Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 8, 1923, p. 4

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1 when i ll l what kitiwed a ititnk j from spkili an tenth d iliemltle diwn i dtllhk when re ti kw lam lion to woxlft itanun an 1 uu whew arc uiuninl 1 1 iuo en now i lunmi where art tin lut bud when joti hid nil wan n ole dud up m the mornui to help 1 ilunno many a the niklit i he nwako antu myself tor beaten sake where are this kirls who could oook am bake 1 duddo 1 nobuddy works this side of tor onto plenty ot wprk but thej don t want to aod as to the girls where e they gonp to dunno nomui yon hear the happj hum i it looke hjte tlio house of kertige for some of ub yon aat me uiibter what ii be come of ua i donoo i matt and marian are married com plate they are both looking anoootb and shiny and neat but where aod on what and when do they eat i duouo t jbaeh one of these two yoang folke ib a btaog one bat wait till the good old btork hae brong oner what the sam hill will they do with the yoang one lduobdl theunkimnlwflman no chance to excrcim my tongue is her am this farmer uurrtvf 1 inere an respite svwii otoii in the ufe ol hural women what u the l tor frarni ivtitellikaa h ream fur butler arlcuitun torootu 1 i called al tmrja lit at- one day in mitrcti ot water ur an uverbeaifl motor happing gentl on the hll then door 1 u met y the good lady of i lib house may 1 have pail of water t i you may ah w handing mo a pall and pointing lo the pump 1 noiiced that her index ntifer and her chlu seemed to work in uulsun when she indicated he direction ot the shrewd old girl i tuougbt is the water bowed into the pall will try and daw her out i wonder tlittul- ttoktown likuai i 1 aluuhl htli hivll local improvemenl takk notice 1 that the council of too corporatioo of the town of georgenma mleods to construct ul local improvement a com creto pavement twenty feet wide oo gttdph street between durham aod i street and intend to specially aw part of the coat upon the land abutting directly on the work 2 the estimated coat of the work 1575000 of which s1098soo a to paid b the corporation tbo estimated pedal rate per foot frontage 1 os the special assessment la to be paid twenty annual instalments 3 a petition againm the work will not avail to prevent tit construction dated jolt 25th 1923 f l hutu cleric aodifjooao not itw timeyoa gol aiaavuiotir try loaf today and judge for jrodraelf gjtoobbxbb deuvbred pakery and groceries she put in the time what la she thinking about anywayt kami woman view of the quiet ufe after filling the radiator with the dear cold water i returned to the door with ahe borrowee pall wo eed of rapping thla time she met ae with a kindly smile you have a nle farm here i aid you mail have a nice aulet ufe in the country where everything about you u jiut plain wholesome quiet lite r aha aald with some phaala jnat plusinart yea lust too much ao ao much no that we want to get away from it all and be natural somewhat surprised at her exprea- lona especially the be natural i bad always thought that if there was any place where a person could be natural it was on the farm tiie monotony of farm uvtna 1 asked why do you want to get sne replied we hats no- life here my husband and i get up at five o clock every morning he at once goes to the barns to feed the atnea while i get the breakfaat and attend ee poultry we hurry through breakfast and then he rushes away to the barn or ftelds returning- at noon for one halt hour in which to eat his dinner after dinner he 1 away again until supper tune when be returns tired from work in the fluids pretty well worn by the long monotonous day of heavy labor a tor me why 1 attend the house work yes i attend the house work in all ence all day long and that la what gets my goat 1 do not bear the sound of aabther votee frctn one day s end to another no woman to talk to no neighbor bandy by where i could call for a chat no chance to exercise my tongue rarm women fed up with silence we farm women get fed up with no much silence 1 is somewhat dlf ferent with the men they are working with anlroau and do not feel the loneliness aa we women do once a week is not often enough for wo men lo get toother being kept apart so long is it any wonder that our tongues wag at both ends when opportunity to talk doea come la there a panacea for rural lone- line after hearing that little er- nonette 1 unconsciously started for tiie car that i had left standing on the roadway coming to my tenses after a time 1 began lo think juat what tfaer was lu what the lady of the farm home had to say and re peated to myself her words no chance to exercise my tongue ao much sllenco perhaps after all the farm la too lonely a place tor tbo average wo man of today and with the trend ot modern living it will be a more lonesome plsce in the future unless