Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 28, 1923, p. 4

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a psalm or business ufi x tlik okohuktown lit hai l nl i milvli th iii do not nay i adv hi i u ful using in i fat pov hi court li ft nt who slumber when lie might uob help obtain buhhush lift n atari and earnest- and ilttword to each i raphe dust llioil mt to 1ohl returnest if thuii uilt not tuhirtim riioiib hl iruation kiuoiii and sot a maj it tunuh iilisurt tin w pros ettn niiij ik timdt lo morrow brighter than th ore to dv penjk i shwhl tinieja heeling and mi i ii t lofiiial them think koo ll i di nn of liiihinihs heal ln ji ll iihf id in inter h ink i in tin uoild bioad del j or battle large hi titan bt- fore lis lis it we pimmt the wlieils to rattle b the aj nadvertie that which eluy seems and pleas ant mint no nnah before ne apres we inuukill with lire the present lent wc hliouhj be counted deail ill aucccuhful men remind ua wo to height unknown may rise if we ninke the people find ua by the way we advertise our auocehm mm heln another who is out upon the main we may find in tym a brother heady to take heart again lt ua then be np and doing what tbe passing moments need still achieving still pursuing learn to constantly succeed as each wreath of morning vapour helps to maktj the summer skies so each issue of this paper helps the men who advertise a concert and xmaa tree will be held id ballmafad hall by the popila and 6ung peope of pea cock school section on deo 14th keep the date operj father peeled off ave dollars for the ea bill three dollars foil the electric light three dollars for the telephone two dollars for the youngster a music lessons twenty dollars for table expense etc and whet mother asked him for twenty extra this week to bay things she needed after the honsectoannig be started to bine when the roll ta called op yonder 1 11 be there there is one thing ber and that is that honey get his boots specially made and al ways oirect from the- factory al so we are professional shoe makers and can make and mend or repair any boots sheen or robbers made by the band of man and that we have the cheapest and moat reli able shoe store in ontario j roney the man that has made name for georgetown for low prices in boots and shoes street georgetown a fanner who gaew his heal for his saw john a bis frabsad hnt cumtr with a imtli voles saw me ayas that bran out hoperallr at sea from behind atee rimmed aa john wanted his boy to bo a so ao ho workod hard eari aaa lata enluvauns his rocky acres tba money e set ran howa or three attacks of um fla watjl he ot ao wesk h coaldn t wo aa after ion ralnuas seells aaa a- forcad madlcal ettenuoa ho as the aire nevra tuherceloata it mm john had boon llvloc mtakh a would have bad batter can aaa hwttar toao he was rec at the lawahak hospital for coaaomputm aaa aow with skllleal wadlobl aaa wwawae attendance sad taowoadorfu air at muskoka to arias- health ta taw ore lungs jitro la actuall fmak and ha is an eothuslasfle boa tha hospital ho boliavaa a u aturtm months to a baak farm but on the doetofs a is auorlns on to roak iaa than ha ho rcispsa thera u a lot af time to ha mada p on that tana cnavba ha can still band his aa csamhutloaa to aid moakaka iu1 in 1u work ba seat to r a charitoa tit toronto awm wabaikey harness haker hlaler afll aam ae atft tttjtmntij itrwl if ml me kne sarckjala msk ai at lata ban sal tic li lad ertrj akajai almale kness smv u w a bailey dp todate i1arhe88 sqot all street coal bet d u ot w s coal in all size also smithing andsteana coal mrs filiate norval station pbon tsrsd tkms axe pretty qkia ha nothinw to lwmii ow taat mia a but taroaajh acboal aad thaia war mbnidbs or bla awa uakad wttk a brlnanbm csod ha learaad ta am whu at coileca too ions hoars wtthoat sr raat ndlvaraat aaerlshaa t aad l lanhni tba dust tha fnaa aad tha arnas baruolas otcbacalcal aaaltacv wkies ssulad la his imp aradaaur hvak dowa kls baalth aa attack mt tha lla dlda t halo ha at aa aasjor ur- d ont and ao aaak at hbi wackthal him aarioas traohlawa aaawaaaaa wall it tnraad t to w rmt aad new ha la taklna om atnakoka hospital far cm tha doctors aay ha will awt hut ba oaaaot jro beak taihs i msatlaa