Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 31, 1923, p. 4

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till- flkohoktown ii h e rok tu ilu it the alias look dull to oi finl u work it the ntuioatbr hspuih blue get to work fosteiink your discontent will not iy the tjuarlvr a rent try lo gtm a uoblnr hunt oct to worli broodutk ilooan t in 1 1 jour tautu jl ui work nothing tamed bj llmlink i1nw j 1st to work art a ciclnu of r ihu h wrong weak rn lruniiutl hj hip strong fare- tin muirui itn not tor long jit u work if you want nucfh ou miiht firt to work there h no other wn but junt it i to work bring it povart or tntati much or little jimt the bruic- wbsteter happens you ii bo game stick to work baptist ffar f an mere aw of 11 per rent- in the missionary ooptribj the baptiata of ontrfm ao bee was yielded during the last oburch year according to the re port of the rev w j pady chairman of the qmmittfeo on state religion hubniitted to lie 86tb annual meeting of the bap tiat oonvention held last week in montreal the churches con tn but ed 167 278 an inoroabo of f 17 91 more lb an the last year a total the amount was obtained in the fare or discouraging eopn omic conditions and a low ruling price for farm prod act home membership in the two provinces had increased it was stated 2 582 baptisms being performed ol which 1659 constituted a net gain this brought baptist memberabip id ontario and quebec t to oo 000 persons eve had no laundry bill neither did adam didn t wear olotbes nobody hod em dido t pay any bills nobody did wish we could tetihat don t jou ol kid that tenor of oure can hold one of bis notch tor nenrly l o minntes that s nothing 1 ve held a note for nearly two yours that one of yours note oar prioe to introdnoe pana orange pejcoa tea regular 85o for 7 other teas 66o to 8gc- honej 6 lb 7gc pates 2 lbs 3sc corn flakes 2 pkgs 20c com starch 2 pkgs 8br laundry 8tu i h 2 pltga pearlme 3 pkgs 2 ammonia 8 pkgs w infanta delight 8 tor gc plautol soap 8 for 20c cream olive soap hjor 2cn butter color large 80o toilet paper 4 for so tiny tots talc 8 for bcr have yoo tried our health bis cults and clarks bread the flu est prodnoed mark clark bakery and groceries pbohb ab for the chil place your order in early for the glider wheelbarrows 4 biies wagons kiddy cars etc can also be bad the oljdrtt la toe ates thing in the sleigh tor children call at w richardsons main st first house north or bap tist church front entrance or write p o box 66 tikes and tubes now ti your chance to buy k dts 80s8 foil oversize oord tires s1soo k ft s 80x8 fabric tires s1o60 k ft 8 tubes sljso and ap tlteleminssm1ccsuirn f sinclair e p bowman fijlscon xjutd nmvsnrnro mmd em- qmsstxha donclma st guelpl -imiiiiiwte- taajajjsp a attva ojb fire insurance sjgyou prptftctad v cnaukscathgaova c a and imitator ol harry lsiudei ta opaai lo ac cept caamrnnem or concctfa trdi autaaantt entertainaseata of all kiadsw cbwpi moderate cah or ant ch s laorgvtowtt 1921 baby grand touring repaint ed and overhauled model 2247 mclaughlin sedan late 1919 dodge sedan overland touring repainted 1918 big six studebaker touring these cars are all in excellent condition and must be sold immediately j n oneixi 6eoegeiown son ontaeiq ge m m wm w by strawberry flats and the silver daisy auction sale ctxttla ptara amd horim thomas early lo m l by put lit auirilot at lul h n 111 rjiuenlntc i 1 in iich fnm norviil tneadi in the publte eye r t wuu daw udoik 1 fire tornado auto accident insurance elmer c thompson by baileystuarts garage trouble coats more money than any other commoditj in the world the beat way to avoid oar trouble is to make un your auto advisers and helpers theres no holdup or holdout in this shop honest charges for actual time and materials i wwrqe insurance brper h insurance in all 3i pwnwri as bhihfletnra ladies wear tailoring specialjprices on fall winler suits coats dresses our customers will find a choice selection in the above lines cah and see what we have to offer a hirschorn main street georgetown g eorgetown flour feed mills notice having leased stewerttown elevator i am now prepared to buy all kinds of grain at best maiket prices any time you have gram to deliver call me at phone 195 phone 195 wcbessey georgetown ax wright na stlm our i 4 poultity5 r always i l a j l kept sr ai fresh kl ovr p mslat ttw utu