Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 7, 1923, p. 1

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1 the georgetown herald fifty j hn 111 yhatt of pui1i icaiioiv georgetown wedneedaay erening november 7th 1b23 1 60 per annum in advance sjlqo to tj b tbeeorgetown berald unbar oaudua otr tlato labia uoinll 1 ht 1 asu iiger 7 22 i it 1 ubbbi gor jt u 1iw ii hi r 10 ihau mul pauw xer tl 10 a m h 4m i m mail cia pm passenger hldpin htuthenger auoiiaj going wkht 7 21pm 1 assenger i 7 67 am mull 10 lti am pasaeukt i 2 12 pui 1 asnengcr 4 60 pm passenger 6 02pm puhhedr 709 pn mhi bbgpm f asiienger sunday 10 os am qoinu nobtu mall 800 am mai qoino south 4 55pm 1 hail 11 as am mail 7 47 pm georgetown creamery- i j 923 taxes cream wanted by the georgetown creamery we v ii bo o e n for the icromo lation of farmers on w di tad i an i hti rdnj weu ugh georgetown creamery co vf sau mana trwt butua kallwav daily timk table awm p m i going bast 8 10 224 6 40 going west 8 66 8 10 7 8 sunday timb tabiis oing j3aat m n m pm pm pm 10 21 1220 8 46 0 10 917 m p m p rr going weat 10 40 6 10 9 86 directory la roy data in ehart of owors h o mia barrister solicitor etc office m ii st geonrctowi haur 9am tosp m opan welnesday and saturday e db mhtp pfcyeisiam and attrsean msdicai oftnr of haaita o4 and t tolid nm c r w ross phjmciaa and surgeon db o v wiluams rnyaioaii and surgeon office and residence corner of main si sooth and factory si pfcaawtts oscahoura 9 tokm 13 and68iwm t b watfox i d bcm d 8 oaavsntaw chum bn 0 to ft jexaaat r l heath loa d d ft oflfm in lana block on door nortl at onauta csnrlace factory hooi lbtolm dc obimopkaonc oirun aaaxxkavr lawawatery ralamvomlmto 10 jm ottc in bailey block nest door to j n u office omca houss wednaadaya and sat uiday ii to l2atn 2to5pro and 7 to pboms office i50w and residence 245 mnj wtch j a tract clark township of espies ng- clerk 3rd divtaion court the leading fire and life inm ra wood on hand all tbft timn bestsorasttoh coal wliiaimil on kud john bauantine brsjaplob business lasnnrip sajsckml jdlmsckml seao pitman shorthand touch typewriting bnainess bnglieh omoa bystems piling spelling bookkeeping arithmetic penmanship commercial law rapid calculation laauvmaal isftfmettoa tft phone ssi anderson block qdm bt fc box 002 iswelf known an the high gvane sebool keen demand for bur graduates all the time write for catalogue commence w ju1 pfimetpatl for sale in georgetown farms and house fox sale and to sent new 0 room 1 to use near the hitch school has all conveniences two fireplaces ncvl decorated nice lawn rood gat den fro it trees and hen bopue price 5600 tor ma 1700 down halance on monthly p ay meats 0 g rooii rramo bouse and two lots near the smith 8 tone factory price 2510 terms 1040 down balance 1500 a month until payed for for particulars apply to e a benham- real estate and insurance rime m4 gemcetvwn electric appliances of all kinds the hydro lamp guaranteed pet 1 500 hours irons from 475 up pnces on all makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges office town hail durant sport tojurng we have a number of good used cars of various makes at prices and terms to suit purchasers t j speight agent georgetown acton nd vicinity willouflhby farmageney emenrn 6000 100 acres with new house and bank burn clone to rood road r s500 good 6 roomed hous with all mmtern ronvenieni about 11 acrei of gtirden land also jmiiltn bouei 500 l rooms and bath furnace and electric beautiful lawri and sbnd trees and shrnbn in good condition 3900 0 rooms furnace electric all nicety decorated b b medowelli rep georgetown ontario or to nelotlloughby farm agency ui mbit ii vkkvla sl tmmk panel 7m second instalment notice l 4 the 1933 tmxratotiooa nrnvina been sent out the seoonfl instalment is due and paymble on november 15th 16th i will be at tne oewwaterworlu bnildins on the above dates prepared to receive taxes i coltet r read what the chief constable of the toronto police department says about mclaughlinbuick four wheel brake pallce department toronto canada oct lltb 1928 the manager mclaughlin bo irk motor car coy 1s8 church street toronto my dear sir- recently i had tha privilege of driving one of the new molanghtin buiok 1024 sedans with the four wheel brake equipment i drove the oar one full daj on country and city streets the road 8 and pavements being dry on that day i encountered