Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 27, 1923, p. 3

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special 162 dunlop golf balls 60ceach an exceptional ball at an exceptionally low price other well known lines including h silver kin dunlo maxfli auperfliu- hmti cftlimpl new hrwk d j matthew dbdos and stationery a sbaaesnssl2lljlcls4e3iksa local news dtems did you lose your vote monday dominion day tli is was division court day well we couldnt nil w du we can still be good friends soft ball gam en on friday evening at the park and uigb school dr watsons ofllce cloaod after this week until fur ther notioe a number of oddfellowi tended the decoration ber vices at hilton on sunday eequesing agricultural ciety wilt meet ia the council chamber on thursday evening at 8 oclock clearing bale of all summer millinery for nest two weeki ranging in price from 100 up missea claridge eleanor aliens name was ac cidentally omitted from the list of the fir ii clans in the glen school report jest week j fc t- evans writes insurance for the leading wind and tornado companies it will pay you to get in touch with hr evans at once there will be a meeting of the amateur boxing club ou friday evening june 29tb at 8 oclock in tbewarber bbop on mill street all members oi the oddfel lows soft ball team are requested to meet at the public school on thursday evening at 7 ocook for practice terra cotta dfo and uf wo will hold their regular month ly mtfeting on monday evening july 2nd at the home of mr and mrs j c cook the election returns were re- oeivetl in town by wireless from outside points on monday evening and announced from the balcony of hotel mcgibbon charlie brown is nowvhand- ling the famous firestone gam- dipped cord auto tires the best tireon thenmrketr seehint be fore oou purchase and save money plants for sale- celery to mato cauliflower and 5 varieties of cabbage plants at w hv god- frays gaelph street come where yon get best value for your money dtp dr c o floyd optometrist is busy getting ready for the opening of his store in the oneill block on wednesday july 4th he will carry a tall line of all the latest in watoheo clocks jewelry and optical goods when you boy boots get them from a reliable man and a shoe maker so that if anything goes wrong it will be made right al- ways reliable the macpberson and dayfoot made specially for roney only main street georgetown have yaar ey emld make an appointment toim pr o t walker at v r wiliiwh drug store band cuaotrti js tbe band plnycd a nice srbgraiii from the btnod on tuesday even int next tuesday evening thej lave an engngemont in the glen bulon tlmrtujay evening they will play a program on mr j w ken nedy lawn extend cod bailmw asa result of a recent amend meat to the postal laws an impor tant change in connection with the handling of co d parceli wbnt into effect on friday june 16th at present cod parcels are only handled for places at which lost offices are authorized to sell money orders but accord ing to the new ruling which will become effective after the middle of the month such parcels will be accepted or any post olllce ir canada the weight of parceli going through the mails in this way must not exceed eleven pounds ovaloma dees ftfnok panaege a destructive cyclone passed through ualton county friday afternoon june 22nd during electrical storm and did n great deal of damage starting at the west end ofnassngaweya town ship the cyclone took the roofs oft several burns large trees were uprooted and at the cottrelle farm west of milton many of the trees in the apple orchard were blown d mid nimpli ly de stroyed iat the maonabomje- stead in esquesing onp of the barns was moved font feet away from its foondation and other damage done at tbe mount dairy farm west of milton one of tbe buildings was struck by lightning and the roof partly destroyed by fire tbe last cyclone which visit ed hal ton some y pars ago followed tbe same course and plajod havoc with before it inone case the corner of a farm noose containing tbe diningroom was carried ftwayleayjog tbe family eating thoir dinner in tbe open homy i for the oldtime dance- at suburban park four piece orchestra dancing from 4 pm to 8 am mr t gibbons floor manager dont forget tbe date monday july 2nd come and enjoy yourself admission ladies 26o gents 50c by anto via crewbona corners nerval branch of the wo mens institute