Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 8, 1923, p. 2

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tub oki koktown iikk tloihl htli iuvh w h wilkin itndartker and tdoenaed embalmer mi st ohtitow automobile orhofiwdrawnllmntc thona nighl or day mn or it charged for a i thr loll mini 50c ftarria alcardn wr lk r born l guelpli crn j how delio utt m during the beautiful sunshiny days of yum mar to spend the holiday after poodr id bonie shad sjiot witli book or handwork nod enjoy to tbe utmost the delights of nun shine and shadow or bright nkies and fleecy cjoudu nf tree and graab of flowers and birdfl poor indeed is any jverson who cannot feel a thrill of jo and haniimcss when thus siirronndqd and who basnot learned to gaze dccnl into the heart of thing ho much is given to us for our enjoyment which id witbout money without pnoe and the great oatao our road to enjoymont is that we bave not used and developed our ability to appreciate nat lire well we know that any power un psed becomes unusable and it if a great lack to be unable to ap preciate tbe beauties of our won derfnl coon try side that vacation you are plan mng m like your parse you can only get oat of it what you put in it ypnr weak or month away from familiar scenes and duties should be carefully planned as any other part of tbe years work remember you are going to vacate that meanr to vacate themind of its worries and obliga tions to vacate the familiar iaslcs of the hands and feet to vacate the work a- day haunts of the year to get away from much that is familiar if you can the place m which you decide to spend your vacation is not so important as the mood inr whioh yolj decide to spend it two people start out on their vacations both to the same place travelling oer tbe same route and stay the same length of time one will have a splendid time m3et charming people enjoy beautiful weather and find change in every crowded minute the other wfll be bored to death com plain about tbe weather and wish all the time be were somewhere else the second vacationist put no soul into ihh outing he imd no plan hebad nothing to gie and so had nothing to pleasure on your vacation comes oddly enough from tbe work ftiut into it know where and why you are going to tbe particular place you have chosen pill the days with activitj but with the kind of actiit not native to thr years routine work go to with a purpose rehcsh onr body and stimulate jour mind feast your eyes op new acenct broaden our sjinoalhies b new oontaots but do it with a will and you will come back rewarded b your effort canadians mouitk with their cousins across the border in the death of tbe president nf tbe united states warren q bard ing wben he was attacked re cent by what has terminated in a fatal illness tbere here few who had any idea that mr hard logs prostration would be any thing but a temporary one and word that he was progressing sat isfactonly and had passed the crisis was generally accepted as an indication that it wan oolj a ques tion of time before he would be around again as usual it is evi dent however that there wore at local athletics uoi y a u no of kolfcrw fiom luolih tire deflated h l hiiuiii murkin a tin liitkn in it l a local unui u m hilda j afti rnihin afurthe tin riloi n u rial 11 d at lh ilm cr on iburxdat lust qak udn s dcfenuhl uic ueorkeuiwn fiidios nt oiilmiii altbouuh the liauilh h tl tin la ttonit whnl ckrt hivnik h ui 11 hilindid lime how i intl ljnnt week jdivj started for the ml tjh in the tirst round wnswou by di nu kdl and mr m inliihli and held by them untjl monday heuintt when dr lleatfi und telford mi itay relieved them nr tin hitteruaie we underijttaud hullengo hatt been scut to tilt nrotmot bpldtih and somi intercut ftrimei aie looked forward to rahfiiali oikotowu over the week end imd considerable banc ball as three dailies wore plated on saturday iter noon georgetown deflated campboluille by the lose store of ah usual the gampbellvillc and georgetown team engaged ir heavy hitting bee all tbf georgetown plnjnrk were oil then best behaviour and tic fans sighed relief when tho game monday morning the real test cure was tried out in george town when tho homo team defeat ed the bronte nine by the score of thib game provided all tbe thrills or a figure eight as air tight ball was indulged in by both leamb as for ipnings after innings neith er team scored tbe georgetown team demonstrated to tbe large crowd that they could play inside ball when required and surely demonstrated tho fact wben one innings two bronte men were retired between third base and home plate the game was pure ly a pitcher s battle until tbe eigth innings when