Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 6, 1923, p. 2

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v0 thk afcoruetown hkkai i judk ttt 18h died 1923 ciilhr c llpm ihc lie w r hrowi kr iny junt n 1 82il y buc k 1 n gewgaf lute mondy j i look pliiie at 3 p nl green wbod cemelerj obitnary fidwabd l ollefnhw qui at tbe end of a iodk and useful life edward grecnsword at nor val entered into the internal rest on sunday afternoon last at tbe sudden call of the master ho had served bo faithfully mr green aword bad partaken of dinner with his family and bad gone outdoors and entered tho oat of a rolntie who bad suggested a little ride while laughing and chatting with hie family he quietly passed away and was earned lifeless into the bouse be bad left but a few mo meats before born 80 years ago on lot 11 on the stb hue west the son of mr and mes timothy green a word who came from the old land to hew out a home in the wildernees mr grecnsword had faced every trial and teat or courage required of canada b each est children ho was a fenian raid veteran after bin marriage to isabella orr be nougat the farm at nor val station where he spent bib remaining years daring bis entire life he was connected with the methodist church and for many years was one or its stewards he was a man of the highest moral integrity and possessed the respect and esteem of the entire community the congregation of the church laid upon his casket a beautifnl tribute in the form of gates ajar before the opening portal being laid sheaf of npened grain a more eloquent than any souls express he was one of the stanneh supporters of the conser vativo party in his district and so enthusiastic an admirer of sir john a mcdonald that he was sometimes styled sir john by i bad bubs his closest friends his wife diedl in 1908 and be is p ru train by mr j president of ueorgetoi tne association dr i p mi oeorite uiuner servative candidate hr u k fleck members ol the local ww uon committee and genrgetnw citizens band and escorted to taw iark where hon howard vf son who bad motored joined the party i after the national aataean bad been rendered by the baad mr james mcdowell president at 1u ton conservative chairman of the day appropriate remarkst those who were to address la rathenng tt mr j m skelfon osy fcefc welcomed the gatnena and etc nmu tlmle to ta gseaa ef method 9 eon imsndwil iti fce i anrtinw of peuic optn j awral uae that enlisted lad knack aanport to the law ml tfroaglrt necessary in bojs saturday treat tim week we hac a line treat for you maple peanut a pure maple 1 croat n with luntera of peanuts keg 40c saturday tieat special 29c lb weekend chocolates hoy lots of these bocolates at thin price the manufacturer iisb raised huh lot or hocolates another two cents per ih iluj while we have themat lbi- price regular 40 and 50c for 32c try oar real cold ice cream sodam and oar freeh fruit sundaes oranges bananas fresh tomatoes na vtatdbey in eattrap offenders varatons there of questionable a the public ex the morals pressed gratitude to the daj who bad invitation tobei- counti event in the alternate ac the conervative party siat m bringing victory to mr uillroer the candidate at h while here to bow to taw bn is most kindly feeling prevailed to ward the liberal candidate waa was also mayor ol tbe premier drory had said be to haltoo four yean stranger bat today bo the electoral on lua record- ue should have again in tbe the tonservative party aa aananv noo mr p la bat b tnea to discredit and hold them op to r should broad can and show mr drmry thank haai no place in hatto the road to victory n the pro race hon howard san ated the opnortonity of a ior in georgatown to electors annted with tbe at of taw breakers of he lyae to enforce this moral ive debaaebed tbe digoitj aaal ssaj of tbe law and creat led fciap and contempt for the arthur norrington tbe law tbe and with am content to life to setback to sane select snenanth toe of tbe province at or tbe let us ga natf tbe wapeble govern- oc bans standard tin aw aba party n haltoo hi i hi i ii t pr baapratty thoroughly oov crop fotbefarttifw 1 tbaa progress tor tbe gaaaersann litical party winch waam seana great harvest ontwaas aftbel month when praaum lanarjjt by his past perforaaaaeea aaaat pent tocjo back on tbe aana was pleased to be oat whjb am 1 hibit of tbe hocauad drecaaf tbe conservauve party had submitted hat record i fflumm do bo 3 iwwiid noenuoa a tew of tbe ami son edward jr and two dangh j ataoaing features he ters mary of toronto and stella at borne another daughter passed away some years ago of his own no bitterness aa tbe saw senous but waste aad family there is but 6ne survivor a brother isosc of brampton the funeral took place from bis late residence wednesday afternoon june 27th tbe services being con ducted by a former pastor re mr hunt arointed by tbe present pastor rev mr brailey inter ment being made in norval ce tery those who bore tbe remains to their last resting place among so many of tbe pioneer of tbe nor val district wre messrs a i noble william cunningham frank hustler percy laid i aw aaron