Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 13, 1923, p. 3

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fl v tlik old i inn 1 ik jl m- hi limn pkikh this is g kodak time 1 wi liavt ft good ttoleoliou or the inuul and mnt inoti 1h hi eaaljimn kodak h unci brownie sanurah hh hlnih inntintn u un i ftll iuipwritn for lin s pi itokrni in r d it a en tn tnki i utui nth uip right ejui n d j matthew dkuub and stationery news items m dimhioncouil wod 27lh nomination rimrm ij 14 th rig tfil too bj our hand thin court or appeal hall kmhb baturdny- milton georgetown nt tbe pnrk the band will ilfiy o ancart program oo mr foulin lawn next tuesday evening the presbyterian assembly at port arthur voted 420 to lit in favor or church union too amateur boxmg club wiji hold a meeting lne bank or montreal rest rooms at 8 so our citizens generally planting shrubs and flowers and making our town look more at tractive chief jackbqbh flower beds and tiles containing flowers at tbe town ball are verj pretty and we congrt tulate iiini on bis good taste if you payyour lawn service tbe water committee will allow you to sprinkle tjie street in front of your property owing to the salvation arm band playing on tbe band stand on tuesday night nui local band will play on the band stand sun jday evening from 8 80 to 10 plants for sale qelery to roato cauliflower and 5 varieties of cabbage plants at w h god frey b quclph street come whore you get best value for your money 4tp mibb madga oassidy has sold ber confectionery business to mr fred j deverson formerly with moorebead he lakes possession to day tbe salvation army band of brampton played a good program from the stand on tues lay even ing duetts and solos by members of the band wore also rendered major grant was chairman a lad with a wagon ran into a lady on mill st sidewalk last thursday and nearly fractured her leg the lad ts still suffering from the injury again we isk have bioyleuand wagons the right of way on oor sidewalke p s inspector denyes pno cipal sborey of the public school end messrs hutchinson and ma bridge of tbe school board all of milton were in town last friday and viaijcd our nobonl where they were muob impressed with tbe unison singing of the pupils under tbe direction of mr a b caste ii notice don t forget that we nol only specially made boots just landed 00 pairs from the maopherson company and the are solid leather made to stand all kinds of hard knocking price f 4 00 and don t forget that day foot makes their improved special hoots for me only in georgetown if you buy these boots you will save money as they are easily re paired as tbe leather in them can not be beat repairsmen s half soles 100 j roney george town ltp st palsgama itorval rev dr kyle of foot hill will conduct- tbe service on sunday next june 17th at 7 80 p m aullpox i camp smallpox has made its appear anoe at niagara gamp the out break having occurred in tbe qov ernor general body guard from toronto there ifl only one ease according to ool ford chief med ical officer jjus the enureaoit has beed isolated to prevent the dl6- eane spreading to other battalions burltd la onhwagd the remains or tbe late margar d uiiiibell dnulur of the late george and janet campbell who unwed awaj at her home in to ronto on june 9th in ber hoth year were ititoircd in tlreenwoot gemourj gcoigetovtn on mon day croa ollno 1 tilifroft or nimby tbe borne 6f di aod mrs w u cline wa jbe seme of a bappy event on may r28rd when their youngest daugb ter heli a barber be amo the bride of ewart campbell cross only son of tbe late rev james cioss grimsby out but in growing a new oen witb a onpacity of 310 loaves was installed at browns bakery this week tbe demand for brown s bread has grown rap idly and is steadily increasing and in order to keep pace with the de mand it baa been necessary to en large tbe whole plant if yon are not eating brown s bread begin now it clkld 81st blrtkdsty dr webster sheriff of hal ton celebrated ins 81st birthday at bis home in norval oh monday the dr spent the morning working in bis one garden the afternoon at brampton and was at home his numerous friends ho called to extend congratulations jn the evening all will be pleased to know that the popular veteran doctor is enjoying splendid health at present eajojabl tim atiuadlm qlmfe the reading club held its last meeting for the season in tho public library hall on friday afternoon a most enjoyable time was spent in london england mrs annandale who resided there for same time spoke on its history and many of its points of interest and mrs mayes gave the hibtory and a detailed description or west