Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 1, 1923, p. 4

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tllk on buktown hkhai t auouwr lit ions s s no 9 esmstaf the results of the proatotivn auninaiiona its 8 no 9 bwqw- ing are u f allow a iumdm appear log id order of mi nl jr iv u sr 1 burt wright stanley norton recosn mended oram end toud hr iii in jr iv hltueda tars well boo mary mr donald bob mary mi donald boa albrti brooks jim itohh jue liui recou mended anji and tuul ar thur cbilter ailed jr 111 to 8r 111 kouoeth ur alpine hon olndje milliere becu rice jjaue olive uixen mm nurloa ret total and skbetst ur some ciaum nation art bar knowles rolled miwlh mrdon aid absent 3r ii to jr iii hlda tinwll boa nellie lawe jean giv ail ed anlb and total jeew mr ttookld failed spell and total k jr htosr 11cathanoeftua iltoo boa jack iawttoo bw jack smethilrttt nellie mil her ajasen sr i to jr ii greofell wraym hon jim davies hon dooaw mc donald freddie brooks jr 1 to si i miwred tajranell reoomuieoded absent for bow x atnuiationa margaret mcltbeki hoo bill deveif uuk boa askm scott 8r pr to jr i wtibe hamil ton bajmond hill willie jsevr- sr pr angus mcdonald i-or- ene mitchell dons gowdy har old johnson russel mcdonftu jr pr grant wright lata given bobbie law bine tjaavses iao hamilton the popil who obtained the highest pereeotage in the acboal was kennetfa mcalptn 6uv end the aeoood highest 84 waa oh- taioed by catharine hnmiluan h a howard teacbcr wtwht jwlint it pays at plhrt wtukswta and wall hlty years tn eaar i iai j aw tar mi imd m fwrestry ttranevi of black watae lata aanaa swesd i it u nee bus saansh ta a used far aaur nue fu e- ta any la m encm pleat the usee temy ui la atty years una ate targja sough to lumber for mr brow marks propnaaor of uu marfan theatre oshawn hie decided to open a bookng oawre for canadian theatres it will ha pown as the ernie mark ct thief constable hcplesnan eoobtable by order of judge muni the post office depajftnent bis issued stress order mao no pasters notices or advert matter of any kind can be ptr in post office buildings or as treat oftbem local post office ottak are required to see that these r- btractions ere earned oat aaad case such is not done they leave themselves liable to be resorted to the department ai any r a vary itto tree a m la sftr years oe good i lo aaake all bssj i an or um lntrtui a twa axrw at ba4 uaietl wiiii cape breton island the front door of canada v bread try loaf today and jndce fa yooraalf i ejtocrbbs dbx1vbbkd take notice wt imnlawboliav rt 6 jl and good frsaise nwtaaw pi s gjuanied enrnaatod ibp gf prawar poeea or leas eansmtm vjjbs itaprtmmetit or imft ar e r thia lm do use tnaell and awy tha and im a alk mtvcjswt stttjobrt rajjwi oessnr- kh iowa tea tnaw bana caraara amirw jnjbiaste iesv vswiair protection k tereat ta eatabusti- taaa evary rest u tort isama lae cnat for ibara ara aw apou in canada with creator romantic history than cape breton bland tthroash which to sidney and return members of tha weekly praaa aaaoclatlon uatallad recently over the canadian national railway before cohanbttli dlsoonred ame- d ame ihertnei until 20 years plated la 1744 when war broke ont between etutlaad and fran it was attacked and captured by aa expedl- aany traeat which indicate that aa nu- back aa uoqo ast the ventore- aoma noramen eauued its shores whan shakespeare was wrltlne his playa thara were more thai 200 enc ash yeaaila nsabis ort the cape bre ton eaa and french and spanish oaaarawa had their recognised har- kerp sjosy the seaboard in the sheltarad oorea aloos the qtdet salt r lakes prrrateera and rentlo- atarma rored hnlldlns up a waatth of rich romantic tradition watch stul cunaa to its shores while las french revolution wma brewrac taa craateat ortreai in america waa betna bant on thla tidy little isle uwns la tha hlatorloal