Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 18, 1923, p. 1

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the georgetown herald iktvsbvhniu ykab of puuuuation gooricotown wednesday evening- july 18th 1988 1 jo par aaaiu la alualn the georgetown heram j h mooeb rnklkkar mm pnrutor m catasjlu mu mw- sap- ahmutlik utk tasl uointi kabt lmfdger 72a um passenger 914 ani ftaaaengor iolhani uail 1140 am paaaentter tl4hpui mail fftta pm r tisd pm r sunday 7m1 pm going wrbt paanger 7b7 am matt 10lhaoi passenger 212 pju aaaaaager j 460 pm passenger floa pm passenger 709 um mall tuupm passenger sunday 1008 am ooiho nobtit uail hioo am uail 465 iii ooino south mail 11 a am mall 747 poi daily tivb table ajd pm iota bam h 10 ftlh 640 going whi h6c 810 789 sunday timbtaulk uoing hast vui um p in pin tiui 0m 13lu0 845 010 917 am pm pm 10 40 610 9w geomgrown creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamery we will be open for the accomodation of fmmers on monday wednesday and saturday vrnintui any person wanting ice must pur chase tickets lor same at creamery hydro electric system electric appliances of ah kinds letown creamery co m sake manager the hydro lamp guaranteed per t500 hours irons from 475 up prices on all makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges galha west oihectory vhiiron waulwllboe jkoalk ublook lea kerr dale in ebarac vt o uairutar stbucttor etc obka mib 5- georgatpwn hear 9aw to 5 pm oprrwaloeadar sad saturday evaniaga mt buaobixtl mflf medical sir c f w boss phyalcaui and surgeon mill street ge rhone 27 e hohm saxgaoo tact hospital toronto 3j f rhvuclaa and sfosaoat t p mcm and bamdsnoe comer of mail 3 south and factory st oatee heart 9 10 itro ljand8fwn r m wawom ss avc i haawai s to ft iim r 0- idc ljll jsjmvotsn block nmnoor lo j n hallaji and analysis i houastaeaday thursday rdaw at to sand 7io 8 pm toocelsowaftd relumce 232 ml ptrrch uo aatu fotbaltol has cmanwllttash past oatta ruy s a a oaabfca rata oroats alt at um j atuot clark tmmafap of eaqnealnk clark snl dnk tba laadlnr mv and tjfe insurancr co a raprawntad laner of uarriae stawartlo nont coal wood rfm band til tlie aasvaintaaitoh coax oneat m hand john ballantine tssr tv attscmh nenscani kbaaaspitmat sbortbaod vftath typewnung boainea asnglinlr offloa- ssatems wltag j bpelling bookkeeninft y anthmatto panmanabip oomnmrotal iaw calenlatioo k al mamkilf fria pbooafisl m tkmtpch xtok jtfrasari aowtoaaterhi fasmpr adbeel naaar m fyusrrade wcrtacd mjuv7t onl ntrm carv 4ca caularafra w a erwingolttams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 office town hall passim q by watch nr windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed fi i rire tornado auto accident insurance elmer c thompson fwslers cash and carry grocery j we carry a full line of fresh gro- ceries and provisions oranges bananas and otherfruits in season headquarters for willards le- cream by dish or bulk a full lirie of swifts cured meats mrs b forster phone 29 a the adornment supreme for the summer girl samateclt wn mala lkelrldstre d are in- anlradtmc mces caaimc wllhvdvel case an sal- w ftm dasp iraa km la sj5h caul and hmspect a b wimson durant sport touring jatt a rmil good car tyc have a number ofood used cars of various maleea at priceaarul terms- to suit purchaaera t j speight agent gaoaketowa aatonmrnd vicinity swewmbteie special tor saturday cream potta cream holla flora- dotua layer caken with date filling benion and oocoanat piea atan a oboire of other fancy paatry utiiicatenea quadlty breawl leavda them a11 phoae ordaraiivbysatarday morning a uvinistone cc vaasxa oase traotobrs now in the tlrna to porohaae your tractors farm maohioery fleurichftntb wilkinson plows baggies stoveit pedlar bteel roofing lightriiog rods wira fonti or circular sawb gookshntt farm machinery seeoudsand broadcast seeder international near new fertiliser drill international 24 hp empire gus engine near new 212 hp fairbanks oogine good repair prim rose crerun separator 10 goodhorses drivers and workers t e hewsgn phone lolx 