Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 12, 1923, p. 2

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w h willion undertaker and licensed embklmer m ua it anrt aulombiw i 1lorelrawillrara lh khordy morslj h s commencement a disastrous fire hid hi mart and dcihn re now harlfd the mirths so marriaire k 501 deaths wi memo ml lards 10c pi tr i- born mllxlkall in rforgelown thursday lie dlli im j i mr and mr wi kd ij a helm lanlra in tuv f i on thursday i 6lh l21 jan hasi it beloved ifr o william bkki a h2yti ami til ettb abk vku fkw aign of roller from the depression 10 farm iiriwu though id the natural courno of evenu an upward torn- livocy might be expwled dairy prod uctu have a down improvement the past neaaon and eggs have been in good demand other cash nrons are unchanged or id aome cases on a lower level than a year ago there ih nothing to be gained by dihguibing the foot that the pur chasing power of the farmer is be low what it should be and com pares unfavorably with tbe situa tion ten years ago the omted states department of agriculture estimates that wheat has only 76 per cent of the purchasing power ot 1918 cattle and swine con only be exchanged for clothes fuel bouse f ornish in ga and manufaotur ed goods on a basis of 61 compared with 100 in 1918 egfta and but ter show up more favorably rang lag from si to it 7 as compared with the ful hundred cents of tbe farm dollar of ten tears ago canadian farmer are more deeply interested in wheat than any other grain and on this account the 75 oent level of purchasing power is regrettable the cropjeannot very well be abandoned even thoqg strict accounting shows cost of production below market prire indirectly the expense of operat log a wheat farm can be reduced by making the cows hens and kitchen garden supply a greater share of tbe family living change must come and the aunuttl lligli si itooi ini and omm nreineul liri worn held in the town iihi1 tliurndit nnd friday moiiuiki taut week nnd an iihuii tin linjl van llllod o itipacitj on both ot iuuohh tbe program won 4111u up to lie luli ktandard of fotinoi yearn mil wan given entire i j by high school pupiltt assisted by mr kd ward codling baritone io de lighted tbe large audience with iiih splendid helectiontt tbe choriifws by tbe pnln t ntliool wore good and thoroughly enjoyed an were alo the ocal ho lee trans rendered bn mm j oh dphme willsoo tbe lam bonne drill wan vorj pretty and well executed by lik young ladies who took pa ft 1 he dances especially the sailors tloin pipe delighted uicrybodj the scotch nough by mauler charlie stiymgoour pleiwul the nudionrc and caused mudi merri ment the play entitled my lord in iider tbe direction of miss peosoii was a feature of the evening whith proved quite inter eating and was much appreciated by tbe large audience those who took part id the plat were miss os aileen moore dorothy prauip ton mazie modoaald messrs gooikc greeo dixon roe donald russell and madter jack cnghton last but not least was the shadow march which caused roars of laughter and intimated to the audience that tbe time for re tiring bad arrived tbe certificates were presented by dr watson following a neat speech in which be congratulated tbe pupil b on their success and urged on them the great import auoe of obedience in order that thny be fair to themselves and to others throughout the great game of life those who received certificates and diplomas were diplomas esther bessey george green gladys hanna clarence heard william hobking norma hunter robin a lee lie mary lyons jean mackenzie marion mccullough elkred mcdonald whma mcmil ian mildred peden lloyd tbomp- cbances are that prices for goods- county medal for rifle shooting tbe farmer must buy will decline and givea greater value for tbe bushel of wheat and carload of cattle family herald montreal obituary marshall holmes a good man and true passed anaj on monday afternoon dec 8rd in quelpb when marshall holmes for many years an esteem ed resident of naasagaweya pass ed suddenly away tbe result of a stroke since the death of bib be loved partner five years ago mr holmes has resided with bis daughters lately be has been with mrs dredge at her home at norwich street goelph from whence the funeral proceed ed wednesday afternoon for iter vice in ye presbyterian church nabsagaweya and interment ib the cemetery there mr holmes was a man held in highest esteem for bis sterling character he was a resident of nasaagaweya from his young manhood a aoa cessful farmer be continued on the homestead until the death of his only son in 1918 he was in bis 74th year and was born id es juebieg but most of bis life was spent on loroehill farm naesa gaweya tbe past few years his home has suffered repeated and heavy