Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 14, 1923, p. 2

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in mmmortam u citizens i bun iunii v nh pit wi it a lere is not a ntiin who c ke to koo georgetown without i band the cuimiiilux- arc daavofing to miuntnid a hand but iiid absolute netemuiry thai jiue havo the si npurt of our citi ena to continue the oftort id order to prgvuli fundi to finance the band hip cciiinnttee purpose holding n irogrtnmve euchre and dap co id tin town hull oo friday evening and yoii are cordially- in ited to be present if you can t come at leaat bay a ticket and send some other member of the family v town ladies are pro id log the refresh moot b ant a good time ib assured all who attend it s going to be a great big com munity gathering lets all get behind the band and prove to them tost we as citizenn do take an interest id their musical organ isation now you be there friday night anre it will only cost yon 60c veterans attend church hllih services hem m arafa tlrt day it gerfftom a itorval rtu lluianiiivornirj of annlm i i do wn litliukly ubw rvid at lur il win it home oft iurmm out town kiii hiirrouuditik coin hiiiil i midi r command ol ll col hniwn and liradi l by ik ilii scouts and tbou butt i mil luiradcd ui normal metlrbdint li in b lantsiinday morning 1 lit piuilor i v v ii dooglan who wan in ihark ol the sertiot read the nrrintun lositon after wliu i luv col 00 ii william i d jetivored a aplondid addreiw the choir furni tibcd special muhic and tji rnon doiihlnn contributed n nolo llmt wax much appreciated t h e loan of the service tbo w tenuis and boy scouts enjoyed 1 ttplcndid luncheon sorted by hit ladies in tlie umteiiunt of tlif burtb armiktice day was kopt on sun day at st georges church at fc ivni holy communion was cole brnud to which the relatives and friends at the fallen were apod ally inmtcd in the evening the veterans some 60 strong under command of lt col g o brown and beaded by our citizens band and the buglo band of the boy scoi aded to st george b church jtor di vine service the speaker for the occusion was bev capt ytpand m c of toronto who delivered a splendid and moat appropriate ad dress fibe special muaiotendered by the cjoir added mnob to tbe enjoy ment of the service li aiehouse t the uo rkouu from nd r the able i 1 hi i joiiuhuhi hum 11 t in id en join bin 1 11u rtaio 10 hull on snl tid i t 1 tin do s hlunded ol bundii in a bod 1 hi 1 luinimut of siiulh u run i fur thi ir m i- i 1 ijimnhouho hooiiih mlbel mill now that the fret wtinie j utrr m h havo cloned town our m luml tuition h going in hold abnikiwl in tin lull u nm tolh to wlirli nil the 1 of tb hmtinii are to bo hi iud sot envl hpeujti rs w ill addn hm uie gall 1 ring on hiihjwlx fur the ftij lifting of tin ioauimmil 111 men ral william maihlmll nnd till- clkdllllktomn m it m i nflm- mllr li i 4l i ip t why buy readymades when we are ottering c special bargains in suits overcoats 1 for cash 1 1 ovorooati mndeto meninre s350o 127 50 3ft j halts msdotometiaro 30 t33 135 38 salts good bl sorgo 3500 salts extra fine imported goods 138 so bent of linings and workrnanalup guurantrcti the mens store h stockford 1 rm strft okohot 1 0v n pbme hi nd mlh oh nd wir inline for the boh obituary john r grant rjrr tuesday last nov 8th lis towel was called upon to mourn tbe loss of one of its oldest and most esteemed residents in tin person of mr john b grant wb6 passed away at the family resi dence at the age of 70 years c moo the and g days about a year ago the late mr grant met with an accident at windsor and al thongh he seemed to recover from its effect bis health bad not been good since on wednesday of mat week he suffered from a slight- stroke and from tben until tbe great call came he gradually grew weaker and weaker tbe late mr grant was the son of the lace win grant and sarah boss and was rn in glen williams hal ton county we was well known throughout the baamess world and by everyone bo was held in tbe highest esteem but nowhere more so than in his home town was a gentleman of tbe old school and no more congenial or sociable oompaniod could be wished for he was a life long member of tbo anglican church and a member of bernard lodge a f a m his bereaved widow and two dough terfi mrs armitage toronto and mrs dr moves ogden utah and two sons reginald at willow