Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 1, 1923, p. 3

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tllm gaotaitown ukhmu aljoiiht 4st luldij out today l the august victor records an exceptionally fine selection of standard and classical music popular songs and latest dance records ask to hear lhern played d j matthew h dhuos and stationery ifnrmir local news items l ohautauqua august 4th civic holiday monday aug ust 8th 60000 harvester wanted particulars at jacksons dont fail to hear mr rotto at chautaquii on saturday nigbt ball game id the park od sat- day afternoon carapbeilvillo vs georgetown at a pm wanted tenders for moving chautauqua tent from station to park and then back to station e mewhirter or s kirk i an exhibition game of base ball will be played in the park pn thursday evening at 680 terra ootta vs georgetown at a special meeting of tbe council on monday evening last a resolution was passed proclaiming monday augubt 6thcivio hoti- day hpsoial this week hotter beans lur pickling 11 ql basket 60o also beets carrots onions tomatoes potatoes u id heartwell phono joow a meeting of the directors of the esqnesing agricultural society will be held in the council obam- ber tieorgetown on thursday august 2nd at 8 pm sharp american visitors to canada are reminded that it they wibh to display old glory on their oars they must also display oar union jack while travelling through can ada a joint committee meeting of the oddfellows and bebekahb will be held in tbe lodge room at tbe arena on thursday august 2nd at 8 pd arrangements will be made for the opening and dedica tion ceremony on sunday eveniog next at 816 pm a union community ser vice is being arranged to be held in tbe chautauqua tent tbe cbnrcb chairs will lead the sing ing and the celebrated john b botto will speak everyone is in- vited v the chautauqua committee has hidden some childrens tickets about tno twd in the park ajong gaelpb and king streets and near wildwood the anders will be entitled to a season ticket on pees entation to mr cummins on or before 8 pm saturday last week the surveyors stakes on the road from the 7tb line to main street were pulled up andtbrowiiaway by some thought- lass person or persons the pol ling oat of these stakes necesai- 1 tabes the road being surveyed over atjaio we are informed tbat there ib a heavy penalty for the removing of any surveyors stakes st omrtm chnroh thb rev captain prank vipond mc will prearb at st georges church morning and oieum sunday next had gnld7 t busk tbe uuiod sunday school iruion to burlington bench on saturday inst was well attended spite or the miroatenmk weatu about 850 children and adults from town and vicinity left on thi apecinl train at 815 arriving at the beach at 10 oclock the eathor turned out somewhat armer after dinner nnd bathing boating fydbing etc were in dulged in by both young- and old all report having bad n most en joy able day ruooahfl tattoo tbe band tattoo held in tbe park on friday evening last under the auspices of tbe georgetown citizens band was a decided sue jcess in every respect milton bund under tbe leadership of mr r e qollins acton band under mr amos mason and georgetown citizens band led by mr cautell met at the public school and paraded to thc park in massed formation tbe program given during the evening was one of tbe best ever heard in georgetown and many expressed tbe hope tbat an other tattoo would be held in the near future a tor the concert the members of tbe different band were tendered a lunch in the armories by tbe ladies dopatrntloa booolvot fcj fnaltr as tbe rsolj of a resolution car ried at the last executive meet ing of the haltoa cooervative as sociation calling upon the fergus on government to reinstate dr webster as sheriff of balton coun ty a deputation of prominent conservatives held a conference with premier ferguson at the par liament buildings on monday the deputation was well received by the premier who stated tbat he personally believed tbe deputation bod good grounds on which to ask for the reinstatement of ox sheriff webster who had been superann aated by the drury government and was buoceoded by a l mcnab premier ferguson stated that the matter would bo dealt with by hon mr nickle attornoy general toho would investigate the circum stances leading up to ex sheriff websters retirement lake of bays one of tbe loveliest summer wonderlands in all the northland is lake or bays entered nntsvillo ontario just 140 miles north of toronto tbe thousand bays of which this lake may truly boast has each a thousand eur prises and delights for the nature lover beyond this lake are other countless bodieb of water on every side at every turn tbby strike the view each with its own pecul iar beauty and iniroitabldwcbi personals i the