Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 28, 1923, p. 2

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tllh kfllhlktllv iiuol nm kmiikh htl i9jh h willson w h undartftkar mud licensed embklmar me onnuwi au m hk hirhdrwnhim i i on it bl or day mw or sj lodge room dedicated ommtamrnr tco sfkam in answer to a oomniui h rtha uiaufti and detbf ar now hrknl tor at the following rate birth marrlattn ju death 50c mhh i lanla vk i iol per line extra forpwioa married smith silobtilal walkarv fon i n vrber th i9u by rev gordon urk n ertrihjntkhofiill of ore i iwii 1 albeit c v wlllurv r dud ilkftaimotom in georgetown on thurs day november 22i 1923 henry her rtujioi ajred 77 yeara and to monlha shoit at nofval on wedtwaawy nov xhh 19w marxret hamilton widow of iberia gto i the funeral will lakeilace from hr late reaidcnfe friday november 30th inicrnv norval camaiery banquet presehlalion umers tbe beautiful new lodtie room of orion lodge no 101 1 o 0 p la the arena building were dedi oud on monday eeaiar by grand lodge jajqlrara at h uo over 80 oddfellow and their wives eat down to an elabor ate banquet provtded by verdun rebel lodge tbe tables were most artistically liud and amid the numerous beautiful boqneta waa an abundant supply of be choicest tmnda of wbiob all present par took moat heartily when an had done justice to the many good things provided tbetollowlnr toast list waa announced by bro j h moore toast master of tbe even tng vis the kinsgod save the king by georgetown citiscna band the grand lodge of ontariopro posed by bro h hamilton pddb m responded to by grand master bro w rbartxarn onon lodge proposed by grand secretary bro brooks responded to bjlbroa g green kebekah assembly of ontario pro posed by assembly secretary sister r t pearce responded to by suter bro h one of tbe most pleasant social events bold in georgetown some time was tbe banquet t ered to mr and mrs j a loughby by georgetown golfers last evening in ijhe oddfellows as sembly room a in the arena build 4ng over one hundred and fifty golfers sat down to artistically ar ranged and beautifully decorated tables bountifully laden witb roast ch token and ail the necessary at tributes that go to make up a do lioioub repast daring tbe serving of the menu mr codling led tbe chorus singing which added much to tbe pleasure of the evening a long toast list followed do nog which mr j l thompson read tbe following address while major grant and mr wm mckay two of our oldest and innst revered golfers presented mr willougbbi witb a purse of gold antlmis wil loughby witb abeantffal boqneu to mr and airs willougbby it is with a deep feeling of ap preciation that the golfers of georgetown and vicinity are gatb red here to night as hosts deem lag it a great pleasure to have you witb hb as gopste of the evening- your attractive and magnificent golf course is one of beauty and pnde to the iitizeus of george town and visiting golfers it is one of varying charms and holds theid teres t unbroken from first to floalgreen the idea or dream ot this course came to yoo who saw the wooderfnl possibilities of tbib former rough wooded and hilly farm your dreauiijab come true and by your liberal generosity are we privileged to enjoy this most fasotnating game on such a coarse whiofa is not excelled anywhere in this fair dominion of ours praises on many occasions you have received from golfers of other places hut ours are given to yoo with deepest feeling and sin centy it is now some font yearb since we have formed tbe true spirit of friendship as golfers yoo both by yoor public spirit and genial disposition oooopy a place of esteem and affection in oar hearts our sincere wish is that yoo may live long to enjoy the fruits of your tabors and the ancient game on yonr lovely coorse which yon so nehlydeserve we ask yon to accept this purse and these dowers as a slight i oognitioo of oar appreciation georgetown golfers mr willougbby very feelingly responded on behalf of himself and mrs willoughby thanking tbe golfers foe their kind words and splendid gifts which woold long be cherished as fond recollections of the happy days bpent with tbe golfer of georgetown and vicimt those wbo