ttra toaaual is t baalth and that u t onntrlbauoa ta am b t au through the mails of montreal is as ivc as the postal imng m remote by ma3 as a af dbty could make personal j a wallace bankfiflvidnttleal titsawiissiiit qftar lqoyet iihtlktont iurai l n i mlfkll nh 111- t quebec ta repeat carnival success nipbmsetrrjdfb loot for tie kofwmtkt abxk w vtaavta oaw mmn bt jotal i fkincnmk rh co georgetown ladks wear tailoriiib specja trices on fat ft wrier salts coats dresses om wall find a choice selection in thcabovr fine caji aawl see what we have to offer mais qwfldafl and i save jwst pot ns a choice stock ol the latest mens cloth- amkd favhsbmbffb whkh will be sold at most reasonable toanr iniijecliou mvitea a hirschorn osopgetown spctial offer for your used records efnmjtive nrr slat to november 30th leas am i taacasaaalchi olriaiw aaadkanskl lasecaama ta r kat- aoad 1mt 4 skadastn tlwkam i aar s naalk was kom thlaraar wuhachanaii r bawtu bcobabl iiktrtrl ihaao raca hatavtad th wtolir stmt quebecuaisintohavasreal uvr carnival thataball be truly representative of the wonderful sportinc attractions of thf ancient capital the suecan of the dor raraa bald in quebec last yaar hancorafad the hntxata to sponsor a vary much bl lienaiva sstias oi auuiudk all the this iponsor a very much biner progn yaar aad comprehensive series of sporonr be held on february 21 22 and 28 la which will fct held on f porta for which represented and culminating in a pud maaqnerade ball at the chateau frontensr in addition to the ibtema- tional races for the eastern do sled derby trophy there will be events in snowahoelne skiint ice redes curling and akatinx the whole of these events will take place within the exhibition grounds and it is proposed to once aisln five quebec an ice palace thr people of quebec take and naturally a treat eride it their wonderful old dty and the ancient capital not so large that its people cannot ret together on occasion to fete en masse a carnival in quebec is not to be forgotten or the whole populace absorb the spirit of the n drawing its visitors into the gay vortex ao thi the walls which rang to laughter centuries ago 1m continent each wintry season jmre people are at tracted to it and for long- period irbecomes the nodal centre as well as the sporting centre of north america practically everything that la carried on is on an open stale quebec b the soul ot hospitality a hundred rinks invite you to skate m far aa you can sea firdad hdai invite you to ski through theft myriad glorious glades of toboggan slide there are nobs few and there are many ezcurslana which simply raaajt be made on anowehoaa as for evening entertainment the ball room ot the cha teau froatenac ni the scene of a dance nightly there are moonlight excursions events oh sqjlhunuktod risks music song and nt a then boys and girls wanted j girls over 18 years ol age guaranteed 20c per hour 1 apply smith stone limited j georgetown 1 georgetown flour feed mills notice 1 having leased stewarttown elevator i am now prepared to buy all kinds of grain at best market pnces any time you have grain lo deliver call me at phone 195 w c bessey georgetown w woe insurance ejsrtpker jj insattrtamoe in all branches phone 65 georgetown save her many fatiguing miles what more welcome xmaa gift for your wife or mother than an ex tension telephone the time andstrefith used in running up and down stairs to answer or make telephone calls can be better employed extension telephones cost only 124 a month the charge for install ing is only 100l they are a wonderful con venience if you order now we can install an extension telephone for christmas nova scotia interior as moose pasture t briuawick ttaem oftmtai for tl rotwm off tana r twaflve inoh albe ena of colaiawbu sad edi- l mm ten ocoata on one shots mbk electoc store l b 4 of lakes i and etreamsv oatering n canoe tripe and the w great mooae paatun k h the moose kuatiiig bea4 the eanoe and automobile by hunters and guides thu maay miles of weary i hiking through the wilderness on the liverpool chain ot takes cached from booth milford via ailnapolis juyal ordigby and on lake feed remakoofi lake rosrignoll lake btunro loon lake and the liver pool rivet expert indian