laid law j l clarke mntbedenooneed la xustbaeamtj of tbe government to tbe a on town council and ced4bree aa mayor be town ot oakn lie stand brail bad baaa acapnia ed with 1 have ami a oouoty mr remaps upon the slatuee it ia the dqty ofany itoverument id power to see uil il ih bonetl and truly enforced dr anderson m i spoke brietty before introducing hon arthur meigheo and urged all to vote for the worthy and capable candidate mr george hil liner in calling uon mr meigben tbe dr said 1 am proud to have the bonor of introducing to this k allien ng to day the greatest parliamentarian canad bos evei produced hon arthur meigben thanked all for their cordial recepliqu lie had come from the federal arena andwas nut here to instruct in piomw isl affairs thepaity wai a unit throughout the province due to the pluck courage and de termination of lion howard rer jguson who bos ably demon at rated himself worthy of the confidence of the people and the great party he leads if a public man cannot i adhere to the truth be had better j be out of public life the necessity oj4tonor and ll delity in tho public life of canada was dwelt on at hytgtb by mr meighen who said in par eec tiona were a farce if isejeclion pledges were not lived op to tbe autocrat wan not ho who passed orders in council but he who rev pudiated his pledges there could he no responsible goveromeut up less there v as adherence to party platforms mackenaie king and ljoqier uouin were guilt of fraud deceit and perlldy with malice aforethought in 1919 the de clared for tree trade to secure tbe bupport of tbe agrarians and they won yet not a single promise had kept they got 85 seats in quebec by anti conscription ism and anti britishism they swept the prane provinces by promisewi of free trade i arraign them ah guilty of deliberate and intentional deceit they did not believe in their platform when the passed it was only d platform to got in on in direct contradiction of their pledges they have lightened the burdens or the rich and im posed them on the poor and by tbe new tax scheme announced in tbe budget the cost of hviug will be increased by oter ib per cent tbe liberal government openly and intentionally betrayed tbe cans dian people and i am endeavoring to earn out my duty to the public ml ii by eivouok ibm of good j jg olm kl ft gr son cbr lor me did not load to d iii ii n- owbgetowh ontario preaaatd itaeu we wall wad to boa or and victory the conduaion of the pro- shree lusty cheers were given for hon arthur meigben hon g howard ferguson candidate hill and the conservative party after which the speakers were en tertained to a dauoionft tnimuwi m n r tne club donee at the golf 1923 spring 123 i 1923 announcement from the mens store of fine high class dai lor io men s furnisbinkb lute k cars for said 1 922 dodge roadster 1917 dodge touring 1918 overland touring model 90 halfton ford truck see the cars before buying kntlkmhn our new spring goods are daily coming to hand and eoniprise the choicest productions in foreign and domestic manufacture having riveo special attention to the selection of the riiotit up to date sm tings overcoatings trouserings veslings etc we feel sore that our effort will be appreciated by you we are showing them in tbe ar newest of weaves and colorings beautiful mixtures in inuis tinet plaids overcheeks ut ripen etc you will make no mistake by seeing these at an early date before the best pat terns are bfeced with first class trimmings and skilled workmanship we hae every confidence in our ability to please all who favor us with their patronage new spring hats j out arrived alt the latest styles and colorings in hard and soft feit hats etc new spring neckwear our new soring neckwear collars cuffs gloves half hone braces eto comprise the tery bast and newest articles readtowear clothing we hae a floe selection of boys youths and men a suits overcoats and odd pants we make a specialty in this line w bualt a slum t yawr pctnup mttxar co sn m rnnliklav acat far georgetown phone 12s mri jacksons tss the drory party much money bat their guidance tbe eight mill through in 1919 the total debt at tfcw vrav tnce after- c9 francis b c6lr after an illness of some months duration francis b cote passed away- at his home in georgetown on wednesday last may 80th in hib 68rd year deceased was the yonngeat son of the late mr and mre henry cole and was born on the homestead near ballinafad he came to georgetown it years ago and has since residod here he was cne of our best citutens esteemed and respected by all who knew him beside his widow who was formerly miss sawyer of erin he leaves one sitter john lindsay bnn de was a member of the methodist church tbe funeral took place on pndaj afternoon when the re mains were interred in greenwood cemetery the service being eon ducted by rev r f cauwron the pall bearers were john lnd say john mcdonald robert br win w h kcntner m macau lay c d cole withstanding tbe bet farmer party bad araw dnoe it ir ejected to after roar years at tbi titration of the affairs at la awr- wee increased to twt forty ti road drurynimself witb bae d peoditnra yet