33 norval th adde umgth of haptb leaf hatches meana greater aatwy wfaeobfunnj taafts btoveaor labtcraa they wtn not gww after me- taeyan not poboaona rati wont gnaw taem nf i tleiwlunadiimibsiattire maple the canadian match c9 a umitedmontreai -try- frampton hayes -fot- ltandiitg carpenlering and all kinds ol re pair work satisiactlon paranteed twaa nothing but a foollnb nung that long ago you aang underneath the volret ahiri neath the atring a tarn carelehb wero the wordx of it but when it lilting rang qayty from the lipn qt you ob magio worn the bam 1 ungioianm reams wore every nobo they wovo their m1ih on oyea loved imageries entwined oar hearts grown hopeloph with the years and homesick on the naked vnldt beneath the naked euieiir we knelt and prayed to memory wlioao diadem is tears qb you have gone the distant road nil feet must trek sbme day and never more fhe crysul notoa wjll atiryonr singing tongue and alt forgot the foolish words that leaned one oldqn day when weary hearts and dreary hearts buret bonds and bios aomed young but sometimes in the smoky dusk wben qod and ghosts are nigh t sometimes when we meet again as in those far off years comes the littlesong again and yon are passing by hand in band with memory whose diadem ta tears newspaper men tour marilimes uor an which froul the moat in itorunt of iu dock in in itsau napable of affording aoohorage for no anortnoua fleet of ooaaaajohns htearawrti- wbilo further inland a the famouh bedford baain with a ei renin forcnee of twenty bn onion tor a distance of three miloa up tbe neaward aid of the oily is a narrow llord known as the northwest arm a abort bknee from the on trance to wbiob continued from last week the press party left st john on- bnndayntotnjng and after a three hoar sail on the bay of fandy docked kt digby the amoers of the boat bad to nayigaw most carefully to make narrow entrance to tbe harbor at digby a pretty little town on the nova scotian coast here we had ao antopbile drive about she town andwfcn took train on he dominion and atwniicltail way for halifax whioh we tenched late in the evening after a rob- of some three or four hundred miles it was a beaatifahand moat inter- eating trip we stopped for an hour at annapolis royal and saw the remains of an old fort of great historic interest then passed down tbe annapolis valley and just hit the time when the apple trees are in bloojn and what orchards i especially was this the ease ii aata drive from kentville grand pre one orchard was pointed oat which produced 20000 barrels of apples last year at grand pre we were in the land of evangeline and had a most incfireetiog time at the site of the deporeation of the french settlers by the bngliesi made famous by longfellpw weweie also point ed out the birthplace of sir rob ert t borden a duarter of a mile away from thjs spot on tbe drive we passed thecugb wolfvills whioh par driver called the pretti est town uftkei world here is acarla oqliege conducted under nptuitrbubpioeb most of the people intbe beet nartrof the val ley are bf this denomination our driver also took us by a high but very b4 road- to give us a view of the qasperean valley where he asserted there was not a- poor perebu aolall the farm buildings htve hydro electric power and light in oar train trip we passed idinaa baain whioh has he high est tides in the world at certain periods they rise na btgb as aixcy feet it is claimed whenwepaee- ed the tide wii pttty watpffnt and we could see that there was a great fall when we v halifax ire sought out our hotels and got es tablished lor a stay of a couple of days here we had addresses of wel coma from mayor murphy a most genial irishman and frompremfer annatrong who stressed the plea for consideration for nova sootia by the domioioo there was a reception at dalhonsto womens reaidenoe a new building donated by mr eddy xtt ottawa in mem ory of her pareotb and after them nailed sbireff hall there waa another reception irf the evening at the waegwoltio olub given by the mayor there was a fine band in attendance tbcfhub- is