Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 1, 1923, p. 1

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m the georgetown herald n ykab of luhmcatujn oeorbolowii wednesday bvaaiiis angut 1st 1923 160 par audio io advuoe cs00 tc pb itbe georgetown herald f j ml moore pwubhw ha prapriswr ualxr uaandlu wwklf papr antvliun uth tiatkkl tloirjqkabt inhhfiigfi 7don liisuiitfi 91 liinl passenger 10ltfaiii mail 1110 am pamttooklt a 48 ini mail gb2 pm passenger h20 pm iassenktr sunday 7 hi um uoinu vjcyar passenger 707 am mail 101a paeatugoi 812 pi passenger 450 pro psumnger li02prn pattieager 709 pn mail 825 pm passenger sunday 100h um ooino hobti1 mail 800 a mail 45g iioi going bodtu ua 1 11 8 ftm mail 747 pm tanau lakarku rallwa daily tim5tablb am pm uoiug uast 810 884 b40 going weat 866 810 7f sunday tlilbtabljs going bat a m lmtt pm pm pm 101 1220 846 610 917 om pirn pm oing west 1040 610 98t directory am 11ton wallbridoe oale baihaura sollattara eta 1 rooto and oaorsmown u0ca keaaad block u hoy dal in eharc ot qaora h o meir juarrittcr solicitor elc office hilt st georgetown hours 9 am to 5 pm open weipeaday and saturday even dr t h jtakotelloa medical ofltear of health offlm itoura 1 to 4 and 1 to p m phona b8 uffln nd roatdaooa main strati rtautb upalta preabytaruui church j fife tornado auto accident insurance sb cf w bou physician and surgeon u ii street georgetown lhouc 32 t llouae surgeon nee hoapital toronto office hours 910 am and pf appointment 1 3 and 64 p jn r h watson b sm d 8 owtitom offle hearat ft rmoapt taawaaj altermasma f uhcath loa dos omcaln la block on door oortb ac onailla carruco factory hourn a na to i p m a umikuellda cnikopraotio ofhoe amlxjuir aaboratorjr palaaar onulautta 10 jmkwporalaoa office intbatley block nexi door tn j n oneuta consultation and bplnai analyaia proa owl houaa xueadays thursdays and saturdaye 1 tosaod 7 la 8 pm i hon offico 150w and residence 232 benj fetch ucanaod aacuoamar tor balton and pmu aianwuliaaoa poet otboa balsa aonabla rataa ordara ikowa harah liattaotloav xa tract clerk townahip of eaquaauik clerk 3rd diviatoo court the toadinje fira and lite insurance laaob of klarriafcv ucenaea j stewart town ont coal wod on hasljul the tirdn bust sozuuttoh coax john ballantine okofctwic s aafipil nnnil milwl isaaoipitman shorthand touch typewriting baxioem bngliiih office systenift- filiag spelling bookkpepidf arithmetic penman ship commercial law tlapid calealation i- laaluaal laatnotiaa ear aaj tlaaa h kv rawatw lria fboneesl fab tcrsi aagnl 17ik fw arraof aow to ner tnu fanoa arhocl favoa for alnctlj high arade work aid aor prooimir batoink atddentf lo tecuro wltjaiiiii nonb better in can ada caulorwc irrcj t ada caulocwc rrt georgetown creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamery v ill lw ottciifnr tbo wrnmoilal ion nf firinrxf on mondny widnnmlay ihid saturi ihiiiikjh- any person wanting ice must pur chase tickets tor same at creamery georgetown creamery co m saxe manager erwiiugoldhams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 watch our windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed elmer c thompson oeokoetbwk deltah pearls farm machinery the adornment supreme for the summer girl snarulec m wear mi retail uelr hnlre air are in- 4esfndlme pricra caaime will velvet case aa sel- m fm dasa tnm km a usm call and inspect a b willson durant sport touring jait a real good car we have a number of good used cars of various makes at prtcea and terms to suit purchasers t j speight agent georgetown acton auad vicinity insurance broker ixnsnranbe in all branehes fhohb 65 geob6etown hydro electric system electric appliances of all kinds the hydro lamp guaranteed per 1 500 hours iron from j75 up prices on all makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges office townhall unkmown warjuor to yo great nevermore that t forslers cash aitd carry grocery we carry a full line of fresh gro- ceries and provisions oranges bananas and other fruits m season headquarters for willards cream by dish or bulk a full line of swifts cured meats ice- mrs bv forster splendid you posbeil aarrender made id to tbo light that shall fade deep your oonteotmont blest abode who wait the last dear trumpot- call or god long years ago as earth lay dark and still bose a load cry upon a lonely hill while in the frailty of our human clay obriafour