Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 7, 1923, p. 2

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mm w h willson undartaiker and lionud embalmer mala t qaargatewa ic km hrllx i krllj a h marriage death clapftit kln o i mil w k iluird i in year mi hablanb oil tuesday n i weitern hoap lal lol uluhulli rktim duk ttn ami kabr u mvrrli obituary mhh w r black mrs susan linrdy black wiffl of ex loapeclor william b black o tbo toronto police force died lael saturday at her borne 78 walmer road tiie result of an operation which the underwent last year and trftat which she never really recovered deceased was born in georgetown about 60 years ago and bad been a resident of torod to foi tho past 23 years sbe was a presbyterian her husband one brother w h hardy in toronto and two bisters mra a stark of toronto and mrs g 8 morrow of fergus aurvivc the remains were brought to georgetown on monday morning and interred in greenwood oemeterv rev cameron conducted the service town council council met mt 8 pm novem tmrlh with major dale la ohnir ileeve muliilvre and iiifnibcr of tbo council all urount gam tuuoinatiouh more read from uuoliili urm co oeonieltiwn pmb and cliii cafe department of public hikhwajs j w ken tied maiiin webb ontario mini ioi lil rieetric awwoiattoo mnt loud and ujdra him trio power comratbhion leorgetown mr mark clark addrehbftd coud ci i re a oroamnk on john stroot h mncanunb addretwed council ro drain orousiug his urorty on main strwt chief jackson was inatructed to lower pipes on main st north at moore estate urouert and send account to the government clerk was instructed to write uuelpb cartage co chip man power mappin webb mrs loud armistice day parades veteran- i co 111 lon luftea nod roy snoutn will attend n uie on a i hrtiee at norval metuo dist cliurt b at hi a in hunda nqv htb and at st ktrm church floor ho town at 7 p m hvery member of the above or ganiiationa hliould make an ttorl i to attend unite puradeit on ttif iii vermin or arniiittir-r- l parade in nornl in called for it ibnrp at tbo hank of nova 8eotia rxiniei an the nrrvim be 0 at which col wil iimdh will kive an addreiui the ladled will rv dinnei for all pat adlng immediately after the me mortal aervice the bugle band will attend will thou who make tbeir own ariangement fer transportation plane do ho nod thote who are wiiiiiik to provide oars will pleaae reiiort at main corner in town al 1 ho aclon church news st ge0r0e8 ohdbch armidtice day will be kept on sunday celebration of the holy communion at b am relatives and friends of tbe falled special i j in i ted to this service together with the members of the 1921 confirmation class matins at 11 a m and epeaial service at 7 p m when the rev capt vipond m c of toronto will be he preach catajlru oi lviu nltmu oclubvi hi u of toi n and i hi mr 1 burnt we j of ibi ii t tiu clay products agency ltd da requeue to help out berty mfg co a j lmda ac ton it wes moved by b o arnold and seconded by u herring ton that clarke qowhoda co ob alt ered accountants be engaged as auditors tor the year 198 on terms contained in letter to the council carried a long list of accounts were passed they will appear in tbe herald next week 11 t foi ii tie fr 1411 re of bit ii ft arm 1 till uihlji ill llllllhlllg in tint it 11111i a v miiui k to ins flyhurn it w ilia 1 who h ix beit nmriimim uf the hunk of montreal mcifii i i n l 11 lruiiif irwf iti roll op honob in proud and lowng memory of our glorious dood who fell in tbe great war of 1014 1918 flight lieut cyril roar barber ttojal navy air serice killed to action at dunkirk france jan natty 7tb 191h sergl james blair 110 can ad ion infantiy battalion killed in action at cambrai france sep tember 29th 1916 pte george henry barnard 102 canadian infantry battalion killed in action nt passobendalc france november 1st 1917 pte henry william francis 4th canadian infantry battahor killed in action at givenehj france juno 17tb 1016 scrt john moore killed action bergt observer herman nellt royal air force killed in action nt karlsirbe german maj 91st 1s1u pte george herbert sleigbt holme 52ud canadian infantry battalion killed in action bote do fresue france august istb 1918 pte george- leonard