Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 7, 1923, p. 3

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i thr qnoboklons llkkul nl w b mmju ii iii i beware the winter personals loin farroub to nurt tlie take nyal creophos to build up jour fljnlem and reliewa perhintent 100 a bottle il it of 11 redwiohuu ukhn broiuliitik pi nyals laxacold tablets lo break up n fiend roll 25c dj matthew dbugb and stationery m local news llegs taxeslstb andl6thno tbaokagivingfhry monday seven weeks till christmas band euchre and dance lglh dont speed on llie new pae- ment bebekah eicursion to toronto not bth gkitr tournament tburaday friday and saturday st georges church annual ale ot work thursday dee cth yea we have no bananas but we fixed the bole in the pavement alright the second instalment of taxes is doe aod payable on november 16th and 16th w h leslies auction sale of farib stock and implements on thnrnday nov 16th call and inspect the worlds moat beautiful necklaces delta pearls at a b wittsonb there will be late care ind reduced fares for the royal winter fair at toronto nov 8088 even if a man loves his wife be not to be blamed if he cares for his furnace a little bit ib he borne men think it bo hateful to ee a woman standing op that they close their eyes in the street ear mrs gregory will not hold her amle as announced last week bavins disposed of her fumitnu privately lira r b hills is holding a credit auction oale of farm block implements and furniture on pri- daynov oth tne young people of st oeotfes wilt present a play in the town hall on tuesday evening november 87th particulars later if too anto drivers dont want to i6t pinched for speeding read the cbiefanotice in to days tier atd and then govern yourself ac cordingly miscellaneous shower em pbaataiog carpet bails far st georges churoh bazaar at mrs matthews on friday afternoon november 9th there was very little damage done in town halloween oue reason was that fond lovers have long ago broken down the garden gale by leaning on it bay hurval rioar mill a notewflruij evenfin the on tario lloiirlinuiinf industry tn the liuirbftso by w it browne and coirfwn of the norval flour miju this inll winch was built by the late itolart noble ik stated t nne of the bent of the smaller 1 of the pro ince flaa tor pruouptasy major t l kennedy mpp for peel has presented a very band some union jack to royal black precoptory no 897 pal grave of which lie in n member ab a spn cial meeting held in connection with the reception of the flag the speakers were major kennedy r lavery dr a j hunter sir t h bullock j a patterson j n mccufcpheon presided sonata s how about a weeoer roast for friday fellows and a bugle prac tice all bugles to be cleaned for sunday will the boys who haye not paid their monthly dues please do bo lit the next meeting and the boys who have not passed tbeir tenderfoot badge have a try at it how many tenderfoot are ready for the second olass badge and second class for first class dall thanksgiving services will held in norval methodist churoh on sunday november 11th at 1080 am and 780 pm on the follow ing monday evening november 18tb a geadd concert will be given b the male chorus assisted by violinist and pianibt also humoroub play will be put on by the joung people of mount pleas ant presbyterian church sion26o and 16c tata mips tlu la jmhuj parties of scientists from over the world will begin to gather in western ontario early in jan uary 1884 to witness the total eclipse of the sun which will reach its greatest depth or intens ity in this district on january 25 tbe buo will begin to be obscured by the moon about 8 in the morn ing if the day is clear all west ern ontario will have a unique opportunity or observing one of the most spectacular cf recur rent celestial marvels pneutatlau at tut cottu residents of terra cotta and community paid their respects monday night to mr and mm benjamin parr highly respected residents when they presented parr with a purse of money and mrs pair with a couch mr parr who is in bis 81st year baa lived nearly all his life in terra cotta and his wife has lifeions rsfcraent of the district h mocenley is holding an they were married 6 yearn ago of feeding cattle and next wednesday ed townsend poultry at his premises eaton was chairman and the address was farm georgetown on sat nov read by joseph coulter the 10th bee ad in this issue presentations were made by ed mid neaeon showing ot fore le and mrs puckering fall fashions including sport rttbnbjiml8fimndjf22fi for friday sod saturday november v 9th and lothrrmisses glaridge tbe autumn meeting ot tbe national council of women wil be bald in georgetown on november slat and 22nd meetings will be held its the methodist church a box social and