annual convention of tbe ontario firemens association will be held at burlington on monday tuesday and wedneaasy august otb 7th and 8th the convention will be beld on monday and tues day with a monster parade and track events on wednesday on the day of tbe tournament 20 bands and 80 brigades are expected burlingtoais making big planb for this event and are preparing for 10000 people there will be something doing all tbe time notice- boney is tbe man who backs up what be advertises be has the beat working boots for men that money cab buy made specially lor him by dayfoots ana mcphersons one price to all mopheraong 4 100 pain of child rene boots from 40oto 100 if joirbuy your childrens boots here and flnd after you take them home that you are not satisfied ot think yon cando better some plaoe else all you tujve to do is to return tbetu and receive your money book wesdefy any opposition in low prices for good goods we have three nwn busy on repairing and business was never better j toney tbe man behind tbegun tl mi w h cofoor turonu ueot sunluynl iuh homo 1iuii mr and mru mholto muck of toronto njmiit sunday in lovii john kenntdy of toroulo hptnt suiuliij at lit lioine lien mr rogiimld catc of australia pond suiidiiy wilb mr j i i told itct ivrnal mnjoa is upending iih wirwiuii ttilh friimdh at pirton mr anil mrs w r watson a it holidaying in miisknku at ar cad la mr j a floyd mid son of mattaua spent sundtij with or o c- floyd mr george jennings visited duutivillf and grinirby fninds last week mihs mcta moore of barrio is spoudinrt this week al il j m- cnrttiej s mihh k simard oi montreal is liolidayiiig at tbe bomeof mrs f a uiirlrj mirhoh kathleen and roberta brouu of gait are suiting with mrs j p bold mr and mm a nomngton and family spent sunday in oakville and burlington mr and mrs lorno erwin and baby lorn a spent sunday witb relatives in town mr and mrs j kaiser of tor onto spent saturday at the home of mrs j m buck mr and mrs j ax ilcnry and sons of quelph spent sunday witb mr and mrs i d curric mr aod mrs d b brown and bon frank of meaford spent sun day with dr and mrs heath mrs patterson or brant ford ie visiting at the borne of her brother councillor a duncan mibsos wilhelmena and florence huts of woodstock are visiting with mr and mrs barry hills mr and mrs- frank lovie of allendale spent the week end mr and mrs r j mccartnoy miab l a mccul lough of owen sound ib visiting her sister mrs w a- wilson and other relatives here mr and mrs fred gar butt and family visited at the home of mr and mrs wm mclean over the week mrs jos hulls of ashgrovo left on tuesday for england where she will visit bor parents and other relatives mr n i moljeod an old georgetown boy was yesterday appointed oenpral managor of tbe standard bank of canadi miss lillian hawkesford has re turned to her home in owen sound after spending her vacation with r and mrs wm frampton mr e y bartuolough of oli williams has been appointed grand pursuivant of tbe mason io grand lodge by m w bro w j drape grimsby t mr and mrs john cunningham left on tuesday for nelson h c to visit their son robert they will also visit other points of in terest on tbe coast mr george bennett left on tuesday for duodas to attend the funeral of his motbor tbe late mrs bennett who died in toledo ohio on sunday lost dr t nnd mrs mooollongh ol chatswortb and thlb mccul- inugh of weyburn bask spent a couple of days this week with mr and mrs w a wilson and other friends virile home on a short visit from detroit warner freure a former officer of knox sunday school was presented witb m there la eieellont boating bath- ing and ashing ipeelded trout salmon trout and whitefib are plentiful fine modern summer hotels offer gay social life golt tennis bowling and all the water sports while the entire district jb dotted with smaller hotels and boarding houses canadian natii al trains connect witb a flotilla or lake steamboats serving all the territory ask any agent of tbe canadian national railways- foi full information literature etc tour garden party will not be complete without qeorgetoi harry lauder all the latest in scotch songs now open for en gagements terms moderate apply to charlie scrymgeour box 87 georgetown twice to creditors n the matter ofjbe estate of dv id fraser ute of the town of george town io the county of halloo black- 5bllbllbbbai5blbllallljl- ibe barn hills ikkl and italtons iuroain 8tork clover honey this years crop per lb 15 cents in s lb and io it pails barnhills nprval b thursday holiday wednesday bargain day mcbean co saturday treat wo bave to real treats for thia saturday wonderful value in both 60 lbs salted peaoutb freshly roasted for this hpeciar regulat boc lb saturday treat special 25c ib 76 lbs of asssorted marsbmallow some are dipped in apricot jelly