many bad bills including the one at qreenwood ont which was taken with ease without changing of gear the car containing en passen ers i found that the four wheel braking ayatem stopped the oar quiokly when descending later i tested the brake system thoroughly on various wet slippery pavements some portions of the streets being littered with refcbe as a result of horses being driven over them which ib more dangerous than a clean wet pavement andffound that the four wheel brake equipment as perfected on the mclaugh lm bnick makes for greater safety when driving at alt speeds especially in crowded traffic as the brake lining is distributed over four wheels in stead of two the wear should be reduced to a minimum in m opinion the four wheel brake arrangement is one of the greatest advances in motor car development in recent j ears and if generally adopted would 1 hope be a factor in reducing the number of traffic accidents i congratulate the mclaughlin buick compaoj on be ing a pioneer in this connection yours sin oa rely 8 j di0es0n chief constable fisher king georgetown repreenta vmsahlinjeuick motor car co 3h3- november when leaves begin to turn and theres a nip of f tost in the aii that makes the warm bed seem to clyp ynn hgkt it p n ovwarl plan tn have b wcatdos jrmarm clock on watch it will tell you uat how hte you can sleep from 200 to 600 a b willson jeweller main 8tiieet oeoroetown i eire tornado auto accide loshrance elmer c thompson j li vtafstoses quality bread leais them all try our brown whole wheat steam and brick ioph also oar fancy buna special lor saturday cream poffs cream rolls lemon apple and raisin pie also other choice fanny pastry a livingstone phohh aft fnotherlchiinklblblngaftap and annther armistice d will soon be here to be observed jointly and it were well that we do not loss sight of a duty we owe w tl regar i to many mercjes extended there will bt j isntyof niportunlty to express ourselves at tbt cb ircbes and it is to be hoped that we shall make special effort this jear on the bolidaj to ex press o ir gratitude for a great many things the thanksgiving of a nation is an act trulj im piensive in its algnifloancr the more thoughtful leaders of our people will la emphasis upon the ma terinl 1 roapenty of the dominion than upon its tremendoiih sociaf and moral opportunities pot bountiful crops and heavy exports for high wages and increasing values h is well to be thankful insofar as these thiols minialor bo the life of the spirit the inak or of manhood the enriching of tbe average ex penenoe but for the enlargement of oaofdeajaythe raisiog of tbe standard of public doty the increasing care for the weak and immature the recogmsidg of responsibilities higher than the mors piling up of in dividual fortunes and a government surplus for these things we ma well giv thanlcs only ten years have passed since tbe newspapers startled tbe world with thejiewa of a great war and yet so poor is man s memory that in many homes to day memories of tbe war and tbe great saonfloee it entailed are nearly dead tbe result is that too often armistice day and thanksgiving day aalt has now become is in dinger of becoming far from the real thing it ought to be either in the giving of thanks to a beneficent father or in grateful remem brance to those who gaye their all in the great war we are not really lacking in appreciation but we are prone to forget in this worldly materialistic age and so a little reminder now and again is neces sary armistice day and thanksgiving day ana now merged into one and bey can both be observed loy ally and properly on nov 11 next let s see that they are for there are few people on the face of the earth who have more reasons for tbe giving of thanks than we canadians have ou rajulbm bhall we not nay tributes to the memory of tbe fallen heroes in holding more sacred tbo institu moos and liberties for which they fought suffered and bled there is juat one gift that all our dead dssi re one gift that men earn give and tbaisadream dnleas we too can born with tha same are of aaoriqoe die to tha things that die to tbeiitte hatreds die to greed die to tbe old ignoble selves we know die to the base contempts of sect and greed and rise again like these with soars sa true nay since they died before tbejr usk was finished attempt new lights bring even their dreams to birth build us tbaj world 0 nqtjtatafsoaa