something happens to change ideas and ideals can anyone suggest a solution of the problem i u stevenson 0 a 0 ttuelpb werttthoaal dettlog and mccorbck faltm opbiutnta eqwpmrwr hsrmtuig machine tractors iff ay nod corn machines engines ullage implements dream hanaratn hnriirg mv ttunre boreaden ptongbal ibreshera peed grinders binder twine chatham wagons letter camera baggie h barnes sswu qeiwtow mam pawbrapf hedrlc cleaners ssm sgafl my hjwsl savbtaairo iljujtauo stoile handle cream for butter clarerolly cream may be a little sour but it it is clean and m from foreign odors and tastes it will make fancy butter in the hands of an expert but- termaker cream approaching ran cidity and carrying with it particle of dirt whiffs of undesirable odors and a taale of the barnyard or cellar never loses its identity the butter it enters into 1 that which drags on to argue that because certain neigh bora are careless wttn their pream povldea a reason why no one needs to be careful la illogical produce jand handle your creamin careful eieanly manner deliver it frequently 1 and then demand a price in keeping with the quality flushing ewes at breeding time to increase the number ot twin is an ancient practice among tockowaers but not till recent years have swine raisers paid much attention to this practice prof edward ot the lows experiment station has been invea vgatlnc ha practicability with pigs and reports that the sowa making the most rapid gain at the tune of breeding produced on the average s 1 phm more per litter than those making the mowest gain another pactleal conclusion reached as the result ot this nam set ot observe uona is that it large litters are look ed for it iswell not to breed the sow until the ejrst period of alter weaning ae year raised in c when two utters are take notice peolelwho have aheeting raft era sadgood frames fast going to rot for want of protection with galvanised corrugated aheeta at prewar pnora or less oonaideridg the improvement or sundries for this line no use to sell and tnryytb other place b worse take lock snd tsvea lk with gtfbert sin rjair jobr bb no x george- town steal truss barns garages allusfe galvanised tanks ltght- plnft protootion snyders cartage moving dona ptanoaj moved or any w poawilr to be done with toaroaor track wvauarante ea- facdon on au auworlt nvnaby us snyder cf v an i ittle under the back seat of your cjr will save you a walk some day coal a editors of canadas weekly newspapers photographed at halifax the canadian weekly nowi paper association has ever taken has been more memorable than that which bas lust been completed newspaper men from all parts or canada from as far west as van ooover island b c and as far north as the pas manitoba met loxeiner at toronto to board the special can adian pacific train that was to take them by a series of essr stages to halifax nova scoua the editors and their wlve and ome children numbered altogether about iso and it took s train ol twelve ears to aooommodate them the train wmstnade up of eight standard sleep- 1 ta two diner a bagsaga er and comparuient observation car which added greatly to lb comfort of the trip the train was manned by a picked crew of operators add stewards and wma accompanied by w b howard assistant general passenger agent and mr j harry smith canadian press representa tive or the canadian pacific railway the success of the trip was to a large extent due to the organising ability of e roy series manager ot the association pulled by one of canada a finest locomotives the train made a special run to montreal arrtrlttg there ahead of time rtffcbadnle and the party was joined by many quebec members aplendfd welcome to the travellers and the party moved on to st john where similar hoe plullty was enjoyed on the can adieu pacific steamer princess the party enjoyed a delightful sail to dtgbj n s from where the trip through tne annapolis valley to halifax was made over the dominion atlantic railway the wonderful orchards and dikelands of the bran igallns country were looking their best and a atop was made to visit old i fort anne at annapolis royal where much of the early history ot eastern canada was made ksnrrulaafln han turned out with the population i ito greet the newspaper people audi here a in mostother places touch ed dtliens came arlth autoa to give the visitors a glimpse of the sur rounding country the ancient city of halifax outdid herself in hospitality and here the annual convention waa held at one ot the meetings it was decided that the annual trip woold next year be to england and france the mem bers will thus have a chance to visit the great empire exhibition at wen bly the return trip waa made via canadian national to quebec where the party was entertained by the canadian pacific at the famous cha teau piontenac the newly elected nxesldantof the- association 