Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 5, 1923, p. 3

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r tn qbobobtown hkhmu ukckuiikh 6lh llasa more christmas suggestions tmh week we show toilftt article french ivory ebony etc perfumery and toilet waters gift books bibles and church books hfodklc albums etc hk ouh windows last weeks list tin if applies ruskllsku d j matthew uruub and stationery hi local news hems sf nominations dec slst hs commencement la nior only three weeks till chrisl- l m- boy scouts entertainment deo lotb give her a box of candy see deversoob display p sinclair is repairing hot water bottles free of charge presbyterian christmas enter tainment friday evening dec 21 the latest in christmas nov elties in flowers- mibaes olaridge ashgrove 8 b entertainment sad christmas tree will be held on deo -1st- tbe boy soon to conducted aacoessfol tag dayfor the hookey olnb laat saturday -bt- albana christmas enter tainment will be held in the glen on friday deo slat h q clark ds son shipped three cars ofcattle bogs and sheep to the city on tuesday the regular meeting of george town are brigade has been post pooed ontil the second thursday in december ctmpbell fc amos of moffat cleaned np a lot of good prises with their shorthorn cattle at toronto winter fair the local council of women will meet on tuesday dec 11th at 8 pm in the bank of montreal beat boqina mr walter parsons was verely braised when be was struck by an auto while on his way church on sunday evening the regular monthly meeting of the nerval branch of the wo mens institute for dec baa been indefinitely postponed the bigb school entertain ment on tharsday and friday will begin at 818 pan it is hoped that all the audience will be in their seats by that time regular meeting of ixol ha 246 will be bald in the arena on tuesday evening deo 11th all members are requested to be present election of officers the pdblic school board at milton has secured the services- of mr caetell as music supervisor he will teach on two days of each week all of the ten rooms will receiver instruction all interested in a ladies hockey team- for the coming seas on are sailed to attend a meeting in the bank of montreal rest rooms on tuesday evening dec 11th st 480 st georges yonng peoples guild will present the play lets all get married in the town ball qlenwilllsms tuesday evening deo uth under tbe auspices of st albans church verdun rebekab lodge no 184 will hold a tea and sale or home made baking in tbe lodge rooms on saturday deo 15th from 4 to 6 pm proceeds 1 be ased for christmas cheer for our armenian boys 8 s no u whaleyft corn ers will bold a concert in the school room on wednesday even ing dec 10th programme will be given by children of the school assisted by the young people of tbe vicinity come and bring your friends itp news items received by the herald unaccompanied by tbe name of the sender are consigned to tbe waste basket your name will not be publitbed outvie want it as a guarantee jbjtf the item items are genuine we appreciate geed clean news items at any time bat kindly attach your name pot plants for xmas oifts and home decorations ferns sever al varieties palms btfgoniea pri mulas cyolatnen colens cyperps umbrella plant asparagus three varieties table ferns in pans chrysoplenium moss and other deooration plants in various sue and pricer come early for best choice wpsphtchsrles st 8t from factory to feet people can judge for themselves tbe way webavedone their work and sold tbem new boots now to my cus tomer ooly will i sell boots at oast all this month tf yon bave not been fry customer you need not oall as i have plenty of eua tomers tfast i want to give extra value to we carry all kinds of rubber boots and repair tbem 2 f u a limited number of model mo al exceptional values tor this wiek misses claridge personals ith ieiil rabekaks attaatlea 1 will thokp wlin wirth to contri bute jars of fruit for the ojdfol lows uome in toronto ileum leave name at mr j t cameron u monday afternoon dec llltli ualo ss eatertalaaseau the annual christmas enter- taiument of union church sunday school will be held on friday dec uth a good pi ok ram of chorus en drills dialogues etc will be- given everybody welcome ad mission 26c minkull holm dmi mr marshall holmes for many years a highly resident of nassa- gaweya and father