Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 31, 1923, p. 2

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j tlik hnikiiktown hapli th tnllr ii maul w h wiluon qodsruker nd kiioeufted embalms r iw ll rue lriu i j m methodist anniversary rev br wuhuu frtacm sftatl large it tllim urrihpi and dealt re nt hi murray vv kiili wi 11 iik sot iix i lur rnl p i4m servmh e tofrefat1au mttrrtmd died lrnerilllmpital r jniti 1j1 sarah hi i m vrd mr ml 123 junri mccil s rdimwul r altuk uftmtr ae houtuie jirnvit noud llirouguoultxhe province in tlie nt tendance afbolh public and iiikii schools thm may bo attributed inh inige inoasuro not ho much to tbejgronmk imiioilaiici attached by unrtiuts to education an to thr romuulnory protiaiooti of the adnleticeut act it ih debatable whether tbe manual forms of laboi will not miiitter bji an evident m chmtyan to foster a desire foi white collar jobs bonar law dead the death of hon andrew bonar law which took place at bis london home yeaterdaj re moves n distinguished canadian aud ono of the british talesmen who sacrificed nearly everything they had in the great wat born in thin country he woh a living ex ainule of the heights to whicb d man mftj aspire and reach in tbit great rommon wealth of ours h was the only man born in canada vho ever became premier of the imperial government for that matter he wan the onlj man nbt ever tried to get that far and in asniuch as this country 1a onng there is no telling bow manj others maj emulate tua exampli in the great mother of parlin inenta uhjcb bant done who have ability locates brother alter fitly years to have located her aged broth er after a silence of nearly bait a century to have had a visit from bin wife within a few hours after the story of bor long unsuccessful quest bad appeared in the star and to look forward to the happi neaa or a reunion within a few days with ono long thought d seems a culmination of romance and fiction bat in reality is the experience nf mrs emma dennis a visitor to toronto from virginia monday the star published an item about a visit to the city hall made by a little od lady of 77 hummers who was on a quest of news of her brother james glaus a tailor from whom she bad jont heard in toronto nearly 60 yeara ago sho bad come all the way to the tit in an endeavor to secure some trace of the long lost member of her fnmil win here mm dennis whose borne is ear roanoke virginia is visiting her daughter mrs john aynss s77 sack vi lie st the brother had given ber no street add resit wben writing nearly go years ago und she had ceased hearing from ibim at that time her quest look ed to city odlcials a sad and im possible one since the name did i of o tot appea directories but truth la a iran be r than flc tion james glass that missing brother lives in georgetown his wie was visiting friends on how ard park ave monday aod in per using the fatar monday night came udod the item she immed lately commoojeatedwtb ber bna band s bieter and the rejoicing over having again found trace of the missing relative wob touching mra glass said that mr glass was in windsor at present she communicated with bim at once and he is expected in toronto within a few days to celebiate flie strange re union after so man years mr glass retired from the tailoring busmesa some veara ago he was for many years employed by hobberlinb but removed from toronto to georgetown long sn toronto daily star llii 77th aunivnrxary of the ni tblinhiiig or the muthodmt rliunli in oiorgvtnwn vran celebrated on hiimiaj lost when he i dr v1 1 1 mil or the metropolitan iuurb 1 orunto preached masutrl and lohpirnig hormoiih to large coo krokstionh the ithi diiirch n frhmi build ing a built in irhfl it nn uptod the site of the preafnt complete htiiicture nivrmd in 1h many well known ontario pas tors have dwelt therein ind the iirtaenl pastor ih rev u caldwell who though lit has been in charge onlj a few months lum alrundj gained the reaect and t of georgetown folk by hmjibilil mid many line qualities at the morning service rev mr qaldwell rtad the lewhou from lb 13th chapter of the li rat i pistln of fowil to the onntbiaon after which rev mr kd wards lead in prayer the niwaker of the da was rev dr williams of toronto and he delivered two masterly and inspir ing aermons to large congrega tions at the morning service he cfeoae as hib text ntt of the htb verse of the hlb chapter of st mark vie she hath done what she could the speaker said in part while jesus sat at meat id tbe bouse of simon tbe leper at bethany some of toe gaests were indignant when mar came and broke the box