Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 3, 1923, p. 1

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the georgetown herald uv t fifty sfca b ntu ykab op pobi4caxiok jooikotown wednesday eeiiiiarootober 3rd 1983 1 co per annul i advanoo 0o to u 8 thegeorgelown beram doing kart h wuiengcr u 788 am pissenger 9 14 un patituingcr 101m4jo mail 11 40 jo passenger 3 48 pm mail 6jt pjn passenger tlss pjn passenger sunday 781 ooino wkbt passenger 7fi7 mail 10j81 fasseaier 818 passenger s0 lassenger passenger 7 09 mail aaspja passenger sunday iojos ooino north mail tm0 mail e 65 ooino bodtq mail 1133 aj mail 7 47 throat sabau daily timbtabiib awm pun pjn- going bast 1u0 i 40 going west s6 8j0 73b 8dndax timbtabib oing baai am pan pan pan pjn- 10 si 1220 845 610 sj7 am puin pjn uoing weat ia40 bjo sc jc for sale in georgetown directory hilton walijbridtte dalt u0 one i wwii c barrtttcr soberer etc office kin si geotgtuxn hour 9am to 5 p a open weineaday aitd situnkf tm db t m ramwnmw watrtb oppoatta pishaqftlaa c mu o r w bobs phyaman aad smccoo mill street geocketawn ptwac22 dk c v wiluabb physician sad surgeoo qmce and rendence corner of ma sc st sooth ami factory st fala at 9loaav unduimi 0ba bwmi to bawefjt r l heath los od tslwto p ml i hovu rdaya 2 to sand 7t 8 fav i o0tw i5hr aad riw 1 benjpctch xaitbaot iwiij ot evf i drnawa cooru z55f al tood lall the tun lajrroacoai ktok4 ballantine h maissi rboopoaraa bkk i block u li well known at x orwdebbfceol for oar gndnrtwjlc write for catalogue lrasae aoase en main street prioe tsoo 800 down a easy aaaothry payutent va glenwilltams 6 room frame house and two lots will nicely located vse all conveniences hardwood floor a and tire frsnt trees and nice lawn pnec is right and termi nicely located new 7 ium brack bouse all conveniences good garden nice lawn r leaving town price reasonable esquesing annual fall exhibition at georgetown fri sal october 5 6 town or country property as i have i e a benh am read eamtm and insurance hydro beetrie system electric appliances of all kinds the hydro lamp gonnuitoed per 1500 hours irons from 475 up prices on all makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges office town hall durant sport touring rmal gtadcar we kave a nabci of good used cars of nnoui malcei at ihkxs m terms to suit purchasers t j speigrhft agent wwoe insiuratnee roker lasunaiee in all branches phore s qeoboetown list of special prizes i horses 1 single higb stepper by lerdy dale 6 00 u ix 2 single turnout toad by provincial paper mill jo m ou 1 bent koad uorae by the president jj 10 4 betit fanner a heavy draft ream houge barnes f5 00 1 eneral purpose team aot dtmibletrees jatnes mckinnfry 6 00 4 00 fa best iady driver oeurgetown coating hill 4600 7 itestagncultural team by bank of novascotia norval 5 00 h beat bipreu ilorae 1st by w j l hampshire keeve 2nd by c r turner hilton s 00 3 00 t best farmer s tournout single r- k anderson mp 6 01 00 ki hvht saddle horse ridden by isdy 1st by john irving 2nd by a l chamber f 00 s3 00 slow horse race one half mile walk all horaes to be kept moving the last to win aec- half mile go as you please all riders to change homes for this race no whips by harry wright exchange hotel 6 00 h 00 best roadster have to walk 14 mile trot or pace 1 2 mile speed to count go per cent conformation 40 per cent to be httnheirtn4 wheeled ng by brown b bakery 5 00 best dairy herd 1 male and 3 females 1st by s h mcgibbon 2nd by w g appelbe 10 00 s 00 best dairy cow by w t evans 300 2 00 best registered shorthorn femak under 2 years col g o brown 00 beat holstein cow by t l leslie 5 00 best calf not necesaanly registered shown by boy or girl una prise to be given each year bv dr harcellua tjen 6 best jersey cow by horris sue pigs and sheep 1 beat pen bacon hogs by c j buck s goo 920 500 l 1 300 3 0u 200 best pen in show bestykkkbird in show best hen in show best cockerel in show best pullet in show best bird in show best collection rsbbits 1 miscellaneous x 1 best barrel n fapy apples millar a co 7 00 x 2 beat barrel n spy apples a j blackburn value 00 xnl best five pounds butter j rooey or shoes 00 i 4x 4xbest 2 two pounds butter w a bailey cash 200 it 5 beatjsytwo pounds butter a b wilson cash 200 x 6 best 5 ave pounds butter j n o nelll cash 5 00 x 7 best 6 five pounds butter in 1 lb prints s b groat cash 5 00 x h best 5 five pound butter etmer thompson cash 300 x v best 6 five pounds butter d brill cash 300 xlo best pair dressed ducks d r renni s 00 xll best pair dressed chickens ed benbam 650 xl2 best pair dressed chickens erwin goldham 6 00 xl best dressed goose dan livingstone 00 x4 best dressed goose j a brown 5 00 xl5 best dreaaed goose e bamhlll 5 00 16 best dressed goose j m skelton 250 17 best pair diessed chickens j h skelton 20 xi 8 best pair dressed chicken arthur norrington 5 00 19 best box n spy apples win gowdy 5 00 20 best display of articles hade