Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 12, 1923, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fifty 8hr mil hait or puih katlon georgetown wednesday bveningpl december 12th 1928 t do ner annum in advance 800 to u 8 ike georgetown herald j m moose psfcluka kawft lpriator diawr cumiti weekly ne urn tlmetabli oinukast paaseuifet passenger paesenger t mail pumukcr mail passenger puhukor sunday ooinu wkht hail paaaengei a2 a it u 1 4 au 10 lkani 11 10am j 4h in jsii in h 26 p m 7 ai ii passenger puwnger mail peaaenger sunday s o0ino noutil mail hail ooino bo0tb 7 57 a 10 18 n 2 121 4 co i m uouiini 7 09 p in aa6iini ip oh am boo am 4 55 pm 1 1 88 am 7 47pm j daily tihbtabjlk v jia pan pn ooing but sao 2 34 6 40 qoiagwrtrt 866 810 7 89 sunday hhktablb qotng bast aoa fun 4m pan pm 10s1 1sw 846 6 10 9 17 going west directory hilton wallsridok a dale auvristsrs soltcitora et tmtw and owrntavn offlcn kennedy block hoy date in oharv of chow t a o meib ulnsler solicitor etc office mill s georgelowi hvr 9aro lo5p m- p wiody and saturday rv dk t s maboblloi phymwaa ana im audioai offlaar of flaatth odm ho 1 to 4 and twin s sb c r w sobs pbnloan and surgeon iiiu street georgetown phone 22 ex hwn surgeon race homp tal otto1 phjrsacuui and surgeon e and residence comer si south and factory st s 13 and 68 pm of ma f si wavtok dd zm1 owiitiw oflu htmt ft except f l heath lda dos osboa ta aws bloek one door nortl r 0ntu carriasa factory uor a a to p m oantonbuaio omra j t 10tnwnlam n bailey block neat door in j n onur onmmatlm and spinel anatrnla rrmaxmbce jo1fc hou wednesday and sat wrdava tl to 13 am to 5 ri m and 7 to 9pah ontarnoarabyappotnuaeat fmnnoaobl50wnd lwdence 245 buukt0h li minis anoqmtaar tor halton and rank otanmibuns fom ofooa sales osateetea aatliniefcertb7 and at na aoaabto rata oram latt at tta o w raram offlo wttt raoaiv jjlkjlcy clerk towombtp of eaqucaing ctcjcm division court fire and life lnm rancr of marriage license suwarttowv onl lp bmwn bjlscols 0 sosslss st gtnelpn ftelateb a mtvaa ojla inthcpabuceye r ttjgumu peas jmm 1 noted for high ctekda tfljboaci some of thealfct im ottarad tbit you jrare 76 to loo month and up to 1600 ieoolb00 s000 nd tssoo write or oetalogue eoter enr auett hydro electric system electric appliances of all kinds the hydro lamp guaranteed pei i 500 hours irons from 475 up prices on all makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges office town hall durant sport touring jumt a real good car we have a number of good uaed car of various makes at prices and terms to suit purchasers t j speight agent oeorgetovwn afcton and vicinity mmgetdvvn creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamery we will be open for the accomodation of farmers on wednesday and saturday evening georgetown creamery co m saxe manager erwiimgoldhaitrs meat market main street georgetown phone no- 1 see our specials in our window on saturday quick delivery guaranteed fire tornado auto accident 1 insura elmer c thompson t paaatasstw erai119 u own 1 alwright butcher mainsl georgetowu satalm anwu buk 1 1 poultftys l always io j 1 a im j kept ai fresh ouk mbat o c o a havin purchaaed the coal busi neu from mr john ballantine wre are prepared to furniati customera with the best anthracite coal nut stove and egg jj516so delivered in town 1 600 at the yards pea1300 large stock alwrays on hand dont tod oo wrong men oj resk tin liurlinh wbon tlnj nnd rhoat m i 1 hone 180 f rogers co ceorglttown a few of the many specials at clarksons grocery 0 ibn oran i la ted siirnr for u ibu rollrd oate 1 hi in clovcr ijeaf r 11 or hi siiop ualnion all new fruits for xmas baking phone 56 all orders iromptly deliverad m clarkson groceries fruits tobacco and confectionery xrhas gift suggestions call in french xvory touet seta stationery ohnreh boohs kodake ikeae jaar ordar for s multaury brajhei t rauiors etc 7 caksurs xmawrappcd lauoh kite i waitennjui peni 1 a ftaoard oaadlaa rtaa1s t w r watson phm b matin street transportation the second family necessity after a home the modern family deeds its own trans portation unit modem life de mands an efficient autombile for the time it saves and the health it gives the superior chevrolet s pas senger touring car is the ideal t family cat