of the late w gowdy of limehouse dropi dead at his home in gudlph on monday deceased had just turned from voting when be was stricken bultom worn debate the debate for tbe ohampion- ship of halton county and a silver oh allonge cup donated by exprera ier drury took place in tbtyfarm era club room between milton and brock vi lie ufo debiting clubs tbe milton team won tbe dubates will be continued next yeav ooaoevt at stwmrttow the stewarttown a u rid ay school and public school combined will bold a christmas concert in tbe hall stewarttown tuesday even ing dec 18th at 8 oclock there will be a good program consisting of choruses dialogues a fantasy and piny admission children of tbe two schools free adults 26c children 10c burdrarutnlor mn tbe board of arbitrators com posed or e fearle milton chair man j b mackenzie and a f campbell re the arnold actiou against the town for damages to property by tbe lowering of queen st roadway met at milton on tuesday after examining some witnesses in the case the board adjourned to meet again on tbe 17th bojr seoata caaoert the entertainment to be given by the boy scan to in the assembly room at the public school next monday evening december 10th is for tbe purpose or raising fundb for the community christmas tree there will be moving pic tures dialogues songs first aid demonstrations blindfold knot ty boxing bouts humorous sketches etc the boys will ap preciale your support so please be present- say boys hurry up and get your tickets sold and bring the money in on saturday at 8 pm the eagles have made the room look a lot better and the lions have also done good work at selling tags now let us see what you all can do monday let us give a good con cert and do our good turn for the children on xmss eve be pre pared is the scouts motto all second class scouts meet at the radial station friday at 780 pm uniform please aaal osuoal high grade gold filled spectacles and eyeglasses with best flat spherical lenses for only 400 all other styles of frames and len ses at lowest prices byes exam ined by mr hughson formerly optical expat for kenta toronto and later for henry morgan co montreal tin host optical work to be obtained and at moderate prices two days only friday and saturday december 14th and 16th close saturday at 4 jim sharp come early d j matthew drug gist georgetown 2t braaaptaa oraxtcaam lol no 5 which has added 36 new member this year and which now totals 175 held its an nual meeting monday night with an attendance of 100 and elected tbe following ofllcere wm mor ley mckenna dm d u mitchell n morley robin son fs tom graham b8 f j macros- tie lecturers w bailing j ma craoken d or c herbert black committee r herbert q hunt ef s h mitchell bert young is c coates auditors w bra ham f j macrostie two can didates were raised to the royal arch degree the the management of georgetown hockey clnh to tbank all who so kindly pur chased buttons on tag day there by making it a complete success help tbe boy scoots secure funds for tbe community christ mas tr patronizing their en tertainment next monday evening n 10th they aeed s sewing machine at tbe armenian farm very badly- if yen have a good second band machine and dont ned ittbey would appreciate it mr a c coh hitetit sum friends in toronto mrs walter anthony tuesday with friends in guelph mr bert thompson apenl tbe week end with friends in hamilton mabel cissidy of toronto ja a week end viaitur irr town dr and mr- fl u heath ent the week end with friend- in tor onto mrs h johnston nf toronto spent the week end witfi mrs j n oneill iru charles fraaor and mnt j krr of toronto spent lbe week end at mrs roes mrs bun tain left thin pcl for california where she will upend the winter with relative minnas mildred aud marie fleck aud mr paul fleck spent the week end with hamilton friends mr and mrs r j aiken or tor onto were quests of mr and mm j ij thompson last thursday mr and mrs nichot thompeou and miss thompson of hamilton wore guckls at mr l k flcckt last week mr john wapshott left fot tor onto inst week where hewill spend wino weeks before returning to plymouth wis miss marjory hope raft and li j h hope rait of toronto spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs w fro mp ton mr rene r barber who is over from england for a few weeks spent laat week end with colonel and mrs g o- brown at tbe elms rev p k