in georgetown by j h bingham 6 00 21 best display in hall by merchant or manufacturer to be placed 1st day bank of montreal 6 00 4 00 x22 best layer cake by sproatalott i 300 x23 best pair dressed chickens r h thompson 5 00 01 a 1 u x half doxen buns herald 1 year 150 x largest half doxen fresh hen eggs herald lyr i u xbeat and neatest 1 lb butter herald 1 year 1 go x largest half doxen onions herald 1 year 1 50 x best pur dressed ducks cash j by the t eaton co limited toronto for the best two pain of dressed chickens exhibited by an individual owner and raiser who baa not won an eaton prise at any fair since 1920 the choice of the following case knives and forks 6 clock silver pie plate work roots valule from 50to 95 x articles to be deliver to donor ladies work collection of fancy work piec c c ftovd best sweater knit entirely from yama it georgetown woollen muta henry corke best rug made entirely from rug yarns manu- ractured by georgetown woollen mills henry corke x g 00 t silverware by eby 500 5 no bffifra je jv 1923 president ben petch 1st vk- presides t 2nd vicepresident root b poulu hononary directors w j l hampshire j l thompson h r mimms h t arnold j h skelton dr marcellus hum currie s h mcgibbon directors john elhott jr root cunningham n dever- eaux alex joe t h cook w a wilson h j fox georg ueave c t moffat w w mcmillan e mcwbirter dr he 1 fiddler st auditors- w w fisher and john bingham secretary j a tracy treasurer p w cleave there ii alwayi a way there is alwajh a waj u nm inj lad alwajh a way to ndvn rr b it the load thai irndn i mo nt dorn not iiasn hj it o nj or ry chance it rfbos through the nut onn nf work and m ifi througb the ii or i nwir and the man tl it h trree in while others rmt must be willing to mi 1 iot dear por thorn k nlwajkrwnj to fail my lad alwajsa wa to slide and the n lo you find nt the foot of the hill all no ighl for iu enaj ride so on and up though tl o road be rough and the htornih ron e thick and faat there is room at the lo for tli fellow who tnck and victnrj com en at msl milton sheriff webster ha ing boon ro inbtated was on dut at the as a on tuesday aa caimble ns he waa when ilrst appointed l e fleck of qeorgetowd waa in milton yoaterdayl he epent a week end lately fishing with friends near bobcageon and cap- tared two innge weighing respect ively 7 and 16 pounds the partnership of messrs mor ley a hntchinsod barnaters has been dissolved mr morley retain ing the toronto baameee of the brm and mr hatch in son the mil ton practice champion georgetown flour feed mills notice 1 having leased stcwarttown elevator i am novf xtrepared lo buy ail kinds of grain at best matket prices any time youltave grain to deliver call me at phone 195 w c besse y phone 195 georgetown try a smau ad in the herald acton r and mrs john lrwin or sarnia were guests of mr and mrs n p moore last week mrs a e niokhn was m to ronto on thursday last attending the funeral of the late cbas sel wood whose banal took place at georgetown municipal elections are only two months away for acton if the splendid plan adopted last year is continued mr george leslie or the first hue enn celebrated bis eighty fifth birthday last week the old gentleman is hale and hearty and waa down town to church on sun daj as ubaal on sunday morning september 16 kate orr wife of mark sutton passed away at her home 104 prospect street johnstown n y mrs sutton was born at george town on jane 28th 1874 the daughter of mr and mrs henry q orr and the granddaughter of the late josiah royce for many ears an esteemed resident acton and previously of framosa free press morrison avoids mention of drury j j mofrihon provincial ufo sorrictr nddrermhl a well attend ed 1 mug of th caimlln ii po n tl o oifiiilla hall about a miles north r umngevitle on the 80th inst in the caiirxe of a ninety uunutf hpeech tl o li p o iieore tary did not once mention ex premier drurj or the recent pro innial pjeottpttvt lie avoided aoy relcrennc to part politics or the iioliey of the now uoternuient at toronto tfevot n himself m the m u u to nn exposition and explann tion of the principle and constitu tion of the united fanners orgnn ization mr mocwson toll his hearers that the had utile to expect in the way of asbintauoo from inanu facturara or other 1 n teres u the tillers of the soil would han to work out their own salvation and the only way they could do no was by co operation and a hotter under standing among themselves ban bund la pad fire caused by an elect no storm on friday nfternoon and which broke out again on saturday the bam on the estate of the late george gray may hold now oc oupied by wilfred and aubrey gray caused the destruction of barn and slablcs the season grain pigs fow and implements with a heaiy loss maigar apstraved at a meeting of the directors of the bank of hamilton last week a resolution was passed approving of the amalgamation with tbe4bqipl of commerce on a share for