Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 10, 1923, p. 3

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k 7 tub qfcotltltttokn llkharl oltoiikit kllli lumll our annual clearing sale of golf supplies i m is noy on a good ahortment of golf clubs ineliidink drivei iruito brasties manluc ami piiuoih on hnnd kegiilsr 300 dubh fn 2 fiii 3b0 27j 400 t h2 1 0 llou 000 4u1i 060- c10 other clubs ami also finlf han nubjert to 10 discoim uolf balls 40o and up d j matthew drugs nnd stationery cal news items brio fair fridaj 12 tb brampton fair saturday- progressive ouchrcuoctoj 16th this ia lire provenl oct 7tb to 18 tb esquebing township oouu will meet monday october lfitu miss bessie armstrong vocal teaoker will resume her clans at mrs aarshftira on saturday oct 18th there are a lot of satisfied people who havo snyders carta he do their work why not be one of them it the local council tf women will meet on tuesday oct 10th at s pm in the bank of montreal best rooms brampton fair next friday and saturday october 12th and 18th good races and many spec ial attractions dont mjaa it fisquesing womensanstitote aj will hold their regular monthly meeting in stewarttown hall on friday ool 2 boll call sug- gestionu for hal low en party tho collection at the armen ian association meeting held in the town hall recently amounted to 2962 and ib acknowledged with thanks by dr a j vicing secretary all members of orion lodge no 109 ioof are requested to attend lodge on monday evening next at 780 sharp installation of officers and inititary deg a full attendance is requested john boyd lot 8 tb line briii will hold an extensive auc tion bale ot farm farm stock and implements on tuesday october 16th at 1 oclock r j kerr auctioneer phone 80 acton messrs murray bros will bald a clearing credit auction sale of horses cattle choice springers and milkers 76 boga on friday oct 26tb any one wanting some choice stock will do woll to keep ibis date in mind a progressive juhhre will be held on tuesday evening october 16th commencing at 8 oclock in the house lately occupied by mr w v grant owned by mrs j treanor king street proceeds jm aid or holy cross cburob fund up the grant construction co ot toronto have completed their street paving contract in town and it looks like a good job when tbe ditobes are cleaned out and the boulevards pot in shape toe town will present a decidedly im proved appearance as the return match with gnelpb is to be played at guelpb on 8aturdayoct j8tb a meeting of be georgetown golfers will be held in the bank of montreal rest a 8 hun a meeting of tho diicctot of rbmieiiing agricultural suciotj it bo held in the council ulinii her tliis wedneiulaj evening at h ojock knil entertainment limehotise womens in stitute will bold a bftkaar in coui- unity hull limebouae on thurs day nov 1st goocttftograni re freshments and dance no fee at door but refresh men ttf will be charged for everybody welcome mutob jail statlatloa following are the statistics or tho ualton county jail at milton for the year endirig september b0 inst number of prisoners in jail during the year 12fi cost of rations for each prisoner 1866 cents per day total costs f6r oqlcials sa laries food fuel clothing and re pairs to jail 28018 haltoa tawjlura craven next thursday and friday the hal ton county teachers will bold their annual convention in toronto with sessions in the normal school addresses will be given by a num ber of oity educationists and prominent divinea- there will al so be a talk on bird life protec tion formerly the teachers con vened in the different towns of hal ton but last year they met in toronto and are going back again boy sooata everybody on time at 780 dont forget those toys etc have you all done your good turn look out for the shield this week district scoot master jones made an official visit to george town scouts pn friday last at their club rooms after several demonstrations in woodcraft he gave a splendid talk on scout lor and the evening proved an en joyable and profitable one for all present kaox cauroh choir baaqwatsd tbe choir of knox church was banqueted by the ladies of the oburch in tbe lecture room on fri day evening last a bumptious elaborate and tastefully served roast chicken dinner