Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 14, 1923, p. 1

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the georgetown herald s fifty hi fmll yhajt ok puiu it ation georgetown wednesday evening- november i4fcth 1928 1 60 per annum to advance 9a0 to us georgetown herald j u mi ore pwlillaar aad proprlatvr hmkr 1uu wmkl nt ul h i 1 tab join ikaht piiitiriige r v7 piibhengci u ptttai ugei 10 mail fast wen net hull ptmaenget imshtmikei siiu lit uoinu wkbt m ac i t 71 i t rannfiiger sunday going noutu going booth toreat trnkuku biuw daily timetable ajn pm p m going bast 8 10 fl 81 0 40 going west 866 810 7 89 sunday time table o ing east m qtn pm pjn pni 10 si ia20 8 46 610 s 17 am pm p m oolag went 10 40 610 9 m for sale in georgetown farms and house for sale and to rent j ii li ii uiirrdi lh j si ht 1 i tiiiiti i i lim molii 0ii it iii m oh luwi i hint uu mid lm un mtitli pay nth r i i in sin tl a 4om tutnij i jlfiou ii i ninth until paved e a benham real estate and insurance- puoac 164 georgetown r directory hiltom wallbvltoob dale barristers sltcltorc kto toronto and aeontatowd cribc kannsoy block la fttj sale la hartt ot oaort bunutr solicitor etc office miu u georgetow hoar 9aau to 5 p ro open welncsday and saturday e- pmttrstakoklipa pltfalalaa md surasan mmkml osksr of health ones itoor i to 4 and t to t p m oqm ud tuatsaooa haln slraat flontb opposite fi church db o t w boss physician and siitjeon mill street georgetown phone 22 en house surgeon race hospital toronto de c t wt1uamb pftyariaa and surgeon office and residence corner of ma st south and factory st vkeaeoss ottce hoar 910 am l3nd68pi r varjlifeosvikd m s oasra otte bnm- to 6 exoopt f l heath l da o d b dsntmt oom in lena block on door nortl mt otfalh cairlaa ftotorr hour a n to p a amhimmswp g ncomoe sse5k jpejoraaaam 1 ofbce in bailey block next door n cnetlta c n and spinal analyaui free at ottce ornca hmiu- wednesday and sat urdaya 11 to 12 am 2 tasp nt and 7 to inj pitch uomftmd anottonsnr far hallon and paat qianwilbum poet omoa salm enable ratea ordeni left at u oaotaetowii ttsrals osot will moalvr proaqt nuaaoeb jatea0t clerk towuahp of eaquesinf clerk 3rd division court the leading fire and life lomrancr coal asd wood od hftod ftli- the tlmft best sokastob coal cmmmnt on hsatf john badan tine ojcomutoth llnnnwnnsin iills llllm i ih wsiyiwii ill w ihl taraflttk isp eitman shorthand kfieh typewritmtr fiajnfrbss1iab qhloe sjatamft piling spelling bookkeeping arithmetic peamanahtp cfjoimeroial la bpir oaloolation blnilikl imtrwettoa pbod651 amleraoo btoob qnwn st e box bos la well known m the hlcn chejede8tthooi efcco demand for opt qmdoatea all tbe tinte write lor oatelogae commenre sst xeutott hydro jlectric system electnc appliances of all kinds thehydo lamp guaranteed per 1 500 hours- irons from 475 up prices on all makes of vacuum cleaners heatrs ranges office tn hall 1 9230taxes second instalment notice the 1928 ax notice having been sent out the second imtavlxnent i due and payable on november 15th 16th irwill be at the new waterworks building on the above dates prepared tsreoeive taacea e mooaknah collector ado auto accident f insurance every mother an unknon warrior wfth m hud oatloiod in lov llnln i tu da m hon it wan lin c ti in rtuu the li ho with cmmlk in j a mnrihr 1 iiw ij ha vi not slip 1 nn ii hp n jht team lla p 1 not nnk unhril in l 1 lyn i ant i ehner c thompson t fkene31w 7 ervalnc 1 18 cook block mult f oeoroetown t 44- durant sport touring just a real goad car we have a number of good used can of various makes at prices and terms to suikipurchasers t speight agent georgetown aetata and vicinity georgetown creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamery we will be onon for the arronioilniinn of fur mora od wodneadni and saturday einmgi georgetown creamery co m soxe manager willonghby farm agency soooo 1iw acres with nev bonne and bank burn cloe to rood d s5soo good c roomed house with nil modern rwiipnipnrci about li noren or card en land ntno poultry hotimfx c8soo p rooma and bath fnmac and elertnr- iwniitiful lawn aod ahade trees and abruba in good rendition 3200 0 rooms furnace elertne all mcel dcooratd h b medoweu rep georgetown ontario or to the wiuoughbv farm agency icai man uimarla st twa pwk hall 7jm te tobacco store gentlemen as you already know you can always find a good fresh stock in roy store of cigars cigarettes and tobaccos