dance will be held in community hall lime bouae thursday evening nov 15 good music proceeds in aid of shingling fond everybody wel coma st w j johnson at crewsons corner will hold an auction sale of 100 cattle stookera feeders and cows on tburaday nov 16 at 180 pm six months credit r j karr phone 86 aetna the regular monthly meeting of tbe georgetown beading club will be held on saturday novem ber 17th at the home or mrs j w kenned charles st tbe members will visit scotland edin boroogh in narticnlar itp tbe local council or wobien will meet in the baokttf montreal best booms on tuesday nov ib atstfjaok a- large attendance is requested in order to complete arrangements for entertaining ex- aativef 4be national council rmra lood begs respectfully to inform tbe residents of george town and neighborhood that she baa opened a dry goodb bnainens en main 8 and is taking orders for the making of ladies and childrens underwear aprons and cotton dresses also mens and boys suite allborders given prompt attention at j moderate charge groceries provisions lo faarro etc 41 ontario agricultural college de bating team won the first intercol legiate debate from western uni versity on nov 2nd before a large audience of guelph citiaenn and college students the subject do resolved that the export from canada of raw mater- tbe manufacture of paper should be prohibited tbe affirmative was taken by f r pel eer h h hannam and f j- par tial with d o ainslie an bpare tor the oac the negative was taken by brant wiley m dobson and neil miller witb lome daw son as spare judges from ham ilton london and guelph offtsiat ed a return debate will be held london after christmas oturimati puttmr y that police magistrate moore has had a busy itinerary of police couit cases during the past year the fact that fines aggregating 7659 has been imposed is ample proof or this large sum 4818 was imposed on violators of the law in halt on county 8806 in peel coonty and 60 in welling toe county of course tbe most of this large amount was for viola lions 6t the ontario temperance aot the sunvjbf m0 or tbe total was however imposed for infractions of tbe inland revenue act tor having stills and making beer without permits of tbe above acton vjtl receive labout 400 for fines imposed on charge laid by tbe chief constable georgetown about 200 and brampton a smaller amount the reit of the floes go to the provin cial and federal governments in addition- to the penalties impos ed a number of person have been sentenced to the countyjails tbe ontario reformatories and to mercer reformatory acton free press a shooting match will be held on tbe ftmunda opposite j l crainee store terra cotta on thanksgiving day monday nov 12th geese decks and chickens trap shooting live birds 100 yaiwa rifta opeo sights 40 jsrusj t 88 rifle open sights shooting to vrrzz t omew emdtm sharp l b trom ctaine prop j jrals6e and fanritr carj of thank we berrbjr cxlnd oar unci thanks lb n- many friend and neighbors for iberr ijr kmhwrnn and aympalbjr extended mi monully of llanuluiu uhh a weft end visitor ip town mr bdgar mpkinnoosof toronto spent tua week end in town miss kathleen barber ot toron to was a week ond i si tor in town mrs galloway of grimsby vial ted at mr john langana last week mr and mrs e y barradoui or ulenwilliama vinited listowel friends last week mr rene livingstone of ho toronto police foroe was home over the week end major gram left on monday for liatowell to visit his brother mr j r grant who is seriously ill mr keith nixon of hornepayne northern on tar o spent a tew days at his home during the pam week mrs w wetland and son rob- l of burlington spent the week irksitti mr and mm wnt tvn k mrs li b henderson left yes terday for winnipeg where sli- will visit hereon norman and oth er friends miss jean watson has returned i home after an extended visit toli british columbia and washington relatives miss erma bell has been ap pointed one of the critic teachers at ryerson school tor the toroni normal students mr and mrs winger and son clinton of ridge way were guests of mr and mrs j t cameron over the week end and mramerte and son of toronto and mranaraon of los angeles spent sunday with mr and mrs g 0 campbell- miss kathleen foster miss glenna colman mr j momahan and mr jtjolman of toronto spent suuday at mn e caimans miss constance whitmee who for the past year bas been chief operator in tbe bell telephone office has recently been promoted to manageress mr and mrs u w sue i ling et last week tor hamilton they were good citizens during their stay heie and the beat wishes of numerous friends will follow them to their new borne mr and mrs j cunningham wbo returned some three weeks ago from a pleasant holiday british colombia reoeived the sad oews