by one tne snlenda i splendour that they planned on earth d these i and that s not done by sword nor tongue not pan there s bot one way god make gledwiluams tbe methodist ohuroh choir went to hornby to assist in the methodist church anniversary last sunday morning after doing their part they were royally enter tamed to dinner they take this opportunity of thankingjhoee who kindly assisted by lending their cars also mrs leonard march ment and mr bludd for their val uable assistance we are pleased to report that miss hazel huntley who was op crated on last week is up again and doing ntoely the glen extend their deepest sympathy to mr harry barratt in his recent sad bereavement our bakers are now established in their new bakery and are r ning to full capacity the orangemen s dance i friday evening was a huge success there being tbe largest crowd that ever was at a daaoe here camp bell s music with j cain as floor managei was all that oould be de sired tbe whole affair wa ex cellent large numbers were present train toronto brampton and elsewhere the true blues will hold a danoe and sapper on nov sotb campbeji s mobic messrs james will and art norton and will allen glen wm be and weluohton w of georgetown left on friday on a hunting trip ta raven s worth mr oscar mokinley leaves on tours day hajlowe so passed rather quiet ly 10 our village only a few minor tricks being played by the young sters special thanksgiving and mem onal service will be held in tbe methodist ohuroh here next sun day at 7 p m rev mr conroy of lowville will be the speaker special invitation to all returned men and everyone real estate has been booming oar village george allen par abased bis father s horns wilson keaton the bates boms mr bar low bought brooklebanks home and mr sharp th old blaokatdok home from mr wheeler tbe services on sunday next at bt albans will be holy commi ion at 9 80 am and evensong at 8 pm norval women s institute met at the home of mrs patterson on thursday nov 1st there was a good attendance of members the transacting of the nsual business part was somewhat lengthy all items being well discussed at the close of this part of tbe meet ing the members were asked for donations for tbe armenians- in onr vicinity the response waa most generous amounting in the neighborhood of 40 miss max wello paper on thnjtsgiing its origin and present day obeerv anoe was well given closing with the poem in flanders fields the members added a few thoughts oa thanksgiving and the meeting oiosedwith a societ hoar mr louis laird is ereoiing a dwelling house on his lot lately purchased from mr a l noble mr and mrs w j campbell visited friends in toronto dqnng the past week work on the presbyterian hill has started and wa nope when completed our oitutens wul be climbing merely a grade thanks to our council mrs hardy of toronto spent last week at mr barnbill s dr and mrs f gollopof acton were visitors at mrs w j camp qver the week end 8 a m 15 easaaalba pot lowing is the report for tbe month of october the names be in order of merit the mark riven being the per cent obtained r iv susie piwawood 73 lloyd barth 78 stanley norton 61 iv maggie sanderson 72 john connelly 8r willis sir niter i 8r iii wilda davidson 66 frank dick 57 elva brocklebank 68 annie biltmgeley 41 harvey norton 86 irene brooklebank 41 sr ii gordon mcwayne 78 george stringer 69 norman sin clair 68 donald sinclair 69 sr i michael connelly 79 louise brocklebank 78 gordon billingsley 36 sr pr- george aldous 80 john dick 70 j jr primer wiriism connelly totmlsy brocklebank ellen al dons vance billingsley florence sinclair billy dick doreen mc kechnie fletcher billingsley dora l moclelleu teacher nerval hallo a l methodist basement was a huge saooesb those in costume doing thbir part to make tbe evening en joyable messrs gordon and victor day spent sunday with their parents here rev j lnndy ot grand valley id rev walter patterson ohangedjjblpito last sunday voles airicoausests the avcpk of n a to be an optimist ljve in the present von cannot get away from now fow baa thepos lhilities of all good ive one day at a tjme u tha past the future will be alt right when it oomes be teankfvdi for tbe smallest blessings of which yon are oooepious ave on weralse side of life tbank zodiac life for freedom air aanabine tor lore end oy and for rest at ntghb open your heart to god as tha flowers lift theirjcnps to