centre eydneys are taise towaa namely and sydney town which tloaary force oomprlaed entirely of volunteers from new entfaad it was retnmed to franc tn ims bat 10 years later waa attacked by a bri tish war fleet and again eaptared with ths fleet were oeneral woua biter conqueror of quebec and cap tain cook whose name ts linked for ever wtth exploration and dlauwerlaa tn the pacific ocean britain aow- var considered the fortrees tee stronjt to take farther chances wtth it and ordered ft raxed atthoosh a party of engineers employms hun dreds of men worked for months at ihls task the remains of its vast defence are stiu able to ten tale of the valorous past included wtthla the term of xne aydaey is iks prnwdaal ctty of the it ft ta the asastana toromna ha yf naooaal rallwaya and a sea aort of mapsrtance it la ike centre of the steal wac tndna- try otfne dasdadoa and srooad tt tk every year and one which antbaniid poaslblllttss there betas amwwrkad as yet a faac asbaaarlae under tha strata wife cape breton from new- atoeh of the route ilea along the borders of the fartamed bras dor the sreat inland salt water lake of caje breton the bras d or waters have a surface area of 460 square miles the width varying from itae than a mile to 18 miles so too the depth vary soundings hav leen taken at a depth of 700 feet ta one part of ijttle bras d or the length of these lakes 1b about firtr miles ttn waters beluic sheltered from the ocean or which it lomis a part by hills of great beauty along its length it expands into bays in lets and romantic havens while pic m islands dot its surface and in fairy clusters along thla stretch of country nothing is com awe nothing tame all is tuned ta nlay upon the emotions the strings of keenest pleasure every variety of l xseets the eye and tl e sen are never wearied tbesccnerj along the braa a or rdute of the can adtan national railways is unq uonably one of the moat dlvem f in the oomln storied halifax the warden of the honour of the north feels uke a young girl agaw dracxed to the verse of de- hpalr by twelve years un broken misery mrs gar- nett u case a most remarfc able recommendation for ureco abw helps her husband picture the joy of sirs h at ournetl of is maltland street laid j on on find ink in draco quick and prma ent relief from twelve long ream of suffering that were rapidly wrecking her life picture how in tmr new fouqd happiness ai d faiil in the wonderful proper tlih of urcu she reedtnmended it tu tier bualmnd snd saw it quickly overcome for urn a particularly dlutresstnx case or catarrh and rheu mat ism tl en you may have same jpprfclattau or the great gratitude f thia woman i dreco tbe greatest of all hrb apd root remedies sayn mrh arnetl for twelve years i nujferrd from chronic con stipetion and tor tbe pat three veara the cruel lor u re of rheums t im added to my mlwry i suffered agonies or puin through my right shoulder and wan hardly able to lift my arm m ii nlm ached and i had sever pallia through my back my stumacb wua in a terrible condition gas would bloat tn up and preis agalust my heart j got very little sleep and woulipget up in the morn ins dead tired btory medicine i tried was a failure until in the depth of my discouragement i tried jreco i have only taken two not ties bat the result le simply mar vellous 1 can eat anythlag nave no pains or gastric formations after meals and the pains in my shoulders and limbs are almost gone my con btipatlon la fulfy relieved and i wake up in the mornings refreshed and bright and happy aa a young girl dreco also brought immediate relief to my husband who bad auf fered severely tram rheumatism and catarrh it has aided his digestion and helped blm in every war dreco la the greatest medicine we ever heard ot and we cannot thank it enough for rescuing ua from our years of distress no suffering from kidney atom ack liver or