Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 18, 1923, p. 3

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tim our of town hkiuni jpm mtli i oh b hot weather specials 1 monlserral and olympia lime juice grape juice rool beer and ginger beer extracts t he have rccelvm a saaaljr l lac aew haanfml eaiusa qwvak icaha sails la lac larae flaw kamlm d j matthew r dkuu mi btatlogbfy r bjaltsessss local news liems chautauqua ausjust tth sunday scribal bwurnic july seath lb is wjtainst the inw to milk up the radm track have you secured your ticket for chautauqua yet rebekah garden party in tbe park friday evening dr rosa willo away jroii july 20th to aug 3rd inclusive massed bands tattoo id tb park on friday evening july 87tb the public library will b closed from july b8rd to august ath qtioios building iota for sale in pkaofftfaown apply to w wao0oi f9t bale carrote beets on ion c beans lettuce h heart well the minutes of esqueaing counoil held on july lfltb will ap pear nextibsne mr fred rnddell had tbe mis- fortune fcbreak bis right arm while cranking hfcg car recently a number from here attended tbe orange celebrations at went toronto and erin last thursday fhebase ball match between georgetown and aoton scheduled for saturday last was postponed on aqoojant of fret weather toeinstallation of offloerb of orion lodge no 109 loof will take place next monday night in the new lodge rooms in ft arena the citizens band gave an other of their splendid concerts from the band stand on tuesday evening which was greatly appreo- iated immediately after the garden party on friday evening a dance will be given in the town hall music will be supplied by 4pieoe orchestra everybody welcome -sfleotfie- youf chautauqua ticket absolutely free from d brill who is giving one childs ticket with every cash purchase of tlj oroyer and one adult ticket rjjkj yery cash pnrohaae of 16 ue st omitm okaurttk the rciuher on stinda el at 1 1 uud 7 qrloclt will bo m s uenoett or waterdowrt oiae tried alwmya ueal browns whole wlioat tread la made out of tbe iqreht ingredients bj expeit mwbanicb aud m rapid ly gaining in popularity try it onoe and jou will be convinced that it has no equal browns baker maid street georgetown laoeaufml day at west totwat bny your childrens footwear doriog the midsummer sale and save several dollars hundreds of people have already taken advan tags of the sale h j pox georgetown notice children or others trespassing on the radial track are warned for the last time that it is against the law to do no a ter this notice prosecutions will follow for the offence a sunday school excursion from st johns road baptist cburcb toronto arrived here this morning andwill spend the day in tbe park there are about 400 adults and children in the party prop inland tbe massed bands of george town milton and acton are giving aooncert in each town thin year similar toth scries l mer which were so thoroughly en joyed and so snooesafol in e place the first concert wilt given in the park at georgetown on friday evening july 87 tbe experience of last year will aim plify the work and give a fine pro gram there is no letter asset to a live town aban a gwodcand well equipped and neatly uniformed for the money invested we hope and expect a record attendance as tbe receipts are for the equipment fund all property bought with same is vested in the municipality oabkntka af meaastrclw pollyji hundred people gather ed at thejiomeofmr wm hard ie baraesing on wednesday evan- for you choice dfcstry iogj 11 to celebrate tbe fifth f a new abinimntof wg r biilbday of tbe aabgroia upw amt d jarautaic s ss j wrjwwvrjvvm madrsst r ingbeen organised ait the home i of mrs henry wilson on july 11 1918 the evening was spent in playing bane ball followed by other igatnesand dancing on the pretty lawn lunch was then served consisting of sandwiches oake and jje cream sundae also a birthday cake made and decorated by the pioneer mother lira henry wilson the five caudle burning on tbe oake were emblem atio of the occasion and much ad mired by all after lunch mr hardie president of tbe ufo club called tbe meeting to order xpr a sort program t he weteom ed all present and expressed tbe pleasure of tbe clubs that so many aod repairers nor customers are- were present he tben oalled on i assart of the best that can t uia jessie irvine and miss cols bouafai owgnaraat f pair of book we see to pn own elastomers first at all times we carry thebmt 91 bootkin ontario we hwfiff lot ofrnudrens boots at 0uv jfmfaloe cushion soles npairs o3j to cjrtr jrt4ta repairing oonpo af oriest notice anaoaftcorreckly once tofaer alwaja a eottomer that jk iba reaababor bubtneaa keeis sent of electric irons and bot plates we have some special talnee id these