redeemer passed the self- same way still stands his ctoasfrom tbat dread hour to this like some bright star above the dark abyss still through the veil the victors pi lying eyes look down to bless our lesser cal varies these were hia servants in his bteps they trod following through death the martyrd son ot god victor lie rose tictorious too bhall rise they who have drunk his cup of sacrifice 0 risen lord o shepherd of our dead whose cross has bought them and whoso staff has led in glorious hope their proud and sorrowing laud commit heo children to thy gracious hand case use 1837 cafietllajptoiamow is the time to porohsuss yoor tractors farm ntacjunflry floury chants wilkin boo i pedlar bwbi roofing lightning hultl plows baggies stoves pedlai wire fencing circular saws ooelnhtttt favtm uaehinery secondhtrtad rbroaaoaafe beefaer internatioaal near new pertufaer drill international st hp empire- gas engine near new 4u1s hp fairfaaascs engine good repair prim- rose creamsaparator good borses drivers and workers t eo hewson phone 101r33 norvajl try fframpton hayes for buikung carpentering and all kinds oi re- pair work sahsfachon guaranteed georgetown flour feed mills the best brands of hour chopped feed and pou feed of adl kinjdm developing b7 feed this tdyoi laying early muh for yoi puuets and have bran shorts and salt wcjbessey phonfe 195 georgetown ilymn aung by llin nhoir of st janiei cathedral uucler the loatl- onbip of dr ham mi1 at uio maaouiii urand lodiin held maaaey hull toronto oo july 1h loau o valiant hoaru glory came through dust or conflict and through battle flame tranquil you lie your knigbliy virtue proved your memory hallowed in the land u loved proudly you gathered rank to war as who bad hoard gods message from afar all you bad hoped for all you had you gave i to ave mankind yourselves you scorned to save r y th newspaper hen tour maritimes oontinned from last week after leaving mew glasgow the press party niade bhort stops at truro amherst and sack vi lie where they reoaivwl hearty wel- oomea at truro addresses were made by the mayor and premier armstrong truro is typical of the many pretty little towns to be found within the province of nova scotia its streets are wide well- flanked by a loxarious growth of shade trees and wellkept lawns its public park is noted for its beauty while the n at oral cascade within its borders has been aptly described by joseph howe who a generation ago was one of can- outstanding statesmen as the moat appropriate of spots for old men to see visions and young men to dream dreams a wish ing well is another of the parks attractions on bible hill surrounding the provincial agricultural college ia a model farm of 280 acres a spot well worth the tourists inspection truros most itnportantindnstries are woollen mills condensed milk xaotorjt miifafk linh- menta hat and cap clothing and carriage factories it is the centre of a large lumbering and agriool- taring distriot and has a popula tion of 7000 truros existence may be said to date from 1760 when a colony of fiftythree families nombertng one hundred and twenty persons came from new hampshire to occupy the lands of the deported acadians thesa settlers were originally scotch and irish immi grants to the new england states who were attracted by the liberal grants offered by the british gov ernment truro occupies a strategic pos ition as a distributing center for the- wholesale trade and for man ufacturing consequently we sod established various big industries esoh employing hundreds of skill- ed operative and whose business covers canada from coast to coast large wholesale houses in various branches of trade at test further to the natural advan tage of location and the enterprise ot trurus bnsfnssn men the town is beautiful of situa tion at the head oicobequid bay sheltered by the oobeqnid range of mountains from the cold north winds of the gulf in thf pictur esque valley of the salmon river special point- or interest whioh most claim attention is thf provincial agricultural college situated on the obetgbta of old truro at bible hilltwo splen did edifices occupy commanding situations the science building built by funds made available by the federal government and the main college building used to a olaai ation ofuoaa od rooms assembled here is to be found probably the flhest collec tion omive atejek owned by any public