Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 12, 1923, p. 3

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i uk oamtiiki hn llkltl 1 11- christmas shoppers personals ni in the follow in litluy at our hnhf linn a ik 111 will and a flood atria hon to iiiwki log list of reasonably priced arlu ihi lorn we would i rcciale jtn mil 14 er you buyor not victrotas nnil irlor reconls int hiding brimma mint barn french ivory ami r boni to let aiiimsh and sets ift 1 book lor all tmvti mi ludiiiu popnlai r print and late fiction i biblos church books etc smokers hupphe hosed station ery cbnttmas chocolatcn purwh mid hand bags pcrfum lery and tudet articles golf supplies gulf mum lie tee plaj trig cards nod other game roimtmn pons and snperiie pfbeilh kodaju hibllht thermos until christmas catoh beats tags and decorations d j matthew i stationery local news hems nominations dec firemen a ball dec 81st dodo jour shopping yil the lilacs are budding attain christmas a week from next taeuy auction sale of hot stem dairy cattle at hotel hooibbon dec 20 a small deposit now will re serve your xmas rift watson 8 drug store a xmas special single atone di ring 50 for 86 at a b wtllaons get in on our guessing eon tests three valuable pnxes f j derersoh town und township councils will hod their last meeting for 1983 on dec 1mb toe new crossing recently put n opposite hark clarlc s grocery 00 john st is oot of right georgetown floral co have a large variety of choice plants suit able for christmas gifts see them brill 0c0 have a choice b1 ection of goods suitable tor christ mas preaenta for the whole family drop in and see for yourself capt j m wallace of the btb line had pansles blooming id bis garden on tuesday and pre sented the herald with some eaquearag council will meet for the last time this year on sat urday lc 16tb at 10 a01 in tbe council chamber at stewarttown owing to tbe disastrous ire bj which his barn and stock were burned mr j l clark will oot bold bia auction sale as advertised the toronto suburban ry announce a verj mnrh improved aamce and cheaper rates to take effect dec lfitb see advt id tbis issue verdun rebekah lodge will hold a sale of home made baking and afternoon tea in the lodge room at the arena on saturday dee 16th from 4 to 6 the lost watch advertised in last wednesday b hkrald was re turned to tbe lady who owned it on friday and the honest little girl who found it hasjwen reward ed r the annoaj christmas enter talntnent ofthe glen methodist sunday school will be held on dec i8u1 good program and everybody welcome admission s6c and 16c mrs john bird of the 6th line near stewarttown station presented the hbrau with a beautiful boqnet of pansies which he picked in her garden 00 mod day dec 10th while the boy beauts made some money at their entertain meat on monday evening they stdl need considerable more to provide for a successful common ity christmas tree a concert and xmas tree will be held in balhnafad hall by the pupils and young people of pea cook school section on deo hth at 8 16 sharp admission 26o and 10c a the date open it something new bkinless late at- tbe bsb store to some also halibut red and pink salmon white ash flounders clscoes kip pers fillets haddfe and oysters at reduced price georgetown fish and chip cafe it at the sheep shearing contest l gnelph win teefair on monda walter cole or eaqueaing who ib over seventy years of age won first prise and bis sod elton cole of bnn took third plrce there were eight contestant the true blues intend hold fng a shower of fruit for the orange and true blue orphanage at richmond hill any or tbe members wishing to donate fruit jam or pickles kindly leave same at the borne of mrs w t eck on or before tnesday dec 16th all kind of rubber boots re paired and dominion rubber boots for sale yon don t have to wait long for your rupturing t bone s as we are always on the job maopherson dsyfopt and nearl all