of ointment and poured it on him but jesus expressed sympathy with the woman and commanded them to leave ber alone sbe bad come to him to obtain a blessing and there is not one instance of jesus ever being impatient but al ways at leisure to soothe and sym pat luce simon the leper whom jesus had healed out or deep obligation desired him to be his gueft wben he heaid he was in bethanj it was jesus last day on earth but simon could not see getl9emane and know that christ hod come for quiet and to meet calvary all he thought of was love aod wanted to glorify him and asked him to be his guest how out of place wben his own heart was hardened but jesus went to tbe banquet not to forget sorrow or mission but to make the table a sacramental feast and one of blessing all were intense at tbe message from christ s lips when tbe woman beard him and came forth and poured ointment on his bead tbe gathering found fault and aaid wby waste the precious ointment tbe master beard their censure and- turning to them said let her atone she bath done what sbe oonld jesus emphasised service they crucified christ and for four centuries persecuted christians but the church of christ still lives the said the bible waa not the word of god but history but the book has passed through ore and i church and bible have withstood tbe teats they failed when they crucified christ to break the body of the church and destroy author ity people stray from church be cause not practical too dogmatic and just to get men out of life to the life to come without regard to present life tbe church of god not at practical as it ought to there is too much creed and not enough character and conduct if a man repeats apostles creed and receives ordinance of church is he a good man are not some out of church in daily life better than those in tbe church jetua christ never talked much about life to come he spoke of father s bouse etc but went about doing good giving sight to the blind feeding tbe hungry and beabng the sick he was prao tteal ono of the moat oodorfuj thingb jeans said was that prt mid be lhuughl fll of but if he hmcnllet lo the clorcb ol uod he m called a tool you u give to llie devil and be a tolly uood fallow but giviog to ibe tliun h ih wuhip the limcipls hiiil mnr wa w wternl but lnnt read bei innt mid if she made a iiunuikt situ hd it through love there ih no man but what iiiuken mnttnkih but uod known hit heart aod mwlm it and on the judgon da n well dnue given t heart hint meant well but inadi laki tor in did what lie onn vf e iloui what we could inen gonero u god and our if snnn the judg iiikii hear clirmtsay tit what alio cnulil ir da and need ma ihmrli and tenii ml at lust v mmhi hi lie b the hearted ai fellow men ment day vvi him liwlli d unpin d l god beli the to low ilmll hhall imir rmtblnl r the iniiai itiir uiidtr the leiuhikhip i w b dill tin so b h niih and mr dill the in t bj lr blwk and mian llrm lie organ voiunt ant s bj i r ma buck wne 01 verv u apprec latcnl and enjoed by the i large eongrogatioiib at both ncr ices lite pulpit was nicely jeoiat4il for the oceanian willi ftnihiuil ebrnhntlieiiiuiiifl bot from the armenian home wen prcaent at tlie morn service and sang wrj nicpt that old ramiliar and d arl be loved hi inn 1 here s a land 1 hat fame tliiin da rev j u mooieoftlie baptist church naaisted at tbe cvming temih in tfaw wttfa paied in tl correspondence tub iioaking gamf editoi herflld as one who at tended tbe organization meeting of tbe georgetown turling club i thought it might be of interest to some to know souio oftbe ob jecls of curling as well as some of the gnmo h eailj bistorj in george town tbe object is to furnish recreation and entertainment h good clean manl niort and attnn tbe object set forth in the closing sentence of tlie following wm composed by the rev dr norman mcleod f scotland ovei foi t yeais ago curlers song nicht 1 was i gudi hurrah for the legialmkmi being pkikd in the vartou suit ol the amtncin utiton aimrd to dinunuh thr alarming number of codenli throuich tcckiesi dritingf ol auiomo kilo iimtticnlmry on level railroad cioningi the board of rauway commiummkri for canada hai re quelled the canadian pacific kail way to aubmit information bearinn upon ubatavr danerou praclirrt by on vanoui portion i of iti that ue may br made of tl a view to eo dcavocfaav through vrducaiiun to lw tlie orvutirt at luctdan eroiu practice a in a bulletin n turd by the hoard o hallway comnmubnrri on june- 15th 1923 54 caies of danger al pro irrted crotungi are cited for the orrod october 122 lo mai and dofnec fifty are declared lo hae been