Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 20, 1923, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fifty sixth ylult of publication georgetown wednesday evening june 20th 1923 tgo iwr annum in advance 200 to u thegeorgetown herald j m moorc paulikar d proprietor hwhr caaadta wkli nw vv uu1m1 kast ir una 1iinwtikcr f- 101 tin mail 11 10 ni pahsetiecr jmhji1 mail c3i ii lhbse p- passenger sunday 721 pm ootng wkht iouttenger 707 am mail i lolban passenger 21 pi passenger 460 pi passenger ug2 pi passenger 7 oh pi mail sr bmpu lyancnbor sunday 1001 am lolnti nohtii mail b00ai mail 1 uokl mouth man lljtai mail 7 pm toraato banaibaa rallwa dailvtiubtalk atu pm i uoiug east a 10 224 ooiog west hsb 810 hunday t1mktahlk doing eiisl a1u pm pm im p 1021 1220 346 610 9 aan im pm going west 1040 010 9be directory shilton wallbridqe av dale barriatara bolioitora etc toronto and georgetown orbca kennedy block la lrf data in cbars ol oaoraal hto heir barrister solicitor etc office mill fil georgetown hour 9aro to 5 p m open weioeaday and satu evening dr t h kajlcejuijs physician and burseon had leal officer ot health otnoa lloura to 4 and 7 in p m pbonah odlc 4hd realdance main street south uppoalte preabjrtertan church dr o f w ross rbyucianand surgeoe m st gpoikpowm hi ea- house surmo race hospital tojuato dr c v w1lluu phyaician and surgeon office and keiideihre corner of main st south and factorial aaajkgbu office hour- 9w 1 3 and 68 pm ijd by appoi f r watson dd bifds offle haaretb ta ft kxoept taanaay altai aaaai p l heath lp oos dantkt offloa in lavna block on dor north at onallta carrum factory hour a n to a- p b a m nkxser do ohirofracxio offioz aual xatoy laamatary palaaa qradaata 10 ynaxaralaum office injbailey block nexl door to j n oneill t consultation and spinal ana urate free ornck tlouas tueedaya thuradayi and saturdays 2 to sand 7 lo 8 pm phomb office isow and residence 232 benj fetch y uniiiiii auctioneer for hajton anfl peat fjlanwtllubw poet oibca sala conducted aa and at raa- eooabte ratee ordara left at tb oaonrmoarn herald offlca will reoalve proaapt attention j a tract clerk township ot enqueuing clerk 3rd division court tbe loading ftre and lid cos represented lasuer of marriage license stewarttown oct coal wood on handallthe timri best sokabton coax oeaauat onjblraad john ballantine brampton business 0fc at sowol nkflt so00l isaaofpitman sborlhand touch typewritinr bnaineos eorlth oiqce systems piling spoiling s bookkeeping arithmetic pen roan ah in com me frial uvw rapid calriqlation aatautuaal lastraetten eatar aaj tlaaa h if ramkih wta pbonn 651 27tk s ta kal caarlsa bta t arrange now to enter ibin famous bl favons for utrictly high grade work a d for promptly brlpw ttudentf lo mn employment none better inca ada catalogue frre w j ellutt pruelaal georgetown cbeamerv cream wanted by the georgetown creamery we will be open for the kccimiudiitinn cil liurmra tin moiidaj wcdneuduy untl hiilnriliijnfiiiiiks any person wanting ice must pur chase tickets lor same at creamery georgetown creamery co m saxe manager a pest the european corn borer great damage to corn crops in certain sections of ontario has been caused in recent years by the european corn borer to check this pest follow closely recommendations of the department its life history the moth appears about tie middle of june and lasts until about the last week in july egg laying in this period the female lays its eggs on the undersides of the corn leaves preferably on the most advanced corn thborer the damage s done by the borer stage thrfworm devel- ope from the gg the stalks andears it winters in the stubble or stalks the pupa the worm changes to the pupa which in turn develops into the moth about the second week of june or later dominion department of agriculture arthur gibson dominion entomologist division of field crop and garden insects ottawa ont alrus is danlaln bataat erwingoldhams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 watch onr windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed insurance elmer c thompson heirloom plate silver for he may arid jane bride we believe that heirloom plate is the lineal and best line of holloware and flatware upon the market without national advertising and solely upon merit a great demand has been created we have selected the cardinal pattern in flat ware hat is guaranteed unconditionally a b willson hydro electric system electric appliances of all kinds i the hydro lamp guaranteed per i 500 hours irons from 475 up prices on all makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges the wine of life wlmii ive left ott lumn 1 do for