village ol hop situutvd on the frsaer river about ons hundred miles from the coast is the itartink point for mil mountaineers wishing to resch the interior of british columbls by the trail route it u a scattered village of about two hundred inhsbltanta but possessing both an abundance of natural beauty and a truly romantic past the village is flanked on one side by tha noble praser river while from the other side one laoks up three wide draws in the mountain ranges the oni to the left is the beautiful coqulhalln alley taraugh which tie turbulent coquihalla river cascades iron a pass unmatched for rugged grandeur through tbk past too under innumerable mo xhedn and tunnels the kettle valley railway goes to princeton aad the interior in the centre la an opening for the mkolum river to the right lacthe silver creek draw aaatwyond it the snow capped peaks nlhf cascade the mountain trail over the hope pass is the old one known as the dewdney which was surveyed and partly built for twenty ave miles out of hope by english sappers in 8fil it winds up the coquihalla rivtr for a abort distance tmn branches off with the nlcolurq a tributary oltns former river the way lies through sylvan glades past rushing waterfalls and over rustic brtdgas the old dry cribbing of which la as firm as thi day when it waa laid the first feeding ground for horses is at 12 mile lake j otherwise known as divide lake at an altitude of two feet this lake is the head waters of the nicolum rivar hare tfier is a beautiful hay meadow owned by a trapper and prospector who is patiently awaiting the day when the transprovindal road will give him a means of transporting hi wealth in the shape of hay to outside at 22 mile there is another beautiful camping spot hare there i atorga cabin situated in the forest s heart on the very banks of the skagit river the owner of it canias on prospecting and mining operations in the rleulty be ubrbptiately calls his cabin defiance camp t and his mine the silver daisy prom here on for many miles the scenery becomes tmon wonderful if that were possible but at the same tint moislrild and rugged tbe bass a narrow hallway boundedby cliffs thousands of feet high is a sight of naverendlnc marvel at one spot known as skagit bluffs the rail i bare ib inches wide winds around the then the trail once more drops down to the neat trod lug grounds ai cayuse flats which has a sister spot three miles farther on cedar flats beyond cedar flats lies a long strip of heavy cedar timber a true forest primeval strawberry flats a pleasant open field on the skagitrlver at a height of si 00 feet is tbe last stopping place before the actual ascent to the summit begins here in sps of the high altitude wod straw berries grow in abunamnce in the next 2800 feet of tbe perpendiealar el eoorsal one is led ro the summit by a sarlea of switchbacks rig- sagging up the face of the mountain the rivar which at the foot appeared a tbrrent ta bare a tiny stream a mere trickle over the atones below tbe ewemastina hills unroll themselves for a nuaared miles of valley aad p when the summit itseltfutahaided a sitkt awwar to be forgotten appears a wide open meadow has in a inverted crown on the mountain top anna its age rise whitish cliff scmr eel distinguishable from use ssany snow banks and everywhere even beside ths snow grows a bewildering variety of wild flowers in the centre of the depression lltr two jfukas tn dividing of tbe waters for frbi rivtr towards the aea and frofi saw creek towards the interior lakes as soon as the descent of utbsaatsra slops u bssjua a great change is noticeable the grade is wast sad ftteady the country becomes nttnofmn and b osar of the underbrush and tarns soractisfcfk wjwabjesj slope tbe last camp is twenty mils w pi last nine miles of that dfatapqi asa cot motor road the begmalnirof thep provincial highway frtmlftrssaeton to hsm about eight qdlei trsai princeton la 1 interesting spot where stratifledsjks y fossils remains are joeated on tbe side ofi shortly after this the valley opens oat before princeton snuggled peaetf ally into a friendly drda at hbei and its two rivers the fjlmflksmeen and tu keepini of rollir frofi theother to wsswsp tawutt lakes ins guard over it beyond u riasa a spteadid vjsta tiling green foothills with more ragged bmrantajna r in indicative of the diatrkta ateat floarfaalng industries