Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 9, 1923, p. 3

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tub georgetown hkrai d mai jtth hih matthews drug store the home of the viotroln agent page at shnw high grade chocolate baseball and fishing supplies hi ilkoii ih now bou ftit himnball nnd fishink window vlphtij tboliost kodaks and supplies a tfood ustiaituicnt of phcitoirin hu supplies ilwa jionil rriiiu jour films hero to be dreloped d j matthew droos and stationary local news hems i liberal auantlon 1 meeting of liui if yot i od the aidei not jll isome any bony lliey took cm off loo noon this waa court day m tow a j ropoy in opening a store in nn wear a flower for mother od bunday weihaak the many subacrib era who bae remitted hear premier drury in the towo ball on may 16tb please don t throw papers ba nana skins etc on the streets if yon must spit don t do so walk spit id the gutter a number of our citizens have purchased new autos this season electric vacuum cleaner for rent by hour or day at jackson a may won t have any difficulty in being just as good as april waa don t mi as seems the game of life at the rex theatre to tight r j uynds has disposed of bib inburanoe business to w t evane the canadian national li press wagon needs two coats of paint the early bird will soon be getting seeds besides worms for hia breakfast can- eopply if ordered now fertiliser for yotr lawn flowers fcr garden jackson s don t mibb the dance at lime house on thursday evening a good time for everybody tony reativo will be pleased to see all bis old customers at bis new fruit wire on mill st west the flower beds in front of the bank of montreal have been renewed and are now quite at tractive j what goaa up mnst come down we are told bat what goes down into tho gatsen doesn t always oome up there are still some dogs in town without 1928 tags notwith standing the fact that two had to be disposed of last week messrs a and j leishinao contractors are making a first class job of the new waterworks pumping station and ofllce contractor j b mackenzie has his men busy building and re modelling buildings on cedar vale farm for the armenian relief as sociation a lot of our young people are going co the dance in community hall limehouse kbts thursday evening may 10th why not go anr rthd enoy thfl evening allan dewbufst age h of glen school glenwilhams on tar 10 wins the final day s prise in the stars story cod test for the bojs a splendid watch the local council of women will meet tuesday may 15th at 8 p m in the bank of montreal rest rooms discussion wone voters and provincial election the reading club will meet at t be home of mrs ralph ross on satnpday may ltb program lis be eld iiluk to rhiwfday 1a p to begin at 8 80 p m an espeoial ly interesting meeting is antici pa ted a two reel fox aim the first and only complete dim of the foi industry ever taken at vannntter s banoh georgetown will be uhour first at the rex theatre saturday mar 18th si l barnes of brentford has been appointed town clerk of oak ville at a salary of 1800 per tin nnm too bad oakvillc couldn t find a man in their own town qualified to fill the position an advance in prke of miss simplicity electric washers is expected daily owing to inrreased com of raw material to m ami far hire ibis machine at- its present price of 98 00 is really wonderful value tthh as low ns fi 00 down and 860 per month noi man h speights musir and hec trie store prvwasmuk braad take home a loaf of brown h milk bread lton loaf a milk loaf and nothing but the br purest ingredients are used in the manufacture of this hiead i the best bread sold to daj georgetown and the amount of lard angar and milk used in it will keep it fresh for a week the je mand for this bread is increnhtng daily and every loaf i wrapped sanitary paper wneo you get browns bread you are sure of the beat brown s bakery george town it town ball lomoriow a 20th at h p id for ran i nil on purposon every lib ral 14 urged to ho prtsenl anbonftitbitnt mg to air unavoidable cause masons oi client ra will not play at rex theatre wednesday and fri day this nick tjiey will he sup plemfnted by campbell a orohes tra duo at iilmehonaa a old time dance will be given community hall limebouae thursday eomng may 10th by the limehouse baseball club nickel a orchestra