1 j k portia of ittclalreux beauusstls que the most romantic city in north america saysmrgeorgegreen lln weorge oneo bad huffewrd for laia rmir hollies of dreco h i- anion health builder oer- ihinf i t troubles after alt other melhoili kallrd a wos derful mnllhnr hsya mr tireen the case ut mrs laome j nun 1 murray ulretil wett hum lion on i in typliml or the benefits ur urei a odor i all aufturers from dliceitliti cuiuflbliiu ou will mid ily rxlurtilie her symptums as de crlbhj li mr droen tbuusmidl of people luvr ill em tiud eun turn them h it an liiiilly us did mrs oraen with tin aldofllreio nblihispir ticulnriy talujlile aa a hiring tun c ami rimratlvn woure thankful fdr what drcio hai dune suyii mr oreen my lft has hudered from atumach kidney and llvpr trouble for many years her cumplexlon becumn il low she waa unrvoua irhkcuuld uot slep vkfl i ihluk rjonatlpation was th cuuae r it as aim always bad m be luting e uxuttve after meals evektbluit imttxd to our in ber siuuiuth ciiuhiiik her l bloat ler rlbly she und dluy spells eapecj ly whin sloup ng over we tried ur sd niny things but they dldlrt seem lo jielp- much then we heard what dreco was doing tor ultiir people in ibis city mi i decided lo try ii my wife has taken but four bo i ties but 1 can d e ips fine ber uowela are regular and bar nerves bnve greatly 1m proved shi has a good flow of rich blood which has cleared up ber complexion bhe is much stronger and we are pleased with what dreco hua done it is a wonderful medicine i once let the stomach get out of order and the other organs quickly fall for lack of iiourlahment dreco which contains the juices of twelve medicinal herbs and roots sclsatl tie ally compounded quickly revives a laxy ailing stomach and tones mid regulates kidneys liver and bowels with these important or gans functioning properly good health results pull through thla spring with flying colon by taking dreco as a tonic and regulator-sr- dreco ronlolns no mercury pot- dreco m boidg specially introduced id georgetown by w r watson and ib nolil b a good druggist bvorywhere notice lo creditors ateoltl nip ot saoaiaeln in ouuntr uajtou rirser seoaafed no hi k is hkritnt 1ivkm pirlt h c mui v i the tr imrn a i hmx m olhri ul lluil nil t trill f ilir h imv ik isinikfr drman u k aid elrl i reis qnebec city the gibraltar ot the 1 new world was one of the chief points of call in the itinerary of the canadian weekly press association ever the ftansihnn national railways recently it was a place of intense interest to these publishers and edi tors for quebec la the cradle of the history of canada there prances domination of canada began and there it died leaving the way open tor british dominion over and the confederacy ot the provinces from coast to coast under one parliament one max and one king thereon the ramparts of the citadel commanding the st lawrence the phantom figures of cham plain a soldiers keep allty it is unlike any other city n north america it is a city ot can trusts beside a one modern build ing one finds a structure with win- dpws heavily shuttered with- massive doors and walls or thick grey masonry typifying the days when quebec was a fortress and the stronghold of the oonunenl from the spacious width of the urand allee one has to walk bat a few steps to find a street so narrow that two personsmay shake- hands across its width prom the modern post office it is only a abort distance to the wall which girded the city in the rod after his defeat by wolfe on the nearby plains of abraham the swiftly propelled automobile passes by without a salute the quaint slow going caleche a few miles above quebec stands the famous quebec bridge the i est undertaking ot its kind world across it the canadl uonal railways jims into the hi of the city it bas a total length of t 3240 feet with a suspended span ofj 640 feet bung between two cantilever arms of 1160 feet the suspended span is slung high enough above 1 water to allow the tallest masl nr sallca rasa qew ollr shii to pass beneath with esse at highest water v the harbor front at quebec is a busy spot in summer it la the port of call or oceatn liners and trans- auanuc freighters and 4 great volume ot business pourmjgsud out of this port during the mouths ot opennnvlgmuod quebec is the centre ofttne country populated by the hshltansts these people who correspond to the int of prance uvo in a simple and are openhesmed in their ipltallty to the stratcger in theft omunlty in their quaint i but tmy tthomta the spinning woes jnay be i vt hj many picturesque notice to creditors best d l fit w son coaljn all sues also smithing fend steam coal mrs 1 watkibs norvaj station phona 63rxi chabub scsvwotxkta comedsan and jssitinirr of barry laodas open lo ac klishi tjsjtefwwiinrs for concert aarrdcn bbutsecasd entertamnkeats of aft asodsnle gall ssssosthgetewn