proposed and re ponded to the toasts of the even ing were wm mckay d l her bert 3 mcdermid j b macken sie i b fleck mr shoroy mrs blake leslie w boe miss biokey b y weymas major grants miss mcleod c codling r poofia p ed ward e t nolle mrs fleck dr watson mrs boe e mcnolty mrs p b coffen mr minima nichol tbompaoo j m moore toast master solos and instmrnentalb were rendered during the evening by mrs codling miss leavitt j b wallace c codling ry weymes a herbert a thurston and otfa era tbe remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and social intercourse violet pearce responded rlirtonpart president guests proposed by cleave n g responded to by bro 1 mann pgm bro a c cumi rand chaplain and bro george hill h msno pgm bro a c cummer grand chspli mer m p p the ladies- pro thompson real mcdonald d i tbe above toasts were inter spersed with songs by mr harry bennett of toronto a pleasing innovation dnnng the toasts waa the presentation onon lodge of a pair of beautiful silver mounted gavels by past master wilson on behalf of golden str lodge of brampton tbe gift b highly appreciated by the officers and members of onon lodge more especially when it is remembered that ononbodge was instituted fifty year ago by of boers of golden star lodge at the conclusion of tbe ban quel the beajptiffol and inspiring dedication ceremony was performed by wj g r battram grand has london w brooks grand secretary toronto c h mann grand marshall hamilton a c cummer grand chaplain thorn dale a dobbie grand herald a tost herald of the north p erwin herald of tbe south g cleave herald of tbe- bast h hamilton herald of the west and the following officers al ready installed h cleave n g w marshall vg w long be cording secretary 8 nevins pi nauoial secretary m l near treasurer and a choir of oddfel lows and bebekabs under the leadership of bra c d cole bro e mcwbirter chairman of tbe buildiog committee pre banted tbe grand master with the keys of the room and expressed the wish that it be dedicated to oddfel lowship among those present were offl oersand members from brampton milton oakville acton hamilton gnelph london bame toronto and surrounding lodges the first oddfellows lodge was installed in georgetown- on march snd 1878 nnder tbe auspices of tbe brampton oddfellows lodge golden star no 101 the grand master on this occasion was geo wnght of toronto and the grand secretary was j p king of to ronto lodge on that occasion the following officers were in stalled j o campbell henry tost isaac clark william oeorge pee b d mem aster and watbon owing to a ore m 1982 the minutes and records were de strayed dut tbe original charter has been preserved tbe magnificent building vbicb tbe lodge rooms are located contains one of tbe finest arenas and rnrling rinks in western- on tano the bockey nok which wat in qho part of last season has ar ire surface of 76 fee by 176 feet and seating capacity for nearly 2000 people tbe building con tains all modern conveniences and the spacious waiting rooms aud lodge rooms are heated by steam the lodge officers and members of tbe arena board of directors are to be congratulated on tbe very fitting climax to their splendid effort both to provide lodge rooms sod a modern place bf recreation for our citizens and the oomafnp ity during tbe long wintojfnontba a sad feature of thededication lollows is tbe recent death of the noble grand of onon lodge tbe late h h heartwell who gave ranch time and energy to the movement tbe completed structure cost in tbe neighborhood- of 80000 and tbe board have still about 6000 worth of stock wbicb tbey would liko to dispose of the shares only fill each and we would like from the international iirehhicnl j lath aberdeen it was ije ideti to participate in tbe rrjtiab kmuire exhibition a special uitiiiplilnt from canadn will he iiepnmt im distribution iilkksaiou nf the provincial executive watt held mrs a i troydale ox aluormao nf niagarn fall onoupink tbe obnir in tin absence through illness of lr stowe gnllen in the matter of cresting pf a mmistr of hestb the con noil bonrtily xiii ported tbe iu lion us it wan thought it would strengthen effort put forth m the interests of i bild wpi fare and