dayfoot b a former georgetown boy has beep honored by his aims mater mc- m aster tjni varsitywith the dejee ofdoctor of divinity kprt s4 ma 15 eaqaata following is tbe report for the month of november tbe names being in order of merit sr iv susie press wood lloyd bartb stanley norton jr iv magie sanderson willie stringer alfred heptworth john connley sr ill frank dick irene broklebank annie billingsley wilms davidson elva broklebank harvey norton sr ii gordon mc wayne george stringer norman sinclair donald sinclair sr i michael connley gordon billingsley louise brocklebank sr pr john dick george al- doua jrr vance billingsley townley brocklebank billy dick william connley fletcher bil lingsley dora l mcclellan tea cher roup and chicken pox these cootaxious diseases ol poultry may be core to ma or other ailiaw toabtrtantas la uia laat faw yaars tha uiilwsaa of dlaaaaa unoos aoultrj aaa racatvad atnea study and mmaj or tha aldar idas taava bsaa iiilaa il birds ra- apoad van ta ardvr baa4aeeal and dyalaola traatsksat la fast is assay aasaa uiay show xsmarksala sowata al raaarva aad raautaaca taua oom- ssrlns vtj lavorsbly with duiar do- ataaiioatad r- tha l4as tbat tt u uaalaaa to try sad usst a sink fowl la rronaous last wlncer um ontario vatarlaary oollaga carrlsd out a bumbtt of ax- aarimaeta raaardiaa tlia usauaaat aud cura ol rous ihaaa tau aatab- llsuad tba xaet tkat in niasjr rws ua dlssasa cotdd ba oatrollad aaa uu ulrds rsturaad to usalulnaaa la from it u ss daya r is a eoataictoua uia iaouui aai as otrtoml i aud ayaa oftot tsa causativa aant wr aasss has aot jrat baan-cer- lauiiy datnosstratad xna uiaemaa asraads rasldijr takmujb thm sock baias isvored by damp cold dark quartan and lor tais rwaaoa rouv u tuoat fravalaat during ma wlatar manltul tsa laaloaa in ilia uduui iska uia lort ol muses of yellow cbasay tuatarial wnlcb naa a enarac- lerlauc otfaaslva odor tna nasal cfulmdets and nosului becoma plus- led vila exudates so inai tna bird la forced to breaths lorouxn tna moum banes tba bul rauuuua opa aud braatnlnc la oftaa dimoulu ins ajrss ttacoaia utaauad auu oiled witn a liquid aiacnarga wuicn laiar 6o- eomaa tkloa andcnasy and ctunplaie- 1 alia tna ay canty oitoa us wliola slda of uw ncad u awuuen unu wlun doui tytta ara lnvotvad tba bird u bimd barnhills p and halton8 bargain stokls money saved ih money mad huyinu here you hhic money and make money h hi choice recleaued currants only 2rk kxtracto any flavor ier ihitlle onl m- shelled walnnts r lb imly 87c 3 lb choice dates onlj i8c 8 lb- california itamiiib only 7 choice cheese per lb jjhc s dozen lemons only at- 1 lb tin magic raking powder onlj glh- 8 pkrtycirtffliiketi onlj 20c liptohs tea regular 70c hi only uc reg- 19c brooms onl ohc kicclsior baking powder icr lb only zdc lemon or orango peels only 80c pattersoua soda hisruits r box only a8c christies 8oa iljhrinta iicr box only aoc wa sii xjiw rvlcai to win trad and rmtr travtkant to kataln it barnhills norval 8eee8ea3s368a3888g889889880s888988898 it is just half past eight the dinner dishes are wash ed the children are in bed and mrs has settled down to a nights darning a hundred miles sway in the hotel jim has fin ished dinner written the days reportmnd looked over the local paper tims hangs heavy till happy thought he remembers long dlstsnes children t srayont just three minutes at home and yet u makes all the difference the hotel seems brighter and mary- well tbe- holes in the t auction sale -of- fma stock laakaab art faraiare the undrraijrnrd baa been tnmmclrd by mil st h ltoif s to sell by pablic auction at lot 12 con 10 eaqueaing near narva radu atalion on utubdat deoehbek 16a i oclock harp the olkxting callle repaternl jeraej cow due in mart h jersey cow due in may rey heifer due in june 2 jeraey phnjt beifcri jeracj bull 2 jm old implement seed drill wilaona role 2000 iba borae raita fury ptouch sharpies aeparalor kocki an news jwer preaa aet doubu hae aef mn njtr- ne cohered burkt culler lumber wng- vm whaalbarrow robe act bells wheel bpe lawh noser m ins pumilure tlrokinole board rroquelt t drooer bell parlor nuile hairs and aetlec rosewood eiano weber nrw vork nubocdny sideboard mahogany ienlre table sofa 3 rocking hairs fxlrntuoti dining utble wardrobe f ranc sealed chairs 6 kilehen chtura kitchen cupboard wooden bed mead 2 iron bedsteads 1 mall reuses feather