bereavement tbe death of his wife bis sou tbe b unhands of two daughters mrs qalbraith and mrs dredge and a few weeks ago at limehouse hib daughter mrs wm oowdy mrs james lowne naeaagaweya ib also a daughter mr holmes was a brother of mr joseph holmes bower avenueand an uncle to councillor holmes and mrs mid me r moom of the aoton public school teaching staff free press mbb wm lawlrr at the ripe oldage of 88 years and 7 aioothn jane huston be loved wife of wm lawler passed teacefiilly nuny at her home on the tb line requeuing on tours day dec gtb deceased was born mjohette county quebec where she was married to mr lawler over fifty years ago she moved with her husband and family to grey county where tbey resided for over thirty jears coming to georgetown some eight years ago beside her husband she leaves a family or three sons and two dough tern john and mary at home barry at bosivan man mrs mo donald grey county- and william at clarosholm alia deceased wax a member ol the anglican church and the funeral service on saturday lnl conducted by ro mr mnjes when tbe ren were inlet red in greenwood teiy georgetown the pail era were j l standisli thompson job bonrd r f reid h mccaoley h barnes there were beautiful floral wreaths from lcfl no 68 stew inlaws and lrb 891 george town j l claras roe birtaih con tenia totally kstrtyed llelwpon two and thtppii l thin morning lin llnu barn nf mr j i t lailf nt nonnl station uiih totally destroy td bj lr tuu lli with id head ot tnttlf n horxi 10 pigs impleinf nttt anil lluinliri season i tbe lo i lu il o saturday irat partial i j iteietl by iuhiirane mr clurk h id a stuck hale adict tised for to morrow tin ihtb bu practically all his stock iiiih impi destroyed die wy in put by or lih neigliborliood ih xt ndnl to m i clark in iiih boasy iohh the origin of the the is on known ft moonshine plant seize an elaborntf nutflt foi the inak ing if tikkinuhine iiijudi wahneiii yesterday in a lonely spot in the wodti in nasnogaweya ownplup 1 county ten dinl tiling boilerh flpu i mounted on runntih to facilitate momiig about 2 gallons of manli fain birg coal oil htom a tent and ninny imttlen and other tpnpiiwnt weie tul on but no hpirilh llu niuoiixhineih were ahsent tbe afisurt was cffei t d b lil win ploody ciihtommind li ihc en force ment otlu or a hrenhc lnhjiec tor and constablo mi million of the roup mr floody expressed th ion that the outfit had iieen nhifted from one locality to another or moif tunes in the piot yean ha imitinh m terra colla honors in lower school form ii lillian kennedy elian mich le form i maigaret jean ken iiedy samuel mackenzie aileen ross kathleen treanor howard hillock tbe lady members of the h s teaching staff and mrs ralph ross the accompanist of tbe even ing were presented with bautifur boquets by the pupils of the school town council nominations will be beld dec slsl at it oclock am a special meeting of council was held last evening when the mayor reeve and all the alder men were present moved by geo herring too nee onded by wm aahenhurst that tbe clerk be aut hoi iced to have a by law prepared for the holding of nomination for councillors and school trustees at the same time and place as tbe nomination for mayor and reeve namely monday dec 81st 1928 at 10 am car moved by b g arnold second ed by geo hemngton that tbe mayor reeve and councillor don can be appointed as reprebentit lives of tbe town of georgetown on a deputation to wait od the mimsterof bdneation re the ar menian home carried momh by m l near seconded by win h long that the folio ing account be passed taxes on w w property 26 18 carried council adjourned j oho wanaraalier said to discontinue advertising tike tak fng down your sign if you want to do business you must let people know it i would as soon think of doing business without clerks as without advertising and wan a maker knew what be waa talking about the pnormous business he lias built up is ample evidence of the coreetness of bin principles mr aod mrs mason of rarrie have moved lo town the second meeting ol the social hour club was beld at tht home of mr and mrs j edgt on tuesday afternoon a good pro gram was guen and all prem nt bodnn enjoyable time meetings will be held semi monthly dm the winter mr and mrs harry hay tard have removed to georgetown mr hugh logan will stmt op eratlona in his crew bulk yitids here shoitly mr and mre chab mckeown of acton spent sunday itb friends in the village j l grain and geo aldous busy repairing the chinguaroutiy telephone line a number from here attended the u f o meeting at m r b toy jors cheltenham on moni evening mr wm hunter threshed hn alsike i lover last week aud r potu a bumper crop hockey georgetown hockey club has been placed as follows for the com