delightfully situated on he north west arm of the harbor some of us took a motor boatover ad visited the memorial tower wbiob commemorates three things the mempry of sir snford pie ing who donated the fine park in which if is placed to the city the landing of sir john cabot in 1497 and planting tbe british flag do tms continent tbe establishment of conatittt tiboal government in canada jt is quite a climb up winding btairoasea to the top of the tower but most of our party made it and obtained a fine vie or tbe city the harbor and its shores out to tbe broad allan tir halifax baa in combination an interesting historical past and a present outstanding importance as thaite of one of the throe or four greatest harbor in tbe world unlike maoy others its harbor was not created by tbe erosion of rivers and streams its origin bo geologists inform us was a deep depfooionbicb tookuaoe in the emrtrn crust along this coast in the lim and dibtant past as a matter of fact there are three har bora in one the elevated peoin bolaupon which halifax ir aitnat ed being almost aurrooddtd by- its adjaceotr waters the nitun har snsawa praaa twaa jtaok tatan lotba waltcca ul to jr uiiwltara wihia hi jack haiisia uravd coka man an braisat hannmval vutfmm bauivaaa ckiarhai 8lawar kdwit hoai jaa w hui bacaaaj c3si- isv hrteo fhiiis ir ill to br ill ona kino beiata mr if is j kahth fat row laaramna wrftnat pasa m aiiniia lutfasorac jack annidaroast bay hoav tfrslen hilta bab hrnoay jack bobstta fraak roaaa kdrfe fraawaa bdsavr qis ocy find oaaale rwtbuairx br ii to jr j santcnl aatl flsm akntt bauy deaiaon lots batler bdaa osass mmo hiraehan sfaacsaws one jack hclarsst kvnrjna aahaaon was balk was onob located a ramoos chain vaajt bay cncklsn charlie dam battery jith a boori atretcfaad from bank to bank for tbe parpoas of keeping out french warabj at tho upper end of the arm melville island on whioh dnri the war of 1h12 captured ameri can prisoners were held and whioh during the recent european war was used for the incaroera tion of germane btillapother point or interest on thisibrth- wobt arm is a largo foureqaare stone tower built on the italian nam pan te- model white of recent construction its importance lies 9 fact that it wata erected by willie ttatttwaia the citizens of halifax jto com memorale the granting of free in stitutions to the province of nova scotia in 1769 geographicallj halifax is ad vantageously situated it is near er liverpool than is new yorkby verooo miles while as a connect ing link with the pacific coast and the orient it alao baa the advan tage thedistanoe from liverpool via halifax and prince rupert to yokohama beiag 10009 mile compared with 11961 via nei york a saving of 1900 miles from the usual route travelled by steamers on the nort atlantic tbe porvof halifax is only sixty miles iiatantlhas mhng it a convenient point into which lame ducks can limp when in need of repairs the big steamship olym pic wiioh made the harbor its headqqarters doling the one voyage made tbe distance be tween liverpool and less than four days halifax was first settled in 1748 or about 144 years frenoh had founded a the bay offnndy when the brit ish government strategical importance landed an expedition there under governor corowallia who in addltjgii troops had in his company 2576- uettlera a number that waa in creased to 6000 within the oexfc tew years concurrent- witlri this event the name of tbe place was changed from cbebooto to hali fax in honor of lord haiti from the day that it in 1749 halifax waa- occopied by british troops until about a score of yestxajwto when the fortifications were taken by the canadian goverantent since when home troops- hove been in command a few years ago a similar change took place in respect to the naval branch ot the service present halifax fe 70000 the origirirl fortifications- at halifax were located on tbesite of what is still known as the otta del an eminence she feet inlieight and in the heart of the city of to day at presents it is practical ly little mqre than a show place the main