was thorough ly enjoyed by all present after which a very social hour was spent in aong story and games miss memullen of toronto a very ac complished violinist played several numbers in very artistic manner should aiild acquaintance brought a very pleasant evening to a eloee mdlnc olat m tft tne reading clnb bold their first meeting of the season at the rectory guelpb st on saturday afternoon sept 29th a large number were present and a very enjoyable time was spent mrs h w kennedy gave a very inter eating talk on the gardens of lon don england mrs h p -law- sons account of ber recent trip abroad was gitt ed ber usual charming manner miss mcleod personals among our fun unt msitnit ii towiywerettm follow intf syr arol dill acton mr w j gould acton major forstcr oakvillo mr john maney acton mr air hill nor oiumle mrs john sykih toronto mr w m cole toronto mr fred runton toronto mr p shcridnn hamilton dr anderson mp milton mr charles linker toronto mr chart icgamble acton dr thomas fmher toronto mr david iliiloheon milton mr donald robertson milton dr and mrn hugo reed giielph mr b a druntmond toronto mr nnd mrs melonhan milton mr and mrs nelson brampton mr frank stone man duodas mr and mrs n aioley toronto mr george llillmer mpp oak- uille mr and mrs a cummingk tor onto mr and mrs jamoi lister oak- villc mr r 11 mclaughlin chingun- mr and mrs duncan campbell moftatt mr and mrs geo lawrence toronto mr and mm joseph moore brampton col w p moore and mr john t moore toronto mr and mrs harold wrigtileb- wortb toronto mr w djxon and the misses dixon sandhill miss e gibbard in visiting at mrs harrisons mr john wapnliott of plymouth ia is visiting in town mr roy lavery of palgrave wne a caller in town on tuesday mr d s roy of stratford was a visitor in town during tbe week mrs f w brooke of toronto was a visitor in town on tuesday mrs and miss mcquarrie of gait are visiting at mr j mcder- mids mr and mrs w h cross of elmira visited at mrs mcleod s last week mra rex polkinghorne and son lome of owen sound are visiting at mr mogills miae edna mocul lough of acton spent tbe week end with mr and mrs w a wilson rs fred olaas of toronto spent the week end with mr and rs s neveas mr duncan mcdonald of brace- bridge spent tho week end with friends in town r m allen of ilnttonvillo was in town on friday and called on numerous old friends mr and mrs thomas edwards of pal mors ton spent friday with their son mr fred edwnrda mr wm m carley ot gait spent tuesday ot lost week with relatives in town and vicinity mr john i williams of toronto was in town today visiting at the home of ber fathermr wm cleave mrs h m thornton and daugh ters enid and butb were guests of mra d campbell over the week end isa isabel cook and miss mar ion gollop of ontario ladies col lege whitby spent tbe week tod at dr gollops mr and mrs l d currie hae returned after spending three weeks with relatives in guelpb and port huron i st georges churcfi anniversary sunday october 14th 1923 services at 8 and ii ah and 7 pm preacher v arcmemn hadilmk bd barnhills peel and h alton 8 bargain stork tireecial 5000 mile tires 1385 10000 mile cord ores 1645 size 30 x 3 12 barnhills norval ehzutalalbibiaie 3ii thursday bargain day sweaters bojs wool pull morn ltnh jersui woul nweiiter 160 i76 1011 and 2h mens sox mcnh wnal m 2gou0o and 8fie ladles buttoned boots sizes h 1 and 1 only hc scribblers scribbloih luruc hik writing wits u for kxaiimiiatioii iluu it f ten soaps 2fic lcc 2fic pantol soap h or palmolim soap ft fairy soap h coi cream olie soaii it for 25c 2cc 2gc mcbean co k888t how about your eyes ib most or your wort done within arms length requiring the constant close application of your eyes do your eyes get tired have head aches hold print further away than usual does the print blur and run to gether these are but a few of tbe nature signs thrown out to warn you that something is wrong consult a qualified optometrist about your eyes he dr co floyd jeweler and optometrist oneill block georgetown phone ie call in and see our display of happy thought r estabusfled 1b72q the business of farming ia the biggest business in this- country but not every farmer handles it as a business shouct be handled what improve ment can you make in your business