Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 10, 1923, p. 4

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tlik okohobtown hhhaill ottumkk 101b lih the dreamer heart er intf iilaimuik unci toil ut iwdcd iiivob if men f tiinldmu anil spoil and wild inn nu hjioiltnk skam artj 1ik or the dear old m r when- i ilrvanjed m joull ftwftl por n di earner lives foreapr an 1 n toiler diet in it da 1 am si k of tilt sliowj mouiini of n lite thai in 1ml f n i in or the fwhib limn with w lioimn id lh ihrodf tlmt imrrfch lj from tin tuopw t lltiilil donwu i would uci wuori hip dulilt lilnj for a droiiim r iip ton i r and a tnilpr dn h in n da 1 dtn fe 1 no undo but plly far tlif liird us hit nr h pndtn 1 her ia nnllimu sweititi llii i it kill the jinticnl iioa of u o the little hands looillful and the child mint rlinkpj wit vpeds tiip daughter h lieiut urown wil i rire to auto accident fni futip ni no from it bustle from troilios statfe i would fl to l rustle and lhp iupiuiov let mo dream iih iif tnnil nnd h kindly ijnue of old b ihr and up loved for tbp drrnm nl for n dreamer iivpb torovor and a toiler dips in a daj hn yaor eyi mako an upptiinitti 0 t walker nt w drug store appreciate the advantages of the new com pletely automatic oiling system of the 1924 mclaughlin bulck master six engine every part la lubricated at all times with out any attention other jjjan keeping the crank case supplied push rods rocker arms crank shaft timing gears are all per fectly oiled ind require a mini mum of care from the driver from radiator to tail light the new waiter sixes are new more powerful engine new and longer chassis new body four wheel brakes yet under lying all these tmprovments are the proved mccxtighlm lluick engineering principles pnn ciples famous throughout the dominion and responsible for mclaughlinbuicks enviable position as canadas standard car mlaughlin- buick i insurance elmer c thompson surprised at results in such short time another mriklug vcctorr tar uttto the rutxiu herbal rwjirtlj jthw bottle effttesa markwl luipnive- meat in rott dittos ol mr was lonaney ot aldar- n i it on ont waa orer ihe conditio had eutfortd tut villi stomach kidney and farm machinery case sim 1837 sale of property and assets of w j campbell united y ketdvcr at htrifajee pursuant to judgment dated septem ber 21 1923 in an action in the su nreme court of ontario between the toronto general trusth corporaoonr plaintiff and w j campbell limited defendant in pursuance of a mortgage deed of trust dated december 1 1919s and made by w j campbell limited hereinafter referred to as the com pany tenders will be received by the master of the supreme court of ontar io addressed to n l martin receiv e care of the master of the supreme court of ontario osgoode hall tr to and marked tender re w campbell limited op to 12 oclock noon on the 81st day of october 1923 for the purchase of the whole of the assets and undertaking of the company as a going concern excepting grain and other raw unfinished product and excepting goods wares and merchan- diae ana negotiable instruments or other commercial paper covered by security held by the companys bankers particulars of which will be furnished on request and without in any way limiting the foregoing description all the right title and interest df mt toronto general trusts corporation in a grist and flour notjnachinery and a equipment capacity 276 barrela situate otandto dvbout with the lands at ner val ontario hereinafter meitboned vis parts of lots hand 12 in conces sion 11 township of enqueuing in the county of hsjton being parcels numbers 1 to 7 inclusive described in the said treat deed particular description will be furnished on request also one national truck and one ford car the businees carried on by the com pany the said premises u that of n general milling business onthesaidpremiaeaare said to be e- rected one completely equipped flour and chopping mill with concrete dam and good water power the said lands are sotd subject to a bret mortgage on which there is bald to be owing 13ut 00 with interest at six and onehalf per cent of which the principal falls due may 20 1924 and which mortgage shall be as aumed fay the purchaser tenders will be received for the above assets en bloc taxes insurance and other similar items will be adjusted on completion of sale terms of sale 10 per cent cub or marked cheque with tender 16 per cent upon accept anoe of tender and the balance in ont month thereafter in cash or at the option of the purchaser if secured to the satisfaction of the vendor and ol the court in three instalments payabu kiouctlverv in uii six a mm months with interest at 7 per cent all tenders must be accompanied by marked cheque payable to n l mar tin receiver for 10 per cent of the amount of the tender which cheque will be returned if tender is not accented and forfeited if tender is accepted and purchaser falls to complete purchase tie highest or any tender ily accepted upon payment or chase money to the i vendor and the court