dip things liiulb old tiling llmtu now for the tliinhh lhlui n very minou- an nil un hikiiis hh the ot in it whon ivo got no iiinnufi oi for a song an a yarn with my nala ahboru when a shipft no more than a uhip to mo an tlnroh nowhere loft as i want to hpo when all the funrt all mal anutlia jnkfs all rftalo an thoro aiul no inito in the cakijh an tho ulo von un htitrli me ii an noon an you lib in a roroer o woro out sail tuiid mike with olyntaijofl atttiy ools and cad an dolloo mo overboard ill be dead office town hall tt jc prr lb tot if you iws a problem of power or insporta- tion bring it to us there is a ford or an adapta tioimf a forchibr every purpose j h a coxe acton 3s21 coupaxr or carada ltamrd rouv oirrakio at tho nomination proceedings at milton on thursday juno htb ovor ono thousand electors from all liar t s of the county were n res it inoie than half being women iach of tho candidates was ir- ibted by chairman john deoring to speak 4c minutes tho premier leading off at the conclusion m drury was given is minutes in which to reply besides the can dida tea mrs dr j a mckiven of acton was granted permission to use some of mr hillmers time a addition to his defense of the j record t premier niadois vigorous references to tbe globfv deoyiog in the lirat place the acji ot a lett peoiing in tho pobe signed a ab which charg bm with be iog a poor friend of puov ship be also challengk globe which in tho absence o very much iiiberal leadership pera haps i may take to be tho mouth piece of tho party to put its linger upon the items of expendi ture wherein the government had been extravagant lie went over nami nf fhn ma itnnm rrf forsters cash and carry grocery we carry a full line of fresh gro- j ceries and provisions t oranges bananas and other fruits in season headquarters for willards ice cream by dish or bulk a full line of swifts cured meats real estate seven room fraune house stable ben home two lota good orchard price s1200 i22so buys a 7 room frame house with the elect no lislits and wa ter inside a good lot and choicf fruit and hen house and stable 1500 down 1200 a month until paid for t36so buys n nice g room tranie house with rlcrtui- lipids ivnd wn tor inside 8 lotb and good fruit and 2 hen iiouhos tlsoo buys n good frame house and 2 lots in olrrtwillinmt tl200 will buy a 5 room tramp bouse and barn f acres of good garden land some fruit tree nil well fenred thi nmperly m jnt out f tlit town a snap for someone e a benham real estate and fire insurance pbone 1m georgetown wmx 4 ae wright butcher main si georgetown rknee sw in am23u -l- pijult kvs at wav 6 r 7 swec t and kept mjj as all phr me at nomination meeting iton e c drury george bill- ncr ami lehoy dale in lot flem lo nod hamilton highway re mamutniuiim a w connor i k re apiioinlniont of county euginnor alo mamliall oakillle aooeiiting aiiikimtipnt as uigli srhool trus uu and tilirnbotlj b knapp m- knowlodgmg npiointmcnt to liorgilumii kvamining hoard also iiteinurial from tho county council of perth re high school act mr ghent moved necoudod by mr hrockon thai the deputation from the mountain sanitarium uaiiuiuio be heard curried- ur j u uolbrook and mesnrs w a- child and j j kvel prei- deot of u am 1 1 urn linalth assoria- tion addmuned tho conrniil iro- posing moalily clinics in h niton tor tbe eianri nation of tubemilos- is patients on the recommendation of medical health officers or other physicians or from organ ixat ions mr hampshire moved second ed by mr appelbetlfat tbib conn cil do now adjourn to meet at 30 pm carried the couocil adjourned the council resumed at l0 pm the warden in tbe choir mr morden presented the third report of the standing committee on roads and bridges mr barber the third on printing mr mclo- tyre the third on special commun ications mr blaio the third on county buildings mr hampshire the third on good roads and mr robinson tbe third on education mr johostone moved seconded by mr b reck on that this council go into committee of the whole to consider the reports of the various standing committees carried the council went into commit tee of the whole mr obiaholm in tbe eh air thtcouncil resumed the ward en in the chair by permission messrs a w connor ce addressed the coun cil re appointment n county en- crease emphasizing his demand for detailed criticism not criti cism of generalities mrs dr mcniven of acton spoke on be q mr uillmer urging the electors tovote fortbb conservative candidate and assist placing hon o howard fergu son at the head of tho next gov ernment mr hillmer twitted the prem ier upon bis residence outside the riding of bis choice challenging to point out wherein