minster abbey both were fol lowed with muob enjoyment many excellent views were used and added greatly to the interest ratltoju at bdra mills mrs d lowrii tied ber horse id front of the post office at eden mills one evening last week and when she came out a few minutes later it was gone mr john mar shall met the horse and hg a few mi tea down the guelpb road in nassagaweya shortly afterwards two men wore in the baggy nnd as it was a covered one he could not see them plainly and thought mr lowrie was one but wondered that he was drivmg so fast the last seen of tbe horse and rig was near milton there was a good robejuid horse blanket in the buggy bop lataraat 1m ppr another qeorgetown boy is making good mr a b dobbie son of mr and mrs a dobbie and a graduate of the herald baa par chased an interest in a live west ern ontario weekly the advertis er topio of petrolea which con tains the following annojortement in its issue of last week m brdoblhewbo for tha past three years ha been the efficient fore man in this office has pnrahased an interest in tbe bmuuess and has been promoted to associate editor the new partnership will aim to continue to give the public tbe best possible service and wilt constantly endeavour to keep the advertiser topic amoog the fore most papers of western ontario a banqnefr for the own of st gteorge 0hivb was provided by mrs h corce and a smalt com rtnttee of ladie on tuesday even ing there was a good attendance and a most pleasant evening was spent short addresses were de livered by bev percival mayes rector add mr h corke also songs by rev mr mayes and mr w f bradley were enjoyed music was furnished daring the evening by st georges orchestra scouts eery boy turn out and we will have a hike this week hverybod wear uniform h httssible rnoatlj hapdkerobief the boy s who oleaned tbe rooms out last saturday mads a good job of it card of thanks we beretcaoier mmd nd mgti bora our vary sincere thanks for the many madnt and sympathy extended la ui in oar recent s4 bcteavemenl emitted by ib death j our b and fn tlwttbftulej m backon buck and ownilt j personals may istb marked another ad vaooe move on the part of the canadian national railways when an entirely new type of mountain observation oar aptly described aa a san boom on wbeelr was put into serviceen the mountain division between jasper and harm loops these oars will continue to be attached to daily trains no 1 and 2 until beptgrober 90th they are the most opto and satisfactory type of mountal viewing caix any where in use on tbe continent their excellent appointments enable travellers passing through the northern canadian rockies to view the magnificent scenery on both sides the car witb the utmost ease and comfort irrespective of westb conditions these cars have been called lap rooms on wheels owing to tbelarge amount of glass used in their construction the windows innuing from the seat arm rests to tbe ceiling the seats are arranged trans versely on each side or oentre aisle as in an ordinary car there boing seating capacity for si pa soger tbe platforms provide capacity for 80 additional person tbe entire car siding is of steel with interior finished in british columbia oedar stained mabog vny the interior is equipped with tbe most opto date vmtilat ore e lights and shad itcv dr mccoll is wtuiiim of lan rrtbndn mijor mrkinlry of torocito wan a week end vmitojr in town mihh charline mklibbon of mil ton vl hi twl iporkftown frtembi week mr ciporge flillnvr onorria tive csnilidnte awol tnrskia in mr anil mrn john mrcoxtfry of durham are silink fnrwii in ton mr david krottks who bai hm quit sohniihly it i ih ivuvernie nice i mrs col llniwn in spending tho week with ol brown at niai ira mr and mro l d cufric spent sunday with mr and lr- janteti henry at luolpb mrs a b castell i vmting frielida and relnlnett in hrol count unt missrn w v bradley and k iio gdwardh jeft tost- eiming on a business trip to detroit mr and mrs c j blytbe mish marie of toronto hpent the week end with mr and mrs hugh black ewiuesink mr w b dtlly waoable toxel dnwn town on crutches on tn day for the fist time sine fpettinx his leg fractured on mi mrs ernest cui douglas of tennahaming quebec- are isiting at the home of mr and mrs b forster mr cnm- miqrs is attending camp niarara prof j a theobald and mr eddie gibbens of sl jeromt col lege kitchener spent the wee end with mr aod mrs j j gib bens e thompson of toronto who was with mcleod a co georgetown forty jri ago visited friends in town monday r 3 m fisber son of dr and mrs fisber a final examinations m medicine at toronto university and resett ed bfb degree of m b at con