Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 8, 1923, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fifty smi n 1 ii ylall of 1uhuca rin georgetown wedneiday eveninff auffuat 8th 1923 160 par annam in advance 800 to u 8 the georgetown herald j m booae f paausker aad pnfrliur w- meailter luidlm vvos sly n- aapar auoctattd wp u t h tlua table uoinc1 haht lttietigr an k ii faaauiikf l it ft ul s passe utor 10 18 um iv mail 11 luam paasenkcr 1 in p in k mad v u h2 i in v l passeugsr h 26 i m ffif t passenger sunday uoinq wb8t 7 81 ii ni passenger 7 07 atn mail 10 18 ititi passcngol f 2 1 2 l m j passenger 4 co p m p passenger g os i m passenger 7 oa ii m mair 8 20 pin hansen ger sunday 10 os am oofrto horth fe mall 8 00am h mail 4 55 p m qoma bootu ht y mail 11 83 atn kail 7 47 ui tttroata hkuku rauwav daily timetable am p m pra tioing east 810 2 24 6 40 qqing west 866 8 10 7 89 sdnday time talllb going east ain pm pin pm p m 10 21 12 20 u 46 6 10 917 am p m p m using west 1040 6 10 9 8c directory milton wallbridok a dale barrister fcljeltore eta t conto and omtmown jbn kennedy block la roy daja id chan or oeorse own otto h o metk barrister solic or etc office mui st georgetown hour 9am tosp m open wejneaday and saturday evpiiog db t h jsab0buva physiaian and isr n madleal oflleer or health olllo hours to and iiolp m phone m office and hmmmm alain street 1 j db c f w ross pnyalcian and surgeon mill street georgetown phone 22 ex house surgeon race hospital pr c v wuiasvmb physician and wrjeo office and residence comer of main si south and factory su v watbox dd amimd b qmrttn obim hearst to o ftxoapt mboa in iauivbktek one door nortl ftf 0nut- curflate factory hours a bs to p a bl aaxaxsaw d c oruropraotio amok ulxiuy laoaretary pasmorcmutaate 10rrsoxporalae office tntbailey blodt nesi door to j n optic hooaa toesda a ttaursdnj aad saturdays i to sand 7 to 8 p m pmomb office 150w and residence 232 j a tracts clerk townsh p of esqueamg clerk 3rd division court the leading fire and life insurance co a i pre leaver of marriage licenses stewart i ownonl coal amd i wood on hand allthe time best scrahton coal cement on havnd v johntbahantine osorostowh brampton business 4asttbtc ja scaoei nan scbooi iaaa6pitman bhorthand touch typontinb bnatneaa bnglibb office sy terns fiuog bpaludg bookkeepiiig antbinetio penmaaibip gooribaroial jjw bttpiicakmlntiori v laatvaaaal lastrwaruoa ju h 1 teagaaaagluulalta- arrangenow to eolcrtlbs taroooa aehocj avoua tor athetrjt go grad work and lordroihftr helping itadentfitv arcwv zzz nonenktrerincar ada catalogue frta m j klltott georgetown creamery cream wanted by the georgetowrrcreamery wt nil bn oimii for lho nci oiuoitittinii of fiitmri- on mumi u wdrilwiiil ami salimlii tninkt any person wanting ice must pur chase tickets or same al creamery georgetown creamery co m saxe manager erwingoldhams meat market i srree phone no 1 main street georgetown watch onr windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed i fire tornado auto accident insurance elmer c thrjrnpson ft 1 dcltah pearls the adornment supreme for the summer girl guranlttd to wear nil retail their hstre nif are la- estrcume prices caaplele with velvet ease tai sol m am dasa iran un ais5m call anp inspect a b willson durant sport touringj jumt a real good car we have a number of gotfd used cars of various makes at prices and terms to suit purchasers t j speight agent oeorgetovn aoton avttd vicinity wwroe inttrancejbroker insurance in all branches phone 65 geoboetown hydro electric system electnc appliances of all kinds the hydro lamp guaranteed per 1 500 hours irons from 475 up prices on all makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges office town hall the avbrauf mam j forslers cash and carry grocery we carry a full line of fresh gro ceries and provisions oranges bananas and other fruits in season headquarters for willards ice cream by dish or bulk a full line of swifts curerl meats mrs b forstfr phone 28 farm machinery case sim 1687 casjs tractobs now is the time to parohaae yoor traotors farm maohioery fleory chants wukioaon plnwii hnyy otoroh pwrllnj- atel pffghjqg lightning roub vire fflnciag oirckhar saws cookajkntt farm maliinexy seoondhand broadcast aeeder international near new fcrtilrar drill internatiodal si b p bnipira gaa engine par new 81 8 hn fairbanks engine good repair prim rone crcamlsparator 10 good horses driver and workers t e hewon phone 101r33 norval ititlncstone qnlity9rd try otir brown wkolo wheat and milk bread special for saturday ooowberrj