public health another resolution decided nu was that of urging all local coun nils to kupiiort by resolution and deputation if necuhdaix tbe efforts if tbe town planning noiniuisaiona a various centres to jiecure a town planning ihw fm tbe trov i nee another matter dealt with was the question of children or ur married pa renin lln eouotil li nirl to urge on tin proviore tl rare of tbe mental l detlc lent m married mother the m itui of rbinging the date of mutnrtiml election from the list mondiij in january to thn monday m december was with and received heart fupioit in that it would enable nianj to takenn atie interest in muntoi pal matter who otherwiw bj reason or the season of the year would not be able to do ho this plan bas been earned out moat successfully in niagara falln lon don kingston aud mao other cities and towns and the eitusen ship committees or local councils are requested to lay tbis mattei before their municipal councils on thursday evening a large audience with mrs twjdale pre sdmg bad the pleas ore of bearing mr h t bichardson of ottawa general secretary of tbe league of nations id canada speak on the work of tbe league and miss mary power from tbe public uealth and nursing service of on tano speak on her department of work in tbe province on wednesday evening a pleassrrt at home was beld at tbe beautiful and hospitable home of mrs h p lawsooj where nmn availed themselvesof tbe oppor tun ity and pleasure of meetinr the council s guebtb at tbe close of tbe general meetings a hearty vote of thanks was extended to the many oeorge town hostesses who did so much to help make tbe convention pleas ant successful and long to be re membered weee h the great bazaar iv st georges parish room in all its attractive and colorful xmaa dress will be open for yonr inspection and patronage wed december 5 at 830 pm 7 vtsif tk fancy work booth and melect a dainty or utmful xma girrw a fnendor each member of the family t fancy towmh a epectal- 2 stay a whfu tvith the tempting dtmptay of deltctoum home cooking 3 get welt j acquainted with the apron for all occamiopm flohttielmtt garment for women and children knitted article and handeome rag mat 4 dmna forget the fiah pond and candy booth which welcome the ftiddie and laat bnt not least s take a cup of tea in tea room where a dainty and ubtanttal menu await you serv ed from 4 to 7 the mens store i fall styles and new i suitings now ready g admission free you are invited m immmm mmm t wbo were responsible for tbe anion did menu provided umekonse we re glad t ita that oar school master mr jolly is on a fnir way to recovery after bis ser ions illness on acoount of bis illness it has been decided not to hold the parent and child banquet of the school section until after the first of the jear tbe officers and scholars of the sunda school are arranging for their annual entertainment clin s trass time miss w innifred irene was borne from toronto over tbe week end mr gowdy and dons spent tbe week with toronto friends mr johnstone was m tbe city over sunday mr and mrs b l jiarsball weretq toronto over tbe week end a men christmas present tor your hoy or girl wen id be a ticket for georgetown arena grand master visits credit lodge friday night last was s memor able- one witb the local masonic lodge when they enjoyed tbe ifleabure of a visit from most wor shipful bro w i drone grand master of tbe grand lodge of on tano rw bro schiedel ddq m and other distinguished bretb ren w m bro s kirk master or credit lodge in well chosen and appropriate words welcomed tbe guests of the evening in the lodge rooms after which tby were given tbe grand honors after tbe teg nlar business of the evening was ornclnded the initiatory degree was exemplified by the worshipful master and his officers the work well pnt on and brought forth many complimentary remarks from tbe visiting brethren at the conclusion of the lodge a banquet was held in tbe auditor lorn of the oddfellows ball where all partook of a snmptucua repast served by wives or rait masters of credit lodge i during the evening grand master drope gave a splendid ad dress ion masonry and urged all members to live up to tbe high ideals and teachings or