lines this week bf will pay yon to ate normal h lapelht music and electric jdnion sunday school excur sion to burlington beach on sat orja july 88th train leaves georgetown- at 816 a-m- returo tag leaves burlington beach at 7pm beturn fare adulte 140 children 70c ititingsioncs quality bread ttry obarbrowii whole wheat and milkbrtad special for saturday gooseberry red currant lemon and berrjijiaa abw fruit cake and not tottf oome to livingstones for youc choice anew atbipjwntof wg ar arrow and jmk shirts in aiilke xepbyrawadwiven madrastregu- jar prices front 800 to 400 to -lie- no- on safe this week end at ua6v- rises 14 to 17d bric oorwir main and mill ste oeorgetown dr o t walker eyesight specialist will be at w a wat- woo drug store friday july 90th to examine eyes this is your op fjportobity to hare your eyes exsuv saedar haltbau appointment with mr wauon now satisfac- gsarani by getting the dayfoot and mopbonton boots made bpooially tor our trade and sold at a reason able prjos ooopledby our expen enee as professional shoemakers aod rapairerst onr onstomers are aaanrta of the best that can t bougm oar gnaraa tee goes with mix annua ijun ni rplnlivph in hraukord mrs j c purii ufoukville hmil the uiht week at mr tjadull mih j n oneiluihitedfripndu in turuuui on tliiinwltt lantj mm pred young of braniuuin vixltl rnrnile in town last ti da mii helen iiohk of port arthur m rndiok her tacatiou at tier liofiic here mn win mccarlncj let on wednesday last to vihil friendi in toronto miisph uorcith thurauin and kilwn hraiiiej are mhiling friends in toninto mrs gladys lots or buffal nv in vihitiug at the home mrs j m buck mrs w a millar and misses norma and doris arohohdsjingat lake of bays m6iikoka- mri wm ryan and miss aileen bxihh iiic spending two wecki fnrndu at gillarbront mi li b fennell of kitchener wan the guest of mr u u meir tor two days last week mi geo w scott of detroit spent a fen days last week with mr and mrs a b cantell mr stanley bowman of kitch ener is visiting at the hotne of r and mrs n h speight mr and mrs f arthurs and family of buffalo nvtt are boli- 8rl ihj t wt t j dftj mg ftt df p m vlbher members of orange and trdw mr mf8 j b blue lodges acoonpanied by georgetown citixens band attend ed the orange celebration at west toronto unv thursday last the weather was m that could be de sired and all report having bad a splendid day the splendid show ing of the true blue lodge created many complimentary remarksbotb at borne and in west toronto mmhtor floral faatnd the biggest floral parade ever held j d canada will be at the can adian national exhibition satur day september 1 when flower payjriu be held john h don lonfjnrkhniond bill is chairman of tbe committee and associated with him are such florists as tbom ggnn emery b uamiltoh we groves samuel kirk s a mbfadden and george m geragb- fcy tbe nurserymen are also rep resented there will be about twenty iluprated qoats and 100 decorated trucks aud oars elat bav bi wen boys playing on tbe radial track are said to have caused what might have been a very serious ac cident as tbe section men were returning one evening last week the gas car left the rails just west of tbe main street crossing break ing a rear axle and causing minor injnries to some of the men a stick placed in some manner on the rails is claimed to have derail ed the gas car the matter was reported to chief jackson together with instructions to prosecute children or adnlta who persist in playing or walking on the tracks oamaulffwticww b orion lodge no 109 toof are now settled in their new rooms in tbe arena which when com- plotefy will rank among tbe finest ontario tb rooms biob oonsiat or an assembly room s8 ft by 474 ft banquet room tth ft by 28- ft and kitchen are all fitted with the most modern equipment for many years tbe need for such has been felt by tbe lodge as its continued growth made it impossible to secure rooms which would accommodate its full mem bership tbo members are justly proud of their new home and are looking forward to many happy gatherings in the future an elocut of toronto wl aeligbted their audience with their selections music and peach es filled in tbe remainder or fhe program a hearty vote of thanks wmndered to mr hardie for hia generous hospitality for tbe evening the riiutip ft god sae the king closed an enjoyable evening dear barvey tllojdf sfctbe growing j boney tbe bones bsbptah garden ptrii iu the pafk tbtm tuumvjmbfemown friday wfcning personals boetfolollslfolaldlqlqll uole mr and mrs j b lake and family of powassan are visiting relatives luqwn and vicinity mr and mrs a d drummond of owassa miob visited relatnea in town and vicinity last week dr heatb and miss josephine spent last sunday at niagara falls with mr and