red current lemon and berry pies alua frutt cake and nnt loaf come to livingstones for jour cihoire rmstrj a uvingstone phoite ss georgetown flour feed mills i the best brands of flour chopped peed and poultry feed of alt kinds developtns mash for young chicks feed ths to your pullets and have them laying early bran shorts and salt w c bessey 195 georgetown try a small ad in the herald wburt it coiuch to a quphtion of truhting yourself to the rittktt or llic ruad wtien liio thing the hharinft of hurjeoh the liftidr lite be ft of n load lo the bour of peril or trial in the bour on meet ajou yon may bafelj depend on wisdom and alcill of the average man tib tbe average man and no other who does hm plain duty each day the small thing his wage tj64i doing on the commonplace bit af the wa ib tbe average man may god bless him who pilots us stdr to the van over land over sea as we travel just the plain hardy average man so on throngh tbe days of exist ence all mingling in shadow and shine we may count on the everydaj here whom haply the gods mat divide bat who wears the swart grime of his calling and labors andearns aa be can and stands at the jaat with tbe noblest v the oammonplaoe average man newspajemiea itonrrfaritimesi npatfluftu ad tbjbonlr proviqoe die- tinoily jok island cape breton having lost the tight to ah this dubnetion wben it beo part of noyqt scotia for the s form fertility of its soil its pobi tion is preeminent a reputation which has earned for it the name of the garden of the golf in the long ago tbe indian aborigines named it abegweit best on the wave and apt watv the term henry ward beecbefj equally apt when be called it the gem bf tbe northern sea orescent shape in form it guietlj- rests upon tbe waves of the ocean with its back towards the north shore of nova scotia and the east shore of new brunswick with its nether most ends dipped into tbe gulf or st lawrence the north umberland b traits which sweep along its back severing it from the mainland are thirty miles wide at their greatest width and seven at their narrowest j the trip from borden to sum merside some 17 miles was made in motor oars and on tbe way numerous fox farms were visited by tbe arties in the different cars the one we visited was among the largest producers of luxes on the island and we san over a hundred fox puppies the proprietor large torm a mr wray if we reiuomber right having misplaced his card was well acquainted vtitb mr blake vann alter georgetown tbe veteran fox rancher of ontario and spoke very highly of tbe quality of tbe stock he prodooee prom borden to summirstde there are a namber of school houses along the way and at some of these toe pupils were out with flags to weloome the visitors hail boxes and dwellings were lee e b with in fact the district traversed fot the first ten miles is an old settle meet called bedeqne it is said to be one of the finest farming idistriots on the island which is saying a good deal bummerside about forty eight miles from tbe capital is tbe sec jood to the latter in importance it has excellent stores handsome residences and much to attract the summer visitor among its places is a mail order bouse whose ramtflcations extend over the maritime provinces and whose turnover runs into several million dollars a year it is also the center ojlthe island a famous forfacming industry the head quarters of tbe pnnoe pox breed association being located there sommerside fronts on bay on tbe south side of the island and is delightfully situat ed prom a hill in the rear of tbe town a glorious view of the conn try and of tbe waters north and south is obtained in one direc turn can be seen bedeque bay and its attractive surroundings and beyond northumberland strait with the new brunswick coast j line in the distance summeratde is the home of ex preskknt brennan and ht gaily adorned with lags and bunt ing in honor of our coming mere we were taken to nomee in the town for a short rest the stand ard of home comfort throughout the province is high we then went to one of tbe clubs where another excellent luncheon served and several addresses given local orchestra famished music sad sandy macgregor a local en tertaiaar m highland costume poll they had made rpifrntion of much life into the gathering hswu nokol booottoa a 10 leavine sjmmeraide we went by train to cfaarlottetown the capital of the province here we were again royally entertained a neaaof cars gave as a dnve 3p the boose of parliament srhfie we were assembled on the floor of tbj house and greeted in brief tfechn by premier bell and