voca tion last prviay mr and mrs jobn p hccajtery mr and mrs ted rerney mua stella mccaffery and mr gordon mocaffery of caledon bast motor ed to georgetown and spent san day at the borne of mrs arm strong paper milla mr aod mrs a m grandy were at newmarket on monday attend ing the funeral of mr grandy mother who passed away htb mr grandy has tbe sym pathy of numerous fnnnda tn community be having to father and mother within a month among those from a who attended the funeral of the late j m bock but wednesday were mrs henry strieker dray ton wm kaiser london tlenrj and miss kaiser kitchener messrs gordon and lawson kais er gait mrs kidd cookstown mrs hall brampton d and w p moore toronto among those from out of town who attended toe funeral of tbe ate catharine brown but week were mr and mrs fred and rolpb smyth mr and mrs hon son brown misses catharine and clara brown mr and sir g brown mr and mrs wede brown toronto mr and mrs george gardbonse niagara fall ny mr and mr harry wojfe cooksville mr george sharp norval mr wm brown of wind tor was unable to be present to tbtk ou uohi clock old tvl tori tn l i home lhtuufli man thai flood ib dt sinrr ibal rnrluntrd inni lotl fair v 1 nwirj nr hanj aitfi liatrn froit up la waj 1 frr nimlfnl to fret ajfaio ubat jown hnl knend ol ni toulh o will 1 nile no tlmiitm r broke when up tbe stairs your chimes would bo or echo m the hall below i alike this lin affair tlil irrcamn llsdinll abuui jim itol atb a trait thai now my hearlwuenitt tbe more m tjeei n rokhid of and then with jou no da forcot uj iwiil to eal until nilcl i lumed from diooem alusn lint where motlier dear profumd tbepoc now when toy morning work in done and abisuek roai one hour 1 ronce a saadsirh a i el fw rust on ol esqoes- i cssrt si revision re asscssnest aibrhcw in iih- dork abl la knu nrwali jjj iu emf wtm of the uid lowush p 1w ibr jnr i9l jac i3h 1913 j j- rex theatre rriday jaaa lolh onllilkiiiml slarnng dunlin 1iiriiuln h h will imuotl lb iom inht rj ndion mi 1 thn is what more nui uih auk onittly i atmii iupl i l a urrhtmtm starday jua lflth hie cowboj and the jul l stnrrini man miich alititor ond tom moure a treinen iiuuh ptiotoplaj of the romaii l wnrft illfil with drama apienl and relndialili humor cotncil creation pardon sly clove fo weokl nchh oirhpstra wamu jm 0tk where men are men starring william duncan a rod blood iff film for red blooded eopln showing ii llirilltng tale in the mining country special nuifh ijivirj stmon in llonu swtet unine go rt i m llnuh no 0 coatlbb manslnughlpi oeoroetown ojtt court of revision re assessment tie court of rcvu on will a i oi hall on he x6tk dj of jan i0s3 i p m lo hear appeals k nbi f 1923 si ml roll of l 11 1923 ii clerk notice mr ii a rons of rramploi well known piano luner and ex perl intends making regular trip 10 georgetown in l he future parties wlahmur their pianos attended lo nu leae i heir orders witb mrs w j afcdonald market street 2t milton s three ministers are all good sports as well a good preach ers bev mackai loves the n in game m winter and follow bw stone up tbe ice with a keen eye and anxioub step bev bole only a curler bnt a good bowtei well while canon naftej m a de votee of tbe green and aehrera bi bnwla as if it were second nature to him beformer while tlf at a barn rais ing oh saturday george dun of lowville south of milton seriously inured when a nearv beem fell on him breakink hi rirht shoolder and gashing fan head and face in never abont the same boor jfilton clements or moonf nemo near milton had foor nbs broken and was otherwise seneosly tnjnred when a section of gravel pit in wbioh he was working caved m on hi in clement wiu spmlul optfaal oflar high grade gold filled spectacle and eye glasses witb best flat spherical winasa for only uo all other style of frame and tense at lowest price eye ex amined by mr hngbsoe former optical expert tor kent toronto sod later for henry morgan col montreal tbe beat optical work to be obtained and at moderate prior to day only friday and uaturday j one xss3 saturday e 4 pm sharp lyd j matthew georgetown lrameboatrltmtw bnq on being given bu hberty on saturday from milton jad after be ing arrested for lighting a barn near milton the farmers of the district contributed n neat sum of money and preaentud rt to wiuuw henry of bainihon who bad a leg shot off in tbe great be had explained to polichjbga trate dice that when he wan caught lighting the ntatcnea to tbe harnhe raa trrrng to jbd plaoe to jeep aa he had bn away from bocos dr search fi work con d not and any anal wi oompletelj tired oat me rejtnm- ed to hlsjnme ha jqaopalb3llse s b a r n h i