other makes of boots at out prices j roney georgetown it waterloo public school s s no 5 baqnesingt will bold their annual entertainment on dec 20 a good program consisting of dialogues drills sod musical num bers will be given a special feature of tbe evening will be scotch selections given by charlie sorymgeoar refreshments will be served vtbe december meeting of the esquestng womens institute will be held at tbe botpe of mrs j r- thompson on friday deo 14th at 980 pm reports of the toronto conventkmi will be given ro call to be answered with christ mas girts cestintoiqt mora than good attendance rs- ckriitaa praaaala that lut wt have a choice ntotortment nr arnicas ljclniiico freeninm lt gooins clicrru h primula funin etc at verv reasonable prices all arlyand gel onr hone leor getown floral co caarck nam baptist wednesday lit h ini prayer meetinh sunday 11 am oar hclpe- 11 co sundnj school 7 pm without bxoiihp monday 8pm hypo thursday dec 20th sundnj school entertain sil num boh you did real wnll now we bnovt what yon can do and e arc not done yet the net thing is to arrange for bringing santa clans in no get some idea read fellows don b forget everjbjdj 00 parage friday clean boots mi v i ri li i l it iteevo alfred lit id of i jim in ton hjwnl lamt thur is mil lu aislern the miuhk 11 urd mr w a i mm ip hhijihhin ut ulldihl tin fllllkll 111 till llttt hainuel h lilon lit greninon itut fndaj re ve itobert burnett uf t liltord whm in town inut tiiuihihj iml spont the day willi bin ol i mi ml jrutoph wauwm mr w v a tbomptton of tb fsrniors advocate london was 11 guiht at ibo imlit apariih one dj ihhi wiek ir r01 lnvery was one of tho old high soboolltoh who titunil oi thr commeoaeinent and entci laiuinent bflre lant fridn mduwh abbio and nellil siurliui mill the mifcsch wiwomu u 1 01 onto ner iiohih of mihmwalwia main street nortli lnwl week mi win hurduj hnn r turned liomc- nfu r tnking a three ueikn insulin trealinent at it privtiu liitiitai in turnnto 11 in inanj icndh will bo plcnsetl to know ln 1 feeling iiuch ixttor hioci h n turn ir nui mr frtl s neai have removed to mnnsewntxl win re they will rem do with their son mr 1 near georgetown is koi ry to lose hupi good citizens anil their many friends here join in ishib them tht bct of health and happiness in their new home dn i ryl ih hi ml iwh fat f 1 10 hovenlini itmn iii itkutpch to mm mni h for next yi sr li htrni liotih tiavi hen annt out to i111 iiho 1iihh ctorh who will 18 hub tli ho 11 h anil there nniht in r i lul in very iikiiii abo lb u in nl hour and mi cured to tin innidi i the window trams so llnil tho iiiupmiumay 1 f ape in iviiil of 1 lire it in stated th lit in ui lioutu nut h a nm- m not proviliil but no hotel will receive a i in oh that ih 1 ot equipped with mr 1 i 3cghl ih rtctinw dl into hnleo ruouin 00 hir prop ertj n otn iph slrttet card of thankm r fl y nvey loir nf cre hl i li r j f r hen ff d uy mp hy rxlmlmi rn ml d nerraventenl gla irl irl w ir an i mt uwlr niul i auction sale choioe dairy cows tl lf k titan bacn 1 oiiuliii by j fordes i mim blc i luinlrhntki m 11 r rgrl n thursday dec 20th u 1 r ut mlhid i re iioihifi com nd apfin grandy etc tjatoa s s eatrttaiaaaat the annual christmas entertain ment of union churoh bundaj school will he held on fndaj dec 14 tli a good program of choruses drills dialogues etc will be given everybody wel come tea served from g 10 to 8 0 clock admission 26c children igo school children free it 8bm0 omtart don t forget the 10th lino school concert s b no 4 dec 18th good program don t turns it songb recitations and dia logues b school children alao splendid program bv ex pupils con sisting of songr readings and din log job ijou of music both in stru mental and ocnl admission 25c and igc cmmrt mx stawarttowa tbe stewarttown sunday scbool and public school com bio hi wilt bold a christmas concert in the hall stewarttown on tuesduv evening dec lath at tl p