tbe which be is leatar i seven milbon on ra three yean at fifteen thonsaad thousand dollar a aaw aad hal from lbacaaaervafava aarty but today to the w in hal ton b mjrdrary tea any stand cy there drory is ikianbw to tbe oakviue toronto aadad bceaaae be thinks it will jaabjonvwfeotaoa bath atli bun ooe vote it aa caanadered a political to the 5w mr orogory is said s5lh tbe minmurr of h cost from sixty to ninety five ttimaasni emtora aerl mile la m to w tbe election by btaakani a tbe temperance anaataamba4 an ana or woman wow aacraane then- pnnoiplea y ataaf fcartbe oaaaervauvea who the only temperance a our by tbetr actions tbav tbey an tea t nenda at tern aa tbe ota the following resolution was moved by henry corke seconded by wm cleave we tbe conser vative people of the county of fialton put ourselves on record as having complete confidence in the i honorable g howard ferguson as leader of tbe conservative party in tbe province of ontario there by expressing our firm belief that be will be returned to power with a substantial majority over all other parties and thus enabled to carry out that wise states and reasonable policy be has so clearly outlined through out tbe province and that we also goon record as expressing our unbounded coo fidence in the right honorable arthur meigben as leader of tne conservative party in thedomin ion oor pride in his great intel lee toal abilities his unswerving loy alty to tbe crown tbe dominion sand bis friends which we as such moat heartily reciprocate and that for the greatest happiness of the greatest number be may be in no long time again the premier of tbe dominion of canada- carried unanimously the selections by the band dur ing the afternoon were much ap preciated qnlyldays pen sea ijoeurope shortest ocean route to europe two days down the st lawrence and only 4 daysopensea sauungsevorydayono bom montreal and quebec land at cherbourg sontharnpton hamhmx antwerp liverpool ot glaafow canadian ricifk georgetown ywatcfh natures with new om catharinf brown mrs catharine brown widow or the late w r brown who died suddenly on june 1st in her 83rd year was born in toronto bnt since early girlhood bad resided in georgetown where bbe was honor- ed and esteemed b all who knew her she was a very stanneh methodist and bad always taken a very active part in all tho various cborch activities her hoi who predeceased her son years ago be then being b2od year was a carnage builder for 60 years in georgetown sur viving the late mrs brown are four boob charles of georgetown william of windsor mnnaon and george a of toronto tbe funer al took place from her late real dance in georgetown at s pm on monday tbe service being con dnntcd by rev j h moore tbe pall bearers were three charles george mnnson orwell brown grandson mr guardbooae niagara falls and mr woire cooksville service pomaaaaaap atwbatj d gregory was be bead wan ing tbe prov a leant but ttr gregory ehttmc bas reward for aecaraaf mr dra seat in hahaa hon mr bavjga bad ban hundred tbonaaad li fire tornado auto accident insurance elmer c thompson 1 motor rare frees a traead made aeveatecn tbenawad aattara profit on tbe other friend sand dollars era tbaa they eaabl anv banal boy scoots dont forget year sb cento for monthly doe what about- tbe garden bnagsomepotaloaa rte everybody torn oot friday oiren- ing at 7 oclock unifocal a be we have if aplendia georgetown flour feed mills big crop seed corn w bate tbe a for this corn in this district and it is sold onlj iar tbe a agave btg crop corn also other leading varieties timothy and clover seed w c bessey phone 195 w saedallorsatdrday oreaa pnsa cream rolls flora- doras layer cakes with and ooooanut pies also a choice of i qmallty bread lasida them mu tpboae order in by saturday mornutg ne summei furniture for indoors or out setees chairs rockers green 01 natural finish draperies a apendid display of draperies for all drapery purposes beautiful artistic color combinations in special draperies exquisite effects in fine crcarn and white nets and other fabrics v new lues of cteteupea art muslins sateens and etc window shades of a serviceable quality plain and trimmed we have any sized shades in any color wall paper just put in stock another shipment of c wall patter harming creations in new i orei floor covering rich ruga of a quality that will give you good service brussels wiltons axminister tapestries congoleqp linoleum oitelotb japati ese grass and others fdrniturb for every room in tub home value service oeokditowk georgetown al1v1ngstj the georgetown lumber co limiled sole resnstajrtves for georgetown ni vicinity quality jacksons- georgetown h druks cigar store i q cigars cigarettes and to- g h bacco all kinds r r pipes i piwtcjasa chocolates from 35c and up we are gettins m weekly fresh shipments of turk ish delight and a tasty assoited marahmallow come in and sample them we carry a complete line of chocolate bars we are serving neitson a ice cream too we have the best oranges and bananas etc which we can possibly procure h druks georgetown b lavbaw3aabbbb

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