Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 6, 1923, p. 1

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the georgetown herald i iftysmii i alt op publication georgetown wednesday etmin jnne bib 1923 1 00 per annum in advance 11 00 to d 8 the georgetown herald j t uoore publisher aad proprietor menhr caakdih wokl nw patper aoolauoil o t r tih tkku 1 sh i tnhtllli i urnhm moil 1 uhhcnkcr mail pituimgcr i ihnengpr s ml ij going vviht puhho k r mil iwim pasru nger s pfljsm ik u i i iuiii 10 1m nil 11 10ani i 46 i in g 12 p m h 25 1 m 7 21 i in 77am 10 1 i m 2 12 i in 4 co p m 6 02t ra 70um hbbl m 10 oh nin pdhkppgel mllll jihsntr si nduv ioino nokti1 mail hoouni mail 10 u01n0 south mail 1188ani mail 7 55pm toronto bikarku bjiiwm dail ti1if table p in t 8 10 2 24 9 40 8d going huta tlmuk wst b5f 1 10 hundaytime taki b joitik hittst aiu i m p m i in 10 21 12 20 8 45 6 10 9 georgetown creamery cream by the georgetown creamery i ii bi ojon fn ik i iioliliin if fn m id m- wi inrwliy in 1 s il i i ij i ei ikh any person wanting ice must pur chase tickets tor same at creamery georgetown creamery co m saxe manager going wont i m 10 40 6 10 9 directory shiltjn wallbridge a dale brriatara sol ciyre etc toronto and oeormlown office kent edy block lo hoy dl i ofhcc mill s hour 9am 1u open wednesday and salurda dr t n maceuus phyatclan ltd surgeon medical officer of health oolte imi- to 4 and 7 tn s p m phone m office jnd residence mai htroet routh uppoalta presbyter an i ureh oh- g f w ross pbyaicis i and surgeon m ii street eorgctown hht e 22 ea h ouae surgeon race hosp tat toronto de c v wiuiams fhya c an and surgeon office and kes deuce comer ma si south and factory si phowosea office hours 9 10 am l3audt8pi juid by appointment f ri watson ddtmdj offlo hasunu 9 to ft eaoapt tfcaredar altaraaa aa if l heath lda o d 8 osntlat ottlca i lai block one door nortt if onetlla carriage factory hour nt to p m a m nielsen d c chiropractic office ad xray iootoit ataaar qraaaate 10 yra axperalaoe office nba ley rlk rxi iltr j n oneiua conaalutuon and spinal anelyn proe orricb h m as tuesday tl uradayn and saturdays 2 co 5 and 7 to 8 p en ptkmk office 150w and ren dei cr 132 benj fetch ul t tmllnaiar fur lialtuu alia fast aiaiiwlluama poat office halw contacted aattsfactortly and at rea enable ratea ordera led at uk neorcelnwn herald offleo will receive ititwittt attention j a traot clerk towt ihp of eaquen n clerk 3rd dum court tbe lead og rra and l fc i n n r ca a represented itauci ol marriage licenaea siawarttoun ont coal v amd wood on hand all lee tim best sobastob coal contenton iu john ballanrine oecmosrowir rainplonfiasiness tsowol lacn soml jtmrm shortbanrl nach typawntinr j uloes english fli syatoma e eataraar w- tawic atanosf plv phone 651 wt 0 j for high trade preparation i bawmu poartukta and for i tn toelptna graduitim lo icctl crnarlymtr juueraowj t j aulatnomtpalj just use soap and jiot water to clean bmp enameled ware it isso clean and so pure as smooth as china and as strong as steel and no metal touches the food be sure you get smpware three finishes pearl ware two coati of pearly grey enamel nude and out diamond ware three coats light blue and white outside white lining crystal ware three coats pure white inside and out with royal blue edging the shoat metal products co uiskj hydro electric system electric appljances of all kinds the hydro lamp guaranteed per i 500 hours irons from 475 up prices on ail makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges office town hall the sono in camp erwiiugoldhams meat market main treet georgetown phone no 1 fresh fiah at all times watch our windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed ix0 returns you want to get the most out of the money and labor you are putting into fields of com and beef and dairy cattle then you cant afford to be without a good silo he my toronto silo it supplies the equivalent of nch june pasturage all through the winter it qukkly pays for itself m more nulk and healthier cattle torooto siloa are made of doable tonsned and grooved staves of selected spruce treated with creosote silage jtnees do not affect treated wooj you get 15 extra capactt due to the special toronto hip roof til be glad to talk about these splendid dividendpayers at any tune chas e parker acton i heirloom plate silver i for the may and june bride we believe that heirloom plate is the hnest and best line of hotloware and flatware upon the rtarket j without national advertising and solely upon ment a great demand has been jcrea ted i we haye selected the cardinal pattern in hat ware that is guaranteed unconditionally it a b willson why waste money daily of all farm machines the cream separator is the one on which you can take no chances for the smallest of cream losses soon mount into