we can alao supply you with pipes tobacco pouches cigarette cases cigar and cigarette holders chocolates we always carry a good fresh mixture at 39c mara schino cherries 80c burned almonds 75c brazil nuts 90c maple buds 50c all kinds of chocolate bars 5c and 10c boxed chocolates alwaya fresh from 1 00 up an attractive lot ol stationery very reasonable look it over i we also carry a choice lme of canned goods sal mon lobster sardines etc a nice fresh stock of cjhnstie s fancy biscuits fruit in season we are now handling newspapers daily star tele gram and morning editions call in r druks main st georgetown east end meat market tohe public having opened up a butcher shop in the block opposite arnolds factory i am prepar- ed to supply customers with all kinds of choice fresh and cured meats at most rea sonable price terms cash anctcarry a share of your patronage solicited t w smith cwur skips las water sis georfletowh livingstonesqnality bread leads them all try oor brown whole wheat stem nnd brick loarn als6 our fancy buns special lor saturday cream puffe cream bollrrlemon apple and raisin rp atao other choice fanny paslrj a livingstone phone w- tn know tine lone bo n rosttok i lure pi lint and nwtffiny prayor ih ftiiawercil in manner lit for the i mst rlnr ioim lel and i whe loved an i mo him antilo onre more and rent content mj inal tear m hed i am like one who lonn lon years atfo r camu nortowinft to a loiejonob grave to prnj and foand an emptj nace tbe prisoner free so from mi heart the stone ib rolled away no longer nameless in the plan dors fields mo more sad wondering where and when and how for in the dim old abbey safij honored by high i the crowded lien my boldier s mm low quietly i waited btreeta i beard soft music haw the gleam or guni tben nome one whispered gently at my bide here comes tbe king god bleaa hitn and hie sons soldiers and sailors brave and lojal men were there but midst the apleo dor only one bright spot of glorious oolor met my eyea tbe flag across tbe body of my son then as they passed i knew an unseen host gallant triumphant joined them on their way dear faithful mourning mothers dry your tears for all your boys came home with mine to da g a h toronto nov 11 arranging comforts for georgetown home xtuity ladies members of tbe wp auxiliary of the arroen lan ii lief association tpronto net on monduj of last week at old sl andrew a memorial house 4 16 jarvis street to make arrange ments incidental to the appear an ce of santa claus at the armen boys uome nt georgetown ohnstmaa jjvo and prayed dbrd for j ml oner a the renult of what transpired r the fio boys at the borne will re oei ve itts both useful nnd fnv oloua possibly a pair of nntteptv n toque or something equally warm on tbe one sooie and a meobamcal toy or something more riible on tbe other other subjects dealt with at the meeting were tbe providing personal comforts for the boys and the furnishing of new baild ings which are nearly completed the auxiliary will supemse tbe purchasing of furnishings for a staff house to be used by the housekeeper nurse and others of the btaff and for a four room bos pital miss kathleen cowan convener of tbe house committee reported that she and her associates had tound the boys were being well looked after they bad recently ti sited the home and were sur prised at tbe progress which tbe boyb bad made in learning bog hsb none of them are obituary mas paniel nbilbon samantha rice rioe wife of daniel neil son died suddenly under sad circumstances at about 6 o clock wednesday nov 7th at her home lot s con 6 esquealns she had not been well for some time but bad not supposed her condition at all serious on mon day she bad a fall in her house and her face was braised mr neileon was with berfall day yes terday in the evening q m mo nair called to get a lamb wbiob he bad bought mr neilson lit a lantern went to tbe barn deliver ed tbe lamb and got book to his house within ten minutes when he found mrs neilaon lying dead on the floor with bar dreas on fire about her neck she had appax ently got up from her chair to light a lamp bad taken off tbe chimney struck a match on tbe stove and fallen to the floor tbe match had ignited her dress bat little of it was consumed nor was mrs neilaon seriously burned a physician was summoned his opinion was that mrs neilson was dead before she was burned and that the cause was probably heart weakness to which her previous