the snn shine m tbbrb whbk 6416 accidents in ontario reported tb the work men s compensation board during the month bfootofaar being 68 for any prior month ainoethe ooouneneeuwnfe of the aott forty of the month a aoci dents were fatal more aotndente were reported doling tbe first ten months of jibe oreeant year than during the whole of bust year tbe totals being respectively 61009 nd 0411 the amount of bene fits awarded daring october was 6 68878 of whsch 46609x01 was compensation and 6754678 medical aid sxobahos 9atb our minister ran over time at chnrch today five minutes he preach ed twenty eight minntes that made an hour and five minutes service which is too much so some people say aod if oo preach i er doesot waioh out they will be bis hat and asking him whats his harry an hour and five minutes in chnrch is an oatrageoaa ions time i was won dering how these peogle stood it to sit three boors a the show the otbsr night and two and a halp boors at the movies and i never heard of a dance one hour long sixty annate card party people seem to want to get their money s worth when tbej go to shows and things well p that s why they want one hour at oburoh that is all they ve paid for i n thought of t j- the hah ob woman who p0b sea oss the virtue of tact has a gin that they ought to cultivate to the utmost for it is something that the majority of people are 10400 attorn if there was nothing else wrong with the department of public highways under the d f o biggs regime its accounts ware badly kept tbe department was so dilatory in sending ualton a state ment of the amount due from the oonuty for expenditure ooprovin cial highways in 1928 that- it was asked for one the figures were sent by w a mclean deputy minister lately retired on july 17th a lump sum 8890s7 the county council objected to pay so large a sum without a de tailed statement aod instructed the county clerk to ask for it it had not been received on oct sad when tbe coo noil met and passed a by law for the issue of deben tares to the amount of 90000 to cover the claim bot postponed tbe actual issue until after another meeting tbe detailed statement was received last friday dated oct ssnd and signed by a c scott accountant of tbe depart ment who figured helton s share of the expenditure s0 at 78 448 77 a reduotion of 1046860 an explanation of the mclean de mand would be interesting would tbe overcharge have been discovered if the county had not asked for the detailed statement t milton cbampioi haaamvamrxas all persons wishing to have their eyes examined by dr o t walker make an appointmelft at mr watson s drug store dont pail to mak k an appointment immbdiati1 sadly deficient in there are few things which make things run smoother in tbe ordinary coarse of life than tbe ability to exensae tact in the home lite it is tbe lubrication which oils tha wheels and keeps the machinery working harmoniously without strained or diboordant notes it is just as im portant in public lite and few people who have mixed m society to soy extent but have had know ledge of tbe sad oontretemps which too often arise from the person lacking tbe saving gift of tact it is a great peesession which those who wish to move along should endeavor to cultivate in every possible way and very fortunate indeed is the person who bae a natoral gift in that direction a deputation op about thirty ot the 116 public school inspect ors of tbe province waited on premier ferguson minuter ot education last week asking for aa increase in salary from 8000 to 4000 one of their spokes men inspector jordan of york said tbe inspectors do not want to have too mnoh of their time taken np making ends meet they are not financiers and preferred to confine themselves to ednca ionsl work he argued that in apectors at 8000 are paid less than the principals of the public schools that they supervise be bides routine work they have to pass uponeobool sites plans and so oc and have to go through twelve years 6t training premier ferguson promised that he would meet their views to some extent end added that in bis mind the most important work of tbe in speotors is to develop in the student a love and appreoiatioa or learning thereby developing per sonality and individuality a cbadwiok the burglar ar rested at hilton last week has been aeqtenoed to live years in kingston fc- dvs r n d

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