it affords ample room for the wnble family it is easy to drive and easy to care for and it is the lowest priced fully equipped car in the world and the lowest in cost of upkeep bmw ask about the gj8 a c plan of dvfemd payment fisher king georgetown call and inspect our stock of priyate greetjig cards at the herald office jvhkt if aom weak and no mo aro ii what if ttonip li and profit by nomeul ady du il what if bomofnlhoiiiiiin foo1n tue throng don t yon ko nmng what if dishonor necnis to imij if noine embexkler getw away or if by favor some men oh nib while patient merit biden his time nolhinff hint a falao run tfvo tor ions don l nu ko wronii what if yon f u j now nnv thi life ib unfair to earn oat men that oheatti urow noh nnd sham rowm great lot love of rirht not turn to hate against fttlsp u hiiteridkk bf you ntrrong don t you go wrong you merely see tlio outward show and not the suffering belo yon see the profit falnemen gain but not the torment aijjjtbe pain for cheats there ik no merry song don t yon go wrong let them grow rich iih oft they will liars and cheats aiehars still still false ib glory falsely gained still hhatnoful that by shame at tamed nothing thatll base can live for long don t you go v rang byvjdgr a guest books lor children moat parents are very oareful abocjtbeir children s diet and all other condition affecting their ibyaieaj health and development but not nearly so much concerned over their mental moeal spiritual 1 welfare all or which are juite as important if not more ho and comparatively few realise how much these latter depend on what they read this is what makes the question of children h books so important becently the toronto globe de voted a half column editorial to a notioe of a list of best books for children published id the oat- look of new york they have been indexed according to their relative worth in teaching moral tone reverence sense of honor mental stability patriotism good taste clean sense of humor etc all most important elements of a really cultural educational the whole list of 60 is given in alpha betical order by authors very tew parents can afford to bay them all but eery good library might bave them and parents might keep the list to check np the reading of their children one careful mother known to the writer made a practice of reading every book her children read in that way she was able to administer the proper antidote to anything pernioioqb in what they read sha was also able to put some books oat of business by ctemating them one of the nastiest by the way was brought home from a sunday school li brary there is no better service the women b national council cop id render the community than to make sure that all the books onr children are reading are clean wholesome and helpfat bat all they an or may do will not an solve parenta from their solemn responsibility to guard in every way the young life entrusted to their care the children must be fed but they must also be ednoat ed and their reading is a very im portant factor in their education and they shonld all be trained up in the way they should go by every available meant or which the beat book is one of the best there is nothing gaod that is too good for children correspondence bditor herald with your per ibsion i propose again letting j onr reader know something tjf the early history of one of the most important movements and having far reach ing results viz the organizing of sabbath school work here on the 18th of no vember 1h48 a meeting of a num ber of the inhabitants of george town and vicinity was bald abtbe home of mr john dolson when mr john foreman was called to the chair and mr j k roes robert son appointed secretary and n number pf fesolutions adopted firsto resolved that we form a society to be called the0eorge town- bequesing onion sunday school soofy the object of winch shall be to dxtend religions and useful instruction to the youth and children of the vicinity two resolved that in the judgment of this mwtiok library of useful boo lb suited to the capacity of youth and children would be of eminent wrv cc in promoting this desifln we therefore adopt the follow mg constitution article first any perhon subscribing to this constitution and ring into the band of the traaaurtrof