and white guides am the canoes for lesw clie- tanees sns eveat call the mobse to the shore wnh jhdr birch bark borne when eome dntantttlat b to be reached from del theeaea 9ovth ifwwrd camp sooth muford is 16 ndts from anoapoha royal and is a favorite outfltdag point so is l be kedge- rnskeoge rod and 43sn club on famous lake kedremakooge in the beett of the wilderness s6 milea from annapolis royal both of these campa have ai datlem and plenty relishlp guides i the nova scouan lasts from oct 1 te nov is deer j are as plentiful at mooae and the soeh guides as louie haaktw half breed htcmac and sam globe fan blooded indian are expert mooer eadera and stalkers and rarely dis appoint the hunter the devemen with whteh tbey emulate the bf the cow mooae with a simple roll of birch bark fashioned into a born b sure to fool hhe wisest old bell in the wfldgrneav when the calling season is past the mooae ae longer comes to the hunter and the hunter must go to him neither eanoe nor aukousobue figures much in tab phase of moose hamtnal except that one or both may help thehunter near the place where the quarry ia supposed te he aad carry him borne trees barkeoby mice preventing injury lo fruirtreei by field vermin pnlanneil drain the heapeat method prrnmliik itn kill how to ilare ii iwr 1 w inter 8op- j ecedliife- rnclh a ftefrl nhit uluiout ite contributed b ontario impartmiht of ib tire publie jsye nany i ilng of no each irllve bark unswlng b in evidence in too iolson the ucht anil heaeal method poison offtra the best and cheap est mvtboi of prevent i hk mouse in- jury shoi id llivn bt uny evidence of mice before fre tt up or should there be an abundance of feed and shelter fur mlie in tl t young orchard throukli i lie prttticc of weeds seeds and fall n fruit it u advisable to institute a uiouui poisoning campaign hefort si nw outers the ground au excellent pulsuo bait can be prepared an rulluws make a clear starch paste by mixing unt lablespoon full ot kiuuii starch in our 1ml f cup of cu id water and emr ihln i ixture into a pini uf boiling muter tl eu mix one uuiico or alryclnilne tmlplmle with one ounce of baking aoilu und stir into the starch until u nt iouth mass u ormeu then stir in one half cup bbt beaary corn byrup and a table- spoonful of glycerine apt ly this ml lurr to 40 pounds of cleau wheat aba mix thoroughly to cost each ker nel put i he polaoind grain in a strung paper sack thin bu n the stick you used tor stirring and scald the vessel being careful where the wash where to place the poisoned grain the poisoned grain can be placed in containers of sotne sort such as un cans or open necked bottles small drain tiles and such like these conudaarw can then bt placed at any likely place where there is protection or near the trunk of the tree with the poisoned grain in a container so placed us lo be protected from rain or standing nuier it will ultruja hi on dull should u hungry burkeatlug mouse appruuen a tree the container will unj 11 mixed pola oned groin should be taken up poyou i ckramh i of li s the mouse danger is over in tl spring put a pulson label lnrm enough for all hut latis to see on- all polsou hraln uuckti wlit tl i uacta ure oinptj burn them k p all potuuns o ll of ihl reach of ckhdreu and aiilmula l stevenaon o a c guclph bee colour requlreii 4s puultda of stores success in wintering bees depends upon 1 the atrungth uf the colony 2 the quanut and qualli of win or a lures and 3 the temperature and humidity of the air in the cellar bvery colony niual possess an abund ance or young btei if some ihave failed to rear stifflclent bees m tho fall they should be united with each other until colonies uf the requisite strength are obtained it is useless to put away weak colonies in the tall and expeel to lake out worth while colonies in the spring equally important is the quantity and quality of stores to be on lbe safe sldt every colon should have 40 pound of stores elthe white honey or sugar sjrup on an average bees wintered on natural honey lost twice as heavily a those wintered on sugar syrup olren strong colonies with good stores there is jul required to insu perfect wintering a good bee celli usual l a cellar under a house is used and if the