will bold their regular monthly meeting at tbe borne of mrs thomas early on thoraday july 5th an address on the history of our institute will be given by mrs coo of george- town a former district president an invitation is extended to all ladies to be present church neus rev g s cassmore of camp bellvills will oooany the polpit of the hetbodist cbarob on sunday next bev h caldwell of oxford centre will begin bis pastorate of tbe hetbodist chorch of george town and ashgrove on sunday jnlysth st gbobqeb holy commonion at 8 and 11 aan holy baptisms at 5 pm and evensong at 7 pm during july and august tbe services will be of one boors duration corporate commonion of members of the womens auxiliary st aulanh tbe cbnroh was reopened last sunday alter extensive repairs had been made s saoost of nearly 1- 000 good oongragatioob were preasnttm both services tbe solo- ist in tbe morning was miss fantue weaver and in the evening st georges choir went over and mrs w preston and mr w f bradley were the soloist the rector con ducted tbe servi assisted by mr i 3 b wbikrtpproprtate anil scholarly sermons were preached by the bev f h cosgrave of trinity umversitytorooto personals mr f j railnr or toronto was in town liuit friday mum mnrtfarct mrkny in visit ink fiinndh in owen sound yhijor murrav mckinlcyof fiir- anto hent hmulay in unvn mrhinplf nl toronto spent sunday with dr anil mrs roim mr itodoriek frntwr of toionto hpnnl sunday wtllifrieidfi in town mih graham of toronto in viiit- ing relatives in town and vicinity xr and mrs j brooke of to onui vinitfil in town aver the vh mr w mcdowell of toronto spent sunilaj with mr and mrh v a smith mr- divnn koe hpent the week end at the home of mr win fjtew- ait at gnlt mr nnd mre vnndiincn of tara viitited with mr and mrs 8 ii mcgibbon last week county treasurer d hiitelifon won in town to day and mndetbe herald a pleasant cal mr p brooks who has been seriously ill for some weeks j wist in able to be around again mr jind mrs jits henry and family of tiuelph spent jsunday with mr and mrs l d currie mr j b maokenzie is attend ing the national retail coal deal ers convention at he ran ton p a miss kntbleen barber and mr rolpli barber of toronto spent the week end witbdr and mrs f r watson major grant is leaving for to ionto on friday where he will spend a couple of months at the homo of his eon mrs r p gallop nnd miss charlotte mokenna of the royal uotel guelpb spent saturday with dr and mrs b gollop miss shanksand miss grummett of petta piece man spent the week end at the home of their cousin mr d isomerville mrs h p lawson misses mary and helen lawson and master walter lawson leave friday for england where they will spend a couple of months hon e c drury mr boey mp of springfield man mr marshall campbell of milton and mr norman wrirft lea worth were ruprih of mr and mrs r c adams on saturday m1m ilkiiviii jlnk b7lh ih norval flour mills seedsi seeds iihtiihouij ami a i di i fa setil coin of all varieties kinds choice flour for bread national flour for paatry and slmrth car of corn jiml nrrivod iround feed of all kinds lliglifst inarkot pi ico for wheat and coarse grains localatwetli habd ball quite a number adoompanied our ball team to burlington on saturday last when they won front tbe home team by a score of s4 in the first innings jack arjjojd was spiked as be was landing on tbe home plate and had to retire for the rest ef the game georgetown now beads tbe iieague and the standing of tbe teams is as follows po h00 067 georgetown 4 burlington 4 bronte 4 muton 4 36 campbellvjlwp 2 4 888 aoton tsj 6 167 battery burftbgton konlrle sutton georgetown young blackburn k one of the best ball games ever bbod in burlington was played there on saturday when tbe fast georgetown team won a thrilling game with a score of 6 4 tbe georgetown team is a bun oh ot heavy sluggers and only the fast playing of tbe home boys saved them from a bad beating burlington had one triple play and two doubles while georgetown had two double plays this wjn puts georgetown at the top of tbe hal- ton county fjeaguo with 4 straight wins and 1 loss georgetown plays at campbell- ville next saturday and goes to acton on mondayjuly 2nd soft ball on friday evening last tbe cbnrch defeated tbe firemen by a score of 10 h it was aclose game and only tbe errors made by one or two members of tbe firemens team gave tbe cburnh the victory this pots