the purchase i shall be entitled to possession of the property standing conditions of sale of the of ontario shall not ap- toronto general trusts corporation and or the bondholders shall be entitled to tender as provided in the trust deed and the order afore said the purchaser shall have ten days in which to search the title at his own ex penae and to make any objections oi requisitions in respect to title or other wise and in case the purchaser ah within such time make any objection requisition as to title or otherwise which the vended shall from any cause be unable or unwilliiur to remove or comply with the receiver shall be at liberty notwithstanding any in termed late negotsations on the subject of sucb objection or requisition or attempt to remove or comply with the same by notice in writing to the purchaser to re scind the saleln which case the pur chaser shall receive back the amount paid on account of the purchase monr without interest in full satisfaction of all claims costs or compensauon it is distinctly understood and agreed that the vendor does not guarantee anj title and that the purchaser is entitled to and shall receive only sucb title an the vendor can give under powers of sale given under the said judgment and tbevendot shall not wrrequlrcd to produce- any abstract of title deeds or copies thereof or any proof or evidence of title or any deeds papers dooi mentafr copies other than those in the possesion of the vendor particulars as to the property may be obtsdbedatthrtmve of toronto oen- eral trusts corporsalon bey street toronto and sr the oflke of n l martin receiver tkii street west toronto intending bidders are invited to in- ispect the property at norval for further particulars and conditions of sale a to starr spence a frsser dated at toronto this 25th day ot september is8s master starr spence a frsser 302 bay street jsrouto solicilors for the fisher king georgetown curing the pu sfacuon of tl h droits cigar store gentlemen i am sure that jou alwajs want it liond miioke ft rood ping or chewing tobaopo just rll on inn and jou will get ever thing jou want we handle the largest u4 freshest stock ol tobactm ac cuse we bay direct wo hno bim hplornnd tucket k cigars riuikinr in price at 5c 1 2 for 25 for 2bc and ifio straight chewingtabaooos mcdonald h khk dporge stng nnd big ben lso all kindb of plug smnlini tobnet o we lnop openlagen snult good varietj of knf1itli tobaicor in tins all kinds of cigarettes tobacco pouches pipes and cigarette cases from 25c up a no 1 chocolates from 39c and up wo carry a nice variety of ffroit oranges pears etc mr wnim shot 1 o ha greatly worried or jji wire wb liver aliments tbase organs tlttt- i ply would not do their work prop i erly run l nti lu many jlalr aslnc sod weakening ityuiptonia how feadlly thta symptoms ylrld to the lurorllvu influence ot dreco is tynlfifd in the ot mm lions imy toi years my wife hsa suffered frum tsomaeh kidney and llvrr trouble dectarr htr bonaney she was very toumtipatuu and had rheumatism lu joints and mus tles she lnl hr appetite and found it impohalbte to set a good lights uleeo h verytnlint ahe ate would tfiln her stomach cnu- liik ta imv had pains urrosn hrr lutk from her kllne her jolnu uihvd u id h would net stiff with rlicrfma m shi- had a sallow i and at tlinf would pet dv y nptwi hli ally aker ntll saving fence pots in the uwic eye oase tragvqbsnou is the tunc i tiaptnrs farm mnchinei flcun lianlz ilkitimin ih uggip4 slo en podliir uh i r liui iik- ft nt tent uif uifulhr snw oookshutt taxun machinery lleoondhsuidl broadcast ftfodex idlernjttinnat near new perliizer drill intern all on at 2hr urniire hh engine near new 8 1 u b p fairbanks engine good rppair prim rose pream separator 10 good horses drhortt and workers t e hewson ulte htard nlioivt ureco and ilpclded to try it she h only uwd ne bottle hut we are surprised bow different she looks it is doing worlds of good tor her and eh ia much strong r whn the digestive system rets ont of order k me j that foo4 values are not properly retained and diaributed to nourish the system nor is whm matter cast om such a condition rapidly under- mlnee the at rouges- constitution let the correcll to properties of dreco compounded from natures own medicinal herbs and roots tone and reguute the organs to their proper functions the end of a rigorous winter finds thousands in need of tonic and mtonuf this need is met perfectly by xroa 1 dreco contains no mercury -a- ttsb- or habit formlm drjudh dreco m being specially introduced in georgetown by wr watson and is sold b a good druggist everywhere plsone lot r 33 norval livtagstonesqualily breadteads them all try our brovn whole wheat sleam and briok loaves 10 our fancy buns special lor saturday cftejoitjnjtcreftin rolls temon appk and raisin pie so ofcthjrrtfldbp fancy pastrj a uvingstone phone sb h druks georgetown auto movies by baileyfrstuartis garage after you find that this repair shop is aluajs at yonr service jon will appreciate the intelligent prnpti4tlnlil of our