this so oiety the num of one shilling and three pence cy shall be deemed a member of tbisjjpcwty for a term of one ear and lby paying the of om nhilling three pence cj annually shall be 000 tinned socb also any person paying at an one time- the sum of ten shitting cy in manner above stated shall be accounted a member for life notes and comments ha bfli prohi ii ny 1 tlik bmalitowh business man john fr nan rrenwiiriji- r lo suffering chap tie baa itobotuoii bnc t to compete with multimillionaire corporations he compelled to buy in amaller quantities and oot hfluuenlly baa to pa more for bis goods than the big buyers do e- kivai credit unto bis nembbots be cause be byrapathisewitb them when tiley ure hanriip hia leg m being pulled every da of bis life every picnic celebration charity organisation church so ctoty orphans home old folka picnic baseball club half holidaj iromotion or sports day commit tee looks upon him as egitimate meat and be smiles and digs down for hia dollar or two with o it a murmur blessings on the all town bnaioess man ex mr mr ml lib 1 mr liuiioh kennedy s i en ten lent of s u lnj school messrs george kenned riejiry ass joseph barber si kenned mich mittee a 111 mber or rules for liie li brary were 1 nutted some nx fol no reader of the librury books will be allowed to lond an book oit of tbeirtwelling to any othei- individualflndor a penalty of one pence halfpenny oy any family or ind vidua in tlu motmty being too poor to become mjbuoriberh or members of the bo oietyynr unable from any reason able cause to become scholars of the snuda school and yet anxioun to obtain books to read may be supplied at the option of commit tee of said society hub8cbiubr8 henry grass charles kennedy michael farmer john freeman john dolson i james gillies andrew schram william crawford calvin lyman john fram george kennedy james thiroton john burt robertson creel man john b robinson james freeman the school and meetings were held in the wesley an methodist chapel the original members carrying on the work and added to the foregoing i and p w day foot filiuih levens roberfburns in 1850 rev mr denney gave an 18 18 18 81 4 18 18 36 14 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 j 8 ruddy ft60 r h thompson 1 81 j ballantine 201 c6 sec salary azpensea 00 w h wlllbon 62 82 john ford 00- mr elmer thompson ana hr j w kennedy addressed the board re school inanrense moved by mrs kennedy second ed by mr harnbon that the policy in core dist mntnal for 0000 be renewed carried moved by mr mcnally second ed by mr creighton that the chairman and secretary be a com address at the annual meetibg mittee to examine insurance put the collection on this occasion loiea in force carried was 1810 balance on band was 11944 together 8821 in march 1862 rev mr willoaghby con dncted an anniversary sermon whtoh was most appropriate and impressive from proverbs 19th chapter 2nd verse te sou with out knowledge it ib not good the collection was 1160 cy in 1864 harry wright was president john butnpter vice pros p w day foot seoi treas joshua vanallan john moclellao and mr frtckleton appear on the committee and the following teachers names appear for the first time wa barber p w dayfoot john white jos barber robt burns h wright joshua freeman e kennedy john frtckelton john malellan mibsea good momaster winori kennedy freeman and mccoy in 1865 the names of hngh mo- kay samuel creech jan webb jae duncan miss teller miss mary jane long and miss conlin teachers in 1866 hngh milloy geo watson and dr vincent ap pear for the first time and in 1867 f barclay and john wilson in march 1866 anniversary services were held in the town hall xbere was an excellent attendance ad dresses were given by revs dyer ewing b olement and jos una worth when a line feeling pervad ed tbe meeting j on feb 88th 1866 the last an noal meeting of the association was held in the town ball with mr barber in the chair addresses were given by revs clement ewing and unbworth when the congregational portion withdrew from tbe union no ings are recorded as anion meet ings the last list of officers were h mckay superintendent henry ganeaast srjpt sam 1 white sec treas it geddesrlnbrarian john freeman thomas yonng l rose f barclay john wilson j as broken ridge j as moore