Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 5, 1923, p. 4

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th shades if faal when lhruiiil patmtd a uioturlht ilit wbo dil ioi nalil lh ui 1 1 sk1 the and joinik nut ulau itn til h ii 1 but aud htf tcootl hi 1 flaunt il i h hint lot hi p i1ki i 1 i jad wl m tin iii a on 11 roi i uatlta ddkrlnrcs electric traffic cop at railway intersection the hlaodint oinuutut iin n naoio or tin miulj t oiihi il inft mmftiid uu snlimtii mslmi nf yxbe liolt mint il to ot n v undent for lbt tw ntj jmr fij ilebenlmch in the itiiii ml or 7h 6o0 ui ih ihhucii iiihii r by law n 60h to rover hit xpendilurc on provincial iiikiiwivh id lho count in 1s22 it bad been reported that llto debenture market whs overloaded on account tif the recent issue of tbe dominion loan of 200000 km and the ontario issue of 40 000 000 and that it was not like that a satisfactory prion could be ob tamed for the h oil ton ibruo but evidently there is plenty of inonej awaiting in vestment in tbe coun try and halton s credit ih good foacteen tenders were recei ved two above par and tbe lowest above 00 all from toropto invest inent bankers that of neubitt thompson co ltd 100 14 was accepted last december a ihbih went to me barn stuart scully co whose bid was 99 11 saturday s bids were as follows nesbitt thompson co ltd accepted 100 14 municipal bankers corpora tioo ltd 100 04 mcleod young weir ft co ltd 99 90 bell gomnlock tfcco 9 harm porbea co ltd 99 79 w a mackenzie co ltd 99 7 bain snowball co matthews co ltd r a daly tfc co jrmihus jarvis co c h bargesa co dymeot anderson co macneill graham co wood gnddy co 99 69 99 83 99 87 9908 umle waltta bs nduw walt maaon says my neigh bo richard binktum bae has long lived uet to me and dner people seldom grow than richard used to be he was a modest quiet gent in those dear bygone days about hie ii ae fat chores he went ad made no grand stand playn and when he talked it was of things that made a btrong appeal spoke of books acid wedding rings and art and linseed meal i liked to gossip with him then and when he went ana i begged that be would oomo again and talk for half a day he nut some money in a ditch in oklahoma soil and non hes with the newh rich bis dilcb produces oil and now that be baa many bones this richard is a bore he brags of everything be owns and makes ins neighbors sore he walks the streets with kingly stride as though be owned the earth boa swollen with an wholesome pride which stirs tbo boys to mirth he thinks men envy and admire as up the street he wends hot hib loud actions only tire the chaps who were his friends tbej think hfm when he looms in view a dismal also ran gee whiz tbey sigh what wealth can do to spoil a decenl man what a happy disposition and mwakpka can do happr bud bu day and jual euuw t umu to do anr but dues and skate ud frolic m hill w take cm of ner ooaa afaty- athar w dead the raiaujr hair sui4ced ha dlad or con munptlon suddenly and traalcalty uhlu u within a caw month both noted in tba family plot on a blah fall star laoklos lake erie marra cold weuldnt be aheaum it craw wiim ht temperature rose and aha be same very vealt indeed she was tent le the itukokt hospital tor con autnptlvee where aklflad treatment freak air and nourlsals food are re tortus her atransth the doctor aajf bar youth and hany disposition will help har in tbe taiw iuaat tnbarculaant now and aamlb bar nuthar visits the hospital aa ska ta tory thankful indeed tor tha p bar only irlrl la maklrur goambnuona to aid lluakok hoe ltal in its work may be aatit to hon j a chariton lit collage strait mr claude wade bataunptioxl soto vtoltriisfa teacher studio mrs tho onlpb st 0ordetoim eveuy vontbay conoert engagements apoepied 1923 ckritbau seals tba nauobai aaattadwn nni tioo la ta w teutudlmalta hbbdaome bs55jst sli la aid ot the mnakeka hoaaltal for canmunattteal to mm a awngataat daaaad for baa bate asm ay inpruiuilb xtssurt a i rrks us lai to carry oatu work wtaa b thee y rpo mm ta iman hut roar never will m nwd t jrn i stifai wm to balp ma bt lliaa the implement shed i arm aachinery virln varulu caring hir iracllraj hint a u lraloti ud hiav h u b iinlirtlon and moor wall- hin unit anil tin- era ymiic rk itoacribod almiut iii brrmlhix chevrolet now rated as class a insurance risk let than a foxm motor car off much higher in pr h similar inturancm rating uohieh im dm lowemt possible othb sound construction of chevrolet superor x models has again been proved by the fact that the underwriters have given to chevrolet class a insur ance ratxng this means that the chevrolet owner gctr the lowest possible rate of insurance on his car less than a dozen other cars so low and they are al cars of much higher price this new ruling is further evidence of the attention ta detail which chevrolet engineers have