tbe older which was second cnly to the cburcb o god a pl feature of tbe even ing was tbe presentation td ibc grand master of a gold bversharp pencil ana to very wdr bro bar- raclougb of credit lodge wbo was recently appointed to the position of grand pursnivant of the grand lodge with tbe regalia of office the toast list as annonnoed by worshipful master kirk was a shows the kingproposed by s kirk w grand master- proposed bv w bro boss responded toby moat w j drops grand master muofa thanks is due the ladie f me eihaw take a sharejn la bau montreal tbib splendid winter playhouse of the oommnmty be a philanthro pint in the true sense of tbe word nahonat council executive meeting continued from page 1 the plno of roral settlement of mr algar bailey came in for some discussion and favorable comment this scheme calls for tbe estab lisbment of small villages about community centres in onr western provinces to render more endov able the lives particularly of the amen in these remote sections at thursday lodofaeon the conn oil and many friends had tbe great pleasure and honor to bear tbe world famous suffragette mrs emmehne pankborst on tbe sub jeet of social hygiene none were jiaappouited bnt aufaave new- for mrs paasborst aajtvvea greetei admtratioa than formerl after the noon hour the guests were taken tor a abort motor tnp about town among other places visitfnjjheannenian home r isium vinn niii grand lodge proposed by v wor bro l grant responded to by b wor bro m scuedd3dg m visitorsproposed by v wor bro e y barradomrh g p responded to by wor bro dnbaase guelpb r bro w j wallace p ddo bro rev douglas norval bro cndidate rrtir g gillia proposed dr rr nkkeh responded to by j i by wor w j drope grand to by wor bro- s kirk w m solos by a b caatell p m in atni mentals by master charlie kirk and songs by master charlie scrymgeaur wre appreciated and enjoyed ilonng tbe evening among the visiting biethren werttf w bro w j drope gnmaby ont r- w bro m scbiedel d j g m kitchener rv w bro j b wallace pdd g m nippiasing district no 10 w bro m b julmiage w m waverley lodge w bro h a huroell p m waverly lodge w bro w g thorny p m wav erly lodge w bro u m burks w m guelph and other visitors from tbe folio wtng lodges ionic brampion walker acton st lambert montreal university modtreal mr 3 lciark norval sta tion will hold an auction sale of dairy cattle ptgs sheep and horses on qec 18th and ben and frank petcb will do tbe selling astabusrtep ia7gq as in private life so in tho finan cial held old fi lends are bestl eodurimt relationships id busmeas can on i bo established and main tainrd by friend ca operation and efficient service tbe bank of hamilton while rendering eer j possible bankingfatilty consistent ly maintains tbe best traditions of sound financial practice bank of hamilton j l thompson manager saturday treat homemade candies chocolate fudge here la something erj special in aa old fashioned bomemade fudge begolar 80c lb saturday freat the proof of the pudding is in the eating od jt is iimt tbe aame way with the trying of our excel btor pastrj flour you can never realize bow fine a flour it is nntil you have used some of it in your pies puddings and cakee etc and have then tasted what yonr efforts have aebmed with tbe help of good flour excelsior paatry flour can be secured at your dealer in georgetown glenwilliama stewarttown acton flour mills b h uimit pa 4 g an ideal gift ladies bracelet watch what greatei token of friendship could one pos sibly think of than a watch big assortment pf the different fancy shapes in 14 k gold gold filled in yellow green and white gold all moderately priced our other lines the very latest productions i r white ivory jewellry silverware umbrellas water man ac parker fountain pens cut glass xax qnettawcaaw ta bnt mmeaeratalj prl4 call amd liramct otjr btook a baaajl depotf wm aa a qui ror xnu a b willson jeweller next to hotel mroibbon oborgrtown mftftaftftftwifcwj r osrajraji ub uh ujnssr wucroei r guelph winter fair n0veiffier4wli december 6th decenfber3kl4tlistli judsins live stock december 6th four biff auction sales wjwuliwrmriwtwt a w wan semtvrt our inilinl fill iwinu twiii in iteaiitiful rvhr totn