institution in canada and amongst which will be found prise winners w international repute the fafts proper in con nection with the college embraces 00 acres tbe natural iark oomprii a ihoownnd acres ami ui rod y gift and purchohe and its diversity of scodtilh in striking cblitrast to tbe hit table land on which truro slauds visitors from abroad who bave viewed tbe beauty upos of many foreign lanau havo not hesitated to proclaim victoria park uuique in a beauty all its own our next atop was made at an herst where automobiles were ii waiting and onr tour ot uigtit see ing was continued amhersttgn mors respects than one a place of particular in terest to the tourist it is situ ated near the bead olobigneoto bay not a great distance from the narrow strip of land eleven miles in width over which some years ago an abortive attempt was made to oonstruct a marine railway for tbe purpose of conveying vessels from tbe bead waters of the bay or fundy into tbo northumber land straits another interesting pointnorthwebt of the town 1b tbe ruins of fort cumberland which before it was wrested from the french was known as beause- jour the site of port lawrence from whioh tbe attack was made also in tbe immediate neighbor hood the town is delightfully situat ed in part it is skirted by the marsh lahdb of chignecto bay whioh afford a pleasing prospect to tbe eye and particularly as tbe sun goes down when marvelous color effects are beheld amhersts streets are broad its business blocks modern its puhlio buildings and church edi floss substantia and pleasing in architectural de sign while many of its residential dwolltngs are handsome and posing as an industrial town amherst is one of the most important the maritime provinces many of its industries are quite exten sive this is particularly true of its factories for the manufacture of railway cars engines machin ery malleable iron underclothing boots and shoes trunks burial caskets ete tbe surrounding agricultural lands are noted for their productiveness as is evi deuced by tbe fact that it is one of tbe parts of the country which tbe dominion government has au experimental farm lum bering ib another of the important industries of tbe district white within a renins of six to twenty miles are some of tbe best coal mines in the east busy am herst is a cognomen whioh has been attached to the town and its inhabitants vie with each other in striving to maintain its reputation one particularly interesting feature in connection with the electrical power with which the town is supplied- is that it is gen erated at the month of a coal mine situated at chignecto six miles distant a method that is said to in operation in no other part of the world after onr tour around amherst we werw taken back to oar train and proceeded to sabkviue where we arrived at dusk here an ex cellent art gallery in connection with the mount allison univer sity a wejl known educational in stitution that is under methodist supervision was visited- in faw cett memorial hall we had a pleasing recaption in whioh am herst- and saekvilla joined forces afterwards more refreshments were served in the assembly hall of tbe cbtgneoto club then we hied to onr train for a nights rest bob aomerbat up uotil we reached the jerry whioh took the train in three sections to borden prince bd island a di notes apd comments tiik kkw provincial oovern ment will render the provisos a real service if it substantially oar- tails the elaborate system of ex aminations which haunts tks nkildren to onr primary and sea ondar schools at the present time children cannot enter the high school without running the gauntlet of tbe entrance examina tion and continuing the nightman of departmental examinations all tbe way through high school four subjects must be passed at tbe end of the first year four at tbe end of second year our more at the end of the third and the ac cumulation of failures and unex amined subjects at the end of the fourth the cost of eiaminafisns which have been intensified under the late govern merit baa become enormbna a fairer more jsat and lesb expensive way would be to lean more on the monthly ex- amiuations and rate each pupils wprk by- his general showing throughout the year sparing the children theabpvers4king test at tbe end ofhe year wpioh is made cf supreme importance at the present time walkertoq tale- scope of miles the narrowest