spires 280th canadian infantry battel ioc died at niagara camp feb ruary 23rd 1918 t i who eager at their couotrj a call strong undismayed surrender edall greater love hath uo man than tbis that a man lay down bis life for his friends 8t john 16 is baptibt aj1 services called off for revival meetings sunday school 10 am union service at 1 1 m nobval mbtbouibt special thanksgiving services will be held in the norval metbo dist church next sabbatb novem ber hth at 11 80 am and 7 so pm the morning service will partake oitho nature of an armistioe celc brali on all neighboring churches have been invited to join in this special peace service col browo with some fifty returned enldiers and members of tbe balton rifles will be in attendance tbe pastor rev w h douglas will be in barge and rev col geo h wji hams d d will deliver the men sage tho choir will famish spec at mobio and land of hope and glory will he sung by ryerson douglas the church will be suit abb decorated and there will be poppies in prolusion tbo evening service will be 1 song ttervice led by a male rboi and bev mr douglas will take as his subject canada t large con gregations arc anticipated and all woold do well to come early public school report following is the report for tbe months of september and october iv class bon marjone uil lock pass pearl saxe joseph bol ger helen lane clifford bradley gertie hiracborn donald herring too and isabel lougbeed equal douglas bodgins stella coulter jack harrison lloyd cole willie knight ruth evans and aileen groat equal fran tog sr iii a bontiieron robin son pass hugh mcnally gladys henry loutse bullivant and reuben eason irva thompson roy moeqery margaret maltby and jack armstrong ray cnoh ton annie freeman kathleen wright viner wright joe hall madeline erwin aleo jepson and bert tuck george sargent olive davis maurice hillock eleanor treanor helen hilts jack dun can elmer cbatigan roy bradley t frank whitmee and emily lucas sr iii class 8 hon loretta legrow pass edgar gregory margaret wright edith tost lily saunders gordon harley frank rosso percy hill irene marcbment matthew bod skill ivan wngnt henry col ley calvin gregory elisabeth speuce maud allan edith godfrey percy barker george hoare harold tost fred bastle willie vint jr iii hon betty denison loia butler flora alcott evelyn ashmore eohel marshall bdoa glass pearl blair aloyaiua bolger dorcas edwards jack uaclareo martha graham margaret green jim evans pass angne weroyss tillie hirsohorn florence brantford gordon martin jessie hill ward mardock gladys wes too jack davidson robert reeve sr ii hon alice woodi irene muluolland fred illinga- wortb jean memtt and kelly mo nally equal harold ritchie madeline lockndge marj reeves russel fires tine and cecil david son equal margaret denibon fraser mimms gbn rjan el eanor momullid ethel smith walter mcgilvray equal dona sykes jjouvain woods irene arm strong ernest alcott aileeo glass howard legrow earl hilts josephine heath james renme irene feller pass marion treanor john mcauley jack hillock isabel thompson stanley allen basel rttinfih maty dftmng inn ross tbe oven 1 tig parade will fall in at the public library at c80 sharp led by the georgetown band and bugle band and march to btiueorgen chiin h where the rev capt vipoud m c will preach veteraim will parade in civilian clothes with medals special music is being provided at both servires and every effort is being made to lit ting i observe tbe da an eten log meal will be provided ip georgetown for those from nut if town l t ibirt be a get together day for tbe vet o hrowu lt col ualton ritles correspondence that lord renfrew appreciated the flowers sent him by s kirk president of tbe canadian florists is quite evident by the following letter received this week rms empress or france at sea hth oct 192 dear sir i am deaired by lord renfrew to convey through yua to tbe members of the canadian florists and gardeners aasonin tioo or canada his royal high ness a appreciation of tbeir good wibbes and sincere thanks for the beautiful dowers whieb the sent to hip cabin in the emprebs of france for his return journey to england tours truly godfrey thomas private seoretarj s kirk esq pros canadian florists and gardeners