bnncb bask and ross winnipeg are left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and father one sister mm c w papst ol georgetown and one brother ma jor grant georgetown also aor vive deepest sympathy is felt for tbe bereaved family in tbeir hoar of sorrow tbe fnneral was held on friday and wan in charge of the masonic order after a private service st tbe home the remains were taken to chnat church where a public service was held the cortege teen proceeded to fair view ceroc 4eryi beaded by tbe dtieene band there were many beautiful floral offerings lie towel standard deceased was ao old georgetown boy and well known in thiscom m unity following la the list of accounts passed at tbe last regular meeting of council on nov 6th and un avoidably orowded out of last is sue moved by b g arnold second ed by d mclntyre that tbe fol lowing accounts be passed h mardtment ats lh park 18 00 ra vaoatter watching at c n r crossing joseph gardner directing traffic at white bridge stewarttown the 8t john a choir met at mrs traoy s home last tbursdny night for choir practice after luactice was oer mr bird read the follow ins address stewarttown no 8tb 192s dear mrs tracy we have learned with regret that you have resigned tbe poei tion of organist of our choir arid we eel that we cannot allow tbe occasion to pass without saying thank you and tendering you some slight token of our eratitnde for kindsens to os as a choir and joar fine faithfulness as organist we know that duties like this that you nave been so faithful in can not be paid for by us so we atk j 00 to accept this book as a slight token of our good will and kind garos to you hoping you may iodj be spared to use it signed on be balf of st john s choir john bird jean thompson msa jefcn thompson presented mrs tmr with a beautiful l bo nnd 00 p j of the new prnjer book and ujmn combined hr tracy for mrs tracy thanked tbe- clioir for their gift and assured them of mrs tracy oontipoed interest although unable to pay ior tbem 3lio girls then pfik ed aaurtnisc lunch afier wbw hour was spent in music etc j with premier ferguson nrg ing that thete- be frequent inter course between the people of on tar 10 and those of quebec there will be a vcr general agreement tuonp who like to go down mont real waj every time they gets tbirttt ireak dn are showing the way i town council n con 14 40 ingand 1 joseph gardner directing traffic fair day edwardjtfolman park wm armstrong directing traffic t radial station ira vanatter directing traffic at 7th line fair day jas mcgiu sts good roads e erwin sts good roads h marcuroent w w ats park h marchment w w sts jas mcgill fwtti wm armstrong directing traffic at radial station h marchment w w sts win armstrong directing traffic at radial statxm jas mcgill sts h marchment w w a new ww f l heath express creelmans ltd w w w t evans insurance fred sinclair fire dept j w kennedy account robt mcmenemy pavements jas p benson account j s- ruddy new w w john mcdonald coal good roads jflhrshiill mr 8id kilnltirl and bride re turned liomi inxt week frcili tin 11 eliding tout mr sam uurst or toronto hpenl sunday at the lane home we are mad to yiote tbe lim progress our 8undn school i- makink since reorhanirink mr and mm john newton an i willie attended a re union of mrv ivenn fnnill at hrantfrtid no monday m cowdj was liomi for the hoi ulaj the linu house women h limit tute held a very hiireehhful bakaiif 00 hallow n the ladies afe higfiry delighted with the ttplendid sale of their work tbe article all brought good prices after the sale was over many joined in a community dance the refresh ments which were tbe very best a is always the case where the of this community provide were sold at very reasonable prices tbe hall was beautifully decorated for tbe occasion manj jack o lanterns grinned at yon out or many dark corners and numerous patrons came in masquerade which created a great deal of fun on the whole this was one of tbo best evenings ever held in the ball and thoroughly enjoyed by all the best of music was furnished by mr and mrs nickell net pro- eds 28 50 booial and dance tbursda night proceeds to fix communit hall regulu so lit saturday tieat 181 75 35 02 si 20 1260 17 60 7 60 gartehore- oundry co w w j b mackcmde account georgetown lumber co and w j mcclenahan voters list and expenses imperial oil co bal of