseashipnientb far further i a formation dealing with the european corn borer quarantine or the inspection of products for export persons inter ested should communicate with tbe division of foreign pests sup preksiod department of agricol tare ottawa tka hew hlgfcwmy work on the new provincial high in this vicinity has boon re- kvmv sumed the contract has been let kffy for the section from georgetown th u and wabailey harness shop we carry a inn line ol all harness accessories sleek loci trunks dab bags mile eases purses tnngslea lamps fresh pings etc ii job are in need ol any in this line give us a call our prices are rlgbl d ihe service is a 1 w a bailey up to dat harness shop halo street georgetown and if yon do not it is time yon got acquainted with oar bread trj a loaf today and judge for yon reel f gkooerieb delivered mark clark bakery and groceries phone 229 bargains special sale of gloves on wednesday and thursday indies and children underwear house dresses aprons child ren rompers ladles and childrens gloves stamped goods etc mrs 4wabmllrslwtmflem oeoboetown coal best d l 6c w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coa mrs j walkins norval station j h smith stewarttown thompsons corners for grading and gravelling contracts have al no been let for two artiall bridges and one large bridge at norval tbe department bopes to have the foad through this section and as far west as kitchener and beyond completed this year jf mn bomttaul of 40 sail oeit one of the proposed sections in tbe new motor act now beore the legislature is as follows where the rate of speed exceeds 40 miles v per hour the driver hhalltw fpi the first offence a penalty df nor less than tas and not more than f 100 and shall also bo liable to im prisonment for anj wmrnre ex ceeding six months and m nddi tion hia license or permit may be suspended for anj period not ex ceedins one year a ur la fftntlac despite reports from some parts of the west and reflected to an ex tent in some quarters of ontario that tbe farmers are not making ends meet there are evidenced that intelligent application and work bring results on saturday e j bennett shipped two earn of export cattle which averaged him ho per pound find a car of ordinal stock be cot 27 heaftroui w e thompson that averaged 1800 pounds and brought around 100 each toe cattle doubling then money in 6i months a few moouirlwiomr thompson deliver ed 25 head thai netted him 1bg0 this with proceeds from bho sale of tons of iia and from ins plgg outd indicate that mr thompson is getting a safe re turn star and vidette grand valley expert fence builder why not have an up to date wire fence when you can exchanqe jour old il fence for same ears of experience enables me to give you better values than othern prompt service and right prices grijh cednr and linn prints al wftvk in stock when jou want an thing n above line jiist call ys hary before i married i was just plin hooley then i got mame and we called mr hoote after w i became councillor hootey nben ardermmi honfej 4nd lait snndar when 1 wpncmto 4b ukuroh tbe ojtreathn sll stood apand sang hoote hool ey boole j h smith phone 84 r 13 stewarttown internaljona deering and mccormick farm muchiner and it terna tional trattoih ri pairs or all kinds on band also machine oils and neatteh the bir ball deering itiudpi twine bich hatiafaction ue it all anttsce un place of biiminehh in tbe henry block op ohile the shed h barnes snyders cartage ashes removed 1 00 per uu totrd kjmders haule tl 0 per team load momirh done willi viotorstraok cq nipped with farm to re racks and soft tires distant hauling done phone 171 n snyder satbfictww sawx why waste money daily of all farm machines the cream separator is the one on which you can take no chances for the smallest of cream losses soon mount into dollars t the melotte has been the farmers best fnend for over 30 years it is the machine with suspended bowl and enamelled bowl casing hanging naturally on a ball- bearing npindle the bowl is perfectly balanced and is guaranteed easier to4wfi and to wear longer than any other on account of the recent ad vance in raw materials it is impossible to guarantee- present low prices for any definite time tenyear guarantee with every machine write for free descriptive booklet dont delay r a lister co canada limited new address head office hiuxultoa onl montreal toronto whinipes regina calgary edmonton have you the wonderful lister milker simplicity itseljt who is he 1buring445 cflfope 695 sedan 785 chassis 345 tbe tendency of prices is to increase the present prices of ford cars which are the lowest in the history of the com pany cannot be guaranteed buy now terms if desired b a coxe acton d wft cqhhht or cmum utwrrw- the greatest service the least attention there of farm equipment that gives so much service over to long a penod with so little attention a a good windmill thats why i recommend the toronto self oqmg windmill so highly lou of toronto wmdmuls have given from eighteen to twenty yean service with practicauy no attention outude an occanonal oiling and je still openttmg mtufactonly every dty p tbe toronto selfoiling windmill all gears operate in a bath of special oil aftecteo by neither heat or cold every bearing thoroughly and automatically lubricated new oil u required only once a year uyiindyrotwto wfaaalll i cut ire wi 01 dfffin frature by rntrdy lur ewtfaaldw fcad mod tfaf jdur piwl ihta mart torooto wlarwik too on u mark lw4utly