Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 30, 1923, p. 2

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x tlif okukl w h willson undertaker and zdoented embalmer mala it qhrgttawi automobile r llorw iiimmiiii phone ri r d h r masons entertain ladies craii master pobiob fanes ibe evealag bid r birthi mnrr lli 1 11 wl soct mar so lr is m crd- so 10tpi r lir 1 1 died dmy m 27 cilh at khii i mm hi mb al oxtu momlr m ihih w n hmi ol mr hlltl mn j hi 21 yei- 4 ninhw moumch al in uic rridfi puyler iri ml on tuemliiv thomas twfloveo huubitn i milbrr n h o9ui yrr ih ipmr a mllr t geoeoftown m a luautuui town and itb citizens uioendiavnr ing to keep it no but il is itnpoa aible in tbo raidmt qf the clouds of dust tbat arias from our streets everytime a vehicle oi auto passes along surety something can be done to allny this nuisance i not have oui citizens suffer tbey bad to do last summer why should tbe bealtb of the com mi ity be jeopardised or tbe sake o saving tbe amount it would take to equip and operate a proper street watenog system for a feu months in tbe summer let away with this intolerable dual nuisance obituary mas thobft bailey at the age of 12 years char lotto j davis widen of the late thomas bailey passed peacefully away at ber borne here on satnr day may sbtb deceased bad been a resident of georgetown or over fifty years she wan a life long member of the methodiat ohureb a kind and obliging ceigh- bor and a true christian woman the remains were interred greenwood cemetery on tuesday afternoon when tbe service was nononcted by rev j h moore the pall bearers were a hume w godfrey w a bailey major grant a b wilson and john mason halton prohibition association local athletics idtl ixuk a i u m n ronton k tot it 111 id in loi n i to kllk goll opening there was a large attendance of citizen and outside players at tbe willoughby golf links on may 4tb the opening day of 1088 mr and mrs willoughby welcom ed their goests on arrival and served tea sandwiches and cake to all daring tbe afternoon these splendid links are in unit olass shape and look prettier than ever this year the magnificent privilege enjoyed by oar citizens and their friends is indeed some thing to be prond of and bespeaks tbe generosity of mr and mrs willoughby which is indeed high ly appreciated by all who have bad tbe pleasure of spending a daj this beautiful play ground on saturday afternoon many of oar ladies enjoyed seeing aplelendid game of golf played by mibb ada mofiensie of missiusau ga golf qlub amateur champion and mrs moore of toronto the foimer made the 18 boles in 92 and tbe latter in 96 co wen accompanied tbe ladies to town and enjoyed tbe afternoon on tbe course terra cotla a number of our young people assembled at tbe home of mr and mrs robert puckering on mon day evening may hth and pre sensed their pastor re r hare with a well oiled purse mr hare thanked tbem for their kind con aideration prior to his departure from this circuit the remainder of tbe evening was spent in music games etc which all enjoyed all join in wishing rev mr bare every success in bis new field of labor in tbe west mrs j stokes visited daughter mrs j cain at george town last week our ball team defeated mountaineers one evening recently by a score of 7 to 51 mr george coulter has install ed a radio set in bis home here and now enjoys concerts etc gal ore mrs k icam has installed s gasoline tank uhi lt iti il mini ill of tin ol1ui mid imiilx in oi or jll iamim a v it a m no 21 after iirttxin hif iltiii itl again burnt preh ul it h t in leuigi lowu itrttlim ii iiil tirmul lauu i spoke bi u tlj ri km dim luaouu niuluirt mid guvt tuiuit erj timely iiud kmdly advice lu he mptnbirs pnmnt lit iiltm amusled in itiiferi in tin sionl degree v at the clow of tin lodm hit umbers prni ceded to the town hall vvbeiu they were jofhed by their vviven mid lady triidds to tii bannuit tendered in tin grand mnitur a musical pro graui voa rendered by tin jcoimj town orchestra under the kiultr ship of w bro a b a toll while tbo guests were txiug neat ed aflei which all partook of the splendid menu piotided tbe toant list vhieli was nouncetl bj worshipful mastci kirk was as follows our gracious king responded to bj sinking the national tbem recitations by bro greemvood and a solo b w bro e w col the grand master nod grand lodge of canada was proposed by v w bro major grant and re sponded to by most worshipful bro w n ponton grand master the grand master who io a fascinating speaker with an un limited store of knowledge ertain mg to the craft past and present and world wide topics in general delighted all with his master address he said in part i am leased to bo back with tbe leorgetown brethren again and also delighted to have the ladies present a father nod ion night would also be a splendid feature n order that all might see what manner or men masons are and catch tbat infection of brother hood that makes alljbappy and considerate of others life is richer because we meet with our feet under the same table and good broad joyous friendship re kindles the consciousness a the mother love just as our boys fought in the great war for can ada borne and dear one it ib foi