given to the design and production of the chevrolet car bxle ask about the q m a c plan of deferred payments fisher king georgetown w we roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown the quicker better method of stable cleaniftg wtav one of my toiuoto litter car- non one man can wan your stable as fait as three m the old way do it too without the unplcas- antneas and njum el the wheelbarrow mrtbod dump the manure mto a pile i you want it or dvect into the matkoeaprader when denred tbe toronto lntar carrier fasbteveral special features i know wul appeal to you letmeaslaiu tbeadvsntascfitscfaain pull why ittiawoptbeaauivwtimawltsunkakmueb ethen i brn otw tncte sbjbk eat hka ffl b far tfci bawprfmbfal aikaalootltajl ibaaoowb chas e parker acton hirschorns ladies wear tauoring special prices on fan winter suits coats dresses our custorners will find a choice selection in the above ines call and see what we have to offer mens qotbinfl and fnrnishings i have just put in a choice stock oi the latest men s cloth ing and furnishings which will be sold at most reasonable prices your inspection invited a hirschorn main street georgetown sl sis sm tj rom atatistica which cover all railroad and duw hn north american continent ltjaa bean adduced that pfdeatriana on city atreeu are amah mora liable m men with an accident than are the travauars by train vet fpw f thoae who rely upon the railroads to carry team with safety and despatch from one place to another j the upkmp idle ypr haa contrihuud more to raqroad aaffaaartat than to anything other than medicine aa new aspaaaeaa tire evolved so they are tested for their praotlcawnty and i e ng found aervicaable are placed into use that unudian railroad are not behind those of other countries in the adoption of improved appliance is evidenced by tl f fact that the canadian pacific railway has recently nutolled electrical iofrlocklrn plsnta atall points here ita rail eroadnf were unprotected alatif tha line from montreal to st john n b and at various pobiu xlmwhere tfacae el otrically operated plants at points where the lines of two companies cross eliminate all danger of trains crashing into one another t eroaslncs and considerably facilitate train movements fltctrically operated inurlocldnjplsnta have been operated by tbu company formany ysars and although not actually revenue bearing they have afforded an additional degree of safety which can hardly bt reckoned in dollars and cants aa aa instance of what these plants are and do- trains approaching montreal from all over the continent with a few exeeptions converge at montreal waat and run over tha same tracks from there to windsor street station a distance of s mile- taking into consideration the empty ones and those given over to freight tt ta obvious that hundreds of trains uae these tracks daqy and it is to safely govern thwe tralna that three electrical intarloddnf planta have been installed at montreal west westmount and the entrance to windsor station the one at weetmount was last installed reptaeing the hand lever system which eoatrellad trains tatarhur or lenviog- the glen yards and using the main lines th signal tower which houses moat expensive appsrstua i entirely fire proof and has two stories and a basement the top floor contains the interlocking machine or levert by which tbe signals and switches are controlled an nlununated plan of the tracks under control and tele phones giving direct communication with the towers s montreal wast and windsor station and the train de patcher and ysrdxnaater st the glen yard on the ground floor is the power apparatus the switch boards relays and other necessary apparatus and the basement specially ventilated contains 66 cells of storage battery with a capacity of 160 ampere hours or sufficient to operate the plant for pne week without recharging the track plan directly over the levers is elect ricall lighted and by watching email light bulbs the operator i able to mark the approach and progress of all trains a bell rings when an approaching train is within one mile of the plant and continues to ring until the signal mat dean tie signals and seta thftawitches over the route the levers operating the switches and signals are ho uitarloeked that a signal cannot be given tor a train t r it has been st be made when the switches are so locked rhieh would endanger jt or any other train operator baa cleared a signal the switches ai that they cannot be changed until the train haa passed them should a train be required to travel over a route other than the one originally set up for it the signal man cannot make the change without operating what is known aa the time release a clockwork mechanism which opens and closes electric circuits unlocking the levers after a time limit of from one to three minutes th speed with which