in all hit uli olr i u lb new ami miiiii lull lik arnid litilnud in lx hint n htylt mill f nlurt tint will wbisla ifuiiig if iu am lliitikiiiii of i iinr nrdt r now ixifon hit rail kiuiiih will lie jorwiii i renin fall furnishings now ready all hi- lavxt ruitim mlit reanonnlili in p lei shh ial- imtion- r ir mlt to ui ir utiilji in ill tlm we sensdn it uitj ii lll i ki call and ineatigiile ixfore mnkini our i ii i w suuell a bha f tnr purai millar co tauarlas an4 atm runlablns georgetown phone 128 621i rrrtr ftr- rn trmu n mx theatre unuit ui imj wt fi uj ubi vshlij iwvf oaml jui iu v i mltww ju mam aw ton mi kwiimmii ai jrjiujjliumj i ivduoiivlh- m fuutj t tjful bmptfulviir ivi m wkj uiur ou- jrtbj auiim4 l id a mtiuf to jpts i u iwi hi yiuju jbud iiiuk w hiju ioi br jij4 ui uir lbu- lultireut jo jbiuatuii iu tbia heuil u- bhauuif ijusl com i a hul lioiieiuooij mliumsl 16 adiuwsiou mm hi1 ol tsfcvp llunwt t3 btarrmg joim mm ue isle dr a tuttderii h snbo wholned on tbf tteotern plains corned tough sm 1 1 ok kkd hdge with alfred lunt and minn palmen a wonderful lote storj suiting in he south sea lataods and finishing m lmted states omnf don t et fresh aeoaajbtowm special 25c lb weekend chocolates udr chocolate cannot be equalled thej are of lh best of rjualit a good ariety of flai j regular 40c anc for 32c v ave a new shipment of chocolates this week b not try a pouod for jour saturday treat etfrj piece different harold c black phone 89 georgetown ti reasons why you should detand them smabii aajaafcr oantammvalasa mapijeleaf the canadian match co umite0jkrneal jacksqns f gift furniture we have a good selection of special pieces of good quality furniture that will make appropriate christinas gifts gifts that are serviceable lasting and that will be appreciated and long remem bered bookcahi srtttmrle library xahl library chain mr stands readina tasttltm ooven centre taues reedtablet ai readcluslra v seed kookecrai oheetexflelda easy oasalra eaaarw kocjlrers jardlneex stauade carpet sweepers vaomwn clean era hall seats ballmlrors hslltreea hall stands hatbaoki vittbrellm stands ijrreaslna tables ojhffoneers jbedroom gbjairs beds mattresav sprinarf boffets dlnins tables dbaina cllkalrs onlna cabinets kitchen cabinets conbolenna inolenm and oil cloth bnars childrens jhlh chairs hookers kindersarten sets doll beds doll earriaces toy sweepers sleichs wsfcons horses kiddy kara for lack of space to show toys prop erly we will put on sale this week a quan tity of toys at about factory price we will store those sold if desired till christ- quality value service jacksons georgetown bar tk eyesexaaieg oatisfscuon guaranteed or rooner refnnded t dr c c jfxoyd f wsaarvmaisprnxr new advertisemenls u and atib appljr al herald cottajrc on uurdock strml poaea- n dec 6th apply i h t amok xm georireliwn t riaibusau ta orkdura pijca aeven weeka old apply wm a miqure phoiie 96 r 5 eonreiown 3 tesuat seven roomed frame houu on haul si nortb apply 10 e a benhara real ealale agent t all kind of wood both j ao jj al dar raib all at rmaouble prices j rrihlfhd phone srw georgetown 2t ii applm sar bai northern spy apples szoo ueluered apply lo jamea lai or 2 georgetown per t llaw f zw sate sideboard wth bwejled nilrror n brat lla condmoo terms tp remiible party apply at harakl obice 2t people who intend uoua any remckiar hag ib winter w ii aave money by viewing qlhrtt s wlair phono tw r 2 georireiown 31 f terhauc ptaai fcr sale 10 pmekht weeks ej tl pr7 win old ibmw 1w or apply to j cor0ih l mrs loud main at norlh geont t8alppan anytnr wishing lo ship bletk coopra lively from slewanlownirtalih on m01 day nmmii g drn rd pleaar call at m stark phanr 99 r m it a frh imperfrx i qui h 1 learnoc uonllen mill n good how on ontario street hr and aoft wler inaida electnt libta ivsae ucn dccrmbr t doae lo south a stones apply j w armttronif box j66 near paper mill 2ip mt mr claude wade braxapton soloviouslslatemer studio trs thompsonac onelpm st oeoretow ewery kondavlf concert tssaagenieita aooepted lpbnibascoj i jto rjmvkitto 1 donclas s omelph talated a ar a o l fire insura 4ce j w k i c anra ro you prt ttt sgew

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