Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 16, 1923, p. 3

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a the qboanrtown bkbaiiq ma ioth tons golftlmets here 1x uufwl tlie irixirebhiblc jih ro to miatw the little ph wl ito ill u slice in jojooslv on ihn dne no i gleefully rflnivu it trni i the lako u not tar be il from tin to enlist another victim but to tbow already cmftiarod and to it one uitrnpid hoiiih who wihii n h ite at our vtitrnmn to become initi ited into the myster iph n ottcr a rrtall good luttortmenl of xurtplies ba1xsu1ih range n rice from 46c u mo the pilot and osnroy bnlln it 41c anil 60n are ex tie tional value the silver kin in i diinlui m will it hqc need no introduction to ii e im rictuxd jolfer gjl0rs in clubh w hn c and xjuall wide choice varj inn from til upward put ul r and s itmfiwtion our ilurkt grand prire line is unm il d bags cattdip hags an i rued troin k up ilo sure and see o ir window md rtll iir and look oer our mtock d a matthew drugs and stationery i c local news items recital fndaj don t mih the silver fu liliy at tlio rex theatre salnrda night hr d ii somerwlle has com menced the erection of a new bonne on factor street support a rood cause by see rag phil for short at the public school tbnraday evening misses adams are showing the newest in summer milliner prices are right give us a call it a treat ta id store for all who attend miss matthew a recital in the town hall on friday evening next the yojnig re how who took the cargo of whiskey to term cottalast friday night is sorry now he done so the postponed meeting of the local council of women will be held on toesday may 88nd at 8 pm at the rest booms barney google you can obtain thia famous boor hit on a apex jeoord now at norman h speight s music andblectnc store the hay shed at noble a ele vator has been moved farther east and the railway dousing at this point will be straightened and proved mr a norrington reeeied a nice order for bio celabratedehqo- olates on monday fiom a former easterner wbo now resides in phil adelphia hon artbujmeighen willbe present at the conservative pic nic on june 4th a wire was re ceived from him una morning u that effect fresh caught and frozen fish all varieties of the season fish large or small to unit every taste can be bought at georgetown fish and chip cafe st dr j a maoflooald a prom inent presbyterian divine and former editor in chief of toronto globe died at hs home in toronto on monday after a long illness a recital by puptu of miss matthews assisted by miss han od oopp contralto will be held in the town hall this friday evening may 18th at 16 tickets 85c j n o heill son bve re- placed their old gasoline supply with a brand new uptodate one notbwitbstanding the faet that gasoline is getting cheaper fleet foot running shoes in stock for men women and nndren in all styles at lowest mom be sore and get yours for the 84th ii j fox georgetown w n wilkinson who pur chased the oakville record about two years ago baa dibpoeed of it to lamaine i twlor of hamil too who took possession on may 1st a two reel picture made at the vandatter fax ranch the first mjji- t ftn haltaa prwfcltttlem awaltin tbo annual meeting of the hal ton prohibition association for the i urpqeof election of ofllcern and any ouler business properly com ng before tho meeting is called to meet at 2 o clock standard lime may5tb in the methodist school room at milton a good delegation is requested smuludsua tho girls branch of the wo men s institute esquesing town ihip held a very successful social evening and dance at the home of mr and mrs j m skelton wild wood on friday last about one hundred and seventy five were present and a very handsome sum will he sent to the northern be lief association nan iaatltate afaetlmc tbe georgetown women a in stitute will hold their summer meeting id the town hall on fn day may 26th at 280 pra mrs becker of toronto will address the meeting op recent legislation- affecting women and home legislation needed local talent will assist with the program refreshments served at close of meeting even one welcome- dr joseph mcandrew of the homewood sanitarium medical staff goelph left last thursday montreal he sailed from there friday by the minnedosa or chorbouig thence going on to pan a and other places in france he also hopes to visit germany and other european continental points later he proposes to take post graduate courses in london and edinburgh dr mcandrew will he abroad for seven or eight months his many friends here wish him boo voyage xw petwn oaatuat phil for short a de luxe picture of 11 reels featuring eve lyn greeley and hugh thompson will be shown at the public school thursday evening may 17th at 8 oolook the plot of the story abounds with hn morons incidents and the beauty of the picture is enhanced by a bevy of greek dancers the story is moat pleas and the btar is oharmidg this is the second of a series of concerts given to purchase pathesoope for the school so let every citixen have a share in it admission bfio and 16c complete film ever taken temurtbg- the silver fox industry will be shown twice at the rex theatre slay 19th