share a this follows the action taken by the bank of commerce directors on friday last a meet ing of the shareholders of the bank of hamilton to ratify the amalgamation has been called for november 19 the bank of corn me roe shareholders will meet on november 81 for the same nose 1 pur atwatmya fair rather than disappoint a large number of exhibitors wbo found it impossible to get to brampton through the heavy nun last fn day the board of directors of the county or peel agricultural society decided monday to hold a twodays fair on fnday and sat urday october 18 and id instead of october 4 as first announced patats orap chkuuos the winners or the potato field crop competitions held tinder the auspices of the nelson and bur hngton agricultural society were judged by mr chamberlain of st catharines on friday last and the pnzea awarded as follows thoa fothergill 98 points jabez clark 88j w l smith 8g j smoke 84 j colin smith b8 ewart col lings 77 john heslop 70 the old barber home a miln and a quarter below streetaville occupied bj mr and mrs w fletcher port credit and erected 70 years ago was totally destroy ed by sre early last fnday morn the house was valued at 14 000 and the furniture at g 000 part or which is covered by buranre assala puums most cities and towns nreadoi t ing the angle sjsumof parking for automobiles many hae by laws making this method com pot sory irikftad of the cam being strung out in rows along the curb the cars ire patked 10 an angling position which not only takex much less room but the auto cai muqu less room out toe auto cap m petit on in r amg ana j riving be backed out at any lime vithoui whr eer ptaged tbe champion diatnrbing any other cars cow ta- saacu bui an order in conn ml has been issued bringing into effect on oc tober lbjthe bill reapecling the testing inspection and the sale of seeds which was pawed laxt ses sion tbe bill has bo do with the grading and specification nf giadr seeds placed on trw market thus if seeds prove not p to specified quality the purchaser can get redress an important provision of the leg slation has to do with keeping grass and clover seed free from reeds of nonons weeds it m provided that the seed pfekage shall bear the name and address of the merchant as well as the province and county wbicb the seedwaa grown the hill also provided tor tbe registra tion through the canadian ooun ctt or horticulture of newli 3is ivored varieties of agncdltiral or garden vegetable seeds or plants exrmt oncaladsa dwd james davidson ex reeve caledon township and one of its councillors for many years died fnday sept 21st at tbe borne of bis son thomas a toronto after a bnot illness he was born 75 years ago on lot 8 third line west caledon where he spent his life until 18 years ago removing to the village of ioglewood and going to the city a year ago he was prominent in the baptist church cheltenham and was a liberal ic politics his wife formerly miss inazie mcartnur died years ago and two sons survive v haltm biam obears proabatlou militia orders general staff is sued from headquarters ottawa grant the following certificates to officers of the hal too rifles lt col g o brown qualifies for quartermasters duties major g b chisholm mc major h m kennedy captain j h chambers and captain j c kennedy to be held officers lieut m b collier lieut o a davis lieot r b hawthorne and lieut t h stew art m c to be captain lieut e a cummiorb and lieui e noale to be lieutenant the following certificates are granted to men of tbe halton rifles pte a e schmidt a v t r johnson r g howard w foster w l fjeldidg w e arnod signalmen dtaun playtalac some people express surprise that the police are instructed to confiscate all air gnns and catn pulte they find in possession of the boys declaring they are innocent toys here is evidence that they are positively dangerous lnjjt thursday jackie beattie atx yeais old lost tbe sight of one of his eyes and itr 1b feared the other may be affected as a result of be ing shot with an airgun by jack woodruff nine years old lives next doer woodruff was playing with the gun and tiring at a tree when a ballet hit beattie the eye doctors are trying extract the bullet to prevent the of vision ie the other eye which already shn s signs of be ing affected niagara fnlu re- notes and comments in till- matter of endurance contests an experimental test baa shown some startling facta in chicago an attempt waa made to measure the distance of mother s daily hike pedometers were fastened to tbo more or leas shape ly ankles of 100 women for a num ber of days in succession the ex periment apparently proved thai mother is the greatest walker ot them all for from earl morn tin dewy eve she did an average of 14 miles every day patron ik homk induhtbiks is good advice and tbe motto will be practiced by all wbo are loyal to their own town or community there are always a number of people in over locality wbo axe known as knockers