id rolled in cocoanut some are rolled in walnuts others plain white and toasted regular boc value saturday treat special 29c lb weekend chocolates thpse chocolates are still going strong and no wonder for they are wonderful goods at this price caramels jellies soft centres eto regular 40 and 50c for 32c try oar rmal cold ice cream soda and our freah t fruit sandams oranges bananas fresh tomatoes arthur norrington floyds the gift store how about your repair work i make a specialty of watch and jewelery repair ing diamond mounting and engraving now is the time before the fall rush- dr c c floyd jeweler and optometrist oneill block georgetown watch hspaikinq a wpeoiaitt blue bird pearls for happiness bi i a o f services rendered she school glen williams tbe sunday school children bad a most enjoyable time at burling ton beach last saturday the weather was a huje cool in tbe forenoon bnt- it turned out ideal after dinner the gentleman who drove a wine colored car last sunday with one arm will bave to tell the magistrate wbere the other hand waa the next time it occurs onr constable is also on the lookout for bpeedertc mr j cain reports business brisk in his garage here bulldog sole leather when yon wanfe any cnunter cheek books let as have yonr order t tbe herald office quality and service waran teed six room frame house bath electric lights stable and garage price s600 easy tcrmx a beautiful 8 room brick bnnga- 1bw every eonveniepce prtoe- 5600 jlasy terms 1900 boys 6 acres of land with a 0 room frame bouse and barn terms arranged fiveroom frame oohgi bath ekwtrio lights atable hen bouse aod i lota near g7tr station price 8rx termrewy apply to sla- beoban real estate k georgetown phone 164 1914 chapter 121 that ill creditors or mbera hainjr cbuini or ilamanda krajnm the estate of lbs nid did frucr who diad on or about ib twentraikib day of june ad 1923 al ihe told town of ueorgeiawn the county of halloa are required i on tor before the tlrtx day of tptamber to aead by post pmpaidor iliver io ibe tnaderaiirnsjd solicitor bs lor louisa kligabeth fraaer the ad mitlralrib of the estate and effects of the said david fraaer blacksmith de ceased their christian banes and namea addresses and descriptions the full particulars in writing of tbetr claims t the aectmljr f anj held by saletnenl of their accounts and ibe rs of i and take notce that after such mentioned datf ibe s exceptors will proceed io distribute tbe asset iof tbe said deceased among tbe parties entitled thereto havinir regard ouij 16 ibe claims of which tbejt shall then have notice and bat lb said adtoibutrmtria mil not be liable for tbe amid assets or any part thereof tojqf parson qr persons of whose claims nsccc shall not have been received by her at the time of aach diiiiributi lsrov dale solicitor for ibe said admtplsu- dsird at georjtetown i hi first day ot aogmat ajx 49tm special sale -of- guaranteed ideal atom inniitware ra cm rau uimmjh fhese sow re a standard ideal quality each piece stamped out of a thick solid sheet and nothing sol dered on every piece bears the ideal trade mark which means a 1 year guarantee extraordinary values any piece lor 149 6 quart tea kettle 1 1 quart dish pan 6 quart po tato pot 2 quart panel double boiler 12 quart preserv ing kettle 10 quarf preserving kettle 8 quart preserving kettle set of 3 sauce pans 8 cup percolator 7 cup tea pot on sale at r h thompson co ala street sporting shoes ladies whito kuqnlng sliocs 1 ladies jpbite osfords misses white oxfords misses white rubber sole slippem 6 to 10 ft lltoa mlbses white rubber solid heel ll to 8 misses whito running shoes 6 to 10 11 to a boys tan running bbnes 6 to 10 ii to a njro 100 11b qoo 118 owing to tbe inoreaaed deft and for our wesk end cboc olates we have ordered an extra supply for thib saturday at s meant lb we guarantee tbe b ohooolatesto satisfy it not we will refund your money- we are also offering for saturday only 60 lbs of fresh peaauta in tbe shells regular 80o ibor osnta we also sell ice cream in the brick or bulk phone in your order and taae it delivered kosy corner kandy kitchen f j deverson proprietor rx theatre rrttlajaesrmat 3rd the monof zanlbar itar- ring wm russelasdory witb r 100 action thrjile and sua- penso r tbe star js one of whom a great man tbiqgs be expected of comedy creation lasy bddbb star ring clyde cook orobostra j tmr aawast 4h the young rajah starring budolpb valentino vakin- tinoa greatest aod latest pjra- duomon in this piotsrebs plays the part of an indian prtnofl who was brought to j abiorica when a child and reaved to be an american juomedy lloyd hamilton in fi grehestr popular price 20 and 80c wedusd aturost 8th pink oods starriog bebs daniels a glittering love drama of a woman who made diamonds bet god comsdv spooky romanoe