tbe hon mr naub then we were lakioto lltj icxpsnmental farm an i out into the nountry several ihiilh returning to the technical school for supper and entertain ment thih passed off with per haps more vim and pleasure than an other thai bad proceeded an orchestra a piper sband and sev era vocalists furnmbed vnrietv a tbe inevitable speeches charlotte town is a cit to the eye and delightful in dim alio candiltons and has been apt desenben as one of the most homelike trlrdw attractive little libr to be found anywhere in tbe central and chief of its live large public squares are located the principal public buildings of the province and queen gardens the city ib delightfully situated on tbe bast of hulsborourh river with the york river on its south side in the days of long ago when french sailors entered the harbor of chariot tetown they named it port la joie the city dates back to 1768 and in appearance suggests tbe capital of some neat european principal ity rather than that of a province in tbe dominion of canada like the province as a whole its capital is quiet sedate and unostentat iously pretty st dunstaos cathedral has tbe reputation of being tbe finest church edifice east of montreal while tbe hodgson memorial chapel connected with 8t- peters cathedral is probably tbe smallest and most artistic in the dominion cbarlottetown ib well supplied with educational institutions the most important being tbe prince or wales college established under government auspices and st danstans university which attracts students both from other parts of canada and from the united states tbe provincial library is noted for the large number of valuable books it pos- eesses that tbe city does not want for the education which comes through tbe press is evi dent from the fact that it contains job less than three daily news papers quite ample newspaper- men will agree for a city with a population of twelve thousand the principal industries of char lottfltown are machine works foundries and packing plants at 9 oclock we left again for i borden ad tbe ferry across to i cape torntentine tbe train or solid steel pullmans was taken serosa tbe distanoe of nine miles in two sections ox it was a unique expenenoe for many and while some slept peace fully others were wondenngw kind of a sensation it woold were the cars to ran off the fei personally we had no fear as noticed bob semple of ham and bill walls ot superintending the placing of the oars on the ferry as a summer rssor ward island baa greatly mi id popularity dunng the lae tew years and those spending their brat vacation there usually want to repeat their eiperence when one considers that its summer climate m delightful and the waters which dip into its bays and coses ideal for bathing the charm it has for summer tourists is easily appreciated among the better and the more frequented beaches ahere tbe best of sea bathtog may be enjoyed and good hotel acoom modation obtained are stanhope braokley bostioo booky point pownal bay and cape traverse a further attraction is to be found in tbe fact that in its numerous strewns trout abopnd and d notes and comments tflk- people or ontario will hope that the visit of the daring bandits to toronto recently will be the last of its kind bat it would be well to adopt the view that other similar visits are pos sible in view of the suoeessful issue of this venture and prepare accordingly it would be a wise thing to call in tbe ontario police and tbe chiefs of polmcrtbroagh out the province and daffy at pro vincial scheme of action in oase of any lurther attempts at bank robberies or in fact robberies ot any kind moat of those onaaged this sort of thing ovrnovget very far in ontario which speaks well for tbe police in general and the manner in which they co op crate a super class of criminals are however evidently getting into the bandit game and they it require to be dealt with in an organised manner from a central directing head this should ess ily be secured in tbe provincial ponce department with every police force in the province co operating to trace and capture the gangs as they make a break for liberty tbe toronto police are not in any wise to blame for the bold ops in the recent bank rob bery escaping they cannot be everywhere or pot a spaolal guard on every financial institution bat they will need in all probability to adopt modern methods in deal ing with motor bandits and these will include the creation or a fly ing squadron or two in order to get after snob criminals in the speediest manner possible sea fishing is