ing season group no 0 convener j o adams uranip ton meet nt brampton section a clubs georgetown guclph a a a brampton section b convenor bert booth orange ville meet at brampton clubs ornngetillp ingle wood blora group no 7 clubs miltou aaa burli ton oak vi lie aaa osgoode h games to lie arranged by o u a executive bracelet wtttcbes from 5 up at a b willson s next hotel mn- qibbon notice ol court ol revision ol voters list notice i hereby given thai ct wilt be held puruiii to tbe onii voter lil act by hir honor ihe judge of the county couh of ihn county of hallon at be twhall on tbe 21it day of decrmber i hear and determi nihe i ml of the cinal t f oeorgel lnl sihda of rembcr 1921 f t i hhatu llrw ol cojjkhobti ok j w kennedy son the pureting question of what to givi on cbrmtmas cheer to you fi lends is again before you you are counting the number to be made happy and tnrt to gii the best yon can get for your money it will pay you to look tfrftiigb our stork of stoes hlnnmclled nni aluminum ware py rex whtp eleetrio reading lamps brahs jaidin ecm sihei plated tableware nukel plated ten kettles tta iou am ci ttee phib skates hockey stu kn and pucks here are n fc w i ir table reding lampi for s1350 s1soo and 11 each brau jardlxeersjerom s200 to 0600 each n f ta ketuei from 0s4o to s370 ladlea autoxnoklle skatea 350 grenta auto s400 auto hookey kibe shatea 0550 wcekn ago about the stork we had purehascil i we now offer a number of seasonable luiet your sweetheart wife mother will love you all tbe more for rivhufthem a boxof oar fresh candiea fj deterson before you buy yonr hockey boou see my lightning bitch mac plicrscn make they cannot be bent and as i bought all tbey had left oyer jaat year for cash can let iod hare nob 6 and 6 at from 2 al j boney it we told l ou a few mte on the dollar am try special prices skatea regular 0685 pr for 0499 regular 0600 pr tor 0449 reftvlar 0450 pr for s849 regular 0265 pr for 199 regular 900 pic for ul9 aluminum oaa- erole res 0400 for 8s9 gillette raior wltb 12 blades regular 800 for s195 oarwing set s62s for 495 reg 675 net for 530i 0500 set for 038ot 800 et for 35 also in this stock was large assortment of first class gramdipnone records which we shall sell at less than half price as it- is aside from our regular lines this is your eh once see our stock of plated sugar shells pje knives cake kniv berry spoons and servers j w kennedy son phone 25 georgetown x saturday treat homemhde candies peanut crisp 1 the mens christmas store special 25c ib weekend chocolates you ll4wnt i a uf tlion mens gifts w k i ml for 32c id c black i i oik i town weekend specials i uy in supply of in k 1 j i ihkuiuu for t nr i hi ul lau rhr ih for 32 cents u i havi u lurgi vurn ly f h ling ul spiciul innii sv our ui ixixihiktilutihiii nuhlrruu iruih bnli akeuts fix hiotltn 1 t w iuv iii clonl uial vunely f k hi coc lee inun buck oi hoik cluxo kosy korner kandy kftchen f j deversen i koi kii i m 1 mam klieet special aluminum sale of ideal aluminum ware every piece guaranteed polaloc pot at fl65 oia pan at 16s percolator 165 col tea pots 165 windsor covered kettles 165 straight covered sauce pans 165 double boilers 165 windsor covered sauce pans 165 utility kettles 165 sale price 165 r h thompson co main street georgetown phone 46 l our special fond bin m small holding of about two acreh mostly set nut i in fniit raniberries tlm berries apples plums pours and chor nth flood fianie houriiir sis rooms nearly new all convemen oe jarige ami hen howie for sixty birds will sell 01 exchange mie tis nt once on this mast dcsirenblo property a few choice lots in the town of georgetown lorn ted in the m desirenble residential pnrti re sure and call nl cm tfhro if imi i liiuie lot farm nr small holding we a lookink foi anticipating buying a litre to have what you i jrvtlvanssgo i a by baileyfr stuarts garage say vow folus down there take care or- battery tmis winter j will vou th h ir ihe i lac roryoirrb hi i ie during llie niiiiassable imimni1 ble wm tei months and if jmtr imtu ry neeils osethniiling me nre the folks ilm can be ricicndrd upon lo eie you a an tm factory job w charge nolbing for tttitik tellmtj you bow to care for 3 our battery phone w it 1h1 t iiih l ho jift r uidil m it in hf smitmll fmu enlmidh ity like w ls no i nit r tin 1m hi uilu with the tort of 11 raiin of men h nr sit the follonnil mens lloies muiilcrh silk and hi urn llandkt r biefs m tit llu iniiiitl simtkini mill lulh itfiln h taney sn alters aim immk pine 11 lf h lu nm of tin laigitl up to duu isoi nl nf mi nt 1 ku ear latest u s nt lints itii t it fine selection of readytowear suits and overcoats r chiibtim imth n e jy imimh w sollett skur of yonr patroi millar co fin sutbclmu trllorluc sod justa