dollars the melotte has been the farmers best frierid for over 30 years it is the machine with suspended bowl and enamelled bowl casing hanging naturally on a ball bearing spindle the bowl is perfectly balanced and is guaranteed easier to turn and to wear longer than any- other on account of the recent ad vance tn raw materials it is impossible to guarantee present low prices for any definite time tenyear guarantee with every machine write for free descriptive booklet ztoir delay r a lister co canada luniled new address head office hamilton out montreal toronto wbnripet hftghia calgary edmonton bare you seta the woadmrial lister milker itself t ji tut a horir llio holdicit onod the on tor tranche guard dk when llie h tuled ion of tl i 11111 h ulllid grow wpnry of lioinbardinif tlic dm k red in m hi ion t worf jjhy fnin nl ui rattening untlor and ttie tawny mound of tlin mai akoff no longer belchod itn tbundor thore wits i tmiitie a rimrddman aid wo storm tlio forth to morrow siog whilu we inny atiotber dfty will liiing enoitgli of horrow tlioy uy along tho battorj mde below the nmokiag cad o on bravo lieurln from 8eprn nnd from clyde and from tin banks of shannon tbcy sung of love and not of fame forgot wan britain e glor fciaob heart recalled a different bnt all sang annie la one voice after song until its tender passion rose like an anthem rich and strong their battle eve rodfeamon deal girl her name he dare i not hpeak but an the song grew loudor something upon the soldier b olieelc washed off the stains or powder i rejood the darkening ocean burn voice oaught ui the acton mr abd mrs george wallace and mix dor tby or guelph ukal sunday with frenda here mr and mrb david w lliamtion and mr and mm jolin wilham bod mr david and mi8 jeait andemon attended the funeral or mrs jobn williamson if burling too last weelt dr t d j parmoi wan tonlln ed to tbe house last week with an abboesa on hib book on saturday brs brother dr parmer qf ancas ter came to dlagnobe his case and ordered hib removal to tbe honpit al at bain ilbon hit bod mr harold n farmerr took him to tbe hoapital on sunday tbe toronto qlobe oontaioa the following item of interest to acton frteadu of mies warren mr and mm jobo m warren add miss warren 190 wy oh wood avenue were bolts on a reoeot happy op casion when miss helen warrftn vaa made tbe recipient or a shower m view of ber approach mg marriage the guests were mm james ij warren mr fred warren mr john wood mrs w t stone mr and mrs b d war ren dr snd mrs cameron war ren mrand mrs ernest a war ren mr and mrs carey r war ren mr and mrs james m war ren mr and mrs john q stone mr charles stone free prone fta f forslers cash and carry grocery j we carry a full line of fresh gro ceries and provisions oranges bananas and other fruits in season headquarters for willards ice cream by dish or bulk a full hne of swifts cured meats mrs b forster i phone 29 real estate seven room frsvme house sfmble hen house tiro lots good orchard price m800 93250 btij s a 7 room frnme house with the electric lights and wa ter inside a good lot and t boirq fru i and ben i ouso and stable 1500 aown 12 00 a month until puirhor bub i nice g room frame house with electric itghtshnd wa ter inside 3 lots and good fi ill an i s hen houses 1soo btijsa good frame houtte and 2 lots in glen williams 1200 will buy a 5 room frame house and liarnrc acres o good garden land some fruit trees nil wejt fenced th h property is just out of the town a snap for someone e a benham real estate and fire insurance hi georgetown bx 4tt alwright butcher main st georgetown rbmkk sbesln utttuu ed the bloody sunset s embers while tbe crimean va leys learned how hnglmh love remembers and once again a fire of hell rained on the russian quarters with scream of shot and burst of shell and bellowing of the mortars and irish nora s eyes are dim for a singer dumb and gtfry- and english mary mourns tor him who sang of annie lanne sleep soldiers still inhonored rest yonr truth and valour wearing tbe bravest are the tendereat the loving are tbe daring hydro has big surplus georgetown had a surplnb of 4 000 from the operation or the hydro tn 1022 there are almost 700 domestic and industrial sub scribers in the town and 64 in glenwiuiams which is supplied from tbe georgetown plant since tho plant was installed in 1918 the nurplus amounts to over 30 000 16 000 of which has been in vested in victory bonds and other securities the plant which or iginally cost 20 000 has been in creased to an asset of 60 000 it carries a peak load of 000 horse power and the largest subscriber the provipcial paper mills is wired for a peak load of 800 horse power tbe rate in town is as low as any in tfaeniagara district between 000 and 700 snbsonb ers are supplied with water from the georgetown waterwo r k a there is no