m there w ill be a good program of chorub es dialogues a fonlas and play admission children of the two schools free adults 25c children 10c it clukaaap spaolala for tkla wk 2 pkgs shredded wheat 25c cream of wheat in bulk 8 lbs for 26c fig bar biscuits 26c lb lennox soap 60 a cake swift b quick naps gc a cake also fresh lettuce in every day celeri new mixed nuts oranges bananas grape fruit clarkson choice groceries fruits confectioner tobacco and cigarettes phono 6g drasia at t olsa tbe anglican joung teople made another bit last evening when they re produced the drama let s all get married in the town hall at gleowilliarob the ball was packed to the doors and everybody as delighted with the phi at the conclusion of the performance those taking part were entertained to a delicious luncheon at the borne of mr and mrs jos bean mont and the same was thorough ly enjoyed and much appreciated spau10itlaieai high grade gold filled spectacles and eyeglasses with best flat spherical lenses for only 4 00 all other btjles of frames and len at lowest prices ees exam ined by mr hughson formerly optical expert for rents toronto and later for henry morgan co montreal the best optical work to be obtained and at moderate prices two daj h only fridai and saturday december hth and lglb close salurdny at 4 p m xlinrp come earb d j matthew drtii gist georgetown at bast baj t orpsaju the members ol tho lojal true blue lodge met at the home of mrs robt mccartneyon 1 uesda evening nd packed a bale whith was sent to the orange and true bjue orphans home at richmond 1 ill i although this new home was only opened inst jul there are now over one hundred children being cared tot in it the bale contained 8 comforters 2 qmlts 6 sweaters 12 pr stockings 1 rase toilet soap 16 pr slippers 4 scarfs 7 pr mitts 12 unm 21 handkir chiefs 7 hair ribbons 4 pr towels ts of underwear 10 yards elastic and 14 nightgowns a shower of fruit is to be sent in the near futurw bo members arc kind ly asked to save a fewnrs bay seawta eatovtaia the entertainment given bj the bo sooptx in the assembly room it the public school on mondaj evening was well attended the moving pictures pertaining u ncojt work were qnite interestins tbe exhibitions pt first aid the band reading oyi weal selectionn sketches boxing and other stunts put on by the boj s were much n toyed and bear til applauded the loud orchestra also delighted the audience with several selec tions duruig the evening district scout master jones was tbe cbair man and gave some very interest tog details regarding tbe boy scout movement tbe boys were all do ing a good turn monday night as the proceeds are for the commun ity christmas tree this is a jewelery xmas specials this week bracelet watches white gold filled 1 5 jrwel movements 1 i 00 electric lamps various colors 7 50 only a limited number leave your order early only two more weeks till xmas call in and see our lines of watcaes jewelery cut glass silver ware ch na leather gjooda ivory ebony and nov elty goods a gift for every member ot the family floyds gifts that last oneill block georgetown phone 18 wtel repairing a speciality watch our windows l i fl useful gifts wiuvs mo useful for a gift than eoxne- thing yon can wear we have somethink for every member of the family that la rare to please few minutes spent in our store will surprise you what little money yon require to purchase gifts here spats popular shades for men and women x25 to 2so slippers for men women and children large as sorlmenl pretty styles sure to please 98c up h0cket boots just what the boys and girls look for at xmas all styles and prices in stock d b b a rn hills pm4l and ifaltonh haiu1ain store i currant only i ixittlt only lb on b ih nly money saved 1 money and make tin 1 2 lb choice bet leai r gxtraofeo any flavor 1 shelled walnuts i r 2 lb choioe dntcm 01 2 lb california itiihi oholoa chrese iwr ih 2 dosen lemons oulj lib tin magi