account 1330 n snyder freight and cartage 607 georgetown herald account 170 is geo a henry account 66 00 john jackson account 300 e mccannah account 6300 w h moore ex work cemetery georgetown lumber co posts elmer thompson ins premiums 430 83 carried moved by g hernngton second ed by a duncan that the follow ng acponnta be paid grant contracting co estimate no 3 pavement 971 x carned moved by a duncan seconded by d mclntyre that the following acoounte be paid oldie a mcculloogh new taylorconatrucuon co can general electric co carned moved by m h near seconded by wm hlong that the follow mg accounts be paid 1 ville 24 00 grant contracting co pavement 10 730 60 roy smith engineering 53600 carried council ol women the executieor the national and of tbe provincial councils of women will bold regular meetings in the methodist church of geor getown on wednesday and thorn day november 21 at and 22nd a luncheon will be served in the bn semen t of the church at o clock on each day and on each occasion an address by an out standing speaker will be given the members or all tbe affiliated societies add others interested b ith men and women w made welcome arid it is boned that man will take advantage of these opportunities a charge of 60c will bo for the luncheon j local societies affiliated with ii the local ouncil of women 1928 arc women s missionarj societ methodist chorob ladies aid societ methodist church mis 4100 circle baptist church wo 1 s society baptist church leper mission grenfell mission civic league horticultural bo ciety all members of any of these societies are accordingly members of tbe local council of women ohj cansvrsal light ford ruck in good tun ing order good tires studebaker big six touring car 1918 chevro let touring car newly painted chevrolet baby grand tooting car newl hunted 1818 ford tonnngcar j n oneillcvbon georgetown let tlit hubit of taking a pound in of tin best jtinlit a good nrietj of ill in htttiudnj lliey are regular 40c and 50c or 32c when oii feel cold and huntrj wlij not hate lunch i pie and ice cream toronto bonp tea co flee etc sandwiches oiritequert tbe cow the mother ol prosperity valuue matamirealtt m dairy hntaf maf msiri- mc4 kr auk l bmtrcal where the cow is kept and cared for civilization ndvanres lands grows richer homes frow better debts grow fewer the above is an extract from the preface of a book entitled the cow the mother of prosper it copies of which are being distri buted by the bank of montreal this book is probably tbe best pop ular treatise on dairy farroiog which lias ever been published it has been written with a iew not only to guiding the farmer in jio selection and breeding of the boat and most profitable types of dairy cows but also in guiding him in tbe care nnd feeding of dairy cows in every condition of climate and soil throughout the continent of north america the author mr ralph a hayne of the agncul tural ex tension department in ternational harvester company in bis foreword descriltes tbe cow as one of tbe greatest bleacogs to the bnmao race no nation people he says has become highly ci vi heed without ber produces the best human food on earth she makes this health building strength giving food from grass and coarse plants without her agncollure is not permanent or prosperoui people are not heal thy or happy wherever the oow has taken ber rightful place and man has done his part we find farms fnrnibhing on income every week of tbo year we find homes with conveniences we and intel ligent thrift debt free people with minds and hearts alert from steady emploment- we find a good citucensbip a good agncu ture trulj tbe cow is the mother or prosperity he proceeds to describe typical localities to which the cow would bring prosperity ttlep he tells bow to select the right kind nf rows describing in detail the good and the bad points of cows from bead to tail the breeding care and feediug of cows the best kind of feeds in vanous localities the construction of barns the making of silage tbe testieg of cows and their milk methods ol milking and tbe type and rare of dairy utensils the best methods of marketing milk the care of calves either for rearing or for the production of veal the use of manure the best breeds for varing conditions and- tbe treatment of diseases are dealt with fully and in plain language that anyone can understand