he had done anything for hal ton since be came into office in sharp contrast be said to hon mr biggs record went worth he criticised dundas highway expenditu re totalit the 98000 cost on six teen mile bridge tbo blanketing of the school lx the govern ments claim to credit for mothers pensions and other matters he out for mr fergusons pol icy on the ota that of change only by consent of the people bat proper and sano onforooment mr dale the iiiberal said he stood right behind the platform of the jjiberal party on all points and in regard to the ota he de clared that no matter wbal tbe premier or any candidate said the law was unujoo in that it bad been put on tbe statute books by the people and could only be changed by their sanction he did stand however he said for equal enforcement against rich and poor alike ha penditures under tbe drury gov eminent rewits platform de nouncing tbfl increase to nearly 100000000 of accumulated debt and pointed out that in three years the drury government pledged to a policy of retrench meat had increased that figure to 248000000 denounced tbe gov ernment for its patronage pro clivities and said that if he were j w curry kc late member for fce toronto be would feel in accepting an u000ayear regis- trrahip tbat he wasjust receiv ing so much money for services eifdered mr dale so spec ted also tbat the sinking of the redistribu lion bill along with tbe electoral form measures opposed by the tories wb the result of a well- calculated bcbome planned byi losler politician mr drurj county council milton juno tli 1d2h the council met at 1030 a m in accordance with call or the word- mrmbei all prchcnl the vri- n in the chsir the minute- of tliolast meeting ore rood anil confirmed communication were rtvwl as follows from lieut col g 0 brown 20th hal ton rifles ontar io institute for blind secretary hal ton women institute and r r fleming department ofagri- rnlture asking for grants ontario municipal association re member ship win carroll re sixteen mile craeii brihgtj deparlment of uigh- wrys re bylaw and extension of nti road at burlington toron notes and comments a man who allows himseir to be worried into selling a good vic tory or other bond for tho kalto of purchasing an auto ought to to incarcerated in on aajlum for iiicaiujiy deficient pontons for he is ttcarcely lit to be at large suob a bond invariably repreienui the havings of if not a life time at least part of one and for any man to part witli it for the purpose or buying a car which is bound to depreciate in value rapidly every ear is liulc short of criminal both iut regards his own future and thai or hi ft family we know how eauy it is to want to do the bout one can by tho rnmily and it is sometimes hard to withstand the import unities of the younger people who ore animated by a de- sirq lor hying around the country rn keeping up with tbe joness nevertheless the nran who sells bis heritage in order to gratity sucb whims is doing himself a grave injustice and it is lo b ser- iously ijuestioood wbotber he in al together sane in allowing himself to be misled chibhol frenorted reports of standing oornniiuaes considered amended and approved in commit tee of the whole mr nicholson moved seconded by mr appelbe that the report at the committee of the whole on re ports of standing committees as considered amended and approved in committee ol tho whole itt pted carried iff ghent moved seconded by mr appolbu t wo introduce a by law 1 provia pfj tore on the system of couw ways in tht carried the bylaw was read first time mr blain moved seconded by mr molntyre that a bytaw to provide for expenditure on the bystenrofcounty highways in the county of hal ton be now read a second time and the blanks filled carried bylaw no 601 was read second me mr breokorj moved seconded by mr nicholson that bylaw no 601 be now read third time and passed and tbe corporate seal at tached thereto carried mr mclntyre moved seconded by mr blain that mr d j maf thew be appointed a member of the high school board of george town tor the yearn 1923 2426 carried mr hillmer presented the third report of the standing committee on finance mr hillmer moved seconded by r johnstone that the report of tho finance committee be adopted carried mr robinson moved seconded by mr hampshire tbat the clerk send an account to wentworth county council for payment af 86 prr cent of tbe printing expenses in connection with the public school inspectors report since the date on which be assumed the in spectorship of the county of went worth carried mr morden moved seconded by mr johobtone that four thousand red from trafal a htohytircokded in the pa