beginning at 7 and v ptn it the true blues and orange- moo of glenwilliama are holding a social and dance friday evening may 26th in the town ball at the glen dancing at s pm gents 60c ladies provide the mayor reeve fire chief and other repreeentaties from orillia were id town on tuesday lookirijt a georgetown s motor fire truck chief tost gae them a demonstration which the appreciated very much mrs kentoer oeemiss mary ford was the recipient of a mantle clock from the omaghpreabytoi mo congregation on the eve of her departure to fter new home georgetown she also received kitohen shower from the omagb tribana clob champion spectatsommer meetings it connection with the women b in etitote wiulbs held as follow morval may slat limebouse hay ssnd baodookboro may rd georgetown may 2stb mr w h becker of toronto will be the speaker at these meetings at the monthly meeting of the local council beading club held at the hone of mrs balpfa bora on saturday last the subject of study was the life ans writings of twn canadian anthers pauline john htonand charles hair the pro gram of jndian jegenda lorn and mono was most interesting and an order by mr justice rose quashes tbe conviction of morns saxe wbo was fined 10 and costs amounting in all to 92809 by magistrate h p moore or acton on a charge of converting to his own use certain milk cans of the city dairy co the name george town dairy bad been soldered over tbe initials cd upon the b saxe stated that be bad purchased a number of cans sec ond band and bad not noticed tbe initials the court held that there was no evidence on which to con vict s of tbe h m gaskin co of toronto wilt demon strate dr smyth s corn cure in the conservative association or haltou at its meeting on saturday decided to invite the north tor onto conservative association to join them in a garden party and picnic on june 4 at whdwood the residence of mr j m skelton to further the interests of hr geo hillmerof oakville conservative candidate for haltou a commit tee was appointed to arrange a sports program invitations were also ordered to be sent to rt hon arthur meigben hon g howard ferguson mr w f nieue and other prominent conservative leetflae oaarvemtian the annual convention of tbe co operation of disciples of christ of the province of ontario will this year be held in the city of gnelpbcommencing on wednea- day may 90th and continuing until june 4th the convention will be held in tbe dimples church and it- is expected that there will be in tbe neighborhood of fiotf delegates in attendance dur ing tbe course of the convention atnofig the speakers will be the rev dr stephen j corey of 8l louis president of tbe foreign missionary beard of the church he will ap on both saturday and sunday nights h on ta tbe eyebrow bask herald april 26th has the following mist mary alice johnston who has been attending roes collegiate moose jaw amoe last fall fspoted as the country scholar wbo has beaten them all in moose jaw oot or the entire class of euthty five in tbe easter examinanoos mias johnston came oat cent ahead of all carrying ninety tbe window of matthew s drag per oenc m french and a similar saturday night dr smyth a remedy is one ofbe most efficient preparations for tfe re moval of oorns callouses and wart on th market and baa enjoyed a well merited popnlanty in toronto snd other leadi aties for some thoe watch the window personals lina helen henderhoii rtt ned borne from winnipeg last week mr jim mobean has iummki his third year exams at jueen h uni versity kingston mr a b willson was in milton on monday attending the f moral of the late mm bell mr j ii fox of montreal ih spending a few days in town uith mr and m o t coo mrs duncan of bmulford visit ed at the home ut her son coun ciltor duncan inst week mrs buntain has returned to her home hero after spending ten weeks with friends in chicago mr sydney young s many fnendn will be pleased to know he is able to be about again and was down town on monday mr and mrs h j fox and sou kenneth matored to brantford on sunday and spent the day with their daughter marjone dr b and dr fred gollop are attending tbe ontario dental con vention at the king edward ho tel toronto this week mr w h leslie of esquesing went to quelpb hospital last week for treatment his many friends wtbb him n speedy restoration to health mrs h w kennedy is in guelph attending the meetinti of tbe bam ilton branch of the woman s mis sionary society of the methodist church messrs major grant mayor dale reeve moiotyre beeve w j l hampshire j a willoughby g h gillies and h r minims attended the luncheon given by the lieutenant governor at govern ment house toronto yesterday hr and mrs f c bliokensder for of santa barbara chihuahua mexico have been visiting for a few days with mrs bliokeobder- fer s parents mr and mrs wm bingham of town mr bhokens- derfer has returoeot to mexico and mrs bliokenbderfsr and their small son will spend some time in this district mr and mrs bliokens derfer recently lost their two youngest children in mexico j a willoughby was in town on sat irday looking b tie a hearty ifter a recurd im ixi newt nolwittmtuu ling it k n t erouh i laiunhh