association of canada i m oi if 1 11 lr i mi m in mntn st m liiid to fill hum 1 luifli u l llic gr till mlli tll fll1 h trh 1 nimrl 21 uf lli u i 1 111 hl alio inlriirliw sun hie mot hmtlie waa for i wti jiwi 1 rthidt 11b uf the toronto l 1 mined of women ami ba- uiitlp iv heml uhij ir otniihliiinn 1 1111 ruiiik mi ilnl ilf lmih m unhii in will an lit ullier conn tri hip xptnkir huu4 that it in limnliil that in untune alone then lire prubablj uo kx h laie of mrynik iloiiien firtucnial l or iatlii laeb or irnntlty i if ly pri 1 11l of t runiiinlh are ad jiiduod mi ntallj lifitlia there ii r tbohi who are totally unlit tin r an uim who w hh care and trmmntt mu b happil and profit nlil tniiilfjihl and tlifre are lhoae that iriim r rare and dn etoptiebt an hhmi lor iliemhfhph and their country the rchponmbihty sure 1 tent wilh tb normal ntjcena to not mlj pralfet tliemai hn and fntuit of tbe hlnte but u ivp the wi ukei nnih eerj ihunre mrs uavi on inlerchting mllf llic al in ndv 1 tbeeuclire and lame mini miller 1 auhpicek t tin jeuikdiiwn itlxeiih diiiiii 1 1 tb town lull on friday nm lkli hiijlid lis 111 thuij mix ilifferent onntrioh mesdaiuem uohh and annnndnle fmj tired the aodieooe witli a pmnii duet norwegian danre mihh u ltod hang iji hi mini ami may time mi4 dm foot ocrtipud tbe rbair a htuer inllif tion wim taken the mens store i fall styles and new g now ready g our initial fall hlifiwing of genuine imixuttd volrh tweela branufiil rm nun h iihiixii wirhleil- imi mm lotn in all i hi inuit ntnihil anil in rrinu imiiii illi ills and lite new and popular fall 1 in k- at kiiiliir 1 1 iiiim- jnt arrimtl tailnnd in linen llitit riulknl cm rj iij lfl ii11 lyintite style and reatnre tin will ap 1 in all uiuik 1111 ti mill men whoata young if you are thinking of u m full kiiil 01 rt ml lime lour ordexnow buforr dip fall mnli htarth saiiiule will be torwardul tn nil cmtmili r ilnnii is nn retjiieat fall fnroisbings now ready ah the latent foit itrih in mi 11 wi 11 1 iiin in iimlil mihoiiable in puce sjwyinl nelectionh of 1111 11 h voiiug in n mid jtnlh ready to wear hiiiih in nil the intent nl ft itnil julli nih we are gtiinu ui tiuilie huh lijmr tiirnl a hiirih 1 1 lu heahiiu it w ii tmlorit girmcnth at tciihonnlil i nn mtl do t call and investigate btforr mukiuu jnni fill mrhiiho kara af tau paumc i eyes examined i au ilatscs imk to hi i leases prescrlptlms t ihvucam fuk4 f t htttisfm tion guaranteed or t t money refunded t i da o o not9 1 i jawaur and opiantrif t t n aioca jaargafbob 4 wlctfumn1 saturday treat homemategandies notice our special f or vaturflay y butterscotch don t foi get the old futunte home made butterscotch as good ever juxt like mottter use tn make regular price soc lb saturday treat special 25c lb weekend chocolates let the linbil of taking a pound home evrj sauirda assorted hijli grade liotolaus a good vanetj of lavom regolar 40c and 30c for 32c wlimi iit feel liungry vhj not lme lunch pie and ice cream tomato iaoiin tt n coltee etc sandwich es on requent yoo can come to ns with con fldence that yuu will get bettei and rbeaper boot from uh tbnn yon ran buy any place elee we have added t large stock of rob- beia of all kinds and it is our in tention to cut high prices to pieces repairing men s boots half soled kenneth mackanue viola c0m1 1 00 boys new solid leathi school boots 200 the cartage man brought me tbe largest load or boots from the freight sbeda eer brought to a retailer in gei getown all bongbt for cash and as m have no overhead expanse lottk out for low p tires j bone tbe man bnngtng trade tn town eleanor bullivant willie ritchie jr ii hon catherine dilly john bennett helen mcdonald roth cameron jack smith bar bara tost lena hilts pass omar digging helen brown ethel s pence lawrence cole evelyn hoare kathleen hale eileen costigao alice walker may tedder muriel wright bruos mokeniie wilbert bradley jack saunders mary arnold dona greene irene hall rosa poile frank dew ha ret max freeman ethel hall bill mo ctaren jim sargent sr i a hon lille francis aonie hall edith bullivant hel en mcallister jean hilt margaret hentoer ross duncan floyd hilts nellie maynard pass arthur hilts roeco l01 uua jean mcallister percy saxe kathleen mayes elsie