ranching aad talsjag erwihgoldhams meat market main streef georgetown phone no 1 see our specials in our window on saturday qifick delivery guaranteed stoves the quebec heater cook stove combined is the beat on the market see them cream separatyrs hartyps horse blankets quebec and verity p10ws sb georgetown for tender meltingly delicious and wondrous flav ored turkey you must roast it in an fimf crystal ware or pearl ware roaster this roaster roasts as if by magic it bastes the roabt or fowl the fat dnpping down from above the delicate juices and rare flavor are cooked nghtin nothing is lost there is no wasteful shrinkage i when you buy expensive roasts of meat turkey or other fowl or fish you want them perfectly cooked for fcom 200 to 4 00 you can purchase a splendid smp roaster that will positively guaranteejthe roasting to ensure the perfect cooking of an expensive 15lb turkey urrfy it would pay you to use the proper utensil an ajftp roaster costing only onequarter the price of the fowl a roaster that fully guarantees perfect roasting after the hardest roasting an smp roaster cleans as easily and simply as a china dish no scouring or hard cleaning there are styles and sizes to suit every size of roast fish or fowl finished in pearl ware two- coated pearlygrey enameled ware or crystal ware three coated snowy white enameled ware you can inspect them at any good hardware store nov 6th 1988 liarp thu following itejcutiw shorll m wild u rjlmj67yrm due ltoc imlt kil rung beauty 2nd 1367 i yn may ltr nufipartil i ibby lig6 yn due may imth white lady l2 41h svn ju ntv luth kutnttowi lugtj u yr dut mayutth flors iwth lh7in f yis dut april i7lh ulonaom 1644ui 4 ym due april 30th ittsj mors imttl jyn due may loth hoan ljuly ih72m if yrs calf st side lud rlra2nd lotow jyn due may in kvil mlsl 18720 z yn due may htb nunpuruil iciine llmtii kuan ludy nd iltlib4i i yr l immt 1 yr kuan how drnl llmwllyr ljuly maude nd i yr mlnail ituat 4th 1 1 hum four bull 4 ui utnuji iwu httfent ruftimus ilruwn lu idler herd siru i yn lirid 1 y jan duukibs culedunis kfklstvreil huimuuih tuburcular lttj ho lutein ow o yrs fresh hulsuin i yrs fresh 4 hulnulns l and b yra due um of nak hubiufln 7yrn dut dec 4th llulstvin 8 yra iluo nov i7lh holsum 4 yrs due nov zuth holsulniyrs due dec lu hohttcinyrs due jan gth liulstein h yrs due march 24th hul stein 6 yra due dec 9th jersey grade 6 yrs due time of sail jerwey grade i yrs dut- time of nale jersey krade j ym fnsh jersey grade 7 yrs fresh durham grade fresh 2 mos unndle h yrs d knd durham 5 yrs fresh i durhams 2 fhi due jan 2nd drey cow 0 yrs dut jan ftin durham 7 yrs due april r white cow i yrs due april 27th whiucuw7yra dm die 2nd ked cow 6 yrs due nov 24th 1 durham heifers i yr durham steer lyr horses- keg man hd 7 yrs ifood worker brown mure h d 9 yrs aor rel mare 0 yrs good driver buy marc roadster 4 yni pigarcg york saw 11 pigs wka time of salt york suw 7 pigs 6 wka time ofsale york sew 7 pivs 7 wka time of sale york mrajrjj ptes 7 wka tune of sale york sow tired oct i4th 4 fat hogs one seb heavy team harness with breeching in good repair bags uf potatoes ail will b told without reserve as the proprietor is giving up one farm teyffls pat hogs veal calves pou toes and all sums of 25 and under to be cash over that amount 12 months cred it on approved security g per cent discount far cash radial cars will be met at norval ben petch w a wilson auctioneer clerk er clearing crhou auction sale -ot- honei cattle ac poultry tha iindrmgiied bus received i uruci c h lejdwidge lo wlj by public auction at east hlf of lot 19 con 5 west of cetilre road chmg county of feel on fri november 2nd at 1 o clock ihe following j honsim bay mare 1600 good worker and brown mare general purpose driving horse aged attlb bnndle cow due jsni ham cow bred 3 months n liking well durham cow bred 3 months milking wej jersey cow due feb milking well hoi- stem beifor bred 2 monlhs jersey spring bmfer jersey bull 2 monlhs pure brett s apring durham heifera gbsse poult a 2 geese 1 gand 8 ducks 50 spring pullet- 2 hei s r i and bfr haanrss set of brass mounted team harness w tttbreeching act of lean ncsas wtihout breeching 2 sets of driving and one set light double harness s collars kpfeugb lines 3 h irse blankets new mpkamimts bam sleel wagon newt m h stock and hay rack nearly newt mh 12 hoe drill good