part northumberland strait it was break of day on friday before thil wotk was completed but all were up bright and early ready for the first call to the dining oar xatlul lsum oneof the saddest and most fortunate drownings in recent years occurred in the lake nearly opposite tbe brant inn burling ton shortly after 11 oclock on sunday morning last when dal- ton davis ghent eldest son of besvefred d and mabel dal ton ghent lost his life when tbe canoe in whioh he and a companion allen davidson hoc of mr and mbs cbas davidson n neighbor were snif riding capsiepd about 150 yardx from shore throwing both occupanth into the raging lake liu ta eaila italia a good many fatal motor acci dents are caused by the stalling of the motor on steep bills especial ly in this tbe case when tbe driver or the car is of a oervous strain a great many people when con fronted with such an occurrence merely keep qhe toot brake on itil the motorsa started and low gear engaged tbisii where the accidents generatlyhave their he- ginning if the footbrake is weak or if the driver happens to release the pressure from the pedal for an instant the car immediately starts to run backwards and in most cases goes over a nearby bank or ditch before tbe ieited driver gains control it is always ad- lass- viaahle in mirka casevaathis to immediately put on the emergency brake and when the olntoh is en gaged sufficiently to hold the car from backing op in low gear ths lever can be easily released and a sure getaway made two fatal accidents of this nature occurred hrontario daring ths past fv waeka bowling the georgetown ladieslawn bowling club held their ona day tournament lastthursday and ent teriained rinks from rnsholma and high park clubb of toronto oakville milton acton oakwood kew beach streetsville parkdale and weston the weather was all that oould be desired and an excellent days bowing wjisjield the club bouse was beautifully and cosily decorate and she green was in perfect oonditioa and very keen- it is not necessary to say any- thing regarding the lunches served as tbe mention of georgetown ladies in this connection is ah ex cellent recommendatiohin itself ask borne of the gentleinon bo wl 8 the visiting ladies expressed themselves as thoroughly janjoying the days outing and anxious to re turn at any time the honor of tbe day fel to mrs clifferton of streetsville wio won the toarnamept with mrs mohveen ot oakvile second and mrs kennedy at high park third plus scores of 15 and 18 re spectively j the beautiful prizes wenkpre- ntbd to the winners by mrscrr t mckay the president of the dob the following are the scores 1st eoond eew beach mrs cruise 11 parkdale mrs reddta 16 streetsville mrs qreig 9 higji park mrs dickson 18 aoton mrs shorey 8 oakville 11 rl milton mrs turner 13 basholme mrs black 0 milton mrs houston 14 oakwood mrs taylor 7 high park mrsksnnedy 14 weston mrs colenssn 13 mrs mellveea 16 georgetown mrs heath 18 acton mrs lindsay 15 high park mrs wallace 13 milton weston mrs burragell parkdale miss anthony 12 georgetown mrs dale 9 georgetown mrs sinclair 11 mrs ueodersonls eew beach bttyetavflls mrs stokes 5 mrs olitrerton 14 georgetown oakwood mrs coff 7 mrs roundtree 17 un 11 uminu parkdale high park mrs eeddie 13 mrs dickson 9 milton high park mrs houston 7 mrs kennedy 9 milton omkviue rs turner 7 mrs mollveen 18 bnsbolme oakwood mrs black 14 mrs taylor is kew beach weston re cruise u sirs coleman ll streetsville acton mrs oreig 9 mrs storey ll oakwood streetsville mrsbountrees mrs clifferton 19 high park mrs wallace 20 georgetown weston mrs lindsay georgetown mrs beath 19 mrs henderson 9 weston mrs burrage 12 parkdale miss anthony 18 georgetown mrs cofuri 5 3rd parkdale mrs eeddie 9 weston mrscolman sb high park mrs kennedy 14 high park mrs dickaooxs kew beach mrs cruise 16 milton mrs houston 9 streetsville mrs clifferton 18 georgetown mrs heath 8 parkdale miss anthony 11 oakwood mrs ronntres 17 georgetown mrs henderson 10 georgetown milton mrs sinclair 7 georgetown jars dale 7 kew beach mrs stokes is bound oakville mrs mcttveen is acton mrs shorey t bqbbolme mrs black 10 milton mrstumer streetsville mrs qreig 7 oakwood mrs taylor 13 r high park mrs wallaca 10 kew beach mrs stokes 18 weston si mrs burrage 11 acton mrs lindsay b georgetown mrs offin 11 hilton mrs sinclair ib lasba

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