Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 19, 1923, p. 6

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til ikuhubtuwn ilkrtaii ilkflkvukm lulll 110 the ola rakmlll bxju1y s a on groan graaay oil by lb banks yt ib brook tbat so loot and bo often had t red bla flock tbs old farrosr ru in bla loan od last sleep wblis the wihra a low lapstag lullaby sap he hss ploughed hu last furrow bm reaped biw grain no morn thll awake biro u labor main tbe bluebird sings eweet on tbe fray maple bougb itn asrblinga oft cheered him while holding tb plough and lbe robin above bim hop hitbt on lbe mould for bn ted them with crumb when the season dm oold yrinree with fragrance is filling tbe air so nob with lu blossoms bo thrifty and fair by bis own hand wan planted and well did be say it would live whan its planter bad mouldered away there a the wejl that be dug with i la water ao oold with ita wet dripping bucket no mossy and old no more from its depths by tbo patriarch drawn for ita pitcher m broken the old man in goqe twaa a g too in giving day when the old farmer died the atoubbearted mourned the affectionate oned and the prayers of the just for hi rest did ascend for they all lost a brother a man and a friend for upright and honest the old farmer was his uod he revered he respected his laws though fameleas he lived be has gone where his worth will outshine like the om all the dross of the earth r- ue has ploughed bis last furrow has reaped his last grain no morn shall awake bim to labor again josiah d canning notes and conoebls the oaxvuilk papbbb are say log that that town will likely bt entitled to a second deputyreeve m the near tutor that will add one more to the county oonnoil and enhance thereby the vobng power of the southern municipal ities and then they will begin to think they will 1m able to get pretty nearly anything and every thing they want f coin the onnqty coonoil the spirit of the times however appears to be in the direction of lessening the number composing each bodies as mama pal oounoils instead of increasing f them tad rightly so and this might apply to parliaments aa well the country is paying altogether too macb for being governed the county oonnoil of halton u oom posed at present of 14 members when half that number could do ihe work just aa well perhaps better and with more expedition now when a aaesuon oomee ap for discussion eaob of the fourteen members must have a sap id the matter and by the time the last member has spoken much valuable time baa been taken up sometimes neosssitating a night session which means doable pay for that session fewer instead of more members is what is needed mil too befo whatrvbb the cause it ts noteworthy that the crime wave is increasing present laws do not appear to have the effect of terrorising the perpetrators hence it a evident tbat more severe method of punishment must be made to fit lbe oases of men who live by entering other peoples homes and places of business and hold upa in montreal a few day j ago the members of a eammeroia organisation went on record in passing a resolution calling opon parliament to amend the criminal code by adding a section wbicb would establish trie whipping post aa a means of punishment oalru lated to reebee the wholesale num ber of thefts recorded m every part of the dominion bach dras tic measures are necessary since hardened or professional criminals do not hesitate at the thought only of serving short jail sentences or prison terms they regard their lives as parasites anyway and if they get away with it if not they get their living anyway and many of them with poll get oat on parole after short inoaronra ttons so tbat the present dread is not mrrcb or a deterraot bat give them a taste of the cat o nine tails and it safe to nay the vie urn wll not care for lbe second term with the whipping conditions attached a new form of chain letter going around abttjng the recipient to send contribution b to the trustees or christie street hot pital toronto in qui pes at the hospital have elicited the fact that the letter is absolutely tmanthor laed that the officials see no need for snch contributions and tbat it is evidently a hoax as the hospital has no board of trustees tbe large increase which has been announced m the insurance rates of the canadian order of chosen friends is a bard blow to many members of the order the new rates have been pot in