who aeem to take pnde in tilling of tbe weakness of their home town and sounding the praises of other places there are others wbo lso aro no good to tbe oommun ty those who purchase all their goods in the city or othet towns because they imagine they get bet ter and cheaper goods than thny get at home they should re member that the merchants in their wd town help to keep up their bchools andohurobes aa well as oontnbutmg tbe cost of main taming their roads and other utilities grain producers of western canada are marketing theirprd- ducts in an increasingly large vol nme and returns reported from the local railway offices ahowa heavy inorease as compared with the corresponding figures of last year marketing on the canadian pacific railway for tuesday and wednesday of last week aggregat ed 6 068068 bushels while 8771 000 bushels were marketed on canadian national lines on wed oesday for the two days canad an pacific loadings totalled 2824 cars and for wednesday 1 408 oars were loaded at canadian national points the grain is moving forward to the head of the lakes in increasing volume and the canadian nation rail way has despatched several 70 and 80 oar trains from the terminals rjsajlawmd seki w inglewood sel 00 fair with lovely warm u all cr 1 ad an nt tendance on monln ifternoon of 000 tl e d si la of flowers and garden traduce was the best ever seen at this fair wli le no keenei ipetit on in r ding and driving ihi rciiooi shield donated by j a scott was won by ss no 16 ch nguacousy the tj elaton spec isl for inter school stock judging h ss no 7 chin gnacoubj and tbe other inter school button com petit on went to s s no lfi h nguacouby s s no 4 caledon m the strath con a exercises and ada nelson of s s no 1g chioguacoiiay aa the pupil win ing ihc largest number of points mary johnston of 8 s no ig chinguacoosy led in the public speaking and the pnzo esaay on pioneer life was written by an dret henderson ss no 7 cal edon the royal bank special for dairy type calf went to bessm dol s b no 7 cbinguacoiitiy provincial constable mejville formerly chief of police george town who has been at palmers to d since last spnng has been promot ed to guelph provinoial con stable mennie or guelpb ban been transferred to orangewlle the would knowb but little of failures and cares less the world watches only the successes stop worrying over things that can t be helped and go do things that can be done few people care a con tioental for your failure few if any will help you may ait and magnify your mistakes mourn and go mad over your blunders bat men will only smile that cynical smile and bay of you he s no good self pity sympathy soli rating wishing and waiting will only let you down loner brace op brash up think up and yon will get up think down look down and you will stay down paint your face with a smile ad vert lso that you are a success then think and work tor it whatever you think you are is the pnee they will pay i becent ykars there has been a tendency on the part of society to ignore or ac least to be uninterested in tbo overall phase of life the result of this is that fewer boyefaavo entered the skill ed trades and at present there is a shortage of skilled workmen an antipathy to donning overalls seems to be tbe chief reason the trouble js chiefly in the home as parents do not inspire an ambition boys of mecbnnicat inclination to learn a trade our system of edncattonlb atbo romcwhal blame as it laces an oerem phasis on the rofessions as die ooguisbed from the trades many a boy is doo tied to failure in a profession mho might have become seful in tl e honorable field of mechanics to learn a trade and learn it well places a boy 00 the road to success he may have to near a pair of overalls but he can be just as comfortable in that aa wearing a pinched back coat and high collar there lsjoat as great nn opportunity to serve in the trades as in the professions and the remuneration is equally as rood rapert of a bv la esatsblmc the following is the report for tbe month of september nnmes being in order of merit sr iv susie presswood stan ley norton lloyd barth jr iv maggie sanderson wil lie stringer john connelly sr iii ehabrocklebank har ty norton wilda davidson frank dick irene brocklebank annie cilhogaley sr ii donald sinclair norman sinclair gordon mc wayne george stnnger senior i intsaooklehank michael oonelly don billings ley v george aldoos john dick jr pr ellen aldoos townley brocklebank florence sincla r noreen mokeobnie wilbam con nelly billy die vance billings ley fletcher bithngsley dora l mc teacher these are not tbo days they used to be for in olden times dad s mots were cut down for little willie while today they have to come doturttor knickers heaping- coalx of fire on an unworthy husbanoi jiead may be alright withjiojnejwl pouring hot water on the bnihmtas been found efferacibikt in wme instances

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