a valuable feature of tbe book is the fact that even point dealt i lust rated by pbotographa speoutll taken for the purpose or by diagrams over sad photographi are reproduced the bank of montreal is doing a splendid work for farmers by bav mg a fpecial edition of many thousands of this valnablebooli printed for free distr 1 b u ftp throughout farming dtstneta i canada we understand that the demand for tbe book has exceeded all expectations but that a reserve supply has been secured so that a limited number is still available free of cost application for the book shanid be made to tbe local branch of the bank of montreal advl saturday treat homemade candies maple fudge letlnnk erj kiui i j old fasti ioiipii miilti little special 2sc lb weekend chocolates harold c black phone h9 georgetown- fhfamily banking tni r keeping with its practice of extending to its customers every proper banking accom- modmoti the bank of montreal directs a to the fact that many husbands and wives joint accounts with this msatuhon a convenient arrangement whereby either may deposit or withdraw as the occasion demands chequmg accounts for the purpose of 4ralig with household accounts may also be opened it h the asm of the bank to u helpfhlm mutters fhumdal j b wallace manager georgetown branch bank of montreal established over 0oymz where1sthe best shop to suvaoto 9 accessories right here listen to the army of aato owners who sing tbo praises of this sup pi shop we- have supplied tbeir every auto want and we have given them the fair deal they all have sought join this happy army ph0ne7 w 5h51e 3 weekend specials yes wo have the qualit and the greatest nusoitment in our week end chocoutes itpglilab flc lb for 39 cents this saturday we will e 61 tbs of chocolate cocoa nut and vnmlla cream sfjiisroo o to nh jour rntnn nlmp ping with rhgdlar 40e uvrer 29 cents fele agents for smilin thru chocolates per lb goc kos y korner kand y kitchen f j deversqn fall styles and new suitings now ready our initial fill nhpuing of genuine imported su li iwe 1m beautiful ur 1 ur i mjirih vwirhte 1h and be ill hiii ill un laut tri i an i lifiruik bum xitu rns nnd tin in w 1111 i 1 ii ulii fill i htf u a 1 pilur p in it haw just eyes examined all ilitscs grwutl u hi uises prescrialt i dfflchh nim f 1 iilornl in iiikh lhit on bmk stj it and nature tin j will 11 il 10 inre i r iij to the limit kj ii omii 111011 anil me wlnhliij onng it j on are tlnnkinii of n ntw ftvll kii jmir order 111 be run ln full nmli klarbi kami its will lie i irmuilel tu all oiiuidc iiftoiui m on fall furnishings now ready ah it latkt feiturca in mens wiar riipreme in ipialit rciikonade in ui ice sm tal m lit utint- ot men oung men h nnd ouths uiuly to war aiitts n all tbo latest nt timid iiitterns wn im mimg to tnnko this dcimrtmcntj a hikicus this hi iihun if rtell lailon i h irimtnlh at rcahtinaole prires will do it all mill investigate before making your fall purr base ws solloit a shr of tour patro millar co 1 georgetown phone 126 read what the chief constable of the toronto police department says about mclttughlinbuick tour wheel brake police department ah k nda of wood both hanl aa4 toll alio kindling wood all at reawnabla sice j brandrord ptwrih sr24 eorgclowo 31 104lp if toronto canada oct 11th 1923 tbe manager mclaiiglilinhmil motor car co j 128 church street toronto ly dear sir recently i bad tbe privilege of driving one of tbe new melnughtin buick 1924 sedans with tbe four wheel brake equipment i drove the car one full day on countrj and city htreeta tbe roads and pavements being drj on thut day i encountered many bad hills including tbi one at reenwood ont which was taken with case without changing of gear the car containing eix clover honey 15c amber 12jf a r vaoaltcr ana street georgetown or bl vanat baltawad it bmu iiaat bnckbouaeonltntrst wftnatl con- miencea paueuun dec 1st apply mr w a mcclure phone 96 r georgetown if i found that tht fourwheel braking system stopped tbe tar quickly when descending jjator i tested the brake system thoroughly on various we sliplery pavements some portions of the streets being littered with refuse as a result of horses being driven over them which is more dangerous than a clean wet pavement and fouod thai the four wheel brake equipment as perfected on the hclaugb lin buick makes for greater safety when driving