force nnder tbe finding of the readjust ment committee named some time ago by the minister in charge of the administration of the ontario insurance act the new rates come into force on january 1st tney are based npon tbe age of entry into the order and the cal endar year of snob entry r bar clarissa rfacjue t wsa lb day be- fwr cfarutaaaa and the tig de partment mar was cr wded with profit hur rying h b v gifts at fit vry last minute ktbel u n sod ber lncle lter rolled up to lb ator id teautlful motor car for tb ma rich isl rtstfln a pars oners peter ha promt biarl a gold watch car a chrtatiuaa urearut and sow tfief bad come to buy ii bat orst they were going up to the toy department ao that libel might arc all lb wpoderfol plaything up in tbe toy department little ad dle simpson isa to and frani bundle counter to busy clerks entry tba oa of ibem called jprty three n addles number waa forty tare ad every one called bar 6ythst awn- hirschoriis ladles wear lahorim fhpft mj qf tassa knew ber real name horry along there forty thnsr aald lbe clerk what a lbe matter wltb you tonight t ktitel watched addle go to tbe boa- die ounxer and come running back wlili lbe parcels and ethel tangoed what are yon laughing at btbeir asked uncle peter ktbel told him she jmnn itks a jack in-tbe- box unci peter bui uncle peter old not laugh see is terg- tired he said gravely par- hap ube wishes tbat she waa going tc have a christmas tree in the morning and bare a nice dinner afterward peruana she u undo peter aak ethel pooling for site aid not uke to be remldda44t poereople shall we and 0011 be asked and be walked right up to tbe bundle coun ter and naked forty three where she lived and what waa ber real name addle looked frightened 1 barent done am- thing wrong she aald pin- rally if j kiae my job there will be no one to uke care fit grandmother don t worry addle smiled uncle peter were jnatgouig to call on grandmother- thats sil so tall unde peter and the little girl in the for coat who was j art addles age left the toy department and en tered the motorcar and- were soon whirling through the cant wi streets they fooiiditriii aomtheralmobt help less wltb rrl pled bunds and fert bat even rheumatbtm ould noi i ire rent ber from making the room clean and neat bat then- were no algns uf chrtatmaa addle will be half dead wltb weari ness after uibc cbrutma rush alghed grand mother and bow about addle a otddmsr abralgbed to get something hut 1 coald not do yon mind if we betpl asked da rt peter blesa your kind hearts 1 shall bews- hcbted and gram toother amosa so beanttfully that ethel could not betp bat think that ddle simpson was rich in jnat havtng much a grandmother uncle peter aooaddle bad such a busy boor after ihal the big anto took m tbe queereat load a small chrtatmaa tree and a box of ornaments big basket or good thuiga a chkfc- en and oraoxea and nam and rahnna aad candy and tegetablea and back b tbe big department atore where tney bought comfortable dotblnir for grand mother and add it- and home books and toys and a big dotl and back to the now tor your gold watch my dearj said oodejyter as ibey went our please uncle petrr i dont want tbe watch aald ethel mberly take tbe raoney for addtv ciultbw pimmi tat laat e have a choice assortment df asaleas cyclamen preesias be gonias cherries pnmulas fernp etc at very reasonable price call garly and get your choice oeor eetown floral co fallal to asms stamp a case arising from failure to afhxj two oent revenue stamp to a receipt came op in tbe afternoon police court in toronto last week xweyers york st bad the at tebjtioo of tbe revenue depart meet brobght to his omission so it appeared by a man foe whom be had done some work end who had objected to tbe charge here for the department wrote him that on payment of 10 within toj days be coald svoid the larger pen sity bat meyers denied having re ceived snob a oscnmnniaation he was fined u meyers will appeal tb judgment- coal seems to be plentiful in town just now give kin someuiing lor his car for chrtelmas see our display of christmas gifts radio and car batteries charged rental batteries may be had at all f times i antifreeze for sale j n oneiu fe son georgetown special prices on fafl winter suits our customers will find a choice selection in the above hoescall and see what we have to offer mens ctothing and fnrnisliinfls 1 have just put in a choice stock of the latest