georgetown by clean bttting and clever base running scored four runs the game was and sunday school at 11 85 am delayed in tlnw innings by a dw initeddeouion uul after a short delay was resumed pollock the bronte pitcher rather welcomed the delay so that be could collect but when llie battle was recommenced a sharp single was made off the tirst pitched ball bronte in their part of tho innings ode a determined effort to score a the two ilrst men made cleau ihlm but ihey remained on tbe bimk oh ibe georgetown boys gave blurt burn outright mi poor t and retired tho hide cieorgetown 17 hook wood 1 b the aboe overwhelming score georgetown defeated the hock wood team on mondaj afternoon winning the silver cup it was a 1 1 titles game as tbe buck wood team a ere outclassed in every do oartnicnt of tbe game king of gut i lib who pitched for book wood was grooiea with eighteen clear ii its seven of them for extra bases 1 he silver cup ta now on efehibi lion m blackburn a window ualton lswue standing 8 7fi0 ft lew eyes examined glasses gru4 to 111 leases prescripuobs bmheated him sitihfflttmn kiminiilihtl oi money mfiinibd dr c o floyd unl a4 llpianihil1 o nlllbirli mftiui wkh iuphu s1 saturday treat do not mi our treat hum week siigan i pi an lu are made fro iikhii nihhted wimuu lutuwd in lall jumi enough to uiakt hit id rn and iiki lb gill ir 10 it notice to creditors uaitoi vrs jeorgetown bronte hurlington laropbellvilje miltnn acton norval ned lbs rmalf i i in wih dird t it h day ol jly a i il towiihiii i f q wit i j lure of ihp t ril if miy hrid by ll ahotakk witut ilial afiir null menlhkrd ill ihe said hdim i ui will proojtd ir d vtribuie ihr jinwl au dn eased anionic ihp pn en wtl1d ibereto bavtk regard orsv lo tbi lamia nf which l in nhall iben havr nslvr and bal ihe uki adimnuilrwtora will not be li ablr itir the naid ahteta or any part iheruf loan permmi nulice shall ihen al ihe lime of tofhhtx saturday trral special 29c lb weekend chocolates i mill soft i regular 40 and 50 iure of fresh horoluus wben i liny from for 32c nmiouh in ream hncln tlfr ioe fjream hodah ered cold lit pun runt lliimiih nothing but the bent arluhch n ed in all nm ibiiit und nut siimlue- try our real cold ice cream sodas and our fresh fruit sundaes oranges bananas fresh tomatoes arthur norr7ngton mrfl patterson has retui after spending two months with relative in dublin ireland rev mr patterson is spending his vocation on a trip through tbe thousand inlands of tbe st law ronce v mr and mi- beamish were the recipients of a baby boy on sun day morning lost mrs rev dr kyle is visiting hor daughter in arthur a r do frlre insurance i bis vacation with his parents minmaw c saoramental services were held j- ifcll r jcuwl in the methodist cborch on sun m j aireiil for some of the alrotiifetl r day last and were largely attend ed the regular services next sands will be held at 1046am lkrov dlk it or for ihe ajiid admiii itlihiorit i georgetown llui eijfhtli iuy vre you protected harvesters use canadian national to winnipeg and fare 1500 west august 15th colonist sleeping cars lunch counter cars leave union station toronto 1230 pm 1030prn rrv tendant circumstances in oonnec tipn with the illness of tbe presi dent that it was not thought ad visabie to give oat and though tbe siok man was able to throw tbe attack which en t short bis trip to the pacifla coast he was not able to wardw fffthat insidiioiis foe of elderly men paralysis tbe americans bave lost a good man for if be was not a brilliant president in some respecte tbe late warren harding was a good and sato head of his country and it is snoh men who to day are real ly the most needed to bung the world into normalrj canadians had come to regard bim erj high ly and his sensible words wben 1 visited canada two weeks ago with respect to the working out of the destinies of canada and tbe united states aloug tbe onlj seo aible lines they can be worked out ta harding as a man of ion and sound oommonsense losing him the american republi has lost a safe helsman a prudent counsellor and a man well adapted s establish tbe best of relation ipa between the dnitod states and other countries tp tbe bcr aved widow and sjl erooerned we extend bsartfelisyropathj luck ily in calvin coofridgn whp auto maticalty sneceeds harding president another safe man at the helm of affaire ib established he appears well equipped and oalifisd for tbe position bavtue make an appointment to see dr o walker at w b watson i drug store p for a good pea croi are bfht according to htigars district growers preparati aia aliaarl- being made to harvest the crop which is expected to be bis enough to meet tbe aemand jri