fall was to be attributed mrs neilson is survived by her husband and seven children there are three sons andrew of milton jon than bsquesing and wm ales iiornby thefour daughters are mrs jaa service of naesagawej a mrs wm allan and mrs george pearson bsouesing and mrs w askm west toronto the funer al took plnco on friday november 9tb nt 1 v ni from the home to evergreen emeterj milton champion erin nnd mrs alexander binnie 7th line entertained a number of nnd friends to a social in canada little more than four months yet tbey are all able to write their names id english to read simple stones and to under stand almost all that is said to them a d parker of tbe executive of the armenian belief association spoke of tbe progress which had been made in improving tbe equip ment at the borne the new hos pital wonld have a capacity of 16 beds although it was hoped that that number would never be re quired mr parker thanked tbe ladies tor their assistance in look mg after the welfare of the or phans and stated that the general association wonld cooperate with the women s auxiliary to the ot- most of its ability he suggested that bebideaolothmg such articles as handkerchiefs tooth brashes combs etc should be provided for notes and tllr f1h8t vtlmtrk expeneocvd by tbe pilgrim pwtbera m tbe new world waa a seveflbsfs lor which tbey were before et passed they their numbera the foj summer upaa pleasant crops ofoorn grew well tured to a good i fail when the gathered in the g colon deereed giving day tbe first on tb tinent p cabii is one of tbe be s of ilogans fpr a houaebold ojmf4 the beat agents for ailing tba ptvar house is a ebaagotlmicooat ray ing cash pate a constant check on buying while a obarge accoant es courages reckless rrmrrhsaf it so essy to bay and have it chatx- bnt when the day of nw comes it ib not so easy u acitle the bill and many a c merchant i the bill simply turner cannot r meats of past fn- r a promise 18 a dkbt it wa debt of honor dont forget that a piomise should be just aa aaiinj as yonr oatb your kood tautfc or your lack or it is a part of jroar eharacter ton cant escape that what yon promise should be back ed up with yonr lastootn iff neeea- eary unless yon can isotseatijr than 12 years old tbey have been break your promise with the one sent of tbe other party the of sterling character make promises lightly 1 him a promise is aa bani oath when be makes a be will keep it no matter what cost him thrilling and true one of the mobt thrilling and in struotive stones written id recent years is contained in tbe official deport of captain s bobmson rn r commander of thecanad pacific 8 s empress of australia on tbe japanese earth auake the fire and aubsequent re- luety operations issded in booklet form by tbe canadian pacific steanisbepb ltd in the vernacular of the bridge captain robinson relates the in ddents of the disaster as they were brought to his notice from noon of saturday september 1st when as his ship waa preparing to leave the dock at yokohama tbe first earthquake took place until september 12tb when after en countering innumerable difficulties a foaled propellor a sea of born ing oil and serving aa a hospital and relief ship for tbe earthquake sufferers tbe australia left tbe etrioken orient for vancouver stories of captain robinsons heroism outstanding seamanship with which he upheld tbe tradl lions of the royal navy reserve and consideration- for the snffenng ones at great personal cost and effort have been accorded a little of the publicity whioh is tbeir due but the captain s report is modest is the extreme and although one can glean from it uome of tbe great problems whioh presented themselves to him the hero of the disaster reports only the good words executed by tbose identified with relief work it is therefore fitting that the company should include in the booklet letters addressed to tbs captain by the refugees passengers on the ship and tbe american relief com mittee in recognition and apprec iation of bis skilful handling of the many orifionl situations which presented themselves tbe report ih nn historical docn ent recording the greatest natural disaster known to man and certainly no library will be complete without a copy of tbe stick to the i spire yoo with that does not meai or coarse for flattery while may be responsible for vanity ausai oooceit does not give fatrib to aary- thmg strong and wtiolowm bat there are people