baking powder onlj h pkgn lorn hlnken inl tjiptons tin re ilir 70t lb onlj at reg 1jui brooms nlj ji i xcelsiec unking piudcr ici ih unjyv ijemon 01 orange peels only r pnttorson h sxla dim hi ik per bos unk christie sndn mihciiiir pt r bpi only w hair 00 law prloaa to win tra4 and fair tra nam cash arte barrqhills norval sweaters thursday bargain dp iii i n j minh wool huv ull lllluoih i llo i i sh llkh m s nuw ml i in ut r 1 oil 100 1 75nnd 2 00 mens sox 1 illli u 7 tfn 10c and 8gc hoc for 2fia 25o 2gc pan lot no i li fir rurj s a j for crvuin he hop i foi soaps mcbean coj christmas specials olives rlnin per bottle olives stuffed per bottle raspberr strawberry and iii orango marmalade ier jar pineapple marmalado and bramble jhiu orange marmalade 4 lb tir 20c 2gc g0c 55c and 75c 2l0k0r and 46c irrant jnm porjar sfic jt6c coc 75o strawberrv jnui 4 11 tin rahpberr jam 4 lb tin allen s almond paste bowe s liuond icing lib by s fruit salad iei tin pineapple per tin wo alho have a full stock of oranges n11u clnstei llnih idfi candy bon boos aud xninii crackpib 7fc hqc snd 1 00 100 aoc fioo 00c 2gc and 80c 1 we have sonic choice cin moorcroft wedgevvood crown 1 in block including mm ton staftoidsliirp etc i a m grandy phone ts sausladlm gurulet prmpl dcllvtry a rennjesgrocerx a calljfpr early shopping j make votir thristmiistllii in xoou iik possible and job will have the advantage of bottoi st r nci atu ntion and better seleo ton new niikim currents llh i i litis nuts etc are all in stock cairy onlj the verj lient we s it vll fop the cajke raisins serdeu and siwdlebs limst 1 it an il rm units citron onvoge and lemon andiod iwpi frphli ligf and date h i li it ih an i spices best molasses and cooking sjriipi wc sell nothing but the best d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273j dreco the wonder 1 ivr ti stomal is nationally ad sold bv wr walsor gcaratmmi a id oy 1 tood jr kg cverjuherc sure to please the old folks best di tddcdc alwayj make kuddriika ueful oki tugs and exriu qiiauty siandcompaison wdhudi hicli bnekle overbboea in atoolc aiies s to 8 450 and ms rubber boots for the whole family h j fox georgetown ha toronto suburban railway increased service reduced fares commencing saturday december 15th tbe use tame of oelb dlvlsloi will be entirely ouboh cumulan waait tanato tor onalpk dailj axoaptsandar looan 104av ios mat irbo p 640 p k 100a p as and to gaars- tavai aly ll s ck will fail oaalph far teraatto dallf axoapt baajaj- too 1040 ijo0 pm uopa tjoo paa 10jw p bktfai aaaralika amr fraai q ts taraata 8 s8 an huurl servlir will aim be providrd daily wtwten lambun jet and look kv die reduction of fawes for informsuoo rirardtnfc sunday ntrrice tc consult time tabic ot3 any ageat ot uie company or he superintendent office toronto travel by thm electrfchoiite sant4 claus will arrive on the 220 radial car on saturday de cember 15th and he wants all the boys and girls in georgetown and vicinity to give him a hearty welcome in fact he wants everyone to welcome him at the radial sta tion you must come and meet him hes f such a dear old f ellow he will be at wemyss 5c to 1 store every afternoon and evening until xmas where the5 have such a wonderf ul display of toys and xmasgif ts for old and young by special request of our customers we have bought toys to sell at over our dollar limit we have some very special values in doll s carnages from 100 to 6 00 mamma dolls from 1 50 to 2 95 boys automobiles trtcylea coaster wagons kiddie cars wehavo wonderf ul values in china for xmas gift our handkerchiefs tare wonder values for xmas gifts whats nicer than cut glass for xmas gifts we have wonderful values tsss very large assortment of christmas cards and booklets special values in toy picture books gaines and xmas candies dmna ferget frae bring the bairns to see santa at wemyss 5c to 108 variety store georgetown

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