service we ii help jon out of a hole before joti rt into it if jon will let us overhaul jour car phdne7 w ijbbbwi fe georgetown flour feed mills notice having leased stewarttown elevatoi i am now prepared to buy all kinds of rain at best market prices any time you have grain to deliver call me at phone 195 w c bessey phone 195 georgetown boys and girls wanted girls over 18 years ol age guaranteed 20c per hour apply smith stone umited georgetown ordeij your counter oieck books from the herald notice to creditors oenui mice n hereby k s6 of the tnnei act rso 1914 chapter 121 that all rmliton r olhers having claims or demand kinil the imate of the wnd herbert honard hcarl well who died on or about the twenty bcc ond day of september 1923 at the naid town of georgetown are reqinrrd on oc before ibe ttiird day of november to oend by post prepaid or deliver to the under sinned tolicttw for alfred g green and gont cleave the excmlors of the es tate of ihc uid herbert hoiriiil hearl well gentleman deceased i heir hnmtar names ind surnames ulilmn s and de- mmptions the full parlicuuf n i wnth of their claims a ilalemenl of i heir a counls and the nature of the ms unty any held bv them and take nouce i hat after such lasl mentioned date the u d eaeiiilors rill proceed to distribute the asi said decrased amoojr the parti thereto having regard only to the claim of which they shall then have notice and thai the said executors will not be liable for tbe said a4cta or art part ijwrcof any person or persons of whole claim noliiw nhall not have been received by tlirm ai he lime of mich distribution lkro dalk solicitor for said bxecuti huteil at georgelownj this third day ot october a d 1921 i0a3i ontario putt in twenty muilo- i cdcc posts yearly white trdsr iosib iii hnon be i noblalnalile oa tnr i retwole thr llmt uihni ivivrrvutlve dlrerlloiu fur iilldtl li n ot- taw i here l- to make contributed h ontarlu uriartniaat l biter yuar ihe dvcuy of imci posts on onisrlo ranna requlns a n place ment uf no i ifia lit ii iwnly million iiosti tlili repair bill or avf million dollara uaeli jour could bs vtrj tritt- ly reduced through tin ubt ot woud prestrvsllvii a while cutlar lioil cuatltlk willi uve cents iu lust fit let n jmrs in the nnlurul cundllloa but iriukd with creosote it lll last tlilrtj rars it should be coud bust neas tu irtnl all posts aa tug money post and labor vttille edar roatu boon l nub tain- able while cedar poats lfl booq be un- obtalnitblt uther woods can be used wuoilu wila a rrpulallod lor curlj tie- cay but which can be aiadt tery efuclont l the crtkisote trvatiuent for initaiile soft maple or willow pout wilt lust but four earg lu tbu natural ouditlon treat tlnm wltb crujiott and auch wjll be airticabla for twemy years it conis twenty cents per posltor creoaots real men t if the post wil last dou bin or ave limes as lung thrtankii be- ini creosoted surely tbewtijity ciul investment la s pro q table jane uecaj tatwed bj ttuujl and bacteria decay or rot in fence poats is caused by fungi and bacteria wood tibhue being largely cellulate is a good food for bacteria and fungi and the moist away from light con dition just beneath tbe surface of lbs noil is alio suitable to their develop ment hence we see the poi rotting off just below the surface ut the soil lu which aucb are set when a post is bonked with creosote it becomes poison died turn to tbe fungi and bacteria that may attack it sad their growth is greatly ie larded coal tar creosote is the most satisfactory pre servative that we can use on the tarms tbe posts to be treated roust be thoroughly seasoned and dry to absorb auffleletit creosote the prae- ice of spraying or bruantng on hot creosote is aot a very profitable one as the wood does not absorb enough of tbe preservative to be of much use how to get beat results to get good results an open task with fire place beneath or other heat- ig arrangement should be set up the coal tar creosote is bested in the ipen tank and then ibe posts in immersed long enough to permit a good soaking with the bot oil a large oil drum with one end removed and over a fireplace makes a eheap and efficient tank u nothing larger is st hand on the farm the follow ing points should be kept in mind by the msn doing the work 1 hare the posts clean dry and free from bark 1 heat the creosote to 180 f and maintain for 2 to 6 hours ac cording to condition ot potts 3 immerse the posta in tbe creo sote deep enough to give a treatment that will extend six inches shore the ground line after posts are set lai fence row leave the postsgt the bot oil long enough to permljhjthem to cool after tbe fire has beebdrawn 5 add more creosote to the tank to take tbe place of that absorbed i use small posts i inches in diameter and round sre to be pre ferred 7 do not let the temperature go above 100 f l stevenson o ao- quelph taikeadvaiitage o these ford closed car prices the announced change in the price of the foid sedan to 635 and the coupe to 595 of in each case below the former list price has