us to keep the inner lines and see that they did not dte in vain i is the duty of every mason t teach tbe boys nod girls true citi zenship to oppose athemm iola tion of ibwb and disloyalty we are defenders of our country and what our forefathers fought for let us forget tbe vices and re member the virtues we need the virtues home love and honest work for the betterment- of can ada there should be no drone ileepers in masonry each one should trj to do his best to build anybody can destroy charitable to others and treat them as brothers if the ladies knew masonry the would hanl god their husbands brothers am sons were masons an ideal home woman n masterpiece an ideal woman in heaven s masterpiece strive to excel in what is good and great teach truth preach mortality of tbe soul for no man can become a mason if not liever in god masonry is a der of kerv ice friendship brotherly love spread tbo cons lag ion of good fellowship be bap py yourself and make others hap strive after that which it rtood and mav all the gifts of love faith and prayer be yoora while life lasts is my sincere during his address grand mas ler ponton exhibited a masonic apron worn iu ireland in 17tm and cameron breast plate of 179h the sidgittt of annie laurie by the large gathering dining the grand master s recital nf lines written on the crimea war wat very beautiful feature of the ever blihlkl i hi in mi w a i i mi i 11 tun mi it 1 creel hut ih i hlt i in i i hi ft bull until n uday iv k ir ul rettluih mill 11i oii ii ilj rrni i iipjii l pinvet clmplii niiiik minx uldi at lli end of 1 reliant wtil to iml till mill si o cbuplei 1 oeoitov ii hxtfiilivp mi i s rotkmtwjn milton mr llobt j kerr ai ton mi j v ki nnedy georgetown euv capl cook burlington mi t nisbitl oakville mr u cud more rriffalgur mr li t fottlei nelson rev lowe nassaganevu mr john l moore hbijueaiuk the following resolution nan unriid unanimously resolution that hi the i la ton prohibition a shim lalioii in session assembled do declare our continued ennvu tton that the anno of prohibition lb of patamouiit mportanee w believe that the operation of the ontario temperance act has dem onstiatwd it j nghtness and effect iveuesh and therefore we appeal to tbe blot una of halton county and urge that regard les of parly preference they will work and vole for the election to the ontario legislature of a representative who can be depended upon to pro mote tbe enactment of legislature which will give the fullest meas tiro of prohibition tbe const itu tional powers of the province will permit and who will extend tym pathetic support to thorough go ing enfonemi nt of the law limehodse gleflwilliams l our tokis boys spent an enjoy able afternoon at limebouse last thursday may 2hb two base ball games were played one with georgetown boy scouts the other with limebouse resulting in two victories for tbe glen score 16 11 and 156 going through caves also proved very interesting to tbe boys and was thoroughly enjoyed oor lacrosse team was defeated by tbe woodhill team oa tho 21th a little more bard work prantisiog would do tbem a lot or good mrs fred noitoo of hamilton spent be week end wtth relatives here mr willie allan who has been sipk with x is progressing favorably mr james morton ana family motored to tbe midlands over tbe weak end naxt sunday mr brailey wt take a bis topic a living faitb there wiltftlbo be a male choir ol about 90 voices come and bring your friends turning foi t reel hi broken 1 i mini annidid to ciihn in the lal tlte standing r tl lru 1fa1i won uddfcllowh i cieelmiidh 2 fir niin 1 cli nit h 1 chapter 1 hankers 1 pniwrnnll a saturday treat kill of ilk 1 irday lie itiirhi i special 29c lb weekend chocolates regular 40 and jo t try oar real cold ice cream soda mndaur fresh fruit sundaes oranges bananas fresh ti omatoes r arthur norrington hveij player and cili ally deeply regreth the ac ulent at the creeltnans bankt is game at high hi hnol mi monday evening when mr w b dilly who wbk xtanding ilose lu lhe lioine plate i was tun mtu by av base ruuneri who kiintked mr dilh river frac ltiiing onjj of bis let this ac may 2htb 1921 tlio liuiebouse branch of the institute held a veij successful meeting liml ttiesdav in the com munilj hall the ladies of the acton branch paid them a vi which was enjoy ed very mu mrs becker of toronto gave erj interesting leeturo on little citizenship dealing with the training of the children in the home the children of to day are the citizens of to morrow and should receive the proper training nt home which makes it easier in the school mr arthur ivens and family spent the 24th nod week end at the buoie of bis mother miss wianifred ivens was home for tbo holidays and miss eflle ivens was home for sunday miss howard spent the 24th at the home of mr and mrs john newton the free masons of ibe village attended tho ban u not of credit lodge georgetown held in honor of the grand master of ontario last fuday all had a very enjoy able evening the ladies missionary society of our chun h is holding a pie boo tal in the community hall on fri day evening at b p m a real good programme is being provided all are welcome come and linv a good time cenan doy le thinks