meterage except in tho oases or some of tbe very targe users the plant is now worth 125 000 and two 75 horsepower pumps are being installed one run by hydro for constant use the other by gasoline or fire arid emergency purposes oar fire pro taction is now considered high clasb a valuable motortruck and aflioient volunteer firemen under fjro chief a tobt giving tbe cttr- nb a gilt edged guarantee the ire chief turning out his men faithfully every week lor practice they arrived home late from the party wifey took off ber hat and slammed it down then she confronted her bubby i ii never takoyou to another party as long as i live she said why he catml wanted to know you asked mrs jones how herhnsboud has been standing tbe heat well well her husband haa been dead two months i taraima osaaara maat w maatral the ctlief election officer tor on i tario has sent out a circular letter- to all returning officers pointing out that they should refrain froml taking any active part in politics during their term of office be euggests that they refrain from at tending conventions political clubs or meetings tor promoting tho interests of candidates or talc mg any active part at political public meetinga a returning officer is expected to takean un biased position during an election klakad at rat bara u baraad a barn belonging to w l wright of flesberton and on a farm rented by charles stafford on tbe west rwk line was burned down reoeotry mr stafford was putting down feed he sutes when he made a kick at a rat and fell through a scaffolding with tbe re ajijt that his lantern was upset and in a few moments the barn ait a mass or fire the building was insured for 1 000 and the contents for 1 000 mr wright s loss will be considerable in onllia tbey hae a rnlel that aov director of the agricnl tural society who is absent from throe successive meetings of the directors board will forfeit his seat and another man will be ap pointed in his stead this in a role that might wwk well in oil raa beside onllia leroy dale liberal candidate was in town yesterday evening be is busy with his organisation and pleased with the progress be ing made and the loyalty of hal ton liberals generally bov w m mckay mrs mo kay and their son jack cangbt two down que trout on victoria day in a preserved pond near bal hnafad besides a number of small ones whioh they returned to the water george hillmer conservative candidate for the legislature was in milton on tuesday he is vis iting various parts of the county and will hbld a series of meetings the dates will be announced in due course mr and mrs wm sheppard base line nassagaweya had tbe nineteenth addition to their fam ily last week fifteen of their obimren are living tbe engagement is announced of vera ancetta youngest daogb ter or j ef wickson of appleby to david wendover of milton tbe marriage to take place on june 18 two thousand yearling trout from the caledod club s hatabery at inglewood were delivered in the beet of condition at the pre serve of the milton fish and game club campbejjlville about equal number were put into the pond last year also 80q0 fry champion erin ir james collier of seattle wash visited with friends here nver tbe week end it is 26 years sinoe he left erin and of course sees many changes and knew but a few of the boys mr thomas ford and his daughter mrs loach and son and daughter of toronto spent the 2tb with friends in town mr ford is 84 years or age and ib bale and hearty the older generation here will remember him be was a miller here in 1888 and was the founder of the caledon mountain trout clab fisheries the horse rabes held at stanley park erin ou viotoria day were the best ever held here the alasseb were well filled and the horses were driven out in every heat elm tree owned by w hillock of caledon won in class in five heats johnny carlo owned by d mcallister erin won class b ia three straight heats in class c jimmy murray owned by w wheeler enn and tom wood owned by t williamson streeteville were evenly matched and id the fourth heat raced a dead beat tbey decided iheir horses were not able for a fifth heat and divided 1st and 2nd mon ey advocate notes and comments tin- poax orfitf department has ihhip 1 a warning to the public that in ui tiling letters or parcels win n more th in one stamp in used there must be no overlan mg chat is all of the stamps niusb be fully exposed the staiui h lined which areiartly covered bj others will not bo accepted rm- kbikadb oi prisoners on parole has workod ont well in most instances but in the case of 10 rorers the young north bay desperado it failed to do so p er haps bad hib record been more loaely studied and the judge who loromihed him on a serious qharge belnconsilted aw he should have been attrnve blunder might have been obuated w a man is exalted to a public pob ion