carter jr i a velma oatrander al fivd davidson mary gladall francis evans jack cunmugbani poaii i b sr i hon roth mcnally harvey allan margaret huggina vernon mccomber clarence ken nedj pass verdun wright margaret long flora grabam neillejdep son eric dean jr i- bon reggie hoare grace mcnallj erwio bills emily edwards pass dorothy wnght cartyle hyde jack hamilton annii nsso jim valaotuw una diggma primary class gertie lock ridge jim meniven margaret mayes bernice ilcdonald rnsafill mcoaoly norman barker jean evans lloyd sanderson irene maltby kathleen molbolland gan bwater denison dooglm boa- sell eric jiomngtoo mary tost royoa speight jack vonlia clif ford henry arthur hodglns boa- bel varey booe snnedp albert stapleton albert reeve beverley turnbnll artbor banirasthelen anoalrjwb evans wrigbtulmer stocktord audrey merriu haxel wafkev goll list of draw for partners mixed foursome for poultrj prizes to be beld at golf course on tbu day friday and saturday nov h 9 and lotb mrs dr ross and w ford miss amy mcdonald and j thompson mrs joseph gibbons and d roe vs ed fleck and mrs blake he mrs j l tboinphon and j willoubbj va mrs vernon smith ana leroy dale mrs pilkie and harry uoldham vs miss a mrleod and mr pilkie mrs chos uodson and mr shorey vs miss owens e codling missjjangan and r wcjiiibh tm miss ann an dale and r cork miss hickey and mr murraj vs misa mattbews and p fleck mibs g sykee and mr herbert vs mib ed mcdonald and e cole mrs t 0 mckay and c ruddj vs mrs willougbby and joe hulls mrs annandale and j uaxel woofl b mrs gold ham and tom nelle jdrs c i roe and p rlaokhi vs lira dale and b coflln miss mildred fleck and w roe va mrs j mcdermid and j r wallace mrs fleck and mr dickie vn mrs shore and p coffin mrs p blackburn and mr minima vs mtas young and j mo dermid mrs p b coffin and r foulis vs misa h cleave and dr mar cellos miss e robertson and j b mackenzie vs miss ii harrimjn and r erwin au mrs e thompson and r ha ml wood vs miss margaret mcka and e mcnulty special prizes donated tor oolr tournament hidden par weymsa no 1 mr p coffin no 8 m mcderrhid no 4 mr herbert no 6 mr foulis no 6 mr cod hog no 7 mr thompson no h dr marcellns no d mr j b mackenzie best son re on pond mr fleck booby prize irwin qoldbam other special pnrrs will be donated prices will be distributed on saturday at 6 pm ran ta qit rmim a case of considerable interest was decided in the dimbjoo court at onllia last week when dr sod was awarded 10 for dam ages to bis car a farmer named teskej droe out of his yard with a team and irrfro of the oar nd proceeded alobg the road for a abort distance and then tu ed into an opening nn tbe same aide from whicb he emerged boyd who waa following up ran into tbe wagon and his oar was in jured he claims that id turning in the farmer did not give tbe necessary tigmu of his intention had be done so the doctor rnnld bare avoided the cclliston tbe decision 1a irnportaoi inasmuch as many drivers of horse vehicles seem to think- it unnecessary observe the roles of road traffic as applied to automobiles get read your storm window phone 9 harold c black 0e0rgetown ppythougm ranges happy thought ftps furnaces defy winter in any part of tbe borne ti t have stood the teat of ingle fixture to your entire bouae that is as l as your f hvery woman wno docs ber own cool lug knows what it memo to have even she rcalltts wast a laraje confcinc face mean and tbe benefits of regal on and little lboravuic attachment thste hundied t canadian won know the dependability of happy thought ranees from actual coce tbey have foond omkal in fuel and eaay to operate r b thompson co eyfttniqcey m baile by baileystuart5 garage auto repairs expert service fair- prices 21 ire rblfco your nutomobilo traauleatlo a thstb hy oar door in wide opn there notlunr under cover irannd bora except jiir mid tlinl i tree u oil no tioioyou tare toeall toril come unt to dny nod ket the mr pkdne7 w miixar co da buelvcbum tauomiux mm maa a ruralablnr inou lor etaa arwau m lo tonnu drains u4 dry claanlnr georgetown phone 12b ct upuna ip ii ne adveruscmcnls ajpy aaplaa orilrr yuiir spy npplrk iww all tinrtd 1 itr i j4 00 pt ban el rtrilomera l aup ply lurrcln mra loud phtmm hh dcnriceluw n mum si tip ttoraato