dancing at h 80 ladies tronde lverybody welcome taultr dmry comlak a public meeting in the interests of the people s political party will be hejd in the town hall george town on tuesday may 16th when premier drury will address the electors mrs fred wilson of sheridan will also speak national connou eihdtlfi the executive of the national council of women will hold its annua meeting in georgetown next autumn representatives from all parts of canada will be present and the event is being an ticipated with great enthusiasm by the loiul council mara dua a gad 34 xun a mare owned by frank lawne an elderstie township farmer near chealey ied on monday aged 84 years and 0 moouib mr lawne raised her from a colt and she bad ly one owner during all those yeais her remarkable age has piobabty established a record in equine history oraafall atlaalon taa the tea and shower for the grenfell mission held in the public library last saturday afternoon waa well attended and a liberal supply of clothing etc tontnbut the proceeds were about 40 besides two large bales of clothing the members of the mission are grateful to the public for their patronage pluo racltal a piano recital by pupils of miss matthews assisted by mina mart on copp contralto of toronto will be given in the town hall george town on friday may istb mi is copp is soloist in eaton memorial church and has just returned after pending a year studyinx in italy everybody is invited and a most enjoyable evening assured ad mission 85c barvloa of aaafe- tbe choral sen ice of praiae con ducted jy the choir of knox church last sunday eemog was much enjoyed by tbe congregation psalm95 o come let us sing unto tbe lord was tbe theme of tbe service an eloquent and beau frl exposition of the same being given by the pastor the music included some of the finest gems in tbe liturgy concluding witb the hallelujah chorus from tbe messiah and the sevenfold amen 1l bplandld oonoart the concert under the auspices of tbe fire brigade held in the town halt last thursday evening proved a most enjoyable affair ana the high class- program rendered delighted everyone present those who look part were eulalie bu cha helen huot lolirrrst gladwys jones morgan personals mi jim m hum i liuimi fioui qmeiih unmrmtj hinknton mux lillian liigium hpont lanl witk with rrlalives in fleelou mi- a ii ulhl hint iihl wnk ihiling f i it u ils in llaimlliin mihh hiown nl xuiuulo u l tlu giieitufmih 11 o men hint week mi l liouiigiui of toronto ipenl a toupli of duhm limn during the uitk mrb drj mulu hi ihlii hjiendink a ft diij s visiting friunds in ijiiudfin p anil of wmnip mr c ma j w mane in g are guiitn ofdi wiiihiii mr will reid of montreal kent munday and inesdaj witb ins broth r mr l y reid mrs men of tot onto iallid at tin btiitie of lir on mr 11 u men nver tin week nd miss reasic aiiusltung localiat of loronlo is pending the week at tho home or mrs w o miurili all n mihh hotence framplon of lor onto spent the week t nd at tin bomnof mr iinj mih w frainp mrs john d kelly will reoio at her home on albeit street on day maj lllli frnni 8 80 to 0 pin councillor b g ainold who underwent an operation at guelph hospital labt fridaj ih recoermg rapidly mr and mrs f kersey motored to watford last week and on sat uidai attended mr keraev h brothers aoejnl mifis dorothy padget and miss edythe hughes of toronto motor ed co town and spent monday with the latter s parents mr j m bkelton was at cor bet ton on sunday attending the funeral of bib mother who pnaspd away on friday last tr and mrs mcmulkin and mr and mrs matthews of toronto were guests of mr and mih w a bailey over the week end i fn lh fall lh woimiih aiimlmij r t kiiikta ci ii mii wiih npfhiiiud u tl annual inci ling in id it liaftnllwii liwl wit k by hit follow nig ludok mrs john t i e mm ciihtillt mr roe mih cm he and mih nuiit fire insurance j w kcmhedy georjelowu are you protected i se f i am now pepnied to di livei itiilinal ico to nil parth nf dcorgi town phone join oid r oahy ftndft t liiwt d livij if mm an thinking of biiiitt a rnfi mutator mo nij catalogue of the latcbt stjlofi at prices tq uit oerbody phone 178w norman mcgregor painting and paperhanging fttimatea furnished free arj tut for cmpire wall paper cum pany the beat made all this jiiir s jitternn no oldmtock h morrow po box 25 collac vtaw