due to the earelrncs of moior driver motor accident- uyv the bulletin arr becoming more frequent ever sane mot o rut dcplorra this if accident arr to be leuencd the ianc motorist must edu cate thr nilpahlv nr moior uts all htghwl crossings arc t uv protected by sigo and they are onh dangerous ftmenihv driver of thr au tomobile makes them o the are aot dangerous if motorists will take a amall part of the care ihey oxcrcist in turning on a city street it is the motorist s carelessness that tnabri them dangerous the train his rtghl of way vejyone knows whai may happen if theplalaiy ecn warnings are disregarded at a pojnt where the motor car caw atop while the train the vsthlill p- of it also that aafefnardf and prccautioni erected by the railroads are so oftcr entirely ignored time after timi newspaper report hov that cross lag alarm belli banner gates n even watchmen waving stop tig aala mean nothing to the man in thi 1 the mems store fail styles and new 1 suitings now ready 1 t eyes examined i au glasses ff9m4 to si fur ally irlnngs but the general ins the usual newspaper train crashes into motor r itarii oui with the impression hai he train must necessarily be to tlanie htn 11 a matler of fact a falter statement of the case would nolher auto fels in path of tram fre- thc train should c ai oftei rad flyi ual notice that he rlion of a quiet crotsnig accidents 1 ontario during rsuli of thr motor- it- stop signal and nit of running into or actually passing they were lowered rrc being lowered hradhghts and ap- qucstion ihea says that in eodh rith its magnificent dis lances and railway systems with twentj thousand mftes of track the timr may never come whrn all level crossings will be eliminated with t motor car in use everywhere there is no railway crossing so remote but that a motorist may use it it 1 hn business to ilrat he doe so at a safe moment it is his busmen for lo reasons 1 because it 1 the presence of htm and his car at that lime and place and not the coming of the train which create the nak of a crash and 2 because if thcr thould be 1 crash he and his car wilt he crushed ind not the train full 1 our initial fall li fljn beautiful xirgei in all lheatt im 111 w and kpnl vih 1iiilirid in ami f ntih 1 mlav vmmg i dim art t 1 ordij now un sniniilek vvil pure bjiigliali womtidh rnil juat au leases 7 dibllcatetf him i matiafat hon guaranloed or t money refuoded dr o o noto jwlr 4 ob4hhrfm null block oraibwi 4i aplirif a 1p 4kiy n wurti rtpiif imif 111i11 fall furnishings now ready sl 111 lluht fl mills ill nil h u tlollh of iii tl f ear huiim hi nil 1 hi lull are gunit to make linn ii tiulntrrf ha rim 11 u 1 1 nil rind investigate ricfswrmalink join fat purchase wawuott tmr of your patrauiig millar go furnublna- ant for georgetown phone 126 terra cotta mr ei ported that terra colt son have electric lights and mm a rtimeah have arrived home from the west the purpose moving out there in the spring f mr edward sim pirns has por ch aued mr r parm honse on main st mr and mrs parr m tend- moving to gnelph shortly mibs m townnenj and mise wilma hunter awnt tbejveek end jvrtth acton friends chnreh news baptiht rnuhph all our mid week meetings are galled off for the rerivhl meetings f in tbe methodiat ehoroh her tt yte as nanal on sunday william barn a mail earner for brampton waa senooaly bnrt when an anloraobite driven by william afhn ran jnto bia cart hnv absffilser beings bnrt and bia bstad bdly cat some who prayed their pray era would od tbe daj of judgement be 00 mm and ed to depart from me ye ca reed and some with no outward profession would hear tbe bavioar say come ye children of tny father and inherit tbe kingdom prepared for cbebleased wbj because they have fed clothed and comforted me and because they have done it unto me tbey have done it onto my father jesus emphasised service our faith most make ns better men or it is of no value whatever i would ratber pasb out of church and be a true man by helping my brother than be a perfect church man and be unkind and onlovmg faith hope and love are attributes of the true christian but tbe greatest of these is love man says be loves god and not hia fellow man he is liar if be doe not love oner whom hs has seen how can be love one whom lie has not seen the church i most minister to the community in need cbnat demands practical service mary did what she could she could not do what simon did bnt did what mary oonld because we eannot do what some others do does aot prevent ns doing what we can if we were all equal there would be no blessing the glory of the church tbe sadotiflcation of