ihe majority of varieties the yield will he better than aeiage carmen say the peaches taunt through last winter with little damage tbey will be read mboota week or an gfoday is mclaughlin buicketay wnaufihlin motorcar o umitbd announces csr lq 24 an entirely new and distinctive line of quality cmotor gars in beauty design ppeei and original mechanical features such as four wheel brakes the 1924- m models provide the most revolutionaiy advance in motor cars thus few contributed by the mdustiy fisher king georgetown c a used cars for sale 1919 dodge sedan 1921 mclaughlin sedan 1920 chevrolet touring 1920 baby grand touring cadillac touring suitable for jitney i or truck see the cars before buying 1923 spring 1923 iiidceniiiit ftoni the mens store of pine high class rmloiitig mm h furnishings htr nrntfilmi n on th band and coinurim tl and domclu maiiiirartiii to tin hi ledum of tin n i trouhcrinh vohtings v rpiiug goodit are dailj taming i lioiccsl rotlti tions in foreign hitting given hpe ial attention up to daut suitings overt oatiqgh we feel mire tbirt our effort will be apprct laed bj joil wi are hlinwing them in tl newenl of weaves and lntlilgi bcaulifiil luixtnres in inois tniit plaids ovirtheikh ncriies etc yott will make no mihtakf b twing tliowo at mi early datejefore tbe best pat ttiiis are snlicti b with lirst class triiunungs and skilled workiiiaiihlup we hae ever confidence in our abihtj to iliaif all who favor iih with their patronage new spring hats just arnted all the idlest styles an1 colorings in hard and rofl felt jiau etc new spring neckwear on i new siting neckwear collar euffs gloves balf hone 1 1 rare k etc coniprixn the verj bht nyja newest articles readyto wear clothing we have a fine selertiim of itoj e youth b arid men a nits and pild inntfl f we make a specialt in tbiu nf wa kollolt a shan sf yanr patranac millar co rin huriihaaa tallorltik and man a rurnlalildar atranta for 1 siookwall handartfoti co taronlo drains ud dry cnaanlns georgetown phone 126 r j n oneill te son 8eobgeiown oniabio r the strength 1 of a bank jr y ver one hundred and five yean q ago the bank of montreal i established with a single office and tz a capital of 350y00a vlfv today after more dam a century of conservative progress the combined capital and reserve of the bank amount to 54500000 ks total aaaeta are iaex- ccas of 650000000 la six lmdnd branches extend to all parts of canada gndit haiha mm oibrra in finanrial cen tres throughout the wodd thejwb roomxxs of ike bank arrc bekimd every bramch c cor if e town branch h k mimms manaser bank of montreal established over looyean mi iii ifirnfrrniiirnnttriitr 9 h druks qgar store i bwe have bananas to day oranges grapefruit lemons and to moloeit all kinds of fro it and vegetables in seamoii tobaccos baiwas carr an up to date line of cigaracignrptlj and to baccnu we hae a new package of tobacco loon tom 4h large too and mlln for onl 10c also an excellent tobacco special mixture 2 for 2be b pipes rnnmm from s6c and op all kindx cht wing and smoking in pings 8 for u5c 15c and 20c special lino nf cut tobacco h in tins alwnjs tiesh q fresh enbagen snaft a good ariety of aiesrette pan3rs 5 b from 6o and up chocolates fresh chocolates from stic up maple hudn medallions mar aasrbino cherries nice line turkish delight 4c ier ib jordon almonds soo i hulk and dnihc upiendhl arietj of chocolate bars wb nerve neilson s ice cream cones yon always get yonr roooeys worth we also serve light lunch and soft drinks yon can always get tert coffee cocoa and milk pies and sandwiches don t forget we have bananas to daj h druks georgetown i jacksons august sale of furniture and housefurnishings ray of floor dverixgs floor covering oi good duality al a substantial saving i snalalim dllllc quality heavy canvass back lllluieiull hliys iugs h 8 he best o acr vice good patterns and colorings size 9x9 regular f lfi 9s for size 9xl0i regular tin is cor size 9xlsregular 21 25 for 11850 16t6 1t85 oilcloth rugs at a special price urrrr ruga iux86 coo for z4x4h 86e for japanexe cloth ruga 27xg4 1 2t union rugri 71x9 10 61 union ruga 9xb 20 00 tor hruoselett ruga 9x10 21 2ft bruaaelette ruga 9x12 24 go tapeatrj riuta 71x9 23 00 for tapeatry ruu 9x12 4 00 for tiruwala ruhr 9x9 60 00 for 368 iaes 1849 1t86 188s 1886 1485 4s8s see our exceptional values in reliable furniture quality value service jacksons- georgetown jmbuck butcher alwap kaapa a ckalaa staak ar tfc baa anxtnu la itraak all haau whlah ka aall- at uia lowest possible prices canada food boarj ltcnoa no j0g get tie best t b order ytiur counter check books from ths herald

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