at all speeds especially in orowded traffic as tbe brake lining is distributed over four wheels in htead of two the wear sbduld be reduced to a minimum in my opinion tbe four wheel brake arrangement ia one of the freatcet advances in motor car development in recent jtarn and if generally adopted would i hope be n factor 111 reducing the number of trafllo accidents i ronj rat u late the mclaughlin- buick com pan on be ing 11 pioneer in this can 11 action yours sincerely s j dickson chief constable v fisher sl king georgetown representa tives of the mcltighlinbiiick motor car co jacksons yes wte have them and good ones sure the kind that makes you feel good and comfortable and that will give you grand service at small cost for quality goods men and boys all wool sweater coats and pullovers underwear work and dress shirts overalls and pants caps sox gloves and mills ties and scarfs suspenders bandkerchiets men and boys footwear of qnalify in tine and work kootsthe astoria mens dress boots anffotber makes of fine boots men and boys dayfoot and other makes of work boots at a price that is exceptional low for the quality quality value- service jacksons- georgetown sntisfut tion guaranteed or mnni refun dr o o xxoy1 iawvur and optnmairtat ni1 bit cot inew adverfisemeqts mmrmmlm per oatlak luwll buy h tthle wyaml u ulleia rrgal dor umrmii if lakefl ncp apply ui herald oki e sideboard nearly new 1500 lxln ml dmmg table io00 soivnr crtolt alovc600 lrlvbeatcryiu apply hmikkrepcr or woman i ilin day shmii urn ly vhi k ply at herald oflke forbal 18 barnd koikhrna and pullaia and hi leghorn wilt he cold il john farmpr urlph st reel lost mi moodny nil georgetown lady gold i- ru plaw return to herald ol tiual good houne on ontario street hard ai fl water mxide electric i ghla ho ion detember lit apply j w ai rtrong boa g56 near paper mll iiuan any penton wuh ng to stilp cooi vely irom slewartvwo slaliful on mi day november 19th call a m slark phone 99rm georymown lip sheariing ram and a few ram uraba oxford price veaacnabte a alsiark phone 99rm geohjetown up waatw houaeceeper wauled apply ic mra r i credman georgetown tf a few boarders wanted apply mra porter john st georgetown if nottcm any person withiog pure aweei milk in botllea 1 bat have been washed and atcn lined m the moat up locate aanttary man- can secure aame frpm ben young grove fata oajry phone ur 14 georgetown ftp to anlo drivers ti have been exceeding ibe hereby warn all concerned that after tbe publication thi notice all guilty panics will be nroaacuted joifnjackscffi chief auction sale of farm stock to nell by public auction at lot 23 lothune eaoiieaing new glenwilliaou on rrmav imawr km 1h3 1 o clock the foliowmgi ip na 8 yra1 brown mare tr p r yra cowa holatetncow doenov 5 hoi atain cow due nov 20 holatauicowdue nov 20- holatein cow due nov 28 hoi teincow due nov 20- houtctncow due dec 20- holatein cow due dec 3 hot- mem due dec holateto due dec u brown cow due dec 20 holatein bow due dec 27 jeney cow due jan 16 holaletu row uue feb 28 cows durham cow due jan 20 itol tein cow due feb 24t ajrahire cow due feb 10 black cow due feb is red hetfer due mar 18 hotatem cow doe march 21 1 brtndle betfer due manh 2s holatein cow due jan 5 holatein cow calf at atde hoiatein cow calf al aide roan betfer calf at ardet 2 hof- ateni bofera calf at awle hold en cow due feb 15i jerfccow calf al aide hol atein cow due may 15 holuehi cow dnfl may tsi holatein cow due may 20 hoi- atetn cow due may 15 holateid heifer bred in sent 6 holatein heifeca na 2 yrai j7 4 hobthn heifer holaeio bull 2 yra pl vorkahire mow and lopii ld orkahireaow daellerv island 10 months credit 150 cedar p teans s20 and ondar caah oqer lha ben clark nottoe of first podmf yoteisjist veers lisi iml notice hereby giv th 1 hare emptied wrth aecbona9a 10 of lb voterm at art and thafl have floated up m my office in georgetown oa the stb day of november 1923 ihe hat ot all peraonien utled to vote fa tbe uki municipalltr for mtvberaofipnrnmmemknd w slonj- electioturaa appear to be entrtled to vote ilbelaat 1 roll and that aocb tnt mpedwi and i malt v have any o itato atdayi dm1 ihm 5th d of rri ili lin fuhkar wood rsr sale fire wood ofall kwafav h11- 1- 1 ndraiundr cataw ksfjfal rder jnckr lrmtvss rnnemmnu for w r 5 georgetown vos

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