oaorseuum j a ballantines shoe bepair factory conn klac and qnasn sta mar otr station george town oat headiiaitfr h for sewen work and dress shoe repairs shop olomea a 10 dally 030 saturdara cash system laoa uidic shoe pouan always in stok llfelslbhiallllhlisllhllhlle barnhills peel and halton s baroain store seeds seeds seeds buy our field and garden heeds here and save monej we carry a nicely assorted stock or steele brigg n and rennie s choicest vrrieties also simmer tr simmer b garden and flnwer seeds regular 10c a pack age 4 packages for 26 o dominion tires we sell all three of them dominion royal cord dominion nobby tread dominion ii tread the tires that will give jou the most economical in and satisfactory sprvicayou ran buy barnhills norval siiaiigfairaiieie erwingoldhams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 fresh fiah at all trjne walch oar windows lor specials m s quick delivery guaranteed vocalist and jean mcdonald cutiomat mnjor grant occupied tbe chair we congratulate the fire brigade on the splendid tertainment provided hortloaliiiral haw lbe horticultural society are i planninbvapj distribution of aatet plants to one hundred and sixty boys and girls of tbe georgetown public school on empire day may 2h to each luking tbe aster plants a dahlia root is being given by tbe georgetown floial co ltd a flower show will be arranged during the summer when it is ex peeled that a large display will be made by the school children the nrinu8 pnblx- flnwer beds and church properties will alibrtt be planted by the horticultural bo ciety body of viotlm raaetaratt after being dirbmerged for four uceks tbe body of herbert nulli i an of 257 bacbvillo street tor onto uas fonnd on saturday ien rng on the credit ruer a few feet nelow tbla enbdale dam near the point at which the deceased had falfen lit while fishing some weeks ago tbe body was in a badly de composed state and covered witu weeds and debris hen thomas williard watchman of enndale while strolling along tbe banks of the river noticed it the body of albert mcdo1e 415 wellington street was found in the same spot by divers k vet ago grandys specials ammonia 1 pkgk fnr lux 8 for j corn starch 8 for st lawrence corn staich 2 lor iory gloss statch 2 for baby clin feed per pkg baby chic feed per lb rlatohford s milk mash for biihj cl pinrnpple per tin pears per tm peaches per i lb tin blue brwmhtr tin striwttri jnm wi 1 lb tin riitplwm j i in i 4 lb tin plum jm i 11 tin api nnd sliavt111 in i lh in rex theatre friday hay llth the livincif hilt hhonuik in i nglih dirb t i 70 iium a 0h if tlii i h lini i li 011 loiidim muh halls and qiktin xutmnih on piookhk n ami hi ii h i htytra aiimmhkioii 2 wid clk i saturday may llttn iho dusl riowcr slurung helenecliadwkk cluidtdtl imgwate iindjatikh hoin a stoiy hoenug nil a rom antic tiff comedy intion fulst alarm vai wiklj ncwh wadnaiuy may 16th if you rcleue h its so ulairinj thomas me i when mippoiud hj riicodoin rob ita pauline stailtt and j j dow hug 1 he tool htiruiik dram ii of a fall n man n lul tie foi lost mil 1 icppinotth comedy jubl logn l u knode no 1 go ciit i m lint i georgetown k ont application for guardianship ih p of adj jane la ic hrlci lut lie li intl john th nth flmr i rfir che i hldrcn of jot nil 111 r 1 ate a i dr eae i norrti- i hereb ic it t d weiity db from the dle h renl rr mary si i lir i the fowii f c cor own lie couity of lullnn arr roai c court in the county of halt on td ihr i uardinn ol the nero i d jnie lane hele lu lane itnd john thomas t liner i nm tifunt children ol jol nllian ii lh e i of the town tf georgetou i he a ly of htioi real 1hthic a t george l own on or about ih- twer firt lay of o lobcr a d 1922 ietf ihout huv ii sppo nled a kfurdi the infant dated at lerir lit s 8ih i may d 1923 4rina mary i anf we can supply you wajer power wash tug machines harness etc ullivatoi b now and second hand drills dibo harrows wagons and everything for spring use on tbe farm b t washing macbiaea s b groat oltico phone 222w rehidcnrr 2j2 gbobqetown take notice peoplo who have wheeling raft era and good frames fast going o rot for want of protection with galvanted corrugated sheets at pre war prices or loss considering tbe improvement or sundries this line no use to sell and huv the other place ib worse irtke niock nndtavea alk with