temperature in it does not run below 35 degrees f or above 46 degrees p and it la neither too damp not too dry good results are obtained plenty or ventilation will relieve either an excess of mois ture or an extreme ot dryness in addition the part of the cellar re served for bees must be always dark and must never be subject to jars and such disturbances feeding fads silage la indispensable for cheat milk production it is a succulent reed the bay should be a legume such aa clover or alfalfa silage and alfalfa o- clover hay are the beat and cheapest roughages feed all the roughage a cow will clean up choose grain mixture to balance class at roughage available peed grain in accordance lo milk yield of each cdw for holstelns or ayrshire feed one pound grain for each tour pounds milk t lor guernsey or jerseys feed pound grain for each three pounds milk qhra access to salt daily feed and milk regularly supply ao abundance fresh water at all times require no lee a refrigerator that will k p food products at a temperature of es de grees fahrenheit csn be made easily at home if consists or un open framework of shelving around which la tacked canton flannel burlap or some simitar material ahlch is kept moist the evaporation of the iuo s lure holds tbe temperature down a series of wicks or air i in of cloth extending from a pan of water on top of the refrigerator to the covering of tbe retrlgeratov provide the mois ture such a refrigerator should be kept in the shade where there la 4 good current of sir the potato jtrower who gives thought to labor efd and fertilised is tackling the potao problem in tba right way seeds like tolks like a good bed prepare it well and make morl money stores the quebec heater and cook stove combined is the best on the market see them cream separators 1 harness horse blankets qdebec amvnutt ttows s b groat georgetown afwayftw honey lsci i our aanart lultlir saw- borlb tba that win slva yw eoaassrt know iryour ehllda ras ind out rata eharaa u roaruiatad by it of work on to or law aa- a n j the vain of the frame you choose leases around on the nranauaea sat ufaotlon aruaraataao i o t walker r 0 aerator eiuntaaaeftat at opunlaei phot t 3be rnr annalntmant- norman h speight pianos phonographs electric washers electric cleaners sm nnall atiluy aajiacah norman h speight music amd electric stoke brooa blaek ur jsltl law 1dh a linndbonie flint pinna tnm bin mth ea l pnekng f cfj ion hit tilnck or mixed 7sn plfj lied roup orange ptkue e per 1ik 8c puna oranse pekoe tea per pkk 75n lorn flakes s pkb sloo bran flakoa 2 pkg s6o poate bran 8 pkgs 86c catsup cans 15c bird s blanc maomt costard reg 20c 8 lot goo roboa egg aubstuate teg 26o 2 for b6o maple butter reg 40c 2 for soo peannt batter per lb sso finest grade soap chips jb iso beauty complexion soap 4 for s6o cstell soap 6 for floe fairy soap 3 for s5o jelly powders 8 for 26c figb dates prunes peaohes apnoota raistoh etc at pnoes reasonable clark a bread ib the baft flavor ed bread on the market it is mjade h tbe best floor pure shorten ing and plenty of good milk it is as sweet as a nut and aa pure aa spring water oar bakery is light well ventilated and scrupulously clean and is open for our in speotion at any time mark clark bakery and groceries phone 289 snyders cartage after travelling all summer we have never had better self vice than voir have given ua were the parting words of the chautauqua crew this sum mer thsfy were satisfied and we are sure you will be too if you refer your teaaming or trucking wants to us we do- anythmg possible to do with teams or trucks and will be pleased to giv you estimates on any work of this kind n snyder phone 171 w ha shovaulaa reaafrad standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatical terpened nnd londfnl coal wood select imrop for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and caonel coal in ractiearry everything to bo fonnd in any up to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald phonbi8 i georgetown wood for salfe fe wood of all knds mapll beaefa and mil all dry cm any l nau otdrra quickly deuvered yai tin snake arranfvtncnts torwerkly paymejh mufray brtt ts qeonretawe

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