every man s deeds and heart no two men are alike and while home might give much the widow might may be more than all she did what bbe could mary might have got cheaper oiotment but she got tbe best there thing too good tor jeans christ tbe king of kings aod she gave all ber wealth for her gift to him thats tbe kind or gift god wants thats what makes the nharch there are too many seeing bow little tbey oao give it it sacri lege not to give te best in tm christ became poor to give o life aod there is nothing too good fori god in- retorn for his love man ran spend bis roone a nicht it waafreesin hiteezin takcare quo the wimc man o yer cough a fig for the sneezin freezinl this day we re to play the bonsplel 011 the loch then get up my auld leddy the break fast get ready for the sun on the snawdnfts itegin- m to blink gie rae bannocksor brochan i m atr for the lochan to mak the stones glee to tin tee on the nnkl the ice it is splendid it canna be mended like glass ye may glowtx on 1 shave afl your beard and see howithey gmither comm the brown heather theservanandmauiter the and laird there11 brave jamie fariie he u late and early better curlers than him or tan canna be wi the lads frae kilwinnin thty ii send the htanen spinmn wi a whirrand a curr till thty ait roun the tee its an uncolike story that bailh whigl and tory maun aye eollyahangic like dogs a bone and a denomination are wantin in patience nae kirk will thok to let 1u11 alane but in fine frosty weather let a meet thegither a broom in their haun and a mane by tbe tee and then by my certics ye ii see hoo a parties like brithen will love and like brith era agree following tbe spirit of tbe foregoing the early settlers in the scotch block took kindly to curl not having glanea atones tbey plajed euchre and dance under the auspices of r h thompson a co th wooden biocvi for many years mnatlv on stev arttown pood and from all reports many happy boura were spent amongst tbe early curlers were tbe starks neil sons hard a micbiea shanks and others sliver medal was competed for as township and district trophy annually from aboot 1w40 or 1860 and your bumble servant bad the honor of being on the winning rink the last time it was played for in 1866 on the pond in georgetown four riokn competed as follows scotch rink georgetown hugh mckay skip bobt tonng d reid and f barclay young can adians dr starr skip jos craig andy murray and frank taylor scotch block an neilson skip ab stark john hardy and george hardy tbe fourth rink wae mixed one with willie sbanka or limehouve skip charlie 8 mop of aoton sandy henderson 7th line and tbe boj grant on tbe drav neil son beat starr and shanbh beat mckay the real was be tween tbe two brothers in haw a great battle aitb much banter and noise and a close game tbe great willie shankb winning out the late capt johnbton was the ens todian of this medal aod it was on exhibition in mckay bros window a few yearn ago it waa made of ailver and as large as a fair sized saueor capt johnston s son trying to trace its whereabout hope be may jlod it in 1676 tbe first covered rink waa built and ir youwish i will in another letter give yon the names of the first pi a vera on that date i awn yours sincerely i grant come again major moreihistory of the good old dajs will beappre ciated by our readers ed georgetown citizens band town hall georgetown friday nov loth jacksqn bategoodiar liko mother utcd to make happy thought pipe and combination hot r and hot wate happy thought heaters bring real comfort into thft atovcbeetcd house forty years ago canadian mother were baking plea in happy thought ranges and all through the intervening ycara canadian women have been preparing their daily meals and baking that delight ful pastry for which the canadian home is famous in happy thought ovens three hundred thousand canadian hotnea have been made happy by happy thought range isnt thh the range you want in your home you are entitled to good result frtxn your baking get them by doing your work on a happy thought the embody every desirable feature fuel economy easy regulation steady beat large dng surface excellent n adverlise orgavai hrlala i srd dtrniln h organ gwd shape sit ir nrwtl l riwm hnatkhi hhsh and in i r 11 more phnnr 47 a py appla onlrr your siy apples noi pwknl s 00 jier lurirl uilti d tutlmwr k tk i lllufl uk m aplyaj ky lw atawyad kruni im 31 ih line kcbi chniguaous 111 1 alha ihtali ul oituber properly hhiurd ilhionml lluhuui heiler abuul i yrmra nd anv 1 ifoniutltui regarding ilr aliuve hinmal will be really appr- naled tlkhnaa lans litallmimm phmir i 2 r 1 1 3lp t tk