trains may travel over some routes la limited and tbe object of the time release is to prare tha operator from changing the route so that a fast train would proceed over a alow track this safely apparatus unheeded by the travelling sbho generally coat a great deal to i natal and the nsdtan pacufe raeaivea no return for this except that which accrues through the additional safety and das- patch of ita train ww ww w www w ww www w w boys and girls wanted girls over 18 years ol age guaranteed i 20c per hour l apply smith stone limited t georgetown georgetown flour feed mills notice 1 having leased stewarttown elevator 1 am now prepared to buy ail kinds of gram at best market prices any time ou have grain lo deliver call me at phone 195 w c bessey phone 195 georgetown neponset roofs httanmxmaoidepqrwe mponarr twin smngus tpoxlorifte roll yrltkfh paroidl your harvest oo much of your property kj harvested crops stock and machinery can be destroyed by tbe weather or fire yon really must have the protection provided by the famous paroid booftng a tough felt thoroughly saturated with genuine asphalt it is made with grey surface also with red or gpbsn crushed slate perma nent olors neponset roofs save you iioney kw b wrj1 mi ink dmm nnwmt tub spsclm far n lutem bb son hnjoffict huriltoa ort uvbhod3b3 uontneacnoftsato winnipeg calgary edmonton h john th lavspeat mawufsturera ot roofings wall board and roofing felts in canada kh tkompaon co georgetown save her iriajiy fatiguing miles what more welcome xmas gift for your wife or mother than an ex tension telephone the time and strength used in raining op and down stairs to answer or make telephone calls can be better employed extension telephones cost only sl24 a month i the charge for install- ing is only 100 they are a wonderful con venience if you order now wt can install an extension telephone for christmas ry selltvieeftaeeai a stoves the quebec heater and cook stove combined is the best on the market sec them cream separators harness horse blankets quebec and verity plows s b groat georgetown coal brat d l w ih on coal in all sizer also smithing and steam coal mrs j walking norml ktwtion pbon- u2r4 e p bowman basc70ls laitd survexhco amd ebj way be oasj widt are leusrally uul u tlie iiruit altillliy ot lh mnjnt a in lea de- 10 donarlau st onelph saeeebwte taalatai s a jfreess oxj- isned willi doorways uu both aide or alleyways ktpl cli ur lu faclutat the niovcuiuul and alurugu of ihu lul pleuienta til suiruite uf i uitol omenta i i i be farm barn ur any other ex 1 uslve bulldl is u noi vcouomlcal tin location the luiplemeut shed should be ao i caled that time will not be lout in ravelling more iuiu ii kii abaolutely otessary with or lu kvi impleuieut nlther gulng lu ur tt ruin troui work wlnre hum is un i ltd u lh main farm nower il lit nlumunt lied should be locatfd n ur tbu a la hies at a point when- tli kama tan oouvunleully paaa on the way truw stable to field on many fuiiiis the implement shed can be located at a pulut between ilie bouse and baru a veiy dealratrk rucutlon eapeclall it the building in used for tbe motor cur uud workshop utse tori 100 ucrt grain aud live stock luriu fully equipped with tie necut- mbrj machlik ry a uned 0 jeel long and 24 feet wide 1 kftifrully amply large different pes ot uruilutf cull lor different tool and implements su pefore decldhik on iht slie o buildlust to erec detetmkie the floor npuce required for each toul or uia thine and then plan a shell tr large enoufb to cover all lountlatioii the luipleuietit shed does not te quire a heavy founduilon a light cement wall vbc inches thick and aul on urm troutid is all thnl is required small plllnra of o mei i net to sup port each pom of tbe frame uu be mude by hi linn a half barrel or null keg or small forma aaeuully made with concrete tht posts uaid in ii a frame may be set in cement such practice gives atrcngth and durubll it foundations set on the urm soli utter the lop vegetable mould bus been removed are generally sullufat tor in all parte of ontario the floor a dry earth or gravel tloor i all that la neiiiu y if tbt shed la jo- cat td on well drained ground ce ment is desirable ubeie the cosl of such is not excessive wood lours are the mom comfort uble to rk on but audi are expensive utld isiaj liar bor vermin sand floors ur- obec tiooftbte if the earth moor is dump at any time of the yeur iron may ruit narrow boards ptutbd under tbe wheels or runners will aid lu tleir preservation the walla the implement shed wulla need only be heavy enougl to keep out the huh ihe wind and ruin and strong enough la tlve rlhidlt to the strut lure vertical boards und battens on a 2x4 inch frame will provide such at low oast or matched drop siding over a ship lap sheathing will give a more durable and better appearing wall ul a maher coat