l ls pbki and uaittons bargain store seeds seeds seeds bay v we n r field and garden seeds here and save monoj c nirel aksorted stock of steele brigg s and vaneties alsp simmer f t garden and flouer seeds rektilar lor a park age i parkages tor 46c dominion tires we sell all three of them dominion nobby tread dominion royal cord u frbad tbe tire that will rim and lialidsmfcorj aorvice jo you hie most eoonomiral u i ran buj barnhjlls norval alalizilala tbursday holiday during june july and august thursday will be a holiday wednesday bargain day mcbean co georgetown help wanted 4 girls and boys good wages apply smith stone i electrical works college view to immmmhi rennies grocery grocery specials wanted one or two boys or young men to gain pijtl manufacturing experience witn a view to responsible office or sales position summer or permanent employment as cl until practical work completed apply to kns limited grandysj specials h ca cnmrort oi 4 ralfit ivarl toaiiuid 1 ditli tdj1 t s iht un i4p sjmp s lb tin ion r ltptoo blnf labr 3a black or mixed perle baby chc fwd r ioib baby chir rd per llu rutrhrord a milk mash for babj chirk t lbs for pincappb prr un irrs prr tan iv nrr s lb tin u bln rrmrs prr un pinna nun lib bo appt nd strawbprr jriii 1 lb tin jlaraaudv i lb un 10 7fip 1 10 xc 25 a 50c fin 2go 2fif utk- 16 2m 5o 1ao 76c s a m grandv i phone 75 pastry flour per w 6 lbs rolled oats 6 lbs corn meal 8 lbs blue roue bioe 4 lbs rangoon rioe 8 lbs seedless rnisinn 2 pkte bran flakes pine mild cbeese per hi black pepper per lb toilet paper 6 roll 89c 360 26c 80c 8so 25c 25c 84c new advertisements hold mmeilislel pny notice- fir i poutrr ni m sn jlaboeters ud teamsters wanted kh w apply rsndolph mc pasture fob aeut 18 acres fenced and r rt water adio n dk georgetown phone 103 r t- s 1t to rent 8 roomed house to rem hfchl and water 16 per mouth henry francis john 2ip for sjue top buggy good as new outa de ci in pump force pump and ppe garden wheel hoe about 400 feet hardnood lum ber walter moore kmi- si 3t wlh ru lol 18 coi pasttmx ming waier and rood shade luthion 6 imiink apply on or on premises if bananas oranaes and tomatoes d r rennie cash grocery houe pltone 969 phone 151 for quick delivery dr c c floyd optometrist will open a store in the oneill block on or about july 2nd with a full line of watches clocks jewelry and optical goods watch and jewelry re pairing a speciality eyes scientifically eat- amined alfalfa about 10 acres good crop f r sale pur chaser to work and take tff same during summer or will rent 30 acres indudios- plowed land paature with stream and hade h and alfalfa or sei tf ror sale gumcy kitchen range 6 hole and warnif ing closet mikel trimmed while enamel splash and oven door thermometer fitted for water front almost new k roy ed wards georgetown for sale happy rtiought range for sale th a lanalatoveaix holes no water front hreoos in fairly good condition good re ervoir also ttwrmometr on oven first class bker apply mrlit j rumy op for sale sow and eleen pigs applj w fiaher phone 9t 2 georgetown w for sale two tapeatry cha r also bedroom rug irs w r walson factory si town it ohackehs for bale barred kockhen and 13 week old chick 60 yearling hen all in full taj any j brandford phot lt for sale one light wagon wuh pole atiatli and sleighs andrew mcpherson norl ltp wahted a quiet fresh o near fresh family cow stale age price location and breed a r vannatier it kilnrliuiine jook tbe imported clydesdidc slallion kd mmng jock w h be u hi own uluble terndale farm every saturday and mon da parties bring life inren fro i a ill lance may make arrang pan of foal si 5 tt l ne isk nli i i 05r 1 2 willoughby farm agency extra special acres b workable balance bwb and mature 40 aomt spring rron atid 10 aor tall wheat them is a apleodld bank barn aod a good frame hooas and only 3 mtlea from arton and 1 mile from radial price for everything fgltoo n for further particular apply to rraapi bcuvcr- b b mcdowell rep georgefown ontario the whlrougbby farm agency eat bct u victoria sl fwmlt rmm mu 7im he red cross pf ontario aaka th gcocroa pepla af ontario to cotae tb rjke balpaf cochrane aa ontario tntn 3400 pople bve a cocbraoet 780 bare bad tyjobeai fever atar now sack tbe town itaell faa gallantly camerj its borow the red crom ask ontane far 7500000 ii nirli r tn rmi tin tim ifnn ji hospital with 20 none and 80 bed aw to out far hundred of cofrraieacentsatol urgently aeedinf spactal food and care to restore tbesa t plea aaod yew csmtrihibon totbefiobutiaasorer ontario red craca 410 saerboarae adelaide mplumptre

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