mrs frank boulter mrs a b caatel returned home last saturday after spend ing a month with relatives in kent county misses jean and clem fenton or st john new brunswick spent thursday last with mr and mrs george ford misses margaret and florence mopberson of norval left on sat urday for a tup through tbe west to the bookies mrs f kay baa returned to her home in sutton west alter spend ing two weeks with hervparents in glen william a earle tbnraton who hat been seriously ill in christie st hospital toronto is able to be around again mr e p heatoo provincial fire marsbal and mrs heatoo spent thursday last with their daughter mrs h g meir miss marjorie cook toronto mrs wilfred robinson and babe doris of quelph are visiting with mr and mrs fred morrison misses bessie and erma ryan returned on thursday last after spending a week with tbejr broth 1 jack at levaok new ontario miss jean nixon norval pupil of miw momater brampton pas sed her introductory examination at the conservatory of mosio tor onto recently hiss jean watson left on thurs day last tora trip through western canada and will spend several months with ber sister mrs r m miller jn vanoonver mrs ralph boss and miss q dayfoot returned last week after a two weeks tour of tbe maritime provinces while in halifax they attended the convention of the national council of women misses verna and delia thomp son and edith v owens left on joly lbth for a trip through tbe west and bc they will also visit seattle and other poiotaof interest before returning on sep- tembsr-lstv- roy and mary vannatter arrived last night at tbe home of tbeir parents mr and mrs i b van- natter george street they have just motored throogb from ver- wood saskatchewan via st paul chicago and detroit completing a trip of more than 8000 miles at tbe mid summer examina tions at the toronto conservatory of music tbe following pupils of miss matthews were successful junior piano frances kennedy primary piano isabel fisher elementary piano marjorie tost sod josephine hiekcy introduc tory piano madeline erwin and john bird elementary theory ruth orr bon mary livingstone 1st clam boo stand anthracite scranton coal in all si automatically screened and loaded coal wood beeo tatrsp tor domestir and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in fact i carry even thing to si found in any unto date sal and wood yard johir mcdonald pbonb l geor b a r n h i l l -s- pkbu and iiaitonh llakoain stuftk clover honey this yeaum crop per lb 1 5 cents in s lb and 10 lb paila barnhiijls norval i lit il thursday holiday wednesday bargain day sporting shoes ladies whitcpruonlng shoes ladies white oxfords misses white oxfovds misses white rubber bole slippers 0 to 10 1 1 to a misses white hnbber solid beet 1 to j- misses white running shoes 0 to 10 1 1 to m boys tan ttuaoing shoes 6 to 10 11 to 8 lfltt 00c 110 iao 118 99c lie mcbeango willoughby farm agency extra special v iso acres 80 workable balance bnsh and pasture 40 acres spring crop and 10 acres fall wbea t there is a splendid bank barn and a good frame bouse and only 8 miles from acton and 1 mile from radial price for everything 6000 for further particulars apply to h b medowehyr rep georgetown ontario or to the willoughby farm agency eaimbce u vfckwia st ttraala nmebala7m 3s868s898s88886868es8s888888seg eyes examined all glasses ground to hi lenses duplicated prescriptions tilled sauslacuon guaranteed or money rehmded dr c c floyd jeweler and optometrist oneill block georgetown watch refaibufo a ipeoialtt wm tie wowewl vacoette yonwill be amaxed when yon see how the vacnette picks op all tbe lint threads grit gtc and haw easy it is to operate just as bandy as an bflwr tbe vaonette suction cleaner has no wires or rodb to bother with it needs no electricity weighs only 71 pounds ha all the advantagesof tbe electric cleaner none of tbe disadvantages a ntavonstxmtot will call t your ovrn home u sltow yom this vsw olowur mi work r h thompson co oxoesrowv sole diatribmtor tor haaton nd wllliicton a mjllllit l dont be content with talk ing to the children about saving take them to the bank with you and show them bow their own ittlc funds will be taken care of you will- findmhfnmucnmore interest ed in saving when they go to daddys bank and make heir own deposits in their own accounts bank0fhamii j u thompson weekend chocolates hardand soft centres regular 50c lbfor 83 cents these are direct from the factory ana are positive fresh qis them a trial and be convinced come to the kekk for your ice cream sodas and sundaes also briokb all flavors jour motto quality service cleanliness kosy korner kandy kitchen f j deverson proprietor rennies grocery grocery specials pastry flour per 94s pine mild obeeae per lb good blacktea per lb rolled