the church and oddfel lows on even rooting on the same evening at tbe high school xbe chapter defeated lite papermill 1 4 nne 29 creel mans vb chapter at park bankers vs chosen at high school the game between creelroans and the firemen of june 1st is to be replayed at an early date team won lost points oddfellows 8 ia 6 creelmans 8 0 ji cbnrcb 8 1 6 firemen 2 1 m chapter- 2 1 bankers 0 4 0 papermill 0 4 0 mr edwin wiktick general merchant of csledon was fatally burned on wednesday afternoon last when a gasoline torch with sfbicb be was repairing the radi ator of his car exploded card of thank mr o ji whumee jad mr ainl mm w whilmee hereby convey to all frimd their very incare i tunic for the mmny kiudnciiae extended in ibeir recent id berovcmenl caused by i be death of beloved wife and ainer w j campbell ltd 1 31blbbfekbk5i51bai51 l barnhillsl puel atf d altons uaiu1ain store w d 90 lb fil guaranteed pure lard k i thursday holida wednesday bargain day sporting shoes fjadioh wuito running shoes ladies white oxfords misses white oxfords misses white rubber sole ulipimrx 1 toll 11 to a misses white rubber solid heel 11 to it mibhob white running sbobs 0 to 10 11 to a boys tan running shoes 0 to 10 109 loa 99c 119 189 109 11 to 2 mcbean co rex theatre i rruay jmmm tbla mixed faces atarriog wm rdsnel polities pulchritude j and romance intermingled in f an entrancing tale of thrills j and tingling adventure com edy creation jae and jajl- j birds orchestra tbraay jm 90tk t3t 5k5bc ai k k there was such a demand for oar chocolates last satur day ctiatwe are offering for this weekend another 100 lbs hard and soft centres j regular goc per lb tor v lsejiente watcb our window for other specials we carry ice cream brickajn all flavors phone in your order and have it delivered kosy korner kandy kitchen f j deverson proprietor 1 georgetown k on july 4th my store will be open for business are invited to inspect my stock of jewelery watches clocks and optical goods it will be a pleasure to have you cau is just half past eight the dinner dishes arc washed the children arc in peela has settled down to a nights darning a hundred miles away in the hotel jim- has finished dinner written the days report and looked over the local paper time hangs heavy till happy thought he remembers long distance hello maryl how are the children how are you 7 just three minutes at home and yet it makes all the difference the hotel seems brighter and mary well the holes in the socks dont seem quite so large just the effect of a voice you love to hear keepthe home ties strong the long dis tance wayt onr cworoers tell us they hmrm reduced their tire costs in single season with one set of firestone tjroa these tires are kbowneierywherefor tber high mileage safety and easy riding qualities com iandletusshowyouu cbarle brown son tlretone i mbit mkb toldoujjlt dr c c floyd oneill block georgetown grand ys i specials montserrat lime juice per bottle 60c orangeade lemonade and raspberry vinegar bottle 26a q rape juice per bottle 10 86o imperial jelly powder 8 pkgs 25c jelly powder in glass cups 2 for 25c jello and nu jell per pkg 10c post bran per pkg 0o seeded raibtns per pkg 16c peaches per tin ib 25c pineapple per tin ib 85c plums per tin 16o lip tons tea black or mixed per lb ccc peas corn and tomatoes per tin 16c early june peas per tin 20c sweet wrinkl- peas per tin 2c golden bantam corn 20c 1am dandy i g willougtaby farm agency extra special 160 acres jo workable balance bitsb and pasture 40 acres spring crop and 10 acras fall wbea t there is a splendid bank barn and a good frame house and only 8 miles from acton and 1 mile from radial price for everything phone 75 sausucsn cunilet rrmpl mvcrj jjriirnrtni nrnr j special lor saturday cream puffs cream rolls flora- doras layer cakes with date filling lemon and cocoon ut pies mso n choice of other fancy pastry hiwlskcatoiiea quality bread leads them all phone orders in by saturday morning a uvngstqne phohe55 688888889es8s8ses3l888s89e9sg9eies8ses8s8se9iess order your counter check books firm the erahj- rennies groceiy grocery specials pastry flour per 24s mild cheese per lb black tea bulk per lb rolled oats g lbs o cedar oil 12 oz corn 2 for thistle baking powder per ii blue rose rice h lbs com starch per pkt ammonia 8 for w soda 8 for pearline 8 for lemon soap 8 for 25c 66o 25o 60o 25c 250 2fio 10c 25c 26c 2co 26c tbejjon