he bos a right to demand tl 0 rtu and lojaltybf every citizen who approves of his action it is not so easy to get men to accept public office and when we have men who are will sfiu rc tho b their ability in tbe performance of the duties of their office they abould be encouraged and not discouraged whioh is too often the case when bis pbjendb pressed around bim to congratulate stan ley baldwin the new british premier he is reported to have told them that it was their pray era he needed rather than their congratulations guess he ib not far wromj at that the premier ship of great britain jost now is more of a task than an honor and it was a reatitatibo of thi fact that impelled premier baldwin to say what he did perhaps too it the public ooold be got into tbe state of mind to pray for a prem ier when he takee up his task it mig be ajuatenal improvement pn the present plan of surrounding bim with congratulations and n don t forget me old chap ex pressioo thstt all advertise a ben is not supposed to have much common bense or lact yet every time she lavs an egg she oackfes forth the faot a rooster hasn t got a lot of intellect to show but none the less most roosters have i enough good sense to crow the mule the most despised of beasts has a pern intent way of lettingtolks know he a around by bw insistent bray tbe bnsr little bees tbey buri bulls bellow and cows moo the watchdogs bark tbe ganders quack and doves and pigeons ooo tbepeaoonk spreads his- tail and squawks pigs squeal and robins sing and even serpent know enough to biss before tbey sting but man tbegsbatevt masterpiece that nature oold devise will often stop and hesitate before he 11 advertise when yon want ao counter check books let o bavejoar order at tbe herald office qnality and servioe oeraoteed if you woduj mcebaae your happiness and prolong your life forget your neighbors fault for get the blander you have heard forget the temptations forget the fault finding and give little thought to the cause which pro voked it forget the peoolianties of your friends and only remem ber the good points whioh make you fond of them forget all per aonal quarrels or histories you may have heard by accident and which if regarded would seem a thousand times worse than they are blot out as far as possible all the disagreements of life they will come but they will grow larger if you remember them and the constant thought of acts of meanness or worse still malice will only tend to make yon mora ramiliar with them from yester daj start out with a clean sheet tor to day and write upon it for sweet memory s sake only those lov which are 4ovely and lovable did yod bveb stop to think how many different kinds of babies there are in tbe world there are human babies first of course but babyhood doeb not stop there there are baby birds and baby kittenb and puppies and chickens jocks calves coltb oh bo many different kiods and tbe funny part of it jb that they all act much the same they whimper when tbey are cold jell when they are hungry sleei w ben they are comfy they are fed and washed and scolded and caressed by their mothers yeb and fought for there is no animal so troc ioub as a mother defending her young and they will attack fear lejsly an animal many times their size when the dark curtain of night drops down on the world and the sandman goes an bin roonds and the stare come out did you ever stop to think of all tbe babies ic cribs and nests and les and hollow trees even jungle caves where the savage beasts cuddlo their cubs all the babies snuggled close to their motbei a warm breasts mothers that sleep with senses lert to the slightest sound the light mother sleep always on guard so we must be very eareful not to hurt tbe feelings of any creature that ib a mother for mothers are mothers whether furred feather ed or human and they grieve over their lost babies never take even one baby bird from a nest for birdii are very lovely useful things and eat tbe insects that destroy the plants pat futa la milk battle for some time post the gilbrea dairy and bonej brook dairj of oakvtlle have complained of filth being put in their milk after mak ibg deliver o as table mccleary was assigned to tbe job of finding out the guiitv party and lay tn it foi the oulpnt on thurs day of lost week after the gilbrea dairj bad delivered milk at a private residence in tbe town an bub smith was caught by con stable mccleary opening tbe gil brea dairy bottles and depositing flltb in them in police court be fore magistrate shields smith pleaded guilty and was fined 50 and costa and let out on suspend ed sentence for one year and in lso prohibited from dm ing a milk wagon oakville record one of tbe new colors ra call helen pink a groar many folks look liks it a ai3dvs o a d 8 w i r n j

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