corrugated galvanized sheela or siding doe vtry well and hus the additional udvaii tage of are proonug the structure cemint block and brick walls if on good foundations are ver desirable from the durability standpoint but much too expensive for general farni the koor for narrow implement sheds he cheap est durable roof is the wide roof board and batten oalvanlsed iron sheet it well supported on a strong pow or s x 4 inch ruof frame makes an excellent covering the prepared paper roof coverings of tar or asphalt fell a e ior des rable and are general dual proor shin gles make a very acceptable covering providing that l he roof is not less than onethird pitch the frame of the iiiiilemh hlied the width aud height of the struc ture will determine in a large meua ure tbe dimension of the structural material narrow buildings with gable or hip roof can be framed of 1x4 inch lumber a building design ed wits shed roof will require beav ler ratters 2x6 inch for bindings over 11 feat wide unless the building is ugh enough to permit the use of ratter braces corner post sill and platen may he one piece 1x8 inch doubled 3x4 inch sheds lltat t built open front must be well braced to stand both aid and downward train the posts on one side may be set well in lo give a wide cave or overhang a convert lei t type ot bed or shelter may be constructed by erecting one line or posts and constructing thereon a triune that will give hdmclent width to shell wagon or large implement and be wide open all round during lod when farm implement uae provision for closing ii tan b made by providing doors or paneli which may be put in place for win tar protection or implements 1 stevenson dept of fcx tension o a c ouleph about inbrrealiiik weakness in breeding stock 1 often laid to inbreeding but facts prove that the greatest progress in produclok di cows bus been by skill ed men who hat e used inbreedlnc bui noli brttdifs hate known the blond ltnn of ihelr stock and they are il i able to n ale ao thai strong polnla will be msdn stronger inateao otwhk poind make weaker a i ftrn tl cob when breeding meth ods are tare waba1xey harn ma wliler win wwt be bo bere hn jrra rrrty ler it we have i mam btrse mukets sardifles milts ut gltves lb iraaks baas salt eases etc is fact ever tldaf is aa apfajate harms step all repairs stmbtly eiae w atbailey dptodatb harnbsb 8hop tola stoeet teotteto fire insurance j w khfflesi ceaffelawi rvou protected in the pomrc eye br 0 t tyjlueil most ere trouble ireld aptreu optmetlial s waaa uaiwaeif umlna joitt eree and swaaortn ut kljueea thai will five yoe ttowran la ui direm awault p ta orel slave of oaauit our aapari add e rbl roti low if y ibllda ey are hit find out ob work as your use value or the rram tnu ebooaw ntn prvtniaeei sal o t walker r o uhlhrton norman hspeirjlii pianos phonographs c washers leclric cleaners ii electric washers pie sm on small malhly payneals nomanhtsnenilit husio amd electric 81 brooe block qmrfi w ieafrsi free imnilrotne flint olnas tnni witb earll nookaffe of ojlon leu blnck or mixed 75n ptn itcil iloue orange pekoe un per pina orivobt pakoe tea per i kn 75f oin flakes 8 pkkb ic brnn flakes m pkf viw 1ohte brnn 2 pha 8sn cathiip rails loo bird a blanc mange uuntard reg 20o 8 for 26o ltoboii egg substitute re 26o 2 for 2bq maple bubterreg 40c a for 80e pearjqt butter per lb 2fio ftneat radp soapcbips lb loo beauty complexion soap 4 for sbp caabell soap 6 for 2oc fairy soap 8 for 25o jelly powdera 8 for 36 r figtf dates prnniib peaches aprtoots raisins eto at prices reasonable clark h bread m the beat flavor ed bread on the market it is made wltb tie beat flour pure bborten tap and plenty of good milk it is aa sweet an a nut and as pure as apnng water our bakery is light well ventilated naa sorupalausl clean and is open for your in spectiori at anytime mark clark bakery and groceries phonb s29 m snyders cartage after travelling all summer we have never had better ser vice than you have given us were the parting words of the chautauqua crew this sum mer they were satisfied and we are sure you will be too if you refer your teaaming or trucking wants to ua we do anything possible to do with teams or trucks and will be pleased togiv you estimates on any work of this kind n snyder phone 171 h kkotul luqalrml standard anthracite l scranton coal in all sizea atitomllttoauy bcraened and loaded coail wood select lump for domestic and tnreshing purposes smilhinp and cannel coal in fact loarrj overj thing to bo found in any up to dalev coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone is georgetown a i wood for sale frfwhul of all kind staple kl r u all dry cut any tefljrlh dm qu ckly ijelivered ym can tanfemrihe forwnltlv poynsents uu- heaprst murray brni w taaorgetatwn oadiw i r n d

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