bad spirits killed the karl of carnar von they are doing it to other men every day j cident we hope wilt eliminate the ciowdint of the plate mid base i lint s by th spcrtatoih in futute i gnmes it is the duty of the urn pit en to keep the spectators back oi call ihegamc until they are put buck thisfridny night june 1st at 7 o i lock the papermill will play tin riliin h nt the park and creel mans vs firemen at the highi school i june hth bnnkers vs hapter oddfellows h church j all meinbeis the oddfellows team are urgently requested to bej at the publu school an tuesday evening june fitb at 7 o clock sbaip for piac ticc hard hall i the halton base hall league opened in georgetown on sntur i dny last when burlington defeated the locnl nine hy a scoic of 16 0 out hoys coitainly need some practice and we hope that tbi j will be in better shape for the neil game ja the tonnib club will give a tea on the court saturday afternoon at 8 o clock all old members and those interested arc cordially in sited church news baptist chobch on account of our association meeting this week there will be no prayer meeting on thursday uight sunday 11 am echoea of assoc intioii 1150am bible school 7pm jacob s ladder monday hsopm rypu june 4th tag daj fqr the playground fund 1 922 dodge roadster 1917 dodge touring 19 1 8 overland touring model 90 halfton ford truck see the cars before buying j n oneill son georgetown ontario r and docur bixttbara motor cmr ih4hsgktgse notice euiiesnle- fnrmtt co oprraiv i e sloek shipping club will liip live alck from siewaniowii kihiioii on tutlii morning june sh aiiycnil wishing le hiplivc nlock kindly rotninumcate w the underugnctl a m sirk 99 ng a vocal solo by bro w b dilly ind a seou li song by master charlie sciymgeour was followed by tbe toast our guests propos ed by w bro b y ban a loin and responded to by bro rei ball acton bro bailey devon england bro r b foul is nod bra dr james mccullougb new liskeard the ladies was proposed by w bro r c mccullougb and re upended to by mrt ralph rosn our worsbipjul master was proposed b grand master m w bro ponlon and responded to hy w m 8 kirk a v lolin solo by mc jack thompson nod a piano sok by maifter charlie kirk was followed by the sinking of aull lant syne after which bro a nor rington announceil the junior warden toawt happy have we met unpny do we rart bjpphbnll we meet ngnin i fire tornado auto accident 1 insurance elmer c thompson out aiut it pm will all tboso who received xub scription lurounts with return ad dressed envelopes enclosed kindly remit amount of acet at once as june 1st is tbe date all subsenp tion accounts go into the hands of our auditors if not paid no yon bonestly cannot nay same please say so or at least return oor envelope tbat we may send it to some one who will make proper use of it ro unto others abn would have tbem do unto yon 1s a good rule to follow dx it bqw dont muwjtbe big pio ntr in tbe nark on mood established 1673 tiie meaning of saving is this getting the most out of life and preparing foi opportunities and lso for emergencies when they come yoo can have regnrdless of the amount of your ftalarv and the longer you deny yourself the ahnnlages of a sav ing a ceo not the harder it will lie for yod to get stnrted bank of hamilton georgetown flour feed mjhs big crop seed g we have the agency for this core in tfam dittftj under the above lamp big crop corn alg timothy and clover i phone 95 wc phone 163 protection choice properties for sale splendid new 8 roomed buff briok house for sale oak floors chestnut trim fireplace large verandah large double lot price 6800 beautiful property consisting of four acres choice fruit or bard mostly spy apples grand out stone boose with line grounds just ouuide corporation with township taxes do not overlook this property as it has to be sold at once make ub an offer four nf the choicest building lots in georgetown for sale on able terms situated between charles and bditb streets wtevanssgo beeaeeaaeeeeeiieeeeteeeei the georgetown lumber co untile sole representatives eorgetowtyjfbr georgetown and vicinity jacksons o natures with new thingse skotae v- summer furniture for indoors or out setees chairs rockers m green or natural finish draperies a spendid display of draperies for all drapery purposes beautiful artistic color combinations in special drapenes exquisite effects in fine cream and white nets and other j fabrics new lines of cretonnes art muslins sateens and etc window shades of a serviceable ijiii i hades in any color nd i rimmed we just put ii wall paper wall paper i stock another nbipmcnt of charming ereatinno floor covering rich rugb of a quality that will giv wil tons axmi tnster tapestries congoun ess grass and others you good service brussels ii linoleum oilcloth japan fltlnitork for fvhr room in the uome value service quality jacksons- georgetown norval flour mulls seeds seeds clovers timothy and alfalfa ecd corn of all varieties kincs choice flour for bread national flour for psuktry rran and shorts car or corn jiint arrived 1 round feed of all kinds highest market price for wheat hod coarse grarbb w j campbell ltd

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