a i nimpt numlmrr if u hua plymoulh kikk i iillna for aale rril uyulg irsin apply aj ky town a trajt rroai iim 31 sih liati4nrninpia ouay mi or atkliiltlle 1 ti i olioimi- ptofmirly iiiarlcrd tlrhbmeil mulalein lieifer about 2 jrcaa lil any infortnatimi regrdtitc ihr abuvf ituimal w ii be vraally jppce lain i thihttaa ljnna oiallenlum plume 12 r 11 1 3lp- ta tia paula i am prepared to do paprrhanginir j ml i ik gram m and gn wriltoh aad uamtiliv work u be firtclda rob- a ux471 plinne 2 georgown 3i ta aaat naif ill double loue on church slrrel apply in mr ii w kennedy church slrh if forfau hu m nf loin and olher nroprrty in oill appl i oj boa iso car of coal i chestnut 1750 per ton delivered 1 have a quantity ol the best grade of coal which i am now prepared to deliver al the above price to any place in town i place your order early phone 228 georgetown ontario oreco jacksons yes we have them and good ones sure the kind that makes you feel good and comfortable and that will give you grand service at small cost for quality goods men and boys all wool sweater coats and pullovers underwear work and dress shirts overalls and pants caps sox gloves and mitts ties and scarls suspenders handkerchiefs men and boys footwear ol quality in line and work boots the astoria mens dress boots and other makes ol fine boots men and beys daykwl and other makes oi work boots at a price that is exceptional low tor tt quality service quality value jacksons- georgetown waatt bar bala f i ol wood both hmnti all k nd ol iu kindling wood all i me j brandford gcorgelown rrwnb one sr24 31 io4tpll four unf umiabcd n i willi con van f to mr nor h 1021 stdebotud nearly new 415 00 exlen on rfitmbs table sto 00 souvenir cook loe k0o parlor ttealer 500 apply i herald office tip laaauboout white pehan duck and a few wbrte wyandotte raoaten for sale isre bred mock e hickeojlh line fwrsaua large ntc bed apndtta practkuy new apply at herald office lip on fndair ork a duunond npd broock wauchnicmdtafn valued aa a keepaake pleaae return to herald 0 -ficc- reward it between mam st and 9th line itoorfpe- awn cheque payable al bank ol mou- real finder pleaae leave at herald office or dejivrr an lo ura l e fleck and receive reward ll far sal harpy tik range alao couch wat nut liatriloth covering apply lo ura mcmillan king st georgetown lip panalatt id fieorgclown imi friday allrmoon purae ontaiimig amall amounl ol money nnd i litre ke a aa tbe owtter ib urgently in nerdof jhe keya wtll ibe hnder pleaae relum t the hcnld offitt reward lip hoaaata rama brick tmiise imi k ng s vith all con- veniefkra pomhmioii uec i at apply to mr w a mcime phone r evrgetown ti n w aata inedo imrtetfor hoik mra h i 7lh lip laat strayed from my premiaea lot is 3rd line lfttpicaing oclober 2x red dehorned row ami i v anyone knowiog fjr nhrrcabouls tommunicmr with ned cil lea r r 5 milton or phone r r 12 eorgelown 2t notice any person wlahing pure aweet milk in botllea thai have been waahed and men- lined in ihe moa up lodate santtarv nun ran ururc aame from ben young drove farm dairy phone ti r 14 jeorgelown 2tp to auto drivers since the completion of 4he new pare- nent in georgetown citupna and otbera vuh motor ran have been exceeding ibe ipecdlimt i bareby warn all concerned hal aflrr ihe publication af una ootice all inliv partiea will be pro ae cat ad john jackson chr clarks notio off first posting of otes list vmcnilblfflt gttttkvrcamtjeii notice a bareby given that i hava omplied with nmwmf 10 of the voter lat art and that i bav ported op at my ofbce in georjrebnrn a- ibe 5ui day of november l92sthellal of all pervooa en titled to vote m the aad uonicnality for menlbera of parliament and al mimic ipa1 eloaionaaaappearatobe entil acvordng to the but reviaed i roll and that aucb im and i hereby call lake immedwt pmceedmg to have any error or omnuou corrected according lo lwiappeala to be m wrinrn 21 dayi from ihe sth tayot novaotbar i92i dated tin sth day of rnihan i2j fuhea1h clark of georgetown i wood for sale firewood of all knada maple beech zt yaitlasajb 1 hutckry delivered oa can makw rwnla for weekly nni far arrangement a for weekly parmenl cbeaprat murray broa

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