interests oihow jack always looks ou georgetown wi homo and will as uhiial witt lira willoughby and family or cupy the clnb house at tho golf linktt ibis humtnoi golf anbonneement lor season ol 1923 the golf links will be one hod for the iieason on may 24 tb mr and mrs willoughby w to renew their invitation to all the ritikens of georgetown who have been previously invited to the use of the links anyone who hasaome to town since last year aturwho would care to play will eoelw invitations if they will send intbeir pamea to mr willoughby s ouicc 41 victor is st toronto 8atubda may 20th laihfch day on saturday may 28th ladies day will be held misn ada mackenxie ol tbe misbissaiiga cuh and other champion lnj will give exhibition games both itr tbe morning and afternoon tl e h inn or eet i in t ih t kill will norx il wuntt i h iuhl tuu mill be bold on mondny lrf 21nt at tin home of mrq pblu r son tbo departuent rcqutht m1 the june inoetiug to be hold il pohhiblfl before the ooil of may if w on lb or non litmus i r eut thitt meeting being held on the t lansti grounds arrangements luto been made with frs patterson to hold it inside as mm rncker of tor onto wbo will add reus the n eot- is known to amoral of oui nbeih we hope a large number of our ottiicoh will avail them dh of the opportunity of hear ing her a musical programme has also been arranged at tho clone of tl e meeting luncheon will be served rvorbody fordiully vitcd mr j gollop of petoruoro was a week end visitor in town men a work boots junt ceived 60 pairs men s solid leather work bootb made in black or brown leather with toe caps and outside counters a boot that e leather from start to finish and that will stand tbe wet weather while they last 896 all sixes h fox georgetown ww wc vlorm oupkb tho acton free press in its li io of nat week sayr mayor dale of georgetown box beeu cl own as the candidate for uie liberal party in the general clec tions in thib county mr dale is hamster of ability and the vote given him id the mayoralty con test last january is ample evidence of bis popularity in that section of the county whore he is bent known dale will wage a vigorous cam paigtl k tnternatioiial deering and mccormick farm machinery and interna- tional tractors repairs of all kinds on hand also machine oils and greases the big ball deering binder twine gives satisfaction ose it call and see us place or business in the henry block op posite thw shed h barnes b a r n h i l ls pbbl and halton s bargain stork seeds seeds seeds buy yoarjheld and garden seeds here and save money we carry a nicely assorted stock of steele rngg a and bennie s ohotoast varieties also simmers simmer a garden and flower seeds regular 10c a pack ge 4 packages for sso dominion tires we sell all three of them dominion royal cord dominion nobby tread dominion u tbead the tires that will give you the most economical mileage and satisfactory service you can buy barnhills norval willoughby farm agency 2000 cash easy terms splendid house with furnace electric light also gar age and small barn there is a lot of good fruit no reasonable offer will be refused h b mcdowell ren georgetown ontario the wb10dghby farm agency aiaatc wjglist bmeanns grandys i specials ammonia 8 pkgs for 25n lux 8 for corn stfrcb 8 for st lawrence corn starch 2 tor ivory gloss starch 2 for baby ohio feed per pkg baby chic feed par lb blatchford s milk mash for baby chick 4 lbs for pineapple per tin jr 26o 85o peers per tin peaches per 2 lb tin blue bemes per tin strawberrr jam per 4 lb tin 76c 100 raspberry jam per 4 lb tm plum jam 4 lb tm apple and strawberry jam 4 lb tin eoo norval rex theatre fridst atj 18ta tbe world champion starring wnlly rcid the smashing tale of a no er do- well wbo put hib snobbish family on tbe map a love and laugbter knookoul com edy creation ranch romeo canada sktantay bty i9ta remembrance a great pic ture becaubo it brings back to all of ua vividly and ten derly the real things of life the joys the heartaches fcte laughter and tears two reels on for ranching at van naters ranch comedy cre ation torchy s feud star ring johnny hin fo weekly news widawaay my3r moonshine valley starang wm farnnm a thnlling story of a man s regeneration and reformation comedy apartment wanted epi node no 2 go get em hutch the storm oeoaoetovh get your bicycle repaired by w frampton ckarles street we also carry full line of c c m accessories and dun lop tires and tubes browns garage general batterys recharged and repaired general auto repairs also service station for ford cars bnrvinn phonefloo day or night free air brown son hl it mart builders and con tractors increase business by long disumce bought all the materia for a 75000 building- by long- distance it is the best and cheapest way closed two ojtmtb for roadmakdiig material by long distance one for ho 000 one for 7200 use long distance to get latest prices on ma terials before maklnr estimates on contmcts in our roofing supply catalogue we give diree- tttrbs for ordering by long distance we are huge users of long distance in buying and selling second hand materials use long distance at every opportunity to keep lo touch with