who while tfcex do not natter yon beltere m yon and make yon believe ta y there is something m shear at titude which is a rhnlli a in jax to develop powers hitherto aagasea- ed to attempt feats thai to this tune have seemed liiijiii jii insviratiqn yon feel even if it as not pot into word if ion bus friends who have this effect apon joo stick to them and a social time was spen at the school after whioh the boyn r turned home advocate to keep the neighbors from worrying it has been augmented that the words paid for be painted on the spare tires of all motor oars not mortgaged nithout charge from the canadian pacific offices at montreal eucbre and dance on friday even booklet which can be obtained mg of last week avers pleasant time was spent by all mr clavton rodgers of the lotl line erin happened with a bad nocident while driving a tank of water on wednesday evening the fronk axle of the wagon broke pitching him off with a few bruised where it might have been a verv serious one on thursday afternoon last the football team of the georgetown high school motored to fnn to play a friendly game with the local high school team the game however did not material for the georgetown boys en countered motor trouble and it dark before they arrived here this taar a gpa the crop report for tthk reads an follows tbe yields of all grains in ontario show an cs ti mated average decrease of six teeoper cent as against last year beinjr 186 000 000 as against 162 000 000 last year haj and clover 6 709 4x2 tons against 5670000 the corn average 7 tons to the acre as against 10 tons potatoes 110 bushels per acre as againat iso bushels other about same per cent of decrease fruit crop jnch lighter than last year winter apples will not average the local boys had prepared lunoktoicre than 75 per oent of normal j t i k- n i li pastnre on the whole was fair a contract baa been maderby the ontario government for auto mobile license nmrkera for 1944 at i870 the contract let by bon f c biggs tor these markers at 88c was cancelled and tenders called for good news for growers comes from 1 canadian uclotoah bed apple x the ohamnion dsssurfc apple ta the british empire so the jnoges at the imperial frnlfc show held ns manchester adjudged so far as manchester exhibition is concern ed at any rate tbey also decid ed that cox s orange pipdnss from british colombia on the whtnv are the best of tbe is enhiashi from overseas and winnera there fore of the daily mad a so g cup the various exhitate at the show were a pubneaooe 1 inula tion of what tbe grant orcbardfa of the dominions can proonea m the way of apples by expert culture it ib tbub we are living us a different age the age when ftxp- panoy seems too often tonaaalor oleveraeas the age of jnaa and pep of slang and irreverence the ge of the cafe whiskers and the anakets hips and other naienlons oompartsons that de note lack of cultured expression tbs age when tbe dance and the bridge party come fins and the church the sabbath scbool the young people s socet or anything that interfere with eelash pleas ure and leans towards the aersans side or life too often coa ner- ond tbe age when parental ad vice and counsel is looked opon as fashioned and when onset modest people are refecte to ns dead ones and dombbeus on tbe other band we are irnac an the 1 or 1 the age or the boy scoots off the girl guides off boury chthsand kiwanib clubs off national wo men s coonerhr and victonan orders ot norses and other organ isations whose ideals are lofty and noble and baaed opon a ftytatnafcs next year is leap jear we arty tbe poor ahy bachelor are they so ahy who may have to either a diairiond or a sflk 1 not safe for i on the c ror oaoirre awnre to take bat there m oat of difficulties there are one or two popular george hneh- elors that should beware t inst week the cbampaon r ed tbe receipt from the andi tbe dpartment of h of a detailed statement off the exp ture on provtocaal high m balton m 19sh and the ail claimed from the county as ita share this reduce the aawaat or tbe claim from 88jqm7 the figures given in a lamp swab ns july to 7usjn the redac tion brought about thenpanloc by law no 804 paaaca on oca for the iasne of debenterea tn the amount of 90000 nasnanx of a new bylaw for lujcdn at toe meeting of umoaonty cs held on tnssday nislnanliilj thr debentobh under by law no an bad frtnsen pat on the maikil

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