methods this year how can we help you towards the success you hope to gain consult our local manager bggs and put our facilities to work bhbshbhh for your benefit ibank of hamilton h ej l thompson meager rennies grocery bite good malt pocl 100 swifts pure lard g lb pail 98c swifts cotosuet shortening 8 lb 69c birds egg substitute per tin 2cn clarks chicken soup per tin 20c bran flakes 2 for jgc plum jam i lbs 69o belled oats 0 lbs 25c barley 8 lbs 26o white beans 8 ib 2gc brooms each 7co castillo soap 6 tor 26o ammonia b pkts 25o old dutch 2 for t 26c d r rennie gash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery g specials comb honey per comb 40o 2j lb pails honey 88c s lb pails honey 7lo matches 8 boxon in package per pkg 8gc apricots per lb lfio new valenoia raisins per ib 16o cream or tbe west bread flour 24 lb 116 monarch pastry flour 24 lb 106 maclarens jelly powdor 8 for 26c nn jell or jello ner nke f uta jelly powdor in lass cups 2 for 25c metal jar rings ir dos 26c glass tops for jara per don 2gc imperial pint jars per dor 150 wine quart jars per doe 1 00 imferia quart jar per dost 170 wine 4gal jam per doz 186 jar rubbers red or white 8 doz for 25c i a m grandy i phone 75 si rex theatre frl4 oatowr tsth tub ruhtlk up silk with retty conrftson a humble daughter of tho common neo pteuupdbr the lure of silk into the heart of a nobleman comedy creation thr pivk flktkkn 8tardr oatajbar 13th thk plaijr of live with priscilla dean see this mogniflcont characterisation flash like a comet across tbe screen thrill tumbling on j thrill a injrbty melodrama f j love and tw veqture when j the spark of love is fanned j into tbe flame of lifet com- 1 edy ltoyd hamilton in po b tm ootakr lata shirley of the cmcos starringhhirlcy mason a bix- zling romance of the sawdust ring beauties and clowns here comes tho big show comedy crant ion clyde cook in uiaii and dnv wtdihdar oetofcvr 11th rehtiiebs soulb btarring earl williams a whimsical comedy adapted from richard harding davis famous stdry playing dead comedy tiie headwaiteb epi- bode no 8 abound tiik world in 18 days geqroetoww clefs notice of first post ing of voters list voter zttat 1929 mtmloi- plity of eaanealnfr county of hnlton notice i hereby kveo that i havo com plied with section 10 of ibe voter limi act and that i have posted up in my office at siewantown oo uie 29ui day of sepiember 1923 the list of all peraons en titled to vote in the said municipality for members oi parliament and at municipal elections and that uch list remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all votertlotake immediate proceedings to have any errors or ommiwions corrected according to uw dated this 29th day of september 1921 j a tracy clerk of municipality yon get what you send for and note our price to introduce pana orange pekoa tearegular 86c for 76c other teas 05v to 86c honey 6 ib 76c datea2 1ba 25o corn flakes 2 pkgx s0o com starch 2 pkgs 6c laundry starebspkgs 26c pearl ine 8 pkgs 26o ammonia 8 pkgs jgc infants delight 8 for 2cc plantol soap 8 for 2fio cream olive soap 8 for 26o butter color large 30c toilet paper 4 for 25e tiny tots talo 2 for 25c have you tried our health biu- onits and clarks bread the fin est produced- mark clark bakery and groceries phone 229 s the quebec heater and cook stove combine is the best on the market see them cream separators harness horse blankets quebec am vety mows ffc v mooms on tnursday evening at 8 ooloek bharp to make arrange ments for transportation all interested in tbe organiza tion of a curling olnb are requested to attend a meeting in the arena on tuesday evening next at 8 oclock sharp it is hoped that there will be a good atttndonce so that tbe organization con be com pleted at this meeting it looks good jto us to bee our enetomera increasing in both new work and repairing my full in tention fs to go right in for out- ting tbe prices to a finish for tbe beat boots money can bay such as dayfootst mopberaons and other makes dayfoota cut to 400 mophersoos cut to 400 williams of brampton cut to 860 boys solid- leather boots at 2 and 260 see our boots afore yoa buy elsewhere then bay if yon like if not it is all right we want yoa to see tbe bargains anyfay1 intend to paralize tbe bboe bisinesb