brought an unexpected volume of bales in view of the limited number we have allotted to us we are forced to book orders strictly in rotation and to deliver them v accordingly- take advantage of these prices now we will not be able to get more than this nunu ber of these cars when our allotment is sold when the present manufacturing schedule is ended the ford factory will go into pro duction on the new fourdoor sedan and an entirely redesigned coupe at a consider able advance in prices it will be necessary for you to give us your order immediately if you expect to get a ford closed car of the present type and at these prices h acoxe acton ontario ford motor cctof canada limited ford ontario by t wjiux or reneslset wnsav tm bret si sis a hist rill tls ye easton tr roiv sbla tur oarmamrmt ohra is loaulslsil tworson your jenaaa ease aa from rou estnass o t walker r o raalatarsd optouatriat ss optician hinai ih or dhalnuudl moss sm tot spi bmamrroji coal r best d l w scon coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j nnrvnl htntaoq walkius phqaaggrm wabaiiey harness shop we carry a tan hae st ad luriesi ktesmrtes sltek tmks dik kigs sasc easts bsrses fuastn lawps law liisde ii yt are la nei i lay in lab b live r r prices are rlkt i service ual w atbaiuey up to date bahnbbs 8bop sfred hemlcertlvfl v m take notice people who have sheeting raft ers and good frames fast going to rot for want of rprotootfon with galvanized corrugated sheets at pre war prices or less considering tbe improvement or snildriea for tbis line no use to sell and bay the other place is vforse take utook and bave a alk with gilbert 8m olair josra rb no 1 george town btee truss barns garages allkirs galvanieed tanks light en inr protection sr3snyder carlagc cottage obeese easy to hake on most farms there is produead considerable sklmmllk it is ted to calves hogs or chickens while uttla thought is aitsa to its vslus msn food on tkalarm one form utilising this valuable food household is as cottase cheese or dutch cheese cottage cheese contains all ot the proteins ol milk and a little fat it oentalo more protein than most meats and the coat is very slight bach pound of cottage cheese con tains about onefirth ot s pound ot protein most ot which is digestible this food alone is hellions sad palatable and it msy be made more so by adding a little sweet oi lour cream nit chopped onion and pi mentos it may be used in ssndwiches and salad and served with nulla jellies sod nuts as e meat substi tute cottage cheese rolls make a pleasing dish cottage cheese may be made in sax boms by permitting the milk to naturally until it curdles or clabbers cut the curd into fine pleeu with a knife and cook slowly ovr a slow fire preferably st the bstk of the stovs until ihe curd contracts snd wheys off remove the whay wash with cold water to qrrn the curd and wash out some of the add taste place in colander or hang in a cloth ssck to drsln after cooling snd drain in it is read for tbe table it requires no curing any one who likea game birds to est such bs quail troe snd pheas ant can have a supply of meat just as good as any of lhea b nlalng a few guinea fowls guineas hunt thelr owu feed nine months in ihe year and are at good ai a wale dog to raise an aldrm when aouiel ilrm goes amiss it is a bard hawk ihat will take a chicken when there are gul neas around do no include he common green or the purple barbirry in your list of shrubs for this season planting both are a host plant for the wheat rust and must not be planted near wheat nelds the thunbert s or jap anese barbrr la much more satla- uetotv fur cnsmental pursosna international deering and mccormick farm opbbatino kgi itmrnt harycstinr machines tractors hay and corn machines engines tillage implement cream separators seeding machines manure spread ts plotirhn thresbent peed 0 nnd era binder twine chatham wagons litter carno buggies h barnes fire insurance j w kmcst sewiemn aml fnr mine of ibe strong 1 com re you protected norman h speight pianos pbuiograpks electric washers etecbie cleaners scm m saihwumy lyaask norraanl7spetghl anruo jjcd eucoraio svoas after travelling all sununer we have never had better ser vice than you have giyeti ua were the pariing words of the chautauqua crew this turn- mer they were satisfied aijd we are sure you vvill be loo if you refer your teaamias or trucking wants to us we do anything possible to do with teams or trucks and will be pleased toxgiv you estimate any work of this kind n snyder phon tt standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes automatically boneaod and loadad coal wood select lamp for doroestis and threshing pnrposea smithing and osnnel coal in fact i carry everything to be found ia any oto date coal and wood yard john mcdonald pbonb 1 georgetown junk wanted 1 am painrthe highest cash prw for all kindsof junk also hides anil poultry bwaidsaoa ow pwalf fteswsj vletstttastrw oeorctowii ont m freeman postoffloe box 470 167 i r3

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