of the sodden death of their daughterinlaw whom they 1 cently visited i b a r n h i l ts peel and halton8 baraacj stork tire special 5000 mile lires 1385 1000s mile cord lirethus size 30x3 12 barnhills norval thursday bargain day sweaters lloyh wool tiulcbvera hoj jersey wool sweaters mens sox 100 160 17fi and 800 i costume jewelery a wonderful array of new items now being shown in bracelets bead necklets earrings sterling and white metal bar pins cantoirm pendants mesh bags ster ling pencils and cigarette holders the holiday reason if near at hand a small deposit and we will beep any article tor you 25c uoe and sc rex theatre liuiioh buttoned boots sices u fl and 4 onl lduikk hhpjierh mtau h hi and 4 onlj scribblers scribblers large siro 0 for wnliug imila 0 for jvxnmination pads a for i an to i soap h for palmolive oap 8 for fairy soap 1 for g renin olive soap for soaps 26o 5c 6c ufio acc mcbean co east meat market pi nyhsl t w sitiith a lai j a mmj isj m cttreer cmib ui wslcr sta gm card of thank llr nd mrs scrymgcour return thanks to nil neighbors and friends positively kedvoe tour hosiery bill pu1t kali fresa ta ssftsmt yara t sea oisu a m- fart aata amltriaiaux 3 rises-larger- medium small ts ssx ssr save sscks 16 otmto pslr bay tsntna a j blactborn auction sale s op fsrsi sfdk mbi llrif iu the undafsibned haa received tamruliotim from seu by public auction al lot 3 9th hiw eaquemiqt 2 milaa mirth of hornby on taaaay k tota 19s3 al 1 oclock aharn ihofollowlns- horses 1 lean ptrrtwroo mans 8 jrrs wall matched 3850 lbs 1 ng clyde mare 9 yrmi black clyde filly rising 3 jrrsi black clyde bit rmnfc 2 yn ihi pair are wouasaicbbd clean leftired would nake a fine show pair clyde ridii rrnnj 2 yrs reristerrd dura purpose shonbuma females- hornby peari 150743 red born feb i9tb 1913 due jane gbi l4 pearl 167z1red born jan lotb iwidoe mar mini lady butterfly 122123 red born dec 1st 191 4 due in feb red leas 2nd 171236 red bom june u 1920 breds lady prah 3rd 171234 red born jn lo 1920 due har 7ih red heifer due in january i red heifer band about 6 reeks 3 heifer cadrea red about 13 doe old 2 hetfer ralv red and roan abort 149758 be old bull prince galahad 4ife 19ji bred oy e freeman bred from imported stock hum aaaaden lamily grade short horns grey cow 6 frw 1mb ime of salet roan cow 6 yrs due oe ol salet cow 5 yrs due time ot sale d cow 6 yra doe time of aalet red beiler sma 3 yrs due time of sale roan cow 8 yrs due may 4ibi red heifer rismur 3yra due m april red cow 7 yrs calved ana 25th bredoct 24th t spot led holstemcow 5 yra due nril 13 jersey cow 6 rr due march 3rd 4 heifrra i yr old 4 poll an 1 yroldt 3 ateers i yr old 5 rsles jersey htifera f yr otdi 2 fat export 10 blockers 40 feeder sbeee hoes and poultry 18 registered haanpahtredowu ewes bred to champion hnespshiredowii ram ait er oct 20j 10 ng hampahndown ewe lambs 12 fal wet ti ers 3 oxford ewes bred lo oxford rami 6 fat bogsi 7 pin 5 mom umi t di leplwl 2 half hi 2 ducks white p white wyandotte cock harness mn terms- plow no j nearly new7jbt wagoa beaey con 2 banrtes set brass harness rnmr set bras deoytfitiitle fat ruile bca fowl all sum of iis that amount smortha credil joutl notes off for cash faadroatvsnit- t fottishout clerk 1 the gift shop joneill block georgetown phone ste watoli repalrluk a speciality weekend specials tbe quality of oar week end chocolates cannot be cq ualled at tnie pi ice take a pound home with ypu andbe con vinced regular 60c ih for 32 cents who doesnt like home made taffy when it is chuck full of coeoanut and peanuts be sure and take some home with you saturday regular 80c lb for 25 cents sole agents for smilin thru chocolates per lb 00o kandy kftchett kosy korner f j deverson proprietor to the public hovlhg opened up a butcher shop in the block opposite arnolds factory i ain prepar ed to supply customers with au kincts of choice fresh and cured niebi at most xea sonable prices terms cash and carry a share of your patronage solicited fall eveninys are hcrcj a good sweater will keep you warm we have an ex- cellent range to choose from attthelatesthn fall suits and overcoats for both j ladies and gentlemen our new fahstock is the best mon- ey could buy and we are offering you choicc goods at the most reasonable prices call and see our new goods whet her you wish to buy or not brill co boys and girls wanted girls over 18 years el afle guaranteed 20c per hour i apply i smith stone limited i georgetown i try a smau ad in the herald rennies grocery 24 lbs pastry flour s6o 6 lb pail honey 76c peanut butter per lb 2bc rouedoats 6 1b for 26 c ih pail beehive syrup 43c fine mild cheese per lb v s0o grape truit 8 for 26c thiatlobaking powder lb tir- 86c wheat kernels per pkt aoo bananas oranges grapefruit the