persthe oilier day of a man ono ot yu social leaders of new york dying and leaving an estate of leas than 2000 while in addition tofthe actual cash value or his belongings there were in the neighborhood of 1600000 worth of worthless bonds is one of tbe t rowdies tbat are too often met with id this world to day fraud ulent schemes have become so profitable and capable of being de veloped and extended amongst even tbe better classes of the com munity that they are practically limitless tbe result is that in a great maoy instances men pass away leaving estates that on the face of them are worth consider able but when d amoqpt to comparatively nothing at all and it is neediest to say tluu many are the tragedies in connec tion with the helpless dependents asa result it is difficult to un derstand how this sort of thing is going to be safeguarded but un doubtedly the law should be made very much more stringent with reference to the manipulation ofta all fraudulent companies than it has been in the past a great many of the skin gomes which are being hung before tbe public today could be eliminated by wise ibattottiandwbile tbt there wdl stilt be men capable of being fqoled d a smooth toggue samples s ih yorker with15002 worthless bonds would oecompar- atively rare if proper legislation was in force gar maintenance acooont to tra falgar good roads account car ried mr morden moved seconded by mr chisholm that mr r l smith cjl be heard carried mr smith addressed tbo coun cil re appointment of county en gineer mr johnstone moved seconded by mr b reck on thai this council now adloorn to meet at 7 ho pm june 6th carried the council adjourned tbe coiinoil met at th0 pm in accordance with adjournment members all present tbe ward- i in tbe chair the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed mr johnstone moved seconded mr barber that tbe following hniberfi be a oumrnittee to equal ethe assessment for the year j923 geo barber w l chis- n j w blainw h morden geo hillmer ghent hampshire mclntyre and the warden apd tbe council adjourn for 40 min- i tea carried the council adjourned tbe council resumed theward- n in the chair mr hampshire moved seconded b mr chisholm tbae this council do now adjourn to meet on j 8 198 at 7so pm- carried the council adjourned dr bel and proinined a haakation on thursday morning last that brant hospital burling ton would not be closed until such as be bad an opportunity k brant hoapitat ai st hospital toronto tka vaton uata judge elliot tbo revising onic- er for hal ton and bin assistants have completed their work many names have been added to the voters lists the tow original and added do v arc trafalgar 2838 esqueaing iflu nelson nassagaw eya 1261 milton 4 oak villa 2557 burlington georgotown 1609 acton 1286 a afattanrmat a negro employed at ono or tho movie studios in jjos angeles was drafted by adirector to do a novel comedy sceoe with a lion you get into this bed ordered life director and well bring tbo liorr in and put him in bed with you it will be a scream put a lion in bed with me 1 yelled the negro no sab not atall i tjuits right here and now but pro tested the director this lion wont hurt you this lion was bepugnt upon milk so was i n u negro but i eats meat now bnttm bnvnd ht friday at oakvilje james aged 9 and george aged 7 boob of mnt violet frost and harry os- aged 14 wore playing in a puuj at oak ille there was a high wind the pant was blown from shore and upset tho frost boys were both drowned osuihn clung lo the punt and was rescued by allan kemp and chos johnson who went to the scene a gasoline launch osman was about to love hjb hold when reach ed mrs frosts husband was kitted overscan in the greatwar ww stay tra bwtoaar the ontario department of highways has made a commend- ible move in determining to stop tree butchery along public roods not only in it the intention to beautify the highways but to pro- serve the existing beauty in that trees will not be mutilated or sacrificed wherever it is possible to save tlieni no company tele phone kwcr or telegraph will be allowed lo cut the trech without pefpushion and only to remov e liich are entirely essen tial to transmission wjll be given and in an case only the minimum allowed and such must be done under the supervision of tbe de partment of public highways in this connection various com pan ys have entered heartily into co opet- alion with tbe department iethat at present they an trynft to clear their lipea withts tittle mutila tion of tree air possible caul joe thompson mpp 1 be one of the speakers at ii aervative meeting tonight life s v

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