ruralslllnc anilu for aioskwsu baimlvrmin u co tornuto ifmi dry clular georgetown phone 126 rex theatre rrmromaw 1st the woman ol flranse starring clara kimball you of the story of a woman crush ed by the wheel of her him band s imrwir omexly hal in pnnlner saturday dwawr lb4k- the snow bride uh al toe brady want a7iliouj thrills romancer mystery its all here filmed amid tbe extimite snow draped regions nf the canadian northland comedy rabies welcome tiwdaj pan fcar l8ta the new teanher with sim ley mason crushing love romanee thrills all twisted tnijpthor into one clonous tale comedy cooked well serial kpmode id plunder starring iearl white w4mdr dmihiw 19ta the third alarm with ralph lewis and johnnie walker lets go youll get a buniier crop of thrills n piilsntidk torrent of laughs and tee mors you ii alternate ly giggle and quake comedy why not worry 1 theres no secret to what has made exrcltuar brand flour the most pop nlar pastry flour it a just a case of using only the best giain and mixing our epenence with the most careful oversight of the nulling operations that makes hxetlsior tbe best pastry flour iff yon hment tried exeelaior brand yon are do- ng yonr pmstry an injustice excelsior pastry flour can be se at your dealer in georgetomi stewamown acton flour mills d h liwdsay prop tnia ia a year to bny gifts that lait our store is the place to purchase them and our stock the latest uptodate bnnlm wktohm sux ombrailu mrmui founlmtn fm rurkwfiiu hvmrmttmrv rncu kulr and fork auto strop auora oulatt bmutra fiuitnr clocks via pot stands hot mm mat ivory hair brush lmtbor ooodi pbota rnon kauloilyo artlolaa cblnm nm riatoa tum store open evenings a imall dapoalt will thdra t gin rurxmu our splmltt wstoh fupiria a b willson jeweller next to hotel mrgibbon qeorortown jacksons christmas suggestions btjrjciil dfi7 a host of useful pretty gifts every department is showing a good selection of articles of good quality and real merit something for every age every taste every purse box quality gooejs the prices aie low and the values except ion ly good slippers gaiters shoes mens glowes ties scarfs handherchifs suspenders sox garters shirts oowub jackets women and childrens jackets dresses aprons gloves hosiery scarfs hand kerchiefs baby bne all wool jackets caps bootees mitts shawls veils feeders gift furniture rugs bedding comforters blankets cushions fancy linens towels table linens dinner sets china lamps cut glass art pottery jar- dineers vases jugs table cutlery silver ware gift books fanoy stationery pens pen- oils purses mirrors fancy cases fanoy baskets novelties if you buy toys now we will save you money quality value service jacksons- georgetown ks georgetown out eyes examined i ab glasses mm t 111 i lewes preserlptlew itaplfealed fum f b at i sf action nuaranteed or money refunded dr o c flo 1 wka rpunr itmmitf newadvertteemend par al a aqtiare putno for salr tt ill be i fur sis if uken al oner apply hes collage on itfiirdoc strert ion dec gth apply lo h t i sons georgetown ten yorkibire ptft peven weekm c apply wm a mccltire phone r georgeiown sevon rmimetl frame home on main sr north apply to h a benhain real ehibic agent tf wo atr s1 all kimlii of wood both hard aod soft aiiui clnr rails all al reasonable price j rrmkonl phone j r 24 qeargetown 2llt5tp trople who miend doinr any remodel lug ihia winter will save money by inter viewing- g ibert sinclair phone 103 rs leorriown 3t fi ttbmt good houoe on ontario street hard and soft wter inside dectrk light poaaeaaicn decembrr lit uoas lo smilh kstooea apply j w armmronif bo 566 near paper mill 7p forawt to renl above rerni e j j gibbenn marvforsau lllatk percheion ruarc byra old will e vtl heap apply at herald office iter lired wheels lulled it 12 in also fall iie while and ttponff h j tox leled wood rub- a woman for ictierj housework boyd camptell phone 71 toanl cemrnl block house on queen si omniinf ponaessiod at onco rarsala i rkuhirr m wm 1n ph n i hi month hr dull in weymsa window delivered saturday or monday before linim choice treea 7sc norman injder phone i7lw g 2i t ffuat nme tohmfrr on 9th line oppoaila gmblv kreenbouaes electric llgbt and r immrdiale paaaeaiion apply to geonce ii lwlie phone 61 r23 georg- 1 it wood u ou kendr ih hd kiade of coal oil i am prrprrd lo eu rmi wilh any uuaiililv ot t w hrj wood pr- n k tutid manhneil phone 206 grorge the gui to one t ah enjo cktvse a p ar pum tor ckristus ami r jsy is lie wink fatao- h yon are thinking of purrhaa inn a phonograph or piano una chnatmaa it will pay yon to ret our pnoea they are right and onr tornih are very easy call in and nof onr line before boyidr elae where tt will aaveyon money frank king lasl

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