fortifications being local ed at more favorable shategical points on both sides of the haraor and on certain of the which stand at its mouth naturally halifax spots ot historical interest oitadel teelf from which a mag nificent panoramioviewia obtain ed is worth travelling a long dia- taooe to see lovers of the an- ti w find mneh to tbttst them psakallaai medooaid broke axjaesnisk ha en brern mary anaold jox walker bam pbfle bury irtfelrar an k bale dona greene may teauer rileeo coatiffsa btbel hall howard beaumont jack baanadera irene hall manel whttanee llarry wright wofrid hilu beoosaoraroated jim frank dew max fra loraiel huaary to first book- bnth menally ham frank gbeaory njrvuls tbe ancient martelio tower which park a memento ot the early system of fortmoatioos wbiob ex isted at various strategical points points throughout tbe eoontry to protect selatersagainsi the inroads of enemies white and red in the old graveyard will be found bead stones bearing the name of early inhabitants who r away a couple ot centoriea ago while in st pauls chosen tooriata will find an interesting stracture which was erected in 1780 by the imperial authorities in order to provide a place of worship for tbe inhabitants or that day the old parliament buildings a worthy of close inspection lb tbe vicinity of both halifax and dartmouth are a aeries c well appointed driveways and pte- turesqikb lakes and pt reams well stocked with sporting fiat the adjacent atlantic coast there are excellent bathing beaches cow bay about seven miles be yond dartmouth being tbe popular point pleasant park and tb public gardens are two points within the city of halifax that no tourist who baa an eye for the picturesque and tbe beauti ful should fail to visit that part of halifax which was destroyed in 1917 by tbeexnjaaion which occurred on board one of tbe munition ships enronta o europe resulting in the l over a thousand lives has almost completely to be continued next jseaool teaori jr iv to br jv barroau ar nold violet blair jbeepb bolder marie cook stoua coelter joaa dllly jaokbtana botb bvaae jack forater btteeo oreavdea aid hemttavai wivaaa bd- wtlhalmiamnida harrar kb willie ing willie tsaarlia wal 1m mcculey liaaralferali wil satve mabel sparirait bordoa biekev hiuauji fllaaa bolter fearf blair goeakai mar5 ertbeeie uewwatlan barpu daridspooilartarallw tart ml daidaaa bar oole eekao hill jim braae veeaa barter wbuo claohv bari mrtaaaaij bero htarooakt walter ianaoat aoaaa hiltoo jfis bo ward gilkert ihuj iaebobfi befer hi jr dtasr ii h arraatroaa kouia sl jeaa manila aaetlairnaaa wood stfl eqaal mar bom don kt btael ahk a wflbo bj egaal banm ikrwe urr baf tfr iaa lawniapoi joba mo- cantor bar biru eqaal cvadl illiarnaarlkaral iramill hiiilial egaal braeat aleatt oara llmfjx jaa beeaie- paa h iaroi b varer eqaal m r mattbieomteeriajcw beatbbt baraaa l fwior lsf staaubrds balsvaiit j bnios- 3 mehattr aaraollaj a gtealioowoodclajeooel 1 ioieh hopbeli houet helen mcdonaax cakber iae diut mirwrwnrtt boll oeemkoav ianmaoe cola quae keetner allaatair beabe oordrai boaaaiu qladia martua moan s beaa margaret lraac harearet cola haael saute mine ueden ai brwia hflta dom wncha hebrejh jaek menalb harrr dewborat doaald mciotrat or carrjrai hrde bdwia sbaduu priaiart to pint book boa bditb baluraal jeaa hrftllnfctr kathleea uae hareu oaaipbeu boas dearan dand criebon 2larr bdwaroa joan oararaiaa nellto uajaarrl paaajen hill beur praia lloyd headereoa nallma ben nedj jim ritceie rap hpare verdoa wrisba fflni tlrua s a bam george alan alfred davison frances brana mary 1afcamah 5wtfc hale qordoo oeuaadar theuna sa arthur hilts derfer tub btrnxkhi again and ab first rew weeks an by tar tbe iiisjlmst oajuea the mam is here that tbe her of cas- great dasaagw is gosac tnw dona if be allows the car nnaimg in the aite arectmu to get serosa narrow cadvart flrst that f- desire to set there ant often inoe he oarafuu if yon want to ban dont sa sjt a friawd in so ltwia a wise aean who fan sm sat nwava ptay

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