mens cloth ro8 and furnishings which will be sold at most reasonable i pnees yoiir lpepection invited a4urscwprn main street christmas gifts that last for three years in succession awarded first prize at the canadian national exhibition toronto for the best display of gladioli silver medal at western fair london 1923 every bulb canadian grown s n choice assortment of azaleas cycla men triesias begonias cherries primulas ferns artificial wreaths etc at very reasonable prices call earlly and get your choice r georgetown floral co ltd georgetown ontario 0loesh w bailed by bailey stuarts garage a merry christmas and a happy new year to all phone 7 w kiywtim tllh judtb lived la a utus cse- tage at u vary eshl of gas lew mr judd was a cars ter and when be had plasty of work there ware light and cheer sad warmth la lbe bom bat after he an falicu rraaa a ladder and broken ira hard umea otsie lo the numoy la the collage and the wu utua beya hi bard and itobls wslapered together that aarely santa cuua woald not tad rhesa tbu year in former years be had been good to the two uule bays yw fhrtatniaa ere after the little buys bad gone to bed mr jadd wnla- percd to hbt wife that seats lutti attxbl leat e aooie nub and candies for itkhard and itoblnushid ihjt ha blaisff hlttied thenivwo boats that were than thosajn the abopa and ura jndd had boiled some iiiillaasea juat at that raonteat mr j odd saw a piece of paper pinned to hobjaa stock in u was written in the utua lada btg ronad baadwrltbig what hi thatr be sskad gatag to lbe mantelpiece robln a letter to tif rtmm i barent read it yet vbttdoss itssyr naked ifrs judd as she rat tba taffy into uke squares and prepared to wrap it in the waled iaier ur jadd read the paper and hb eyes twinkled h aaka tanta clatta to bring him a little etaterhe doeant aitul anything rime be aaya be can be happy playing with her all the year the dear chud sighed ura jndd what b thatr they both spoke to gether tor from tbe porih outside they beard a runny little sound thai aouad ed strangely like a baby cry it wounds like a baby said ur joddfi ing to tbe door and turning the kawbqulckly it can t ber aakt mrs jndd follow tried u aoier the rwtn the earpeatar peered not into tbe whllxnesa and then down and lift ed something that waa huddled tti the door it a a basket and theres a baby la side be cried as he closed the door sod set the banket and its couteuta on tbe tal le sure fu ugh in a neat of warm clean blanket waa a sis months old baby girl blue eyed golden haired dimpled her clothes wet coaree but clean and ivpluued lu ber white frock was a note saytii- thai the babys mot ber waa itad nud tbut ber fat ber was going to a fir ouuiry and made a present or her in tbe kindest people in the town liner and there an some money in the en velope all that the poor father could spare it was very little ntall w leep berr asked ur jadd for her ere uuite poor and hb 111- nrss luiil brought many heavy h to pay she came to utc- whispered mrs jadd an she bugged tbe baby ibey had found in lue snow we can spars inuu1 ror bcr and tbe boys will be so happy lu buve berp that settles it- said mr jndd and be went up into tbe attic after tbe lit tle cradle in which richard and houtn used to alecp when brlai man morning dawned blebard ano robin crept oot of bed aaduptoed intotheatttlngroom they always did bus onchrlstbsa morning so aa it wsa barely daylight t they coald see their stockings banging rrum tbe man i el piece and out of ths tops were suck big two red sain t ed sailboats jsafl alike besides the boats there were warm red nilt np est to os ten icom u and there err tsffr wrapped lu ftoi d paper and some red apples and yen ss they renchrtl tbe ml ap le bora looked down and saw tbe ou cradle with tbe hoot bn bys bright and bine eyes starine up t them how tba cottage rang wltb their tea ec joyj- how tber bugged the j new baby natter whom tney thought santa csans had left at their door bat we all know that samel met when bants clans la tctj- buav be bas to ask grownup fejks to help bim distribute tb good thsngs at chrtatmaa tide since be cannot get around to all tbe homes ot all tbe good children in one evening without tlrlna bis rein leer loo much hurrah cried richard and robin awaken their parents mcttt chrmman father and mot her i come oi t and er the tieanllfnl bebr r mater anta claws hqa broach t usl nhr this ts the best christmas w hadr btt