arw youss n the ma i ilk of the fcsliir i uai id rrsher ule ol the 1mwii t trrii town in ihe cooily ol hallo ul k milli dccrsmil notici- i licrrtj jiven c ant to stnlioii 5b of the liumrea 1 r s o 191 chuplrr 121 ihil nil udlon i other having flaims or j mm d aga ott ibe eatsie ul ih wki dvd hiwf wl dsed on or ab ul ihe twenty aixil jny of june ad 1121 at ibr d town ol oeorgetown in lie counly nl 1 1 all oft an- requiredi on r belorr liir r ml d of scptemlier to bcihi by po i repaid or deliver 1 o the undetbignctl mlinlor here in lor lnuisa hxabelli hrascr ibr vd na i i be ataieand rltccla ol jha said pvk1 rraarr ularkam ih de coated iheir clir m n nan m and r namn addrewiefi iki lrrtiptio tlir full fwrlkrulars in writing ol ibeir claims a klatrniont of ihrir at nuina ami th nature f ihe fintj am held in and lakft nortttial after an h lai initfxird datf ibr h d vxr i r will procred u dinbi le itc nri o h said drrwaaed amm g the p r ieo iherrto having rkbrd nnlj lo the cbi m of wbhlilhcy shall iuenlv lolict nod 1 that the said adm mslta r x w ii not br hablct for ibfsara awets or rniy llkrrrof lo any prraoo or persons of whose claims notice swll n have been recein bwhrr at tne time of ainhd mnbulion 1 lhrov dalk t 1 nkcilor oriaasaid admmislratr ijatrd al georketowti il rfrsi day ipifl a d 1923 i to rbmt tgarage oo tharlea si apply io u uirrow alone from uscilug to mil travtuunq aoe nottlre or trouble this htua fel low though be does not speak any english ptaeri than two or three words which he pjeked up enroute be travelled atone from hit home at cscilus on tb russls austrian boundary mo milwaukee burdened only with a small vails sod a sheaf of tickets and unmlirra ilon documents recta hen is his name orphaned by bis mothers death three years ago be was going to bis lather ta mlwaukee who had mads ansnawments i for his transportation whn keeth arrived at warsfw h was ooudncted an aassuof tha caaadlaa panltlo ballway to answers ibete he waa glvtn a ticket alntoet aa long as himself wbuh would carry him through to ids deslmatiov crosalns lc england he sailed on the meffaararna be ing rmn tha time he left warsaw under the cars of the canadian pacific the direct miles from sfu waukee tnusclluk la not by any mess the full mileage of bla travels the ships officer estimate that he ran l least twenty miles a day- ovar the vessel and the i port orflclal had an anxious time when he mad snt- 1 reptluoub peregrination in search of srjsbeoas who spoke his own tongue he was glad of eours trjinsil his father but wst aa advsnturs tt ta to travel g asat waba1xey harness shop we car a ml use l a0 luraess snesurics stock fi trmaks dss kags islle esses arses tngstea isass hue plafsele hjrss are is see tl say is lab use five as s call arias are right ass the service la a 1 w atbailey op todate harness shop mala sucd ewiet0wn b county at it jd notick in imnanv civrn pursuant to t on s6 of ihe trustees flit r s o 1914 chapter 121 thrit all irvdiior or others having claims or demands against the esinle of the said edward eason who died on or about ihe eieymiqjkday of may a d 1923 al the saidtown hipo i eqnes- ing are required odor before tha elev enth dsy of auiruit to send by post pre paid or deliver lo tbe undersigned sobct tor hertn for fcbiabeth eason ad minis t rut rut or the estate of the said edward eason farmer deceased tbeir christian i me s and surnames addresaes and de ripdonn the lull parilcutsrs m writing of their claim a statement of their at counts and he nature of the secunly it inyheld by them attn takk not ilk that after such last mentioned date ihe said administratrix will proceed lo dlalnbule the ansel of the aid dei eased arrlbng the parlies entitled urrtiwloriavtftmvgartlmltothidaim s 1 ol wb ih they shall then have notice and that ihe said administratrix will not be ii able for tbe said assets or any part here of to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been recetved by her at the time of such distribution lxrov dal solicitor for aald administratrix dated at georgetown this eighteenth day if july a d 1923 1874 j h smith stewarttown expert fence builder why not have an tip- to- date wire fenre when you can exobange jour old rail fence for name years of experience enables me to give you better values than others prompt service and right pnoeb gates oedar and iron posts al ways in stock when you want anything in thaj above hoe mat call j h smith phone 84 r 13 stewarttown ma sktluk lulrml standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes coal wood beleot lamp for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in fact i earn eeithing to be found in tiny tip to date goal and wood yard john mcdonald pfjonk 19 gmietovn junk wanted i am paing the uigbest cash price for all kiqds or junk also hides and poultry pasussta oftpaalt pwkujs balieat oa