bed pillosrs dresser 1 mabatjanr picture mabofraar clock eara old rkwk 2 kit i ben table 2 urey cooking moves 2 royal oak coal heaters raymond sewing- macbine high arm rood aa nesf quamilj rtl siovc pipes curtama crocks dishes pail etc miacellaneonaa truant jit of seed oats ixed barley and oats for seed quantity bar 25 bens and 2 rhode island roosi- t so pulleta aorne jrain bags 20 hbl notjhem spy apples about 40 rod rhirk- i re fance cabinet ebarn tarma pobkry sram bay and all ma of sis and under caatt over that noont 10 otontb cradil on approved joint ootea six per com oft for cash bn petcri tha alck blroa mtiai ua ram o ted from iba sock auu placed tn urj i llgai ana nioaeratiy warui iurcra 11 ib useless lu try ana wu uuk iujj treatment ilrflesa this u utiae uiva openins lueuiciue aucb u cjtuui aajts i dissoiwad lo uia uruihius micf about a quarter ul a puuuu lor avecy t tweolj-nve- birds xiva lor ouh da aud rapeat in a wook calcn eucu bird auu proceeu aa tolluita uiuuve i all eueeaj uiamriai truni mouin and lorukt uaiiik a amall piur hi luvcu well uunt be alraiu ul a iittio beiiuy lumub ireaa tuuutu mm a tnra per cent solution ol tuuuio i who uul weitt if oirii saiiuwa a luuuor lbe soiuuun it will do uu narui tna nasal leaiuua auuuia ue irjid b injeciiuic a wariu uutuuuu i ol boracti add auuut uue leabpuuu- lui to a teacup oi saier lse u auiail ayriosv w lurco aoluliuu ui uuatrus burden aoiuuuu wua out luu ejus weil sua oueu up ino nua u tucymu tuck tukwuier jsomeuuies tbe tiuolo eye cavity ia ill lea wliftn t flics cucu material remote this by preaaure and tba aid ol tbe forcepa lu sveiu cju caaea a lew urupa ui iodine aolu tdodu eye leifiuiia are olicu uiniiult to treat lne above treatment is aotuewuiit draalic ami wul lake a lluls ubie bjj lolioweu uut lauufully and iveu a trial in suitable ijuarteru it will be found lo clear up uiost cases ul ruup in iwu or lures treatments wuici uuuiu be iitei uvery ultier daj it uaa been luuud that tne a v erase tai of roup ntiii clear up id abuut ten days and that soon thereafter tba birds wui cummenco myln aaiu birds that have reovereu frum roup do not take lbs disease again cnlckeu iox wjj ocveloi another condition wuicu may ap pear atouk with roup tr aa an iquv- yuudunt ulaeaae m tue so cajitii ctllckuu pox lu mhlch acaoa and soris ibrui on tne wkttica cuuiin auti eju lids the leal una arv wlieu about ma aixu ol a live oetu piece auu com mence aa amall usufralsed areaa tuat ttxudo a thin ucujr aud soon become cuitverled intovcrust like scaba this condition i suite con- laslous and requirea prompt treat ment to control uatch tbe olrd and with a sutsll rather dull ktiu acrapu os the lesions until healiny tissue is raactted dont ba air aid ut uluod scrape well hen dress wiln tuuiuu solution rubbed in well over entire head and wattles three or tour treatments every other uay will clean up most cases jive birds ooeulut medlclna and remove frum dues aux in- uvsiinatth birds that recover irom euckea pox are immune from further attacks it is must tueiiuai to remove any tailns birds iruui ma hock aad it should be reuembvrsd that the discharges from the lesions carry infection so that all suited ill- tar and dead birds should ba burnt thee diseases spread by umucu koup aad chicken pox spread from bird to bird by actual contact uftea the am case ts introduced into a flock by tba purchase of birds iruu infected premise or by handling 0 birds by a parson who has rwcefftly been in contact with affected birds or on the shoes or do thin tbe beat way to prevent roup is to preaervo clean 11 aeaa in poultry runs aad bouses to watch tn sock carerulty and at once remove and treat alck birds it ia advisable that the per- aon who treats tue sick fowls thou id recosntse that he is deallnx with a rery contatfoua dlaease and should chanss outer clothing clean boots and wash hands thoroughly before going amour the flock especially young chicks neither roup or chicken pox are communicable to man or any other animal for happiness i those who judge tbe beauty of all pearls by their know iedne of tbe national genu are proud to present bluebird pearls afxmns gifts found often in tbe same jewel case with natural pearls valued as linn reproductions but prized even more highly for their inherent beauty a gift of blue bird pearls conveys an incomparable tribnte of thought- fulness