intestinal disorders la too severe or too deep rooted for dreco to overcome it acta quickly mad gently toning and regulating the whole system this natural herb and root remedy is bringing now life and hope to the most despond dreco is beinfi hpee a ij lotroduoed in goorp ttvtnby w k watson and ik sild bj n rood urtifcgiai erywl ere nohoe to creditors l pursuant 1 nontaih itkauy w action 56 ol in tnutm act r so 1914 bplei2l itnl au mkhtora or mhrrn having- rla ma or dwiui tda aga nal tl r eia u ul ih said edward l green- waod who ulad oi f abou ttn twrnrf hvctilh day f may i9jj al i he said t wmh p of eaiucslnt arc irrquirfd uu a brforplhetlwidday ol aujrubl t md uy jhtfiid it drflvif lu ilia under k mhj si i lorlurn foe hd ward t reep aard and mary mel la grwnaward lb i i ik k1 rslale ol lite bbhi d l t ti ward fuim dee 1 ihmr hrl i ii par laito a nrt of lbor aocihihls and ihe na n r i lri ily i any hekt by ihrrt an takkthn ihal aflcr mhh lat iui i h nl da e the aakl nem wn will win rd 1 tl iinbu e ilie anelp if lha aid dnwwj amonff ihe pjtrlir rnlllkd i rl i lui rekard onlf ii ibe cla olh hllh- iduguumhiuive nolk wt oc at y part thereof in of bnw clauiu been race vrd toy e time of abch dni butun larovdal k solictor for ihr aaid rxecutfcsf at tie hi lrd a 1m lay aij i townaaia ot r f ttaltob wabaiiet ha sh we cany a fan bat l as karaen anoawtaslmk hai laaas last etc iljaa an ta aeci al aailatablacalireasacal ar prices arerifm art sc serntc is a i j h si stewarttown expert fence buiwer wisy not liaf an uptodate wire fonce wbei on ran exchange jour old rail en co for same years of expenenre enables m to rie you belter oval ten tban othern prompt aev ire and riffht prices gates cedar and iron pontb si ways in stock when you want anything in the aboyejideaubtcalt j h smith phone 84 r 13 stewarttown coal bra d l ft v s coal m afl sbet halifax where tola years conven tion of the canadian weekly praaa aasoetauon wss held la tha capital of the province of jtavn scotia and one ot the most important atlantic portala of canada it welcomes home the returning wanderer greets with ttriendly cmsb as new- oomer to the dominion snd bids oodepeed to the departing travauer the ship m leash at the docks are tetit1krca watiaaar-bajl- ways wtth itnaber from british cot- umua golden fab from the pral- rie provlaees minerals sad aaanu- tsotnred gaoes tram ontario and qaabec nroawatsof ova forest neld and sabm trosa the maritime pro- t- from tfaasn year m year out t thety about the middle ot tbe 18th century tn oocaplb to lord maiu sec retary ot state in the british cabinet it ratstas more of its british origin than any other place ta america historically halifax has ntaay points of tniarest tsclsdlns tbe dta wss bum by me daks of kant aad plants attrset the adult the children find pleaasi n hi wadlag or aaiung boats upon tbe ponds and lakes many ortheclty buhdlnga public and commercial are worth a visit these tadude the natural history yam st peals church which contatas ss pert of us structure much of that old portion built soon attar tbe founding- of halifax the oockdard snd the drydock sygtuanat esabtned f walks newsra sad called point pleasant park of water known as ihe northwast arm where big iwgattas are hsm in the aeigb- bortnc coun y ai good ashing and hamttma can be bad oood reada raattattag to ao sarta of nova to geographically halifax is advan tageously situated it la nearer liverpool than is new xork by over coo miles its harbor ib one of the four treat eat in tbe world and is accessible st all hours of tbe day and the year around by the ocean going steamers bedford baatn has a circumference of twenty miles to meet the everincreasing dimension going tassels and the vast expansion of canadian trade new docks and railway terminals are in comae of construction thla was the city which the caaa dtan weekly press aaaoclatlon chose