of walling ford one of tbe biggest arid most j spectacular of the year re- i h00 players for the i moth pageant and tire so comedy creation let br i orchestra wu4 jmir 4tt divorce coupons starring corinne griffith a hive rom- j ance full of ad ven to re thrills j and heart throbs comedy larry seraon in simple life go uetbmhateb no 8 v new advertisements notice s robinaoa painter grainer sad fw- of work in tbe above tine satisfaction eed prices naaoaable pbooa po box 51 206 3t p puyf holder ef samo kindly vcgirouiiicat ioroediately with centunr insurance com paojr 64 weuiotoet street west toronto pan 64 w vuuuunxiira akd tike bd otemmtomtmim vaicunlang and tirep opportunity ornun wu ivktc town will teach i apply f h btsterb toklile frame house of s rooms electric lickt piendid gacden poultry bouse and sow foul price shoo cash sgoo appl 1 o box 1074 w moano jurrgp promptly byed vsrejr north of browa bakery drain etc done bananas oranges and tomatoes d r rennie cash grocery house phone 889 phone 151 for quick delivery for further particulars apply to b b mcdowell rep georgetown ontario or to the willougbby farm agency tttt offlce u imwia st iwnk rkwc hrirtin durant sport touring jail a real good car we have a number of good used cars of various makesat prices and terms to suit purchasers t j speight agent georgetown aoton and vloinitj frampton hayes f or bniwing carpentering and all kinds of re- i pair work satisfaction paranleed tsdokmim la actoa or ieorgetown oa friday june mod ladys dtaatond ring initiate engraved on the inside finder return to hnald office and receive toward rom kals fouthik baby carriage nearly new in ported from england will sell cheap apply c h kirit care of john parmer glen road or box ttt georgetown mortgage sale 1 vajti fot rswpcrly tj30er the powers coouuntuntrvcs tain mortgage which wilt be produced at ibe time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at tbe victoria hotel in the town of brampton in tbe county of peel on saturday tbe 21st day of july 1923jt 2 nm by benj petcb auctioneer an that valuable farm prop- erly composed of ibe west half of lot 25 in tbo sixth concession west of hunm lario street in the tswnsbtp of chinjrua- cousy in tbe county of ped cootajoinj 100 acres more or less there is laid to be on this propertr a twoatomy frame residence containing 6 rooms with good cellar and w also a ban 46 x s3 a shed 24 x si a abed 2450 a shed 20 a 30 a pigpen 1616 and a driving house 4020 1 12 acres in orchard tbercisa good well and 2 cfamerna tbe soil is cuy loam over 90 acres- are under cul- liratlan this property is five miles from geor and i mile rom tbe terra cotta railway station any crop that may be in the ground al tbe time of sale wiobemvrved terms ten per cent down altbe time of sale and the balance on tbe first o october next when tbe contract shall be completed and possession will be riven to the purchaser led the 2slb day of june i93l graham graham bowvsa qui vendors solicitors auction- sale fn stock iai 1 the undersigned has been iostrncted by jjkellv dl by pimic auctlotru lot 25 con 6 chinguacooay i mite from terra cotta stnrday june iroth o clock tne fouowintrt lorses bay mare 6 yra bay mire 10 yrs black horse 8 yrs grey mare k vra i mplemcnta llaaaey- harris btuder 6 cut in good order oeerinti mower 5 h cut nearly new i hurt rake wd drill uboesi discrtdw seed barrwws 4 sec tional flenry plow no 12 chatham wag on newi democrat boggy top buggy set single bameatu set beavy team harness whh braecbiag set good work harness 4 horse cooara set alelgba 3 bench hay lorfc and poueya and 450 1 new rope 2 bay racks i sets of wbintetms 3 neck yokes iron kettle cream separator cap 500 lb new toronto barrel chum fan ning milt sat platform scales woo lbs capacity atone boat wagon box 5 water barrels chains forks etc field crops 15 acre timothy and clover 14 acre timothy and red clover 10 awm timothy red clover and ajsec 1 1 acres alaac clover good and clean 40 screa wsii in oats good dean seed i a quantity ol timothy hay 1922 crop gravel tor t i 2 yds cap terms cash sen fetch auctioneer toreraattoaal deering and mccornick farm orxiutntt kqdifiirnt harrestins haobines tractors hay and corn macnlnev engines tillage implements cream manure s plongbs tbresbers feed 0rinders binder twine chatham wagons litter carriers h barnes bswasui

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