pafclu 1 am prepared to do paper hanging p iiuiik graimtig and sign wnlmf and kuaraiiltfr wvrk ttf be finltbitu s rob- inum ix471 phone tu georgrliikii 3tp 1 ai hrrldoflk- findfr plrasf lasive tnyad horn lu 27 roti 9 pauumlug 1 im 1 o lober hlh red urar 1 yr iiiy nrniaiiihi regarillng aanu wit pjirih atetl f fivrln georgrtiiwn hautursat all onvenrnimis eornm- qoaan- murdixh toasessiimi november bajlanlinp if wotibrldi all kinda of wcnki bmh hard and soli jso kindling taod aft at reasonable noes j brand ford phone v2i leoigetown 31 ltmlp tf 16 tossat ifurnished rooms 1 a- also krak apply i mcgregor mam si nlh crmve 31 iq- fortat s delward nearly new 1500 eaien imi dininc table s10 00 souvnitr cook jve s600 tarlar heater s0a apply i herald lw p por kissing a woniany m the hallway of ber home a rwooktyn dm waa ordered to pay 196000 damages men in the habit of krsaing the rook in ibe hitch en batthettor beware keep this date in mind and patronize one of the most de serving organizations in our town everybody welcome saturday 7 reat homemade candies neopolitan fudge sure and tale borne a pound of tin wonderful home made regular 8v and i0e lb fudge saturday treat special 25c lb weekend chocolates opr week knd choooutert re ni good as eer bavi jou tried tbera lavtli better than many 60c chocolated about eight flavor regular 40c and 50c t for 31 hate j on tried our box cliorolaten a good aasortment alwaji we bae tomato soup tea co flee elr ice cream sandwiehea on kequr also borne made pu witb harold c black obgbqetown l t slraipd from my premises lot is 3rd line haqueinnk october 23 red dehorned uiw anyone kmiming her irhereabouls communuale wlh neil gdlin rr 1 mill hi or pho 85rt2 georgeiown 2l torbal jrwrl range willi tour large litis aaj two amall one also nkervoir tbe range ih nickel inmrncd and bakes well a fttiap fur anjmir- nredma a range price only so mm annie adaoti corner church and charles bli ifr clearing auctions -of- farn stock aa iatka tin- mulrniifjnihl has reinied in w h leslie in wll n ptilli hii inn al lot 12 rj bsqutm ig tknrday mnvaaalmr istk l at 1 2 o clo k i he ollowini llorsks ray leatn good black ierchcron mare 4 yr i has geming 4 jm make a hand good for any work c att lb reg shorthorn i flower 17362s bom jan 2nd 9i caltaliide durban cow 6 yr frev al time ul sale brindle cow syr fi ing at lime of sale lurhrfi cow fresh iiik limeol salei durham cow freshened to sepl calf al wdet t row 3 yra ireshei yea we have them and good ones sure the kind that makes you fee good and comfortable and that will give you grand service at small cost for q uality goods men and boys all jkool sweater coals and pullovers underwear work and- dress shirts overalls and panls caps sox gloves and mitts ties and starts suspenders handkerchiefs men and boys footwear ol quality in line and work boots the asjftria mens dress boots and other makes offline boots men and boys toyfoot and other makes of work boots al a price that is exceptional low tor the quality quality tr t service jacksons- georgetown iide hoist cin con oct calf al nidei freshened in aug calf a co 9 yr supposed to be m callj dar ham cow 4 ynu bred od 26 durham cow 3 yr freshened in june durban cn 4yr freshened in july durham cow 3 jrs freshened in aug i jersey cow 9 yrbrwl jentey cow s yra not bredc llolslein tow rs freshened in sent t hot item cow j yr calf al aide oini cattlb 10 hereford betfera 2 vrm beef hoist em better 2 yra t red steer 2 ynu red steer ns 2 yr grex teifer ns 2 yr jersey heifer 15 ana a yearlmga 3 fat beifera 1 lat sterrii fat cows bad one calf siiekf 42 oxford down eavest 2 ewe lambs 2 res oxford down rains i s 2 english black sows bred sept euglifth black sow bred od 27t 31 3mos 1 hotsbholnflaaituaa bookcase and pir 3 hot anting desk combined t hall rach ward robe t extension table parlor suite o haircloth large npnrhl wood stove on iniall wood hove two cases of mcuntcd j htrdn lhmknbnf deenna binder 7 ft 1 crops deering mower 5 fl rut doar- uit side rake dam bay loader loha deere manure spreader pet cultivator all nearly new pel rullivator no 2i prost 4 woad dpu 12 3 hoe woodeandleri bissel disc two- f urv rowed plough shanti pumgb wilkloaoo t plow 3 bone harrow out fit stone boxtt- jackson wayori and box old wacon and i box market waejon 3 aeaia soridbagevv cutler newly pamtedt old noaxy o nl ler road carli pea harvester set beal bob lh hunter k frasermake lonav i sleikh ltrht pleasure sleib 3e pulper int pta enctnot 1 12 hp buider toosue ci de laval luted i iiirs i hamemk mngle a scotch woollen i

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