prodigal judge with jeao paige the moet lova ble characters in fiction are represented by judge slooum price toberville and solomotn mahaffy they are opposite in everything yet as devoted to each other a damon sod pythias comedy a pair of kings with iarry8enion satavaay haratst 7t nobodys modey jtilbjack bolt a swilt love oomedy as bright and sparkling as a new gold piece jack- aa the bold bad counterfeit and wanda hawley as tbe one girl in a million come cash in on your share of the laughs added attractions campbells orchestra scenes at van- oattera fox ranch an edu eating and interesting study of the silver black beauties mask ma ltk tkukaclvla matinee and evening good men aod true starring har ry cacey a very interesting and amusing preelection peo- tura produoed among natural scenery of rare weatern beau ty comedy hot water with neal bums a christie comedy which shows that five little fairies can nearly wreck your borne matinee 880 evening 716 0 nm tanadar nmassr lsta a womans saorifloe with corinne griffith a bwiftly moving drama of- a girl who gives no everything for the one she loves the northern midwinter scenes are mag nificent comedy the show witb jjarry semon- waj itam laav i4t youthful cheaters starring qlen hnnter a jaasy snappy story of modern youth and its frivolous ootlook on life comedy cold chills with louise faienda episode 18 aroond tbe world in x days d r rennie cash grocery phone 1 5 1 for quick delivery grandys specials ogilvie oats reg 26c jier pkg matches pastry flour 841 ba strawberry jam 4 lb tin marmalade 4 111 tin bmilai poik and beans reg 16c for 6 lbs corn meal aylmer york and grand river corn iiyno valleyooro 12c 8 for qolden wax beans per tin spinach per tin jello and nujell per pkg mclarens jelly powder 8 for infaotb delight soap 8 y 8 cakes cream olive and 1 soap doll easter brand seeded raisins per pkg prunes per lb apriootsper lb dates iso lb s lb for 80o 8 ror 86c 8 for 86o 86c 76c 76c loo 5c e- 5c 86c 80o 86c 10c 25c 86c too 160 sor andftso 16c a m crandy phone 7s satlslidiiw gurttlee prwapl smnorr seeee good frame house ot eii roornn bath and electric light rood stable for two horses and car price t300 small cash- pay ment and balauoe on monthly payments a chance to buy your own home with very little monej nice frame house of eight rooma bat hturaaoelec trio light well situated good hen bonne lots of small fruit price is8o0 part cash balance on easy payments 100 acres handy to georgetown all level 15 acres bua floe eight roomed brink bouse good basement barn new stabling with yrater inside soil day loam farm well fenced price ssoo a rentlemsns home of 66 acres 00 edge of georgetown brick house rood barns with stabling water in front of stock large or chard ave acres bosh soil clay loam mostly deeded price st5o0 w jlvans6g0 ssjesssseesaeeeesseeseeee mice si curl sf unta si vmuvub ownafaip hsjj on tbe 13th day of novombcr 1923 m 10 oclock to bear and determine coutplaiuu of errorajuul omit- nuaaioda to iho votera list of the uunlcu palhjr of eamteatog for 1923 dated htu da of october 1923 j a tsacv clerk of eequesing good oboobbibs ksst prack in thk faioly free a handsome flint glass tum bler with each package of ceylon tea black or mixed 76a pkg bed base orange pekoe tea per pkg 4so pana orange pekoe tea per pkg 76o corn flakes 8 pkgb 80 bran flakes 8 pkg 860 posts bran u pkgsv h5o catsup cans 16c birds blanc mange custard reg 80c 8 for 86c roboa egg substitute reg 860 2 for 860 maple butter reg 40c tor 80c peanut butter per ibl 86c finest grade soap chips lb 15 o beauty complexion soap 4 for 8fic castell soap 6 for 86c fairy soap 8 for 80 jelly powders 8 for 8sc figs dates prunes peaches apnoota raisins etc at prices reasonable clarks breedis the best flavor- ed bread on the market it is made with the best boar pore shorten ing and plenty of good milk it ia as sweet as a not and as pure as spring water our bakery is light well ventilated and scrupulously clean and is open for your in spection at any time mark clark bakery and groceries phohb ss9 auction sale -of- fewdinc cattle ate poultry the undrrwjrjtd ha received matrucuotis j h btaoaytjlkt rfl hy pubftc auction at eaton farm georgetown on atarauy itaveaauwr i0ta at 1 scloch aharp the following tbry bm feedins steers m go couditht red diuub cqv syralf at vdcj red owuaai erf 3 yra calved 2 brtwavvjute regj storthom heifer pansy iowlore- no 191093 1 y dnrtian berer i fnxo while lexborn pullela of march aadtara wch about halt of them urmar now- white wvandotie lax spima pnpefe vkrtin t mrain 30 aoae r 1 reoa vflarunga fairfirtd 25 s c ancenaa vear ttrami 8 pica about hothe pile at huobrr about i0o0 lee eramfank jo cohms whit imported qgwi c

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