prospects for brick- percentage on all other papers this is a remarkable showing for one so young miss jo bar pareota and eyebrow too nave just causeto be proud of this cord tbe young lady toisanraoe of mrs- fred cook nj2rgelown a m grandy i i mr r thursday bargain day a following are only a few of the many bargains offer- on thursday hosiery ludto k silk and wool hunt l 20 lodie n ribbed loh1i lloso cd ladip plain cash uose gj liodif t ueathor wool llo 7u hu 8maxlwares brribblers large hiko 0 for uf writing pads 1 tor xsr examination pads 8 for 5o glass tumblers 0 for 25c coat b spools 6 for scq polar white soap 0 for fur loth oh piuh h do tor loo hi ollond fiomm r iikum loo aprons ijodjo h oevfrall aprons uoc rudii rt indigo ltluo droshes 8 75 for xjk u white plannclotte 37o 417 white flannelette blr 1g dark flannelette 87r the above prices for cash or produce mcbean co georgetowir htilp wanted girls and boys good wages apply smith stone electrical works college view bujikets for uie practically all the soiled and damaged tea are now gone but we atill have a mber of large vie pure wool lovely btaoketa al very ow price uooiarw tn price every day aod i lenhuu vouok girl to aaatat with housework apply to mrs deomon charles sl gcotyctowtt it rennies grocery grocery specials pineapples for presen ing 8 per ml thia week only 2go fine mild cheese per lb good black tea per lb g070o fancy blue rose bioe 8 lbs for 85c 6 lb pail pure lard 98c soap chips 2 lbs for 25c toilet paper 5 rolls for 24c bran flakes i pkts for 2so tomato soup aylmer 2 for 25c toilet soap per box of s 20c lemon soap 8 for 25c castillo soap 6 for 5o lot and barn or barn may be eotd se- psralety buggy and set of srarle bar neaa twelve hundred rue brick apply lira annie adams it house to hsbtt 6 room house oppoule amokta 6to lory rent 1300 apply to j j f fok bale r m firstbuta condiuoa afrs george leahe qaoenst- georgetown it bananas oranges and tomatoes d r rennie home phone 369 phone 151 for quick delivery about 10 acre good crop for sale por- cbaaerlo work and take off amme dunao or wid real 30 acres mdudmsr plowed land pasture with stream and hade hay and alfalta tor mason l f fobsaxjb guntej kiicben range 6 bole and warm- og closet nickel trimmed while enamel splash and oven door thermometer fitted tor water uont almost new h roy ed wards georgetown to remove n ght sou crom oulbouaea and do other work ooder tbo direction of lb sanitary inspector apply to chief jackson georgetown durant sport touring for saxe refrigerator good as new apply t mra g leslie queen st georgetoi tub first traldloohor aatomntnicb over shipped from toronto were shipped by the durant motor co from their leaside plant the equialent of 27 trainloods ef durant and star cars hoe already been distributed by the toronto durant co wo woul adv placing orders as deliveries will be delayed t j speight agent georsetowai aoton auid vicinity farm machinery case siu 1537 case tractors now is the time to purchase your tractors farm machinery flour chnntr wilk nnon plows buggies stovps pedlar steel roofing lightning rods wire fencing circular saws cockshutt farm machinery seoondbauadnroadcast seeder international near new ferttlixer drill international 2 hn rmpire gsh engine near nen 21 2 h p fairbanks engine good repair prim rone creamaeparator 10 good horses driven and workers t e hewson 101r33 norval new ailyerlisemenls hot vtakted s rmib boy willing to woik for golf u ks apply j haielwood golf links georgetown tf r ng ol keys 1922 dog lag on nog- poder please return to torman snyder 4t erjr day aod i s not jibely wa the ofler georget6wtiwo61- tt cow for8ale good jersey cow nuiung wetl apply good jersey caw boa f- herald c d coupe a appwto iiuva asuos rouen duck eggs for batching j a gilbert rr no i rtorwal 7jcu apply to mrs saxe young lady for confectionery and c wathmy done court dry al 3q rwt a hi also washed starched auuramed at 30 cents a pa r apply mrs q 95ji j hancock rr no i fob saxe l beat coaunerctal and domest c varieties of strawberry plant cleaned and bunch ed at sftjqo per 1000 cuthbert raspberries at s7 50 per 1000 columbian purple at nn hunter norval 254 soo r 100 tl notice any person wishing earth for filling n purpose can obtain same at easy prices pure bred barred plymouth rock haleb m egn oactored lo uj stra n price si 00 per sett ng o 13 eggs or 100 egg s7 ou t l watson maple a worgetown ibonc 209 tf bamlu m bierthkr imuor 1 harry lmudn i epi cngagenm n v ron pari es and en rrta met of all k ndk chatxca modem lall or write cliari e scnn ireour t cwikeloirn lawn spmkbng services a rr m- lawn service s3 00 per kh paabe advance lo mm ryan at the hydro oitkv water may only be used hriwcct and 9 pm and none mut he ued w i be street parli dtanbeyn t s aenoct d scon toucd oanmttlee 59 2t my order tenders wanted tenders w u be received up to vatur day may 19ln for pa nlmg the exterior and four small roonu n basement of knox ohirch georgetown specifications may be seen with john mcoenmd tenders lo be left with o t mckay s92t warning 17 ehurwnk win be on lota itj and e pros c add 7aruajtav

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