vletahs btt oeorcetowxi oat m freeman post offloa box 470 phono 167 llr1 in f ma 1j al biirl lay f k w 1 i mary mel d t k 1 1 ra of ibe said ran h iwm il i rrriiotarl i irr ihe lull ii in id by them iti irll dale ibe said excfilor will rllr dalrbule ihe stufs of ihe ml driml u i noil g 111 purliea entitled ie lo hnvjng rex only to ibe claims h ib i hey nhall then have notice and hi ibe said dxctitoro willii t be liable tbr said asiiris oraify pal thereof to lyiwi pars hewii received by if i at ihe time of aikh di sin bin ion lslun daus solmtor for ihe said executors ruled m e rielynn this third 4v r m aio 1023 notice to creditors is the if atteb of tbo estate of kd srsurd eaaon isvta or the townanip kaftuaslna 1huh countjt at haiti ot notice to creditors iltbsiatlvnottimtfrtat ot xaaess koore lavtttof ttjstowabf qs not ilk is hewtby oivkn pursuant lo section 56 of thelruaiees act r s o 1914 chapter 121 that all creditors or other having claims or demands against the est at o of the said james moore who died- on or about the twenty fifth day of april 1923 at the said town of georgetown are required on or before the eleventh day of august to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitor herein for george curne and fred ruddell the executors of ihe esiale of jaoae moore etenllcroan deceased tbdrchruuntn names script io of th claims a statement of their aclounts and the nature of the sexurliy liany held by them akd takk notice that after such hut mentioned dale ibe said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of ihe said deceased among tne parties entitled thai ihe said executors will aat bajmm for the said assets or say part uisvfot io any person or persons of whose claims noike shall not have been received by i hem at ihe time of such distribution lkrov d ls solicitor for ihe said executor dated at georgetown this eighteenth day of july ad 1921 187 41 notice to creditors wthbiutt of te aetata of jams buobl lata of tha town of aiuikatuwa in tb county of hal ton butobsr notick is hkkkbv oivsn pursuant lo section of the trustees act rso 1914 chapter 121 that all creditors or others i havinit claims ur demands airain tha b demands against the estate of ihe said j m buck who died 1 on or alioul ibe fourth day of june 1923 at ihe said town of teorgetown are re- quired on or before tbaeleventh day of for augunt to send by post prepaid or deb 1 to the undersigned solicitor herein tot shollo m buck and clarence 1 buck ihe executors of the estatepfbl james ruck butcher deceast tfaoir ihnatian names and surnames addreasea and descripl ona ihe full pari culars in writing 1 1 ihcir claims a statement of ibeir a l counts and ihe nalure of ihe se urity if any held by thrm and takk hotics thai after such last ncntioned date the said execulnra will i rocred lo distr bule ihe asaela of 1 1 e said devested smonj tbe parties entitled there lo havingtegard only to the claims ot whirh they shall then have notice and ii al the kaid executors will not br liable tnr ihe aa d assets or any part thereof io any person or peraonsof whose ilaima n t ce shall nol have been reinived by ihem il ihe lime of such dull ihjiion lkrov uaiip s 1 nor fo ll r m d eulrn dated at georgetown ih a rlkhtienlh da i july a l 1t ib74l notice lo creditors in till- matter of ibe estate of luiloiie haley late of the town ol gnricetnwii in i lie counly of hal too u idow deceadd no ict is hereby kiven pursuant lo ninn 56 of the trustee act rao llli chainer 121 ibat all creditor or ll em having claims or demands anaist ibe cotaie ol ibe said charlotte fuitay wh died on or about the iwanty slatb day ol may in ibe year of our- lord on- thousand nine hundred and twenty threw at ihe said i own of leorgetown are re quired on or before ibe twenty a imh day of seplenber to send by post prepaid or deliver to ibe u idsvaigned botsclior thara in for hdmard mccermah the executor ol the estate of tbe said charlotte bailey a dow deceased tbeir christian names and surnames addresses and dr script loirs the full partimurs m writing of their claims a statement ot their account and ihe nature tf lbs security if any held b and lake mute that a ler such last mentioned dale ihe sod executor will pro- eed io distnbutt tbe assets of lb said deceased among ibe parties mihled t hereto having regard ordyho ibe ila us of wbicbtbe shall ibeo have notice and that lira said executor will not be liable for thtajnu assets or any part thereof lo any person or persona ot who chums notice shall not have been received by tbcm at the timebf aucb distntmltoo tsrov dalk sobcilor jor the said executor dated at georgetown lb s first dav of august a d 1923 i osaatae- csunh bears when yon want any counter check books let us bats your order at the tferald office quality and bernoe guarantesd a

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