in georgetown with cut prices repairing while you 4lwt arsftt kluad albert arnott a wellknown oa- pney fanner atwarebam met with a ttagio death on tuesday about two miles fro nl bis home asitiit ed by hirhired man he was deliv ering a bull on foot to proton station when the beast led by a ring in the nose became infuriated and attsoked btm with jiis dehorn ed head with anna violence as to aajjiw instant death the hired man being unable to sundae tbe nntmal ran for a neighbor who vribb a rifle shot tbe ben fit the deceased who was about 45 years of age is suvvived by bis wire formerly hiss eva barnes of georgetown and threechildren baytnreii eaitn all persons wiahiofi to have their eyes examined b tr o t walker make an appointment nl m watsoojs dnir atow dont pail to mak e an appoihtmeut 2mmbdiaibly- who- rery sweotr companied by mrs henderson at tbe close of the meeting dainty refreshment a were served tbe regular meeting of the club will be held at the home of mrs mat thew on saturday oct is at 8 oclock methar ud bob basqatt a very enjoyable mother and son banquet was held on tuesday evening in tbe basement pf the methodist church when tbe boys of the argonaut club eat down witb their brothers to a splendid supper arranged by the ladies committee and sisters of tbe boys tbe room was prettily decorated and the club colors yellow and black were much in evidence tbe general effect being added to by a profusion of yellow flowers which graced the tables following the banquet a number of toasts were proposed and responded to tbe king arthur tyndail the moth era c pram p ton and mrs h kennedy the boa mra w w tyodall and j buck the viui tors s f howad nnd lloyd lioulding at the conclusion of the toast list the doors were open d and a public meeting held the boys gave one or two songs which tbey followed by a demon- titration of attail renger meeting the chief feature of the evening wok the address given by mr houlding on the aims and i deals of the csfct movement he ive ft very inspiring address hirli wayituen lively listened to by all ii re sent severn songs dur ing the cvemog added to the en jojmeni of those present tbe follow inn assisted in the program mif x willmjnmisbe buck mr and mm black charlie srymgeour mr and mrs ceylon smith and family and miss duncan of elora spent tbe week end with mr and mrs robt erwin mra c o douglas of toronto has rea rued home after spending a ooupteof weeks with mr and m ra j h hon re union r h p moore or tho acton free press and mr e j moore of toronto were in town on tuesday aod made the urrali n friendly nail r h c barber mr keith barber and mr norman and miss jean mcleod nf toronto visited friends in town on saturday last and took in the fiur mr and mrs ruthven and miss norma mr- c qalliday mis nel lie ralfoor mr j g kennedy of toronto mr and mrs mccracken of derry west visited tbe misses kennedy during the week cosy home ranges quebec heaters t weekend special 4 oz rolls toilet paper 17 rolls for 100 1 r h thompson co mm mm salbladloi suruleh prenpl delivery s b groat georoefcown tbe growth of the town of bra npton was marked at a fteet- ing of tbe town council last night by tbe amalgamation of be beads uidsewent committecsas a board ojlwores with w j beamia aa chairman and w c barllett tic chairman t arrnnjfamuvx h c butler st phone 242 m georgetown ihirschorris ladies wear tauoring special prices on fall winter suits coats dresses our customers will find a choice selection in the above lines call and see what we have to offer a hirschorn main street georgetown town properties for sale beautiful 7 roomed brick house fine location newly decorated new furuace larnc verandah uo lots nnd liarn ttooo lively sloiip hfliise benutifiili locled een rooms 7000 cosy rrame imimetn down lotto dimticl nice tot good chirk en house and vntlimp 2lt0 took atfhe aeniencch snnd a koo1 hut in ii sl loomed frame lion stable and gaiaun s2tf00 several choice bnilhnk lots nt moderate pneen wtlvansgo tbe brilliant i band ot ate tipptd ah ah rwf la the mark by sssmt blcl you can ahvaya vs dlariofluiah a haplr 2sre lkafmatch tfato mlactn haljhh tt yam that uw imtft leaf cmatche5 bitfni andttteh w owaota match i iisiiiihjaluhi

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