gilbert sin olair losrt rr no 1 ceorge town 3 tee truss rarnt garages all k galvanijred tan a light- eoing irotecluin junk wanted i am paying the highest cash price for all kinde or junk also hides and poultry it id ana a oppaalta pnbuio sohool ob vletorlabtraat georgetown out m freeman priflt olhce rox a7 pic 10 in the public eye by 0 t walkeit a 1 00 ft 1 no i a m grandy i i phone tb saudadlu gnraaleh praf btuvctj thursday bargain day the following are only a few of the many bargains offer ed on thursday hosiery ladies bilk and wool host jl sf ijadic s ribbed cash hose gdt lathi s plnin cash huso 60i lad h lii itlur wool host 7j ai smallware8 stnbhlorh imm sif fi for 21 writing pads 11 fqr 6c hiamination pads 1 tor 20 glabb tumwerb for 25c v coat a spools 6 for bcl iu polar u bite soap c for 45c t ioiihh pins 3l dta for lor sbfllanj floss ir dknn lor lube it coverall apnoas g9r lulw livbo itlue- dt is for 2 50 flajntel m white- pbnnt4eur ale- at wliiu- fltnnelelte 21 w dark punoekhle 7r t the above prices for cash or produce mcbean co georgetown j wmmw help wanted girls and boys good wages apply smith stone new advertisements lost oluitkowa hr brtwn w imi laborco and paper mail r vrplol 1 hacocfc jr phone b2 aaay linftecior gttttrtfbl electrical works college view ww rennies grocery wrtosoii27 grocery specials 0 lb pail swift hpure lard 5 ib swift b cotosuet bhortemng good rlook tea per ib special blend tea pei lb oleo majestic margarine per lb pun blalk ivpiei pcr ib fancy blue rose rice 8 lbs a imer s tomato soup 2 for pint bottles of catsup white beans b lbs rnking powder 1 lb rolled oats 6 lbs ammonia 8 foi pearline 8 for old dutch i for as 15c 25c 25c 25c for golf lmlra b pood careful izttirz ap ply j hanhnd gow lnka geor 2s21 bananas oranges and tomatoes d r rennie house xmidne s69 phone 1 s 1 for quick delivery durant sport touring the first train loud or automobiles eer shipped from toronto we shipped by tho durant motor co from their leaside plana the equualent of 27 train load h of durant and star caxn baa alreadj been distributed by tho toronto durant co wc would advise placing orders aa deliveries will be delayed t j speight agent georgetown aeton sutd vleimitr farm ma otrtomatrlat h will iborouchlr ax- our ra and trraacrlba tba tkat pui citb vo comfort oa ran know li your abllda ra ara tott nnd out r rnew chars la raralatort bv thaasdonjat of work aa raurlanaaa and ttaa tain a of th frama roo oaooaa lanaaa rpnad oath pramlix sat laractton mararaai o t walker r o i trial o ippotntmam case si 15 ait case tractors irarloih fni i i tint 1 lov bui1 r tnvi wire font mc circulfl now ih tbe time in ii your nun klrur luintic vi ikkinkon pcillur mthi roof mi litlitnin tod cookshntt farm bcamsiuiiery seoondhavndrroadravit scetler international or nw terti ipr drill international 2i h p rmnrre ty rannr near new 21 2b p fairbanks engine good repair prian insc t rcanihepnrabr 10 good borsen dners and workmr t e hewson fjm kk i no phone 74ri3 tor coafectaonerv and k cj rtt norr alc coai on c a coal ou lo any w approciale your pc- y kradv nf 0d l tvjfn yr aayply regolariy rom maix 1 only a fw eel bariraifi spoftbu vna a par apply mm rr i glrnwiuiania 6tt ajtwet for ule oc huakn io clear me aoiled onlv the a from sljoo pt blanket p- amrcls aad iwy are tbe beat value we fflm y wm aue io oflw the rna ay are prfva riwic ai xpmally bni r b aiuilirial and dmneiqio vafieliem aniiy p ctoaoed and bonch- j pe 1000 mbben raapbemc prr looo ulaaibun purple ss0 pea 100 k ii hunter norvau z54u kn h h hnnntt phone lol r 33 norval jnibei w board mt toner jobnl street swtc- r 593tp auonm boos roe sale rkode inaad reda ulmc uyandollea md sc axxoai froaa heavj liyrar manaaastjn pruw s7 00 per 100 khoaarrwl lor witaboae broodenu j h if vx1k sjlxe brej barred riiiuulh r k iwlt b 1tk oxc hied to lat nram pnte si coper m o 13 eee r 100 sg w l tatob uapleava grkeio ilmt xt if omediaii and fbm lande s open in a a lor inrali krd tt d arnmnu of all kinds wrrte ttiarlm laws sarakfaf strricts d pi wd ljtrtte drolvy i e s9ft teaiers hailed teadwa 9i be rerervj up to vatur t ay tb for p the exlenor d lam aoaam r m bm a o kihr cb bpetn at h may wilh julia hooernihl tender abrlcfl wkko t hkay s92 irvarning e on lot 16 and lo aads j hlkajt

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