shape deenng roowtir deenajg lofl rake good as newi jpnng tooth cultivator cultavsting bar row 4 ser m tl harrow newi no 21 m h walking plough new hay rack and wagon box light wagon gsod shape top buggy with pole and shaftag open bug gyt top cutter nearly new barrel hum cream separator 600 lbs new 2 sets dou bletree 3 neckyokes s hay forks ai shovels chains beaty hay i ar sod 3 pul 35 ton tmothy bay about 200 ba oati quantity of baga 3 horse power gilson sawing outfit new and a quantity of other things too nn auction sale -pf- higb ormde holitein cattle auid tsunworth hofaj eto v the undersigned has received iinlmclin j h cameron norval slalkmi on wed november 7 at 12 30 p m the lollc tig cattik herd s ros king paul p vale 51 124 nfing 2 yra bred by a e hulel norwich oni r dgecroft king burke 1 1 months sire f ndnrnc buller bo j6257 he burke 61596 alw the fol low ng orade holmiens lo 3 yra calf an jjude cow s yra rail at aide co 4 yralf at aide cow sjra all at auie cow 4 yn call at wide cofsyn tallatade tow 6 ji alf at a dei o s yra calf at dc rou 6jr ralfa kjp heifer 2 yra calf ai udet he lr 1 yn due nov t owfljrs due nov xh he ler 3 ynt d e nov 3rd he fer 2 yra dut nov rtti heifer 2 in u e nov tkh cow lyr due no kxh ow 5 yr- duenov 2hlh hr irr 2 yra d oncv 24th he fer i yra dur dec jrd leifer 2jrm 4w ore 10lh cow 8 ira due de mil heifer 2 yrs due dn 20- lfffri due dec 20ih cow 1 yra duejai ird beifer 2 y a d ir- j isifj 1 yra dqe mar tkh low i yiwie 2kh row6jra m ik rk tc sup posedto 1e i calf cow 4 yrat milk ng well heiter 2 yrs bred ana 4th beifer 18 month not bred hafet li months with but two fxfepl mi the above cons have all been liuscd on the arm atd earredbyihe m former herd sires maple range burins 29246 and f ndeme b uier boy j6257 a son of queen butter baroneaa tnada a prut 33 lb cow h4tmaonh saw 2 yra 10 lam worth p ga i months 6 tam worth p g 6 week 2 tjh worth sown montha not rred bout 20 tona suede turn pa akkts set waaure boh tlerh lppm 200 4 i 1 serie aa ifugl proprietor a ove forked and has rvccommodat tsbmhcakrsjootaand all i sis and under ease over that atnr mnntba red t on approve join n per cent r lor faati w a w ison dletv ban parcw auci m duacl rttsll mclht waas ike flratahms aspaar asiuli wr mtpsn m will aorouidlr aa tm and preaerlba b a a a thai will alva rn oaaaian aul aa dj rwti kotow u yoor okllda tm a owe a share t o t walker r o btaatard opvasbautat m olklla nions is tor appatnlmaim goal aminos d l coal i w st n all sizet also smithing and steam coal mrs jtwalkbu nnrval station phona 6ars4 wabailey ha mak wialcr wbmi ke kerb arejrnrrasyiwhr wtluvi a fan liac 1 anoeralaakda srdfte hws tm tina ab traaks ian sill am dc la ikt attj tklif la aa htsale laraos saaa ml repairs artaauy 4mc w ariailey up to oatb harness fmop mala street ceoicetowh take notice pfluplo who have wheeting rait era and good train en faat jioing to rat for want of protection with ftakanixed corrugated sheets at pre war prices or less oorjaideritig llit imnrotemeot or sundries for this iidv do use to sell and buy tba other place ih worse take stock aud twve a alk with gilbert 810 clair 08r1 rb no 1 george town stee trusa barna qaraea allkirb galvanized tanks light ening protection norman hspeigfil pianos phobograpbs eleclric washers eledric cleaners sm aa saud awalkly aayaeib norman h speight toauc air elxgtsuostobx brsski bleak oavbaiowra snyders cartage after travelling all summer we have never had better ser vice than you have given were the parting words of the chautauqua crew this sum mer they were satisfied and we are sure you will be too if you refer your teaaming or trucking wants to ua we do igylhing possible tondowith- teama or trucks and will be pleased to giv- you estimates on any work of this kind snyder hone tflw n saumllists fuilr4 standard anthracite scranton coal in all siaea automatically boittaaed mad bonded coail wood select lump for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and canael coal id fact i carry everything to be found in any up to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald i phonb is georgetown junk wanted i am prjn the highest cash price- or all kinls of junfc k also liidea and poo i try aa optmaito saavl saaatu mm vlatorlav staavt qttstet01 oat m f man potrtoflcabox 470 phona 167 t 1 l-

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