and appreciation a guarantee certificate accompanies each strand of bluef bird pearls only three more weeks till xrnas let as keep a string the gift shop oneill block georgetown phohe me watch repmirlnc speoiadity thursday bargain day sweaters hoys wool iull ovem 100 hdva joraoj wool hweatom lf0 f 170 and 800 mens sox menk wool hox 26r 30c and 8fic ladios bultonrd hooth aiaca 8 11 and 4 only t9o ludich hiiiumth hixch 8 hj and 4 only scribblers hciibbleih luu hijic 0 for bttc wriuiih iiau for j moo liiiimiuiilum ptula it tor 80c soaps 1antol hoati h tor 26 palmolive aonp 8 for jip pairj soup h for a cream olive oap b for j 2bc mcbean co retries grocery bluebird pearls 1 a call for early shopping make your climtmah ptircbahch aw noon aa pobbibto and you will havo the advantage of better services bolter attention and better selec tion new raisiub currants ilgo peels datea uutri etc are all in stock and wo carry onlj tbe very beat we solicit your orders for the coke ins seeded sad atwdleaa finest cleaned currants citron oranga and lemon candied pool fresh figs and dates extracts and apices beat id conking syrtips wo sell nothing but tbe best fi oyds i d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273j tall evenings are here tenders wanted committee of kvqueaiiis and chingua- rousy twp councils will meet at norval friday dro 7tb al 2 pwn lo let a con- ici for travelling cecieiery btil gravri be hauled irom d a mclaughlin a w j 1 hampshibe reeve nc4hx si cmrt l inm c4 vaxn- tm n notice ia hereby given l bat- a court witt be held pursuant to tbe ouiarki voters iim an by his honor tbe jud of the county court of the comity ol hauonai the town hall on lbe 21st dar of december i92j al 9 30 oclock lo bear and determine comptamu ol errors and o in tba votera liat of ibr muoictpajrtr rtmugi for 1921 dated 5tb day of decewber f l heath a good sweater i will keep you warm we have an ex- cellent range to choose from all the latest in fall suits and overcoats for both ladies and gentlemen our new fall stock is the best mon ey could buy and we are offering you choice gpods at the most reasonable prices call and see our new goods whet her you wish to buy or hot brill go main street georgetown f the pioneer store specials all new fruits torkiah fik per lb datea per lb prunes per lb heeded raisins per lb seedless raisinb per lb mixed peel per lb currants per ib pastry spice bulk lb shelled walnuts lb almonds i ih 16c wvc sugar icing castor granulated yellow and lump at lowest possible price weekend specials n i friends on sunday to some of our week- end chocoiatea iya fresh regoijab 60e lb for 33 cental ur spatial for this saturday this is wonder- regular 40c per lb saturday special per ib t2 cents see our xrnas novelties direct from paris ranging in price from 5c tomte order early as these goods are selling utceihot cakes we venture to say that we have the largest assortment of xrnas stock ob tainable at prices that cannot be surpassed anywhere sdle arents for smilin thru chocolates per lb 60c ice cteam brick or bulk we deliver kosy corner kandy kitchen f j deverson proprietor 5ananzziilc grandy suggestions for the xmas cake seedlesn raiaine per lb lbc valencia raisins per lb lfin sunmaid or grifllnb seeded raiains 2 pkgs h5c delmonte seedless raisin b 2 pkgs 6c buttercup seeded raisins per nkg iflc currants per ib 20o dates 2 lbs for 26o eicelsior dates 2 pkgs 6o shelled walnuts and almondti per lb 00c orange andlemon peel per lb 40c citron peel per lb 65c molasaou per tin 10c pastry flour 24 lb bag 86o swans down cake flour per pkr 40o a m grandy phone ts sahsladim ssaruteed precast delivery our special try our delicious and perfectly blended j homemade mincemeat at 20c per lb v good buy in amall holding of about two acres mostly set out f i tut raspberries strawberries apples plums pears and cher- s oood fiame bouspof si rooms nearly new all convenien- i uarageand ben house for attty birds will sell or exchange i soe lis at once on this most desirnable proporty a few choice lots in tbe town of georgetown located in the inofit dpstronhle residential parts be sure and call at our oftiof if jdu are antioipatng buying how lot farm or small holding we are bure to have what jt are looking for wxlvans6go mrs loud bone148 over white bridge ij w ap jnr

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