easily accessible for those who desire it while season snob game birds as wild plover anipe woodcock and brant are plentiful the rural scenery of tbe island is a tonic for tired nerves its pastoral scenes dotted with smil ing farms stately trees and luxur unt hedges probably approximate more closely to those of tbe brit ish isles than an other part of the continent while the islanders are noted for their quiet and un oaten tattoos hospital it continued next week to baixa tasapla r w bro j m mackenxie d dgm was at a meeting of oak ills masons on tbursdaj evening july s6th at which the proposed erection or a masonic temple was considered and a plan submitted for a building to cost 16000 with lodge room and banquet halt however as oakville la growing so rapidly it was thought that a larger building should be consider ed and provided for steps wilt be taken to proceed with const roo- ttoa at an early date oakville lodge has a membership of over 200 and about 8000 has already been raised for the temple ihial on july 6th h c mendoaa and c f merton brokers of toronto convicted by judge ell ot of uracy to defraud mr and mrs chase of bivltngton m a ukol and ks stock deal and remanded for aentence tbey were brought before the judge for neotsnee on jul 80th 1000 victory bond whiohtbey had got from mtv and mrsc chase the judge took tnis into rxrasideration and was lenient tbe sentence was six weeks each in jail on each conviction the terms to be con carren while working on the cpb tracks on toesday afternoon last an armenian whose name is not known and who is thought to be about 85 years of age stepped in front ot an eaatbound freight train he di3d at the hospital a few hoars later coroner dr s h smith was notified bsmtafoamalteba ol a word has been received that the qraot military hospital will be closed on september 1st on what grounds this place has been chosen io preference to chnetle street toronto is beyond com prehension there is no oompan on between the two places as a home for convalescing soldiers burlington gazette there are so many stones about the ford oar that one hesitates to say that any story be bears is a new one silas hooking in his new book tells this one it is said mr ford has invented a new kind of speedometer when the oar is travelling so miles an hoar it shows a green itgbt at 40 an hour it shows a red light at 60 it plays nearer my god to thee oa haubar strota wj brown alias byron eta committed for trial at the septem bar assises on the chargee of theft and prison breaking went on a hunger strike on monday or last week he did not explain why he shut down on the jail fare nor ask for anything lie simply de clined to eat itappeared a oase of pure cussed doss lie stuck out until friday when ho gave in he bad a huge appetite it was deemed wise to restrain bun from overeating lest serious results might follow lie eats regularly now and is regaining lost weight and strength roberts his wife lavinia and guisto labocbiaro an italian all of hamilton were arrested at oakville by constable mocleary after a motor chase jubt after they had left b ere drug btore they are accused or stealing a box of chocolates- a package con taining 101 decks of morphine was found bidden under a stone near the garage where the party had stopped to get gasoline they were handed over to the constable by the garage proprietor the lrio were remanded until 8thjxm by police magistrate shields and brought there later in tbe day to jail rissiasbb haauls a party of seven swiss farm lab orers arrived in brampton on sat urday july 88th and going to the department ot agriculture were sent to farmers in peel county they came to canada throogn the swiss consul to tbe immigration people landing in halifax on july 81 the party with one exooption consisted of young men in the ear twenties they were a par ticularly fine looking lofbt men healthy and intelligent and with an ambition to ast on in can ada theif lack or the english language is their greatest draw back but a lack that will not bother them long for the swiss are peculiarly adaptable in tbe matter ot acquiring a new laur uage if these men mako good in peel and succeed in satistyingtbe hi of tbe men who hire them an attempt will be made to secure a larger party next year mr fpwers o tbe firm of cbtpmanand powers of toronto has jnat com pie ted his survey of milton and hs made his report to tbe town council regarding the estimated cost of constructing tbe sewerage system in the town this report will soon be made pfuhuo

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