adf rtjulminf in epentten fesxritis chas parker aclon selfoiling windmols to m ca co for used ford cars sensational prices au uism ssn amts bean trsdad la at part paymtnt obmsw porss wo vnarantes tat uus modal and year aad protest yoq acslan obesrvsbw dsfsets brcrr ear gnaraatsed to be as nprssaatsd the lowest prices ever qttafanlan cserf ford car rpkbromong bausc65asweth easyteim 105 goaeloomnc ford coupe 17mk ford koadster nmrta guarantee 81 ugbtdeuvest filmk he s tht 1111 n juur sales afraid the ntn n i n rtlo n uip on t tli n j ilw l 1iov oul oi 1 u- w ii l ii lint all ui in iii vt v joui a u w h o plies tu i uili mi ikitijr of f i rs e llic in smtud x 11 w 11 o iktioies nuiv vihlt u 1 sointbtkly lias ciilltd liim on ioiif distance he docs not kivou l whd it fi but lu is ns polite ax if in iiiik iuitd fnvrirv beoitceioww creameiiy cream wanted b the georgetown creamery ii i ti n f ri n ttl will ih i 11 i miiiiai vdiitln u i sui lotig dist uict ji ts m where muemcti ftr to trend il irim d lxnijr lis uince camp hjnis y t miat verv buniei the public health any persoa wauling ice must pur chase tickets lor same al creamery georgetown creamery co m saxe manager 88988 alwricht butcher main sf georgetown ptmes sbsp bow 235 j wlthta otice i hereby riven hat all resident of georkirtovrn are required forthwith lo oloaro i heir lciiats drain yard a pig tyc water close a ouibuikltnfca and oth prem ntn and remove therefrom all dirt inure and other tubnlme which may rodanifer the publ c health and to have the anie completed by be tenth day of may next on which day ihe san tary in apeflnr will commente a general innrlec uoq and further laka notice l bat ihe sec i of ihe public healih act nrohlb i ag keeping of boga betwoeu the 15th of may and the 16th of november except in pern at least 70 feet from any dwell ay iue and sofeet fromany atreetor lane ilh doors kept clear from all tavndinr water and regfularly cleansed will be n i ly enforced all citizens jre earnestly requested lo rep thr r premiseu onslanlly clean and thoroully d kii fected i hrov dalk ma or or the mun palily i f georjjetowri april ilrd 1923 w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown township of esquesing sanitary notice notice is hereby given thai all rest denuoof the township of esqitcsing are required forthwith to clean their cellais drams yards pagstyes water ilosetsand other outbuildings and premises and re move all dirt filth manure or other sub stances which may endanger public health and to have same completed by tbe 15th of may next on which day the sanitary in spector h ii commence a general laspec all residents are earnestly requested to keep ihcir premise constantly clean and i a thoroughly sanitary cond lion not- no pig sty is to be erected ilhin 60feel of anydwetting house road i reel or 1m p john h smith sanitary inspector esqursing apnl 33rd 1923 hatcaora echw o a c bred lo lay barred rocks sc while leghorns rc white vvyandoites si 00 per 13 all from selected high pro ducing pens john parmer glen road 14stp farm machinery case size 1527 case tractors now g the time to purchase your tractors farm machinery fleorj uhahtac wijkideon plown buegiea atovea eedlar steel roofing lightning rods v ire fencing circular saw jv d coekshuttifarmmarchinery seeondlsaixd broadcast seeder international near new btihr fcrtimer drill international 21 h p empire gas engine near nov 2 1 2 h p fairbanln engine good repair prim 31 flf cream separator 10 good horses drn era and workers t e hewson ptaone lol r 33 norval as utnt as im a wok will fsm4mle rpu ro bur adroit rtus nm q cash ford sedan txhumt cmrlsa 118 auljtbi ford o0upe fouset of tools and itdlji i dbiymo ihstbochoii rmsulil 2450 ford sedan lmcadm jj fafi down ihtmmmii f0id touruk ui 62 f0rdt00rwg lasaed shape ford trucks 66 t 67 ws t 11 watt rajtv row raocit eoi cabs 901 dow tralzmt rom rwr rmvom cajc ssuttfsva torofrro fjmm main 361 martin 5enour 100 pore paint varnishes h- kuic remind standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes coal wood beirut faump for domestie and threahink purpoaes smitbinft and cannel coal in fact i tarry everything to be found in an up- to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald pnonb is georgetown we can supply you w ith harness etc cultivators new and second hand dnllb dibo harrow h wagons and everything for spring use on the farm b t washing machines s b groat office pfione 222w beaidenr a2 georgetown get your bicjele bepaired by frampton charles street atattomlifbalbm btervla w we also carry fuh line of c c m accessories and dun- lop tireajnd tubes junk wanted i am psying the highest cash inoe for all kind of junk alao hides sod poultry lusl ojrjl fadstio itfcisl atvlatwla tmt geo ont fvtfreeman post omni box 170 phope 167 norman hspeigbl planob and plsvyer rolls phoatosrsplu xteoords jad heedles eleotrio wauasaor suid olessmera xheetrlo irtvns toaurterss stoveaeto smrlnc wavnltitee oil needles etc norman hspeiflhl musxo amd suotuo ntoats in the pabuc eye rrt t muu th valoo f gn li afketlamaa- o t walker r o i niiliiawlilel opuelan is tw a sasasprtoi wood iforale anj lengtbmixed hsrdwood ostl maple tnd beech 1400 per cord will deliver any quail tity also sammer wood partly ilr 6 00 load of good half oord mixed rails order promptl n tended to murraybros fire insurance j w- wo 8 aeenc for wane of the st e com pauiies w msma are you protaetakd 1

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