tbe ana of its ims convention aad from which the members were ear national rail- to cape breton through prlaca ward lala 1 tlaia scotia new umtraurttnc somnu ways of tn- wbwai ot branawtoka pptats tn ml advertise in ihe herald it pays w a bailey up todate hxbnbss sh01 ail street wemcenwn lh dupirr j2f ttui a rnltra others h j cla na w deteandi ga at rfnu ul be satd bdoard eoon who 1 l r about ihe h kvmih day nf mav ad 192in heaamltawiwhpof eaq- r are rmii red oirnr before ihe ele h day ul a iii ta inj by pout pre paid k- del ver to tile hlrraig tad ok it hen for fcuubc1h kaaan admiqia of ihe estate ol he said edwanl eamh ne a hi ituniamn addfvasea aud le- it nu he f ii iaithuars n wnl ak i eir la ma a malenienl ol ibeir r i in a ul the nature of ihe eii nty f mh un in takkkotilk that afler i mied dale ihe r adm aliains w it proceed lo dialnbale llin saw la nf the aid deceased among tbe parlies ant lied hereto having regard only lo the chums ol wbwh ihey shall then have notice apd hat the ttud administratrix wij oot be h able for tbe said aaaeta or any part ihere- ofito any peraon or persona of whoae cla ma notice shall not have been received by her al tbe tune of each diatnbatiao lsrov dais solicitor far said admin dated at georgetown this eight f july a 1923 notice to creditors nones is iisaaav givsk 4 section sooflhetnasteea ad rso 1914 chapter 121 that au creditors or urbeva baviow claims or demands ashtat tiw estate of the said james moore who died on or about the twenty fifth day of april 1923 at the said town of georcetown reuulred on or before tbe bhnr t of august 10 send by post prepaid oc z amd taks wortck thai after such last mentioned date the satd executors will proc lo dlatribute tbe aaaeta of the aasd deceased amook the parties entitled thereto bavins teard only to the cuuflw of wh ch they abau then have notice afld that the aam executors will m be itawe for the said ssaets or any part thereof lo any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them attha i line of such tl trbulion lbrov data sol cltor jor iik aaid executor al georgetown this eight resub di921 1s7 ma shwawluas kuaialrad standard anthiiacite scranton coal in all size coal wood beleot i intt tor domeabo and throahinr urposes smitbinp and csnitel coal in rart lcnrr rifrjlltnii u bo foind in am u jo liie ooal and wood v r 1 back and cureace j buck learexeeurore of he estate of ihe aaal james buck butcher ilervaed tbeir cbnatlan names and their accounts and ibe nature of the e- unty f any bekl by tbem amd takr aoncs that after such last mentioned date ibe said execbtora wir proceed lo distribute ihe aaaeta of the bsid decesaed imais tbe parties entkled there 10 havtna regurtl only to tbtrefattsvctot which they shall then have anucayidanv a ihal the uud executors will not bejfhha o7vcl2 john mcdonald imuianr 18 oeorsetown junk wanted i am paying the hisvel l ah prion for all kibdsof junk also hides and poultry a i crsnaeatve psjula asheal am vtotoeta stsaet o oat m freeman port met box 470 turnrn 1t nouckis ibskb rn pursuant to section 56 of the trustees act rso 114 chapter 121 that all creditors or otbrra havtog cla ma or deouutda brs oat the estate of ibe aaid j st buck who died 00 or about the fourth day of jane 1923 at the said tuwnal torj are rc- uuirej on or before ihe qevenlb day of august to send by post prepaid or deliver lor tbe said assets o itce shall not pave been recwived by tkeva at the t nw of aocb distribution lsrov daxs solicitor lor the aud executors dated at geonret own thia ejrhti enth day of july a d 1923 is mi we sefl real tire value wf a f3ovmktegstioaasjw bajjesfc way can oalec i bsucwww ttre plaiig in ftile bj apeaaal mnia- factaritsx wsethodlg they cost cm snbre svaft the extra moed tjmfw drfwwittbanplesisnbst avvpeise to yo browns garas tiretonc

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