chas thayer w fiv brown john b dayfoot committee i trust this is not too long and that it may be of interest to some when i gottgoing i found it difll rultto stop as must now do yours sidoerel l grant milton dr job teller who was taken suddenly nnd seriously ill during the week end im nink ng fair pro gresb towards recoery e are glad to bay ber ih some talk or milton pooltrj finceis taking hold and my ai ut er poultry show in town there ought to be enough lovers of the chanticleers of the different breeds and their families to make t h auccesh here at the teachers convention held in thp public school here on sal rday dec let about thirty learners nere present tbe sub ject 1 ler u used was discipline m ss smith dealt with discipline 1 1 ungraded schools miss black with corporal punishment and miss mahon with tasks as pun isbment the discassionti were very interesting after the sea sion tbe staff of the public school here provided lunch for the visi tors reformer pot plants for xmas gifts and home decorations ferns sever al varieties palmb begonias pn mulas cyclamen colens cyperas umbrella plant asparagus three varieties table ferns in pans chrysopletfiam moss and other decoration plants in various atxe and price come pari for bent choioc w papstcharles st 8t school board minutes deo 6th 1928 board met m board room at 8 m chairman j b mackenzie in tbe chair- all members present a g green was appointed to act as secqbtary for the meeting the following accounts were presented and on motion made by mr mc nally seconded by mr harrison carried moved by mr creighton second ed by mr harrison that mrs freure be engaged for year 1824 as attendance officer carried the flaancial report for the year was read and is as follows saiiabikb fob whole yeah teachers 8870 oaretaker ikk attend officer 185 mr castell 125 boo rotary 26 10066 04 to nov 8oth subs for teachers 866 00 caretaker 65 86 work on new grounds pnel t equipment 267 77 supplies repairs 186 2u hydro insurance sundries total 49 68 estimate to counoi 18800 00 government grant s46 00 fees total receipts 66 00 balance 824 71 moved by mrs willson second ed by mrs kennedy that minutes and statement be published in the herald carried the report of the attendance offloer was read and received as satisfactory the board then adjourned to vy tracks m hfawars the proposal advanced that the government should bar motor tracks of over one and a half tons capacity from the roads of the province is not likely to find ar oeptanos at queen s park but it has much more to commend it as a senoub proposition than appears at first glance tbe collapse of the dreams of hydro radial en thasiasts in ontario was directly oonneoted with national aoquisi tion of railways the taxpayer who was willing to support radials as a competitor with private cor poratious drew the line at endora ing a scheme thai could only sue need as the took t radio from other tublicl owned linen that position was a thoroughly sound one yet we seem to be do ng with onr high grade highways what we refused to do with radiate in fact we have gone further while the radial a- pro- liosed to pay their own way the province has 10 the case of tbe motor truck provided it at nom inal cost with a right of way over which it may operate in short by constructing roads enduring enough to take care of heavy truck traffic we are bonaaing pnv ate trucking enterprises at the ex pense of onr bteam roads whose deficits we must pay out of the purse that finances the highways apart from the effect of truol traffic on railway revtmnes the subject is an important one from tbe standpoint or road main ten anoe the heavy motor track ib not only driving us into construe tion of a heavier type of road than would ee necessary for passenger cars or light trucks hot ib playing havoc with aooh roads aebave not been built to carry them as n result tbe contribution the motor track ta now jnaking to provincial revenues through the annual feea bears no proper relation to the service given and the damage in dieted handjnband with strict revelation of weights and tire re quirements there shonld come a radical adjustment in the present scale of license fees farmers sun do your christmas shopping arly

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