bpisoda 18 aogetemhutcb rennies grocery grocery specials rite good malt per bottle pine mild cheese per lb creamola custard pkt jc eddys matches 8 in 1 pkt j hp sauce per bottle 8 corn starch pkt 0c- broetns s strings coffee per lb soap chips 2 lbs 26c bwifts shortening 5 ib f plum jam i lbs 6bc bananas oranges and tomatoes d r rennie cash grocery phone is 1 for quick delivery i bssqstsssabbssajssawsbn grandysl speciids matches 2 boxes for 6c per package black bulk tea per i b japan tea per lb uptons tea per ib coffee per lb 60o 70c a 80c floods 70c 00c a70o eooaooo new adverliscipehtw xobt ladys silver watch est ween presby- srfan shed and 7th una on saturday lotnine finder kindly return in herald and receive reward f farmers take notice lht i hi now prepared to uck all kinds ef livestock and market produce to toronto market at a reason- able price norman mcgregor phone 173w georgetown lost crank for truck between oil tanks at station and lower pper on tuesday finder phone 255 reward tenders will be received by the under lined up untfl salerday ujut mb at 8 pm for the shingling of the methodist chunqli shed xxx bc cedar shingles and gal van lied- wire nails to be uaedjf m nkj boarder wahted workiagman preferred home pnvilss 750 per week box 519 town mtp tobiale 1 whke yorl4hire sow with ii young pigs and 1 sow due to farrow in august uina mjclure phone 96 r 5 george- augum to rkkt frame house on queen st- hectric lights water al doer good garden of vegetables and potatoes oao be bought reasonable apply to james masalea limebouse or h g meirs lr ofbse for kiformatiot 487 3op wood for bate qood dry mnn wood cut into stove letigthaanddblivoredat 37s per hmd phone 5 r 24 j brand ford box 490 georgetown hp- lemonade orangeade and raspberry vinegar bottlo 86e orape juice per bottlo 10c a 86o bensons corn starch 2 for sfio silver gloss starch 2 for 45e royal gold com starch 8 for 25c wine 1 gal jars per dor 185 imperial quart jars per dog 170 alwright ourwauhandhappincuarvui by pwchaiwt wopwwtxclontrltili wine quart jars per doe imperial pint jars per don metal rings per doz glass tops per doe rubber rings per dor 10c 1 doe for vlbu 150 26c 2sa 25a i a m grandy i phone 7b ssufuctlm gssrssltcs sb3blh sss8 several lovely homes in georgetown lor sale al very moderate prices by w t eva1s co i do not tail to consult us before baying teans6go forrsmt garage on charles st lgrow apjjrw reward ottered a reward of five dellars ss00 will be given by the public sckitut boxra te eoy- one giving information leading lo a con viction ofaoy person or persoiw breakaig windows or doing any other damage in or about the public school j b mackinkik chairman j a thompson secretary locaj improvement takk nottrx 1 that the counail of ihe corporal to of the xomtre georgetown blends t i tolends to it wtafe ob crete pavement twenty feet gueiph street between durham a streets and intends to specially asses a part of ibe con upon the isad abutting directly on the work 2 the aslimated cost of the work is 15750 00 of whieh 1098300 is to b oatd by the corporation the estimated special rale per foot frontage is 105 the special asienfents to be paid m twenty annual ngtalmeeli 3 a petition against ihe work will not atl lo prevent its conslruction dated july 25lh 1923 f l hsatii clerk notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of charlotte bauay lata of she town e4 georgetown ie the county f halov widow deceased notice hereby given pursuant la section as of tbe trustees act rao 1914 chapter rl tbat ah oreditort or others having claims or demands ajrainat the estate of the said charlotte bsilsy who died on or about the iwantyslxlb daj of may in tbe year of onr lord oo ftousand nine hoodrod and twanlythroe at tbe said town of georgetown are re quired on or before the twentyalpui day of saaptember to send by poet prepaid or deliver to tbe urtdenrigned solicitor here in for edwrd mccannah theeaecutor of the estate of the said charlotte bejiley widow deceased their christian batnea and surwames addresaw and dcscciptions tbe full partkulars m writitrg of their claims a statemqjit of their account and ibe nature ef the security if any held by and take notice tbat after such teal msmttoned date ute ssid evocutor will pro ceed to distribute the assets of tbe said deceaseainoofthe parlies ensiled thereto lavtnggktd opljf tothe claims of which they shall than have notice and tbat the said executor will not be liable for iheaaid asset or any part thereof to inr peraosi or persont of whose elainas wtice ana not have been received by hem at la time ef sucn distnbutton lsrov dal solicitor for the said executes dated at georgsaown ihts beat da of ugust ad i9u fire insurance j w unitay tewadm r you protected

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