oats 6 lbs toilet papers roll rangoon rice 4lbs large pork and beans black pepper per lb large pkt matohes bran flakes 2 for seedless raisins 2 lb corn meal 0 lb- sfio 66c mbc mo 25o 85o 89c 87c asc 80c a6c bananas oranges aad tomatoes d r rennie cash grocery- phone 151 for quick deli very ggrartdys specials wine j gal jars per dox imperial quart jars icr dox wine quarts par dox 1 imperial pint jars per dos metal rings per dox qlass tops per dos robber rings per dot 10c 8 dox for 3 paarline3 for j lux 2 for i bedaotta corn starch 8 for 185 170 l0 160 too fl5o sfto 26c 6o 860 silver tiloea starch a for r 28c royal gold corn starch 8 for asc lemonade orangeade and raspberry vinegar per bott 26c grape juice per bottle 10 85 mephiato lobster per tin 60c snaoko 8 tins for gee i a m qrandy 1 phone 7b saudadtm saaraaletl fraaal ddlverj i i i several lovely homes in gesroelown tor sale at very moderate prices by w t evans co do nol tail to consult ns before buying wxjwaiwk rex theatre haay jiy otb rags to riches starring wesley barry atf inunaely real and warmly hnman story niled with romaaoe iwthox and laughter a pic ture for both young and old comedy lee kids in kids and skids orchestra gtw4ir jaly tlt gypsy passion a apeoifcl production a fllm in which no scenery was used interior j veiwa being taken even by artificial light of an ancient j mansion loaned for tbw pur- pose it is a ptsture every one wants to see several times- comedy the ocean lurella orchestra fox j weekly news wsiaiiaar jly gnth j the siren cell dorothy dslton love aooe thrill and suspense not left out this piotf comedy pleaeure epj no llygo oetem huf to bare aud tq hold gkoboktowk out mwm new advertbenmls used cirs tor sale 1911 overland sedsni 1931 mcijbi sedan 1 1920 chevrolet tearing grand touring georgetpwiia pbooe i evrolet tenmgi inobabyat ssjs caduuc tourliv auitabti ck jnoneiuaailsoo va for june or track j noncillami son 3 qvufied experienced teacher uk- georgetown hablic school to teach 3rd book salary siodo per nnuo dutlu to commence sept 4tk 4pplicauook 1 coved until julj 20thoy j aithoenpf aoo secretary school ft ll7t toiias rok mks good freestone lo my queatilyi dlaun js uon atone nualinteta courahiff rsbbm i i silu imtda and cdonclng eartp jg order write d r lealie georgmowa sl r fi t ppa gaix u pandonrramgw 3 beftiera ndalctrlc fmk xlure a h qraody 2t mi a number ot youflg pigaresdy to wcai for sale j h gnaph 96 ts georvvtown cfc rori wooden bedstead and d chav 6ckcr lideboard 1 crawn huron hitcfaeo mol parlor co a quanttj acreen door clock rug 9x11 ber of booked mlsj mow croc and olher email j e u caldwell at mrs 1 market itreet i 15 actea of jboice aiandlng d j h mccauley eaton farm 1 fist sue v brshpe hoaro of 5 ropma electric uajht apleodld gurden poultry bouse and ictte foul price s1400 caab woo apply p o box 1074 jithutuio 5 paasenger car pleasure dnvmc done toballgames aavior prices to acton bramptoo or other own n rarapton or me 171w wm uix ford coope in a 1 running condition new urea flagfoe and radiator in flnt cbua condition npaouaerbg like new pnce ssodl apply to t koberu glenwdliami srost saooeuwayat in acton or caoorgelown on friday june 22nd tadye diamond nngj initial engraved on ine inside finder return e herald owa and recehc reward folding baby carnage ntry new im ported from england will eell cheap apply c h kirk are of john farmer glen road or- box 12s georgetown two men boarders applv p o box i 155 georgetown tp foriale hand made ioim a nice toned inatrn- ment and a decided bargain at 1500 ccjnmbia fumed oak phonograph slight ly utett to oe cleared ai a special sale eicc norman h speiirh music and tectnc storr it worklngman preferred home privilege 97 50 per week box 519 town 4tp roruli 1 wbiie vorkahire aow with u young pijp and i soar due lofarroav in auguakv a mrrinrr hru olt fiz i a ucclure phone 96 r 5 t to ateutt frame houae on ueen st buctrkr ligbia watr at door good garden of vegetablea and potatoes can be bought reasonable apply to jame hanla lnnehouse hg meir law office ir information 17 3tp roa gaxs quanlrty of used hienber door raf- t and some ilmbef for sale cheap apply red cook pp iq pbone5 r for ateirr 4 unfumisbetfroomi mode garage induded appty mrs grcyor i m tenders wink a commitien of eaoiwsor council wdr mttn glcnwiftiuns st 630 p m ooi meaay jatyatwel ins to award a contract lor the jexcaraimn dlch concrete pavement seaued leaders nddraaaed to dr mealh tcwn clerk geonrfiown c and marked tender or pavempnt redeiied by registered mail sp lo javvpus iso for ike cmutrwrtion of appmm 9000 sq d of ltrtc tdmn oral the urrrtifuite underugned d tv low- w or an i meter not aeccsaariljr rcepted roy f smith civil e wj

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