lawk mp caifally man stores in nc kbbonai lowus irp been b i k thix rsll entrance be tiu miiiie th rati nil barl doors anil rcllnr windonx nmoi ntini to ocr a tltousan dnl lnrs hhf neon stolen the rob hern hm fine limrct on in wecl ing wlist they rarr swsj and whore the gel fticsthey aevwo to make a rood btal it h u ah well tor merrbnnts and housebold ers to see thnt thtn prennnes are secure before retirihr fur the automobile sod good roads an an eeui us for burglars to escape bj do jonr lbristtnas shopping earl and patronise your home merchants the have a choice selection of gin goods read now for jour inspection halton council refused to consider the request for sn in crease of 300 per annum in the salary ol the so pen n ten dent of the housaflfcrfnga for psel and a hajmlaome flint glass turn bier with eweh psrksge or ce it n tea black or mixed 76n bk ited itose uraagn ivkne um par i kg j 4ho loa uranice ivkoe tea er pkg 7fto latm flakes h iiks ten uran klaken 8 ikn hoc tohlr flnui i kgs afin cauup catm ib bird a illanr klange us tan reg sor s for sao itobon fg substitute reg 88e u for juso mai le butter reg 40v a t r doo nut butter per lb fcfio finest nwieboaicliialb loo beaut complexion soap 4 ttir 880 caatell sop 0 for gco fairy soap a for 90s jslij powders a for sfic figs dates prirhen ivncbes apricots raiains pu at pnrea reasonable clark s bread is tbe beat flavor ed bread on the market it is made liihe best flour pure shorten ing and plenty of good milk it is as sweet as a nut and as ur as spring water oor baker is light well ventilated and sorupulously olean and is open for your in spection at any time wishing our customers and friends very merry xmas and a happy new year mark clark bakery and groceries phone gas snyders cartage after travelling all summer we have never had better ser vice than you have given ua were the patting words of the chautauqua crew this sum mer they were satisfied and we are sure yon will be too- if you refer your teaaming or trucking wanfs to us we do anything possible to do with teams or trucks and will be pleased to giv you estimates on any work of this land n snyder phono ltlw kitsl for sick ouns 1 have called sttsnttea tnttml 1 aervtea readsrsd hy aa v ttw conducted of ths r vst it is etsdy of tb cmsm muni that tbe hospital staff 1 bees able to establlaa a wsrtsv fswsmis record for cares ftfftlslliia show that the rats of infant sasitsl tty is this province has been ataajtllri de nam it is now amomri usa lowest in ths world what that s b tbat hundreds of ontario areata owe their cauldresia lives tm ths research work sa tba lilinrahmssa halton althoagh ths ssswuii give thstr ssrvloss freely tb bills for esnis- ssnt add up aaasally to a an ad assay thousands of dollars bat in view of the rssaks attained i test tbat not one or yonr read are wnlt oatil at the money so spent sad i cassfldeatly rentum ths boss that i sassy as them at this christmas aea- son mi wish to enrol themselves la 1 the hospitals campaign on behalf of to carry oa rj there la not one oent except what oomes ts rram voluntary snbscrh tkma fnr the cars of tba eaibtrsn oooupyiag bospltsl cots nssrs srw osrtsbi staiettory grants bst these rsarsssat scarcely mors than halt what the hospital sends last yaar for laataace the hospital doctora looked sftor an svaracs of 151 la sattoau and 191 out patients dally quite a colony of siting yoaagatsrst and the expenditure although whittled down lo ths mlnbnom com msnasrate with emcteacy wsa si1m1 the income to ths attest of at least vlootm depends upon ths regard which tbo people of on- tsrto bsve for ths hwpusls work and ths generosity wttb which tbe axpress that regard hay i ask yoo mr editor to point oat to vour readers that sises tfia eatabllahmont of tba hospital for 3lek children at least roar sure ontario youngster hi every nuhdrad have survived the trials at child hood for with tbat simple state ment of fact brought to their atten tion i feel sure that many of thorn will bestow their hsnedlcuon upon the work of tbe hospital for sick chlmren by sending sonfe chrtatmaa gift according to thatr mesne u car of the secretary treasurer at 47 callage street toronto faith rally yours s irving k robkrtfeon chairman of appeal coram i its since the heap tal opened ita doors in 1s7b sajar inpstlents treated somr5 attendance a i 3 d v s oodiw i r ru

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